HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-13, Page 71,{
DOG roams
Few Regiments 09 To the Front
Withotit a Pet and Most Are
•-• ,ff Very Canny.
Early n the week We travelled for
• Nome distance en a southere railway
line in the company of part of a big
9P -draft ordered on foreign aierviee, and
noted with pleasure; not UtiMixed with
• • deep feeling, that none of the usual
MUM following was parted with more
• relectantiv than the drives' deg,.an
intelligent Linking erossbred, • with
• inozP. than a mere diteh Labrador
blood in his veins, say e .41, Lowden
writer, Poor dog ie, lndeed, Was
ood, though nnliketticores of Men and
• • Woolen who wetched the scene, he did
. not show it; the dayinan eould not
have detected'anythingunustial'in his
behavior, but we, being used to dogs,
• anda close ' Obeerver of their ways
and habits, saw by his expresstonthat
' he knew why he had been brought to°
the big railway station, miles from
the training camp in which, we have
.little doubt, he had , spent a happy
-0 • life with his friends the 'drivers-
" " "The train', already Very Tate, was on
the point of starting, when a smart
;looking soldier lad raced along the
platform to the compartment in Which
were his old comrades, bound for• Len-
, don and thence overseas to .---, and
,. he had not to shout "Here's Tip" more
than oncefor the carriage doors to be
opened and Tip's old pals to get., Out
for still' another adieu. 'rho lost
'word's, even theIaef caresses, were re-
served for the dog, and we shall never
• forget the "look poor Tip gave 'to the
train as his loved companions were
. being borne away. He neither howled
nor /whimpered; he bore himself like
„ :the true, sportsmen he is -if appear-
. tomes count -and. in , wishing our
-.cheery companions Godspeed ,.at the
- end of the first stage ef their journey
, we expressed the hope that Tip would
-• • .be in camp • to welcome them should
they 'return totheSante-I-art-4. -the:
• ' country. A. dog of the sort we saw
• .
*., • *ill never lack friends, and the way
"he stood to heel When ordered -to de
so, even while his pale were bidding
him farewell, proved that his field
educatipri had not been neglected, -•
Hiindreds of "Tips."
. • •
Among our eompanions that mein-
ink- there rearhave been a ganiekeep-
• er or. two; oneof the officers Wei un--
„doubtedlY a field trial man, but dog
men or not,s2. every- one 6f the -draft
was greatly interested in Tip, and -the
'Would have accompanied theemen had
: "„ouch 'athing been possible of arrange-
: irient:-Similar ifiCenes have been
in other plater no
must be some hundreds of Tips„.bufall
' ;„; have to te:left.._ In some cases '• there
•is an end to the little game hunting
forays,. in • the - evenings; no ,more will
•- ° the hedgerows be drawn as has, been
the ease after parade day after day
on the outskirts of camp, and the im-
promptu trials of greyhopndsor ter-
-riers which hive provided such en-
' joYinent to •ofdcers and men, are end-
• . •••. ed. It tiplikely they will everbere-
' • .•
• sumed. , . •
Dogs have Toledo; cainflife tolerable
• : to many a sportsman; we have in our
meld the case of an Officer whowas
allowed to keep' a sisall. team- of ter-
-. Mrs in..quartexs he was luckyto get
,,,dn the.: heart of especially fine
• ' sporting district. 'Being a good horse-
•. men, pert of his recreation was rid-
, leg - on the "do*riS in the early main,
• ing, and it was While accompanied .by
his little peek -that he improved his
• - - knowledge of Wiltshire and its- sport
• ow we .should have liked to see his
Sealyharnis "'pick pp the line of in old
- „ _ _
*dog fax, lyirigin &Vert not tarfrarn
' •.whore pheasants,/ were tanned, and
-•..... is -urLdnueirinorc--was-done=duvIng
th-seotirly. mornitip---galloes
taken their part in the.
=along of the soldier by Providing
companiortship and sport in Places far
removed from the busy haunts of Men.
• 'That they Will not be higotten, even
the' strenuous days Which: are to
'come, is a certainty.
Don't 'Waste, Don't
Starve-theie is plenty of
food for all if you will only
do your bit in preventing
waste. Demand the whole
wheat grain in breakfast
• foods and bread. Shredded
•_Wheat Biseuitial0 0 per cent.
whole wheat -nothing wast-
ed, every particle utilized.
It contains more real nutri.
meat than meat, and costs
much lesS. For any meal
with Milk iuld fruits.
I An Autumn
School Dress -
o • ,
Made in Canada:
'THE Paucity sum.
Shoot Their TOO Generous Enemies in
- the Back.
A soldier whole I Met recently in •
London, says an English writer, told
me that he considered the Hun as the
trickiest fell th b '
ow on e attlefield that
one cpuld possibly meet. •
. "Eveo wheit he appears' to be dead,"
sag he ruefully, • "like juzzy-wuzzy,
he's generally Shemming. Over and.
aver again. I have seen wounded Ger,.
Mete whp have not, been harmed by
our Men, as soon as they have realiz-
ed their safety, get up and shoot their
too genetous foes in the backl„
remember in particular pne of-
ficer who was killed in this dastardly
way. He had been bendifigeer ' an
apparently t, wounded. German. He
even gave the man a drink of water
and turned away to bring the stretch-
er-bearers. The man raised himself
on one elbow' and shot the young of.
-neer dead: But let me tell you that
We quickly avenged • that officer's
"One of nay narrowest shaves. :s+as
1-Yilen-klb011OxPlotled. VitlAWA-few.
yards of me. It blew- me up into the
air and the next thing I Can remem-
ber I was being carried along the Ba-
patinaeroaclby a couple of pais, who
thought I had 'gone Wet.' But :,they
were wrong -I had" I• was , oely
'shell-shocked' And four days later I
was back to the line again. •
"ManY-a man -goes West with et -a
ingle- scratch- or -wound upon -Atha::
'The seeond ofiieer in command'"of-Any
company at Vimy Ridge 'Was • killed'
simply by .concussion. The - shell
burst thirty or forty yards away from
him and never' 'touched. hitn. Num-
bers of men are killed -like- that"
_ _ : : •
NOW.on Sale in Germany -,Use Will
Be General by Spring.
:Germany 4afat heetiming hard up
for wearing apparel, . •and inventors
have Succeeded in. finding an effec-
tive .substitutefor woollen and *top
fabrics; The new material his been
tested and proves to be, betit-Wear-
able and washable. 2• The drawback -
at present -Ad that -this -"paper-cloth"
is tether stiff, but by speeial treat-
ment experts hope tO produce: a stuff
sufficiently fine and soft to be used
even for underwear. The Berlin
•Daily Paper (Tageblatt) devotee the
best part of a column to this import-
ant ,.revolution in clothes. Work-
tridn'e clothing of strong texture can
now be bought in the Berlin sheps,
and men's trouserarapecially impreg-
nated to 'withstand rain; are also on
dale. • ' ' '
The_DealY Paper says_:.that by next,
.spring Men, women and children of
all.classes will probably be wearing
-Oomplete Outfit:9 Made_ of tbe-new mef•
terialt It is Worth noting that these
egtoodeLlike_. the: materials they .re-•
Aie enly _putehaelAble=fin
• • •
• se
Mothers who keep a box of Baby%
Own Tablets in the -houee may feel
that the livers of their little ones are
reasonably are during the hot weath-
er. Stomach troubles, cholera, infan-
, tuna and diarrhoea. Carry off theasends
ot once every sammer in most
eases -because „the raother-doese not
have a safe medicipe at hand to give
promptly. Baby's Own Tablets cure
these troubles, or if given occaeionally
to the well child will prevent their
%mans on, The Tablets are gearan-
teed by a govermaent analyst to be db-
solutelx harmless even to the nevr.
born, babe. They are especially gond
in.s.ummer because " they' regulate the
towels, and keel) the etOinach sweet
and pure, They are field by•medleine
dealers or by mall at"15 cents a box
from The Dr. WM
ilms' edicine Co.,
sBroekvitle, 0111.1 • -
Where 'is the schoolgirl who would
not revel in a militarti drese for fall?
.Here is the smartest of these ltttle
frocks made of-sdark blue serge 'and
n'orn with trim linen collars and miffs
and 'a red silk tie. Pockets to the
right and pockets to the left are an
extra stYlisli as well is practical fea-
ture of this frock. Patterp
No. 7906, Girl's Milia4.Dress; ,with
detachable cape. In 6 slice; 4 to 14
years, Prig% 15' cents .
.**This pattern may . be. obtained fron.
your local McCall dealer, orfrom the
McCall Co.,, 70 Bond St., 'Toronto,
Dept. W. ••'
=Canada -74A- Caned% our thoughts-
are WI of thee, . •
Thou land of health, thou land of
. wealth, • ' .
We•hail-thee, great and free, -
On .all the earth thy name is known, •
And it, shall ever be
A name of strength, of might , and
power, •
Of right and liberty,
To every woman "belongs the' right
to enjoir healtit.re ectiVee:hePPY',.14.ee.
Yet Wee Out okevery ten suffer years
of agony, usually..from :seine form of
bloodlessnese.•. That why, one sees
'on, every side pale thin cheeks, dull
eyes. and• drooping figures-eure sline
of headaches, , weak hacks, ' aching
limbs and uncertain. health; .Ali weak,.
suffering Women shoe-M.4ln the right
to be well-by„;retreshing -their. weary
-baffles-with-the--ttew;' --•rtch;'•-red- blood
that premPtbetransferms.thera. Into
healthy 'attractive women : Tb,is '.new,
'rich, red" blood is supplied livabund
ance by Dr Williams' pink Pills which
reaches .every organ and every nerve
in the *body ;•; • .
Through the use Of -thine pills thole.
-salidar oe•Woeieteltaveloun&ap ronipt:
Cure When suiteling ffom earlier II
heart 'palpitation, rheuma-
tism,. generat'weahnee% andthoeb ail
menta frornwhich 'Women alone suffer
There fa no part of tblabtoatl.Dorain,
lon.in which you not find some
former sufferer WhO has ..; regained
health and Strength through the use. Of
.Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills, and ,frins is
the reason Why- .these pills . have , been'
a--favorite-household remedy -for more
than a• generation, If you are allieg
and wilt give the aids 'a fair trial you
will .find renewed.' health and happi-
ness in their use ' •• •
•",...You can get D.
through any medicine.. dealer, .• 'or by
mall at 00 cents a•box or six boxee•for
$2.00 frcim The Dr. Williancue'Medicizin
Co„, .Brookville, Ont.' • :
, .
A Modern Cinderella. •
' 'The day of good (Write; is net overt
•_ 7 Mpteigl, -nteethe'__aeee Miss Meath),
10, - Menke was a passenger on a Madison
,p Avenue Street car in New. York City.
f As she stepped from the car mid of
„• her &rape became wedged in a ,corner
• of•the step, mid her foot slipped out of
' • it. She did her best to, make her plight
known,' but at that Moment the fairy
• „ Must: have shut the conductor's eyes
.• • end covered his Bars, for he save two ,
• vigorous:tugs on the bell rope, and thi'l
,• ear tarried Miss4tenke's pump away,
leaving her Pnrapless In steet. She
hobbled to 4 drug store at the corner
•• • and telephoned for taxicab to talce
• 4 her home. •
• , A few Meeks farther op; •Jacks
Wolfsor. noticed/the AS he WAS
• caving the ear* He slipped it into
, • gi pocket --It is •st No. 2 -and „whim,
e reached home teleplion .d an ad,
Vertisement to the New York Herald,.
itquesting the pang woman who: lost
• Ole pMiip Anita to '
Mitiefla wrote,. and. Tecki
' • *died to return the PuniOr-• :1148-k011t-
tn ceiling MOT. and Mere fiequently,
new they ere married itnd Will
*uhtlest happilyraver after,"
. „
'!1'. •
- Tea and Coffee
. Drinkers
who are,
usually ,
,• attet,they
change to the
delicious, pure food-
• drink- ,
!lher Reasoe_
gro, eat 004 Let
The: fieldi: Frinice,--,. the fields -:o
France, how changed since yeeter7
:year! • • : • ,
"Once freill,:a4 fair :as 'Eden's - Tare;
now grim and gray and 'Sere;
• onee the plaughmaii.1
'turned new tears ••the--iiheit
Caned% dear •Canittla, thy sons and
daeghterrbr v
aye made thy bosonrrich in wealth
here golden harvests Wave,
Thy splendid lakes thy mountains
Thy sunlit coasts' we se,
An emblem of thy future power
In age*yet to be
• •
Canada, dear Canada, thy ;lame on
every- breeze • `
Floats. to thenatioes- ar-and wide -
O'eroceap, laridand sea. • Ai •
Land of the Maple Leaf, for thee
No sacrifice is vain;
-We 'glory in thy fruitfulness,
Thy.mineral wealth and grain. ,
Canada, dear Canada; true ‘to thy
-- mune we stand .
'Untrammeled, bold' iv -e face the
Thy cause we will maintain;.
NO foe shelt dare,'OOLS.04123141q•Sgo
•Thy dangers all veeshare; ' .
Under the British. Union Jack .
Wer' e alt united_ there. ,.
Canada,ldear Canada, the land wedover
the most, •,
Fair daughter of the Motherland,
In her and' God we trust. '
To father brave and mothers fair
We all our :filbti "Wng. '
The -Maple Leaf for ever,- • .
God save our noble King: •
-.Tit% A. Brain, Tl'iront.o.
twenty of the large'flower beds at
Hampton Court Pillage, opposite the
east front,- were planted -to potatoes
Be honest With yOurself. "Would you
really have so much to do if you did
things trinictually?' ,•• ,
. -
lffinarder.Linimene Ostrow Dandruff,
.•-• . •War the Leveller.
. .
One of the •many results of the' war
in England is an , agitation - for tha-Theywereinflareed and came to a head, '
sebolition c.f class distinctions on .the and I could tear my skim as sow as a
little heat, came near them. I could
railroads and a 'change to a system
• • '
similar to that followed in, the United hardly sleep.
"When I saW Cuticura 'Soap and
tShteatiewswarirtflartvaodualed Itbeisantiregceodnotinhaiet
' sample which did so much good that I• .
Ointment advertised I sent for a free
measure in view of the shortage ' of bought more, and I used two boxeseef
.coat, as at present the 'third_ class4 Cutiaira Ointment and three cakes of
Cuticura Soap when I was • healed."
coaches .are nearly alwaYs overcrowd-
(Siined) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock-
holm, Sask. . . • . :
If you have a good complexion keep
it so by using Cuticura Soap dailyand
Impoesible Ideal
She had two boys., The mother
wished not only to give them a serious
idea 4if her desire to make them good,
but also ,to _make clear to their mind.
the gravity of the task before her. At
the end of a Partieularly touching
adjuration Jive -year-old Francis was
suddenly overcome, with the impos-
sibility of ever attaining his mother's
"Don't try to Make us good, moth-
er,' he said earnestly. "Just shoot
• soretves, Eyes Inflamed by
your Eycsar,din BabYte Una.
•Smutag,Jvst E7�COMIOrI-
`eye awe, TOb01 050. AV 0990 of ak.Eve-roloe..
ASkaarhile IWO 110144e4Y-cOom Calrellg.4
"Illtile," writes the' editor df' the
Etude; "is now being loeked upon by
all the Averting countries in Europe
as the torch of a newer and higher
liberty,. freeing the souls of inea from
the burden of thegreatest grie_ which
has ever comato the htlitian race." '
Minard's Liament Co, Limited.
Dear had ,a Bleeding Tumor
on My 'Mee fere, long time and tried a
number of rannedtee ivithoet any gond
results, I was adiised to try MI-
N.A.Ep'S LINIMENT, and after using
several bottles it made' a complete
cure, and .it healed a1 Oil and disap-
peared altogether,
Belleisle •.Station, leinge Co N B
• :.
To elean the inside df a water bot,,
tle or any glees that is too small to
Much Better Than Blotting Paper
Being Highly Nivea
Blotting paper has risen in price
lately. Of tourse, it is en account of
the war -the unfailing excuse for
"sticking up" the helpless. public.
Aitt the same time (as always) it is
almost impossible to buy really_ good
blotting paper. Blotting stone is
much better, and one wonders why it
is not everywhere to be bought.
This kind of bibulouN stone is form-
ed from the sediment of certain hot
springs, where it has been accumulat-
ing for ages and is obtainable in in-
exhaustible quantities.
Highly porous, it will <talco• up Mera
readily than any blotting Piller a aur --
prising quantity of la. The man at
a desk ean use it incidentally as a
paper -Weight and occasionally the_of-
flee boinia3r scrape it off with a knife
-.the substance being very 00ft-,
making it as good as new. ' •
Send a Dombaran Express 1110114
Order. Five dollars costs thre7ents,
' Cold Potatoes. '
- A palatable Way to serve cold boiled
potatoes is to put them through the
sieve: Season them: well with but-
ter and salt; form, into • cones and
brown in the oven.
Minardes Liniment for sale everywhere.
Natives of Pear use a. boat made en-
tirely of reeds and straw, even the
sail consisting ef straw unable'.
• 0-c0
o' YES1- 'CORN
insert the hand into put into the bot-.
tl 1
e_ a sma 1 qiaantity of Am_ leaves,
pour, in about one-third of a teacupful
of 'vieegar, shake well, empty, and
rinse •with gold water.; A, perfectly
clear glass will result. •
0Inchinati man tells how to dry
0 up a corm or callas So it lifts
off -'with fingers.
0, --Co 0 0.0 0 o o o o e o
You compesiered Men, and WO/110)1
need suffer 'no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed -you, before, says this!
drops of Ireezone applied directly on a
tender, aching cern or callus, stops
Cinbinnati authority, because a, few
soreness at once and soon the corn or
hardened 'callus looseris so it can be`
lifted off, root and all, without pain.
sinall bottle of freezpne caste vre7
little ,at atiy4rtig-rug-,-but will 'posi.
ttvely, take off every hard or soft corn
or callus. , This should be tried, as it
is*IhexperidiVe lin:d is g-aid7not=•tb:
tate the Surrounding skin:
it yonr, druggist bain't any. freezone
tell him to get a email' bottle for you
from his wholesWe drug hous% It is
fine -stuff theitets lute cha-rrnsevery
. '
vaNntierc: egletTREAL
The. min Who buys Meallal in small
'amounts as needed and buys the meal '
'cheapest per hundredweight is a poor
business man and does.not Appreciate • 0"
the real values of,feed4
#ibilari#01 Totainient Com iltirals, '
, .,•••••,,,
Offices, for 'sale. in geed °Marie
tonne. The moist Useful and Interesting
of all businessex. Vull information on
application to Wilson. PUbliehing Com.
panY. 7# Adelaide Street. TOronto.
yasparaeetdimliptgeoeowaingpayeit hwoorarke. owehtiotleanoyr
distance. charge* Paid. Bend aitamp for
Particulars. NatiOnal hihnufacturing
11,1 internal and external. cured .with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
us before top late. Dr. Bellinan Medical
Co., Limited,,Collingwood. Ont.
PIM(' AOT12,...)N
will reduce inflamed, swollen .
Joints. OPrabla, Bruises Soft
Bunches; Heald Boils: Pole .
Evil,Quittor,Fistulaand ,
infected, sores quickly
• as it is a positive aMtoenhc
andru.nucide. Pleasant to
use docent:It blister or remove
the hair. and you cerework the bone. 4 . •
•-$2.eeper bank. delivered, ,
Book...7 M free.
reducer Pained. swam Vdrts. were. strobe Braes:
ataxia pain- and batiorninaden. Price 51.00 per 'bode
droJero or delivered,. will len you rase? i-k-lrige„ Walt -
-Liberal Trial Ikeda thrift ireatatepa, • - 77. :
• absorblue sad Absorbine Jr.. tra node la Canatt‘.
Iron Is Grecitestor Al! Strength
UTICURA .11 A Secret of the Great Endurance and Powers -Of Athletes., _
113LiliderS'IT .60Ctor •• i.:•••••4,•
iTcfly PIMPEES Mrdintiref-Nteiffsted iron-
On Face, Badly Disfigured.-
. - Used 2 Boxes Ointment '
ancl 3 Cakes Soap._ ,.
, Ill had a bad itchy lot 'of pimpleson
my face which made if badly disfigured.
ed while the first elasecoaches seldom
Carry Mote than a few persona. Cern-
.lneral travellers, who suffer severe-
ly from the higher rates now charg- Cuticura Ointment occasional)
ed On-the_radroada andfrom„theabelr. For_Free_Sample.Eacikby. a Lade__
tion of the week end tickets, -Fe active • dress post -card: "Cuticura, Dept.A:
in the movement. , Boston, II. S. A." Sold everywhere.
• rang the VesPer bell, .
The fields Of Frame, the Adds of
Trance, Once moist with morning
• dew, • • .
Now damp and dank with heroes'
. ' blood and stained a &imam' hue;
The smoke clouds hide the darkened
sun and spout a leaden rain,- -
And where the reaper's mirth dame
. •• clear from out, the golden grain
NoW-.peath- With dripping scythe
laughs loud. mild Oinrows of the
The fields of France, the fields of
• France, enwrapped in. robes of
• , green, •
Asleep loath smiling; cloudless skies,
• adream inInoint's bright. sheen,
Aho-giVe thein hack to us, dear, Lord,
• and grant them life's new lease,.
, still the age of man's red wrath,
and may his madness cease,
And Reason to' the World proclaim,
the way Of Clad is Peace. •
et -George. D. Underwood;
A hcmie fruit and vegetable'. °roll -
Orator properly Wed Will Salle itS Cost
several times over the first seaSon and
can be used for many years. •
What is believed to be the oldest in-
habited residence in the World is a
niansien int4ermatIr that ivgt* In
700. •
atinerd'i Linhneit Xelietina Mfentall(116
..e./....-e:' .. .k.....:,.. ...Strailli.: I - . i_. ,_ -
. cate Nervores.:Rundown *People 100"
•NPEewr Cztit. itSt.r.Nong. Y.-Mostop:repcieak..;001....
Time /ft Many Casale.
ishly seem.ta' think they are going to.get
renewed health and strength .from some
stimulating rnedieine, secret nostrum or
narcotic drug, said Dr: /X Sauer,„tt BOO-
iOn Ptlysician who has stildieS widely
both .in this' country and in Great Euro-
'een Medical Institutions, 'When, as a
matter of fact, real and true strength
can only dome from the tooth you eat.
But people often fail to get strength out
of their food'because they . haven't
enough ,iron'in'their blood tereenatile it
to Outgo food iato.living matter. F.TOm
kthn% weoemalettehhiandg inserwvrOunag Tuntdkthi etahn't
tell what,. so they generally commence
doctoring for stomach, liver or kidney
troubleor symptoms of some other ail-
ment caused 'by lacked- iron in the blood.
This thing may go on for years, while
'the patient suffers untold agony. If you
ere' net strOng or well. You owe it to
yourself to make the fallowing test:
See how long you can work or how far
you can walkwithoutbecoming tired:
Next take two live -grain tablets of or-
dinary •nuxated tree: threo, times Per clea'
after meals for two weeks. Then' test
your strength again and see for yOueself
how much you have gained. I have seen,
dozens of nervous. run-down PeOPlo who
were -ailing -alle-the-whilee-double Abel
strength and endurance and entirely get
rid of eWsymptortits of dyspepsia, liver
and _other _troubles hn_ from ten to four-
ttheeen_pAirahaertifnkorems.he liAltd,6-i'tittiaslitanfilterii5tilliTe'17.4--. : - - • ::
had '.-in some eases • been doctoring for • - ' • ' -
months withput, obtaining- any benefit, '
But don't take the old forms of reduced
iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron • . ' •%, ,-
Etimply to save.a few cents. You melte .."
take iron in a form that can, be eesill
absorbed and .assirtailated .like Mixated
iron if you want a to- do y'on any gook • ,,,,,,
otherwise It may prove *Worse:than use< ',-
less. Many an athlete or prize•fightel ' *
has won the day simply because they ... -
knew the secret of great strength and , • -e. .
endurance and filled his blood- with Iron_ - ..! •
before he went into the affray, .while
many another has gone down to in* -
*glorious, defeat simply for the .lack of • • • '
Iran. . , . ,. ' , I., ... . •. : ,, ..;
. ..11Crra:- Ieuxitted I Iron. reeomniended • .
e.beee by Dr. Iii. satiereees One of the newer
organic iron CO oun', uhlikelthe elder '
tatted. does not I e the teeth:make them
Inorganic, iron p cts, it je astly.,aseirel-
biacit, nor upset the stomach: on the tort-• . .'.. „-
tram+, it Is a most potent remedy in nearly
all forms of indigestion. am well as for ner- • ;-
volts, run-down conditions. The manufac-
turers 'have such great confidence in Nue-
•'ated Iron thet they offer to forfeit, $102.00 • 1
to any charitable institution if they eantiot •
take any man or woman .under SG, who
incise iron, atid increase their strength 100 1'
. per cent. or over. In four weeksoeirne, pro -
Added they. have,no serious organic. trouble.. , ' •
hey-aloro -offer to-‘returrd 7our-irroirey it It - '-o-- :-
. does not at least aouble your •eitrength .arol. •
endurance .in ten days' time: It In dia. " •
Derised by all good drungieta. - :*
octors_an e
a Week's Time In Many Instances
• • • 1 ' •
Suggettions that may save • 7s.
scoplcal research work, Bon-Opto, usedl •
s ra n arising from protracted Mietefe
addordinar to directions rendered a sure
prising service. found my my 0,,ts re+
rharkably strengthened, se nitwit so X • '
have pin aside rny glasses without Elise_ '
cerrtfort. Several of my -colleagues have' • e
also used it and we are agreed as to •
its restilte. In .a few' days,' Under, my '
observation, the. eyes, of an astfTtatioe . • ,
MPS,. troubles of many descriptions
Play' be vrosulerfully benefited by the ,
WM of _Bon-Opto If you want to •
strengthen. your eyee, go to any drug • '
store and get a- bottle of Bon-Opte• •
tablets. Drop one Xion.Opto tablet in '
a fourth of.o. glans Of Water and let it
dissolve. With this licittid bathe the •
oyes tWo to four times 'You
should notice your eyert clear up per-
ceptibly rig4 .frore the start, and in-
flanunatIon. and redness will quickly •
disappear. 'it yonn, eyes bethor you
oven. a little It is your MAY to take
stops- to 130.1ter 4111.0111. /IOW befOrio it is
tee late.' Many hopelessly blind Might
lutVe !nixed their night It they had Cared
for their eyes in tins°.
Natal A city 'physitista to whom the abate
article wee subrifitted, said: "Yes, Semi:into iS '
a 4.suidrii.sble eye remedy. • Its eon-teat:eat flee •
gredlohts rite' well known to emit:lent eye epe.
cialiste Mod 'widely preeerlbcd by them. hays. ,
used it very buccestfully in My own practice on
pcitteets whose eees,evere strained through ever. .
Wort lir miont glagots. I eel highly recorenteed
It in Cato ittf weals, warty, fiehtne, smerting,
blunine tree, red nee, blerted vhiert
for 03004 intlattud hem exposure M emote, setis
thee of whet it is one ot the Von' feW Prelierle
Vona / allOnlol be kept on bend for reetitte .
mart its Melon *Vete, feedly.7 Tion-Opto is net is
pateut inedlelee or secret 'reinetle, la,
ethierei preparation, the formula. being pleated eta
teteirege. The ationefeeterefts sitafatitee te
etreelibett tweelide•lid per edit la ono week•etietts
Ineoneyineeneee, reritad moon It I
eensod 1.v all coed druggists, lei:Intl:nit
general Steven:- else his t.o. Tenthly:1 nue
1. Eaton So, Co.. Toronto.
• ' see • • 4. Pree Prescription You Can Have
' mum. Suffering • . Paled and tse at Some. •
• Tioston, hiass..-vietirns of eye, strain
;. „ and other eye wealtnesses and those
-11/ twelve years
su ered with 'terrible cramps. I
•' Would have to Stay
in bed several days
every month. . I
tried all kinds,' of
remedies and was
treated by doctors,
buttny trouble eon -
tinned until one day
I read about Lydia
331. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and
what it had done for
,tathers. - I t:ried- it
and now I am never
troubled With cramps and feel like a
different •WOrnan. I cannot praise
Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Com-
pound too highly, and / am recommend!.
ing it to my friends who suffer as I did."
'Gm:alter:I R. NArlIni, Boa 72,
hiaryavillo, Pe.
• Young women who are troubled with
painful or irregular period, backache,
headache, dragging -down sensations,
feinting spell's or indigestion should
take Lydia E. Pinkluirl'it 'Vegetable
ConiPound. Thousands have been re
altered to health by this root and herb
. .
teNirmerd3r.ite for tre; and helpful advice to
ledia Pinicham Medicine_ Co. (eons
ildentiall, Lynn Mass. Only 'Women
open an read such letters.
ISSUE No. 36--'17
h 111 b idt k
o Wear glasses. w bo glad o now
thart DItotrsSpeer!sctligt1 now
them. Many whose e were failing
ag ea e ei a At 4.t, .f
hay they have had their eyes restored
and Many, who once were glasses *sal
' * thrownaway...'„One
man says,. after tleitig it: "I was al-
most blind. Could not nee to reed at
all. Now I can read everything with -
Cut my glasses, *aria eV eyoe de net
hurt any more. At eight they would
tail: dreftclftillY.' NOW they feel Mee all
the time. It WOO like a miracle to me.'
A I h d it : "TI t
phere seemed hazy • with or without
lasses, but atter 'using this prescrip-
Ion for fifteen days everything seems
• deer. 1.e= road eten fine print With-
eotit glatirres," Another • „who used it
says: 01 'wail bothered with eye etrain
Caused by overworked, tired 0 yeal which
induced fierce headaches. I have Worn
glaSses for several yeo.ra, both for dis-
tant and work, and without them /
could not read my own Warne an 'aft
envelope or the typewriting on the
machine, before me. 1 Oen do both now,
and •haste discarded my long- distatlee
MOM; altogether. I can count. the
1 uttering leaves on tho trees across the
, street noW. Which for tievera years
have looked' like ti. dim green blur to
Inc. I cannot express my. joy at What
It haS done for me.'
I It 114 belleVed that thotisande vehti
` Wear glosbea cart riolV •diseard them in
a reasonAble time, and Multitudes more
will be ehl t t
ro an to apa.red the trouble and ex.
pence of two getting glaseee,
Dr. Beek, an eye epeeittlist or nearly
twinsty years practice, taws: "A pi/tient
Mini to Me V110 'Wad -Vont
elenharitia with all tne
toticomitant tiYMPt001il. na' Morning
,tnolutination er tha na91 chronia con'
Junctivitie and ephi hora. Mer eyes
When not congested had the dull, suf-
fused expression common to such eases.
HaVing run out of her medicine a
friend suggested Mon-Opto. She need
this treatment and. not orily overcame
her distressing, condition,. but strange
and enlacing as it may seem, go
strengthened her eyasight.that she was
able to die:pane° with her distend°
glasses and her heatittehe anot-rmaralgle,
left_her... this,instaneeJ -should say
her eyesight wee improved 100%.
IMO since verified the efficaeY tbi,S.
treatment in a ruirriber catuitt and
have seen the eyesight improve from
25 to '75 per -Cent in a remarke.bly short
time. I can say it works more clildiely
than any bther rere?dy,,. X have pro-
scribed for the °yea.' . •
, Dr. Smith, an oculist 'of `wide expert -
mice, says: "I have treated in private
practice number of eerious opthaimie
dithesses.evith BOrteOpto and p.m able to
revert ultimate '1e3ooVritr in. both. &Unite
and chronic canon. Mr. B. came it. my
race suffering., with an infected eye.
The condition •Veats seriouer the& an
operation for enucleation seemed Mt.,
partitive. Before resorting • to the
operative treatment •T prescribed Bon -
Opt() and 11 24 hours the' secretion had
leesened, inflemrnatbry symptoms be‘•
gen, to subside, and in seven data the
eye was 'cured and retained its nor-
mal' vision; Anether caso extreme
convergent strabistnuE (erode eyeS)
Osesped the surgeon's 'knife by the
timely „Use of your coilyrilinn., The
tightened external muselea rieleee to
the soothing and anodyne (streets of
Bon-Opto. I elWays Bon+Opto
after. removal of. foreign bodies and
apply it locally to • burn% ulcers
and spots tM the eYebell or the lids
for its therapeutic% :sweet. By cleans.
ing the lids of secretions and noting
an tortie, tor the eyeball' itself the
vfajon is-rendeted Mere" tainte.
-the member Of. caeca • or disearded
bad C4'101,11a4T411;11$*toeYt:.:14"Zi'icl'he
lir, Veneer
tat% Were so. -fix:proved that g _ .
-have- been elstarcleff -by-the patient.' -