HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-23, Page 16
,L5O fer year, 111-'9,clvanee;‘ita.00 -Otherwise
No Sentinel next week.
Garden Party in Lucknow this 'even-
eMisa °elite Hedley epent the week -end
with Hamilton friend&
Miss Adelia Spindler. is home from
Toronto on a twee weelee vacation.
Mines • Maude and Dorothy Cooke
, were week -end visitors in London,.
Mr. end Mrs. it. Th. Cameron aro'
speeding the week et Bruce Beach.
Mrs. Jas, Mullin, of Torintto, was a
guest,this week of Mrs, Robert' Mulhea:
Herold IJornin is home after epend-
ing a couple of monthe in Saskatchewan,
Miami; Minnie and Annie M.efutyre,
of Lobelia), visited Kincardineatriends
.Monday. "
0 Mr. Sot MoIntyrl, of London,, wee a
week end visitor it his' old Winn in
Mr 3 F Tennent ande family, of
London, are visitinghis mother, Mrs.
Dr. Tennant.
Miss Gertrude -Beg*, of the G.:Aerial'
Star staff, is the guest of her eider Mrs.
Matt'Sproid. •
' Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Armstrong and little
on, of Winghame- visited his parents
hereon Sunday. •
Rev..A. Richardson and his sister, of
Morpeth, were in town Tuesday and
willed on fortner friends.
Kiss Madelyne.MeMerran has return-
, _
ed frona a twa weeks' visit, with friends
in Stratford and Kitchener. . .
Oet, your :feetilizer for fall wheat no#.
Carload SI Gunoe'Sure Crop, just unload-
ed: -t-Q. RpntOtTnON. 13. -O.
.e_Eyerybedy. go to -the Patriotic Garden
Party -on J.' GI Anderson'1s4awn:c.Ais.
evening. Program at 7.-30.
Mr . -J. McGuire, of the Grain Ex-
change, Winnipeg,' a fabler Manageief-,
the Bank of Hainiltou here, 'was in town
over Sunday. . -• " • •
WO the guest of Mrs; 3. a: Murdoch this
Week. • She.returned,to the North Wed-
.-neaday morning,
, Mr. F. T.,,Armstrting left *on:Wednes-
eley- morning for his former home at
Dunnville, having received word thathie
mother had wiffered a fall and Was ser -
ions!), injiired, • ,
Mr.. Alex. McIntyre; managing 'editor
Of the Kincardine Review, Was a caller.
at the Sentinel °like on Tuesday. • He
was_ in tcain to ',attend' the funeral of
the lite Meg. lt.'Durnin.
De. and .Mrs MacGregor, their
daughter, Donna Ellen, his deter, Miss
Mae MacGregor, and Mies Catherine
Finlayson. "motored from Chicago anct
• are spending a couple of week e with his.
sister, Miss. Catherine MacGregor, tio
-e--hintather,--D;WilleieGregor, erLaurier.
„Pte. Alfred eFry, _win) enlisted here.
about two yertis•ago,., Was- in tone; fer
the -week -end. He has bad bis turn at
the front and suffered a severe injury to
Janie, and laneon_e_bithe milit,ary_hos-
pital at London. Before enlistinette,
Fry worked with Win Hasksha,w, of
Me. Pah, Mackenzie, of Detroit, is
visiting his elands, Mrs. Allan and M.
K. NeLeoel, Inglia street.. •
Mr. We j. M. McMillan, hie wife and
children, of Kerrolaert, Soiree:a/KRA:mut
the past few weeks' with. Mr. and Mrse
Davisere, reternecl to the West,
last week.
Mr. •Ned D. Maekeezie, Who, for some
tirne, basheen with' tbe T. Eaton •Co.,
Toronto, is engaged thia week Tvith WM,
Struthers doing "his bit" on the farm.
He is one of the army of several thous-
and released lay wty employers to help
in the harveat fields: Many Toronto
houtica, Eeton's among others, have pro-
mised a bonds of *20 to the men whq
would go to, the country and work for
three weeks on the farm: That is en-
couragement of a very eti,aetical 'nature.
The Onion Harved
• Sidney Towle Wounded- -
Wand Mrs, Albert Towle, of town
received a weesage Ont Saturday, stating
that theirson, Pte, Sidney Towle, lied
been dangerously -wounded in the recent
fighting in Fian0. Pte. Towle was in
the West when war broke ont and was
among the first to answer the dall for
men, He went overseas with Ithe first.
•contingent and was for mere than Two
.and a half years in Ur trenches, Serving
in many capacities, but for a good part
of the time wa$ engaged- in &dad work
and in taking the wounded from the
trenches. A short time ago he got a
tvkaweeks' vacation, which he spent in
Awls. Considering the dangerous work
he was engaged in, he. was exceptionally
lucky during his long period of service,
lIe had not until now suffered even a
scratch, though he had many narilow.
The gardners, who planted "dutch
setts" last SPIlng, are busy pulling up
the .onions this week, and every available
boy has been Commandeered for thehar,
vest. It is a greet harvest too, for the
onions never came up better than. they
did this season. The only trouble is
with grates and weeds. These grew along
with the Onions duringethe wet season,
and there was no ohance to get weeding
doge. However, the onions are there
alt right, and, • with fayorable weather
for drying, the growers should get good
. •
*Death .. of Mrs.' R. 1)urnin
Aftera long illnese and mhcO suffering
from eaneer;'Mrs, Robert Darnin, just
southeolathe- villagerepassedenwayeeene
Sunday. The end was not iinexPeeted;
as the trouble was of p. kind that the
medical professipn does not claim to be
able ' to 'cum Mrs: Durnin's waiden
name wee Sane Courtney, and her early.
honie Was near .Amberleare - She leaves,
besides het husband,an,adopted daugh-
ter. The funeral. was on :Tuesday after-
noon tei GreenhiWeenieteiy, -
Following the endow of weekly
papera .throughout, the county,
.TOe 'Sentinel will take the newel
week off. It will not be: flamed
next Weekt-that is •the lase week
ef August: Members, ef thelstaff
are taking their annual .v 03 ea
tion. • .
• -
Bev a L. Abbott, of Ripley, and Rev.
W. J. Eccleston exeliangechpuleits last
Sunday°. • ,
Lock Your tohicken (p
,& few came of ebieken stealing have
already been repeated,' a faet whiobapg.
gesta that we haveain or near Luicknow
few Persons who are niggers at. be
if not in colpr&
Stealing chickens is no greater crime
than any other stealing, though there
,seems to be exeeptionid weanneee about
, the creature who can go te the chicken
'coop of thc; widow and etoal away the
finds of her •summer care and effqrt.
Heivezer, we must •recognize the, ta*
that there are auch creatures about, and
the only wise Course is to keep chicken
houses well secured. The thief can't
afford to make raliell
Rev. A. C. Stewart, lel North Morning -
tore will conduct the geeeices in Luck -
now Presbyterian Chnteh neat Sunday.
' In the absence of Rey, R. S. Garbutt'
• who is taking a month 4 vacation, 'Rev,
W, Trelkavedocenpied the :pulpit pf the
Methodist church on Sunday. •
„. De not waste a ellen of bread. There•
is an old caving, "tally midden mak'
a =elle," and, it there are many in.
savings the total gain iU, be
• great. Do not be too proud to notice
whether anything usable is tieing wast-
ecla dc, nnt betoo proud to use odds -and
. ends which': Might, otherwise, be cast
into the garbage can. ' In "Chicago, re-
cently, the garbage was reduced from.
400 loads a day to 200. loads A day, due
largely to The preachnientsof eceleemy
Ecinomy in the usentfoOdetuffs shoulk
be practised by those who livein the
country we Well. as by those who dwell•in
the towns and cities:- Get the real vis-
ion, of economy , end put it 'into daily
niatotiee.Every individlistjalize
tbe, food shortage in all its magnitude
and he must realize Whitt want and fam-
ine 'would -Wean and then he ninst put
forth every effort to prevent it. • Do net
lave it to the other fellow: Do Itner
Paet. In this matter :prevention is a
-thousand theleff better than'eure.- Ellin-
inate all:wasteinionr belnewhold..
Fouith COn., Kinloss.
—Tuesday; August 21.
;Miss 11,--lieDoriald—is—hourcitoor
Detroit to spend a few holidays
My. and Mrs & McDonald are vend-
ing their holiday season in Toronto and
Rochester. .• . „
'Rev. Mr. Reid, of South Kinross, ha-'
returned from his vacation: . He con-
ducted servicea with- • his • people last
Sunday. , *
Miss ':Jean McDonald, on the -2nd
•Con ,i homeagein•after Spending a few
weeks camping at the lake with a few of
her girl friends. ,
Farmers on 4th have .Oompleted
-the fall wheat harvest and are Well ad-
eaneed with the cutting Of oats and
barley, .Stook threshing will have to be
resorted to, as the barn rodua will not, in
.many cases; contain the great crOp of
-1917, Sotne farmers inAaron TP. have
already sowed their fall wheat.
°Verdun •_
-Teesday; Aug. 21,
Miss Ella Armatrongis .tlieguest f
Mien Irene Filar
•Fined $50.00
,Con•Lxv.—In Kinloss (8th Con.), on
• August 19, 1917, to Mr. tad • Mrs.
• Joseph Conley, a son- .
Dom:in/LB.-1n Lucknow, op August 18,
1917, to M. and Mrs.. William
den& er. •
,Befere llegistrate7Kelly at.
Goderich on .Monday, Cliff ..Levy, of .
CliOictileaded guilty .to. a "ifolitiori-of
the Canada, Temperance Act and paid 8.
One of 850 and Costs. The case M the
outcome -ore recent seizure bi Constable
Pellow, speoial (4de-de . for the:11eron
County Alliance; when a tea -gallon keg
of whiskey Was secured. at McGaw Stat
eon addressed to Wm Singleson. , It is
said Levy -claimed the shipment waii- for
hzpzand.brougbt friendafe identify'him.4
lie was not able to satisfy the'exPreoa
agent that the liquor was his
-Teeswater •
. .
--.Tuesday, Aug. 21.
Mrs. McIntyre has returned froth her.
visit topPnrt Huron and Detroit. •
. Mrs. L. A. Brink left list Wednesday
for an extended vent toSault Ste. Marie.
' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Johnston,.. of
Elora, spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs.
U. Trenthe . •
„ „
Mrs. IVICKetrick, Of Orangeville, is
spending age*" days with her. daughter,
• Mrs._Webster.••
and MTV. John McDonald.
Mrs. Curran is -attending the Millinery
Opening. Toronto,-atter-epending-u
month's vacatien at.. the home of .her
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nixon, • .
afrie Q. 0...Petereon andnieCe. _Miss
drace Bulmer, spent a few days with her,
biotbet, Dr. G..S. Fowler, previous to
--tetiffila-g-To-heillonie Colunibus,
Kansas.. • "
Mr: Mc -Arthur, -of :Kincardine; took
the services in the Presbyterian Church
last Sabbath. The Methodists withdrew
their services owing to 'the absence ,of
their pacitor, Mr. Durrant.
Miss Mitchell, who has boujbt the
millinery establishment of Miss Case,
has- returned to town bringing her =Other
with her. They are taking up theit.
residence in 'WreLittle's block.
Mrs. Sykes, vocal teacher of Detroit,
is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Pr, Stewart.
Mrs, Sykes is highly gifted vocally and
on Sunday evening rendered two beau-
tiful solos in the Presbyterian Chord*.
Mr. Alex. McDonald, of Union street,
for many yeare a highly esteemed citi-
zen of Teeswatet and vicinity, passed
0.WaY- very suddenly last Saturday inorn-
big. The funeral took place Monday to
Teeswater cemetery. .
Thos. Aitken, son of Mr. John
ken, Con. 4, Culross, 'Wok a hemorrhage'
of thelungs, to which he was aubjecte
and passed *Weer.. The renwins were
laid to rest in the treetilyatef, eenwtery
en Monday atterti°01).
• .
Mr. David Errington, Of Dungannon,
.purehased sone: cattle lest spring from
•' • Mr.. John Metritt, Lorne. A short time
_____aeo he inissed-onent them -out ° of the
• Feature. After searching tor ten days
Jie diecoyered „kin-the:Cellar of an old.
house in the pasture field. It v,,eas 85111
living and is recovering nicely 'after, itco
; long fast.
present Visiting biegienddaughter, Mrs.
J. Reid.
Mr. an d*rtiLailea re,-Crin ton; sp ent
a day of list week at Mr. Alex. Me-
Itev. Mrand-Mrs-Rutherfordand
little 'daughter spent an nfternoori of
last week with friends at truce Beach,
„ _
Quite a number of our young 'friends
intend leaving for Wingham Business
College Sept. lit We Wishthew every
-Monday, August 20:
(edireeted lip to Weeneedayenoon)
• ..a• tor r ro.r:s •••
Oats . , . 6 4 ; 4'4 MI • 6 .4 bbbb
ir,—.11.1, 164
Blitt,r4 • • 4 4:4 6.• 6 ;* • • 28 32
• Egge, rieW laid 644-44 41 42
rorruor 41.44166.. • 60
• atinenav on tents tannic • '
Choice heavy steers... 412 OJ to F12 65
Choice butehers 11 25 to 11 75
choice butchers' cows.. t OD to 8 50
Good feeders 9 50 to . 9 25
Good milch 85 00 to 120 00
, • Hogs, fed and watered, 19 25 to •
'rem Wheat— 2 SO to. 2 60
GooseWheat . 2 50 to
Timothy Hay., .. .. 15 nO to 16 00
RAN new Odd' 4$ to
miner, Creamereirritita to 40
er. .antter, natty ft**. 33 to 34
• Gibson Oilleapiteeontinenced threshing
last Saturdiy. • " '
-Miss Tens Laidlaw-is.visiting friends
neat North Bay.
• Miie Myrtle Beeeroft is spending two
months in the West. , •
Miss •Isabel Pox is visiting at ithe
home of John Murray, /fanfold%
MicerElaie Rogers, of Wingham, is
• visiting at the home of Mr. .Tames
Mies Irene Wetson, of Belgrave, visit
ed for a few, days with Mrs. Mary Mor
James and Mite Arnie MeIntosh, of
Langside, visited with •friends here on
lire. George 13uschliti and children,
otTorotito--are visiting with the &meet+
brother, IC, Adepten,
• e,
"Fall Wheat Threshing
A dinnber of farmers in the neighbor.-
Ingo:townships had their fall wheat
threshed last week and many more are
threshing this week, e The quality of
gram is reported very good and the re -
nuns satisfactory. The crop has turned
out much better than was • expected , in
the late Raring. • • • .. _
Farmereare_thie 'veeek busy with_oats-
arid-barley, and one lues only to look
over the fields to 'me that . the crop is
one of the best ever harvested. These
_Conditions are reported much the same.
throughout Western Ontario. One of
our correspondents states that stook
threshing will have tobe resorted to, as
o.n.many farms there Is not sufficient
I arn room for -the crops. This is likely
no exaggeration. Corn, potatoes and
other roots are reported doing splendidly,
so there are prospects of a bumper crop
all round. ' The greatest scarcity for the
neat two Weeks: will, 40 farm help. • •
lligb Prices of foOdstuffs We dee,'
partly to the shortage a food, partly to
waste in handling and, partly, to manip-
ulation Of the Markets midi° speculation.
-It is estimated that 80 per cent of the
Canadian farmers sold their wheat laid
fall, at 91.4:r per bishel. Who received.
•the difference f between hat price and.
0.80 per bushel, the Price which re-
..eently prevailed? 4Tere_ is .workfor the.
food controller or a food e dictator. The
people are becoming restive respecting
the speculation' in wheat and in all other
food Preclude and would be glad to see
the elimination of - the speculator:
Wherever profits are abnormal and un-
reasonable they should be confiscated.
—Tuesday,. Aug. 21.
Miss Jean Stothersis abiding in Luck -
now ataweeent. , • -
Stothers, or Toronto; visited
telatives here list week: • •
' Miss -Minnie Dickson, Port Albertje
levinitintrat eeklankeeraieeeereloweepay
• ' Miss AdieWeb-eVer of LucknowYleited
at the honie of Thole Stp_theralast_week.-
__ -Calgareerni
spending his holidays wider the parental
roof, . , • • ,
- Mrd. (Rev.) McKelvey and daughter
Irene are visiting realatives in &Word
this week. _ ••• • ,
°Wheel Peetlawland -daughter
Helen, are viiiting the forniers mother,
Mrs, David Girvin here
A tew lioncherelettended the garden
party at Saltford Heights last .Wednes-
day evening. All report a good time.
Miss' Annie McPherson, ,Kinceadirie,'
who has been visiting her friend, Miss
Pearl McKenzie, returned to her bane
yesterday. •• e
eighth 'Con.,KinIOSs,..
..-Monday, Aug, 20,
Mr. Joseph Culbert spent Sunday in
Lucknow . • • ' • -
Miss Edna Hanna spent the week -end
with Ina - Culbert.• •••
• Mtg. Malcolm Matay visited friends
at Clinton last week.
Mr. Jas. ileAlfred, of Welland Cdun-
ty, spent a few days of last week at Jas.
• Ross's.
• Mr. and Mra Webster,: Mr& T,
• and Miss A. Meintosh visited on the
Eighth last week., •
Mr. Wmelsreedhani, of Illinois, visit-
• ed 'et John •Culberea last Week on his
way tie Pakenhams
. —:Monday, -Aug, 30,
Mr. Alex, MacMurchyi-of Alberta, is
• visiting at his home here.
Mrs. A. Beckett and daughter; Alter.
te,visited the circular town last week.
• Neil MacDonald and family visited at
the home of Jas. Montgomery, Ripley,
on Sunday, • , • •
Mr. and Mrs. Dick MacDonald and
Catherine visited at the• home of John
-FergusonrAmberley, on- Sunday. •
• Miss Sane MacDonald entertained a
few otherfriends one evening last week.
All report a most enjoyable dine. ,
Messrs. • Robert and John Simpson,
Miss'49.:Simpson, of near Whiteeturehe
Moe Adam Simpson and her two child
ren and Mis. Musgrove, of Wingham,
•vent Sunday at the home of Dr. Simp-
son, - • • -
When ag1 marries and enters into. a
stra' nge enviromnent she is confron4d-
with a•iiling tisk. The experience• of
Marjorie Wilde is so comprehensively
dead* by Theodore Dreiser id. "Mar
yeacr in September :Cosmopolitan that
every 'reader- will appreciate it with
sYmpathetie underetanding. . .
• Theodore ,Dteisee: ire the author' of
"The,Geniu" one of the best -selhng
novels in the past ten years -7-a novel
_that'ereittedwerld-widesoiriment for -its
ilarinicliscussion of the artistic temper;
• .
lunehlis gr.. Dreiser's i
Trst *appearance
in Cosmopolitan, and he has
best work.
-The story is profusely iffuetrated by
Howard Chandler Christy.
•-Pine River
-Monday, August 20.
Harvesting is in full swing in this
. _
• Miss Margaret Page is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. -.S. D. Pollock. - " .
Mimi Mary Smith •has: returned home
• after visiting friends* at Ferdwich.
• Mr. and Mrs. Snow, of Stratford, are
visiting at the home of Frank Tout. '
Le41eve4.-Te-Strachair3,15., vife
and little son, . of •Campbeliville, are
visiting with Mra..Alex. Mceoehe
Pearl and Hazel Raynard spent ;the
• Mr. 'Jas. McDonald hats purchased a
fine new McLauglin car.
Mrs D. McKinnon of Com 4 Kin-
loss1 visited here on Tuesday. • ;
Miss Aida McDiardid, of Detroit,
spent_the_weekaanditere at MeDiarmida,
Word has been received here that
Sidney Towle 'weahaleriposly wounded,
For -the lad three Years he seemed' to
bear a chartned life, coming -through all
kinds of dangers unscathed, •• We hope
to see him home and on a fair way to
recovery before-manyemonths.
Fathers and mothers of the present
day will recall withilelight General Tom
Thumb, 3aainches high, and his charming
wife, 1 inch taller. General Tom Thumb
died in 1883, but his 'diminutive wife aur-
vived, Mid sonie years later married Celint
Margi. Since then she has been•livingin
retirement, but this „season, though she
has recuthed her 76th. birthday; yearn-
ed for one mere semen). of public life,
and °hese -the World at Heine Shows as
the medium. • She will be seen with
this fanioue Carnival company tit the
Canadian Natiewal •Exhibition, MIs,
Tom Tlitimb yeaa a favorite of the in
Queen 'Victoria and pet ef royalty the
wora over.in her early days, •
Sealorth Soldier Ines
Sea.forth, Atig, 19a -01404d word was
received bere this Worning,that
Arthur S. *Leen, brotherof Keith fie -
Lean, editor of tin Huron, Expositor,
• and third youngest on of t late M. Ire
McLe,ane M.P. few South ',had died
of Wounds in Franceon August lneHe
•owe home hire in 1915 froirOGrand
PrairieePeaCeeRii•ere where he held a re-
sponsible position in the landeeoffiee, and
:answered his country's call by enlisting
in the 33rd. Battalion, London, Hewes
wounded in the autumn' of 1916, and
after treatment in English hospitals for
six mooths, returned to, •the trenches.
The news conies as a great shock to 'his
friends, -as no. intimation had been re;
ceived that be had been recently wound-
ed. He' was unmarried and about 30
mearii of age.
The young Brant farnaer, who stole
goads from Paterson Bros.' hardware
store on Wednesday of last week, wee
Arraigned before Magistrate Tolton in
• the Town Hall on Thursday afternotee
• and on pleading guilty to the theft
was given a severe reprimand and 95.00
'-and' costs. The culprit, iteaseems,elfed
driven up to •Paterson' e store with' hie
wagon, • and ordering something that
necessitated •the proprietor going into
the rear of the. shop to get, had the
And of tte store' to 'himself. Taking
advantage of the situation he helped
himself liberally to razors, knives,
paint brushes, oil cans, toole, ete., which
he carried' out. and loaded -into the
wagon.--ile-then drove -to -the -Hartley
House sheds aend returned on foot for
• the ordered g�ods.I A young lad who
observed the robbery from the street
•kept his eye Skinned and evehea the
farmer. drove Off, pa Wise the proPri
etor to the theft, and followed the wag-
on to the sheds, and on the driver leav-
ing it recovered part of the plueder and
slippedit back to the store.' TOe farniez
then drove off, and hid the rest of his
load id -Truax s mil. yad,qnjzfs. way
home. The fad that ether a 'Charge ,of
theft had been lead the: balance of the
_voila Were returned, belpecteleeetiolten,
the ecourtetentatds teie°,
Cured,a -ineagte .punishinent for. the
Serious nature of the offence. The Brant
min could assign no reason why he bad.
pulled °french a crime.-BruceeTimes.,
Single Coples 3 cents
TEACHER WA.NTED.-Proiestant. for 8.8.
No. 4, Orceneck Township. Outicato
nitOleaSePt. 4. A.-PPIY, stating salary, and
. experiee, to nncanny Titoliesobre
s, Kincardine,
MONEY TO LOA.N.—On mortzsgeo 014 note
at reasonable rotes. Fire Insurance, tot'
• Stock -and' Mutual Companies. Convey
- angina done with neatness and despotob.
••0140. ese 8IDD4140. Brokecirnow
LIVJi POULiTitY VP.ANTXD11shest cash.
Primal Paid: Ultra 9rd'era at lilitzatelu'a
- store. ababbighest cosh prices for ail kinds
of junk.
23-8-tfe. • PEIMY GoOnnalv.
"Lucknow, every Wedncialayafternoon-
ebionie cuseases suocessfuily treated. Os-
teopathy removes the physical causes, of
disease. Miustnient-Of the spine.is more
quickly secured and with iewertreatnient4
by Osteopathy than by any. ether -method
OST, -Between Lucknow and Seafortb, by
way of Wingbani, on August 5. a StOr21-2
Goodyear Diamond Tread automobile the.
Finder will bo liberoMy reaarded on leav-
ing same at Ford garage, Lucknow, or
with D. 0. mato:elan: 23 8.
JOSEPH AGNEW, Notary Public, Convey-
ancer, inailrance. Office hours. 1 506 P. Uk•
during summer Mouth& Persona wialatir
business transacted in the forenoon Y
have same attended to bysppointment.
For Sale •
FOR SALE.—God frame residence with steno
foundation, on gsvolook at., Lucknow (be-
• ing the widow* occupied bl Sir. G.
Jfor Particulars apply to Mae.
• pa. IdatKiMUsion. RIpiey. %S.M.
For snitteri regarding Greenhilfeemetely
refer te Tarter SecretarY.
•Notice is hereby given that 1, have '
trwismitted or delivered to the persons
Mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario
Voters' Lists Act, the copies required
by said Sections to be so transmitted or
delivered of the List, made -pprsuant to
said Acti-of all persona appearing by the
last revised Alssessmelit Roll of the said
'Municipality to be entitled to vote in '
the Bain Municipality at elections for
mendlers of the Legislative Assemiby
and at Municipal elections; and that the
said 14st was first posted npitt my office _
at West Wawanosh on the 13th day of
, August, 1917, and remains there for in-
spection. . •
And"' hereliv cqll upon -Ali" Voters to '
-take imm.ediat, proceedings to have any
enors or omissions corrected according -
'd thisli.th.-kdawiEsOof Augnst, 1917.
Clerk of West Wiwaneek.
VILLA013 Luceiow IN TIIU
_ —COUNTY OF mums--
woike is hereby given that 1 -have
transmitted or deliverea to the persons
mentioned 1. -section 9 of The ,Ontario
Voters' Lists tldt the copies required by
said sections to be so transmitted or de-
livered of the list', made Pursuant to said
Act and amendments thereto; of 41 per-
sons appearing by the last revised As-
sessment Roll of the said Municipality
• to be entitled to vote in the .said Mun-
,icipnlity at elections for inenibers of the
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal -
Elections; and that the said list was first .
posted up at my office at. Lucknow on
the Eleventh day of Angast, 1917, and
remains there for inspection. „
And.' hereby call upon all votera to
take immediate proceedings to have any
errors or omissions corrected according
Dated at Liicknow this . lith day •of
August, A.D. 1917-
- JoSEPE AGSticts, Clerk of the
.. • Village- of Lucknow. •
--Tuesday,. -Augnit
--Pte.. Toe Hama" II, of London, :Went a
few days of the past week at his home
here, returning on Tuesday. •
Claude Doer and Miss Stewart, of,
Kincardine township, spent Sunday teeth
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholson.
Miss Marjorie Hughes, of London,
who was visiting Mrs. « Joe Hassell' for
the past six weeks, returned t� her home
cn Monday. " . •
Caleb Hayes, who has been working
for two months with his uncle, John
nesday,, at Togo, Sask.
- . Word was received here On Saturday
that Mrs. Hugh Phillips, of Sylvan Val-
ley, died on Monday of blood -poisoning.
She -was 'A daughter of Mrs:. yirilliam
• aiseof-neereAede
Zreaelatteeend,„MarreelYiendlente` tbie p •
She leaves a husband and two children:
--Theannualaneetingof—the Imcknow.
Elevator CO., 'Ltd., will be held in the ,
Council Room, Town Hall, on Saturday,
--.Aug.--25th;ot two o'Cleck.
23-0-c, ' • CAIN, preaideAt.
•-Non-Co- ,
fhe Vaisteof Food
bidden, to treSpasS 'on my propeety in
gcdng,to. or from berry Pack- '
AxGos J. Gltartaiw.
• Enornaous- quantities of • food are
thrown. wit daily bystores dealing in
perishable goods. Dealers have to al-
1�Wf�Thjj. including the value
of waste in their margin of profit. It is
suggeetedthat women'a organizations in
in the various cities ,and towns arrange
to have food which may otherwise -be
• wasted, collected froth the stores -each
day anddietributed where it Will be
most appreciated, or sold at cheap prices
tor the benefit of one of the war funds
• Zion
--Wednesday, Aug, 22.
GARDEN PARTY., -The Ailifiiide Lad-
ies' Aid Garden Party held on Jose ph
Haeketta lawn Tuesday evening of this
Week, was a great success. The weather
was ideal, there we a large crowd, and
•the supper left nothing to he desired but
a better appetite. The baseball game
between Lochalsh and Belfast was quite
an attraction. After supper a short pro.
gram was elan consisting of 'readings
by Miss Gladys 'Wright and solos by
Mise Ivy Mowat, both of London. Thera
was alio bagpipe anti violin Musk. -Rev.
Mr.-Moltelvey,-of Pungatnine, m-ada an
excellent chairman. The proteeds
aipounted to otiO,
St. Helens
«1 -
• Miss Nina: woods elledt.the ptiat_Week -
at Lochaleii. • . .
Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Toronto,
teekeitieg at Peter Claricrei
Rev e Mr; Atkinson, , of Avoubenk„
preached in Calvin church on Sunday
'. Mrs, Murray and Mes. Cameron are
visiting their sister, Mts. McDonald,
Torpid°. :
W,iltiain Fletcher and Mies Annie •
Wallace, of Tilsonburg, are visiting their
sister, Mrs, Sohn:Millet.
'Mews. McDonard and riurnin have.,
cOmmetwed operations with their thresh- '
ing outfit at the Sneed farm. • .
Mrs. Gordon and .Misses Laura and
Elizabeth Salkeld, of "Goderiete spent
Sunday at Mrs. R. K, Miller's. •
Miati -Elizabeth Wellweeki, of noir
York, and Mrs. McTaggart, of Hamilton,
are Visiting their' sister, Mrs: George
Webb. •
The annual garden pert, held" in St.
Helens last Tueeday evening in eiffiline-
tion with the Presbyterian ehtteh we,
very auteesful. The night being fine, &
good crowd WAS resent to partake (kilns
Wane; gee:al-things and to enjoy. a well
rendered' program. Proeeeda funonnte4
to over •