HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-08-02, Page 3•••r• • • • ...tr.,. MOW F.nrOUPtikiPer'••1•1111111111•••••• 40•••• Atortilif ••;•••11•••••• •1110•-••• ••• 0. ••,"••• •• • •
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••• N.^
An unusual and yet practical novel-
ty is shown irt the romPer dress here
illustrated. -It is on the order of the
envelope style of chemise except that
the envelope section fastens under the
dress at the top of the hem and does
• hot take away from the dress 'effeet.
McCall Pattern No. '7750, Child's. One
�r Two-Ilece Romper Dress. _,Pattern
in 5 sizeso6 months to 6 yearie Pries,
.10 cents.
. •
. Heather jersey cloth' is uietifor de-
veloping a very .smart military coat
and 'service dress. •The coat has an,
inverted pleat' ih the back, and the
_ skirt of the dress may be divided' front
arid-baelt-toeorri over bloomers.
McCall .Patterns ..Nee -7884-Ladies'
Military, Coat; in 80 -inch length; in 6
lees, 84 to 42 bust; and No. 7877,
Ladies' Service Dress; in '6 sizes, 34 to
44- bust - Price, 20 cents
¶i'hese patterns may be obtained
from yotir jegol 1VIccall dealer, -Or
from the 'McCall' Co.,. -7c,1 Bond St.,
Temente, Dent. W.
Music is an.Essential Fader in Train-
ing of the Deaf.
• Musicodeclares thellead of an insti-
tution Mr the care Of. deaf and dumb
-, children, is. More essential in the edu-
cation of the deaf than. itisin the
training of the bearing child. -
. In this instittition, the classrooms
are ,• provided • • with pianos, around
which the children gather between re-
citations.• , , • '
.."When the teacher plays an. excit-
Aug: feeling corries---up. thretigh
• , floor," is the War one deaf boy .de-
ficribeS ; - • - • •
'Others,'When asked ;Co explicm tjieir
sensations, said: 'I feet it in my tern-
frnrmr ehest--And-biligt."'
, • •
The children "hear".more distinetly
*lien they are allowed to place their
• elbows on the piene:
- -
Very strong peppermints are grand -
The Waste of 'War
is terrible, but the waste of Severe Discipline Practised by the!
' father's • favorite \ confection. Oriel
food in times of peace is
colossal. Rich and poor
alike eat tons of food that
has little food value—and
this useless food breaks down
the 69 -called eliminating or
gans and depletes the physt.
cal and mental powers.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
is all food, prepared by a
process which makes • ever3r
particle thoroughly digested.
It is 100 per. cent. whole
wheat Two or. three ,of
• thesq Biscuits with •milk,
make a nourishing meal,
csupplying the greatest
P_MOurit 'ePergy at lowest
• dost. Delicious, with sliced
bananas, berries or t•ther
• Made in Canada.
1 r of discipline John
veould do when fills should discover the
Mother of Ruskin. I day, he gave one to four-year-old Ma-
in the matte - !
Jeri°, and waited slyly to see what she
Ruskin's wittier was a Spencerian be-
44Lee your uortiikees e , pringent flavor of the candy. A few
fore Spencer.
oio minutes later he save her take the
says, that,a,ustere philosopher,
i like the penalties infbeted by inani. I Partly eaten peppermint from her
-i3!lite -nature,- - ineritable.m-t-TthelmF,hhot-e , omwelan”Iihat's the batter V' he asked.
thvy'ainnt Vr!,12P. it °
Aill* be5ide.,4°
1 CITider burls a chilli the f
.; seizes it; it burns. him the second tune; I,
you like the candy?"
it bur_ns him every time; and he very
soon learns not to touch the hot CM."Oh, yes," replied Marjorie, "I like
der." That waIrsRuskin's method
it; but I thoUght I'd jet it cool for a
il IV. .
: To illustrat,e her way of teaching les -
1 fens!. Ruskin used to tell the follow-
, lag incident of his , early childhood,
yirlatch his mother was fond of relat. •iii LIEN YOUR COLOR FADES
1 ingubne evening, when I Noas yet in•my When a girl --or a Welnatt-filldS her
„ , _
1- nurse's arms, I wanted to touch the tea color fading, when lier elleelts and lips
I urn, which was. honing merrilY
. ,
It grow pale, and she gets short nt breath
was an early taste for bronzes, I sup- easilyn p p
a d het heart al Rates after
pose; but I was resolute about it My elight exertion, or under the least ea- .
mother ,bade me keep.my Driers back* eitement, it means tba•t• he is su'xer- '
• I i si t
ti e child h ulk m •wa from Iteadache ...and , baCkaelie • frequently
little while."
CooP,,opportunity •offered young,
women, desiring permanent work
Toronto, to learn waitresses° work
the largest eetaigished reetaurant II
Canada. (40011 wages "aide best work -
conditions and fair treatraout.
Write, Phone or Call.
• "There is a fellewehip more quiet,
even than solitude, and which, right-
ly understood, is solitude made per -
feet. And to,live out of doors with
the woman a man loves is of all lives
the mest complete and free." ---R. L. S.
litinarafts Dininient Mires' Distsnmer.,
•Order jars immediately for coo-
ning. Glass jars in the,long run are
cheap.er than in cans.. •
The safe way' to send money by. mail
Is 'by Dominion Express Money' Order.,
11 eo on, put 1.4 therit forwaxd. frig frOln. anaencia-'-thin, watery,blood.
n rew ave en e a y
Probably many a purchase of farm
implements has been , postponed, in
the hope that prices would be lower-
ed before the necessity for their use
became acute. All evidences point to
such practicrimm.. dangerous procras-
• tination. '
000 0 o
• • •• . OR CALLUSES OFF .•
• •
dreg,. -ct
• then just lift them', sway
ous to the lifn•of little" ones as is the_
0 e 0 - summer,. e ,
WRh finger -1'1- Th exceialvilie-at throws
' ° ° ° 7 7 ths stoinaoh out of order se
• This new drug le an .ether compound'• •
••quickly' tha,t unless .prompt ald is at
nieboyeren 13i, a Oinellnlatl °hernia' hand, .the baby „ may be beyond all
. It •ie called . freezone, •human help beforathe7mOtherrealizeir
mad. ,6103,- Dims' °b' he IS ill, Summer Is the season when
tained In tiny bottles• diarrhoea,': cholera infanture, dysentry
-as her shown at vein) andcolle Y 011,e,
Wet-- tirt)in 6217 -of these trOubles may prove deadly if
not promptly 'treated. During the
riUmmee the Mothers' best friend Is
BabY's- Own, Tablets. They regulate
the bowels, sweeten the stomach- and
kee • baby healtliY. The, Tablets are
old by medicine dealers or by •mall
• at 25 cents -.:a bin-40in The Dr Wil-
liarat".Metlicine Co., Brockville, Ont..
this condition,' and ner-
the 'urn, but my mother said: • aecoraParty,
• • ‘"Let L. touch it, nurse.' Ir°usuess 18. (iften--Pr6"fit". baby's dress that opens the full
• "So I touched it, and that was mY The remedy for tiiis condition Is to length of the back launders very eas-
first lesson in the meaning of the word, build nP the blood, and for this Imr- ily. •
'liberty'. It was the first piece of, Pose there is no • medicine can equal
• liberty I got, and the last that for Dr. 'iviniams' Pink Pills. TheY build StinariPs Liniment Mites
Diphtheria. .
some time 1 asked for. ,up and`renew 'the blood, bring bright-.
ness to the eyeS• Color te.-the cheeks,
and s.external, °Urea with:
ORIGIN THE.BAYONET. health a.n.d energy. The only other tout ratArna
and a general feeling of 'renewed CANCER, TIM/ORS, LUMPS ETc.
ourAorne treatment. Write
In -1675 It Was Adopted• • bv th- treatment needed ispleaty of Sunlight, us before• too late. Dr. Bellnia.n Medical
Cp., Limited, Coilingwood, Ont.
- moderate exercise and good,, plain
• Armies of France andEngland. •O. The ,girl or woman who gives
- The bayonet, which, in spite of all this ti'eatraent a lair -friai villi .00°A.
_ . _
the latest inventions of Modern war_ find herself enjoying perfect health. ,
fare, remains the sirnplest and IlleSt You eawget Dr. WilliamsPink Pills
terrifying weapon on the battlefield, from any dealer In mediebie, or by
uncertain. ' , boxes for $2.50 from The Dr.,Williams'
mail post paid at 50 cents a. box or six
bears a name the origin of which is
pleasantrispMedicine Co • Brookville; Ont. .
popularly nbeolifevBeadytoon'Tiree,cawllhtille
cay,'since a citizen, one Puseygur , is TO w RITE WITH THE KNEES.
— .
nestles at the foot of the Bay of Bis -
credited with its invention about 1650. A no Device to
' E ble Soldiers Who Have
Pushed into the mouth of the gun- Lost Both Arms to Write.
,barrel like a plug, it was trus adopt -
K boonfrsoldiers who have lost
ed in France and Englbotharnis isdeteribed-byDr. Arthur
and -about 1676,, ' o,
In 1689 it was attached by two rings
-- - - ".
to the barrel by General, Mackay, and T. Blachly of Portland, US,AIt id
an aPparat
the socketed bayonet was lntroduced us by which they can Write
" army in .with their knees after a little practice.,
by Vauban into the French
A piece of sole leather, fifteen
11°S* . . ' - -- - • - •- ' *inches long and six inches wide , at
SUMMER HEAT • .• , one 'end end. four at the other has a
Semi -circular piece cut out on each
- HARD -ON -13A • • piece of leather isbent
BY This pi'where
. side five inches from the narrow end
the ' scallops come to fit 'over the bent
No season of the year is so danger- itne,e and thewhole piece IS bent from
side to side. Br• two clips,* such as
are used inTliolding a pencil to the
'pocket, a pencil is faStened: to the
leather so as to' project forward four
inches in front of the knee. ,
, This apparatus is held firmly •to
the knee by three -strong brass -springs
attached, by rivets. ,These are threat
• fourths of an inch wide and aremade
of strips twelverthirteen.and fehr•teen
filches long .respectively.. . •
To hold the paper in the proper
position a small rack like a music
reek is made of wood with a hook to
edit* and hold: it to a small, firm
-stand InLwritingo-th
`heeris raiSed and the foot, resting on
the 'hall, gives the knee quite a•wide -
range of motion. . A, stYlographic '
fountain pen can be used as well as a Lisa
pencil. The device can be made cheap-
ly. The model cest$1.50,and. •the
springs could be replaced with Straps
costingtert cents apiece, thus reducing,
the cost to $1.10. This 'device should
be _lunch more convenient than hold -
drug • store. Just aSk
for freezone. Apply a
• drop or'two direcitly tip.
on a tender corn or cal-
' hie and intstantly the
-screams-7- •--dinappea
_ShtOrtlir You Will 0ik4 the
cern or callus se loose
that you can .lift it off,
• &oat and all, wit.lic the.
Nota tWinge -of pain;
soreness or •Ii.iltation;,
net even the slightest
filitartillg, either • when
• appWing freezerie ••
afterwards. •
• This nrog doesn't eat
up the cern or callus,
but shrivels •them . so
• they looaen and come right out It is
no :humbug) It works like, charm.
For s. feiv cents you Can: get rid Of
ever? hard corn>, Soft corn or corni'be-
tefeen the toes, as well as iainful
luses on bottom of your feet It never
• Se many of us ere grasping at the
stars, leaving life's .plain, ton -anon
work for others to de, forgetting that
life's sweetest blessings cOmefrom do-
ing the humble tasks .in .a noble man;
ner. • ' ;
This Is to Certify that fourteen
years ago I got the cords of rfiy left
wrist •nearly severed, and was for
about nine months that I had no use
of my hand, and tried other-nniments,
also' doctors, and was receiving no
benefit. By a persuasion from,' a
and ust-d one -bottle -which -completely
cured me, and have been using MIN'•
disappoints and never burns, bite; 911 ABM'S, LINIMENT in my family ever
inflames. It your druggist hasn't any since and find it the same as when I
freezone yet,• tell him to get little first-uged itearel-would,never be with-.
bottle for- you . from -his ' wholesale °Ilt
Aug., alst, 1908: 'metapedia, P. Q.
411 -14.114R -644.4402,.. --
, Rural- Church and the Farm.: •
A great need Of the country isdi-
version. People who handlethe
plough need to have something to
0-third(:mbout.- They -have-many -hears-
to think.. That he may pot be a peg-
'. sitnist or a falae li1osopher, that he
.inair net "eon OVer evil,thoughts and
All his mind with wrong and inhuman
sentiments is for the 'Church to have
a care.. The . pulpit must not think it
beneeth its dignity to &prate play
• festivals, and the rainisterit not
• be 'ashamed to wear Motleyif by so
doing he can bring a better and a
" iiobler spirit into the conntrYside. The
tediumof country. life is unsocial. It
is agaiest the welfare of the State. It
is bad for the heart areVfor thesoul.
Philadelphia, Pa—"Ono year ego
was very sick and 1 suffered with pains.
in my side and back
until I nearly went
duty. I went to
differentdoctors arid
they all said I,lrad
female trouble and
would, not get i
relief Until I would ;
be operated on. I
had sufferedforfour
e ar re before this
tiffie,but I kept get- '
ting worse the Moro
medicine I took. Every Month since I
was a young girl I had suffered with
.cramps in Misidea at periods and waa ;
never regular. -I saw your advertise- [
'anent in the* nespaper and the picture -
a woman who had been saved from!
an operation and this picture was im-
pressed on any mind. The doctor had
given inc ofilYtwo more days to make ,
up my mind so X sent my husband to the
drug store at once for a bottle' of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
believe me, I soon noticed a change and
when I had 'finished the third bottle
was cured and never felt better. I grant
you the' privilea to publish rayietter
and am only too glad to let other wornen
know of my.eure. "-Mrs. Moe. Ilet4ONe,
ISSUE No, 80-47. •
• .
• •
tine you wal-ir Ca wued-
block pavement and Stick in the tar-•
ooze think -Of the pritian. iirmY In
Egypt, The Contrast Will mike you
happier; For one thing, the British
Tommy would. give r,000 for Wood• .
-But not having pavements, Mr. At-
•kinS is cempelled, to . find a wayto
walk on dry shitting and His lat-
•est method is the Sand --shoe, which- Is
made of :steel arid lOoks something
like a .bird -cage. -Mr. Atkins attaches
the cage to his shoes, and then can
walk•itiong some 10 ineb.es aboVe
leyel, While the sand sifts. through the
.nieshes of his nndershoes;-.So „TomMY
can go on walking with 'comparative
conifort. • The • difficulties • through
w,bioh, he marChes to conquer; may be
gauged froth tlei, fact that When the
TirrkS Were coming with intent to des-
troy the Suez Canal they had to dig
narrow trenches for their big guns and
metal this grooves, sO that the guns
•could be dragged forward. They found
this method • easier than • building
•• In the Conntry.
Summer bOarder-Does this tree
produee a. lot of peaches?
Feriner--Nary a one.
Summer boerder-Well, what's •the
idea of keeping Ric • • ,
Farmer --Because .1 get great many
bushels of peare front it.
IdinardPal Cure* Oatstst tit COWS
,hildreii and Birds.; ••
Interest children in By' a
study . o bird ,charts you can attract
the kind, you want by providing the
food they like. Native birils'are easy
to domesticate, and respond eutekly to
attention to their special needs. Place
'a trough of bird feed, a witah-basin
"or bird -bath,. and a shallow basin or
drinking water on your WindoUr sill.
•iffi,04411eat Int—exietint
bretAt'tqt eetc,m1.
, Planter
Dog Remedies
-1100K. -ON
And How to Feed
Xalled Tree to any address by
the Anther
118 West 31st Street, New York
• Cuticura, Seep
• shampoos pre-
ceded by light
touches of 01.1.-
inent to spots
of dandruff
andi tching aro
most effective.
They, tend to
arrest •falltng
-hair Nind pro,.
" mote ,a heat -
thy scalp.
- - Sample, free by,
• mall. Address
•"Catmint, Dept.
N.postee, S.
•' Sold every-
where. •
mg a pencil,between the teeth or toes',
as was formerly done by some. •The
stand can be made of an old box and
a shelf put in for the•apparatus.
. Dr. I31achly is awaiting .with inter-
est ,reports from France, where he
sent thefirst models of his apparatus.
Experimentsby an armless man on
the-Pacifte_Coist_provelthat a_legi_bIe
"handwriting". was acquired with .4
few weeks' ' practice. • The man • had
been trying to learn to write with •a
_penal held between his,. teeth and
- hadn't • succeeded. • • , •
made from s straw 1;y' an • inventive
.skillfully blended
make .
a most oelitious-
foOd hi' flavor
as well as *a
great body, brain
and nerve builder.
"Times a Rama
Whet He Thought,
The doctors at a London hospital
were one day /folding a eonsultatien
,beside the bed of a man Who was op-
posed to be Whoring a diseased hip
"I believe," said one of the surgeons,
"that we sguld wait and let him get
stronger before cutting into him"
Before the other prospective opera-
tors eouhl reply,ethe patient turned -his
head, and remarked feebly:
"What do 'You Asko me for -a
• Next to its unique flavour, the great
economy of Salado, Tea has been the
reason for its enormous sale.
Te restore black ribbons, strain
some cold strong coffee entirely free
from grounds;•sponge the ribban With
this after brushing eft 41 the dust.
Then iron car:tully on the wrong side.
• ••
iirdaulated rydriii*
Eyes "inflamed by eltne-
sure to SIM, fluslandWisil
quickly relieved..by Maine
Eye Derstedy. No Smarting,
. jut Eye Comfort. At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Markle Eye
SalveinTobes25c. ForlIsekelibeEyerkseask
Druggists or Merino EYC Remedy Ce.elaideese
To helplizi picking fruit a Californ-
ian has patented a thimble Witil a
knife blade at the end.
atizardqs Liniment Cures Cede, Ete.
Cut the Drst flowering spikes et
oit soon asthey open; they
will keepa long time in water arid
usually a new flower spike will ap-
When bnying your. Plano s
WO on having an
Toy tax4'ViiT-017M
Bog Spaviu or ThoroUghpla
but you can clean them off promptly wide',
, and you Work the hone same tinie.
Does not blister or tensors the
hair. $2.00 • per bottle, delivered.
Will tell yoa more if you write.
Book 4 NI free. ABSORBINE,
the antiseptic liniment for mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptursd
Mucks or Ligsteents. Enlarged Glands. Wens,
• Cyst,. dUlaya pain quickly- Pricd $t ,p4 a
*boniest draggles or adhered?
W .F. YoOrilbt, 1110.dil.Arts.,05rble.itzreiuduwax
Lymamilildg.,licontroeal, Vas..
.Like. A Boy at 50 Subbliiii Over
With Vitality --Taking Iron Did It
Doctor says Nuxated Iron is greatest of all strength builders--
. Often increases the strength and endurance of delicate,
. nervous, folks 100 per cent. In two weeks' time. ,
`• NEW YORK, N, Y. -Not long ago a again and see for yourself how muCh
man came to ,me who wits nearly half a you have gained. I- have seen &mem of
eentury old and asked me to give ..1fira a • nervous, run -.clown People who Were ail',
ance, I
preliminary examinastonisation for life intsur- 1 ing all the while, double their strength
wag' hed tO find him with and endurance and entirely get Md ,of
the bleed pressure of a boy of 20sand as !all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and ,
full of Vigor. Vim and vitality as a Young •, other troubles IA from ten to fourteen
man;• In fact a.young man_he_really,was.„' days' time pimply by taking Iron im,this
Th ----
notwithstanding Ids age. e rcreChb I proper. form, • And this after they had '
said Was. taking iron-nuxated hon had .1.In mama cases heed doctoring for months'l '
filled him Witirreneyvedfe. At 3 he 'was 1 withiptit obtaining -any benefit. But don't
In bad ,health; ' at 46 lie •was careworn 1 take the old Perms of reduced iron, leen
and nearly all in.' New at 60 af,ter taking acetate or tincture of iron simply to Bove ..*
Nuxated Iron a miraele of vitality and a few. cents. You must take iron in a
his face beaming with the buoyancy Of i form. that can be- easily absorbed and as -
youth. As I have said a hundred. times.! simllated like nuxated iron if you want
over, iron is the greatest of all strength It to do you any good. -otherwise it may
builders: If people would only take Nux-
down instead of dosing themselv,es with . Prove worge than useless. Many an
athlete or prizefighter* 'has won the. day
ated Iron When they feel weak or run-
habit-fornling drugs, stimillants and ak.. simply because he knew the secret of
coholic heveragee I am convinced that great strength and, endurance and filled '
oie idnistehaos4e: , hiu blood with iron before he went into
sands of cases and thereby th• c.e i.til:eokaoffit'aY, While many another has gone
eery year from. pnennionia. grippe„.kid-
lives of .(Itiwn to ingloriOns deeat Simply for -the '
- NOTB:- -.14exated . Iron*, - re8ommended
iron. -30. sauer. M.P.
thousands might be, saved who now die
ney, liver, heart trouble and .other dun- above by Dr, E. 'Sauer, is ru4 at patent
gerous maladies. The. real and true medicine nOr sacret remedy, but one which ,
cause- Whieb started' their diseases was Is well known to druggists. and whose iron
nothing ,more nor less than a weakened' eonetituento are widely prescribed by end-
conditiOn brought on by lack* of Iron In tient physicians 'everywhere.. Unlikethe,
the blood. Iron IS absolutely necessary older inorganic iron products, it Is easily
to enable your blood to change food into 'assimilated, dies not injure the -teeth, •,
living tissue. Without it, no matter how make them Idack, tor upset the stomiteir,
much or what YOU eat, ' your food merely on, the contrary; It is a most potent rem- •
passes, through you without doing you edy in nearly all forms of indlareatlon... an
any. .. good, -Tett. don't ..set the strength wen as for nervous, run-down conditions.
manufacturers have such great conftt• '
cootinit ecIlweitalac,npaaille4 aarid"snisceklylierocoekirgu.jubaet" -Tdfoehreetceeitisnimleuotetteoda• nIrion that they offer te
like a plant trying to grow in a, soil charitable institution -
deficient In iron. If you are riot strong if -they- cannot- take, any mart or woman,
.or ' well- you 'owe .it: to 't11 maks ander •_60,, who lacks Iron,, and Increase ,'• ,
the following test:. See .how icing you their strength 100% or over in four' weeks'. .
an work or how far you can walk ' time, ,provided they liave no serious or- •
without becoming tired. Next take teed , gntilO trouble. They also offer to refund
five -grain tablets of ordinary nuxated . your money if, it does not at least dont%
iron three times per day after meals for your strength and endurance in ten days` $
-tYni weeks. -Then test your strength time. It is dispensed by all good druggists',
Doctor Judkins, The Medical Author,
Publish Astonishing Report on WonderFu
Remedy To Strenritlien Eyesight
Say it Strengthens.Eyesight 50% in Ode Week's Time in Many Instances
A gee° Prescription Ton Can Hi ave
' and 11Se at laome.
the eyesight More thati 50 . per *cent .in one
week's time. '1 have also used It with sur -
Prising effect in .csisea' of work strained eyes; •
pink eye, bitlaninied lids, catarrhal ,eon-.
junctivites, smarting, painful, aching, itch-
ingeyesi eyes .wealreeedfrom.'colds, smoke,
sun, dust and wind, watery eyes, Warred
vision, and in fact many other conditions
new and startling case has just coraennder
ray observatioh, which yielded to Bon Onto,.
is that of a young girt 12 years old. Two
prominent eye specialists, after a thorough
examinfltion'Of the, young girl, decided in
order td SAVO the sight of her right*eyeethe
left eye niust bo removed Before permit-
ug-ther to be:•-operated-aurtheyoung-giti
father decided to uNe Bon Opto. In less
than three days a marked'improvement was
noticed. At -the ond .of *week the Milani-.
ifilitien-Inid. almost disappearedv-aad-at the
end of six 'weeks the eye was Saved. 'Just*
think.what the saving.of that ,eye means to
, ease is_ that of a
71„ntryiriavity- EF1YRIT-lailt,----entite-46-
lion: et and the -conjunctiva was al-
ost. raW,--After -two-Nveekfe, Use --of Bon
Opto the lids Were, absolutely normal and
her eyes Are as bright as .many.a girl of ,
Sixteen." • ' •• • • „A
• Dr. 'Sudkbati, 3frisshetivaettel ysiCian,
formerly Chief of Oleos in the'Union Gen-
eral 'Hospital, Boston, Mass., and formerly
/louse Surgeon at stile New England Dye a.11d
Earlafirmary of Portland, lIlaine, itud
medical author for many years, reports
"I have found oculists too' prone .to. oper-
ate . and opticlnns too Willing to 'prescribe
glasses iv ile'nellecting the eiMple forum, count. the . fluttering, leaves on the trees
home-treatment'fOr'ere troubles,-Son-trito; years'have looked like a dim green blur to
nie. I cannetx.pl.ess. my ,joy at what 'time
done Or. Inc."' •
"It if, belleted that thousanderwbo.wear
glasses eitif now discard them in a reason-
able time and multitudes more will be able •
to etretagthen their' .0.es so ita to be .spared
the trouble arid expense of ever -getting
glasses.' Dye troubles of maty.,descriptions
may be wonderfully benefited .by the use of
this prescription at home. Here Is the pre-
scription; GO to. any nettvis- drug store and
get a bottle of Bon o:).pto'tablets. Drop one
Bon Onto tablet feurtn of a glass. of *.
water and let it dissolve.. With this :
bathe the eyes two to four times daily. YOU
eliculd'uotice yoUr eyes cleat UP'pereeptildy •
right /tent the atert find hillaulination and
redness wilt ,quickly disappear. It year,
eyes bother you even it little, At your duty
totaire asps to sive them new before it hit
too late. Many hopelessly' blind might havd •
saved their eight if they; had cared for, their.,
.eyes in tint% ,
• NtYre--Atiother proialneat physlelftn to wheak
the above,artiele Wee stibmitted. said: "Yes, the
non Opto erescription is truly wonderful eye
remedy. Ito constituent tiredienta tire well
peribed by them have Med it vet), mecesn-
New Vork.---Dr, Beek, New Yeti- state
eye specialise, and Dr. .Xudkins, Massa-
chusetts physician,. were asked to make a
thorough test of the popular eye remedy,
Pon Opto. Their reports,Were InOist inter-
-eating- -Here they -
Dr, Beck reports, "When my attention
. was first In the wonderful eye rem-
* * *edy,' Bon Opto,"I 'be Pitepti-
tritii,K6 it. it rale- te, test- near
treatment whin is brought to thy attention.
Hating specialized in eye 'work for the past
twenty years, I believe I am 'qualified to
express an intelligent opinion on remedies
applicable to the eyes, Since Bon Opto has
, created such a sensation. 'throughout -the
United States and Canada, I Welcoreed the
opportunity to teat it, hese* ta.use Wan
my practiee a little over a year ago .and
ani frank .to say that the resultir obtained
are sugh that I hesitate to, tell of my ex.
perienee for fear it will soiled incredible.
Some of the results 'X have accomplished
with ton Onto not only astonished myself
but also ether physicie.ns with. whom Wive
talked about at. I have had many individ-
uals who had • worn glasses_for years for
far-aightedne,es, near,,sightedrnese, °stigma.;
tism and other eye weaknesses, ten roe they
'have dispensed with theta through the adop-
eon ef the Don Opto .prinelpal.. Many eye
•troubies eel be traced directly to Muscular
contraction and relaxation and since 13ort
.Opto method tells how to exercise and de-
velop the eye museled, it reaches eonditions
not possible through othef means: advise
every thoughtful physidan to tidy Bon
'Onto principal,. gilt() it the same 'careful
• trial I have and there is no doubt in ins,
mind they. will collie to the .coneltiaion I
'opens the deer rot the care •o Imlay eye
have, isameiy, that' the Bon, Ito method
troubles which hare heretofore Cori tropes -
slide to cope with. The treatnient ia• no
stinple in ita application that it cants used
'111.1ny own preatiee have Beentt strengthen
canned by overworked, tired. eyes villa in-
clucett fierce headathes. I have wornglasses .t •
for several 7earsi -both for distance and .
close work and without them I et, Obat '
read my own name on nil envelope or the '•
typewriting on old maeidne before. me. r '
on do both now and have disearded my
long distant° eiasser3 altogether: X can -
lis which form t hasis.of that wonderful.43,,,,na_._the,_atrea_naiviLmlitek_mr„,_,Lex,etta
lids, in my opinion, is a remarkable rem.
idy for the cure and prevention of nanny
disorders. Its auecess In developing arid
strengtheninir the eyesight will soon make
eye ttlesSeS old fashioned, and tlie form of
eye baths which the Bon Opto method Pro -
Vides, wilt Make Its use as comtrion as that
Of tho tooth brtish, I am thoroughly con-
vinced from my* experience with Bon Opt*
that it will strengtltenthe .eyesight et lerist
60 per cent in one week's time in many in-
stances, Dr. W. Devine, director Of
medical inspeetionin the Ilostoo schools, in
his report publishet1 'February 20, 1017,
states that only 14,016 out of 89,170 OX-
rulitied, teed tO wear glasses now, a marked
decrease Over the 'previous; report, lion
Opto is hastening the eyeglessleSs age in
bespectacled Beton." •
Victims, of eye strain and other eye weak-.
tosses and those who wear glasses 'will be
glad to know'that according to pr. Beek
and Dr. ',Yadkin% there is real hope and
help for them. ;Many whoa° Oros Wert. tail-
'ing say they have had their eyes restored
by this remarkable prescription and many
who bailee ,NWore glaSIMS Say they have'
thrown them away." One matt says, after
using it: "I Waa almost' blind. Could not
sere to rend at 11. Now I eau read arery.4
tiring without quy glasses Mid My. eYea‘ do
not hart any Mere. At night they 'Weald
pain dreadfully. Now they feel title all the
time. It Vag like a. MIracle to me," A lady
Wlib Used it Sit :1"The atmosphere seemed
known to eminent er ',Podia] tit 'and wide's' lira*
fully in US* own prattiee on patients whose eyes
Wel% atrathed through overWorit or misfit glabscs„
It AO One Of thO very feW preparations ,
feel Should he kept ou band for regular U90 3n
alltU6St every family." Bea Opto referred tO
eboter is hot a .pateat meditate or a seeret
ter.W.dt,e It lit Ott *thl*P11 11V1tritiOli. t110
mule leg srItited on the pat t.sge The ma e.
hazy With Or thee glataes but after using faeturers gnanntee it to strengthen eyenielht
this prescription for 16 days everything :11 cent %art ea* %reeled time in many in.
scores tient. I can read' even print •eate.,e, or rented th* money. It Is eitivw:sett
heft - Another who i. , , I'V -II treed,Iruv.rtits. ineluding_general
ap.le TaMblYn anti BaiOn
848; 11 Was haltered v.ith tele T
••••••••••••••••• ammo