HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-13, Page 8em:airpillii.b."11041111.114, 14201001040,4,••
New Goods. for fall and winter are daily arriving and with
weather so cool are meeting with ready demand.
There are the season's newest novelties including the popular plain cloths.- Also
fancy pattern coatings at 2.00 to $4.00 per, yard.
See our special line in. Vests and Drawers,: just the weight for 'fall' at ;40c each.
Zxtra heavy quality at $1.50. Also Men's Grey Military Flannel Shirts, splendid
quality and well made. Special price $2.50..
For ladies and men in fine :quality tweed effects, fashionable and serviceable
at 10.00 ant$1250.
Icteaturing the "Xing tr and a Barsalino', See the new shades. -
MEN'S TIES—Newest styles at 50 and: 350. -
Large, fur -sized" Aprons, made of good washing° materiials at 50 and 60c,
See6•Flannelettes in li ht rid Clark colors at.12. 1-2 to 25c.
out splendid range ofg. a
' :Skirtings, fast: colors and good qualities, 18 to 30c.
heavy Sheetings, 8-4 and 9-4, at 40 and 50c; Towelling, good range, 10 to 20c.
1 i LUC15,NOW Sr:N ['NEL
OiTRTEO�l'S attention to your. needs. wherever lma
y ,, y' .. .
travel is somethin you appreciate, and being a Ford•
. t.�it .�.:You.are always -friends".
"among :..
owner�- r_ou..can.g0 g
There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through-
out Canada:
hroughoutCanada: These are alwayseasy'reach of Ford Owners
J—for gasoline, oil, R tires, repairs, accessories, . expert advice or
fifOuCi'. crTtrrY;7.lt» . . ,,.
,- The 'cost of Ford Service isr'emnlarkabl �y low_as take costo `
the car itself; Nineteen of the most called for pars cost only
$5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other •
cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford.
Runabout X475 _
Tattling - :4,_ $495,.
.Coupelet :r $695
?`HE tiNiPERSAL atiR, Sedan ' $890
- E'. _.:
e l - -ckf
�' D �. e s 1�
cta*frird..&.S.M7'.7'e r O'er'•�e z ,•
—Tuesday, Sept. 11.
Mr." -and Mrs, William, Bell and. Miss
Ethel Bell were sin Pergug last Wednes•
May. '
Miss Hattie ItendeMoti entertained
'mine of her friends at a picnic on Sat -
Mr, and Mrs, It 'raven and family,
at Mrs. G.
of Pine Myer, spent Sunday
Blair',a. "
Mts, Lewis anchor sister, from the
West, Etre visiting their tlnelOt Fames
r0wll. •
A 'number_ from•. here attended the
anniversary services at Bethel On .Sun=
day'* also the entertainment otii Monday'
(Intended for last week)
Harold Wealden left last week for the
Don. McIver, of Ripley,, spent Sunday
with Jack Palmer.
• -S cliooi•started Tuesday morning, with.
enAnnie lclhersn in charge,
lilies Sylya and Conrad 13rt vn have
returned to l ineardine• to attend itehool.
Lloyd Bell Went to Fergus this morn•
ding for treatment in the' hospital there,
- Thursday, September 13t11, 4917
Town :Hall, Teaswater, Sept. 10.
Minutes of the last meeting were read
and adopted.
Thompson—Keifer—That u *relies
been complaint made that James' Fisk'
of Greenock Tp, as still putting obstruc-
tions on the road allowance 'between the
Townships of Culross and Greenock,
that we, appoint John Armstrong to
inveatigats and report at next meetiupc.
• McPherson Armatroug T it a t the
Clerk notify the Engineer to examine
the pe11 and Sattler drain; as there bas
been complaint made Carried;
Thompson- ;ck'berson- Thai We ap-
point JohnArnaatreng to have the '5th
sideroad, con. "10, gravelled, as there was
a previous grant niade some time age
and was not`carried out. Carried.
Thompson Artatetrong— That Vire
grant 350 for .gravelling on the 5th side-
road, also.at lot. 1, cone. 2 and 3;: alto
widening road at lot 8, con& 2 and 3,
to be expended by Philip Keifer. Oar -
;led. '
Mol?hersou — Keffer--That tlie Reeve
have the road gravelled betaeea lots. 15
and 16 in Con, A.
Armstrong:.- Phompsson— That' : we
grant 1200,00 to the South of the Village
and $2,50.00 to the North of the Village,
in graveling the gravel road the same
ta beexpended= by the Reeve: and Philip•
Keifer to the Senth;and McPherson. and'
Thompson to the North `rte 4.vork'to be
completed as goon nee possible:. Parried,'
Arwatrong. Keffer-.That weappoiat
Jas. Thom.pson:.to haaethe ditch cleaned.
outat lot 23 and part- of 24 Con. 13 as
cem'blainthesbeen•made by parties:inter;
ested, Clerkto notify the parties liable
eaeh to have portion cleaned 'out accord-
•ng to Engineer's Award: Carried..
Robert Bolton, . building bridge, con
12, 360 00.. p.. Kirkland, nuw and
team on grader; l day,.4 `00. 4, Green;
57=Marta (travel 7 50. " j.'rinting, pert
payment, 35 00" M. Rett}ager, work
on grader and digging; atones, 8 0') 0
Johnston, putting in: culvert, -7 25. '
Weiler, 2 culverts and sidervalk; 34 56.
Gregor and Benninger,.pipir,g. for Siete.
walk; 4 40• :Cherie Bros, cement: and
-nails -,"i3 57. Joseph Rraniei+,-4ilo for.
street;"x0.00 ` ._Robert tient, 60 yards'
gravel: ;DAC. raking :stenos, -
.8x,10. E
'Caslick; 55 yards gravel and road, 0 50.
William WiIhei puttingln culverts,, cors,
6 and 7; 3 75.' Ate*. Mebonaidi contract
gravelling,: putting in culvert; repairing
ltill� 21
62-.;,170.4.311l_heck> ng, .,sheep
killed. by dog, .82 0. ' .Wm.' Beaking,:
-timber for bridge,' 300 00,•lCeffer,
man team ,on. grader,:. 1 day; 4 00,
Joseph Murray,. putting hi ,culvert r and
work on grader, 20 37. ' •
report as read, be adopted end Orders
issued for payment. of • ,accounts The
.Council then ,adjourned ;to ineet again
on - Monday .04_3th :or at -the. call' ; of
the'. eeve----•Ca
R rra"ed.:
There was no foundation whatever tor..
the regent report that exports of Can-
adian bacon to Great Britain aro'to be
suspended. What has reallyhappened
is that Lord Ithonda, the British Food
Controller, will permit no importations
without specially' granted licenses. The
British T'ood Ministry established ein
Sep 3'rd "°i single Government buying
agency iii the 'United States for the pur-
chase •ofCanaditttiantt imeric ri�acoii,
butter, ham, and lard, Prom that date
on no purchases will be made except
through this official channel, Ship.
Owing; to the orta e " men
g g . of for
section. hands,- a gang of woanee has, been
put to work by the -Canadian Pacific
Railway at Regina They are engaged
with scythe .and' hoe in cutting grass
and weeds, along • the tracks, The women
are• .!nestle- of Austrian and German.
birth. •
...:-..... Toeedry jept: ti th ..:
d Mrs Isaac Pinnell, of the
age'visited friends at `1iitecliiircli
--and 'Langsxde-en- Sunday and , Monday..
Mr and Mrs. Sam Sodgina, of Glamis,
visited Lice sister, Mrs France, on Sun'
Mr. HartyyClements, of London, who
wan vieittrag here, returned t' Iits horne.
on' . Tuesdays. • ...
The airplanes which 'descended in the
vicinity of Blackhorse last Friday nay
turally exalted a good deal of interest
in sitar village. There were,sik of them,
two being so badly damaged that they
-had to be taken, to -Vamp Pordea on a
truck. No sootier had the planes laded
than telephones got busy, and for a
couple of drys hundreds of people from.
fee bid near visited the scene.
Studio, Lucknow.
Open Monday, Tuesday end
Now fear the time to have
that Family Group taken
while they arc *11 at home..
Phone No. i 0 is at Your Service
sell for Cash—We Sal Cheaper Than The Credit Morse
Chase the Chili Away
I+'ror your bedroom, dining room
bathroom or in fact any room. itt
the house with a Perfection Oil
Heater. Any . oil ; heater is a
useful and convenient stove to
have, as; it will, give you heat at
any time and anywhere and at a
small cost. Call ' and see our
stock of Perfection •Oil, Heaters
--toe best_ oil heater on the
Unhappy Russia
Another- revolution which threaten*'
tcedevelop into a great civil' war has
broken out. in Russia. General 1 rr:i
loft',, Connitander in ,Chief of the army,.
ban demanded supreme power and is
waging war upon Premier Kerenskyand
the provisional 'government. a In the
meantime the German armiea arezuarch-
ing into Buaeia,.
• fourth Coll., Kinloss
Tuesday. Sept loth
Mr. Walter `Mackenzie, had a few . of
his ,4linte i friends visiting him Mester:
We notice the black birds - congregat
ing in the •orchards and groves prep-
aratory to reeving to a warmer climate
and our harvest in not yet ended, Farm..
era are', going to he late with'. seceding:
this fall, and it looks as though, the
acreage• sown in fp':il ,wheat•will not be
very large. ' «
I'n our budget:of last week we Stated
that experts notbeingable to find traces
if the effects of .lightning .oda certain
dead animal, the'rtriturance'Co had failed
to make good' the leis. , ,Thiswas not.
quite correct, ae Mr.. McKinnon explains,
tbakthe.reason his claim was ngi;•etloweil
was that he' had 'overlooked putting' In
a drain until atter the thee' allowed had
'Russian Government Is to Re=
main in Capital.
Partial Evacuationof the City ,Has
Been Decided Upon, • However,
°Owing to the . Problem of Food
.` Supply—,Gait.' o+la tion- is l~ tic
Ing .Famine and Must Move out.,
PETROGRAD, Sept. "10 Authori--
tative statements issued 'here' dealing
. with' the loss of Rigo, say•. that, al
`though, competent military--authori`-'
ties `do' not consider Petrograd en-
dangered, yet the approach of • the
war • sone_ to the capital "necessiiatee
decisive measures for the government
• of .the -city, ..Therefore,•'a. now ;admin
istration will be'formed.
M. Nikitine, Minister of Posts and
Telegraphs •who has been charged by
the Government with the task Of liar
tialiy. evacuating the capital,-. in a
statement • explains• that the partial
,evacuation is due, to- , the problem of
the food supply rather than to any
military menace. The only result of
the German advances,_ . he . says,- is
further to complicate' the fond_ clues,
tion Be.
thatsection of the
population not 'engaged in: business
to leave the city in batches, and pro
mises every facility for their depart-
ments of bacon, therefore', 'will continue;
but it will now be nossible for the British'
authorities to keep promptly and con•
tinuously infcrnied ae to quantities rec-
eived,tuantities intraneit, acid quantities
consumed,. Great Britain and our allies
Atilt require at least 25 perp cent cf our
The following figures show Canadian
exports et bacon t,o the United Kingdom
Franai, and teal' it .nennde (I+ieeal year
enitilig March 31st )
iota, 40.032,547; '10
141 fes .tG0 ,80
I010, 7t2,041 -400a,1-016, • 1,44,228,501; i5
17, 207,x84,07:3. The increase in the
last few year is quite' remarkable, and
bow where the hogs aro going.
stated that of the'
Ministers are againet a removing the.
,Government into the interior, first;,
because they'. do not ,• consider the
capital endangered„j and, second, be
cause, this might cause an unreason-
able 'pante, In any case, it is', said
the " Governinent Will take no steps
for six weeks. ; .
General Korniioft, Commander -in-
chief of the Russian, army, has issued
an order in,whieh he _extols the bril-
liant work of the Russian, artillery
in the recent fighting, despite the.
army'n lowered morale: Tevr declares
'the artillera-evereviaer4 pertom,e.d.
.,.Pier^ dtit3Ft.` z-th6rOlSt3+.a _tend,, it .net-? eL.
be blained for the failure to turn Its
achievements to good account,
German engineers : h5;ve bridged
the- lower Aa River in Livonia and'.
-the German forces .are; being concen-
trated on the : north " bank of the
stream . under over of the cavalry,
the Petrograd -War Office announced
Sunda* in its report on the -Riga op
erations. Ruseceii, 'cavalry faf imped'
ing•the'progresw of, the .Germann-
along the Pskov road.. Unusual Ger.
maxi -activity . at advanced railway.
StailOtar of the enenffy .in the Jacobi
• stadt and. Dvinek• regions is mpn.ion-
edeby the statement,:
Russia's Probable new -line in Li-
vonia, ,following the, retreat from the
Riga region, is now beginning to de-
fine itself. The retrograde movement
which has been showing signs` of
Slackening for the: past day or two,
flow • 'appears to have been definitely
halte-diix•norte 'lectors,- where the .,
Russians are digging in, ' . ,
Tate, gasohol. lines ':now extend;.
from est of IEokenhneen,,. on the
Dvina, about 15 miles ease of Pried-
riehstadt And approximately 65 miles
0011th -east of • Riga, north-west
through. the town .ot Bending, 12
miles west of 'Vended, and on to the
coast of the Gulf of Riga; . •
'Phus the' front north-west . of
l�vinslt, inttewcl of starving sharply to
the west lust beyond Jacobstadt, Ara
it did to take • in the raga dlatriet, •
• now 1eavee the: llvtita there and eon.
tinues on in asinost'a ntttaight litre
to tho coact.,
The approedu et the wet and cold
; toationg aiiillta•tori ..ealnat a --real push
toward Petrograd vlie fati, Ie. :be.
lioved,' overl if von .Hindenburg had
the nnou to spare for the. difficult
Foo4 Cho per
Is a very useful article in ; Any kit -
ellen. and especially at this time df
year—pickling' season—for chop-
ping vegetables. We K
have.. the.
best on theMarket, arket, the Keen ut.
ter at :2.00 each. • We have
also a cheaper line in two sizes at $I.40 and $1.,x5 each.;
A Buck Saw
Is a necessity when the
coal bin is low,, Buy one
and. cut up anything g that
will make wood. and p be
prepared for the scarcity'
sof. fuel.
he Lucknow Hardware & Coat
„ The Ashfield Soldiery''. - ,Aid : -Circle
shipped thio following "goods tothe Red
Cross through -the .Rulon Co. W,C.
Association.for ,four. months,' May, Jan,
yJuly and August ' • 317 pairs socks,
pillows, 124 pyjama suits, 73 field shins;
54 '•towels, -1're ;sheets, 61 pairs pillow
•slips. Total value, $804.65.
The Circle" acknowledges with many
thanks the following -doriatiors: Idrs
Hayden, patriotic .tea,'08 2b;. Ladies of
the..Otrcle,..pat.aotic,..tea; 36.40; Mrs.
Stothera,'palriotui tee; 38.10; Mesdames
W ni, ;and Ernest. ;Bla'k.,. _patriotic ..tea,.
$1.3 00; Mrs. Stephen.Stothers, 4towels;.
Mrs;•, McWhinney; 3 towels;.Mrs. Hall,
'111,60;.' 'Mary 'Hall,. '$1.00; ,Mesdames
Dougherty,., Saupders, W T Gardiner,:
Hackett, Gordon, Finlay, Hayden; Henry
Gardiner, John Reiid, Rd Gardiner, Sam
Reid, Win Blake;..Alton, Ernest Blake,
Joh n' Campbell, McDonald, W . Graham,-
raham,Nelson Graham, John Mc enzie
e l i la McCulioa
Stotliers, Tatxg ra d, F n y, ,
Misses Mary Culbert, Leila Blake, Mar;
Burrows, Milinda Black, 'I pair 'towels_
each;. Visa Lila Higgins, •1towel; Mrs
Stewart 1 down prow and 3 pairs pillow
slips; Kiss Evelyti•Hayden, .4 pairs pillow.
sI i s•M rskrtaestGardiner,
2 pairspillow
slip, s; Mesdames Helm,. Ritchie, .James
-Alton, W T Gardiner,. ebster, Helrn,:`1
pair pillow afipa each. M
.Thankie' of the Circle .are :due the.
ladies who kms,. as follows, l rp
Blake; 17pairs; `Mrs Higgins. 14, lei'
dames Henry Johnston;Robert McKeitl', •
12 each; Mesdan ee Jas Saunders, }fur-'
nin, Thos bougherty, Mies M' Saunders;
9• each; Mesdames A Sillib;. Graham.
'Mies --Owen, Templeton,8 each; Mesadanaes
John Saunders, Henry,; Cook, McWhin:-
ney, Mise eila Blake, 7 each; Mesdames •
John Irwin, John Bennett,
Mesdames Albert Alton, -Nelson, Mita •.
,Mary A Anderson, 5 each; Mesdames
Blake, Nat Saunders, Fitzgerald, Jami:s •
Alton, ]McDonagh, McKenzie; Ed An;
drew, McDonald (Wawanoeh), J Misses:
Mary „.it Anderson, Maggie Glenn, 4
each; Mesdames.Reid, .Gordon; Williaut
Stothers, Helm, Maize, Thomas. Cook, .
Webster; Wm .Johnston, E Johnston,
Er'neat G`ardiner,W. T Gardiner,'H•ayden,
Mary MclCenaie; M Ramsay,
Melinda, Black,' Jennie: Maize,. Emma
, Johnston, •Elia Hasty, 3 each; Mesdames
Sandy Hackett, , Wileen
berry, *trebly, Crawford,Petrie,
Johnston,'raKiek1erStotbere Ben
Perleran, Isac Andei
Jos :Hackett,
Twamey,Tohn•Irvvin, Misses= Florence ,.
Johnston, Susie McQuoid, ;Mary
nip ham eachm Mesdames Thurlo
Topp, s
Quaid Me-
Whinney, Sherwood,' Same lipid, John
McKenzie, Sullivan; Nixon, Helni, Miss-
es Stevcioann, Myers, Doughertyt,Carey,
Gordon, Crawford, .Kempton,`M'eKenziei
-MY' rtle'.toohr Mary Cook, °i each.
A list of those who•contributed sewing •
will appear.next'aweek
Mas, J; B. G RAnAnt,' See .
about your Sugar, . Pickling Spice,
Vinegar Jars for; . preserving and pickling
Quality:means a. gond deal to, you and
we have. Tea from 25e. a Th. yip,a' ay: _
below to -day's market.: Get your
supply while our present stock lasts.
And also a large stocl1 of general groceries ,
bought at right prices. Some lines of'' goods,
to clear at special prices.:.
Also good Top Buggy, -.Gasoline Engine in
good runningorder, a Cutter and some large
:flubs, etc,, for sale. -
Make our store your 1eadquarters. Iff you
want to buy or sell Fruit or Vegetables
let us know..