HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-02, Page 8•
TIItw t: R Olt 31N1tt
wo Days More
On Friday and Saturday the closing days of our Sale we are
offi� extra inducements to clear the: balance
of a number of irises entirely.
Ladies' 'Suits--Thitbalance of those LadiesSnits, which were our sale at $5.95, to
clear on Friday tfnd Saturday at $3.96.
Ldie ' Rain Coats—The assorted lot on sal
aeat $5.00 rec aced to $3.95 for special
clearance on Friday and Saturday.
Sumumer, Dress: Goods—'. -Those clearing fats on: sale °at 13 and r$c, offered on Fri.
day and Saturday at xa and.r5c. •
Navy Percales—The balance of our 36 inch Navy Percales,., all fast colors and
neat patterns are reduced from the sale price of 2a to 18c for Friday and Satur-
day. Still a good assortment of patterns to choose from.
Men's Shoes --A chance for shoe bargains in the> clearing lot of Men's Shoes on
sale at $3.79, further reduced' for Friday and Saturday to $2.95.
Ladies' Shoes—Only 3o pair left on our clearing $L98 table to go'to the quickest
buyers at only $1,38 on Friday and Saturday. Who will --be the lucky ones?
livery pair a ,special bargain. •
Misses' Middies—Those white Middied, trimmed with navy, ou sale at 69c. Only
a few left, to clear at 25e on Friday and Saturday.. •
Ladies' Blouses—Thebalance of the '5o and 75c clearing lots in this line for, 25
and pc on Friday and Saturday. •
Ladies' and Children's white Dresses -These are at low• prices for quick
clearance for Friday and Saturday.
SPECIALS—For Friday and Sat urd �e._.lliag,a n mber• of, other.clearing lo.
not previously advertised
are put on ecial sale.
ameron Co.
98 Branches in Canada
Atieiera l BankingBusiness Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit: •
• Bank Money Orders
Interest allowed at highest current rate
T.. S. REID, Manager.
ren Har...esting :Machinery
Order now it you require anything in harvesting'macbinery
as the suppler is' already exhausted in some lines.
Will save your horses' necks: white working
= on the mower and binder.
• Bider..Twine and Hay Fork Rope
Machine. and
Separator Oil
• Verdun
Monday, July SG.
Miss Mae McIver is visiting friends
in hit Iocality.
Mr. Robert Cott Sundayed with
Mende on the ffttrth.
Miss Elsie, Steele was a Sunday guest
of Miss Nellie McMullen.
Ansa Jennie Walden spent a few days
of last week with Mends in Ripley.
Mr. and Mrs. E Nash„ -of Wiagham,
spent the weekend at J. McPherson's.
The proverbial stork made a visit to
the home a£r and Mrs. John Reid
Let Wednesday morning and left a fine''
baby girl. We.eengratttlate, the pareute.
Edward Dexter, whir Wee for the; past
few ,ears' blacksrnithing in Gordon's
shop on the boundary. Mr. 'Dexter
intends continuing his trade in his spare"
The entire rcommunity were 'indeed
s eked When -card t1.atMrs_Sam
ho yh
Swan had passed away on Monday
night, July23rd.:.,, She had •been ,_tieing
so well since the birthiof the child that;
it was. -almost . unbelievable It has
indeed east a gloom over the entire
community, She was a young woman
who by her kindly and ° cheerful dis-
°pasiLiuu eudeared . b reelf "tcr aall. whir
knew gen. The funeral on 'Siday to
C-lreenhill cemetery was one of the largest
ever seen in these parts.- The heartfelt
sympathy of everybody is extended to
the bereaved husband and: parents.; ,-
1. u ..• rrT .,.. .'w..-�.�, iYA`','WD1f..v.',,,if'-•. s,..
Mies Marjorie Hughes,, of London,. is
'visiting Mrs. Joe Hassall.
We are sorry to,report that William
Blackwell ss not keeping well. .
• Miss Bessie Lane is.suffering with
whooping cough and pneitmopia.'.
Helene, is
visiting her brother, William Guest.
Mrs.. Sam. Armstrong,, of Manitoba,. is'
• visiting her sister, Mrs.' Nelson Bushel.
. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, McCormick
�ngi.ted arottKid Beach�Lake ony
Mrs..Ed,' Perry, of 'this .place, and
.lairs.' Win. 'Montgomery, of 'Kincardine,
left :on. Saturday to visit with friends in
' Detroit..
Fred Hoci'gins; who. has been inWing;
hair hospital being treated `for appendi.
citis,•returned lirnue here on Wednesday
doing well
to be
and appears
Cotne to the Womee's'Patriotic Gard;
° yen fatty itt Ki.ntough on the.. evening of
• .August 7th. ',Tea. from 0 to 7 o'clock,
Admission:, Adults 25e,, children ice:,
all for the'Red Cresta work; •
Mies Maggie i�inneit had the titisd
g her 'arm on Friday,
fortuitc to• break y
She w> getting out, of a wagon and her
shear caught, causing -her to ,all -on - hat
•n it, between the wrist and
BrnW, 'breaking .
Tri r Hen N t r. While a woman.
dal*l te'•r" 8 `:th'ie"�hrca- lit`" r_
. '� oca ,y
--king-b nilis iiiY : tne,..eit Iary ,try.:
were interfered with by a,'eoiiple, man
and woman,; who appear .to 'think - they
have a tight to the. whole'. earth. The
woman and girl were -ordered to get out,
but they paid no attention, They were
then called all sorts of insulting names
and the berries they had' gathered were.
seized•=agid-thro€ru dn.:-the giisttfid -fi
good deal of indignation la. felt over the
incident, as the highway is •-considered
tree to•all. Some. would like to see the
parties who interfered made an example..
of and taught a " lesson they will not
Soon forget: •
—Tuesday, July 31.
Miss Margaret McKay, of Itintail, is
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Campbell.
Master Alvin and Miss Mabel;Sherriff,
of London, are visiting their aunt, . Mrs.
George Swan, jr. • ••
Dire; IL L., McIeith returned 'home
from London hospital, where she under-
went an operation.
• bir. and. AMr. Mattison and Mr. and
Mrs. Mitchell inotored up from Detroit
and iieited their cnuetns,: the M Tt1
few days, a
lil for a e d
John Brown ltgv rented Ilia farm to
—Monday, July 30: ,
Miss Annie McKenzie, of 'Lochalsh
is visiting. at McDiarnud.'s.
Annie and 'Maggie Clarkson spent ,a
few -days in Kincardine last week:
Mary"aid•Dorothy Webster, of Sea
forth, are with their aunt 'Mrs. Raynard,
Dorothy and Veda Towle are visiting
their cousins here at the Towle home -
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yiurdoch • were in
lysisiTey last` Friday attending the funeral
of his uncle.
-Tuesday, 'July, 31.
Donald 1+. McNam is spending his
vacation at home.
• Mrs. Kincheloe -and cl`ilireu, Isobel
and Billie, of Chicago, are.vieiting at
the forwer's honte here,
Mr. and Airs, N. D. MoKenzre aid
children, Mrs. Mitchell and Mr. J. N.
1leRenzie,Sundayed in Goderieh.
Mr. and Nis. 1<Iitchelt, Misses: ,Mae
and Trudie and Master Ross have re
turned to their home in Powasson.
Miss Colena Clark, at St. Helens,
Mrs. A. McLennan„ of Chicago, and Mr,
3. McLennan, of Toronto, are visiting
at K. D. McLennan's.. '
Monday, July 30.: .
Mr. Thos. Blake has purchased a new
Miss Mary Hall returned homer from
Guelph last week. , ,
Ars;. B. Edwards, of Toronto,' is 'visit
'ing Mr. anal. Mrs. J. Edwards at present.
Rev, and Mrs. I, W. Kilpatrick and
Miss Margaret spent a few days at
Kilpatrick's.. , • . •
• We are pleased to repoit some im-
provement air
mprovement-in the -health -of -Mr. (loo€rey-
Hall, who has been ill for•the past month:
Mr. and Mrs..Gteorge Coleman and
fanuly, and Mrs Jas• 'Reid,' of . Varna,
called. on friends herb on a,n,otor trip to
Lucknow last week.-
„fsabelr'�cDaini�ie ai preaent"Ta ing'
-es iii oNeet wait. �r14ryo,txa;'ttlAbstizr
tote,; Guelph.
Mrs. Murchison 'after'an ekten,ed.
visit to St. Marys' and -New Hambarg,
is now homeagain, '
Mrs.' Robertson; et Wingliam, has
been visiting her brother, Neil Mur=
doch,. and calling on old friends here.
This is ideal hay' weather and a
bumper crop is being gathered and well
cured—just a. Iittle warm` for those who
have to work. "
The following, visitors. were guests at
the home of Dan,; Murray here lately:
J. D. Murray, a brother, from Detroit;
his son, Louis, and wife, from Winnipeg;
J. W. Murray, a brother, from Spruce.
The Jungle
. —Tuesday, - a Jui 31,
soy, y,
Roy Hudson is spending his vocation.
in his father's hair fields. "
Mrs. Wm. Walker, of Lucknow, in.
visiting her sister, Mrs, John Purvis,
Miss Annie Brown, who has been in
Goderieli for some weeks, has returned.
home. • •
MastenGordon. =arid Mies Wittniir
�unclttudson of Detroit, are visiting . their
+ d.
e Wester ti s.0
, Mr. � d o,,, •
uday, July 30.
Mr. and Mrs. George Drennan spent
Sunday at Albert Helm's.
Mica Ida. Hackett is visiting with her
slater at Crewe for *few dye.
Miss itae Stothera wss the gueatof
Mrs. Isaae Andrew over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGee, of Port
Albert, visited at the latter's home here
Sacramental services. will be here, in
this church on Sunday, Anguat etch at
10.30 a.m. • •
Mr. and Mrs, Boden Ritchie. and
family, of Walkervi1Ie,, are visiting with
relatives here.
TheirHelp Wanted Now
A call: for help -in. the harvest Setae"
of Canada is,'eontained In a letter' re-
ceived by those who signified their will-
ingness toassist the country in in—
em-ergency wheu.they signed their nat)onal;
service cards,win' which the urgeney of
the. need for help in,getting in the crop
to feed this country and the allied coun-
tries, and to aid in financing: the war, is
set forth.
• The letter, which is signed by Charles
W. • Peterson,secretary . of the national.
service 'board,* ard• which- includes an
appeal by Freniier-•Borden, states that
food shortage... faces the world, 'and that-
hatthe safety" of the .;Eljipire may depend.
on the euccessful gathering of Canada's
stops, and; it suggests that it might ' be
possible to utilize one's vacation by aiding
the Empire on the farm: Farmers are
paying up to $2 50 and $3'end „board,
the letter states, and although- this' may
not be as high a rate of pay as the reci-
'pient of the letter. is getting, it • oust be
remembered that thousands of Canadians
are risking their health andlives at the.
front for $1.10 per day.
Everythan who is accustomed to
manual labor 'and outdoor sports is
10 ded nd-if-the_y-do-not• ve- tempor-
ary aid a Portion of theabundant elope
will be lost,, for ,all the way from the.
-dicky Mountains to -the- Si. -Lawrence
River the need for help to acute.
Mr, and Mrs. John i±arrish and daugh-
ter, Della, of Danee, spent Sunday at
Pte, Gl Gs, .
Charles Denagh'
eergee Hackett - returned to.
Petawawa Camp after calling ou friends
in this vicinity last week. '
Mrs, Will Gardiner and' daughter,
Olive%; of Cochrane, are 'visiting her
sister, Mrs. David Andrew.'
..-Monday, July 30.
Miss Mary McIver is visiting friends
in Detroit.
Mrs. Neil McDonald is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Harris, in -Toronto, '
Miss Colina Cr'ark is spending a short
tithe with her unel&M, C. McKenaie.
Miss ,Mary.McAturchy, of Alexandra
Hospital, Goderich, is, home at present;
.Miss Belle Taylor left last week for
Toronto; Owbere -abe;expects =to -take a
We arglad to see: Rennie McLean in
cur midst again after spending the sunt=
mer on the lakes.
Mr EwartMooeith, of the West,
visitingat the home of his father-in-law,,
Mr. Wm,,Tohnston,.
g number of Kintail people: spent :a
ve't "plea t-tirirelit" li home of J. K.
,MacDonald' last. Friday night.
Miss Ethel. , Finlayson and brother,
Dad, -Miss :Sallowvsarud Mesere ..Tim and
Charlie Cooper spent. Sunday with.
friends here.
1•£ the man to. whom the letter la' 'ad-
dr'esseii'�`feeli iia. irIlieuli "no"i e—;
tF• . ..;�
vice,•-or=is. -physically incapable, heis
advised to secure a.substitute,
LAT- Sl` WA' `
>� 1� � NEWS
J. Cam bell nd t tle dao
Nr.R a 1 h
tor, , Margaret, also, Mr. Richmond. • cif :.
Toronto, are visiting at•tbe home of 'Mr.
and Mrs; Wit. N; Johnston
The monthly .meeting of the Women's
Institute will be Held at --the home- of.
D7rs. Dick MacDonald on Thursday;
August2nd: Everybody welcome. ..
. •Onrrtraa r.- A li g Iy esteemed resi
dent of this *reality- passed, away On
Wednesday, JuIy.1.8th., inthe person of
•James Griffin. • The deceased was in his -
seventy-third year and had been in poor
health for the past year or more, but
bore his_ illness very patiently._ • He is
survived by his widow, three• daughters
and son,• Timoth ,. who lives below Kin•
tail. The daughters are; -Mrs. Maurice
g ,,
Dalton, Kintail;. Mrs. Wm.. Clair, •Crewe;
and 'Annie. who ;lives at home. fie is
also survived by two brothers and two
sister, Mrs _Flynn', . ors O Gonne, and •
AO were present at the funeral•
Patrick; another brother, was. unableto
be present onaccount of ill health;' The
funeral was held on Friday, High Maas
beingsung by Father McCormicle The
remains were laid to rest in St. Joseph's
-cemetery, Kingsbridge- - The -pallbearers
were John T O'Reilly;'Jack Courtney,
Cori, 0J'Reilly, Mike . ;O'Reilly, John
Griffin, Jack MacNamara,
—Tuesday,, July 31, •
Mr. Lorne Garnean is visiting his
sister, Mrs.' Gus Hasenflug,
Mrs, McDougall, of Owen Sound,: is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm.;Ballagh.
: Mrs, Linklater and son, Miley, -at-
tended the funeral of her aunt in Gu:lph
IAB -Mondey _
Rev. Mr, Mann, of Brussels, occupied
Knot Church pulpit morning and even=
ing last Sabbath,
Mr. George. Seiden, of Ottawa, is
spending:.a week.with:,tie brother•in-law,'
Dr. G. S. Fowler.
Um. Curran, ofLeamingten, ie upend-
ing her holidays with her parents, `Mr.
and .Mrs. Geo:Nixon,:
Mrs. David McDonald, who has been
visiting her daughter, in Detroit, has
returned to her home in. Teeswater.
Mr. • and Mrs, 'Chas. Tlichardacn, of•
;Medical Hall, have returned to their
duties after a three weeks' holiday. . .
Me. and Mrs, F. Thompson and fain-
ily, who have been visiting here, motor!
ed to Toronto on Monday morning, ac.
eompanied by Mre. Arthnr Jarvis. .
Lateyt new': from theiacene of war in
Europe, is to the effect that thegreatest
battle of the war, up tothepresent time,
is in progress, the infantry action having
started -uesday-inarmn •
It consists of an attack bythe British
and French on that. section f the Ger-
man line extending north and south of
Ypres. The infantry attack ,;Tuesday
morning-. followed almost a month's
heavy bombardment of .the •line to be
attacked, To the artillery fire the 'Ger-
Ger-mans were able to make a substantial
reply, but on Tuesday the British and
French infantry gained all they set out
• to take, and according toallreports:' the
situation is promising of .a great victory,
--likely the heaviest blow the Germans.
have yet suffered. The battle may last
for weeks or months, according as the
Gtowillsta-doit. .
ermine ni . Itis the
great attack for which the British and;
French armieshave been preparing all
spring and summer... .
Thursday, AaiguA91?
Phone No. I0a is at Your ervict
We call for Casb—We' Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stents
is JiliQW O
and we have a complete stock
of Preserving Kettles ranging
in price froom, 30e to $x.5o. See
our Moonstone Ware --This is•
the smoothest' and best wear:
• ing graniteware on the' market
This hot weather- lakes
oxe'tliink of :lee . Cream.
Buy a Freezer
and make your own' Ice
Cream, We have them.
at x.5oi 2.75, 3.25 and
Sprinkling. Cans 'a
For spraying potatoes. This is '
the place to buy them, 'Alo
Paris Green. -
This . ie the- weather for
00 Stoves
Save your wood and coal for
the cowling whiter and buy,
an'Ci1.Stove. 'See our line
.-the Florence Automatic,
iii two, three and four burn-
er -,-the stove
urner-,-the-stove that gives ab
solute .satisfaction.'. ..
The Lucknow Hardware .& Coa Go. -
iol of Cornmorc
1int�n, -On ,
•n_. Courses -:.
ffers the following Cay
BU IN E'�/���a':`yam,
N :. �RAPHI ..
And arranges SPECIAL
� UR
ie -- FoiiowingAdvaOutage;
• tr
This is a good way in which to open
the fourth year of the war. • Twice at
this same part of the line—in the Fall
of 1014 and Spring of 101h—the Ger-
mans made desperate and long testain-
ed eflnrta to break the British line, but
forked. Now the drive is in the . other'
direction and it 'looks as though the
Allies "shall have numb greater success
than t
ted the mad ; e of the
diem , •.
a t
Jou ao.
bl<rer M. 3'.lrwin spent tb weekreml
• •, • -
Highly qualified teaching stall
Actual Business Systems of Boogie ing
Credential Typewriting Tests.
.r . '-: P ...... ...._. w-.•-•rawnWrt+ u.mr.mw . �u . wwwwNdn.wvursl .:
Guaran` ted. •
arta ;room► in tale school`.
Work.:sent in from . this school. . w
in 191,.
17 ranked': second in Dominion of Can-
Itis the work and thepride of.
school to snake its . students 100 per .
cent. efficient, for in everyr. walk of life
the -melpied-is io a ter t -men
and women.
.....:.For further particulars write
to. ..... .
• to
!.A.! cit s., Principal.
M� A. STONE, Loin. Specialist, Vice -Principal.
_ a
. � da.l..
Phone 208
0 Opens Tuesday,
September :4th.
with friends in Teeswater. -
A ranular!. from hero 'attended the
funeral of Gorge Rising' last creek,
Mr,-JAnclereet n of.Lucknove, ielen•
4vatt g,tIl the Matho ib h u
rch ler,
The' W9men's toetitute wiejt tci,t4pir
like Purvis for the '$1 i is, the proceeds
of .the lied dress ice cream,
Mr. and Mrs, ltoy'Keneedy and fatal•
ity,'aud `-MA `Mrs, Htarper and famt1 .
who have been visiting triends here
l#aVe retfrned burse, .