HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-16, Page 6•.pesreae-
Coky ir
Grace ailiara
Novelized from the Motion
Picture Play of the Same
Name by the Universal Pilot
Mfg: CO. comcmg404•41•0004" AV
• • . 8 4
The Price He Paid. "‘ .
Sphinx Kelly eutered Pat's state-
room and closed the door behind him.
The girl stood with her head just ern
with a Porthole and the meraing
, . .
. arin filled her beautiful bionde air
with streaks as of burnished gold. .Pat Emptied the Box of Chocolates Saliva continues for about half an
. . •
The Sphinx stoott for a moment • 4 Ext ' S • •
String of Pearls hour after the food enters the stomach,
leaningmitli bis back against the door " all Extracted the tribut the stomach juices do not act upon
silently admiring the beautiful' girl. 1 rch, The next stage of digestion
Nervouely Kelly approached the Parisian Apaches. Its owner was in
task he had sap for himself. , I sympathy with the organization and is effected by the -pancreatic juice and
"It's very embarrassing for me to had built it for purposes similar , to intestinal ferments. This completes
do what duty compels." Then the apse for Which Pat intended to use it. the process and .changes the starch
Sphinx hesitated.hesitated.1 'The chief of the American Apaches into soluble sugars. -
As it more deliherittelY to ember. called upon 'Pat and at her request lc- _Excess 'starch is stored in the body
, ' , -
rage the detective,Pat stood 'silently in the Wm of fat. The •-widespread
cated4olm-Phillips at the hotel where
gazing at him, her face radiant with he was stopping. The next day Phil- prejudice against starch is absolutely
a lips received a letter, advising him • the 'without foundation, Starch is the
"It's eratrarrassink-" the SPhinx most innocent of all the elemeats of
earlitsby calling a specified telephone
number. • . ordinary food.. There is virtually no
was repeating himself in his confus-- P
ion. With an effort be fmally blurted
out: "I must search your room for - Phillips, at Kelly's suggestion, was disease which can be attributed to the
1 stopping at tbe same hotel with the use of starch. Fats, when used too
the stolen pearls." detective, and he was soon consulting areelyagive rise to "biliousness." Ex -
"You surprise Die, 1.1r. Kelly," said
the letter. . It was decided that PhilL cess of• protein encourages intestinal
Pat assuming an. austere demeanor, with the Sphiax about the contents of
while her eyes belied her manner in toxemia and overworks ,the kidneys.
their twinkles of michief. "Whose ther information • 0 . Starch, however, may be taken with but in hot weather - only a - small
lips should at. once telephone for fur -
a . , rat was waiting for the cell, and: great freedom without producing any amount is needed.
. pearls do you except to find here ex- , • • .•
Lesson VI. Carbohydratval
Carbohydrates, the name given to ill effects. '; It is tbe most easily wed
, starches and sugar, furaiatt heat for completely diostible of all the food-
the body and energy to do work. stuffs. ,
, .
4. starches. • • Because few persons Chew starcilY
orains,„eareala and vagetablaa ;ay. feods Sofficientlya they should be thor-
oughly cooked. Intestinal troubles
ply starch. It constitutes from one- result from eating poorly cooked
half to three-fourths of the solid 'Mat- starchy food, especially hreahaast
terkef cereals, and fully three-fourths foods. Infants and. elderly persons
of the sends of potatoes. suffer especielly from inaufficiently
The Process of digestion of starches cooked breakfast foode. The hreless'
Ibegins in the Month. "'43c'd eau- cooker is the' beat method' of Preintr:.
taining starch should be theroughly lag starchy foods.
masticated and mixed with the saliva ...
before swallowing. Thisaof.the "Ore,
most imPortance. The action of the Sugars are of many kinds and are
obtained chiefly from sugarcane,
beets, maple trees, and palms. Vege-
tables, fruits and milk also contain
sugar. Cane is our chief course of,
snow. It ia a plant somewhat, re-
sembling corn. By crushing
betWeen rollers the sweet juice
is extracted, which' is clarified
and evap,orted. Wien cool it forms
a thick liquid, called molasses, and
crystals •which, when refined, are call-
ed sitar, .
The sugar found in frit ir is two
and one-half times less sweet ...then
cane. From corn we obtain glucose.
Sugar from milk is called lactose.
Sugar is very nourishing, easy to
digest, and furnisbes heat anel energy.
It may be used freely in cold weather,
celemy own. • • - answered it in person. After giving
a - "Mrs. Phillips, On the boat deck, has ,
Phillips the :address- she said:
been robbed of a string of almost fal3=•• "If you will come here alone, we
•ulously precious pearls,' said Kelly in Can soon arrange terms. The pearls
apologetic explanation.1...',„1 are in'New York, ready for delivery
- -- - '"And you-. expect to And te0a
,e+...apen the conditions I 0shall exact."
around my neck?" , said Pat, Then Pat hung up the receiver, abrupt-
"! lutist search everywhere there is 1 'ending. the conversation. When
-a possibility of finding them -and YOU hillips immediately called back, Pat
know, Miss tiontez, that I have rea- maid answered, the phone and inform -1 .„, . •
eectupfuls milk, two, eggs two table -
eon to attribute almost any 'escapade, ed him that her mistress had nothing sPac"`"1.1 r $
is fat two tablespoonfuls
, sugar, one teaspdonful salt, two cup-
' ' I farther to gay.
. 0 (TO be continued.). •. fills rolled oats, one cupful flour, four
"This time at all events, you are .
verOna a said Pat. "But to .satisfy ' . - ._,...___4-- : , teaspoonfuls baking poWder. . . P011
YOU 1 'eve full permission, for you. to - . ' • Milk over oats and let soak one-half
search anywhere, even withotat pas- hour. Add eggs and melted fit. Add
sessing any warrant tads:. so." TO CANER CROP
• •"Really yeu are kind, Miss Montez," . ' to dry ingredients -which have been
aiWartime Dishes, .
As wheat is much needed for our
-Arne% `overseas, we should substitute
corumeal, oatmeal and, rice where pos-
sible.. • .
- Oatmeal Muffins. -One and one-half
was elly's rimark as he began look • -
sifted together. Bake twenty-five to
ing about in places where the pearla WEST NEEDS II
EN thirty minutes. This makes ten to
• !nig t e e
..."We ,will have your baggage care- '
&iv examined by the customs on. ,
Cials-and we may have all the pas-
sengers personally searched before
they go aslihre. • But find the pearls
I inuat-Lit would be a great advertise -
twelve muffins. •
Cornmeal Muffins.- One cupful
Talk ..nipiniOUE, • u ao.gNov' maille or Wateracine and one-third 'tun -
meat for me in America.
'Nothing would be a greater source
Of pleasure to me than to provide you
:with some good "ael0yertiaing-but as I,
.baVerio„ansethod Of doing that, may I
at. least , Offer 'Yaif a. chocolate?"thC
a box of sweets to the great detective.'
"Thank you, Miss 1VIontez-but I've
just had breakfast," -and the Sphinx:
resumed his search Finally he game
Upon a bundle wrapped in bliedi,ets,1
'nag in, a corner, of the stateroem. I
Vim* this?" said Kelly as he be-
gan fiiiighly 'disturbing the bundle.'
But heyas halted by a faint cry pear.;
girl replied, offering at the sanie tinie
' liandatici .by Pat'a sharp, coin-
flour, ' two-thirds cupful. corn -
, • meal, one to two 'tablespoonfuls fa,t,
- "
"Pure aad rinootored°
The Three,
The Lando, Library of
"goody secrets" sent free if
you mail us a Red Ball
Trademarks cut from carton
or sack of Lautierure Cane
In 2 and $41). Cartans
40, 20 and 100-114 Sacks ,
Limited, Montreal •
1 siigar four tablespoon-
fuls fat, one and one:half teaspoonfuls
salt, seven -cupfuls boiled rice, eight
cupfuls flair?4 one-half cake compres-
aed yeast, eneafaurtheupful -warm wa-
ter. Scald if milk is used.
Pour over fat, sugar and salt7--COol
•and add yeast, inoistened in. one-
fourth -ctipful warm water. Add rice
and flour and. knead.. After second
risingt bake forty-five minutes.
‘: -Frying Pan _Corn red -One ,,and_
one-half cups corn meal, . two ciiis
sour .milk, one teaspoon soda, one tea-
spoon. sarctiWS eggs, two tablespoons -
fat. Mix dry ingredients, add milk, la
then eggs, well beaten. Place fat in ,
frying pan, melt it, beat well into mix-
ture, reheat frying pan mid turn in
the mixture,' Place in 1c4 oven and
coOk twenty minutes. • --------
Rye •and Cornmeal Bread.. -Pour
three-quarters of a cupful.; of inilk.and
half a cupful of wateraver one cupful
of cornmeal: add one tablespoonful of
butte r4 one tablespoopful.of. sugar and
one and half teitspoonfuI of salt.
Heat gradually to the boiling •point
and ceek,raaetirringa •_frequently; •:for
twenty 'minutes in the.annier part- of
the double boiler. Cool, add half, a
yeast cake dissolved in a quarter of a
• cupful of, tepid Water and two cupsful
of wheat fleur. Mould, let rise un -
. 'one tO twO tabIespoonfu10.-sugar, and
• egg; four teaspoonfuls bakiag. powder,
Survey conducted by Canadian NoIT1- one-half teaspoonful salt Method 1:
ern indicates Need 0 25,000 Men egg and melted fat' and add
Along Its Lines. ' dry ingredients, well mixed, 'Method
2. Scald cornmeal with hot milk. Add
une stied -easter lwvesting ef the
_ .
crop- in Western Canada this season
Cornmeal Griddle Cakes or Waffles.
15 •what Ex -Premier Asquith of Great •
-One cupful milk, three-fourths 'cup -
*Kiln Would term "A matter of ini-.
„, , . ful - floina three-fourths cupful corn -
Since pow -
of the
began to sow grain west •
der, one-half teaspoonful salt, one egg
of the' Great Lakesi. there has never
Ad beaten egg to reilk'and add to dry
been so much depending 'upon the a
materials, well mixed:
Yield of grain in Ivlanitoba, Saskatche-
Rice Wheat Bread. -One --half mi.,
wan and Alberta as there le.this year.
The Capadian Northern, Railway,
wand; ' ''' • ' ' . I with Bees .gridironing the •Produaive
'"Ite, careful, sit. . Don't be rough- ,
sections in the West, has already' cola
you have found one of the pearls, hut
e entire necklace." , I chided. a survey as to. labour need,s,
not th
. "With a merry laugh. Pat 'flung and the prospects of the wages to be
a aside the blanket tlisclosmg the baby paid, and has announced - that 25,000
• shelled brought frem the second cabin men will be required'to help the 'feria-
-and in 'resentment of its rough ers garner the 'crops in the territory it
. treatment, the baby begaa to cry.
. I aer.ves. The indications' are that the
• "See now what you have done, you average wages' wi bearound three'
• • bad old deteetive,'• said Pat. "You dollars A day. A, , farther conference
don't know how ' to handle a pearl+ between the rep esentativee of the
' When you firid one," and the girl sooth-
ed the child. . Kelly retreated tawaird ,Government,, -the lrallwayS andthe
1 farmers is to le held, when .further.
"Eitenee ine...tor disterbieg you --but details will he cork trees. The convent is known as .
- OnCe Famous Jocke • '.
the door .af Pat's stateroom.
brought..!at.. ,_. the falcon will rush at every periscope .
• VI see y011 later," and with; no IittIe4,-Tlie-farming-altuatien. in,-.--aOntrado he sees in the:hope of a fine dinner.: the --Con,vento da Cortica, .or "Cork - , , , Y . •
embarrassment the. detective with- may not permit of sending as maph • After the -falcon -had been Leine Conithit;" for . the• 'reaseri th..`at e ; After 4,--t-hrilling7-eXtierlenteLef_ this- .
French Lieutenant Desoribea Life •Qn
board Britteb Auxiliary in
, the Mediterranoaii..6,
- • rr.
A vivid Picture of a bombing attack
upin a ship at sea has been given bY
Lieut. Frattcoisaernee, who wile
aboard' thit seaplane carrier Ben -Ma -
Clain) tbe Saloniki campaign. The
exact.pesition of the ehip'has been de-"••
leted . by the' censor- fez' obvious Tea-- .
eons, and a number of . photographs •
taken aboard were skillfully mangled
infeer 'of many vidimble details reach,'
hag. the enemy., aboard the '' •
Mothershie Would seem a very ifiivel
and thrilling experience to the. lay -
Man, but familiarity goon breeds, not •
contempt,' but indifference to tbe ex
traerdluary aetivities which. form its
daily routine.
The fascinating •epectacle of the '
aeroplanes rising from the mother a ,,
ship •foy. their perilous flights of re.
connalesance or attack, or th r arri-
val from long aero cruis and the
• -work of swinglag them lab ard or out- •
beard by powerful. cranes, soon be• - •
-came commonplace...A teat. •
Prancohapernou remarks, these ights
which have •never before b •' '
nessed in any War on lend or Sea,
, seemed no more unusual than the.
cranking of an. automobile. " •
FIYIng Over Holy ,Lantl . • .
The, French officer, being a new-
comer, was alive to thtl extraordinary
dramatic ipterest • of these stirring ,
dayia- Ma* et the flights were made . •
for Jong distance's above the Holy
-Land, and Lieut.; Francois-Bernk _wee
impressed by ,the curious coincidence -
that the land of Miracles should wit -
nese this twentieth-century miracle of
flight, Day after Day the seaplanes •
ventured forth from the shelter of the
mother ship on Many daring flights,,ke •
spy the enemy's positions -or -direct ,
the deadly fire- from the sky' upon.
troop or fortifications far inland, and .
after raids would return like homing •
pizeims, bringing in valaable repprts. • '
_A. _Dramatic ineldeSit
' • JCR. IL' pitscRyes .
15 the best Way, and the best way is the,
Parowax way, jellies and preser4es that
are sealed with
til it. has doubled in size, shape in
loavea, put in greased pans let rise
again until very light and bake for
ful milk. and water 'or water, four forty-five minutes.
. •
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is Now
-Embittered-Agehist the El
• Prussion Invaders:
'keep:their luicious-- -They uev'er-mold-
' or ferment. They are as good when you
• want to eat them as they -were the day you
'Sealed the jars. , • • • .
Just .pour melted Parowax over the taps
of jelly tumblers. It keeps out all.dust-and '
•germs. It keeps the preserves air -tight.
- FOR THE -LAUNDRY-See directions on Parowax
labels for its use in 'valuable service in Washing..
United - ' -----
One cif the most dramatic
of the life, aboard the seaplane car. . 0
rler ilen.Ma-Chree came ofie day ,itioet , • -
unexpectedly, An”aeroplane' Which ,
had beee out on scouting trip was
suddenly, sighted, approaching at top.
speed, pursued . by a German Fokker.,
The aeroplanes were flying- at a high°,-
ffitiitifiC The French aircraft had
managed to elude the enemy, and by a -
"diring‘loblane' 'landed. safely on' the ' ,-- • -•-• '
water beside the mother ship,. Every- •
thing was in readiness to retrieve the r „ •
aeroplatte which was, quickly hoisted- . + -•
on board; The German .Fokker was. ." , •
- not content to •give up the chase, and •
Chita et -a, Co-inparetively lova altitude,a
dropping deadly liombS. Such an air •
taelt frem the shy Is extreraelY daunt. . •
• -
a •
stens, as it could not be obtained from
Turkey. Water- and artificial coffee
were the only beverages for. the 3,000'
.prisoners at the camp. Many were too
weak to try to eseape. When_ they did
cop they Nem. bitten by the Watchdogs
that were trained te bite any one not
wearing the Prussian -uniform. Dr.
Mars was able to escape the dogs on
account of his borrowed uniform,
Forced to Paden.' Work
"British and Belgian prisoners re-
ceive the worst sort. of treatment un-
esti"- they
factories" he said.
Periscope Fed Birds Can Do the Trick,
• Says, Brooklyn Man.
:The spotting ind destruction of U.-
boatt by falcons carrying borpbs is
suggested to Secretary Daniels, of the
11.S. Navy, in a letter sent him by
Caesar Campus, of Brooklyn. Mr.
Campus also- offered $2,000 as an
initial contribution. to. a fund to buy
and train falcons for the work. His
proposal- in brief is that falco-iii be
trained to spot a periscope by giving
them all the food they get in meals
which all good periscopes, and bad,
must, it would, be all over..viritle the
Kaiser's' wolf of --the sea,. according
to Mr. Campus. . He added that there
were -many. falcens to be, had in Eu-
rope, . and proposed that a flock , be
trained at once in the 'United States.
. that the splash Of the. waxes thrown
° l• up by the explosion *et the steamer's
reg. Any One of the bombs which des- •
dribed black vertical lines againet the .
eky, Might, bring instant disaster.. •
Drove Enemy Away • .,
. The bembilig aeroplane. succeeded
in passing directly above the • ship •
several tiltleS. Some of the bombs
strtick the :water so . hear the vessel •
' A Cork Convent ' 1 bridge The entire crew stOod. man- •
. . • •
• ' • • fully at their.i)osts. The only hope of ••
.Pt• striking curiosity • near Cintra, u •
escaping lay in driring• the ship full
Portugal, says a writer in the Wide
speed ahead in ,a series of mad . °
World, is an ancient convent built
.zags, a. course' which the aeroplane
partially in the interior -Of .an •ini- could not +follow. The anti-aircraft .`
please rock. The convent is situated guns at last.succeeded drivieg away
h. a very isolated spot and was for-
. tne'etiemy, with what•damage could
tied to One. In this Wayphe is• sure, merly surrounded by a dense woo o not be known.
• 1 1 1 1
&OAF. - • - 4lielp as in former.seasonsabut nothing' De. Mars stated that the, people of spot a periscope it would be 'turned kind, the French leer -remarks, /the •
• The, rievr'ewas flashed to the 'ells-, should be left undone on. the farms, .someTnside facts about the-ylife lbOTteSinartel;itinVflizi18,-eacar-trYiCsillgS-1S-eiviepeilijd:
tonis officials by. ;wireless and .when and in the townS togivethe Western the prisoners in -a Prussian internment in -favor of the Prussians, changed
Luxembourg, NA -0 at -one time were
11°°° .
extra offiCials.cafileitt- ed beneath it a bomb of very high•'•ex-
r.„.....,..:, syhie hev wip Were disclose race tiv ••v- Dr: their eitiferie when they. suffered at
, -7e Mend MiLltlars-,- of San.-taL hanras_aciaa_.aenly- - explodhon-1
anaaktlaaatiaaportc. _en am.to 3-luchess.,'; _Marie Adelaide,' is a.. got. Wet. lx-rund would--be-enong
vhc trri C(1 °t • stateroom was searched, but to no _t_. • 1r prisoner In her castleandboard a Spanish steathaliiii. Alffiifirg
• 11F- FOOD -DISAGREE s • . •
• . The fortitaiitiee Of passing;quaran- _ _ • he le "- American citizen cf French are teat embittere . against the Mr. *Campus thinks. When the fal-
tine, the inspection of tiekets, And they Prusgsian ilsneadessa.... . on sighted a periscope it would make
•• • • • ' • - varentager and has lived- in the United
examination of the pasdengets were tates since he was two Years qld D • '
Mars;*ho is the -publisher of l'A'venir, --- • • •
majesticallY up the North river to its, When food lies like lead in the store.- a French paper In San Francisco, was .Every inch of railway line in Eng-
nnd just as the.first passengers ELCIi and. you have that unoemffirtawure, seized
distended feeling, it is beeause or Ins , • - 4
in Lu:xembeurg by ;the Pruselan hied may be said to have cost -12s.,
army, and Rept a prisoner for more every Mile 138,000. English railwaY
coritpleted. The, steamship stVept
started to hurry down the gang -plank,
. . . .. ficierit blood supply to the stomach. c rn-
, ..._ fproers :Were given that every person bined with acid and food fermentation.
' onboard mud be Peradiully gelirdied: 'Dr such eeeea-trt.. the'-elatt-ilevi-JolieW04-1-t-h—an•tw° 3 -1' -ears' .........,. ' ...... .,
Matrons at the •custOins office In raw Irpiltrlisi are.;,:icdivised tbLiiroannY.. ' ' when taken tO-tne-rrurssian Intern-.
' searched the women, and- the men VII ,',InT,t4e.Yguraata ItagIgstr0, ,ien halci a ment camp, at Die KIrch, he was treat-
' ' '' were sitaileary examined by. the ship's glass or. water. as hot as you • can cent- ed WO' roughly as were -the other
„ steWards and customs officials. But fini?elYPdrtIngietetoTehaeeraItitiOrbtrag. prisoners.. Finally' there was a serious:
the lost pearls were not discovered. I ted ma°gnesia, as any physician Can tell outbreak of dysettry among both the
When the matrons had finished, YOU: instantly rieutral4ed. the Acrid and Prusilans °and priseners. He showed
• - searellint -Mrs" Yer'• iluYs' alld her fa=einieri;°?idndflfonuleTirlize riaugisheil the army . officers in charge ' that, he
niece Pat was graciousness itself as at thelijmniediate fe,elirer..ef renettane .:
Et-. pecild. remedy the -condition of the /nen
.. •
• •
Monk? cells, ehapel, kitchen and •- kind -
edory_are_aillined.L4eitli-corktaketa..;,metkwere althost overgame with sleep, ,
out the damp. Frei:11'15SO to 1884 the . tootehx,lioaniismtlivd-haadndth-beoeaxyp.erfeTnher pilot
: -
convent was inhabited' by an order of i
s_knowe_admattitti- ,-v. een eiisspd In by the Ger• * •
1no .
-Itfkable reature-of-their,reugion_be_man , kker was, a'-ilie-Witf, it 'very. . -----------
---aaa,1/4,-aasaaaaaaa'aaaaaaaa&..=astaaasa.- ,... liatereetinaL cbaractea-T-Iftileara_troulo• . a
eilence Was obligatory. .
. i- kWeuys tianindeshais th-rriltlin66;ii-ir-attrceM6alain6rt-- . :'::--''*,;-.
- - - -- a --,77--- a_ r -- . ''
Without stopping his train an en-
gineer can move a lever in his cab and
open a recently patented switch 1.0 en-
able him to_enter. a siding., the switch
Lclosing whee. the :last car has passed
over_ it. ' • '. '
e It;---ths-bornb Would, -hi -t --the the
water and then would vanish IJ -boat,
likewise falcon. Mr. Cainpus pointe
out that a faleon copId spot a fish
-from a very .great height inatheali•,
are three thries as$ costly as those of so that a 1J -boat would be an easy ob-
Arileritai-.. . • -- - . .... As semi as a_periscepeored;
she offered Chocolates to everyone comfort that aiwas,s o
within reach.' - , . . . 1 tion Of-themormal process . of digestion.
• While the Others were beingPeople who findoit inconvenient at tirneS
to ecure h t ter an_ trayt:11,&rstZstti;
search -
id Pat wes arrangpag to meet the IVO- fir: frequegtlywaobligedd
Itigin and her bale, an they. landed Meals, peorly prepared. ShOttld alWayS
. 4 from the second cabin, on the docks. take two stir three live -grain tablets of
' And ell the time Pa was .devouring 14islIragritartVg. 11tilir .gruatirnalILPge
clipeolatee from her still ample store. acid in their stamach.
d Looking Toe HAPPY- .
• Released a last from the custoras
" . exatunation. an r e p
and they permitted aim to do so.
• • . Drugged Hts Guards
Ills work in this emergeney altered
his statue and the Prussians allowed
Dr. Mars to sIeep and eat with the of.
ficers of the guard from that time on
'until he made his escape.. He gave a
sleeping potion to the two afters, and
their way, Pat took the woman andi, The "dreary Glasgow Siinday"is'far donning the unifdrrn. of olie. •Of them
Van Nuys, mid, her niece to their a , ,
jovial teaming American, leaving Mars said it .took hina two
her child into a taxi that. carried htiv. froth. loeing a mere figure of speeeli. A got past the sentries into the open,
That eveoirig when she was eland in. his hotel brit -Ate Sunday inernirig ibr
hotel. •
her room, Pat emptied what was left aa stroll, came Upon a George Square
of the bilge box of chocolatea into et policemain who eyed, bira, and said:
handkerchief 00 had spread upon hert"Ye had better tale care, sir, what
bed -cover and froth underneath the; Iraq.° doing." "What am I doifig 1"
etriing of pein4a. . a merry. wink•.' "‘"1,vy, I'm not even- earea, where „the prisoners and eithera
abe eatricated Mra. FiliMipe enquired the tour et an added, with
• * ' * • being." "No," replied the Glas- 1 f
subsisted. on a stew made from peel:
t d black ri
The farrildhid house Mrs. Vaiii`lays • `- s -'''- a-- ngs. ° -P°t° ceei grass fte c°.
od weglati, in solemn ati reproving tenes, a
months to reach Madrid after suffer-
ing many hardships, and being forced
to eat grass and leaves at times. It
came easy to live this way, he said,
after his experience in the internment
through the agney of Pan) secret ada yetirehideaoyitLre wisest as happy ias Even Rice Failed
tsul rtnted Nevr. York was secut • .
trite /mot represeatatives tot tlio° is °
o ••• • , • ft ,
At the last the rice failed the "rue.- a 10
If better sugar is ever produced • than the *Sent
REDPATH Extra Granulated, you may be use it will
be made in the same Refinery that has led for over half
a century -and sold under the same name-REDPATH.
° LetRcclpatlz Sweeten it." 15
20 So and 100 lb.Bois• -Canada Sugar Refill -1g Cal Limited, Montr6al.
2 and lb. Certoist---•
fbr- the ---nrother--ship,7 was In a
-sae a familiar -expollenee.
days after this expertence, while on it
; very Oaring scouting and boinbing
tri, abet from the enemy struck•his
motor'tinting him to idescend, when `.
be was:Made priioner by. the Turks.
'‘NAtlis AN "A_LL
:Motion Pieture- Crew isaFast
I'Mg the Celestial Kikdont.
China has eapitulateCto the plc-
• ture allow. So mach so, in fact, that
Chinae.wonien pove make attendariee
a social event, to' be observed With It
display of their choicest and most
heaatiful silks and most dazzling
instead of soclel functions at
home, with tea and musle and that
sort of thing, Chinese trofisen who
would be in fashion eat a , large
breakfast, adore theinselveS like a
Now York society *man, boned fOr
the opera, and sally forth for a, day
Of v.:etching the films flicker.
"The motion picture erase in
, China;" said Ernest Youg, who has
licen :;everal years in the Orientt "now
has reached a point where the natives
ate demnding an all -day shoiv.0
Stains -caused by .sewing machine 611
•itboforc washingi