HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-23, Page 5Thursday) August a 3rd, ivy THE LU OW SENTINEL' INE! Pktie 1 ARange You Can Trust The "Pandora" doesn't _require con- stant watching. You • can trust it to do its work while ,you rest or attend to • other dutThe Pandora has fea- tures ilia ina far greater efficiency; and economy than can be 'found: in. other ranges, Write f or°free booklet. 'PAr• N D A RAN * LONDON TORONTO MONTftlisit K ZINIPEG VAastrOtiVY31 ST. JOHNHAMILTON CALGARY. 9 SAeLaTOON somoi TOxf • fpor Sale' by McLeod & Joynt H AM� N diti,d 1672 q11-r Capital ,Author z d,,•$,o 10,000... Capital Pald-up, ~ . •3,00e,000 . slurping, - - r ,i9,1i00,000. . • Success fi U"CCESs is seidont attained without at least some capital: The : thrifty ty ,man who saves ' regularly, is• • -" • the one who reaches the •goal of his ambition. e Start a ,savings' account fade at the Bank o1 liskmilton. • LUCII NO,W BRANCH J. A. Glenner Manager. 53-0 NEWS TOPICS OF WEE( Important Events Which Have Occurred Durin; tele Wea'c. Cit ftrhnsy_ orld's Happenings care-:. p 'Atnpiled and Put Into, Mandy and Attractive Shope, for e - ttte itraaers. of Our Paper ,,olid 'lsrar's Bnjoyi scut. • TUESDAY. Tell thousana miners are• idlein -1lliiois owing, to a strike of drivers and inoter `nen in; the coal, mines. Aviator Martin of Winnipeg, vibe has" been" training at Deseronto,, lost itis life when his machine fella thou- sand feat. Captai . Wiliia,ra Avery Bishop, of ()won Sou 'd, a Canadian aviator in. France.' has -been awarded the M- OOS, ic-toric Cross. - Tire Minister of 'Justice has intro- duced a bill in the Rouse of Com- mons giving every soldier at the front and the military nurses votes at the coming election. . The Japanese 'mission to the United States haft" arrived on this continent. It is beaded by Viscount K. Ishii, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiar•Y.. The body of Joseph. Grottier . of Winnipeg was found burled in a hole en the " homestead of'FeIix Letain .of baul?hip, Letain _ is na,Iw -Ura •charge of Murder. T.ouis3 L. Cherry and Dr. Samuel. Bernfeld of New York, members • of the exemption board, Move been ar 'rested charged with conspiring to s exempt for pay men eligible for-mili tars draft; . • The .Washington Government has prohibited thee export of airshfps. except by special license. Neutral nations, have- been pouring in •orders" for American aeroplanes, 'and .the 'order was made -to conserve the up- Ply. The company which did the steel work iof the $lour Street •Viaduct in, •Toronto, started in 1914 and - now nearing competion, lost $100,000 on the contract on account :of the in-' crease• in the cost of '.material and Gabor `,since they made their tender. Captain C. R. Dale of Toronto is reported killed. He has a unique military record. ' He enlisted ,on the :second day` of the war as a `private ' ,-and worked his way up to the rank'of captain.___. He _.was. invalided:home._ -and-dieclrerged'ail, medically unfit for. , m'ilita 'ry __service. -.e i ser e, but,•_;re nl s1;ed_and.•-.• went back to France. WEDNESDAY. .died at, big home in Deseronto.. Henri Eourasea and Armande ,La- vergae are napping out the national - 'clout , ap;tl-conscription : csmpai{-n in ebec. A .large number of:;arrests-haye- _been - shade in • Ct Unty--Clare, Ireland,- : the men. bofng, • arged with illegally. ,villin Sin_ Feb S .g.._iters. •, .-. _ ..-_.:.,.,. The United States Congress is to be • asked to' authorize a loan of be- tween $3,000,00000- and $4;000,-' . 000,000 to the Allies. • Mayor Church of Toronto officially , welconied the; aviators who ' have .. come-. fronn.,the. lJnited-States to . take. -their: gaining -in" Canada. The British. troops In Minders im- proved their position on the right' ba»k of the ,River •Steenbeke; and captured a number, of prisoners. It is announced that Germany will ',shortly.' .be forced to have. two meat- lest 'Weeks a alonth in order to con- serve the meat supply, of the country., Prohibition appears to be: coming" , in British' Columbia, - as . it -is now. held` that there were irregularities .in. - the counting of the soldiers' ballots In England. - The Chinese Republic has officially declared war against Austria ° and Germany„. - `being_:: • the-.; ..seventeenth nation to take'•sides against the Ceen: trot Einpires. . -.• Sir William Meredith, .• Chief 'Jus-: tics of Ontario; --has been appointed by the bominion . Government, to arbitrate the purchase •of the Cana - than Northern Railway. John O'Flaherty, •a former news-' ,gaper reporter of Quebec, has :started , st unique case to. secure alimony►•from his wife, elaiming,that she should be. made to keep him because he is i11. Germany, . backed by pro -German elements--irn•;Switzerland; has.• launch -i• ed a campaign to intimidate the.. Swiss' Government and the Swiss peo- 1..,4. I4tof l r tonic, causer • • band of trumpeters to give a concert to :celebrate, the -Galician: „victories, but so few -people:=attended, the care'. rnony that he has decided it will be the lest, 'celebration Of the kind in Berlin. . , The Toronto, Citi• Council decided that the civic employes • who go ou • an 'harvesters will not receive tate difference between, their salaries" and their wages on the farms. It le noW; ' stated that no men will go to the farms on those -tern=._,:' a TSOR8DA3L• b A" Russian was murderod in Sarnia.. Two Norse steamers were reported destroyed. • ' B. E. Grose, an aviation .mosehanic, war killed at Camp Borden. - The ' --influx of American tourists into Canada has 'suddenly .increased. Another O'Connor report Was issued,lshowing aecumulatin,g stocks of;prodiu'ce in cold -storage, The body of a boy Who Was aeel- dentally • shot on Citric Holiday was exhumed in Orangeville for an in- quest.• • The sixty-third annual session of the InternationalTypographical Union was opened at Colorado Springs - Mr. Albert Edward Long, presl- dent of A. E. Long" te Company, died at his summer home, Orchard Beach, take, "Stmcoe.' • Coal speculators, • whb have—been :eroded to the 1?tiei Comi5isstoner, ciim thoy are not responsible. for 'delay in unldadii►g earsy. Colonel Greelman i:l to run for the Commons as a sel'diors' candidate, opposed to Sir .Norbert Ames in the St. Antaiue tilvihlon of Montreal. 10344'11l • $ INLQSS GQUNICIL_ CGtiucil 'met .-int-per-.adjournment.= Meimbers' allpresent, and Reeve in the •ehair. Minutes of previous meeting were, • read, adopted and signed: •n' . McDiarmiti moved and Tiffin seconded • that the following rates be levied and • collected in ,the Township o ;,K Kinloss for ° 'the year -191.7, namely, f).r county pur- poses,.4 5"-1.0 m111 ,andfor general town= : ;;. ship purposses, 7.10 "mills, 'and for ,:Special grant •. to schoolsr. R mills on the dollar, and that a by-law be now' intro- trodueedand read a first,•, second and third finis and'pasteH; giving effect to the same 'Motion carried By-law in- troduced;was read a first,'eecond :and• third` time andassed, i`sig ned and sealed. • p J3ills of account'conetd'er'ed and passed the following. cheques were issued: John McLeod, 194 yds gravel,. $15"52.• J. Miller, 700;ft• plank at $23per .M,16 10. John. McKenzie; . 66 yds gravel, 5' 28. Jacob hillier, 19 yds gravel, 1 52., Jacob Miller, grading Kinloss and Wawanosh` bdy, 110 25. Charles Thompson; 37 ,ydsgravel and damages, 3 96, Thomas )H'oote, 53 yards 'gravel, • 4 24. Daniel McInnes, 30 yards gravel, 2.40. Thomas O. (leant, grading, 12 UO: J. J..Hen • +derson;: tile, per account, 48 00. David' :iuouston,. repairs , to bridge on bth"S R; „ icon 7, 5 00 1), and J. McKenzie, Werk .on 19th S L: lumber for bridge, 7 00; IlOderiek'McDougald,_filling washout on con 4, 8 00; rep abridge ,on_ lOtb S L,: 6 50, 13 50. John McDonald,2-52 ,yds' gravel, -4- 16. 'Peter- McIntosh; 23, fit gravel, 1 84, William Guest, 20f yds gravely 04, George ';Malca lin, 82- yds gravel,�8 56. William ;Percy, 6Q yds gravel, 4 80. Jame, Johnston, work placing:gravel on lOtkS' L, 78 60. Those Harris. rep washouts on eon 8, 20 50. John Purvis, 6 yds gravel, 48e. James Kenney, -60-•'yds- gravel, 4--00. Albert - Thompson, 6 . yds'. -gravel. 4ge-.__,.John f filbert, 87 yards grayel, 6 96:. Samuel" Peddle,' 93 yds gravel, 7 44. Mrs. Susan Davey, 100 yds gravel, 8 O. Mrs.. D. S. McIntosh, 24 yds gravel, 92. David Kennedy, 46o yds gravel and -damages, 5 68. J. Walton *gibbon, 6 fumiga- tors for Joseph Holmes, 3 00. - 1Jarry_ McQaillin,.71 yds gravels5" 68; .A. D.' Mackenzie, on printing contract, 40 00.' Thomas Murray, . re .Municipal, world,• supplies,:postage and 'registration acct, 7 00. Business being over, the Council' ad- journed to meet for business on Monday,. Sept. 24th, at 10 o'clock a. m. THOMAS MURRAY,. Clerk. • H;gh. Priced Advertising Speaking of advertising, here is what some of the publishers charge for space: Ladies' Home Journal, 88 a line or $104 per inch :and .$6,00u for.aful'1 page issue;; the back -cover sells for $10,000. 'A full" page. advertisement 'in the " Saturday Evening Post sells for $7,000; the back cover sells -for $7,000. The centre page in.colora is $12,000 • As this - advertis- ing space is always 'filled it is evident that advertising .pays' even at these prices. + IMPLES and -skin- eruptions - always - seenr to _come - where they are the • most noticeable, and consequently most embarrassing, to the :person so unfortunate as to have 'them. " w The most'satisfaetory treatment ftior pimples and skim eruptions ie Dr. Chase's Ointment, applied at night after bathing the skin in warm. water. Instead of clogging the pores, as do powders, 'Dr. Chase's Ointm'+ent- cleanses thein and promotes the healthy action of the pores of the skin. ° . By its antiseptic tic action this ointment' destroys poisonous germs, and.. thereby .prevents the "development of eczema. There are scores of ways in which Dr. Chase's, Ointment le useful in every home. • °PIMPLES AND 11LA i'i:a tkDS: Mien Carrie Altwater, Isittern Alba., writes :-.41 was entirely cured of pimples and blackhea a some months ago by ening Dr. Cbaee's Ointment. As I' bar ales toned, this oint• - Menta.sh splendid tteatihent for •sunburn and chapped ands, Would nog be. without it; in the house. It is the best I ever toed. Dr,_ ase_s„ intinenti • - , - 60o a 1so1c, all :dealer*, or l7dmaneon, Bates! &Co,,' Ltd.a Toronto). Be .0uspiefoub of the drugglitt who otters a, substitute int+ atsad et italldinit out what yen link tor. ell i ua bf Tito Qat" NO MA tts » tot ue tib' Voila Gehti o11er maniettl Pr, uttlttt of Metrial Mile .& Atty xetilfne4 friitii the west with valuable suggestions on preserving vegetables and a fuel supply PT the prairies. •. _ . Venice w4i heavily ID"sAYhelled by Auiw- trian air raiders. Kerensky supported the 'Stockholm peace conference -proposal. •Speculation in sugar was stopped • by U. S. Food Controller Hoover. The War Production Clubare at - ready preparing for. the 1918 crops. ' Two Presbyterian congregations in Belleville propose to amalgamate. A farmer residing at Astorville, near North 'Bay, web killed by light- ning, In the gulf •of Bothnia one of thesteam Russianship. submarines sank a Gerinaa,n. The Newfoundland Legislature -met again to consider . the .'war. revenue .bill. • --, • Jose Gutierrez • Guerra,- former Minister of War, was inaugurated President of • Bolivia. The "Win -the -war" meeting at Kitchener was called 'off, Dr.• Michael, Clark failing to shoo 11W. An Owen Sound -Hamilton high- Way scheme was discussed at Guelph by the municipalities interested., The steamer Turbinia of Toronto may be taken .over by the. Admiralty , at the close of the present' season.• A . British' Columbia farmer; said to be backed by the "wets "issued a writ against ..,Premier--- . Brewster, claiming -he was wrongfully elected. Mr, W. B. Race,M,A. of Sault Ste. Marie, has been appointed; prin- cipal of the Ontario School for the Blind at Brantford, Mr, .Clarkson W. James returning to the Department of Education. The C.N.R.. purchase bill was given its second reading in the Commons. on a straight party division, after R, B. Bennett, Conservative member for Calgary, had raised strenuous objec- tions to the proposal • ' SATURDAY. • • .- The ,general • strike in Finland has been called' off, G. A. Carefoot Wail' school inspector for Lincoln county, Albert. Metin will succeed Baron Cochin: as.head of -the French block ode. The Russo -Swedish fielder,' which was; closed recently, has been re- opened. • 'The' London.` Times paid a tribute y at :to -the -Canadfans-for- their victor Hill 70: • . mine C ade t GS`Galie"orw n- iiipeg was killed on,. his'Srst Sight alone at Desth?onto: • Two army airplanes collided over the River Thames in ` England and, one flyer' was drowned. •.' - .• Higher taxation of ::. the wealthy was advocated. by the Liberals,in the •Commons on motion of Fred=Pardee, - Announcement With made-. by_ the Dominion ; I.ospitalss._Commission that there are nearly ,. ,000 veterans . in • hospitals orionvalescent homes. ' Suppleineftiry ; estimate involving Ole ' expenditure;of 00,000,000, in- ciuding $25,000,00.0 for railway roll- ing -stock, .were. ta•bled in,•• the Com- mons. • ' Cadet S. J H. Dorr of ,New 'TOOK. was burned to death when, his -aero- plane- collided With another machine' In the Toronto Aviation School. He was the first ,American ,to be killed in the Canadian, flying . schools,. and' the eleventh flying • fatality of the summer. The assurance that the State De- partment is .interesting itself in tak- " ing up with other nations at war -with, Germany the conscription: -of their nationals now . •in the United States was given by President Wilson Ina letter to Senator Weeks of Mass, achusetts, in response to a letter from the. Senator.. • MONDAY. , Guynemer, the Freach'airmen, has brought down fifty-two planes. . • ' Three farmers in Prince Edward County suffered heavy losses by fire. Henry F. Ficke, . a big German spy, is under,arreat in the United States. '- . • •` -- The .embargo on teal to Canada has been:removed,by the' I;;ehigl_Val- ley- Railway .• General Korniloff promised that his. troopkwould.resume: their• offen- sive at an early date. • Teuton warships received ,.rough treatment at the hands eef the. B ish rmish _must- have mens'" in„ : mo, sage from, the soldiers brought by, Lieut. -Colonel Cecil 11. Williams after a visit to the front.,.. Much,' excitement has been caused by the leasing of some -46,000 acres . in the vicinity : of • Rockwood, near. • Guelph, by the Standard Oil Com- PanY.' " . Albert'Siiiith,• a carpenter, '"wash drowned when he stepped from the.' steamer Cayuga into the " slip' • at Yonge street wharf, Toronto, "before a, landing was _shade,• , , The_ House of Commons.• passed_ 'Without division the three Senate amendhmsents' : to the Conscription bill, which now only awaits'• the • Governor -General's signature to 'be ready. for enforcement. E'rnperor Wi11latn, according ficial ann'ounce'ment niado' at the German Admiralty, inspected ' the units of the German fleet at Wil- helmshsiven, and t then visited• the squadrons in the North Sea.' Major J. M. Lanes, professor: of French at the Royal Military Col-, lege,. Kingston, has died, partly as. a result of hardships experienced on the .voyage overseas and service in the trenches in his native land. • Rev. Frederick Redden. of Erin, pastor o! the Disciples'' Church of Christ, who Was accused of seditious language, is to leave for the United States Within a Week's time, to escape the rising tide of anger cane - eft by hie .latterance. •p . At least 'one life was lost, that of (lord'on ho rade !motion, S I t [ , andsix mien were more or less seriously In- jured,` and about "62,000;'00 damage done in destruction,; of buildings -and, equipment, by a, series of fifty-two **plosions at the powder plant • of Curtis +a Hover 4904 LUtattrdt rat RI' • 0444 C1lltrea . • , .. • • .• .... „ �., Eating placed' are regulsttod by ail a;4 r.in-OQ'.ineil pUb'it$lkS4 ltil' 3 'tylia CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Air, 25 TORONTO. Sept. 10 Oi a **no Thu O iiurlly Progrtive scale MOBILIZATION OF NATIONAL RESOURCES Cip stractive aunty Doetrnetive Meth for Waw CONFEDERATION ATION SPECTACLE 1200--PERFORMERS,--1200 Camas's $tory. front Birth to Ilatic boN Draaaticelly Til Tin vary Apes of Spectacular Ao ilveseat • GIANT LIVE -STOCK AND - • AGRICULTURAL . DISPLAY Judging Competitions for Young Farmers - - New Farm Crop Com • pepti neExtended ClaaaiScotiont • and Innovations in All Departments THE BUST HARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR STORE , YOUR IllgAOQUARTRRII PHONE 60 . _FOR - PROMPT _ DELIVERY IMMENSE • EXHIBITS OF TRACTORS • AND FARM ' LABOR SAVING DEVICES. ART ,Italian, French, 'Persian' - American and'CanadiatrMasterpieces MUSIC—tnnesl'• Famous,Soloistsands score of other leading organizations, ENTIRE ,NEW MIDWAY NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW FIRST SHOWING OP 1918 MODELS Greatly enlarged Government and other Exhibits - War in all its phases - Model Camp. = - Artillery Drive Aeroplane Flights Scores of surprises instore for old friends and a thousand thrills for new , ones.. REDUCED FARES ON" ALL "LINES OF "TRAVEL GIANjTE1fA1,E SALE ,) AGood Chance • to Save Money in the .come Owing, to the, increased cost of .material, and labor Graniteware • manufaicturers wererecently com- pelled om eelled to, increase theirprices a full.30 per cent. We were fortu- nate inbeing advised of this In- " crease by our principal suppliers, and were able to .place an order at" a very con.pide.rithle saving over present prices. If you want to save„ money on graniteware • here's your chance. A big assortment to meet your' every requirement is here for, you to choose from. - Space will not permit us. to ' giveyou a complete list. xo g;. tf , Granite Dish Pans, special sale: li / price, •..:... .`••.•...••r•.•. 4gc 14 qt: Granite Dish' Pans, special sale price .. . • ... • ....49c To ext: Granite Water Pails, special sale price...:54c fresh Portland` Cement always` -on hand I BRUCE. COUNTY "'NEWS .Thus.__ Switzer,., of Saugeen, lost horse a` _ horse in a peculiar manner on. Thurs- 'clay,` says the Paislay A'dvoMa't: ` - His team took fright as they were hausink a load of hay to the b'arn.. They went up the gangway at' top speed, contrnu• ed across, the floor of 'the -'barn and went crashing through the other side ofthe barn; amashiing,`off the boards; •and-. dropped la the- "':groi nid,-'"-which` "there 'is- 'abotit-teii feet- down.- "One: steed was killed in the fall. The wagon -:remained on. the barn .floor; Mrs. Switzer; who was driving, • jump- e off the load :safelp Joir .longs!,—Four Paisley young. people had. a..th'rilling and dangerous motor trip, last week.._.In the -vicinity of North 'Bruce: the .Ford turned a 'complete somersault The driver was pinned under •the• car:. Although' not seriously iniured; he **nut and: ' lac- erated so that he shed blood very;free- ly. One Of the young -ladies . also sus- tained- wounds that bled,,profusely, while the other got off with a .black eye. " The other -.young, man• -in the party:" had his •a.ukle-sprained:. They 11 can thenk-their. ,stars' that' they escaped . the morgue. -They" were brought home to Paisley:by a North ,Bruce man;:and. the injuries received the attention•'of a surgeon. HottsE BREAKING.—The Kincardine. Reporter tells the following; On'Mon day night, between 10.30 and 11..30, sneak thieves broke into Dr. Tarn blyn's ' cottage on .the `beach and 'turned things 'upside down throughout the. place. They apparently • were_ in search .0. motion as trunks, drawers and valises. ,were •ransacked,+ Theonly thing miss ed was $1 which. Miss, Taroblyn had =left-in•.a_draVer. The effects-10.—Aire, place were 'scattered everywhere and the .place presented ightlyr ,gip= 'Bike- his f r i fly rnl;5 rri nnY1► a*�+*ac1;fin F :�.-h i at Or. Kennedy's cottage. It Would appear that.whoever did the job_ was conversant With the -movements -of -the - the ' family. . They. broke .the two - lights in front of the place 's0.as . it would be dark, and made their en- • trance . over the verandah. ' • Some" weeks ago Dr. Tomb yn lost a qaanti= ty of,pipmg and dome taps. , Chief" Farrell is working on („the case and. it. as hoped:he, will .. heAble: .,to .land. -the' guilty . parties THE, WESTER'1 PAIR,'Sl?PT. 7th to ISth The, Management e Western Fair of London,nOntario; are making•" every possible effort this year to eclipse all their previous Exhibitions, good, as they have been... They are gibing special attention_. to the Live Stock and ,.Agricultural ,de partrnents. Two Thousand Dollars was added to the Prize List (which was a liberal one before) making this yea 's list the best ever offered, . and exceedingly liberal in all'departments. Is is expected that there will he a large entry in all the Live Stock Classes. Special classes' in the florae Department have been 'pro- vided for fal'mers and their sons. Pro- fessional breeders and dealers hey.) been barred from 'these Classed and the fann- ers ' Will ha e anopportunity nitY of exhibiting_ against farmers. There are also plenty of classes for :thee• professionale- wit liberal prizes offered., Prize Lists, Entry fortis and all informationiprotnptly given on application to the '*Secretary, Aa M, Htiiltf London Ontario., The Store W ereYourr s- oiieyQoes Fartliest iris real balder foundation for White, evett.•teztared tread delichas , dainty cakes and light, flaky,'moath melting pastry. High in feed Values sad distinctively pleasing to the taste.. - SPECIAL The Purity FlourCo ek Book the lathes publleation :onmodern idtchen• practice; a 100 -page de luxe.'neral purpose. kitchen encYClopedia, catmint between its covers reliable and tried recipes for all manner of dishes for the ordinery meai,. at wali'as economical insttnetiows tor the preparation of delle* desserts ;and delicious confections for special Omissions! Matteos l ~ d a d on _ p tp receipt of 20 cent", -CANADA -1+ LOUR S -VO PAN'k., -_ LIMITED TORO TO N WINNIPEG .,