HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-16, Page 8-747111gre` • '
. """ - ^-•"41111111111111p." -,. •
Thursday, August 18th 190 -
pecial Bargains
In Summer Goods During August
During .thIS month of ugust we are making a special
effort to clear ont:the,lialance -.of our Summer Goods and
Ready4o4ear lines in ladies' wear. To this end we are :
marking down many lines to VERY LOW CLEARING -PItICES.
Many express surprise that we .offer- goods so far below
cost prices, hut ‘ our business policy is to clear out certain
goods at some price in theirseason rather than carry
them over. .
These clearing lines while they mean a loss to us Mean
a gain to the purchasers, but . it also means to us more
ready cash to invest in New Fall Goods and also a clean,
new, stock of summer goods for next year. ,
Look for the yellow tickets as every one means a money-
saving opportunity.
The. old. proverb" Make Hay while the Sun Shines" is
very applicable to your parchasing here during this month, a,
Come to us during .August and see the Siiecial Bargains
we are offering in:. summer goods.
St Cameron Co.
orers Wante
extern Canada
tor Harvesting in
Trip West";:412.00 to WINNIPEG
"Return Trip East"—$18.00 from WINNIPEG
. . • •
.. 00ING DATES' " • '
All stations io Ontario West of Sinith'S Falls up lo ndaInCludIng Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore
-• August, 215t Line and klavelock-Petirboro, Liner also _ from stations between.,Kingston and Benfrew Junction,
aild inclitsive, and from t.tatious on' Toronto-)Sudbary direct line: From stations on Sault Ste. Made
August •30tb branch. From stations on Main Line, Benneage to•Franz, inclusive, From stations Bethany nine- '
tion ,to Port AleNicoll and Burketon.lipbcaygeon.
August 23r4 Froin station:4 -i'Vest tuurSonth or ffpronto iii) to and. 'Including 'llantilton and ;Windsor. 'Ont., on
.• and . , Gwen Souild.. Walkerton„ Teeswater," Wintrinun, Blare, Listowel, ,Goderich, St Mary's, Port Burwell
. A sotu,' .rind St. Thounts. branches. • gad stations. 'Iorpnto. and • North to lIolton. 'ineltisivo. ..- '• •
Further particulars. from •Cahadian Tieket Agents. W. l3.-JdolyAltp.. Distr et Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Amok ....isnssionesampagaiiimimoslow.
- • •
Tea from 25c. a lb. up
50c Coffee at 38c.
7 doz. Clothes Pins 10c.
25o Talcum Powder at 15c.
A large assortment of Brushes at
special prices.
Dishes and Lamps, eta.
Good variety of nice eating Cakes
Also Shoes and balance of other
lines at very low price to clear.
FOR SALE—Gasoline Engine,.
Cutter and Top Buggy and
some Heavy Wood Tubi, etc.
Make Our Store Your Headquarteri.
. )Phone 82 .
Henry. D. Woods.
Coflege 14-49ened
The Wingliam Busineiiii College re-
opened this week With si,good attend-
. a.nce,
This school has been tested in the
crucible- of exorience for about fourteen
years and has not been femid. wanting.
Its graduates are to be found holding
the moat ' exacting and remunerative
positions to be.found in leading Cana-
dian and American cities .During the
past few years •abont forty per cent.. Of
the students have come ,from families
which. hartalreadyeient One, two, three
or four Stricluits 1 airevioua years.
Banks, wholeiale bousee,' insurance
companies, railroad offices, financial in-
stitutions, etc.; are 041141 for young
ladies who have a business training
Any Young Woman:0f good public school
education can fit herself in enx 'menthe
. to earn a good selaty and thereby be in-
depe ident. through life.
Isaac Pathan and Gregg systems of
shorthand are taught by experts. and
positions are absolutely guaranteed.'
Beginning with the 'next issue of this
paper we will run weekly a number of
testimonials. from -former students. Any
ambitious young person who will drop
us a>pcistal. card will receive names and
addresses of scores of -young people_Witli•
whom they are peisonally.eceuainteds
who have Attended thie school in past
years. •
Theschool is now mien and students
may enter any day. - These who cannot
attend in person may improve their
time by means of our henie study de-
partment. For full information address
George Spotton, Wingham Business Col-
lege, Wingham, Ont•
• •,3.;* ;
' • • . • < .• • • • • • • . • ,
. . • • - • • -••••-• „ ••••
The instrument at the eight is "
the $50 Columbia Grafonola.
'It has tho hinged wick/sing- lid, -
the-toner.controrleayes-*t--the--- —
• front, the new and Wonderful
Colurnhia reproducer and the ir"""'''.^...............
powerful motor thert•lays three - - -' ' 1, - ... -
records with a single winding. --113----___ - O.'
• Paramount
—Tuesday, Ang..14.
Pie: GeOrge Murray IS •home for 'the
.,Mr. and Mrs. Prank Murray, Of Calu-
met, Mieh., are visiting hisi &tither • and
sister here.
Berths, Clarkson went to • Kincardine
tospencLaieW days at thelakeside_avitI.
. her sister, Mrs. Cassie.. -• :
Sent 0: rib.v a
(and on Easy Terms, if ii,CcOpted).
This $33 or
ittni ia
a on oi
The $33 model of the Grafon•
• ola, here pictured, possesses ell
the essentials that go to make
Up a real instrument of music
—a full,' dee* naturallone;
strong motor and tone•c,ontrol
shutters., In taithbolany O.
tarter -ea oak.
W. Alljn, Agent; Luckdow
Belfast . •
The &Wield W S Met en Thur -
day afe Oatth mciot -Mrs. Al.
• '
tea Alton, over forty* bemg present,
0, talk by Miss Follet, of Twnto,. , who
is a missionary working under the W.M.
a Board, among the Itaiiansat Copper.
Her talk about her work was very
interesting and much ,appreciated by
ono thq numbers on the program was those, present. ,
• " Mrs. •Tom Webster and daughter,.
'Olaciy& petrolt;'•1frii:--33eady
Webster, of Clinton, and Lorena Con
gram,- ofittieknowi were visitors at Ray-
liei,e on -Monday. No damage-waacloner
thoUgh several objeets were struck by
lightning, some ef them iincomfortabiy,
close to buildings.. •
---11,11-&-MeDonald andifrs. itObt. 'Mug -
las and family, of Lueknow, and Mrs.
Thompson and daughter, of Qltine., paid
a visit to the McKenzie • homestead last
Wednesday afternoon, ' •
• - Cuirosscepotro
• . —Monday. Aug. 13. •
Born,—On August 4th. 1917, to' Mr.
and Mrs, Wilson Walt, a.son. , •
Mr. Robert Keith, of the 4th. '6,n,
his invented in an Overland car.
Mr. and Mrs Geo, Richardson spent
Sunday with friends near Ringed,
Born.—In .Winghain Hospital, to Mr,
and Mrs. John Melteuzie, a daughter,
• 'Alarge number fora here attended
theeTeeswater horse races last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Jelin Halliday Motored
to Hanover on Sunday last to visit the,
latter's sister, Mrs. John Bell. ,
We understand that Duncan ICeith
Inas given his order for a McLaughlin,
ear. Nothing like being up to the'times,
Dank. cdf • ,
ititritn is ACTION—Word was re-
ceived here .last week of the death of
Pte. Cteo, Hughes, son of Mra. Wm.
Pettipieee, of Riversdale,Ile will be
temembered-bere-as- he -spent -his
boyhood days on the sixth. con. •We
extend our sincere sympathy tO 145
mother and relations.
• •-•Tuesda.y, Aug. 14.
Miss Ada Clubb is visiting in Dublin
Miss Cora Clubb is visiting with
friends in Gselph.
Rev. Mr. Graham is spending a few
weeks in the West.
Mr. George Longnian; of Montana, is
spending a. few days with friends here.
Mrs Chowen and daughter, ofClinton,
are- visiting-athie helve -of114.- M.= O.
Chowen. "
• mr. and itrs 'Robt. Mowbray And
Mise Bertha McKav spent- Sunday it;
their homes here. •
Mis&L-Simpson,' of Chicago, spent a
)4r, cilftro:Cks 'e of
Teeswater, spent Sanday the home- of
Mr. Jain Mewl** ' ,
_Re MrMcCa11ough,of Oranbrook
occupied the pulpit in the I'resbyterian
Church last Sunday.
• Dr, olid Jamieson and son David,
of Berrie,- -are visiting at the honie of
_Mrs:.11. D-Hernierecin, — _
Mr. and Mrs. tlibsori Gillespie and
_eon Jesk and Miss-Elythe Teddle-mot-
oiel- to 0oIliirgwood on Situiday to
speed a few day.
• —Monday, Aug.13.
Mr, and Mrs. Will Ritchie and family
'Visited at Charles Ititchie's Sunciay.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos Agin spent Sunday
with the latters's father in Lucknow. •
Mr. john Bunter, of Crewe,
his brother, Jas. L. Hunter, on Monday,
• Misses Verna and Gertrude Stroud
spent the week..end withselativee near
ICinlough. t
Sydney , and 'Harold Ferguson,..t of
Lanes, visited their uncle, Jas. Ritehie;
Mr. and Mrs 'Isaac.faaprew and
daughter, Jeseie; spent Sena with Mr.
ane Mrs Barkwell. • ,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Anderson and Miss.
Isabelle Nixon -visited friends at Mae.
king one day, lest. week.
Miss . Jewel, ot Goderich and 'this
Gladys Spindler, of LucknoW, •epent the.
week end at Albert Helm's., •, • ..
, Miss Verna Stanley, Of Kincardine
spent a few days last Week with her
sister, Mrs David. Andrew.
Mr, and Mr& George Fisher, of Ham-
ilton, are visiting with her sister, Mrs.
-Robb. Huntet few days
A. number of the members or the
W . M. S. attended the , meeting held,. at
Mrs, Albert Alton's on Thurs_dey.
Miss Follett, of Coppereliffe, Northern
Ontario, has, returned to her home in
Toronto, after•spending a few weeksat
•David Andrew's.
There will be a lawn. social at the
hohie of Joseph'Ilnekett on the evening
of Tuesda,y, Aug. 21. Baseball- 'Match.;
Belfast and LQ0114813, at 5 o'clock, Geed
program and good supper.
•St.• Belem
Phone No. 10 is at Your Service
irh4.4 The Credit Mom
The Preserving Season
is now on
and we have s;c6niplste stock
of Preserving Itettio ranging
in price fronooe to $1.5o. See
ourMoonstOne Ware—This is
'the Sniocithest and' best -wean,
ing,graniteware on the niaifktIt
Thishot weather makes,
one- think 'of Ice Cream.
Buy a Freezer
and make your own Ice
Cream. We have them
at 1•50) 2.75, 3.25 and
,C3•75. "
,Sprinkling Cans
For praying potatoes This is
the place buy theni. Also
Paris Green. •
This is the weather, for
•C)il Stoves
Save your wood and coal for
the coming *inter and buy
an Oil Stove, See our line
,,-the Florence Autoniatie,
in two, three and four burn-
er-rthe stove that gives ab-
solute satisfaction. ...
The Luck -now --Hardware St Cpal Co.
s —Tuesday, August 14
. Miss Noceker, of Listowel,, is visiting
Mies May Cameron. • .
' Miss Jean Webb' is home from London-'
on an extended visit.
Miss Janet Little is 'home from Mon-
treal for her Vacation. ••
Mie&MYrtle Shatkletonding
her .ho.idays around Crewe. • .
Mrs. W. L Miller and .5emily are
spending a week at GoderieW
Miss Laura Currie, of Whigham, i
the guest of•Miss Ohris. Miller. .
Norman , of Auburn-,-harh-een
engaged as 'prineipal of St. Helen's-
M -Undress -joynt% and
daughter, 'of Seafortli, are visiting at
Mrs.'Joyrit's. • : •
' • MSS Marjorie Leask and nephews,
Robert and Duff, of Toronto, are visiting
Miss Tabitha Kempton, of Lochalsh,
andl4iii&GiVeridOlYW Reid;'ef'13146,elk
are visitors at R. Wocids',
Rev. and Mrs. Little tind •• daughters
returned on Tuesday after a .nienth's
vacation at Black Horse Like.
Miss W. D. Rutherford is home from
>Toronto, wheresaihe has been taking the
summer trourse in art at the University.
, •
' ' . —Monday, Aug. 13. '
, Mr. Leslie Sturgeon spent Sfinclai in
lour berg,
Ir& John Geddes is spending a few
days with her son, Jas Geddes
. .
, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole and daughter,
Merle, spent Sunday at Jas.
r Mr; mid Mrs. Geer Richardson, -df
wereSentley 'visitors of rs,
Albert Stanley.
We aro pleased to report that Earl
McDonald is recovering after a slight
attack of the pnettmonia, r
A number 6f our Boys Aeon to forget
the Sabbath School, and hold their
meetings at the lake instead. '
The youngest son of Mr. Tom Bonnet'
had the misfortune on Friday to be run
over by -e loaded wagon.-- A-Wheelpaste
ed over one of his legs, but it is thought
that.the bone was -not broken.- kis;.however, pretty baly britiped:
• —Tuesday, August 14,
Miss Aida MeDiermid is up from
Detroit spending her vale:Won at her
home here. :
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Martin, of West'
Wewanosh, are guests at the borne• of
Richard Martin. . .
'Mr:qind Mrs. James McLeod, of Fort
William, are visiting their friends on
the 4th and Oth Cons.
Mr. and Mrii. William Middleton and
family, of Forest, spent a few days with
their friends on the 4th non. last week.
this way did considerable damage, Bev.,
till heats -are -reported to have been
ywomososwierwirk..4iweasiss.ftomi,44,0isoikesbaiivielikaweeln '
School of Coiiiiilero
BUSINESS '..PENivIANs gip •••
• ard.100."11,1,1•44 , •
The Following Advantages:
Highly qualified teaching staff., -
Actual Business Systems of Bookkeeping
Credential Typewriting Tests..
)(hay rooilt in the scKo1.
Work sent in from this school in 1916-
--11 ranked -second-in-Dominion oiCait=
ada. It is the work and the pride of the
school to make its students 100 per-
- cent; efficient, „for in every walk- of -life
the demand to _tor hetter. trained- men_.
and women. 7/
For furt ir particulars write to
•• B. F. WARD,I.A., M. Actti,'Principil.
• -14.-k. STONE,- Loin. Specialist; Vice.Prilicipal.
Phone 208
School Opens Tuesday, September 4th.,
....Tuesday, August 14.
Ilerimokn_keepinx_the_ women
and children busy this week,
Viola Blackwell, of liervie, is
the guest of Mist Ulla Armstrong,
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Fiannie and
Miss Elearser Finnie left for their home
in Windsor last Saturclo.y.
.--tiehn-lleict had theinidoitifile-tolose •
one of his valuable Holstein cows during •
the electric storm that passed oUr war
• Monday morning.