HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-09-06, Page 3QUALITIES NEEDED • IN AVIATORS ONLY ."SITPERMEN” IN SENSES' NEED APPLY. _ No Department Ot Military Service •'Mekes Stich Exacting. Dementia A* Pepe Avlietbnin W111011 way le up Waile down.? Can, yo: ,11n4 the eartb; if YOU are leat,in a rain blond,? • . • he 'French tier recently, While, at J2,000feet 'altitude, becanse Jost da a torm'He wandered around .in the • 'clouds Peeking a familiar landmark • which *Aid guide Alin to the Sector •hetlquarters,' While in ,thalnitist .of Oahe cloucl,.dotiging up hill and down, he dropped his Chronometer: He was • surprieed to seeit fall "-upward." He .. could not tell Which. Was "up" and '•which was "down," Tbs'Prenoli 'aviator, say the arm' medical officers, Was "neareighte4”.in- • his balance •senae and "deaf" iu his , • eqUilibria sense -An other words, was •-., below normal in his acuity of sensiag •balance. Such an aviator_Mightte re- spOnsible for on of the unaccountable failures of .reconnaissance material to 'reach headquartera...., - - On the other hanit, an aviator with • fun normal balance sense may each • the grovid safely, even when .0E:pelted of vision entirely.. This Was brotight . • to the attentionof Uated States atoll officers in the ease of I4iller a French aviator, Who was stricken blind While 7,000 feet above the ground. When describing, his sensation'he ' said; "Something seemed to lie amid, nte,". tea& he Mafia a successful landing and is recisivingAreatment for his loSt vision t� day .in the 'United States.. .,__. • • Qualifications.ltequired No arm of the service makes eu h exacting demands as , does, aviation. First of all the successful applicant • must be physically acceptable for mili- tary, service-. He niUst be Pound in body, andlinsb,, normal .in Tipton; hear- • ing and. color perception. In addition, he xnust,he naturally. athletic and have -a- reputation -Pr rellabilitY; PUncttiaW ty and honesty, a Cool headia enter- --••,: .getay,-..stendy -hand -' and .sotuld- body; with. plenty of reserve, quick-witted, . ▪ highly intelligent. and , tractable.. ' -• An appliCant • may have - an, these. -qualifications and be familiar with the theory and_prectice of.military affairs„ the practice of photography and Wire• - less-telegraphY;.-:a knowledge- of -map . , - making4. and map, reading, !normal per: ;natty hi thearing.lee;Ae-e,. soli of Ago:, _Lex 'and .Ham -Ray.. to giVe for• . mans 13:34 h vast deriararmanient -But the 'Gentian •EniPe.for POsSesseS" --teeption of polon-steroscopie---yisiom D.. MaCTier, -general-manager 'us at 'a -prodigolia' outlay- They-dh-fkeii:. -sucirsupereateral: dignity:7 -mei eastern lines .of). the. Canadian Pacide .0 nueLgadE-Lxpraeir17:horteA ttrab,autToat and 'Yet, he lacks , a. full mrinal:- -ed the 'Sky:With the wings of the air German eonstitution describes him .:Capt.-IVIticTier-went to the fleet as part of a deliberate " " thus • "The' aitaidencY:Cf. the 'Wen REt4waY• ea paign • -Yourself; anci."Whetter'yon heve'Elleut-' -11-6-wtjuld didqualified, , front .with the -first Canadian Contin- tric. Current available or not and leave for the service absolutely. • • .• to 1.33* spire ierrOr., - belongs to the King of Prussia, who ,d; • the -rest to ' us.l.''A.ddress_theilain-Lax 'A Man may be perfeatlY- acceptable England still is calm and unafraid.. bears the title �f -German "Emperogent.'and-ha4 been tivice vvountlethe r."• foranyother OM of theservice, yetfirst time at Ypres, and lately at Yitoy Co., 16 King W'eSt.' • ' .Erigland'still- declines reciprocity in Here is a discovery, most astonishing -• • Ridge, At the outbreak of . the war; Will 'Yew -Visit -the' EXpositiori7V. be subnormal, in this senee, and total- murder by sending hf th t f • th ' g her airships.to un- 0. us o e., , es , e , a ser, ac- ..,---IY-undt-tO-depend-upen for the.exigen,' • • Remem cies-of aviation, ' When aa indMthia is on-leits, Ing are contintlonsly contributing to his orientation, enabling him (in con-, junction with:his • balance 'sense) 'le . Maintain' himself in proper relation to ' his enVirenment.: HIP balance sense may be away bele* norrnal' and yet . with the added help 'coming from these Other sources the individual may live 'out his life Without the realization of , much de; handicaix' ,,„ 4. • :WWIM "One Meatless Meal a Day," is a good food slogan for war time, or any time—better make it two • meatless meals .4 day—it would me= health and • strength for , the nation. But be sure -and get the right substitute for meat in a •digestible form. • Shredded Wheat biscuit is the ideal substitute for meat. It is. JAI per cent, whole wheat • preparqd •,in .digestible form, Two or three of these little loaves or baked whole • wheat 'make a nourishing, satisfying meal at a cost of only a few cents. DeliciOus with ;ink or cream or fruits of any kind. • Made in Canada. . AIR-RAID VICTIMS, • , • Innocent Martyrs of the German Cam? paign to inspire Terror. • Thetotals of the casualties wan!), and children in the air raids in England to the middle, of August are; as . followi!.1:141. • Winnen, wounded . 360 • '-Children killed • • . • 1.-34 • Children wonnded 285 . Is it any wonder that Public indig- , nation is at the boiling point over the assaults of Germany's air fleet upon unprotected places, preferably shore- 'resort:3 where many babes and ihva- 114 are to be found and retaliation is least likely? • -War is awful . enough when man meets brother man in Misr- tal enbounter, but it is infinitely worse • W7 a those who have passed MI men 'borne under cove? of darkness' and re- istalite destruction upon sada children kat theirdesks and mothers and7turses seated -on /Ark bandies or trundling a peraMhulator, It is not easy ' con; ceiye of more devilish wink than this. Mit We must not think of it onlY ai a deplorabletragedy taking:Plate afar• •• meat and hides. During n13 Austra-lbenefits that he Purchased a Ilam-BnY off. We .must. take the lesson to arch hethat a .man who In himself fie exported frozen rabbit and hare to t Machine and one bottle Eam-Lax, -with the value of -Ons 'Mon Rail- hundred' 14-ith- resate that to day he is curel. heart and acutely realize Olt it we do alone -possesses- -sovereign -Caat; not by all means oppose 'those Who who does not derlie 'sit from the . Jholias. -joifitesi--def retidan .thau,satit diallers Lancia -skins, taL the FA isernetrate. these-tathless'-deette-'flieY neorde---frorirliarliantelits7: frolli'"the .Valtie' of. three Million. dollarth; • •• tivsme" (1)31:rihtstliened:ecther parts of bodyif 19 Aft t r3les . or *years. After ry g eve -. Ry .010. ss HERO: Wag he failed tsci-get results until -lie MILITA• . . took one treatment 1 the Ham -Ray. THE KAISER'S REAL PO AN AGE OF WEAK NERVES "RALL 'num "E •'or the brig1t. outcome of the aun• , 'No heart for anything"' is the cry For all the glories a the day, of thousands of men and women who For the dear benison that JAY sight be made viell by the new, red On nay dalm field's when day is done, •blood 1)r. Williatrige Eink MIS getilallY. For beauty round ohoutme poured- PBBSIOBST OF THE 'UNION OF make, In my old age I thank Thee, Lord. STATES CALLED AN 'EMPIRE. Dees Not ithnlelig illagiejewer That Has Not Been Conferred Upon Rim. As we are constantly talking of the democratization of Germany, It is well' that 'the editor 01 The World's Work, in a' recentAstrae, shOUld supply us, under the title ef "'Germany's Long Bead to Democraey," with •a descrip- Veit of ,the'variona /twins 'of goverar • met in Germany. Gap has ,only • pith UP tile ;average noVepaper to un- derstand the prev.ailing ignorance con- Misery,day and night is the lot of hosts °Emelt 'and voltam who are to- day the. vietinis of 'weak nerves. Their -pale,-drawn- fitetiti-and delected atti- • tude tell a sad 'tale, for nervous. weak. ;leas means being lured by morbid .'theughte aad unaccountable tits .01 de - •'pression. These eufferers are painful. ly seaSitive and easily agitated by Kane chauee remark; fileelOsaneas robs them 'ef energY and strength; their eyes„,, are sunken, their limbs tremble, appetite goor a.nrinedinrY Often fails. This nervous exhaustion le one of themeet serious evils affect- ing men and Woeaest of to -day. The only way to bring hack sound, vigor- ous health. Is tO feed the starved oerning the nature of the oerman.vm,, nerves Willa, are clamoring for new,- pirehafe been sneering at the 4Gotl- doh; red blood- This new, Soc413lood can be had through the Use of Dr, Whl ..For..the last three year's we ptuo anointed Kaiser," that presu • gentleman Wile Claira0 AO rule pire by divine right. Now the Kaiser claims the right to rule by divine ap- point:32%a; he Is a ,constltntional monarch. •; „ • •T)3ere IP an entirely different per- • son, the King of prussia, who has•bla- tautly advertised himself as a. Sem of Heaven; it haPpens„ indeed,,that one • and the 'same man is both Prussian King and German Emperor; yet no one can understand the German sys- tem 'who does not keep the two (dikes distinct., - • Again, •tlie newspapers contain con- stant references to the "Emperor, of Germany" and the ."Empire of , Ger- many."• There is no • alien thing as atir "Empire of Germany," any more than there is any such peyson an Pink pins, which fact accounts thousands of cures of -nervous diseases brought about by this power- ful. blood' builder and nerve resterer. Through the fair use of this medicine thousands of despondent„people' have been made bright active and strong, .Pr.• Vgilliame' Pink Pills are old by all -dealers in zuediente, or niay be had by mail at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 from' The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville.; ,Ont; •-• . Fencing a Con meat,. • Since 1891 the State of South' Aus- tralia has erected 29,148 miles of ver- min fences, enough. to encircle the world and with the remnant build a For all the winds that bless and blow, • For nohlnerY0 jdaY, and hervest.i.leltnn Portreesand grass and birda and And the white wonder of the $110W,, For fair things in my memorY • stored - in my' 014 age I thank Thee,.1.4ord. • Foy all the yonng rapt dreallaS • dreamed, • • • For all my happy careless spring., • For every dear and lovely thing; Nor Tess for SOrrgrar that redeemed - Or pain that brought file' rich ,, re- • ' In Mwyaorldr age I. thank 'Thee„, 401 • For ears '•to, hear the 'whispering i • leaves, •• -.4 • The, cricket's song, the . linnet's . , ,- • For eyes to seelhe sunsets spill 1 Their splendor on the harvest sheaves,' For sold to feel Thy wealth out- ° In my old age. 1 thank Thee, Lord. I poured- •, • . .' For my last days serene and dear, Spent here where my young life be- gan,, For love'a enfolding benison; -- For faith that. rockS to rest each fear, •.For Thy great •Mercy', vast and broad- - . •" . • In my old age I thank Thee, Lord, . • S. M. SMYTHE. 'Em • Wales POSITIVE PROOF, double line of fence along,the south - as ern border. of "Canada. New Soutli4 ' AMAZING RESULTS peror of Germany." There is a Ger- Wales has spent more than twenty; . $5,000 Guarantee If We Fall, seven million dollars for rabbit enter - man Empire and a German Emperor - and it Deutsche ninety-eight thousand initiation and has within its borders There has been a standing offer of a Deutsthes Reich miles of fenced a6n5,d0OHO aRme.waRarydiffitoiri taoriyreresveelfamd I- LaxI.ec. Kaiser, -At "grit It seems that only 'the meta- physical' ,German mind can grasp the distinction.; .yet the distinction is im- portant and in Itself largely explains the Gernian system, For the Kaiser? qua Kaiser, is really not'a: monarch at, alh -$Overeignty, that 'does not re- side in person. • • The German conception of _a mon- Of late years,' say the national Geo -i thane are followed for three years, and graphic Vagazine,,the rabbit has been more than 50,000 people have tried it successfully without a Single failure. paying his beard. 'He goes to :'swell That is why the offer still holds good: the total of food exports from the i Mr. Manuel Varquez, of 142 Hastings 'commonwealth, Meng the, conntry roads rabbits •may be seen hung on! operation Tnoriro, was going to have an or Kidney Stones' two fences awaiting the rabbit carts that ; weeks °ago, He tried. Ham -Lax and • •convey them to the packing houses, to Ham -Ray the day before the operation, be prepared for 'shipment as frozen! was to b'e performed and received such will extend their dastardly -operations Ito es as they find opportunity. These innocent- martyrs whose blood Inia reddened English soil might have been To achieve this total of women and Children killed and wounded the Ger- consent of -the governed," -but possess- es it hfinself, as an appointment,from Heaven, pr at least from some.mystk- cal source apart from those over whom, he'inles. • • •' 4 Real Sovereigns' of Gerntany. .Capt. William Stewart MacTier, who rachine and used ,on bottle Of 'Ham- Iinsolieited he . has given ,his• was, reported recently to have been testimonial . • • awarded 'the Ivlilitary,Cross for. g -al. We uncenditionally :guarantee Hain- . ber you are cordially invited, Balance Sense' Xost Important • When he atternatt, however to lead the bird- life, his uniuscle-Jaint- and Visceral sense" contributes nothing of , vahiable information for Orientation. Vision is a big factorin•accomPlish, ' •Ingthis air orientation, as he can nee where the fields are and know definite- ly that that direction IS down." Whea clouds, mists or darkness cut off his vision then he falls back solely upon , his balance sense. •Thia delicately at- funeentischenism whose- normal-fund- tionation informs him uherringly in ...„..water or in air, what 4a:relative posi-, Deuteher' Kaiser, 'would, imply that he tion is in regard. to the earth, guides belonged to this same exalted - order; him. without the co-operation of any It would signify that the sovereignty -...:of-theotherseilaes, • The lire ehiefa_of Canada:are...alive Ofn„Germany was centerad in his ,to the necessity for. edtication of the person -that lie 'God -give -fortified- towns:- -''-7-7" --"------7---:- -;-,- -.cording to the-particular:word-used- __Orning_fronr Eurone,Landimmediately. ._4.4.-nd what-liatr-GernyarirgrnffdtfrhY the-constitutictir,---is--gppareatly--sorde- v.gM-landing jOined the Thirteenth -13at, all--ex.planaticer of dynasty, amilitary system, a political self -that has not -been' conferred u P- :Ofi-charge-•-f her procedure? . Only the intensified iiiiv and strafe kind ofii-Preifirene. talion„,underLieut-Mol,,.. :team Brig wwiLlorfi;.4,Itigritw6-R':"Z-f7i'llelltd" detestation of . mankind; . only the iii He iloes---nifit-•-possess-e-lingle- power- - dier-General) Loomis, D.S.O. He went to find out the trtiefact -"f " 8 it creased determination to extirpate a- Oat' has not originated outside 01 him ' , .....______.,.. , s o your case. to the front With -that unit and -fought - ...... . philogophy that cancOnCeive and•senc- to-eallataniave your -case treated -free tion maneuver a so abhorrent:to the least enlightened conscience. Each air raid that Occurs inspires afresh the fighting of the Allies and justi- fies:, -anew • their - solemn- -decision to seek redress. - Most -Wonderful Invention. A ,Player' -Piano that. transposes in thirteen tones, riramlfactured exclu- sively by the rational Piano Co., Limited, will be .011. mchibit' at the Industrial-Expoeition ' at their booth A • cordial • intitation is ex- -tended to each and everyone interested to examine and .hear this 'wonderful Player. National Piano Co.,.Limited, City Warerooms, 266-268 •Yonge St. FIREPREVENTION kr-PA-Ms. , tors 'proved to be -somewhat more auc- captaincy. • , • Cessful ruffians than their -rivals; how, ' ' • ' cover se w The,Roads of Ffance. on him. These powers are as precise•- IY :set down in a written constitution as are Mr. Wham's, And he Must just. aa rigidly confine himself-th them: • But Germany, as most People know, . having taken over .the conimand Of a Convoye, • horses; Mules, wagons cbn- brigade in , the Meantiine. After. veying water;sand; -stones. for serving in •this 'capacity for a „short: the repair of the roads, material for time one of his 'pet "gave out and an the aeritdrolnesi for the encampments, operation was necessarn, 'On his re- for the cooking. stoves, for the thou - dukes, princes. They all derive their turn to the -front on ,tials °teak= he sand' and one indispensable . things in power from the fact that, in the was transferred to-,6,*kontreal High modern and territorial struggles that modern warfare; fittally the : convoys • land Battalion, and promoted to his: with reinforcements took place rcentu'ries -ago, their anode-. glory at Ypres and 'Festubert. "Me 'rbads ". writes one observer, was thee wounded by shrapnel and -re-, "are all of them alive with in:terrain-. turned to 1Viontreaf tc(cotivalesee. On able lines :convoys carrying: sup -- returning to the front he was attached plies? Wood1 trench material, Material to Brigadier -General Loomis staff, he •for telegraphy And ,signals, artillery does contain a liberal asSortment.of monarchs -gentlemen ..whose , power goes far back into history. . .. These personages are' known 'under Several names -kings, grand dukes, , intnveyer, a halo of divine right .en- Potatoes _should -k • n dug in ' dry velops their ridicalons pretentious. Weather, Se that they will be dry When, All these personages are monarchs. they are taken intO the cellar. If they • To Use the mystical ,."von"." in re- are • diseased the disease will not refetence-te-the-Emperorr-to call hL,pi • Such are the. roads of Northern Prance to -day: .• ' Tractor Will Whig Change. - To :secure the most economical working of the tractor large fields with tong furrow* are necessary. Tits fewer the fields, too, the Is toss there ie. of land stud the easier it cork.' trol weed groWths. It will not be surprising' if, Oil the, - near future, the plan adopted he A., Brant county farmer is generally fol- lowed --that _,ef Wings . aside from: orchard,. lawn, ete., tlie whole ferni enclosed ..by PerManent fences, With' movable fencea for temiloray changes. following upon, crop rotation.- • BABY'S GREAT DANGER DURING HOT WEATIIP •ivloro Pnes°41e during the sum- mer than at any ether time of the MAGIC "EA'' 1"t 0 BAKING' ALAJP4 POWDER dOr Blue, is a Rare* color in our gar. dens but ageratum, cornflower, behY - blue4yos, Swan- River daisy And Aid- piglossie afauata, Anelnolle blandai forget-me-not, some larkspurs, Iseree columbines and one or two iris are wt.* good blues. • n• ifi"salte°tIbEiren°dRaDEDORMI415 en Ex: oreas. Money Order. • Five della** ,costs t,hree cente. • soThi:utfinuttaur; ofanmdanktiomideiste.'epuz_Ttrg year, ' Diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera British Premier. infanturn and stomach., disorders coin* is not at hand to give premptiY 'tho '11r1?- 11*-1"int C1"1 • "‘11123.2211' 11'4 witheut warning aud When a medicine 4 Obit delaY'toe freciliently Means that 21131War"z" ?ma /1"1. Baby:8 Own Tablets should always be. to.irn°,,, ces The moot usetuIsnd tutor/4th* +tali in good Pawl* kept .in the home -where there are or all bussinessel...,frall Information ois: young children, An occasional dose of ;:raefirreerati0=alliggrat the Tablets. will prevent .stomach aid bowel troubles, or tile" trouble 00Megi ^1112111CXLicrnulni Suddenly the prompt use of the Tab- CiNdEli TIMOItS; LUMPS. lets will .cure the baby. Mrs, Chas. out ratienr0 olTrlduttreertzzl,:eiLt cure iTiittn' the child has ,passed beyond aid- pitorT-mtx ° 41114.5V8 AND r A.nderson lYfinda Alta., says; "Baby's us before roe late. Dr. B:1= Modica Own Tablets are'the best medicine for co.' LIMited" "lingW004" little-4)11es who • are suffering from a weak stomach.. They cured my baby when suffering from -8-10-Mach' tent* ' plaint and have • made her a fine healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail et 25' cents' a bon. from The Dr, ;Williams' OiIe4tcIne Co., Brockville, Ont.• , ' Raised the, Dust. It was a dell day in the trenches., ' and a buncINITommies had gathered and were discussing .event.4. After a while the dant turned .on a big Beebe who had been captured the nigAtebefwoaTsca.ro. • stiff," said_ one TC::1:14Rpmuidtiyh;e:, r'urenrie ad. sktehde another.- No One. Knows, Says lYlissr 1 Stod- The EWA of It:Plano la the Aetion. .InsIst on the " OTTO I .HIGELer , PIANO ACTION ' Why, if that Bothe had had jest One Leather in hie haze he'd 'a' flew!" • ranara's Zinnnent chiral Banana In the meantime; everything -Ale- , pends upon the steady flame of Brit.= lush -fp onorutsiturtle rests eta4yes _dtuhter Loonf sandin firm.until,Anietica has time to train and` equip her armies. •Not tor the first time in our history the liberty 'of Europe depends Upon our determina.-• tion. -We must show' the stuff we are made of. •• • ••• fitnard,:e. Mointent xionevOs...Nearalgie% •. • alita: Many Nights Could Not ' Sleep. -„Cuticora Mated, , • • "MY face broke out all, over With red pininles which would fester and then a large scale would form. -Many nights I odd, not ,slecp,because of the ang etaendcl;nit77110ninlinO1147-' suit"My• mother requested " •-me to, try: CutiCura- Soap7 and Ointment and I did /.0 SQ. In less than a Month • was completely healed."' '(Signed) Miss Kosebelle Stodalka, Rich- mond, Sask. - • • Why not make these fragrant emolli- .'enta your every -,day toilet preparaticins? -FOr-Free Sample Each dress_post,catd: ,:,Cntsenza, Dept,,A, is on rations., 4-wheat--ere-F inn.ge exists in Argen-tine: • mrstraile, -Reston„ a. Sold everywhere. • New Zealand and India are out of 'reed:: of 'Great -Britain because of :the shortage a _ships . It -has fallen . t the Unite • d States States arid Canada -to beat; PritA1-11.e•Tali_tereifdahT-Trii:1-W. the field. - ERHOOD . • A -clock has been invented that re- . • • A: at e central pointflute each Suggestions.to taincuess• • machine in a factory is running Vir VII 011IeIl• YES' MAGICALLY! • CORNS LIFT OUT .. , • - WITH FINGERS , • • You - say to the dreg store Men, "Give me a small bottle of freelone." This • will cost 'Very " little hut will positively remove; 'every hard or soft corn Or canna from one's feet. • , A few_ drops Of this new ether cora- pound applied. directly upon a tender, itching torn relieves the soreness in - St Isidore Aug.::43, 1894. stantly, and soon the entire corn. or spread so -rapidly-among-dey potatbet. Mirtard.*I4niment • root-And-alli-dries-up-and-ean- Kaiser, yon Deutschland instead or 1.1 the pefiitoes••'-are known to be die- • Gentlemen -1 have frequently used be lifted off with the fingers. : eased in the. fiat. it is beet to leave "MINARD"S LINIMENT ••and also pre- „This_ neW Wa yto. one!s'keet .01 them in the ground as Jefig. ae•Vos- .serthe it for MY, patients`, always With' Corns- was 'introduced by ' a Cincinnati sible, so that 'diseased potatoes may the inost'gratifying results, and I eon- man, who says that freeione dries in ,,a_AIPMentrAncl- :shriVelsAlp,the ern-or--eallte without irritating .the The -Autumn Foire,shouid'Include -Ex- • hibits of Fire -Fighting Equipment. The successful filer does not lieges - • military-iviation-service. This --is,- • iniong other things; an" impertant part • . of the signal service. The absence of full normal color perception would . render absolutely unreliable the most •skillful filer. The absence of full hear- ing or vision. for distance would also exclude a , A leaky heart ;valve, a high-strung, overworked nervous — • system, abnormal pulse pressilreall constitute insurmountable obstages to entranceLatolble branch Of the seriide. ' • What is Success? . Ito has achieved success' yvhci has lined well, laughed often and hived • much; who hael'gained the respect of intelligent men and the ley's. of little eltildieni.who has filled his.niche, has accobaplished his task; ytto haeleft • the world bettet than he found It, whether by an itoproved poppy, a per- fect poem or a rescued soul; who has never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or Vied to express it; who • has always nuked for the bt,m oth- ers and given the beat he had; -*hose' Ilia was an Inspiration, whose mem- ory a benediction." • Cut mint now an A tie the sterns up n hunchbe to dry slowly in a well vett, Hated room shaclettfrom the het On, e plant ,Will supply fresh young vex by autumn.' more readily, be seen and separated • • thei.)0„stAllitaud;,,Linizo,eatgx,, row -sound cne-1---Tie-r-e---the-Y---arre:-P V. tan -6 . • . ' -••• , DR. JOS.' AUG, SIROIS. • tt. • Are .mOnare herLof_fireein_Canadenini. thecoxisefL - .the Kaiser,- aff itaiserris nothing; ,results:. in, a -dry," Ciiol?: well -ventilated of-the_sert. Etalteror itia7o-filett cellar and ketit at'a temperature -he,. quent heavy monetary losses- - there- ... frotn. The fall fairs offer a very fa- • Yorable Opportunity for furthering their educational plan and should be utilized. EXhibits of 'fire -fighting equipment short talks on the danger of careless housekeeping, neglected chiinneys, Carelessness with lights in barns and Sheds; etc., will be helpfut Printed mottoes bearing the inform- alan Canada's Winne, tptal-of :fire loases„-'41 tornpared"witli'othef bean - /Wee, and the number of -lives • lest through eareleasnesa in the use of coal oil, gasoline, ate:, would be effective. . : To -day the fire chief's _ reputation depends upon his ability to prevent firea, not his expertness in extin- gashing them after they -break out. This. result tan Only be achieved, . by ceaseless echication of the pithlio, con- tinual and rigid inspection of premises for fire risk; and by the enforcement of by-laws providing .for the abate. ment of hazardeus conditionts. rio • • !ehti*'trs d 4,tr.rAt vitiesnistal; stile 4 dates back nd-further thair '1st ; and. tween-33 cleg:41." and 5deg.iifpoa f he possesses. only those powers which 'Bible. the real sovereigns of Germany ---her kirigE;;•• grand dukes,, princes--Aave graciously bestowed epo,n TO BELGIUM. Thou that a braver -brief -space didst - keep -the -gate Against the GerMan, Saving all the west . • By the subjection of thy shielding 'breast To the brute blows and utmost shames of Fate; Thott 'that in bonds of iron dost ex- . plate ' Thy nobleness as crime! Even thus • oppreElsed, Is not thy spirit mystically blest, 0 little Belgium, marvelously great? Thou that bas prized the soul above the flesh, Dost thou not, starving, eat of an- gels' bread? With ever y sunrise crutified afresh, gee not tills guarded or all time • jtollieed-4 That pen ihould t wear upon thy haard head The awfu honor the Crown of Christi ' -Gray Cone. • •rounding;inkli 1.• --,- --=';';•-:, ---..---,-.- Don't let fathe• r die of lefectien or lockjaw. from Whittling et his corns, -but'clig-this Otit-atid Make lain try-lt- If your druggist hasn't any, freezone , Many ye,ars ago,in thnee Of scarcity, tell 'him to order a small bettle from //NNE Gianuhied Eyeitai our foremothera made a prepetatioa his wholesale drug house for yea, -: • 9 of rice and oatmeal, the recipe for . ' 1 Sere Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by rtine.veDdribsyt Iggier Ty u lictkilny which "IlioWs.: Put over nighto -4Siiie OUR Your Eyet end in nby'Yes. NoSmarting, Jut Eye Comfort dymor orpir,,,ighit's MarineEyelleme Icy* taro, inVelies26o. For dookVih:111-344 litiskedy CO. -C tate Japan Enriched by War,: During, these three" years ,,of: Wit Japan's -commerce' has leaped bY bounds.- . If •the :Unite& States -has' been enriched bY the war; Japan has prospered in equal 'proportion. • In 1915, the. lirSt. fat -year after the. he.. ginning of the War, her' exports" in- creased. 858;000,000i MOst of ' it goirig to former German Markets in India,' South Ainerica aed other •piateEi long supplied. by german and. ' Austrian sources : Her merchant Marine like - Wise luxe boonied in an unprecedented Manner. 'CTwenty shipbuilding yards In Japan built 252 ships in 1.14, ,and at a very redelit date 050,00010ns 'Of .shipping were on the ways 1ft Jap - tines° yards, while 400,0.0,0 tons of merchandise worth 830,000,000 were awaiting: shipment • tanimearforinnir everg*Iters. pound o r ce. u itdown to b it n one quart of -Water; then :put on' tour more quarts of water from time to 'dyne as the grkirmellf.:-.,- Adty-to this one pound -or oatrifeal Eitirdir. 1111 done, when the mixture will be quite thick. It will require a good deal s_at. • ISSUE Among the virtues of Lydia FL '.Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound is _the ability to Correct Sterility in the 'cases of many. *omen. . This fact is well established as- evidenced by the folloWing.letter and hundreds of others' ezhave published in these colums.• , Poplar Bluff, Mo. -"I want other women to know What a blessing Lydia E.tahiPein_t:kohmarap,:une Vdehgase- been to me. " We had always *anted a baby in our home but I VAS in poor health and not able to dery work. My mother and hus- band both urged me - htoatrym ,LsyclviaeEg.ettinht-, • • Proved and•I am no sw°07tmy je"Clet. ha let eifdinial fine baby girl and do All my own Muse work.": -Mrs. Anita B. TIMMONS, 216- -• TA Aruii-&-i Stz Pop " -littpany other h�hies, once difire7s; there are now children because Of the -fact that Lydia E. Phikharnre Vegetable - Compound makes -women- normal,- - healthy and strong • Write to the Lydia E. Pinicham. Medi- cine CO., Lynn, Mass. for advice -it ! will be confidential and helpful. De. Ferdlnanci Kinn, t Now York city Physician afitt Medreal Author eeye ".There can he no miens, vigorous, Iron men nor beautiful, healthy, rosy - Cheated. wornen without iron-Nuxated Iron taken three times per day atter meals -will Increase the strength and endurance of weak, nervotie, run-ddWii folks 100 per dent. in two wistiko' time In Many instances, Avoid the bid foilne ef metallic leen which may injure the teethf corrode the stomach, anA timiirby do'mors harm than good. Take Only orpanle iron-.Nuxated •t le dia, • • •i • -pensed-byfa lieed-drugg star • — ••