HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-02, Page 5M Thursday, Au 11$ X117 0i? rr UNTINIc. LMA LADIES' COLLEGE OPENS ITS THIRTY.T1711. YEAR ON. SEPTEMBER SEVENTEEN: NINETEEN1NETE� -HUNDRED.__ 'SEVENTEEN'- Thorough courses in. Music. Art. Orgiory,1I pii .School; ,C3t When olwle$Q, Domestic Science .orad .5arperior Physical 'Training. s FOR TERMS, ADDRESS : )t. I, WARNER, M. A., li, t� President,, Si. Thomas, Ontario St . ri,11crg aa� Or Jr?g:.> ied Capltaal:ir ,Author'i'sed,15,000,000: • Capital.:Rsld-up•, • $3;000,000 ' Saralee; r • 43,600,000, Uncertainty- 0 ncertaintyO one knows what the future may bring forth: Now, while your health is good and your earning capacity unimpaired, is the c; bane to accumulate a competence. One dollar deposited in the Bank of Hamilton win start a savings account, • • LUCItNOW BRANCH, d, A, Glennie, Manager. • 50-C • Glands --Tuesday►, July 31, McLean Young, of Gresham,: Sunda'ed•. In the vicinity.•' Irwin Patterson, of Tiverton, sold • a car to Roy Kennedy Last Week. , Miss Elizabeth McCornuck ''Detroit,• is holidaying at her Home here. Mr. and r M . Mrs. %•nark r $ and- @ family have returned home to Ileapeler. • Miss Eva -M.cl innon has. returned # C urn d home from a visit. in Kincardine.• nnivei ar' ser.-- . • A s y vices will. be held in pt. Paul's churchhere on,Sunday. Nurse Bertha E. McAfee, of ;.Wash • ington, D•-0, is home on her holidays: Miss Isabel.Griffith, of Lorne, has been visiting:her aunt,. Mr,.s..John. ,$it.. •cben.:- - _ . Thomas Irwin, elT aisley,. did pollee plastering at, W: J,`Gi,'aham's house last, • week. ' ''' Miss ' Mildred Pocock,':: of London, guest'"orMis"sea'olwell, as returned -- home; Miss Ella Brown;, of Paisley, has ;been visiting' her grandparents; Mr: and -Mrs. Stevenson. W: J. McKeemans are now .occupying their cottage, "Cosy Nook,"•• at Inver - boron beach. Melina- Via: Harwood li AtattliiW (nee Miss Mary McKay), of Pert Arthur, are, renewing acquaintances here. — - Will Webb is assisting J. D. Robert- eon ..in the blacksmithing while Will' Robinson is at •his `home on the ;'.9th Can,. Mrs. R. J. Nesbitt and family have -'a nurse frotn'I'ergus. hospital . waiting on them, All hope for their speedy. re- covery. '• 'The tvwp .nshi comic' Is of 'Bruce and Kincardine' have recently donated grants to the Red Cross • workers here: May Greenock follhty the others soon. • Mr, and Mrs, Burgess end Miss Dor- othy, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham „and Miss Lila, motored to Goderich en Sun .day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. R ors.- Mr. and.lMrs.-L RiTuffOf-Beams- vine, of $cams - vide, maiiored:lere on Rriday': evening and will spend' their holidays with •her parents in their,; summer cottage_ at Inverhuron. • Mr: and Mrs: Harry. Stevenson, of Detroit, Mich, accompanied by . their nieces, Misses McNally and • Barons, of Kintore,and Belmont, motored here on Wednesday and spanks, days with. relatives and friends. Rev. De Mille and fancily, who have been in the Free Methodist church for. the past three years, have moved. away -and-are-now-itttenaing•con -erence -phey- will, ` know latter where_. they _..will . be stationed. All aresorry to .see them go, but join in;wishing :them all every success in their new field. Kinloss flURQN 140UPITY N1WS rte. David Johnston, aeon of John Johnston, of the ist line of Morrie Tp.,. is home from France. lie Jost WI left hs!'nd whil0 on .,gitive.-nervie .. He enlisted with the 191st Battalion •and went to France with a r ft , Mr, D. (.? ntclon, of Clinton, I,au been notified by the 11:111+i.z Depart- meat that his son, Pte. D: A., CJantelon, missing sire.,111,.y. 5th, is now thought. to be dead.. Churns of the lost soldier wrote to the parents some o time •ago statin that their on had been killed; Pte. John Henry Bates, son of • M.r.. George B, Bates, of Goderieh, ' is .re- ,ported dangerously wounded. He and his :brother enlisted in the Huron. 'Battalion altd lead been in the firing line since February. Harry McCreath, another member of the Hurons, has been in the hospital recovering from the effects of shell shock.. OLDER BUT STRONGER be healthy at seventy prepare at forty" is sound advice, because in the .strength of 'piddle, life we too often for- get that the careless treatment of aches land pains undermines our strength. a Keep your blood pure and rich and. 'active with the strength -building and eblood.nourishing.properties of Scott's ,Emulsion which is a food, a tonic and a medicine tosustain your strength, alleviate rheumatism and ovoid. sick- ness. No harmful drugs in Scott's. • seat & Beane, Toronto. Ont. TROOPS DEPART .` FOR "OVER' ;THERE" Loading of TranspotsWi1LBc Feature of 'Big Fair" Spectacle - A National Spectacle will be the Grand Stand :' production at:the Uanadian National Exhibition this year, . planned on a''scale calculated to write a new page into the history of patriotic 'pag- eantry. pag-eantry.. The Sleights of 'Quebec are 'to be reproduced on- a mammoth scale, with the 8L •Lawrehce and;: its 'burden of battleshi a and '1 'fighting •er • g g aft in...the: •foreground;: , This story will - 1eal "with the half century :from 'Confederation to Ike' present day,` and patriotism and infectious' faith•in Canada will doininite e_giantisizedh:.;-panorama,--which will achieve :a thrilling climax 'when '.file after. file of Overseas firoops embark on huge transpgrts_,and proceeddown, the' river beh;nd a convoy of destroyers: do their. way across the submarine -infested seas. to the .battle fronts "Over There." Y 0 A R SUMMONS GENERALS Many besstio measures to 'Throttle Anarchy- Nesrch for Lenin...- cenuorshtp More Strict /! Petrograd despatch o,i .Saturday .said: On the heels of hie' declaration that the spectre of anarchy needs to be obliterated," and that "stout hearts and stern hands are needed for the task," Premier Kerensky to -day sum- moned, to Petrograd .General, Nicholas husky and General. Gurko. The form=. er`•''was Commander-in-chief of the Northern armies, and the latter head- ed the tortes operating in the South- western front. The greatest visnin- canee is .attached to Xerensky's action, in calling •'this two military leaders,. The generally 'tempted 'View is that the Premier Intends to organize s. Su- preme Military Council, which misty consist of these' personages: Xeres).* sky, Ruzsky, Gurko, Brussiloff and Korniloff, 'the latter four .conceded to Repu compblicrise, the military genius of the. • Closing the Frontiers. • Premier Kerensky is taking still other stern measures to lay .the "spectre of anarchy," Qnee of the lat- est orders' pis an unusually 'stringent decree closing the frontiers. Another is. an extension of the scope and 'are- verity 'of the censorship,.. Regulation% regarding imports have been Subjected to radical modification. - While these Executive orders arta being put into effect the search for Lenine, the radical leader, and. his alleged con -conspirators, continues. throughout • the nation. The over- whelming majoriti with which the Council of Workmen's and $oldie s l,leiegates' hasadopted aresolution de- nouncing Lenine'ae propaganda and de- manding his public trial is taken as an indication tha this support is weaken- ing even in'the Russian capital, where it was believed. to be'etrongest; THREATEN -CHRISTIANITY 'Lansingfor Unitee States- Ca nou ncen �.� German, MIlitry;Menace • ., . . • Secretary of *State Robert. Lansing bitterly assailed the • military clique • at Berlin in an addressdelivered to • the 1,600 candidates for• reserve corn- •naissions at Madison Barracks, New York, =Sundey evening, Mr. Lansing • was loudTy cheered when• he. said:• My friends, T am firmly„, convinced that the independence of no nation is _safe, that .the liberty -of no•;individual is, sure,;:until the military- ;despotism which holds • the -German people in ••the hollow *Of its hand, has been made impotent and harmless .forever. Ap- -peals to -justice; to• moral obligation,• to honor, no longer, avail with, such %,power. There is but;.one way to res- tore peace to the world, and that is by overcoming. German 'Imperialists. by force of arms,.. For its own:safety;' • as well'as for the: cause of "Human lib- erty, this _great Republic is :marshal .ling its armies and preparzig with all its vigor "to aid in ridding, .Germany, as well as the world, of the most am- bitious . and most unprincipled, autoc- racy .which has arisen • to star the '•wheels of progress .and .imperil Chris . tiara civilization." —Monday, July 30: ' Mr.•and Mrs, R. J. Harper, of ;Lena, Sask., spent the weekend at the home Of the former's aunt, Mrs, E. Smith.' Mrs. E. Smith, accorpanied by daughters, Miss Lydia, and Mrs. Flock, of Brandon, and Mies Aileen and Master Jack Hodgins, motored to Port Elgin on Thursday last,, and visited at the home of her son, Mr, John-B..Smith.-,. EFzEMAlIas-StayedGred Hest - /NEM Ketehesons are well known 1 as •pioneer settlers. of Hast- Inge County, and. none of them probably 'has a: wider. ad- quaintance than •Mr. W. D. ICetche- son, who was, formerly, ' Division ,-_C''ourt Bell fo .tb9_ ent xi -Court,.::. and is now living at 278 .,Front street, Belleville, Ont, Over fifteen years. - ago Ur. ii:etcheson was • cured of an ex., tremely severe case of eczema and piles by Dr. Chase's Ointment, •,and he writes now to say that'the cure proved a permanent one. In 189"% lair. 1etcheson wrote ' as follows : 'i Was troubled for- thirty;•years with- itching- •pile% •and eezemria, X: Could not sleep at night., And when L' get ' warm the itching Was terrible. E zema covered my legs down. to .the lcnees, • perfectly raw.- 1 have tried every pre- paration. X could hear of. Seeing Dr. 'Chase's: Ointment advertised,. I procured a box, and this Ointment effected a complete cpre." On Set. th .912 Mr. Icetcheson wrote as fol- , Sept, f 1 r lows :�•-"X had' suffered .for many years' from eczema and piles, and had tried doctors and everything 1 could hear of in vain. ' Reading about Dr. Chases Ointnrent, 1, purchased it at once, and was soon completely cured. . that was fifteen years ago, 'so there can be. no doubt of trio ore being a pemmanent one. X have root a great many "People who have been eared by Sar. Cha e'n Ointment," In this year of 1917 Mr. X�etcheson again confirms his Jure, and expresses his wishes that others may benefit by lila experience. Refuse to accept substitutes. Dr Chass Ointmen Monday, July, 30. • :Rev. and -Mrs. Cree are :holidaying in London. • Miss Lizzie Fair spent a few days at Purple. Grove. • Rev. Ck G. Lawson renewed acquaint-: ances'-tn-Bervie-last week. Gable's and sturgeon's took a tn:oter. trip to Zurich on Sunday. _-. Miss- Edith- Geddesr-of-•-Kinloss;- is visiting at Mrs. M. Guest's, Mr. Daincan Guest is helping at the haying in Glamis fora few days Mr. and. Mrs John -Merritt and Miss TMar ofie Nre holidayring;in..Be r tie.. • -?tizlsaN-ilahala-aoyer-i rider :lltr' Mr. care: • We hope to see .her better 'soon. Baseball practice -on Saturday night at 7 30. Everybody expected to be there:' Sacrament Harviee will be held next: Sunday morning • in the Methodist Church. • Ml� R,iit31"'t�tass `'"�`amtlion, _ ie upending her holidays at her hotne en the South Line. Levi F tzell is busy tbese'days help- ing at the l'ayi'ng with Robert Brown and Atldy •McDonald. •Mr, -and• Mrs, Howard Alexander and family spenta few days' iu Bervie before returning,to the West. Mr. Beattie 'Bla e clrwell and Misses' Viola,, Irene :and Francie McLennan spent Suodayot Paalinereton. Misses Wanda and Winnie Fair re- turned home last week after spending a couple 'of weeks in London And Sr, Thomas, Charlie Sheta,ne and kloward' Glass have invested some df their coppers new Mazwelicars and are entertaining many of their friends these days. SMASHING N'IEUPoRT • Germans Concentrate Artillery Fire on Belgian Coast Front A despatch from hilip Gibbs on the "Flanders„ front says: The enemy, is firing an enormous number of shells at the . British trenches, roads and back areas.'- He seems to have piled. up ; huge : supplies of. ,ammunition for • this ar-till.cry - 'offensi've, -; including a quantity.. of gas shellsr which, he puts over at • night in • loW-lying ground.. •His `,`hate" 'W specially directed upon the country along the coast, although he is active -with guns andraiders as. far down as • the :neighborhood of Saint Quentin.' '1 went up to the coast. and • saw hit fierce bombardment of Nleuport, which lie ts'smashing to' bits by a great Concentration of'fire. Here by the: lines -of-the duties 'which are piled. along the sea front likehigh waves the scene of war is extraordin- ary to anyonewho has been watch - ing ;the inland war forover two years: - Unfit. one-'getente Baas to •the zone bf fire the 'ugliness.' of war. . is hidden. °DRIVE . HUN -MOM. . SKY ' British, Attacks. Destroy "thirty One German Machines lreadtluarters in France. on Sunday night reads: ' "_:There is nothing im- portant to report to=day. Yesterday there was again great .activity in the air, the fighting being continuous. On Friday night, important railway sta- tions and two hostile .airdromes were bombed by our airplanes, and" during the, day a number of other bombing raids, aswell as much'photographing -And iirtillery-avork'-w•ere-=successfully- carried out. "in the 'air tlghthlg, sixteen. German- anachinee were brought .down and fourteen others were driven down out -Of Control. TWO, hostile observation balloons were brought down in flames. Thirteen • of our, machines are miss- ing" -Foe Lose Armies Slue • laming_ A despatch on Sunday from G.. Perris, correspondent on 'the French front, says: Bitter will be the `retros- pect of the German people in the days completing the third and- opening the fourth year of the war. A conserve- ttve estimate Shows that the German armies lost 166,000 'nen and 2,500 offi- cers,' with 948 cannon• and thousands of .lesser pieces, In the last twelve months on the French . and British, fronts alone. This is but a part,. and met the gravest of the account. The number of killed and seriously wound- ed is several times larger than that of the prisoners, Bhi Rulriailitii;,Advances The High School students, Who have ..A itumanlan official. communication, dated last Thursday, ltas been receiv- been engaged at farm work, have CernYJons%on.. It airinonneea the cap- pleted their three months' agreement, ,taro of Teutonic ailled positions on a and toe now demanding holidays ur d pxh dfia rehthis: nineamilies� and •Iu$hor parr a RIiio the taking of a dltional•priaonera elasai► •a>td muntttons. • CAN YOUR OLD 1'1EN FOR WINTER USE "Canned ehieken" may be made at home in your own 'kitchen out of the old hens that ought tole killed epywsy; :.. The method, of operation for what is known as "Straight Pack" by the trade is very simple and is given in detail, as l follows :by Dr. Robert Barnes, Chief of the llieat and °Canned Food& Division, Health• of Animals Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. • • Clean.andcut up' the`ebicken,.. Sort out the fleshy poi:tione, such as the legs,. thigh's and breast. Break off the protruding portions of the bones in each. piecet ` ' . --Pack these flesby portions in 8 agem jar or other container, as closely as Possible.. Add salt and pepper. (About a tea- spoonful of salt and t teaspoonful of pepper,)' Fill to within inch of overflowing° with the liquid that comes . from the balance of the chicken, process for pre- paring which is given below,. Place in boiler or other vessel con- taining warm water 'and gradually bring to'a boil . For print jars, boil 2 hours. For quart jars boil 3* hours, FOR THE BALANQE OF VIE QH,IQKEN: Place in 'kettle and boil till the meat will strip free from the bones,' Strip off all, meat and pack in jar. Pour=thereon• the. balance,. of the liquid in the kettle that has not keen .:,.used::ip the firit jar. If there is A not enough liquid, to fill the second jar, add water, Place in boiler as above, and boil is follows: - . For pint jarse1 j hours.., - For quarts 2 • hours, If • desired; the wholes of . the chicken. May', he prepared the .same as the last par-t� In,alt cases take care not tom.expose the gem jars' to a sudden change of temperature. Also aftersthe jars' have cooled off, examine the tope to see that the covers are air -tight. During the : cooking of the precinct place the glass tops on the seaTeri, but do not fasten them. ; Any steam or gas. which ma 'y.;lie generated enerated will esca pe. Ad1 soon, however, as the process isfinished fasten, the tops: securely.: While describing •the method of, . can- Hing, something should be said about the pouf to,Jbe canned.. • • 'What is preferred are ,good; plump fowls, with a fair proportion of chickens,: the bones of the latter '•giving a firmer jelly and' lessening the danger. of a'soupy or slush _ - - y -.precinct. -As • a _precaution against this conditions where .the pack is•straight fowl, gelatine may be ,and., often is used. So !pitch has ;been ,said: •acid Written about the proper methods . of starving, bleeding and plucking poultry for mar- ket that itis useless• to go' over' them again, One can: only -emphasize. the- necessity henecessity of exactness'. in :carrying .• out the accepted principles 'in, connection•. with these points, which are just,, as• applicable-ta-poilltryato' lie canned as. they are to those intended for the --mar There is another point' which is bit,• portant; altheug1-,possibly its` Harrying out may detract from the appearance and affect the_sale-:to,..an inexperienced' buyer, namely, that all poultry intended for food, canned or otherwise, _after being5prperiy starved,.bled and plucked,: d P' S S}. A. '!a •.. , a,y.4 •P •k'l�rt �i�":'c�j�. . i{:e���' i'i� (V euitable temperature for a day or two in order that the chemical 'changes: which fellow the killing of the bird may have an opportunity to take place. A RAIN STORM INCIDENT Following %recent beat' mow oar Y ?m of rain, what might have been•% serious affair happened to William Simpson, of Atwood. While he and Mrs. Simpson and baby, and Mrs. James Porter, of Detroit, were on their . way, ta `visit at the home, of Mr.. ant 'Thigh igh ~ Porter, 1Oth concession o€ Gray, the water coo.. ered the road east of - Ethel' And as be was driving through, although thewater waTu p ' to the buggy box,they thought all was well until they came to a culvert where owing to the depth of water the driver could not see when he carne to it and drove o'er the end of the culvert. All went down into .fire•• feet of water._ The horse they, feared for a time would get'into the river and'tho buggy •upset; The- women were thrown out and had to wade to their necks to reach dry ground. 'They got off safely, only losing a suitcase which -was carried awayin the current, rortutiately, they were near a *house, where they wended eeir way ?glad 10 get into dry clothing and 'felt thankful they got out without being, drowned, , THE BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE MAKE OUR . *TORE VOUR HEADQUARTERS PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT _ DELIVERY FARMERS, ATTENTION! The busy season is near at hand. Are you prepared.? Have you. a Good Hay Fork Rope, Pulleys, Slings, Cars, interloc14 g Pulleys and Forks 'We Sell McCormic Binder Twine Our assortment of ' Forks is the largest and our gnaranteeof quality the best. Try our Gold Medal line of Hay, Forks, Garden Beet and Mange'. Hoes. . • Bugs! ' Bugs! Bugs/ • ' We sell Pure Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead for potatoes. All sizes of Sprinklers and Pressure Sprayers on hand. We have a ' New Duster for putting on . Paris Green and Bu . Finish. It is the - greatest labor saver yet. Let us .show you how, easy it is to operate. Gement and Coil Spring Wire always on band. McLEOD & J The"Sfiote Where Your Mone :floes Farthest thea Perfectly►' 1VI Iled Product of the World's• . Best Wheat misolimisismigion•Immo, NOW READY FOR DISTRIBUTION • THE PURITY FLOUR COOK BOOK"--te general purpose. ablieatlen ma- tte culinary art, containing between its handsome Vet nand geld movers. the latest advice on food preparation. 2 A real service to the honsewlfe. Not a publication to sic loft the• tilt of any en, food product, but •a :collection of tried and testedprecipet from the pen of Misr E. 'Warner, feed apecfailit and Doolittle ,Science Expert, ler the preparation of all manner of !dltbes fpr the delle taene,rt at well' as economical suggestions for preparing delld•ni ierfictietis••atd daiaty dishi*, which add the nictisary variety to the srdinary meat ' Mailed postpaid to any addrifir fir 20 ca=nts.• '• ' ' E N` ANA FLOW MILLS COMPANY, LIMITTD ' RONIrO 'V ,INNIPEO