HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-02, Page 6•••••ra "...ea.* • -•• . •••••••••=11111P •••••••• •••••"•• ••••••••11•^- 4.• • W. Make Ali Your Preserves with Home Bank Enjoys $0 tents Per lb. for beet is not high when compared to 60 cents per lb. live weight paid for the Champion of steady progr,,,„, the Toreeto Fat Stock show. . wow' start feeding that steer now sad get sama of the big money at the • • Eighth 'Annual PIONSlavutounisritrit imilgoiiirk intim% sb•gergorbesto • Allem* Steps Refineries Limiteti liON1111W '4\ Pure Cane. Eine Granula. Oen. Order byname from your grocer. 2.0.20:4tt1osab.sociro-2 & 5;lb...carton* 137 PUNA, IAL Clrace autara Novelized front the Motion Picture Pio; of the Sam Name by theUniversal Film AI& Co. a otrociavorl#4640' 1,41 SEVENTH Ensere , The Elusive' Pearls. . "We meet again," .naid • Kelly,his steel -cold gaze directed with a Pierc- ing look into Patricia's great blue eyes. The girl pesmitted one of her most bewitching smiles to play like glints of sunshine over her pretty face. ',We do meet quite often, it seems," was her reply, spoken in sarcastic 1.1•14.1111•1• upon the moearch and the stirprise of Ins alts4ck, easily overeerne the hint and, rendering him helplesst Kelly and finishes in the intestines. The farnish them with sufficient ,exercise A CObESE IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE COMPLETE. IN TWENTY••FIVE LESSONS. Lesson We -Cellulose. The ,hunian body is the most wort-, to perform their functions properly, it derful piece of ineeldnery in existenceis necessary to eat foods which Ilene It has the power to grow and to cart- bnik. sunie its own tissue. In sante re -1 Of these footle, the most usefuLare speets it may be likened to a steam vegetables, which not only confain engine, because it must lave fuel and mineral salts but also contain Cella - lubrication. And like , the engine lose, a eubetance thet is incombustible. which leaves a, quantity of waste niat-!By thia we mean that cellulose( is not ter called ashes, so the body Produces' digested, is not converted into blood; waste product* whichenust be 'WWII.' but it is valuable because it assiets the ated, • I intestinee tie discharge the waste pro- • The process of digestion esteirts in, (fleets. • , • the mouth, is continued in the stomech,1 Persons whose work does not soon transformed the king IMO the steneach ana intestines perform their often suffer frora• eonstipation and a outward appearance Kelly had, him- ti I ' had left the room. - self, presented to the guard when he Ie this way they absorb all the nutri:Igoor for theme while grains also present effective organization and con. evident that with its duties by contrac ng and expanding vegetable niiet is therefore esPeeially addition, it is me t -ef the food disco the r .4.- edict the ban will be able to , rd esidue, assist, and one, of the best is n n•s, eplay When the soldiers returned they eclil „ .e, a still raore prozninent "at in the and euminate all the waste from the ; a tablespoonful of sterilized bran ea found tbe man they presumed to lie In order to assist these organs en with, each meal. . financing of Canada,'s industrial re. Kelly alone in -the room. His great- body.' quirements in the post-war period.e coat Was buttoned tightly around him, . . The confidence the Canadian public his eaP•pulled down and a heavy rant- Preserving Blackberries,, gar is dissolved, then boil rapidly for have in the Bank is refleeted by egain fier obscured his face. But when they Blackberries are exceedingly rich in twelve minutes, Poureinto sterilized of over s2,,000,000• in deposite, these started to lead the man away, they iron and they make a valuable addi- glasses or crocks, Cover -with a sheet found their prisoner securely' bound, tion to thedi how reaching a total of over $12,000, - et. , Spiced blackberries of glass and leave for two days then hobbled., . mid ,Ins efhet are , orders used for inteStinal die, seal in the usual manner. • This. jelly_ 0 c°11113"ed with with his hands behind hint / 00 $10,103,70'. At will be arm and cut like cheese. . the same tune there also been i a Their haste to remove their prisoner ..._. , • , very berries•' d ' h Pickled Blackherries.-Makea spice large gain in deposits by . . and on the king's orders gave Kelly add- ' To dry the o not wac , . . balances due to the( DoptimoreGovern- tional time to make good his escape. them; sort them, removing all soft or bag of one teaspoonful of whole.ceoves, meet, as they have advaneed to $S, - Duke Hestor seemed to have been bruised ones. Place the fruit on dry- one teaspoonfeleof whole allspice, one 360,855, as against Only $600,000 the waiting for the Sphinx..Kelly had net ing frames in the drier and dry dither teaspoonful of vv)iole mace, one small detained the detective, while hastily air or put the driercurrent of air cheesecloth. 'Now put four quarts Previous year, gone far before the duke halted and in a sunny place with free draughts of stick of cinnamon. ,,,, Tie in a piece of With the larger bUsinees whicb the bank has handled, there has been, a Ras Added 45,900100 to It -40oets Itt Past Year.rAhrift CamPaiga Resulted In Gain -of Over SUOMI) in Depoaito-Large Jnffease, .in •F•andagag. Earned 11.14-% an Celli - tad Againd Lent _Teat, In its annual stetement for the /Adel year to May 81st, 1917, the Iloine Rank ehowe that rapid, picigress lute been Made during the past twelve, Month Period. • The I'M() Bank has for some time past :been atrengthening ita organize - tion .and the 'benefits it lute derived therefrom, are shown in :the growth and expand= of the general hustness of the bank, h healthy, growth. .in 'deposits and an ability' to carry out its entire share of all GoVernment financ- • ing broeght out during the year. hi explaining: • is sleigh waiting just at from an electrie fan.. • of blackberries in the preserving kete • "There a • i • gratifying -increase in the .net profits Thedri the corner. :ver s instructed Canned Blackherries.-Fill the jars tle. If the berries are soft or over - with sound berries, 'shaking down well ripe it will not matter. • Add four cup - to VI the jar. , Now cover with either fuls of sugar, one-half cupful of vine - boiling water or a syrup made of :two ger, one-hali cupful of water. Add cupfuls, of water, two cupfuls of su-ethe spice bag and cook fot one-half gare Beil fot ten minutes and use an hour. Now pont inte•pint jars -and directed., Place the rubber and lid ih place the rubber aild lid in position, position: partially tighten,. and then partially tightened, and securely, and process in a hot-water bath for twenty then store in a cool, dry'place. minutes after the boilbeg starts. Re- move from the bath fond seahe Test for leaks and store in a cool, dry place, Label and date. Which amounted to V17,059.57' equiva- to take you. to the border. Have no lent to 11.14 per cent' on a" paid-up fear -your friend, Miss Montez, has explained matters to me. • You may capital as compared with $.133,406.26 be sure there is no treachery," in the previous, year. 'After the pay - "I'll take a chance," said•KellY, f4and remit of divhiends and subscriptions to I'll be grateful to you if everything Red Cross,,,Patriotic and other funds, turns out as you say it will." • . a balantfe was carried forward of Kelly was relieved when he jumped from the sleigh at the boundary line tr;238r,. against $42,790 in the previ-. and entered the automobile that was , - tones that brought a quick flush. of there in wetting for has use. • • • . anger to Kelly's cheeks. The Sphinx made a step toward the chine to start for Pafis hie assistant girl exteuding her own dainty hand to handed...lam a oft that' the driver of eet the detective's advancinstead directed should begiven , Blackberry Jam.--ThaTe-quarters of tle and boil for twenty minutes, then Me, the.sleigh had a pound of sugar, eighteen ounces , of strain. Fill into ste ized jars or bot - of taking it, he slipped one of a. Pair to him. He took the card. and rear it, heeteetera over her wrist And add; /teems machine moved rapidly away; berries: Place the berries in -a pre- -tem.-- rut into bwater bath and I.` • 41 must decorate you for stealing "I could not see you suffer when Serving kettle and mash well with. a prOcess for ten min tes after the boil - +ie king's ynecklace.” Then he------slumIntentions vrera good- " •waa Potato masher. 'Add thee sugar. Stir ing starts. •Cork ....A .1... into melted , Just aa Kelly was entering the niti- Blackberry .Vinegar. -Three quarts . of blackberries, One pint of water, two Carrots 'scrubbed:clean and shred. pounds of sugar, one 'pint of cider ded raw- are good added ;to a hot dish vinegar. Place in a .preserving* ket- soup. . " •FAT STOCK SHOW MOOD -Stock Yords. TORONTO . . DEQ.:7t1186.01,1911 .Secretary Will mail: prize list on •re. -guest , ' VIRD'S NEST IN TRENCH,. • . ' British „Discovered Nestful of Warm• : Eggs on Firing 'Line. e The following letter from a British °nicer appeared in -the London Times: "After the Wytschaete Ridge had been taken my servant told me that when going across in the evening . he had found a blackbird sitting on its nest izethe German front-line trench. I could not believe it was true, but this morning, having rt ,spere half-hour, I got my sergeant to take • me to 'the place, and, sure enon-gli, there was the nest wipb five warmeggs In it. It was 'in the side of a communication trench ieadiug back from and about 15 •yards from the original German front line." Continued Thrift • Canadians should not consider • that 1917 will be the only year that rigid. • economies • must be practised, There je no knowing at. this date when the war will enk and even after it has ended there will be urgent need for Citnada's surplus_ of food for many months while 'Europe is being regen- t d BRITISH AE MAST DEFENCES Ills AIR FRONTIER IS TIM MOST VULNERAIII4E, • HoW England Guards Eer Coast Againd Attack From Enemy' , Aircraft, Modern- war has given te a netion a new frontier to defend -the ah. frontier. It is a nation's -most vUlnerahle frontier. A sea -coast is open to at- 41 tack only at certain points because of • coaatal conditions. The air .ftontier =Am crossed at auy point; Great Britain has fountithree weenie 44 ons effective againet 'win]. attack-. • searchlights, anti-aircraft guns and • her own aircraft. The searchlights find the 'invaders out and illumine the target for .the "Archies", janti-aircraft guns), and the aeroplanes, once they are up, drive ' away the in.vaders. -• Indeed of the "iron rine of forts • which one hears Omit defending land positions a "ring of lenses," through which poweeful are lamps send their concentrated rays hundreds of yards into the skies, protect the towns and . military positions of Great Britain. ., • • night. In the daytime aerial patrols continuallieseaich the skiee. One of Many Thrilling Stories. • , • Grewn experimentally but a fewi. years ago, American cotton has ber• come an establislted crop in India, -as it grows a larger yield than native varieties. - ped the second handcuff over the girl's what Kelly- read upon the earl Ile until sugar dissolves, then cook .until sealing wax. , . _ . left wrist and She Was helpless, looked back and flaw thh driver of his ' thick, -usually about • forty minutes. Blackberry Catsup. -This- catsup IS "If you mean the people's necklace," Sledge throw aside the greet coat that Care must be taken to prevent scorch- yeti good -with cold ham, pork or - said Pat, defiantly, "it wilt do YPeouopleno'had eervea as a disg•uisgirle.laknew to he Ing bei_plOcing an asbestos mat under poultry. Six quarts of -blackberries, geod tit take -me now. The s Then Kelly Saw a e , ; . ; League has the money and my Work in Patricia enter another automobile and thekettle. Pourinto jars' crocks or one pintof water. Cook the berries . . tharithe is aceontaiabed.tt Her smile peed- . =, • - . . • . -. - .- - - glasses and seal the Jam bycovering until soft, then rub through - i‘a fine of triumph 'WAS 110t Nv at' on the great * 4, * ' the tops of the containers with pate- 'Sieve and add; one pint of vinegar, one i detective. . • -- wax.. Store in .a. Cool, dry place, pro- pound of brown_ sngar,oae. tablespoon,: .` • The klat, wholacr been a encetatoti ' What' IC•ellY-axivecl ' in... ?iris htecting the Jars from mice. - ' -- - ful 'of cimittrifoh, one tablespoonful . of to the proceedings, Motioned to Keller,' found waiting for him a message from Blackberry Jellye-Three pounds of mustard, one tablespoonful of ginger,- directing him tee get with Itinprisoner, the policte commandanandt. Thwas soe Sphinx hlackberriete one pint of water, juice one tablespoonful • of...nutmeg, two king was alone Duke Hestor entered consulting with the chief. Into 1011 adjOinnig 'room. Wien the hastened o headquarters on of one lemon. - Put thningredients- tableipoonfulseef'illite one -her table - and said: , "We have tome to the conclusion, Into a preserving kettle to cook until spoonful of pepper. Cook until thick', ' • "I come from the peopie,.who-evetild Kelly," said the chief, "that. your work berries are soft. Drain through a stirring• continually. Bottle while • -• - • -: eacclaim - you for your gaod-deetl-ht*.ii•a and usefuluestain-France-has•- about 'ally...liege-. -Measure-tIke•-jaiceea--,R ot,----poUring,-4ne-half-teaspoonfel-of • ' ing them the funds tatted by selling reached its end. we believe that turn it to the preserving kettle and salad oil into each bottle. .Seild and the queen's jewels." • • • • • you should - go- away -.to- America, boilfor fen minutes. Add an equal dip the top of the bottle in Mated -sed- ; . .fqkn't them enter," said the king. would-be best." ; ,••• - measure of auger.. Stir until -the su- teg wax. ' ,And then, While -the: king atceptedef.__"-Your operations piece this- 'Purple • - their homage, Peasants to the number Mask' girl has Made, herself di mond- • • of a dozen or more, representing the nent lead us to believe that you are SPEED UP FREIGHT. MOVEMENT 'People's League; a am:donned him as permitting her te do just about as she . • . ., . • .._e..., -- , .. - their benefactor in speeches express- wants to when you art* assigned . to In order to • facilitate train move- ing their gratitude. . , '-. cases in which .she is concerned. ments and release passenger train Shouts of the populace, surround-• "Prance will be better off if both of crews for other work, the railways of • Ing the palace; added to the imisy•gree- you should leave the country." the "United States atemaking drastic a . ing that was being personally- extend- As the time approached for Kelly to , ed to the king". Phil Kelly and his sail he became anxious about Pat's redactions compared to which those in . ' ;Prisoner, in the room, beard the shouts welfareHe did , but could do nothing. Canada early this 3,ear appear mild. and realized that they were natiiing end out, however, that Mrs. Van Nuys Thus, for instance; the Pennsylvania THE "SPOONBILL CATFISII:' 'A Fish That Lays precious • Eggs is , Found in the Mississippi. Orte of the queerest fishes 'in. the World is the "spoonbill eat," other- wise 'known as the "paddlefish." It curs in great numbers in the hlissis- sippiRiver. and his people Were reconciled. sale and with her ,niece had disap- Pittsburg has idiminated no le ss than. „ and its larger tributaries .' •"We_will see if the king YOU WOrked, -peered. . - The. Sphinx was completely 102 trains' or more than double the 'and is such in important : poiiree of for 'will herb you now that you may baffled. • . . u ..-.,. +,,vi , ..., ,,. . ,., food Supply •that fox' many years the need hinia".„ . Was Pats taunting taunting ree The -commandant-'-or police, - had r--on11$--- ----e7 oft- ‘...e way -Le 9,, 11i6 llnited Statee • Oav ernment ,Fishiries. Canadian railways This- will Mit ' Mark to the great detective. . ineanWhile communicated his desires • ' Bureau has • desired. to propagate it downt he passenger movement by an . "He will help me and you, too, Or I to Pat and her aunt. Because of *a amount • equivalent to 2,268,000 train artificially. ILI , the diihcalty :was shall know' the reason," Phil replied- deg() association of seine of the Peri- , sian ,cifficiaIs with the Apaches it WAS miles per annum or Over. :6,600 train that tae erea e s spawning grounds • And then the detective tailed one of . . . . better eave miles every week day. A'nUmber of Were. unknown and no eggs could be " hie assistants to Watch over the girl decided that Pat. inightl France than remain. and he open to Parlor' cars, -restaurant Care and ob- obtained . '•- -' . . .. . • . • . while he returned -to the presence of 'Recently, liewever, it lias• been.; dm- -: the king. - - . ' • ' - final exposure.•:.• - - servation ears are being 'discontinued. L- - - -- -::—:-.-- --pit-t6a-tii-e---in-ea-giit-of 'the- iiiiii -.-iii the "Unitd States she might still The Boston and Maine -has taken offvel.'ed.- -thal-t1W-Padd" - a- .4 ..I . ,••• ir ., whom Kelly had left to watch over her, keep ober affiliation with the Apaches: no less thau 255 trains, or re than .certam shallow' Lquieiana lakes which. . e ... .began 0 to ply her winsome through their Anierican agenciee ,ft ti . the numbert k ff 1 and at onceare the headquarters of minor streams • she'eeti continue her ativen- c nu d . • ve mos e a en.o n ,„ . . .. . , - "... . . owing into thellississippt The eggs -e- ' arts upon the neareletective • Thus• - ld '''II - . She chattered with Kellee assistant tures in the interest of 'the poor and a' a - - a. a n pprox nut e y , ' i- vi g a . i• t 1 41 000 11 are there to•be ,procured IA unlimited ,..- . , oppresse as gains e rich en d A • t th d train miles per week. Ste -entities ef- quantities=leading to the expectation and soot had him engaged m friendly powerful who used -their influence to forts are also being -made to increase - conversation. , ' a• • . "11.1=1. 1.1,,.*imos.j.1 nre _,1-03 - ..eftwft.i..tis..,;,,,-Ii-a..i- . .lm. -Eu „,t tlte -carre-Wran. to Impress mi. -tiler: e atebeforee:letige-hiehatehinge- th eeeeeeieeeeeeeeeeweereeeee-eeeeeeeeeeee., - ,...yeeiteee.e.e.,- , . - a ,, - - ----- - - .,....ieneeeereale- , _. , . ' • 1 ;°18SV °11 '. $ °U tuKtIF_KW•Jul liau a "and.Ver.aiiiit--we'riVatoadtferfragager-Offailirafirt• U'raiiiii'qiii. ' - -•-4 --'4,--'''''- , $0.04-filkkert, The girl -Spoke in her on the same steatnsbip that took. loading so that the freight equiPinent ed -vastlyentore numerous than at pre- . r.' • • .y an is ssi S acnOSS She be kept busy to its „utmost ea. sent. It attains a weight eeceednig most engning tones , "You ore a Sphinx Kell 41 b' A dant ii big, strong main cagable of watch- the Atlantic. • •100 pounds, and the eggs .are said, to ' ing me without having ma chained .. . .. it d te Ishould1 pac y, all rm nals be kept . (To be continued.) d ) - ' . ' ' I • '. ' . - be valitable as a substitute for . stur=. ' e . , • clear. The Amer eon railroads. realize . _ , geon egga, for caviar. • •.' • . -;_-__.„,..-..e___ . .• . - , It didnot require ranch urging from , . ' that speed in freight mOveraent is one . . ' Pat to make the man forget his in- of the greatest .aldi they can • give to • -struetims• ' 'III take. Ebel° -cd' if 11 OW' TO PREVENT - - help, win the war and according to all • child gees ' •• • wn you ,ptotnise not to, try, to. escape," . • ' ' , • reports are. achieVing,remarkahle 're- uflatead of the hand se that its arm • I1P fiO4St aid, as I-1.9 stlite4 th'&"ti" '-L---- II}' STOMAGHS.AND. • =Its' It. is up to Canadians to see war not be held too high, • . Barely had the nealedetectiee re- FOOD FERMENTATION that Canada IS. 110t left behind in this . " raovedethe handcuffs from Pat'swritts . patriotic trace. , - ...." • when Duke • Hestor entere.d the room . .,-- • . ,e___ - ' . . . By. a StOmach Specialist.• " • THE wow. with 'av. few men from the Peoples • , - .HELP WIN THE WAR It is the duty of every subject of the Allies to help . • win. the WAR; and they can best- do it by preventing WASTE and storing up for the,COMING WINTER ,411 food products, especially those perishable foods such as fruits- and vegetables,. • - This can bg accomplished_easily by using one of the - NATIONAL ' CANNING OUTFITS. With the' aid" of - one of these/all kinds of fruits, corn, peas, tomatoes and beans can be cooked, which will keep mdefmitely when properly prepared: - • , Our No. 1 JUNIOR NATIONAL for family use has a pacity-of4rom-200-to-404 cans -daily. or-glasSjarsof— _proportionate amount-- These •outfits ean be put right ' on a cook sfove. Price $25.00, f.o.b. Hamilton,. It is difficult to find an aeroplane or a„Zeppelin With a searchlight, but the men who handle the lights are trained •by having aeroplanes goup at night, show a flash for a second and then At a given tune after the flash bag, been shown the searchlights try to pick up the target This is elude as important -work as target practice., - When the War is over there will be man ir thrilling stories told ot the , men who guarded, Great Britain's coast from aerial attack. Most. of . them cannot he told now bebause -of -.- the information they, might give to • " the enemy. Occasionally, however, - • something happens which can be talk= • - ed about Such was the exploit of • Lieutenant . Robinson, at one tune known as "the Poorest flier in Eng- land" ces -,: • e • -• •••••• • . - Because he was spoor at the game . • , they kept him at an unimportant post in the home defence, where- there were many other fliers. They did not - want .Robinson to have much. respell- ' ; • sibility. . • . , . , Then one,niglat came t big Zeppelin, -headed for London. It was -not -long ; -- after the Lyceum Theatre killings. • I - terh,!t •onlY _ clutter,up • the _ -- said cue of the mechanics who lealledEated Robinson's- machine.' A •- 11=63. other fliers were already in the iaiu- They hew a lot more about fly- , ing; bat met one of them had a great- 4er to get the •- "baby less than intruders, now that the king had given up her home 'placed it on Railroad merely on its lines ,east of , We have larger' sizes for hotel lige, and still l rarger sizes for commatvial use. . We have also Evaporators of various sizes for evaporating every kind of fruit, apples, peaches, pears -berries, potatoes, etc: • . Write for full particulars giving size required to The Brown, Boggs. Co., Limited, Flaniilton,'Ont: Great searchlights swept the • sky, . ;The wings at the aeroplane looked like silver when:. the light shone upon- , .• . them, One of'the aeroplanes was seen • e • to lc** erazily, toppling onde in a • • , while and manoeuvring every way ex-. , cePt in the manner that the books said - ' • it should, until it was directly above . the Zeppelin. The lights Were seritcha -eirofft-Offi-seeend for fear of dazzling • '" - the aviator and spoiling his aim. . The Poorest Flier. in England. The man W"as.RObinson. Presently' , • he launched an explosive bullet direct- ly • downward at the big gas bag. , . , _tlowniheburrnng •-mass- tumbled. • London went wild with joy. Crowds rushed in °automobiles, cabs, 'buses and afoot to Potter's Bae, *here the tangled, burning rubbish had fallen. ' • Robinton; the "poorest flier ' land;" who had achieved his ambition, • managed kis machine so badly that he alided-Jmies-fronCtie---own-Alaugur,,--- . .hut finally inanagedto get there. Then he rode out to Potter's Bar.. ' Ie fereed-his• way- -through • the crowd.. Nobody knew him. If they had theY•never would have dreumed, ' • that Robinsow7could be the rnan , ;who* • League delegation that be had quietly As • • a, sperialist who has spent fftlaY Caned *OM the presence tilt' the king,, years Irk the study . and treatmebt of '. - and before Kelly's. assist:sat realized -atonic -eh troubles„ I have been forced to: ''• ' '' ' tillat was gear isn' ho f4)1161 Whig& gli,VglurstoZlhbil'As"12.2 - .. handcuffed to tile chair where Pathad- stoMachs that are absolutely---healtbY jUSt been sitting.,, He was alone in: and normal. • The' teal trouble. that 'which causes all the pain and dlifIcultY, . m, ' - 4 Is acid In the atoroaoh,. usually duo to. • ,o 4 .Kellsr, Meanwhe..ele, evOs • before the sr aggr- 111 -Lisped •bey.ti ifond fermentation, Rugg ei,pressing Jams& -ta lat, tinetn. ‘,71A.Sig 1 tep pr dehate :lining of the t dm tenet. The •pltinx Was thoreil /Itaitnaell 41/141 141111i lerArteaP"-4 '5-1.1 *.'_'• 132. wind which distends blid iitlo.scea u.t.,..8-• , ongliier orousea by tbo tiara of ov.en,,,ts.:111.112Traa4ghlasg that ' full bleated feel- : . 'V I lead Rue= edit:lie Letirosielnwese:sntriteto Lothr42rAalati.frp4retiolln or peeple el' What Wan lift' theira_ s'v.ta2421*espttilsr6r-Aa4Vhtelerrealit.q1V irta:b.o.L..: taw- veldt yen waetteel weelid tever have taken the cemeals.'; mest past thaurates by -these . 'foreign sidli,". said. Kelly. "Bet when I got'', g=t:r.-7a,, ligt,J-tg,44,L.gi.Allostc::; here it VMS boa late," '11cent. of an stoMatb dillicultles-the first .. . thesterg,NIttz,t.c.,onire.tglimpitt.FAVOZ7t11:1141fliPt7. . . . T g ra little warm er ce water , a signet to thtegeard who tereed at tle34.ee-elea..'etele tenet tatite. erom on to. " • e two- •teeee-at„-Terele 0. UpttrAted magnesia. ' "Can 'ilia ftill gar,' etairennl ded'ith el CIDC's433 !EAli, Dadin4•04V, i.retts., c-.,tt entac n . c ' filo king,"...12.ttl hagio thig.PLirggn ii.tzls-., L, tava 1.mawc. ee tete will be neutralised , . oned.,"- Waal the maxi Io•ft to ittaraztnett tbe terMen*Alist -otoPit almost in - room, with the 'king. prot-4,-.A to eagest tat* fcc4 in a bealtbr. ereteer Jeeeiseee to ate your - liat'Sphialdt tga-atite-Itlick illin*king ' Znrlitti--rita.-tA-44o-,ziatc.A.r.a.lunceta„... *MI let hia attiOria IMO face th hre }have -found. Otter IbtMs. utterly lammed .1'* rarkillY. tato/ p:aas, : ga• ape p its rtttlx6247 valuable propertica.- . , . . .. . , .,. , the command, Eelly wan alone ha t-010tattay n71 -'4x 707.Jr storrkatel, VIII at 01100 II' zli • . . , • -- . Down,in a green duct shady bed le modest violet greatre • Its stalk was bent, it htilig.it; head, As if tOlide frcan."eieea. ' • . And yet it was a lovely flower, • Its1ors bright andlair; • It might heve graced a rosy bower, Instmid or hiding there. • . . • . . - Vet tliere it waa content to, blooln, In modest tints arrayed; . And there diffused a sweet perfume,' ., Within the silent shade. . men let me to the valley go, This pretty flower to see; That X maY also lore tegrole, Li sweet humility. -Nialle Taylor. • • •• • - Shoe ressm FO1' MenS‘WOrnenS, Liquid 10c and Chi ldrens5hoesp Cake i Oc DALLEY CO Of CANADA 1.TD 14AMSLIONCans4 No one ever doubts REDPATH quality, because hrits Sixty .Years of use no one his ever bought a . • barrel, bag or carton of poor Redpath sugar. It is made in one grade only—the highest. aide. - ' textiluriree7 ihsvir6onaedtruretlinv-rntednalS • ---2141dio, 20, so awl .100 lb. rags. . Ite ana a ugar fining Co, Linuted, Montreal, f el t• waempoefrrealiPP40,01111,111' - ; ea„eeena, eaael--.e.,e---emne-4f:efeeeleeteefee.,„enetieeeeeeee.e.eree---e-----eeeeSeeee4at 'sands of feet to death. • = ' ; Amid ,the wreckage lay the •remaihe of a few charredbodieS. On the crush- ed breast of one there had been pinned ' the Iron Cross-. • ' . !Pretty+ tough!" Rhbinson inuttered • and walked away. -- "Who got that epp?" asitedea eol- • dier in the. _grovi, recogaizing on's aero corps uniform '- • , "I did," said Robinson, aUletly. The news :ran through the erWein, and "the poorest flier in England", 44 most log his uniform before he got. away from the men arid women whe SOnted to shako his hands, --kiss liint- and steal his buttons., , A Pious Gift Of Bells. In Grosthwait, •Westrao,reland, tlie4 is a chureh dating from the Seven,. teenth century, in the belfry of which there are three bells given by a.musi. elite named Williain Gilpin, Ile had the following itiscriptions engraved it - them: ' The lirst bell--"Jestis Ile Out Speed." Tht; second -"Soli Deo Gloria," -- The third- • ' "A young Mate grave in Qodliness,, • William Gilpin by name, Gave 'fifty pounds to make these sounds To God's' eteatal tittle," • • • ... . *•. • , • • , .1 1 . , • ' Dombs and 'mortars Were .invented in till. year 1840, • . , ' a