The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-09, Page 4-
': . agistitZt
L () a. ir. Lacabew
a o'
mat kine
.8. YowLett. li. & onto, up
res tiron samer. Tosawatsr. apse
*.tEtitarverk. Vtli triter tat. and eremite/it and
et swab mouth; tierris Thur.
o. NXWTON_. D. D. a. Ihatlet. mica
LUi meek imeikssw, Ont. AU modern
nastscda woodBE matertala rumbaed.
°roue and 'arida* week. Fatuities extract-
=bi Pee as* or _Vits Awast,...impleet and
ouNricfrOam Newest
tairitgiaa WAX Alarshisu pl?teal
Fall Term from Sept
- Ceinnseroial, Shorthand and
• TelegraphyDepartments .
We have thorough .courses, exper-
• ienced instructors and we ptace grad-
' mites in position. Demand upon us
kr trained help io many thnee the
- number. graduating. Gat. our free
D. A. inet.Ac4e1.4th1 Planck*.
lucknoW Fruit &Produce
* We test each can and pay for
it as received. Get a can and
start now whiii 'Price is high.
Highest Cash Prices
CalI.1nandseeuahen •
Ludlow Fruit & Produce
COn1PailnY. c
1103filt biotic W. G. itlehtillari, Mgr.
7 Lucknow.
d •
One Monday, Tuodey and
Now is the time to have
that Family Group taken
while they are all at home.
Placing The llig Crass,
, • •
• • Messrs. Joseph Wrightsonrind Janus
• ...
McKinnon, of the sixth of Bruce Towne
ship, accomplished a difficult piece of
- iwork the other week', says the Port Elgin
,• ,Tiille8. •
Ib Will be reineinbered ley many in
: the district that the large ion 0x088 on
• the .Ctitholic church,. at Formosa was
strecie by lighteinglest.?ell, ted Owing
s , to the fire which ,iesulted, fell to 00
- -: roof -of -the buildbig.-The church Officials-
:zee- -eer
who, would.uncleutake to Aid the geese
back to its Properplaee. "
MreJeWeighteon and Mr J Mc1Citie
•. non went down cnict tank a look at the
job. They agreed that they coil& do
thew*, and said they would.. under-
: • takeit for one thousancl ,clellate. The
•'church officials accepted the offer and
• the two tieu.werit to work. - The first
• thing to be•dolie was to get the crotio
repaired, as it had been broken. By the
. aid of autos it was aniVeyed to 'the
Ilunter Bridge Co at Kincardine, there
repaired, end then taken to Formosa.
• Then the tug of vior began. It had tO
1* put on the steeple, which is over 200
feetfrom and ground, and. the croie
.weighs 1200 lbs. liy the nee of seal-
• folding which reached up 200 feet and
• gin-polesbeside the church and 'steeple,
• the huge cross wad successfully hoieted
to its proper position and securely fat.
tenet withouti accident of any, kind.
work is onaidered quite en tic-
• eomplishment, since it was done by two
• Men who had no previous experience itt
• that tikes of work., Mr. Wrightson is
• so expert carpenter and framer, while
• Xr, Maim:ton is experieneed -in-cement
•'rid bridge work, .
•c• •". T• -7•1117,....t---7•!.,!‘r..--sr:::,,...•-•we mwsry-;:w-g,-...7„,, •
(By Tux Emeoie OY Thi SIONTINFL.)
Meer of our nountry modem hose
been unusually busy the past two week*
-too busy, or too tired perhaps, totted
the lengthy accounts of the his Win•the-
Wer Conventeort whichwas held in the
Arena, Termite, on ThUreday en&Friday
of krab week. Mane!, no doubt, so far
neelected their newspapere that they did
not even know that there was (sucks a
gathering •
I had the good fortune to he able to
attend every anion of the Cenvention,
with the'exception of the women's meet-
ing Friday night, and, as a nunaher who
woukl have liked tole there, but were
unable to go, expensed a desire to have
sin account of it, 115 ifeeappeared to one,
other than a newspaper reporter, 1 be
decided. to publish these impressions,
The initial, etere for the calling of the
contention were taken by Mr. John IL
Godfrey, a prominent lawyer ofTOQnto*
and Mr. Frank Wise, a busiireas man of
Toronto. Both areLiberele in politics,
but both are Mcoposed to Sir Wilfred
Laurier and thou associated with him
in their stand regarding the Military
Service Act Associated with thein in
issuing the invitation, or call, to the con,
vention, were many *tiler prominent
Liberals and Conservatives throughout
the province, Messrs. 'A. B. Arnee and
Aebue Jervie, whose 'melee .are fanuti
iar throughout Canada, as leading finen-
tilers, were active in coricectlien With the
convention, the latter being in charge of
the financing, and the former beingthair-
man pf the Comtnittee on Resolutions.
Politicians of both partieerbentaily'
upon winning Party victories and over
ready to sink national interestis to that
, -are dispersed to sneer at the Con-
vention aes City -of -Toronto affair . and
MnO*WarriPiesentativepf the province
or cotinti7, true that the vast
majority' of those who attended were of
Toronto ••In feet .,,outside points were
.reetricameteirite,ct164,Ttban two hundred
It is not, however, fair to Conclude
that thie small outside representation
left of the tsar& Soot. They oneetittited
a rather noisy sieezent of the aseetine,
Three kedge, of the o'reetaisatioe ds
speeches, untwist the soh/nine views
of the polities' situatiove They were
atreettlY, one might alorolit my violently
in favor cif cossosiptioa. Their langtoge
, was frequentl,y rather inteusperete .,and
imicatient, like that of labor leaders it
e• the time of *strike. Out of coneiders,
tion for the *Oilier* these war veteran*
are allowed to have thins pretty much*
• their own way, and thereia little open
criticism of whit they sity or do. There
was ver e loud, applause whenever ;on.
seription •wes mentioned and nothing
hut groin* and hullos from the eoldiere
equartere. whenever Leerier or,, Qtiebee
themean taken to put themselvea on was mentioned.
record before the ountry. • The veteran* having had their hour' of
There wee nothing at the Convention speaking and thouting, the 'audience,
suggeat that it was a party affair, Ind were treated . to three resily notable
perhaps the hest proof of its non-pertie speeches by Me 'legit Guthrie, Kr.,
san nature Was that • et few auspiehers of Guelph; Sir Wilq. Hearst, Premier of°
Conservatives thought that it was being. Ontario* aud Mee X., W. Rowan* leader
engineered in favor of the Liberal Party, a the Opposition in the opted° fettle
while, at the tame time, a few suspicious ..ment. These epeeches were well . de-
Lieeraie thought it wee being made a scribedand veryfully reported in all
Bert of adjunct to the Conservattee the Toronto paper* ett Friday, and by
As a matter .ef face the conven t1n time detilitlees have been widely
tion was entirelyf ree 'frern party bitte.. read 'throughout the conntryby those
The • soul of it again and again found who have had thite and inclination to
. utterance in eipreseione which may be readthene . •
summed up thus: "Sink party. differ- It a always a 'delight to. hear Mr.'
incest Gee wooreuee. Do eete weeeser Guthrie. Efe te an orator .of the Bryan
ve win wile WAY«, Tnx MVRB »Q type, with a enlooth itowing of beanti.
THE's00144a suAZT. wir L&vE etre move telly medirlatett ?Sentence's. lie said
Roue FROM TUE iritstiouss." "that' Canada must either go on in the
The 'Convention was called to order war or quit,"Telitical parties ehould
promptly at 3 30 O'cloclr Thursday after- be for the 'present wiped out, and we
mein by Mr, John. M. Godfeey. , There 'thotild ttU work together," .41)efatiling
were between.eight and nine hundred . public Men will Set you luilFhere," ;
present. Afte Godfrey was made chair. But the two statemente itt. liie.mplep-
nian of the converttien;' and be accepting 'did', speech which struck. Me. roost was
the position made an:excellent speech ..tlia.the considered hoth Sfr Milfeiel. and
ife is not a great orator; but heats a'clear Sir i5oberk as honest, Just asSin-
and forceful thinker and he speaks well cere ,and just as petrietia ete 1 (that.iti
eernakee the sort of speech that gets wir., Guthrie) ete"• And hu. later kale
there. A few quotations will illuetraete teent that he thought it Would be teiery
the tenor of bis speech: wrong thing and verr;iinjost to.entrust
"Those who are for the war must get the entlircemeet of the, Military Service
. on one side, and these against the war Act to anyone else than the Present
must geton the other." ROTOR lili3OSer. ljehelieeedilir Robert
. - . .
"We meat Scrapethe-two....eldpartiOS, Borden- -Would enforce the Act:
beth of which have proved unequal to Me, Guthrie , is.,eaideto be at present
the present einergency".. , the idol of South Wellington, and that
"Conscription, the high explosive of - at the ccimbig election he ze ainmat sure
war orgatutatinti;'some :do not like the to be returned-11000nd.
weird. I de. It reiyaitistwhat it means, inentary reference to Sir Rolitett, Borden.
and itemeteis just what it:says."' • . makel one, 'believe that already: bee
-Referring to a referendum on Cone .ae ittideretanclingc.,r,401 the rteinler
scription he sew ; •Thet-belieye that about a place itt. oalitle„u geeerninent,
position on be: takes by- any: Liberal and also ai:te, Wlieeelle*-:,061zo'itiEla aline
of that goveininentiliall bee'
'Premier Hearat followed Mr. Guthrie
;nth -a splendid speleli, 'full of fire and
energy_atut petrietkelerv,or, but lacking
enitheoleibeeteofeeurprise- and
whieh narked the eeeechers ofLiberals
advotating 'a:Conservative geverontental
Matinee., , ' •
;The greatest speech of the Wholeeon,
ventien .pregram. _weirlhatie by MrN.
who do not believe that Sir Wilfred '
would either enact or enforce COnearip-
tion, considered Mr. andsant'satetemeut
a grew misrepreeentetion of Ontario
Liberals 'ea *hole+ and - the calling of
the Couvention at the Arena was one of
:Who wishes to keep Canada on the .firing
line '
• , '
•"Weshopid have Win -the -War
was due to of interest.. What could government.".
be -expected? --Thee conventrioneseturethe belieee.that Sir RebertI3ordere will-
nounced only shout a week before the
forni the.yery best. 'government that he
date of meeting, it Was from that.
can, and it well be our duty to support at "
vigorMisly advertised in the daily papers, e „- • '
The tragedy of Quebec is thatthere
but thereevie no provincial organization
is no great outstanding figure in Quebed."
tnarrangeIf we win, Quebec must accept the for the sending of delegates.
How could farmers attend? And, as for decision. If we lose weenlist ficopt W. Rowelle leader of the Oiposition in
town and village residents, therare few ill the degisione Quebec waccept" the Ontario Parliament, and Sir Win.
disposed to lose R couple of days and
The. longest speech' at the morning yearst's rlyal,for'power. ' . •••,.
.'. .
session was made by COL" deo. T. Den- Mr. Rowell lain many respecte a Won!
,terelve Or fifteen dollars to attend
e convention, a, report of which they can .oiocel, who, with regard to his politica, derfuk man. Insignificantinappeerance
readintheir newspapers the foiloWing said:. "I have never 'given absolute ad- and having &voice ratheethin and high-
Iterefice to either party. I have chame pitched, .he yet puts so inuoli energy into
My Own opiniOUI is .that those who ,ed on various occasions when 1 thought his speech snd, makes such •downright,
it in the mteretes of the ceuntry."..
eilled the convention have 'every reason
to feel sittisfied with the tetailts Of their ColDennison has a theory of his own
regarding the efiptt 'Co get 'Canada to
efforts; There was no thought of form regarding
out of the, War. It is that Glr-
ing a third political party.. That was
- '
not once mentioned. The eine manyman influence is at the back Ot it .
said this influence had been discovered
tithes exprOsed at every session, was to
in Australia, in South Africa, Ireland,
get together all those .vho regard Win-
ning the War as the first diity and bust: Ill:R1.1"rtC-CV-Ww"-Car-
Ile was ,the only speaker to ,euggeet.
.neia of the countrye and who, until that
thee Others who -referred US- SirWilfral
end is accomPiiiiiiedi are Willing. to 'sink -
and his followers, gave them credit for
ParPY.differances. It, gave that element •
in opportunity to speakiniritvereefrom suwe0tY'' though they believed .thenk.
"2"t&Lj11138411 .11'"'-'7'4.4.6.-17.9"11113-1141141Pr'El'W4t4'fr7z.i he OEi, sard, 4Uilie4aiirr:rnee
lishment to get Mr, Ilearse Conservative
premier of Ontario, and MrRowell, of tny blood are in the, war, . Seven of notional 'government:- and Mr -a if
eader Of the Liberal Oppositionin the .
them are dead." Ail ea Was for "tioity once in'the federal 'arena wii 're:7in
.Ontario i,ornionent, to speak together of counsil and 'despatch et business" ' there " e fe4aer,
Othei'speakeri at the 'morning session To be appreciated...hie epoch at the
from the 'same platform, 0 PobliolY.,•de-
clam themselves .in favor of the !Same ,were Mr.;. D. McPherson; Provincial, e,onVention, should haVe been heard or
thing andio-faVbr•ofpdopting -the-same
..Seereteree an&-Mr..Sane qareeese.M.Pte
.4._ matebeeetid.e. *The,lrey..notie -ware in -the
ee e, „ ee -.-
means for, the, accem.plisliMa
ent Of that of tielpn, unto • first two sentences 'which I quote. . .
thingeeIt-evemenetiplendideexample- to- . , , , .
u•---„Aecommieteeprielesoltaiorisiebet lip-- -in7,41 aiiere-te-digliter kid -Ki:Itiiiiil
win,the-war Liberttls and Coneeevaeives poterece ence as it was free e for ell,' a . in beginning, "to- support -the principle.
threfighout the country, - and would hi'•
great number of -resolutionte were shb-. of Compulsory military service, conecripe
witted for the coesideration Of the com- tion of vtealth, afd the formation of a
itself have juetified the Conventiori mid.
made it worth while.. ' . ; * * teitteenational or warGoverninent. '
.The'holding of the .0oriventipti ap.. : Ti IgfOld•SESliOist ' . .2 '.."•The, course 1 ohoula take at this time
Pears to have been ishggested by the Tile ,Thuredee night mass meeting on these important questions has not
Conference of Ontario Liberal Members opened at eight o'clock, when there were been difficUlt" for iiio to d4ei4e, iince 1
of parliatrient and candidates held in . between five tied aix thousand People in
had already publicly : adveicitted; thee
Toronto about two weeks earlier. „That: the vast auditorium. The Arathour was V411°10°80" •
Conference wee a privets agar, but at given to. the ()teat Wet 'Veterans, ' an After Mr, Itovestre Speech the Thurs.
the 'conclusion of it Mr, Geo Graham orgeninttion of the teddiers returned day night ineeting was closed by the
handeci to the press a statement Whieh fiwn the war: ' There were all 'orb a'nd• audience ranging the Xattonal Anthem.
toad that 'those in attendance had 'exconditions of : these to the number of .A meeting Friday morning ditictiesect
pressed theMselvea as in favor of Canada,. about three thousand. Some were re. . and paitted 4 number -of reholationtnein.
doing everything peissible towaldiewiii- stared to bealtb; discharged and in cite bodying the sentiment et the convention.,
nirig the war, and thee they still had Mail clothes. ' `I'lie major* were in and a delegation Was tippointecl to go to
0nfidenee in Sir Wilfred Laurier los the khaki and giving evidence of wounds or Ottawa thatnight to urge nPon Premier
mateivlio.thettld lead the Liberal party broken health. . A number ' were io Ilciden bbs ucceccitY utettulciuit 00., t'
to victe'ry in the approaching general crippled they lad to bp carried. The icual, Roverumcut/ otta to av°Itt If P°8-'
elettioill. ' , ereatileatiee eeef etti Benue eighteen *table a war -time election The delegte
tiop went to Ottawa and met the Prime.
Liberate who believe that Universal theinsandniembers, The veterans' got a MinUiter on Saturday. Re /stated that
militery aervice, or CoisieriPtion, le the great reception as theywkarehed to from he hoped to form a nation -0 gov_erenient, .,
'only -meant by-which-Ctuada nim.110 rt t -*strain two bog living stremutc tiud but el.- dia- *jut se tut $ft .1.0tiOU 1
UtMOOlt *wards winning . the, war, and took the' eisrated elate CO the right 444 colild 14. 0,0kie4i
clear •cut statements that he at once
commands ' attention' and Confidence.
There is no beating about the bukilt not
• UnCertaintY k Where
. ow he ago-
ing and le goes. What 'he has to -say
he says with perfect,plearness, and with
the air of oise, who holds nothing 'beck.
is iri prepared to fi ht his battl
e rt s
g eabove
board He is one 1:4 the. new type of
puiolrc meraiidMint-soon lie eaknow:
ledgedto be one of the best and shies
in Canadian puBler life. -Sire Robert
Ilf,014 4o0UNTY NEWS
Tikurialay, AguL 9th
The Dominion Gorernment ha a
made as appropriation of 1156,000 for
iinprovestenta in Goderich harbor.
The improvements are rendered neon
eery by the ehip•building business now
being carried pa there.
Not Win:T*14e thia year to secure
rai way aecommodetion for its annual
• oacursioni the Huron Old Dope' Anse
• eiation of Toronto decided to hold a
Picnic at Centre Island, the date a
which has been fixed for Auguist lath.
The Brussele Pest had the t Allowing:
Monday afternoop a can of eaboon on
elle 9f theshelves in J. T. UM? grocely
•exploded, throwiug the contepte for
yards about. The proprietor came in
for tr, ahem) of the shower. This watt
hiefirst blisinese experience of the
' The great heat end possibly a
emelt perforation, with resulting for
laudation, is thought to have mimed
the explesiou. • , s
Seiounr.-,An unfertetrate event
occurred on Tumidity morning of . telt
• week at the Imerne of. William 'lardy.
on theLondeaload, a, short distance
trete'. Clinton, when hire. Hardy was
• found deed" • by her husband, on his
• reterne.froni town. Mrs. Ilardy had
been in poor health for several meethe,
and being left alone in the liollaes- .8be
own life. 'When found dead
she. Was hanging to the raillog oti the
stairway, The fencile are very highly
*petal, and. no doolit theact was
Committed while ahe Was temporarily .
deniented. ' • s
Students who were succesefol in the
M ddle School eirems.. are 'folloWa:
W:.• Axpent: (pith1 . W
T. Armstrong .(part , 2), J G Bowler
(jart1),K. F. .1360EOWS (part:. .
W. chUre'hill ,(Paq_1),
(Part.2); M 1 •Connell (pail, 2.), M. F.
Edge (part 1 heners),,,E. R Freeman
(part g), A. a Frieder (part 2),' a A.
Glezier (part l), F; W, Gray (part l)f
C. Galt (part:21inners), EeGOven
lock (part T, Garbutt' (piet 2),
H. a Gray.(pert 1), F L Hess' , (part :
1 and part 2), N..,W Hibbert -(pt
1), R J. Larkin, (part 1), M. „Larkin;
(part 2), 1. Middleton (part 2), 'P. B.
Moffitt (part- SY, L A. McKay (part I
honors), KJ, Mackenzie (part .2),
K. MeLerin (pert 1 _boners). J. 0, Mc-
-Kee(part e2); Tet :TrietfeiTenetly-E,-
ePridleten (part 2 femora), A.. 0.. haw
kip (part 1), D.•Ithrers (part 1). E
P. Seat (part 1), IL a Slott (part
M . E. Snell (part 2 honors), R 5
TaWrionil (part 2),. AL Wilson (pert'
2), with physics.
1Trricit SonOon
itii;t of stndents fr6us Huron County
. High Sehoolo who were.. successful iii
the Upper School examinations: G.
Ames, J. W.. Argo, L Allen.
(with LS. arith), 9. C. Best,
chicunyi E M Churchill, A pherch.,
ill, M., IleCrich (with LS. srith..), M..
Cuthill (honors), G. 3. Dyer, 11 11;
Dickson, M. Edmunds, Elder, A.
Elliott, D. L,Yowlie, 0, .4 Grant, R
J. Grainger; T. L Gillespie, AT;Grieves,
D. Le1litlee-47141lays,
A. E. Johns, W.C. Johnston., E. Kent,
Kitt (home's), 'Ai K. Leonard, 8; •
Milne, A. " McConnell, it. MeMatle
-MeMniclile'-(lionOrs), 1i. -Cl• •
.74 .
lifticVian (Millers); A. Murphy,
lleClinchee, J. 0. Maxwell (honors),
M. S.• Nicholson; 11 F. Potter.. it. 1sT;',
Rowe, -E. C. Robertson (with L.S.
tory), A. L. Sandmen (With 1:,;• S.
nian.) a Biwa, E. M. Stolti,,1. J.
StOtheili; J. Tr A.E.
D; Wilson, S. Weode, E J. Walters,
Weile4 .
'CAPITAL AND -RESzliVii $8,800,000* I
1111 brioche* in Canada
A denerai Banking Business- Transacted
Circular Letters of 'Cieclit
Dank Money Orders
• Intermit allowed at mount ourre,nerate
8. REIPI.Managet.
• .
London, Canada,
-SEPT. 7th to 15th, 1917
1867-," 4. *Half Century of Success "---z9t 7
The great Agricultural Exhibition of Western OW10
. $32,000.00 in Prizes and Attractions
A very interesting Programme, including Militaiy pad
other features--TwIcn DAILY* .
Prize Lists, etry rOft119 and all information from the Secretary. *
Latter . -,C014. W. M. 'OARTSHORR, • A MUral.
— , President. - SeeretarV.
• ridNIMINIMIIMIIIIIIMINIMIIII1111111•111111001111.1110melalll
if ,you ,require.anything in havveatine. machinery •
' • • as the supply is already exhausted in.some lines.
. • , . • • •.
Will Save your horses! neeks while wotking
on the Mower and binder.
• " • ;
-Binder Twine and Hay, rotICRope „
Machine and Separator Oil
, . . .
• en
sdli,o' •
Thorough courses in Music, Art,' Oratory. High School, Buiinesa
College., Domestio,Science and Superior -Physical -Training. '
R.. I, WARNER, lel..A., D. De'. President. St. Thomas. Ontario
• • • •• We
Relied trip tourist ticketiLeow on sale
from stations in Ontario at very low
• fares,'Witli liberal step Dyers
•• elliT VUR 1leKET2 le elleettiCfi
Berth reservatious and lull information
at ell Grand trunk Ticket Offices, or
iv -rite c BI TIORN/e/G, Disttict Passe*.
ger Agent, G. T, Ry. Syattene Toronto,
.?tal.e MAIM% Algot; titekitow•
•'IstaOht I
ASpecial in Ladies' Silk.Waists
Fith fanCylCollar and Cuffs at S3.00
White Lawn and Voile Waists, .odd lines to
-clear-at air -Reductions
SPeOtai quality in, Middies at 1.00 anti r1.25
.. • ,
Ladies' Silk Gloves.. short, at 75c an
Now is time tO buy a Suit'of e ,
to &del* as Tweeds and Worsteds will
be much higher in price. ,
" th s thade
_Buir NA:m.4f_ tirices-Late- low
to 'what they will- be for next -season. --
few Trimmed Hats in :the Millinery
Department at Big Reductions to Clear
ratiNesAwi, 'Oa Tr
Thie school will open. oh August 2751i. It is affiliated with Central Dusineett.
Crillege, Stratford, and Elliott Ilusiness College, 'Toronto., two of Canadtesi
best known Commercial Schools, Vire are peepated to glite n thorough, prace
tical training and, to aesist graduates to good positions.
. Write at once, for particulars, -
Di 14• MCIACh1101 PrelthlOhto
A, Holland; 04404
. •
7. 4