HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-16, Page 1prommiprotplumoompto„ gulpiownwmprigrarmarrivrgarrrn
.50 per -leafy -in advanCe; $2..0c00therwiSe
AND oeNeRa,
miss Mary. McMillan, Fort William,
ls friende in town.
" Mr. and hirie. Bert Swath are spend -
log the week at the leke.sbore,
Mr McIntosh, of Tarp, 18 vjsiting
hie brother-in-laet, Mt: F. Malcolm..
•WMise Isobel Douglas is home 'front
eswater for a two weeks'. yacation.
11,,"Thompeon, Brussels, • receiVe
poultry atthe etattOn on August
20. -
• -Mr.JoltniCeittnef Culross, sepending
the week with his. sister, hire. D. Mac-
Leod• ,
Mre. Benness and Mrs, Lea, of To -
route, are the gueste of :Mrs. N.
"Cainebell1• .1
Mr; 814 Mrs. Btockill and Miss Wag,
all of Toronto, arethe etteete ,of Miss
• Bertha Alibi.- „
• Patriotic League garden party on
�. Andersen's lawn evening of .Anituat
• 23rd. Pm there. "•-".'"" •
Mists Jennie Hatton, Of Ridgetovrn,eis
spending the week with her friend, Miss
t Elizabeth Wilson. -
Um. II A. Hayes, of Fort Withal%
is visiting ber nsother, Mre. Alex, Mac-
1C.:mzie, for a few ,days. -
Miens Abbie and Retie MacKenzie
have retutned to Detroit after spending
• the past two weeks at their borne here,
_7, Be sure to take in the "Midway", when
. you're at tbe garden party on Anderson's
lawn, Lucknow, Thiirsday evening, the
" '23rd, • '
The field...day held at .1)tiegannou on
° Weduesday of,last week turned out very
. euccessfully. Total. receipts •amounted
to $650. Net receipts go to aid the
local pitertatii work. •
Lloyd Agnew, whois training _for the
-Royal Flying Service at the Toronto
can was home over Sunday. He had
been up for a cetipie of flights, , and
-apparenttyitaidilieespetiefide alt right
Don't forget the garden party on
Anderson's lawn Tirane:lay evening of
• next Week, Admission 25c.; children
Um.' AU for the Patriotic League fund.
Messrs:R. J. Lindsay, of •Kingston,
and 0. G...tindatty, of St, Louis, Me., are
visiting their 'mother on Ross street.
.• hire. Lindsay, is one f out very old
reeidents, having 'lived- .90 years- it4:.
Ontario. '
A note to the Sentinel from Corp:
Merge, France,.expresses thanka-to the
' Lucknow Mieswho 'pent him a Parcel
• - socks which he:received on his: return
--after siikAiiiitle-iircle.yrein EnglantlAits°
_ „first vacation since going over.
feature of the. 'garden party • on
‘Anclereon's lawn next Thursday evening
• willbe the sale of. homemade, cooking,
The 'ladies in charge will be pleased to
accent' chniationialser - -donations. of
flowers. •
During the severe electric and rain
_storm on.Mooday it„ barn beionging to
• Garret Switzer, it• miles west of Holy-
roodeWas set on fire by lightning and
completely destroyed.. 'the season's hay
crop was in the barn. • He got out auch
• 'implements as were in.
Mt A. E..Durnin left fot • Sitakatch-
. ewan on Tuesday morning He has
Wee a large atop there peason, end
• has Ole mit to look 'after the'hariessting
He was good enough to pioinise=The
• Sentinel, a letter desexibing crop con:
ditions in his pal of the West. ,
A lawn social under auspices of Ash -
The following aecount of a Gentian
air raid on Loudon, Eng., was sent over
by Mrs. Shaw, who will, be minemberedi
as having visited in Lucknow a few years
age. ifethrother, Mr.. Green,' is With
the env and she is nursing.
lute •rith, 1017.
On Saturday mining I was at Mesas.
Evered's Show Room's, Drury ' Lane,
when a telepheme ineestige came through'
to say that hostile aeronlanesewere coin-
ing over London. Efforts were at mice
made to clear away the books, safes
louked and the staff were proceeding te
the basement when the guns were heard,
and a few minutes later bombs. I was
safely in the basement with the rest, and
after a little time -which seemed. hke
hours -went out into the street. The
guns were still firing in the city, and fire
engines and ambulance wagons Were
-Marrying towards the danger. .1. then
went to Australia House, from the roof
of which I had a very good view of the
ettytir London.' The post --office- was
burning fiercely, also some •buildings in
Bartholomew Close. There were several
other fires round about the vicinity. I
then 'made my way to the 0 P.O.:" The
machines passed right over the West
End of,Londoie and the nearest bomb
dropped, as far as I could make out, was
on the which was hit on the
corner facing Cheapside. • Th,e stone
railing round the top was •carried away
fromthe corner and fell, to the ground
in Cheapaido and St. Medina le Grand.
It must have been many tone in weight.
This Orli* a sentry on duty in Cheep -
side, cutting away half hi lhead, and es
far as I can learn thts was the 014
casualty, as all the employees at the
G.R0..are reported to have been safely
•out of the building ten minutes before
the aeroplanes ' arrived. It was the
Telegraph Department of the Q.P0,
where the damage was done. The po.ice
and special constables .were on the scene
anclethe streets were, barricaded, so that
it was not possible to get very etose to
any of the-deinager ichees. After'
spending some time around here . seeing
all that Was poseible, I returned to the
West End for luncheon, atter which I
set out to make a systematic tour, first
visiting Swan & Edgers in ,Regent St.,
where the coping atone on -the 'second
floor was knockedawayand one Window
broken: • This was caused by a shell,
from our antiaircraft guns which fell
there,- and after 'striking the building
shot tight &cress Regent Se, breaking a
marble pillar at a tobacconist's shop
close by the CafeRoyal. This shell, on
being picked up; was found that the pin
had not ,been drawn. Another shell, •
edrepped•inaide the
Piccadilly; .and the policeman on duty
informed me that five of our pwn shells
were fotind about the same ,quarter, of
which the pins had not been drawn.
The Hay. Harvest
'•••The bee'crop which has jnat been
harvested n this part of °damn One
of the best ever. The alfalfa clover was
caught by reps early in. July, but • tbe
dry weethee which followed gave a
grand opportunity for the housing of a
great lot orhay Willie condition. There'
is still a good deal of hay in the field
and some even mieut, but there is more
than an ordinary crop in the bares. and
stacks. •
An Untruth Nailed
An untruth has been spread through -
mit this dratrict that the Wingham
Business College has sold out to Elliott
tied McLachlan, and we take this °peer,
-ef correcting sae, The Wing -
haul BUIsinegiv College, which has served
the peeple of this district so faithfully
for a great many years, is now open to
receive etudeets and students eau enter
it any day; they can also puraue work
in their own • honees by means of our
:Home ,Stecly Depertinent ' •
• GE°. SrorrOtl.
Battle Field Relics
eumber of 'Great War relies on
exhibition in D. R. McIntosh's store
window the pest week have •been at-
tracting e good deal of attention. There
are a couple of steel helmets, shall aoses,•
bayonets avid other articles. They were
sent to Mr, McIntosh by Pte. A.' hien-
noch, of London, who put in four months
at the front, 'and. was • disabled by a
'piece of shell -or shraptel.-Beforeenlist-
ing he was a commercial traveler for a'
Lbnclon, Oet, house, and he has so far
recovered es to be again able to take. up
his duties. • •
• Taking. a taxicab.1 proceeded to , the -
post office, but_ was:ha able to any-
where near it, so 1 made for the Bank
of England, and in Coleman Street a
buildiug of four Boers was struck;j3y a .
bomb, the two top flooreeibeing carried
right away,- and ail along the.stteet the
glass from the windows on 'both sides
was scattered all over the place. The
Siviss Bank at the corner of 'tokenhouse
Yard and Lothbury received a bomb and
all the glass in the buildings surronnding
was blown out The streets round the
Bank of England were just like a' •snow
,storm, as the 'glass. resembhd powdered
The clock at Benson's in Threadneedle
Street, facing the Bank of England, had
the centre of the face blown out, but
was still going
-" Weld-Ladiesl.Aid-Lwill be held at Joseph
• Calvin, Church, St. Helens, held its
annual gaiden party on Tuesday el this
Rey. Mr 'Garbutt, of the ..tieethodist
Chtirch; has commenced a month vaca-
tion 'which he will at the lake
shore,, • ,
Rev, Dr. Martin, of Stratford, -eccupi•
ed the, pulpit of the Presbyterian Church
here- on Sunday and preached very aq
ceptably. morning and evening;
Rev. Wm. Bremner, -Of St. Thomas,
fetinerlyof Ripley, was-iu.South Kinloss
Church last Sunday, having come over
from Bruce Beach to take' the services.
He ..will preach next Sunday in the
Lucknow Church. • - - . -
''.•• Two lives wore lost on Saturday' after-
noon, one iu futile attempt at rescue,
in a small creek running through the
Goner farm, two flutes from -Auburn:
Th' dead are Mrs. H. Goner and Elsm
Lockhart; 11-year;Old daughter of Thos.-
Lockhart, .of Auburn. . .
•• In company with four other children,
• Elsie Lockhart, who was visitingatt the
Goeler hank went to the Meek tobethe.
It is believed that she slipped into a
deep hole` and went down Without a
sound: When the other children left
the' water they noticed :the absence of
Elsie, and ran frantically to the farm-
house fin Mrs. Govier. Mrs. Govier ran
to ithe eieek, and, fully dressed, dialled
into the water bean effort to find the
miseieg OAK She, too, fell into 'one pf
the many treacherous holes in the streatit
analogs drowned.
It was an hour before any Men were
found, and half an blur later both bod-
- Leadenhall -Street-a bomb dropped ies 3vero recovered horn the streain• by
in the middle of the street, smashing the the use of garden rakes.
water and gas mains and bringing out Mot Govier is survived by her line-
al the ghee in theaeineldwe round about, „band and two•ohildien. .
A bomb also dropped intlie: Leadeuhall
Hackett's on the whining of August 21.
Supper from 6 to 8, followed by a good
- . eneVveried -progra,ra- Admission 35e.,
children 20e. •• All welcome.
• e
.--eteet---- . Mr. end Mrs J. Fritzley and daugh-
•----teeis;-Eduattudliilat- et -OlideleYritta.
, .. Sweekh-tmere ....nee...A3,5,--.4..-11.1.4_,er. and
Mrs. Jacobles of Detroit; Mrs.-0.-Kli
' and daughter, Doris, of Kitchener, and
Mies Alma McCorvie, • of Clinton, are
' guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Ross and Mr,
• end Mrs. T. Smith.
• (Corrected up to Wednesday neon) •
; 07; friTtr•-; 7 • •
, Eggs, new laid 41 42
, 17 00
, TIInYttt blt 'CRIS wens
Choice heavy steers... 412 00 to 112 65
Choice butchers • 11 40 to 11 75
. • C'hoicebutchere'- cowie. 800 tO 8 SO
• Good. feedeta ..... 850 to 925
etood witch cowS.. t. 85 60 to 120 '00
Hopi fed it nd watered. 17 75 to
Fait Wheat . . .. . 2 so. 80 2-60
•Goose Wheat .4.4...44. 2 50 to
• TiWntli, 15 00 to 16 00
snags, new 45 to •
• ?titter, Creamery Prints • 38.80 39
2tter, Dairy Prints. 32 to 33
-Sudden Diath At Ripley
Mr. Dan. 'MacDonald, a farmer who
. just weat of Ripley, died very
wuddenly on Saturday at the SP Of 62.
Ile had been outing wheat, and feeling
unwell yea to the house and had a
doctor tailed. While describing his
- -feelings Atoithe-doctor he,suddenly -coL
lapsed end passed away. Be had Suf-
fered from heart trouble for ednie time.
Market, Baltic House. .
In-Edueburchareetrameyelose to the
damage done in the previous raid,,Wild--
ingkwere--badir___Ietemked about: Ore 7
Ironmongers Hall, Fencherch Street,
WWI seriously' damaged. Lacey Bros.,
Ilailorie_Fenchuich Street; the two -top
lairs were carried away, and there is no
'glass to any of the buildinga in that
part of the street.
At the, bottom of Pudding Lane,
Lower Thames Street, a tour -storey
building caught a bomb onk the top, and
10 ROW csnmpleil ma80.01thason17- •
In Golden Lane, a few doors from A.
building 4beldiging to Hess Leather
Goods Faptay, received 4 boil)); which
seems to have carried all the floors of
the interior of the building to the bot-
tom, the outside walls remaining intact,
but the, buildings all round are splattered
with Shrapnel Werke. •
Bartholomew, Close, I understand, is
very ,badly damaged, but I could not
get in to see.' There was a very serious
fire here. -
In Whitecross Street a bomb dropped'
on top of a building under which a, lot
of people were taking shelter. The
building collapsed, burying them all."
E. Whitettway & Co.'s new premises
in Chiswell Street received a bomb on
the tele, which carried off the two top
floors.. A nuniber Of other places were
also hit. t .
tocKirw iLiviKtott CO., LTD. .
The lowest meeting of the Lueknow
Elevator Co., Ltd., will be held in the
(J011tieil Room, Town Hallou Sattirday,
Aug. aSth, at tat o'clock. •
T. P, Celle, President.
Dr. Geddes Doing Well
Friends a Dr. D. Geddes, who, some
time ego, went to the Mayo Hospital at
Rochester, Minn., for treatment, will be
pleasedp learn that after having under-
gone a critical internal operation he is
doing well: The operation was perform
ed Thursday of fast week by the
Mayo themseltiee which would, indicate
that they regarded it as critical and very
inti3resting from a medical viewpoint;
• .
fax, Rate Is Thirty Milli .
- The Village Council didn't have much.
to do at the postponed meeting held last
Friday evening but fix the tax rate and
'pass a few accounts. ..nie rate was fixed
at 30, nulls; the highest rate for Luck -
pow so far. The rate was 19 nulls last
year. The increase is half oe the school
rate a,nd half on the village rate. It is
not difficult to 'understand the reason for
an increase. The higher price of coal
for the waterworks alone' is eneugh,,to
account for a half mill. Last year the
coal was bought at $1.35 per ton at the
mine. This year it is being :bought at
64 25 at the mtne, °
The various rates are as follows:
County and War Tax, 3.2 mills; Village,
13 mills; Debenture, Interest and Sink-
ing Fund, 4.8 mills; School,,0 neills.
•Former Luckaow (iirl -•....
:• In Fire .Accident •:• -Tueeday, Aug. 14.
• The friends of Mies Ethel Glenn are
•• Lueknow friends of Rev. J. E.- Ford's glad to welcome her back to Dungannon.
family will be interested in the story -of
a fire at Consecon, in which Mrs.- Bean, . Miss Jessie &others, of hiafeking, is
fotmerly Miss Kate Ford, nearly lost Visiting at ,theliome other. unale, Thea
Dr. and Mrs. Bean discovered that mg a week at, the home of her uncle,
Arthur Bean, perished. . .
heilife,.and in vyhieh her husband, Dr. I
Miss Kathleen Ellis, of gait is spend-
. .
Tom's 13.4 Potato
Under the influence of the .greater
production campaign,of last spring Mr.
Tom Webster (Victrole Tom) became
very enthusiastic gardener, and getting
possession' of several garden patches,
planted potatoes, beans, carreter and
onions enough to keep a table supplied
for many moons --4110 is, if the seed all
produced to beet hopes •and
expectations. Well, there was, hoeing
and sprayingand weeding, and the
weatherman swing supplied abundance
off moisture, there is promise of ‘a goad
harvest The other day he thought of
making a small teat shipment of vege-
tables to his herne in Detroit, and under
the surface he evidently found every-
thing highly satisfactory. At any rate,
on Tuesday he marched into our office
and proudly deposited on the desk a
potato which would delight the heart of
any Irishman or Canadian. Considering
its age, it certainly is of good size and
excellent quality. It is 4* inches ,long
•and inches across at the thickest part
-a pretty good lump for early August.
On seeing ,thisand taking into account
all the peosperous-looking vegetable gar-
dens about tow,n, we have come to the
conclusion that the greater production
campaign was be no means a failure.
five i TLios. Stothers,
their residence was on fire about •
o'clock Tuesday morning of last week I .Miss Margaret °Ryan, of New Lisk-
The fire had made a good deal of head- • eard, is spending her holida.yi under the
way, So, that they could not get, out of • parental roof here, •• •
the house by the doors They put their 1 Mr. 'arid Mrs. W. `..l. Elliott find little
baby out through the window, and Mri. son, of New Liskeard, are visiting the
Bean followed. Dr. Bean, in some way • latter's mother here. * ..
failed to get out before being. overceme
by the beet, and he wisliiii-delitliTMiss....MyraMple evin, , kof tioderieje
It is said that Mrs, Bean and the • baby; returned home to day after spending a
also suffered from burn& ..1 week•with her relatives here.'
- - Dr. and MM. .Been were marred about . d f friends"' t.
., t Mrs. Wm. Elba an our- mo -
two years ago, and lived for a time in tired up from . Galt . last Sunday and
Ilderton, and only a few' moqes. ago ilj.lent the day viSiting the feemer's sister,
inoved to Consecon. • • . Mrs: Thai. Stothers. •
_ ..
, .•, I • Tux CIVICIIOLIDAY &OWE( held ' in
- Soldier visits nom, • Dungannon,. Wednesday, August, 8, 'was
_ _
. a great success. The -games, races, etc.,
Pte. Pinder does not belong to the
iCanh.aiorlriceelinnpeara, vItihthe tfithe.riitxmatpaneti.10
lough. We understand that he leaves OD
,Fricley on his return trip to England:
leave 'this pert to• take a share in the war,
has been benne thepast week an fur-
• Army. 1..thoagh we have al-vays looked
upon him as 'a Luckeow man, he is real-
ly. front Kinloss Township, just outeide
the villagecorporation. Being a British
reservisthe was called home immediate• -
ly on the outbreak of war, and he reach-
ed England in tame' to cross the Channel
with' that "centemptitle little army"
which did so' niueh to inflict the first
great defeat on the Kaiser's army at the
Ntern,e; and later saved Calk Ho -was
in the retreat from Moos, and through
the first terrible battle of Ypres where
his battalion was reduced to 42 effeetives.
He there austeaned a, wound which re-
• sulted in. the lossof the fourth linger
from one of his hands. • Thus disabled
to some extent, he has been eine° his
recovery kept in 'England drilling men
foethe great riew army which, as the
Germans- now admit, is to -them the
• most dangereas .factor -in all the . battle
lines. • .
• Pte. Pinner is, no doubt, having a
.very enjoyable Week with hia family
andluekti1riendteto . whan- hetel
freeirof his experiences. in France and
eBelgrium •
were well pateonized, The play..in the
evening put on lei the telgrave Drama-
tic Club, was enjoyed by all. After the
play an "Olde Tyme Dance" was held,
quite a number being 'present.. The
proceeds of the • day were $630, and
about $470 clear of all expense for. Red
Sing1e,C0 es cents,
We will take delivery of Live Poultry at G. T. R.
• station, commencing on arrival of freight trains from
the east, on Monday, August 20t11.) up to 8 o'clock°
Tuesday, August orst., and pay the following prices:
Chickens L.1.? 4.4.1.e• 14 coots' "
-Fowls 12 cents •
Rooster. , , 0 cents •
Ducklings J 12 cents
Old Geese 4 9 -cab'
014 Turkeys ' 13 cents
Don't hold your poultry for higher prices o InliCh
frozen poultry on the market, indications are for
lower prices.
• Walkerton Airman Fell
A couple of weeks ago we mentioned
the fact that Eric Robettson, sou • of
Mr. Norman Robertson, treasurer of
Bruce County, captain in the Royal -
Flying Service, was -reported missing
Since then Mr. Robertson received the
hollowing brief -account of what happen
"On the evening ofJuly 12th about
0,36 we left for the lines. About an
. holt later, when over the lines; an
anti -air -craft gun struck your son's
machine'who • was leading the for,,
illation. The machine was so'damaged
it went down out efeontrol, from over
thirteen thousand -feet."
From this it- is not dimult to -
jecture the fate of the airmail. •
, °apt, Robertson appear e to have been
brilliant yoerigtatin atid ratide ..tapid
progeesto in the Flying Service. Some
time ago we published a hitter of his, in
which he gave•a, thrilling account of hie -
escape from two. German wiechineti much
faster than his own,
TEAOHER WANTED. -Protestant, for S. B•ci
No. 4, Greengek TownshipD
mence Sept. L Apply, a.....j.,11-,08 to Com-
' ftx.rtnal to _Biagi yi;;;Italitzt17.'±ati.
carmine. .
MONEY ir0 LOAN.... -On mortgages and notes.
• at reasonable rates. Fire Insurance. but •
Stook and, Mutual Commutes. Convey.
ancing done with neatness and despatch.
• GEO. A. SIDD4LL. Oroker. Lucknovr
HIGHEST PRICES foi`po' ultry and an Janda
of junk -rags, old_ paper, rubber,. iron, cop- ,
per, sine, and kinda of hides. , Phone 86.
Write to or call on.
15 2-tf, JOIE JAMUL, Lucknoe., •
Lucknow, every Wednesday afternoon. All
chronic diseases successfully treated. Os- ,
teopathy removes the physical causes of
disease. Adjustment or the spine is More
quickly' secured and with fewer treatment.;
by Osteopathy than by any other method.
31 71).
JOSEPH AGNEW, Notary Public, Convey-
ancer, Insurance. Office hours. lta 6 p. m.
during Inimmer mouths. 'Persons
business transacted in the Mrenooti•may •-
• have same attended to by appointment.
$6-86. - • '
For Sale
KinIough.• - . . .
FOR BALE. --Good frame residence withstong
foundation. on_Havelook St, LuoknowMe-
--Tuesty, 'Mg, .14, ing the residence occupied b, 7ifir. G. A.
• „. . Bidden). • For particulars apply to, Mug. .- ..
A geod deal of hay; le still out ia this Dm MacOundmoN. Ripley, 2843-04
localitY. It is a great crop. - . ,
Itev. Divid Lane and Dr, -R. Lane Notice
visited theirold home here on 'Sunday. For au matters regarding Greenhill oeinetety
refer to D. C. Taylor Secretary.
"• Mr. Geo. Hodkkinsoti, of Riversdale,
Seurda•and- Sun••
Oreei Pinetises. ' The -drew for thtY
e -their -iliEnted'imr-bufg ?n"
was made Leslie Pentland, of the Nile, .daY.- • :
being the lucky one. Mr. Garret Switzer, west of Holyreod;
'hid his barn burned,- by lightning. on
Monday. ' •
-Monday, Aug. 13.
Mr. Agar; 6f Belfast, is helping Ches.
McLean •
• •
' -Re*. Mr. O'Neil, •of-
• on Joseph Courtney. •
• A baby boy has arrived at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Hogan. ,•
• Master Harold McIntosh, laicknow,
vieited with Robert Scott recently.
• Miss Mary Downey left for London
after visiting at John Bowler's • for the
past three months. •
Miss Lottie Henry and her father,
Robert Henry, who had the misfortune
of epsettiog, their auto est ; of Lanes,
are recovering. • • • -
Harold Ague*, of Leeknow, is help-
IWATilliarn-11ogan with tlit3---harvest
and Gerald Rathwell is - - engaged with
- .
. '
Master Palmer Pettipiece
•church, 'sweet Sunday- -with 'his aunt,
Dim 1. Pinnell. • - '
Mr Herb. Tweedy, Who has been
working at Port, Colbotne,spent the
-week-end-at his home here:, '
You are assured . of this if you attend the
a:rau. e
On J. G. AisiePegSOSI'S' lawn, the evening of
Besides an excellent program, there will be many booth attraction.s
and other novelties. .Program‘ at %.3o o'clock
AD/415510N 2c., Children •15e.
All for the. Local Patriotic Pond
Mr. and Mrs McKeith left to -day for
their home ni Sask. .
• Miss Violet Drennan has, retutned
after visiting friends in Lucknow. •
Miss A. Clark has returned to $t.
Helens after a short Visit with reletwee
here. • •
Mrs, Lukehurst, of Toronto, is spend-
ing a few weeks with Mrs. • Wuliant
Johnstone. . , . •
A few el the Kintailites •spent the
holiday. in Dtingannon:, tAll, report an.
exetillent e t .
Mrs. Neil McDonald and sister,- Mise
Ethel Taylor, are,spending their vacation
aeopific-at,--Oliphoute- •
'The Tiro
-Mrse-MeCe MacKensies-lase-W-ednesd
was largely attended: The special feat-
• ure �f the day was a purse of money
presented to their president, Mrs. Hardie,,
-whaled rendered ..tiplendid servicesto
the society. '
- Notice- -
ip order to wind up the Estate of W.
Taylor, late of the Village of Luck=
now, it is necessary that all indebtedness
of tie Estate be_ paid at Once. Partics
owing. the Estate are requested to pay
their accounts not later than September -
1st. next, otherwise their amounts will
be 'Paced in other hands for Collection.
I4n& Zcsrtort, AdiniOistratrix.
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted Or delivered to the persons
'mentioned in section , 9 of The Ontario ,
Voters' Lists AM, the copies required
by said sections to be se transmitted or
delivered Of the. List, made pursuant to
said Act, of all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment Roll of the said •
Municipality to be entitled to vote in .
the Said "Municipality at elections for, _
and at Municipal elections; and that the
said Listwas first posted up at my office
at Kinloss on the:31st day of jury, 1917,
and remains there for inspection.
• And I hereby call upon all • voters, .to •
take immediate proceedings to have any
to law„:- • •
Meted this-31stalay-oL-Inly„--1917.,
Clerk of Kinloss.
. .
. • Notice
BeitY pickers are from this date fOr-
bukTen-tolfrespags-vir--My-property '
going to or .from.berry patch.
APIGuS J. ezussm.
COUNTY ov Maxi
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or 'delivered to the persons
mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario
Voters' ListsAct the copies required by
said sections to be sp transmitted or de-
livered of the list; made pursuant to said
Act and amendments thereto, of all per -
soils appearing by the ittat 'revised As-
sessment Roll of the said Mieneitsality
to be entitled to vote in the said Mun-
icipality at elections for members of the
Legislative Assembly and .at Municipal
Elections... and that the said listwas first
posted up at my office at Lucknow on
the Eleventh day of Angast, 1917, and
remains there for inspection. '
And 1 hereby dell upon all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have any
erra6 or oinissioile corrected &molding
to law. •
• Dated at tucknow this 11.th day of
August, A.D. 1917. „
JOuiEIJt Adirae-tteek °Me ,
16-8-e, • " Village of ttuckuow,
Notice is • hereby, given that T have -
transmitted or delivered to the persons •,
mentioned in section 9 of The Ontario ---
Voters' Lists Act, the copies required
by said sections to be so- transmitted or
-delivered of the List, made ptirstiant to
said Act, ot all persons appearing by the
last revised Assessment Roll of the said
Municipality to be entitled to vote in
. the saig Municipality at elections for
members of the Legislative Assemlby
and at. Municipal elections; and that the
said List was first posted up.at my office '
at West Wawanosh on the 13th clay of
August, 1917, and remains there for in-
And I hereby csll upon all voters to
take immediate proceedings to have any
err ort or omissions corrected according
. to law. •
Dated this 13th. day of •August, 1917,
, • W. A. WILSON,
Clerk of West Wawanosh.
If you need harvest help apply to .ibe
Ontario Government Employment, Bur,
eau, 100'Dundas St., London, Ontario.
Experienced lielp at the rate of $45 per
month, $li'per• week, or $.50 per 'day. ,
Assistant Superintendent..
. • • • ,