HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-20, Page 2Ilefoodet at the table neovemt; every- one sat stationleas. Kelly adveaced to the Shat ehatir mad the* halted be teeteatilimeme. Tea iblauleies stared -with esnelater were made wp to rep. reseal sea, sad be tke semidarkness et the roam Xe/ty lead been complete- ly deceived. "Fooled again!" Kelly muttered. °Let's get out of here!" was his com- mand to his assistant. But just u the two men started to eiiit through the door by which they had entered down came a heavy steel pertition thit completely blocked their passage. Pat's trap had worked fault- lessly. The Sphinx and his man were once more prisoners in the House of We, tery. They heard a grating noise m the wall near them. A perple meek eovered the face that appeared when a panel alicl aside, but Kelly knew the -voice that called ereeteretetaieet ' to him, with a nate of triumph in its wee, tone; "Stay there until I let you out. rin off to get the money from safe number one." There was nothing to be done, save to make the most of Omit aituation. - Safe No. 1 was located ma large A COURSE IN HOUSEROL,0 SCIENCE COMPLETE IN TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. „Leeson X. Sugar. The cultivation and Manufacture of Ike Value of Sugar as. Food sugar was introduced into Eurdpe Suelti is valuable as a ripplyit itf from the east early in the ainth ewe- shoeiestbtinetn:fsgtretrethatteebetettiht deal* tury. Venetien hietorians state that aolves in hot witet. „The digestion sugar wits imported by their country- of sugur is eornparatively simple, It men from Sicily in the twelfth cent commences in the Mouth and is finol- .^...FTIPIPMIrrtillIrr.r.P.M1,•77•••T Ontario Veterinary College 110 thalverafty Avenue, Toronto, Canada Under the control ot the Department et Agriculture of Qatari*, Affiliated with the 'University of Tomato, College Reopen* Monday, Oot 1, 1917. nalendar Sant on Application, It A. A. GRANO', VA, M.00., Principal. 'A BEAM Long live liberty! A geed pietriot is worth good wages -twice es good FROM FAR RH TO FIGHT CRUSADE BROWN BAREFOOT BOYS JOIN TIM WOULD via. or.rf,s0 1{EVOLUTION !1' wages as a miserable victim of oppree- 4041 Thitt Is reitsontiblee eenorti, is It Two Hundred Papua,* Are Vanguard _ AM now a valiant end valuable pat- Of Sterde Pores* Seat to Md nett •I will work for you atill, hut t ........., "Only twice as much? Atesurd!" I'let' Yell 74/1 PeY me 'twice 48 4nUcli 1" On their way trete the Fig latitude replied the quicktwitted lady, with an tag: iSieQeutheaPpea°afleeeell"hetetbt. °Eiri3naritilust anxious eye on the wavering, muzzle ,. Adopted Cetintra. of note was at 'Valencia rin Spain. : Because . of its heat-produeing Amusing Stories of Some ditto Potty oe ,the rewash e eyeu thtuit hak tt 'first contingent of Papuens 200 etraint, the strangeet of the, may ...strand, turye The first Eutopean 'phintation ly completed in .the intestines. • least three tlines iii Muchaor pe,thath, races iv -, MI Since its eultiyation et this time, it imalities auger ehould be used spar- • ' - Recurrent Upheaval* of Saudi , to -day lighting nada ,thit.tleioa tQUaikr''dintirabiot Ths soon is. rightt 1 Jeck, arrived from an Anattallan e, TENTH EPISODE. . has been ,grown extensively in every behteduring the Summer. It is value .. , • ' ask it!" declared Ernesto promptly. semitropftal country of, the globe. able in cold weather' because. it. quick- , . • • . Statee. , "That how the the Ivoper pride of :iii steamehip at • Vancouver; British .Coh ' the flying motors t.ear around the ant night. freed from all !wise leaves, and passed Sugar IneY be cooked by adding e ccheebtlemo , it. umbia, the last of Jithe. . Italf advise, The Strange Discovery. Caae sugar is. the crystallized pro- ly furnishes the -recaure4 energy and , The recent greet revolution* Rua*, Varlet," she agreed. Tem excited crowd at the speedway roomy., office, brightlythglated by day . duct' of .the juke extract,ed from the, heat. Explorers in geld-- regions will be Aid. There are many rieli elm to go benne reachtng their 'dooting.: the world. the sturdy brown men haves, se' sat for more than an hour watching "sugai; cane... The canea areigathehed, catty large quantities of sugar. _ of bloodshed and diatirder; and the „eiti .Witit accompliehed with a inininauM men in the eity. Go at .onee to the - was a ez.,..-,,theetelasseeel, as its teary, wan, its iron front teen with the sur- through heavy rollers, which emelt certain percentage of . water until ft provisional government ennounced with exemplary prohiptuese its full the most mageificant mansion, and dirough .the etreete of Venvouver te, From. the ' steamship they . marched ehestentee Lvine well back of the leader. The eafe itself was builteinto the auerter of the Onset residences, ehoose • face. The political grLiftereh com- them into a pulp, thereby extracting forma a clear hard candy; this is can- ac.ceptance of all obligations incurred ask boldly to see t1 master de and The leading cartwheel eats Neeteetepelled to leave the nemaey ha tue safe all the juice frora the cane.. Iles ted balky sueare Heated beyorid this. ' under the. old „regime., No duties or housei, do not be content with. a mere. Haetings Park militaty encampmeut, kept its mivance position Until the bad a watchman in the hall,' peeing up until they could ineet to distribute it, juice is of a sweetish taste, and muddy etaget it becomes 'gannet or burnt eut promises were to he repudiated. maidservant at the back deer a the from where they went later * a waitteeth . leaders entered the las. lap ef th-he' and ,down before the door to guard the brown hi color. tit is then collected' 'gar. ' - , ' :An arrinsing contrast to the dignity kitchen. Deal with a .man; 'with the InU rail 4,500 miles ;tarots the breadth of troop trein that carriedethem by race. .. i11 -gotten treasure. . - in a reservoir, and there treated by ,, tit..tular attention should be paid .. master.. For Me, as you. know Well; shed*. processes. .. After this it: is to thilitiliurce of supply of the candiea Von in a ndighty empire is Often Of` I am bet the wife of an Aniericalco. praCtin:04: te. th,,it Atlentio seabearde, Then the Jackson motors proved 44 and restraint of thia epochal revolu- their merits. Pat let out the last ounce of power she had held in reserve: • on these detaile and 'came prepared. run into Iatge caldrons, where the pro, eaten by small children. ' Chean and forded by the recurrent revolutionary " gineer whose salary is modest. Pat had been thormighly inform The Apaches climbed in, from the cese of obtaining, the linger cora- elaagerous substitutes useci in candies overturna in lase &gable • states or Re, ivherti they again took ateamslitp for , • ., - e flat, screen -like arrangement, folded Aii..„ heat he applied, a thich neum ia an easy a.nd pleasertt duty'to-make among more ebullient races. Edward er afford your services.. Good -by, Er- 'With great mope of welly hair "that C "From •Fertile Enstern toles.: .. rossing the finish line an easy win. fire -escape, dragging after them a mences. " may prove fatal to the little ones. It ihtetfullY, I confeee that I can no long- ner, No. 18 was acclaimed by th shouting multitude. But when tise in was doffed in responseto. several layers. They erected the Lear, the, famous writer of noitrenge nesto. IAng liite the revolution!" driver s cap : screen before the strong -box ,* the climes to the top. • This scum is re- the children's candy at home. verse and first great popularizer of "Long live the revolution, senora! added to their already not inconsiden . e cheers, a mightier shout aros. se awale o. , Painted texactly. reproduce moved 'by rimuhig mit all the dine Other Varieties of Sugar 'limericks, chanced to. be etaying in Farewell -ht. -gel" -:reeponded" inable height, baretooted, and dressed In , the ' regulation. --armat-phirten: -with, native- -- -the crowd realized that a girl had hellithe safe and ite immediate surround- "juice throegle..e spigot. Ill ti4h WAY: ,. The disestrtqrY• that eugar-could"- he -sidle-in 1848, a year . of extreme un- proadlye and -to her. vast „ relief -eh. !' - i . She had thwartedthe conspicacy at hind which Pat went quickly to work. juice is further, processed until the middle o the eighteenthcentury„ , 'skirts Anode of edge and allowint the wheel. " : ingsethe screen served es* shelter be- the Scat is left in the ,kettle. ,. The ottained from beets wee made in the rest throughout Europe. He went eut went. The revolutionlasted Ave davit; freest of •inovement the brown men ,,,, the Jackson Motor worhs and by her . Within a few monients ehe bad sugar crystals 'begin to, form, when it Austria, bout 1769, 'the first fecto4 sketching one day, 4mt,the weather at the And of that a sad and so- ot-Piii made the most stilling milt, is run into prepared vessels' and al,- as established, for the manufacture etiged suddenly aften an hour or so tiered gineeto wee re-ernPleYed at the hire' spectacle the city of Vattetuver- daring ride had won honors or ary opened the safe and removed the bag . MacLean. ' of money that the politicians had col -and he returned to the Inn to put on old wages. But she derived the greatest' setiet laded.' 'With her men,the •retired loeVed to cool. The surplus syrup is .was beet mgie. The sugar .beet flour- warmer clothing. Daring his absence . . has ever witheesedi - Though their drained off, the residue remaining. is lilies in moderatotclimates arich arms well all cased, the come attain* faction in another defeat of Phil Kelly. 'front the office the same way they had is east' freat the village, however, a local -re- , .,, . It was a moment of sal:Tome happiness entered; She had been successfal in the . raw sugar of commerce, ,whicii is to grow. Other known -sugars are volution had broken euteand the place, Gas In The Stoniach - :oentocl a particularly warlike appeals mice, with their _unhampered native!' for her when she reached home • after her first effort and hurried home to re- then pet through e, eefiningeprecess, fruit sugar, found in fruit; sugar ofhad become headt te stride and perfect phylehreen . TbeY: the rafts and ordered Kelly Kelly and his lease Kelly and his men. , From every hundred pounds 5. Mille -found -in milk4 maple sugar from quarters for the ex- eited revolutionists, all .of whom had '' • Is Dangerous are probably the finest group of meg et ,. men to be liberated from then peril- "Ralf my work is done. Ill- open dine, about sixty to • seventy-five the sap of the maple tree;- and corn 'drunk ,many gasses of wine tothenheeteteas.eteeonimenet the use „of Magi , ' ---r-- • -. .: -physically- ..that-hasejelnehlbe• Beitilide •• • hue position in the chamber .of.' death. the other safe and restore the 'money pounds of cane juice is extracted. . sugar, obtained corn.. . downfall of tyrantelnd the prosperity aisle, . .. . , ,- from Mies, MacLean, .And with his Pates men headed to Kelly as the door The next day Pat regeivedl a -.visit, to the• geoplett was the .note one of e ' -,- ' of good patriots • The Englishman sufferers- from indigestie d " "You are a Woreleralithie Pat,". "said Italy ' lturriee tot the office, wh This acid nausea. the food to ferment force. . al, and until 1874 -were ruled by a niece eallIO Robert Jackson be par his was opened to release the • detective • Reliable".Preserving Recipes. - per, one head' of • garlic. , Wash the respects and compliments to- thecletter and hie aid from their siteet-cage . . • The season in raPhilY hr'aeving to a tOmatoes: and there relieve, the cores keepees.. attention at all,,liat he ilnal %he had some difficulta in getting the inat 'iatittisessussasissntiarstsssalsirnsaiii lying' some 1,1:00 miies north a New The Fiji Islands are e25 in nurabere . . wearer of The Purple Mask. y •c• so ' . - • e ,clese, so that the housewife Who has and cut into pieces. 13.011 .untilevertr. ly did so, and requested his key ,ae he by excessive acidity. ' " • s' icates that.the stomach Or troubled „ Zealand. 'Elie are eolcenio and tropa Jechson. "I have 'found' out more ere .neglect,ed to lay, by her 'store of etre- soft ana then eule•through a fineeneve Wished to gci up • to : his room and and the fermenting food .in turn gives serves, canned fruitt and • v t bl 't and return t kettle.Add the vine-changehis • clothes.' -Such 'annoying.netive king. lireedf,ruit, bammas and , t.l.ings that Preally should know than safe Illo.. 1 was located and discovered ' feed utters; jellies, laths and Pieldea lige a es, . o . e . s ._• rise te, sextons gases which.' distend a. Wealthyof other. frult.geow wild hi the trick Pat had so cieverly 'played. . 1; gar and midis'. • Tie the spiee in. a trivialities were entirely insufficient to- . The etwaach• . hamper thq normal dune. ,„Interfii'rcl2 luxuriance, and' until very :reoenti e I ever imagined were ,going on. El- liott Is gone from ray employ and The watchmari on guard got his first will have piece of cheesecloth. Coekuatil very bring to earth the 'soaring fancy. of acute headaches, , .. tion of -the heart,' and charge- the blood ri to . utilize every minute . of u ere ii . . „iih-c . ln,. Maty, I Am glad to 'say, realiies. how Sphinx arrived to; investigate. • . 044., Seal iti. sterilized bottles . aiid the patriotic landlord.' - • streant 'with deadly poisons hi h i the entiailt vre: blentiror7e44 tivl:riiro-ilain.ttlz vwehr.. . news et fhe "tebbetY" when the the time left ta her if 'she withat . unworthy of her gr. • Drew proved uin .the health. cover with ParoWax. Tying spices in ‘"What 'key? ' What reont?'• 'What time meat r reduce her table expenses , • - - . ' e ' atttafeleitt formally ceded naeireanliritiiin, and' preitea the Pur - The pranks AO had ,atietted 'eltienicl • -- - liciash.tappingsa.feenumIteretworatall ..-4........ $.01r. L... ebutueY „ Saece:,--nne;halt ..aideee,if.r-lieteeeloth-keePethe.catsu - lotheiattheademandeihtivith a -seperb tetheiheatto epicene. !dispel a,. -dangerous 'einem' that time .greet- strieed---hayeh - -.- -- -- geeture of 'fiweePaighitelde intrusive to. :nor tatrklarilgite.gair 4hVg- in a ispirft of Misehieff (resenting the . hazardsL' sale Kelly te'lliS assistants. gate:id-of peeled and cored apples One.: rent turning dark. • , en- . been incite 'teWard-lieVeloiiineht. "Ira4----'-'-- , snobbish' action of the Sphinich, h a Safe No." 2 ' was. located in an 'old 'half pound of peeled tomatoes,' one- : 'Hum Jelly. --Select the plume -that cobwebslest they Mtn a 'vision of :ereatee the gas, teamed eri teestoinace ,mense 'tee, Began • cocoa and„ arrow - a frame buildhea in it- (Met tart of the half peaed • a . seeded ., raisins; one- tree underrme. ' hgash and remote the, glory, "There are no more keys! No ruurlatasbeNlieeigrlr-'ilfilthinItti ,grti toor ig'cl. intereat that she might •serve, looking -leilt_te the girl devetIng herselt t° anY town: . There were two *fiochh, with an .hitlf -Pound of detect, er-figs,-onetluat • stems .and stones. put.into.: a. Pre, More rooms! . -No •more clothes! All es- s-teaSpeobtut Of rarebisurated.mag- ed. root plantatious• are now being worla attic. The flat roof, surrotinded• itY to the def.eat of trickery or conspiracy. pound of brown sugar, one-fourth Serving kettle and covet with cold wree is love and liberty! Oh, what a beau- ' ' it.21 (ttlil. ly. Utter meal; TM: iutguipEla,:1117:11: • Twenty-two Nationalities. ' She had becoine interested iti belpingea breast -high cornice and falsetfeont, gave Pat and lier'Apachee elieltek for pound a salt, one ounce of eitinamon, 'ten. . Bring :to a boilnrid thenecook • Will revolution! • ., , , e tithe r:AltilsoVVIwiliTing: : : ' . . . ' . ' el-md, the oppressed,. her experience' in Dut their. operations. . . ' .., a es .the Inflamed, distended st'ornsoo to itnabited. , So loyal have the. natives . , Irene having inspiredlier fervent bi- . tablespoonful . of clovee one table.; a jelly beg, . , Measure the_juice and . A Five -Day Revolution. • . ..-. ,... -..• _eh proceed _tirade Its.. worki under, =tuna - terest in the cause of the people as gikinst greedY.Politiciana and rulers. chief Leigletent•Went Up to the (Ake. the . foot of the staire. and with, his iiiiai the same vaitetty the-e'en:A:mai- a 1: ttyage -lei -lerreg.:-er,----t,thhil#,--forur;frourr..pobritryt'Britalix; that proved .theinatirres ' 'to their - -,adeateit. one.pinL44, thetas., 'duringea revolution Of sower ' spoonful of ground nutmeg, One tette- allow one pound of sugar,_ - It was consequently gratification to the queen of the Amer - a souice „of wasaivateliimiii Ori,gitarkand.to him a where - the , safe • was located. Thera inomitia of paprika, 'one, tablespoon- Plum Juice. Heat the sugar in the , ful.of .gingerethree large onions, peel- _oven... , Boil the juice for -twenty min- can laeyeresident *good many years: ,di ago in, a small •and. turbulent Soiiih tesnstst.Nsas lssigersisisessisseet :wheel' tehetwith Very prompt and large. response. erenrfqlosbr-inattneSie, um be efettbet; Y months-- .ago, -recruiting • -wee begun, •-•:-. about -eiehteen - loan Apaches to learn, •at their neat e end: thopneti, one ••.clavo ef ; garlic. utes a . Add the hot sugar and' stir. un- : ekecl-n-for. , .- • Xelly told story of the ether safe- til the algae' is dissolved.' . Cook for American. stifte' was areusedein the fit, a five, n.t.'nutes.- - Turn :.intO sterilized • June ari. the first of an. artily whose The 200 hrho paseed-throligh•Canada le ' - meeting, of a report that there • etonee,, ' ., . - , • , Put- in, a -iitneelitin preserving ' kettle , . , hfurthef the election Of certain crafty awake te, - been a great Prelfish fund" collected te ' "You MaSt. • look illie- and -At di and cook 'neeit thick,. tieing., an, iis- , earlyte morning by • revolver shots ... . „ .40st-ewe:that . to piErvIont-,b9rning;,pae glasses, . Cool and seal 'in the usuel downstairs. Her husharal was absent, . .. .. number the .strict censorgaip abet not , - pciliticiens just .then largely in the , said.. 'Kelly" to the ' gear - intoesterilized jers and seal ',edit:, . '- -. -..mariner for jellies t• Store in a ol • Straw Hat Hat for Storms' a.: •att•present 'permit making known; but ----: ,.--e '1Weellain been warned' that an at, e . es_ ,. and it was. -with it goad deal Of trepie • , When.Patts.agent reported theefact 'tad wohnisehteeeeettiheateotie gaup: Sweet:Spice&IteetheaCook-the beets dation :that she' feetured down to in- A stia*-hdt which can be_tritlieit' '. ft - will be a distinct - -additioneto --the -public eye. - • - . . ,. - - e ,, tempt Man he made. to-hob:this, Onte poulids of- tothatoesethite pound's "•• of - .vestigate.. . -Oitailitt',theeihiild Oh -IWO ir.i.. the; &Reit St6ritt. With- iinpuhiti• fs; men ett,the-froet --2. •:-,7".,f--.7-- :-..- - . , . that this money .was hiciced hi twot granulated sugare juice of two lemone. tient tender and then, drain.. Remove kitchen, teetering thieily on his toes a recent invention of WM. hVileen of 'tlie. niajOiitY oi the• men Were ret ' different safeh. situated in the- ciffiaes , Only. thin boards were used in .the t_tis eruited on the, two • prineataitielands. ., of the leader's of the gang of' political 'ceiling of the' tom, anti yet ,cold 'Ceven the tomatoes With 'sugar and the tiltilisi cat lengthiviSe lute quarters. ...- .. . . 0 . . . eVu, k .rea j ) ,an . anus., , .. . crooka, she delegeted three of her meii I * . h ,f It . . t t .- t -/ u c Stand overnight and i emon. 3 i e. it Pack -tweets and diver with a sweet • . arid batwing awan at -an °Vett-tithed NeWark, New Jereey. They ' ii n - • . spiced -vinegar. -,, - . ' wheelbaerrow in the garden stood Er- thing 'exceptional. about the . stray. ;------... L•tiu .(greitt Land) Beth of these' tolutieetigate tied neport backto het watelim i garret all Kelly lean:awing: to the the Melting' draiii•off. the" syrup, 'Boil . , • ., Sweet Spiced Vinegar .'.=-011e. quatt ' - • - nestot thee' arctener -and oddattet . .. •The eo :lef• till , t, : . . ., ., .. . '. ' ' h ' it ' ' '`- e • -- • - ' -• '-• - • *etii "There atsmile of self- - He had been several mouths in the tweed niseie out. • The holhed water.- are some ath mges in. circureferznce. of vizieger, one-half pound of bream . ... • • a . .... • • • ' • employ of the familtetea small ',quiet .proof coverlitg that iit thee • eichoied • - • , • • With the arrival of these. -teen upon , sugar, , one tablespoonful of whole eiehid eyes ,,,,i i,... ; . _ • — - dererential little rnan .with the eta, 'cite be 'drawn over the entire Upper- - • • • . , ... the firing tine Great :Britaini.Will -hone cloves; one tablespoonful' of whine alit gazelle. He Wheeled sur of the hat.. .. - .. - • . , . gathered neon one soil eighting • ' for spice,' three: sticks of cinnamon one ..,one and greeted her with- an .••exabelitnt Ordinarily the waterproof cover ie one cause • taientyawo different, na- 't tablespoonful ox seed, one table- floniteh • of his smoking weapon. t - toneeeledtbeimath it cloth hining un- tioncilities aud all -ehe ralige .of,colarc Is the surest. sign' of victory. And in igittYleeth. lieerteraYeev.arietdSp' spoonful of mustard seed. •• ;Bring to *, oAhal The revelation is. accomplish- der the. top. An. elastic band keeps , eopisletsl-neahnilee edio.' he.crted. ,"Down wit•h tyraets! •6. i •i g ‘drstwn up tight.. • , (...krAZA litavalised from the Motion - "awe Play of the Saw Name birth Pitiversal .Film Mfg. Ca. CONTRAST Wm THE RECENT . CHANGE IN RUSSIA, ' 'Yellow • Tomato "Theserve.--Three dry Place. ". the next day. According to orders the untilthick and thee edd the eornetoes, Apaches diacovered that the rumor of eatiaraetien playing edema' hers, pietty face as she listened. • - Co* gently for twentyminetes after the money- having been collected was . The 'watchman left the roam to talk- the boiling staffs. Seal into steri&- , true.' - further with Kelly in the hall. Work- ed jarse Thatafternoon Kellyreceived ing rateidly, 'one of Pat's men bored a mystifyieg note by mail: We W114 hole *tough the thin planking, health Tomato Catsup. -One-half :peck tet the boodle the Political crooks have big a small opening into the roe* bee of tomatoes one pint - of vine r wrung from the people. ' You cannot low. - • - ;three -fourth; cepfel of salt, one-Itli keep e us • from vying it back to the - Presently' a number of men, led by mince of clbves, One °wide otallspice, 1)°"%•' : • ' the hbess" of the political ring, game one-httlf Mince of • cayenne Pep 'telly, was known to be convergent into the teem,. bringing with them a With doings in the underworld. When handbag. They transferred the eon- hOwas approached by the leader of • the "White Slave Gang," as the crook - ,ed. Politicians were called, he was not surmised. _ But the crooks were the blies .to be . surprised when Kelly showed them the note he had received Kelly: very promptly accepted the .commission. to protect the "boodle" the crooks led • collected. _ Although kelly had discredited -the note while in conversation with the po- litical crooks, he was perfectly well as - tared that it had been sant-to him by - Pat. He aceepted it as an open ehtil.. lenge and proceeded accordinglye neheiete femme. experterehe • 'When he WAS dethined againeht his will aettreetteheantheathe .....eeteeeeehallett cided toetake-hie .theit hack to Pat's headquarters and 'worh-frora the "int side.- Leaving One of his -men -as- an out. eideoguardeXelly 'and his thief aseiste ant climbed cautiously through e win- dow that admitted them to a room fitted up after the manner of a•busi- ness office. Chairs and roll-top desk completed the furnishings. jast as Kelly end his men entered the room the top of the desk rolled; silently hada and from its. inysteriouslI interior a hand reached out an(L grasped the telephone 'receiver. The4„ desk thee partiality rolled down, leav- ing * crack through -which the watch-, er might observe what was going on In the reent. At the other had of the Wire, Pat in timelier main/heard the report of•her;; stibordiriato, who told .her Xelly and, his ,thari hvere movies cautouslyi threugli the house. Ittowing Where Xellets•eteps would' . lead, kith, because of the arrangement ef the interior Of the Mtge, of Mys- Pat Emspes With tho•Money.. tem the leader ef the Apaches bad prepered ant eat the aurrounding of „!! tents of the bag. to the safe -great a ,roem for the detectives/ reteptiona retie of Monea--that formed the rest Aretra a large table sat ten Apuches,,,of the 'epllection for their corruption • 'dosed in pnehle, with. masks aial„ fund. h ' heeds eeveting theft fates and heads.' '"We eipect, you to see that this Xelty moved cautionsly down the: ;tummy I:a-protected," shid the "hose" Delaying hiti revolver, the Sphinx eoe "Well, you have your own. watch- rarrw passage theft led to thie recite of the gang to Kelly. • te-el. The eeeepsetts ef the their*, recm here," the Sphinx replied,. "arid ateited the long table paid tio etterte will furnish an extra guard. I tiet to hie advnecti. !guest With these,pretautioes.the coin XelIet immediately lilted asalsial will bo safe.," ant beitde. hint mut then shouted: tt Atter faether earlee the polian* 'Pima .up: Don't, Move! WeNie departed, le4ving the watchmen alone hot Iron alr covercar in the rem to iteeed the _ a boil and took for five intn es. Pour Over bets while boi1ing-tot these men of varied, tiotor, (need and three-fourths teashooll of black pep- Seal. ,nation, gathering together from the ' Pat new proceeded tenet her plats into •active -operation. She had come provided with a narcotic gar heavier than air, ofea kind used by Parisian Apaches to put their victims out of commission; and this sht began letting into the room belOw through the hole that had been bored in the ceiling. The watchman, sitting at a table be the noon* with•thetsafe, aeon began to feel the effect of the gas:- His stupor increased Until he pat Iinip and help, teeth- - • - leceraticone wrath are -Often neglettect • •Theiact .that: the number Of eie tiries. greatest in August is largely -due to the that Workmen, during this month may aside .their goggles be- dtime the • perspiration cleuds. theglass, .„ . - ; elietheimeret thin 'ehirts and. tack tot _sufficient plothing ine.roaso the .nuint bet 01hurtie:calised by hot scales and - leets, also the •nunlher . of trivet scratehes, cotitusions, abraesimie and ..,Then..Pat's men raised a tralidebr and become Infected • . - that led into etroom adjoining the of-, a , - a -- • - flee wed Pet ileseentlea to hor ..,:tvftki, In ,ehlitititaitiont.theenteilhathAngliet toe the cOmbination, of the etife, , : • lee augmented. thattithiettemperanitherie theJtietheet•Itet teriaelinlclettethanelithhitt nfehattheathainhabettaahlit hadtitetithh i• solving the, -Combination_ on . the safe •tho-boida- ofea-erihip-eitatterspirati.on, 10 . anci.:Was removing the ariohey.• there tree and ' the air in motion. Hot; .• was A great conunotion in the luilitay ' v . , eldt, motioplest air inhibits 'evapora- eee' • battle to the .Sphinx,and Pat made'I oti. • rent tth. e. skin surface. Phe dr- - Outside of th;office.- Phil .Xelly.- ad ti • . returned to nthat ag ' wail culatory vessels . ell right: . ' svegythiare relaxed and the. - t . .. . • .. . ' Pat's, men in the hall. gaVe-vigobleed'rushing to the surface to be, rous . coOliteretutne'uneatielled. The result' haste t� return the attic, With.' the Is an-littpciVerishelent Of the liletel sue- monea she had taken, .- ' ' , -lying latina:nif muscular tisehe,„eame •.• • She -hedtearefully'',calcalatede•her ingliinguort carelessness-aiia a gener- means 'and methodof getting away. •al stupor, with 'the- resulting train of Grasping the overitiinging **nand a aeneeete -AIR to tilditgetteaeO,"• . ,•' free that grew.-nentethe huilhing; .Pat -"- elittbed along the linib.end down the I are. y 0 ad ' dente,. an the adetinafiaa - no --deebtheentribates-. - iwung herself :from the' roof. She It. urte•-3:etfe.il i think of the tree,.tioa of the was e products of-mesda . • • • • the gamed. from finally dropping e ..0 Athe lower branches. isr ..tietivity poisous the system. .The; Xellye niearitthile, Was putting .11p a increased moonlit of oxygen needed, , goad battle'vvith Pat's Apaches. Ilealteby the active•nmeles Is not forthcorra ' tiehigethat their leader would need all' Ing and theneuro-muscular: adSpst- • the time. Possibletto Make her get; • rnont it thrown out of aut.. atm.", 17'We men koPt•KellY eufiaged ' Atedicat ' soh:face 'has . long' 'been , preaching the, teeth of to/set; ,a114 net investigation shows that it itetual- ly eottoits the bleed, leivile* . the ,eYe' Jere. OVA to all ;wiener of infeetiothe kniunt Is Found to be the Most ban.. That fatigue id tbe direat tante of *roue Period of the Teat. . - ' Ivit."7 ke°1dell be611"bveil 8111" ' tee railroads reduced the Working . Seielite• has made' eihauetive, in.: bout* of tridie crews anti dippittchere. math Into. the reatoes behind the high it is being proven anew lit Etigiiiiidio- , tiecident and mortaitY - tette in the day, -Where 'the government is taking month. of Auguet. thr. hi, It Ingram steps to reosaklise labor eendlifutis , of Philadelphia box hivestigated thou- utter 0 mites . that the epeeding ne pro; " eande of meth, noting cantfully the gram with its. long hours atid no Sun. conditions .„ whith •prevalled at the 6eYs off luis eot othY let6Oefl. the : thnt of accidents and desalt/lag the geentith of Work .turnea' via Per day various factors 'iietit scene sort et but hies' lowered tho standord end led • geteriti truth eould be readied. ' ' to manY tiechientte •• , , In rough-and-tumbje fighting. • (To be continued.) , . . ' WHEN MOST ACCIDENTS OCCUR. •.• . . . • • &TAM/SHED . ' THE RIGHT: 141 IT Tti'PAINT RIGHT . . , _RAMSAY, et ON CO. lii_For weat -and beau -4--k e Ili- -6-ritre' - - - - - - — iiiibillariftViiiisiw-. ., ti....--....,........,.. Pailtedna.nist,DeYalutcr v_arinishest' ' Paints and. la -,4z:..,,, ...,,,,,..„ ;,.,-& . ,.,. --7-or write 1.• , . us. MOVTREAL TORONTO .VANCOUVER uttermost ends of the world to fight under the 'Union Jail,. is the heodae writing on the -wall or Germane. • • SIGNALLING- IN OLDE/4 TIMES Curious •Methods eRoinan.•Generals • Used ;for Communication. .• ___Theediffitenty of ,keeping-ig) ot‘ communication between elle froth - -- trenches and headqUartere ,the European war hone makes, a desceip-ht found In the nsgigsrloafiliPliy_bnilietsbeolt • o ftraetietnhse. fctitheeif Ree-ama"rthage einner1a4418-0- and says they provided .their signal statione with earthenware e yeesehe exactly equal' In alt. •respecte arid fit, ted 'with cocks which alleata the War, - ter to eseape at the Same rate, They Were carefully tested ho Make ieth ,of the hat requieement.' Corks a smaller diameter than the Veifsel, - floated in them bearing rode upon , a which were -Marked., at a .iiietence. • three dngenhapart, the einiphieh end: - • matt urgent niilitary meseages. • They were used as follows: The Sending station raised a torch; the re. ceiving station, geelhg it did liketviset• this was.a signal for both statiens tO t open the I coerce 'of theirwator jars. . When the toci at the sending station haLl senk so that the desired AMMO°, ; appeared at the •edge of 'the jar, an. , other torch was raised, the receiving I: station shut oft ito Cork and read the tnessage•on the rod marked identical. iTitly that at the Bending station. • I•A ntodifleation of this eystem,• Mit leg graduated •- tubes and roekets' place of the aimienh. apparatus, inigy ‘:04prove effective wherh vielble •sign ling was Out.of the geeetion and teiels, • • phonic lithe had' been; 'destroyed by • C( - t. 104 -Bqkcitalt-TAN- 10t F. bolleii Co, of Cootolt Ltd, 4 •• + & ' shelling. ---.........0—......... • The ordinary speed Of a house II 1 : hi twenty-five feet a gecoild; but le • Oland .... and it often attains a peed Of feet a second,