HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-07-26, Page 5• a Thursday, ,July 2.614 1917 ca, THE LUCKNOVV SENTINEL KEEPS I3ABYS SKIN HEALTHY14,4)„,,„ 40 4. lb' -411k, CRISIS IN PETROGRAD °WILES IN MEM , XT NAT is so beautiful as the oat, reeY, delicate skin of the . • V V babe. .And yet baby's Okla is so tender and go easily chafed and Irritated that it must have care and Censider. ation. . - . . It loi a line habit 'for mothers. to halite Dr. Chasele.Qintment at hand for use after the bath- Fly its soothing, healffig enee it soon allays the inflamMation, 'brings relief and comfort, and prevents the development of eczema, for ectema la the natural ' result Of neglected skin irritation. Mere W. L. Barnes, Timmins, •Ont, writes "1, want to tell You about the case of my little boy who had baby eczema when he was three months old, It started on the „ top 'of his head, on his forehead and around his ears. The doctors tailed to de him any good, rip 1 tried 1)i'. Chase's Ointment on the recommendation of a friend, and in a month's, time the child was entirely free of this • • 1 disagreeable skin adisease, Ile is nowfour yeare old, and has never had any further trouble from ailments ot this • kind" '° • Dr. Chase's :Ointinnt , • 600 a box, all dealere; or Edmancion, Bates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.' De not be talked into' accepting a . substitute. Imitations • only disappoint. • •••••••-•.-^,•••••••••• • - - HURON 'LOOP( is1EWS 1 • . Mrs., Wm •Green, of Ooderich, 90 yews of ago,. bad the Misfortune jest Week to trip and fall, breaking the thigh -lone. • Word has been received that Don aid R. MeICa,y,, of Goderich, basleen ' given. a 'commission. and is -mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's dispatches ..for • gallant conduct and devotion to duty.' Toni, eldest daughter o • School Inspector Tom, 9oderich,,• ha sone overseas with a Now York hes ite. unit " She has heeii for-f-tWelve fears' nursing in New York, ' hitting -,--firaS11.446c1 „°- - . . It is ▪ reported that Lieut. -Col, .B. Combe, who took the 16114 Battalion •/Overseas and who since has been re% ;kieved o is command owing to the 0rtakifig-d-p-Ortlia biftrahortiii gone. to Prance' as -celOriel with 'the Tin - Facial for es. . • „ Ireconstruction will be completed as soon•as,possible..' The work will be largely of,.; cement construction. and Will be an added impro9ement' to the locality:. IVfre•Shadrack f.tivite, of Dungan •nen, reeeived_official notice last week • Germaine instigated ,Extrerrest The Cabinet Resignation; eti---Arrelte of German Agents A Petrograd deepatch said en Sun- day: The recent disturbances in. Pe. trograd were instigated by agents of the German Government, zays Prem - ler Kerensky, in mLasage to • the sailors at Aiwa, lielsingfeei, 'and 'eth- ‘er ports. The new „ Preme.fr appeals to Denlocretre to stand by the Pro. Yisienal Government The London Times torrespondeet 'despatch from' Petrograae dated ThuredaY, thus suminarizes' the situatiOn: and Terestelienko, returned to Klett on Sunday and brought .back den - ;lite agreement with •TJkratee Rada, Under which the Provishmel -Goeere- Ment was bound to „act'within -Ukraine territory through Gilt quaseindepen. dent Parliament until the meeting or the Constituent AsseMblY. The Cadet Ministers, Shingareff, Mituileff and Prince ShalcheYsite. protested against the two Ministers exceeding instruc- tiolle of the -Cableet and negotiating , with Little liussiene, but .the rest of 1 the Cabinet upheld the action of the plenipotentiaries. The Cadets resign.' c ed: ,.• PREVENT POTATO ROT CURRIE'S MEN SCORE it is thought that blight and rot are AGAINST LENS FORTS Page developing anpthe potato crop of Western ORtario. vliekir Qf Van Depart- ment of Agriculture has issued the fol- lowing information- regarding the pre- vention of blight: PROTECTION OP TOE POTATO PAO1K e Kama itiqiirairt In some year a the. er p of pot es is ouch lessened by the Late mightthsease o MO° hitherto occupied. • There was ?jai when rot follows moo. thil crop, vi new ofirlrizothoeyaim anikaaybiti.,..lte6ft. therefore} very de. • the heart of Lees. The eiermaa deo prevent this disease from rucsee. Otl's e:8x, lagristhYpeli 1.01;wetald spreading; This done by keeping, tlirough the Inaaa of crumbling rub. the plants covered with Bordeaux mix. bish Which, now 'marks tne'dite or one tura from about the first'week of 4n1Y, jag; or before there is ,any Sign of the disease, everywhere that the enemy intends to untiVSepteinber.; application of Berdeaux mixture is made ' 'aemetialea the first hold the centre of the city Until his linens become unendurable How Enemy • 10 Fortified before the potato beetles are all The front line Is marked by rows of houses that have_13een pulled down to add by their debrie to the.strength of the cellars wherein the Germans shelter from the Incessant artillery . ore directed against them. Wire en. tanglemente have been constructed argued these houses BQ that each,la ft from spraying with Bordeaux mixture iself`mtained• strong Point with a in three years: subterranean exit in the eear- for ate garrison. Provided ,With good ma - The formula for Bordeaux mixture for eline-gun • emplacements, houses. so potatoes is 6 ppundscoPpet sulphate or fortified prove a hard nut to crack, to 40 pilaw; of water. While the blue- raster there tlae Lueonws sthaounesnattide of such To the Canadians who are con- bluestone, 4 pounds freshly elaked lime sZtener,Wifil4CILSM84VteCOMBZ:nUtiCtoki3Cgeint hot fronting this inightY defensive this,posi- thl: it, lital7Tgluttat'lgioglittit it may be suspended over night in a cot- north and south, as well lie the •west. Thoosande of House!. Around Coal Centre are Tremendously Fortified Cacualtiee Heavy A special cable from Canadian, Ilemiquartere in Prance • On Friday said.: Early thili morning Canadian O troops holding the front between Avian and Lens, in the flooded area. O established a post well to the north when the poison for them may be mixed with the Bordeauz While the disease s not very bad every year, it well. to be prepared. There wao an avere,ge reaiie per year of 94 bushels of potatoes Mob. Fought Each Other "The extremiets' iiititation came to a head at the same time with results diseptimie to peace, in Petrograd and Russia. ' The events of the- last two days amount to this-4rooPs and work - era came out on the street te make an armed demonstration, ostensibly to show the power of the organization, and the Provisional Government •was forced to allow this. Then the extrem- late launched their eumbersome ves- sel of ,poPular passions, but were tin- ton bagood h its defenders are under fire ;Their able to control. the crowds cif rioters, w en or eart en 'vessel who' fought each other blindly from M nday until Tuesday Entdnight when t battle of Maxims surpassed tile e 'tilr moments Of the. first days of • _ng the Miler cause of _death - the r elution. Thenfellowed elicoun.; egeTersulPhateeelution Weida beetrain • . Foe, Fears Gas centre four or five or more gallons .of water. The lime should be slaked,in another vessel and before mixingwith the losses are very great Evidence re- cently to hand shows that, one division Opposing us has been. burying from seventy to eighty men daily, shellfire ters between Government Ogees eed. , -rioters. By yesterdaY ed through coarse aackingore,*-fine sieve - -C) moreing the The ur .artillery -attacks are reinforced' by the .frequent use of. gas projected tremists were disorganized and ' din copper sulphate solution' is now into the eneray ihres'when the wind is UL Lenine's chief lieutenants,. !.."'end • persed. The arrest of Kamenoff, one Putanto barrel, if it has not already favorable, and discharged. in tee form Esslovsky, who was , supposed tit he the lett c nn 1 throng which money was _ • coining feom,Germany, had a .euleting eireet." - • . • . from Cttawa, that her son, Pte. Ge DISOBEY. AND RETREA C.'Etivitt, infantry, had been reported wounded and7adniitted.tii the hoepiial. !,ReCelani; Lose In Galician -Koren . ,,• ..... 4 LeaveilfOr Front suffering, from. agunshOt wound 'in the ..• ht side and ebb . • _ . 'enlisted in the Herons antj went it! r . sky .9g alder. Pre: Rieitt 8 France with the first draft of -Pte. DitaridS. Johnston, son of Mr. . and Mts. -Joh,n•JOhnSton, of near Bluevale,arrivedloree front the frontOn , After serving for 46 years its teacher in the Goderich Collegiate Institute, • • Dr. Strong has tendered his resignation ,to the bard, to take effect at the end- of the year Miss lilflan Eraser, 'commercial and art teacher, • . las also resigned. . • • • , Owing to the in of a new dam and bridge at Pfrinunees flour mill, at 13enmiller, the roads will be closed about July 18th, The 'werk of • #94da3' etiest:weele-_, Reis the first member • of the •1•6Ist Battalion to arrive home wounded. He had a part of his left. hand shot away by a Ger • sniper while he was attending to ea-in--no--man's-lanci. The hand was later amiintated. • " ALMA COLLE06 • Alma College will begin its 7th. year „Sentenabet 1917. The rumor that the dillege had been requisitioned fOr . • .a military hospital was nut correct • . The- Collegehas ,not raised' its ° rates London. despatches : on -Stinday said With the continued forward press of the Gerina,ns in the region of Zlochoff, Galicia,the Russian line on the fronts south Brzezanyts. hpginning to give .waY... according •to•tlife latest •German• official cOniniNnieit on. .The 'Seretb-, bridgehead nerjr Tarnopol hie been been dissolved to one, and „enough water or gas shells at all3tours of the day added to half filithe barrel; the slaked terroi iior iNothing else causes such boanrgdmtehneteG. eTans es these lime should be diluted in anothet barrel gas b° . ,:P 1 tole meut turaeddiocsue: with enough water -to -makehalf a barrel nilr°uvethat theproamber.or Vuis-outitpin the hope , o of the fime ,mixture. Now pour the nt preventing the men in the trenches _diluted , lime mixture into • the diluted . fr§m.b.0.411-caught in• thenl`au" °reed. --- ii;eilei saleeate mention and stir tea- 'sdopted by the leaders of one of the eh 1 ' 1.--e t eurrender when attacked,hasbeen Oughly, when it is ready. for use. • The enemy divisiens opposite to•us,___ Concentrated lime mixture should not .- . THE 'BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE MARX OUR- STORE YOUR IHISCAOQUAIRIVRO PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY fARMERS, ATTENTION!' The buhs. season is near, at4and. Are youprepared'? Have you a Good Hay Fork .Rope, -Pulleys!' Sliugstearisj interlocking Pulleys and Forks, etc. 7 We Sell McCormick Binder Nine Our asiorttnent of Forks is the largest and our gura"nteeof• quality the best. Try our Gold Medal line of Hay • Forks, • Garden Beet and Mangel Hoes. Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!. We sell Pure Paris Green and Arstnate of Lead for potatoes. All sizes of Sprinklers and Pressure Sprayers on hand. , We have a Nem, Dtster- for putting on Paris Green and Bug Finish. jIt is the greatest labor saver yet: Let •us show you how easy it is to operate. Ciment and Coil Spring *ire aiwaya on hnd. •. AIR. RAID ON ENGLAND • Eleven. .Killed at. elorwich .and Felix.stoweelOne Enemy Velneed „ be mixed with the concentrated copper sulphate solution, as, if this is done, an inferior 'mixture will result. If ihe barrelsere...kept covered se .thatthere -Despatenes-fredia-Lo.riclon unday ,no evaporation, stock Jioletioes of . the concentrated materiels may be kept in reached. by. thk gertnankl. and. at 'Sell. b Harnopol to Kozowa has 'been taken. It is important to have the quantities of The Russians in their retreat have set lime and copper sulphate as recommend - separate &trek thgouehout the searion. anti-Points:the railway running from on, fire, the Tpwn 'of Tarnopol and ed, buf, in order to be sure enough er some hostile machines returning villages to the east. The Petrograd . to Beigiuin and brought down one at official statement on Saturday sari; e_coast " Another raid has been Uaed, and there- is no .dan- .3ea, 'Our troops have shown eempiet,e_,dite_ ler_oflurning-thefoliageTleivdtbir -0 --"near--th.on the east coast was made Sunday •bedwee-rolfaelsth—eir commanders .and are continuing their retreat'be- ferrocyanide of 'iota:mil= solution (which mornin The ' gveisainokna.eesisted in the region, ef Doe into. the mixture when ready. If the ed Pelixstowe and HarWielf at • it . • said: • The total casualties in he air raid, aecording to an official state. _meet issued• -this • evening,- 'number' • eleven killed and twenty-six injured. • The damake' to property is _iesignift- cant. "A patrol of the Royal Plying Corps," says the statement, "encount- . ct, • -LE.01)*& Y The,_ Store-Wbere Your Money Geis Farthest -- g.announcementfollows. yond the Sereth. Only the 165th , di- can be obtained from a druggist) • fad squadron of enemy aeroplanes from -fifteen to tWent -One a Proach! M. • Kerenoky, the Russian 'Premier, latter turns reddish -brown, add more o'clock this morning. Some, bombs who personally Commanded the Buse lime mixture until no -change of• color , a were droPpee, but the heavy fire • from Sian fOrCOB ' when they started their i• 2- , .the anti aircraft defence caused the, offensive in Galicia ' early in Jul bilies place. , enemy's formation to split up, part re- , . turning overseer' arid part' proceeding disaffection. among the • troops and . - ter party- wee' heavily engaged by gun- fire all down the Essex coast. and , pleasant. nor p ofit- dropping more. bombs. The raiders O again has gone to the fighting' front, probably in an effort to put down the' have them face the 'enemy again. A since war began, yet the third year , of war the regular revenue fully covered all expenditures and the College enters up-' on its 37th: year free of debt saiewith fell staff ef teachers This iii indeed a •highly creditable showing. • - • • . : DECLINED $7,500 SALARY .• , .MOSQUiTOES . , • .TO " SERVE .PUBLIC FREE One of the worst summer pests '• with • , • „ Whickhumapity_ has to ..contend is. the , . :mosquito,' and ,yeti those who suffer most . . usually do least,* plaolial,thaicauSe, Most/pOple endeavotir. protea them- *aeataekidttkeer.::blitrelbeatulkee ....eeneei;the.egreidesirteant'tlifireOfelhei • . . . . fig" GOT HIS• REWARD • south, doyvn the Vases coast. .The lat-. proclamation issued by the Russian It is not always t, -•r ally, proceeded homeward without provisional government recognikes the able, nor even sefe to tell.the triith, the were pursued ,out to pea ,and heavily seriousness of the • situation and . nounces that .it is its duty to throve its entite strength- against the foe and defend, the a.theinistration against counter-revolutionary efforts. PREMIER LVOFF RESIGNS • Other Changes- In Russian Cabinet An - O , • nouncect--Ktrensky Succeeds, • 'A 'Petrograd despatch on Saturday -whet° trath and nothing but thetrutlin in a newspaper. Editors who have tried it have generally come to grief. " A few 'weeks ago an editor rew ti d f engaged by • our aeroplanes; but the • eisability warPlow .and the difficulties o of observation' Were very great," . . 'Kato ON' FOOD CONTROL ,cafied har, and announcei. that he Prairies Work Under Hanna— message his paber said: An Ottawa despatch 'on Sued would tell the• truth, The next issue of to Canadian People e • John Black, the laziest merchant in said:. King,George his sent the foe -tkatPreitier 'Lvhag ' 4 Government to the people of Canada: sa The Bouree. Gazette announCes_ mesealmtkrougletlee_Citiutdiare. 'yesterd ".with deep gratification of tee O , that Alexazider P. off Kerensky.haB•ben eresigned, and ' • , I learn • appointed Premier but aeill temperer., „Sykes, •Tim. greceryman, effective steps being taken. in the Do.• War and Marine. M. Tsetetelli has -7iey ret15 ain his portfolio of Minister of 'doing a poor business. His store is been appointed to the post of Minis dirty -and dude, People won't buy 1.11a O Mosquitoes breedin stagnant water, Raiii-water barrels, oldtin cans or pale. T 'pertly 'filled with Water,. and 'etagnant 'pools-, offer ;welcome : breeding places. at--LvoitelaTieViiricetifiirliirrellificlio • • • of ' alhilster of Posts and Telegraphs. Bei?. Braun preached last Sunday. on M. Nekrasoff hilt -been nained prove tonally as Minister of Inetiee; in. lace •of M. Pereveizeff,. who' resigned hursday. ° . • ' • A despatch to the London 'Daily ail 'from' Petrograd says it he rumor - d -there that•Leeine, leader of the Ex. enlists, and seven of hisilieutenents, eve beerVarreated while trying 'to es - ape to Kronstadt.fl These should be either •drainecr or: pro- •tr tected., People at milliner resorts and 11 campers in wooded districts are much treed:Ad-with-mosquitoes and thia petit •greatlyminiMiies-thentunberwho WOURI apend•their summers in open air, • .prevent them breeding l stagnant water, if it cannot be drained off, should • 1.40:0 . • 18, the two best yearn in the history MR, J liN G. KENT, a man of wealth, and 'extensive business' in , termite, who has refused to accept any remuneration whatever 'for his services as General Manager of the Canadian National Exhibition. Pre- _ @ring to serve the nubile free of chitege. He is President of the To- ronto Board Of Trade and has been n the tXhibitiOn Board Since 1005, always showing a chlial interest in the Work. 110 was 'President in 1.0.2- _ ettlielilitiiiitlen, Mr. Rent -la -head Of the Boy Scouts in Toronto and is identified With many philanthropic enterprises,. Long and continued has compelled Dr, Orr, Manager Vince MS, to seelt * long rest. -be -sprinkled with low-gradi reroseee.• Which will quickly fent a film- over the surface and prevent:the harm &ming to the'surft to breathe. O Forpro etingtheneraonfroinmorqui- toes, many • substances may •be used to I rul-'011 the hanciti 'and face, one being O composed Oneblince each of Castor oil, • alcohol Ind lavender water; another, oee. ounce Of oil of citronella eild four ouriecs of lignid va,eeline, while oil of csseia bae been need t� good effect and the odour is riot objectionable, • • 0 • O There are manypovideramrthe Market which are more or less eillInt Mseett- eides. The foresters of the OmMisSion' O 01 Conservatioi, in theiE, surveys, hal:to _vied e....powder,..13nhaeh....which was . found very effective Whoa burned in the tents in the evening before retiring, the m0804048 and flies being killed by We The B. U.Selenfallere to hold -the Gee - mans InL,eistern--Glalicia, says an 0111- 'fientecUfsok wit a razor an his :*if e ciii statement issued by the Russian War bepartanent en Saturday, was due with a carving set. It is hoped they. will to tremist detachments holding • start quarreling and' tele their presents oheY minlon of Canada Ltowards'providing those increased supplies of food which ' are absolutely essential_ _to_the_ defeat ' iienieeilWeleee-exileerta• 00' eeeeiffierfelliiiiiiiiien OTT& war, I letve no doubt that the self:sacrifice_ ' dinglayed-en the battler -fields of Preece Charity, 'The sermon was pun,. Jialf by my heroic Canadian .troops will of the congregation and four of:the choir find its counterpart in the efforts ..of iept th •roughi•t all. • . ' • those who, at home in the Dominn io, • s • are devotink-tthemselves to this work. David Dawson died at hi a home this those thus hinny engaged con, • m. The doctors say it was heart fail- ,tribute in important measure towards assuring victory. , Oigned) .George ure, but we all know bow Dave wOula R. . • , — - - • _ -Brown-Brown- -SIAtt=4-AES-ON—HUNs' .away.to •Hanerville;• ueighborsiare.- :ia`ecearation -N-Fi noel learteisadh.i.ettryi :...9elatiee Of ,• National Servicc • . . The_need_of-Ahou4-tfy-,demand--tr.hed-*othetc---.. to take menTs plates rn:batiks, wholesale houses, railroad ancl all type of business officesAre you ready to do your share? •' s what you -can do.. You can take a man's good in come at business world and earn for he same time. place'in the busi. yourselfa : The more you knowthe- more you tan do..' If you are interested in "Doing Your Bit" We Shall be pleased to give full particulars of our cigittses • by means of . which you. Can fit yourself to fender efficient -service to Canada in her time of need, • • • SCHOOL. OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ont. Phone 208 . B P. WARD,,B.A.; M. Accts., Principal. School Opens Tues., Septeinter 4th 1917.. meetingo and discussing the.adviisahil- •to the best advantage -I -of the coin. regiments had refused .to obey. The MunItY' • ittissian statement says 'the :607th iinis SUMO Hatt, of Pipinville, sang in ttred before the attacking Germaris, voice is not uhlike the whistle t e ing - orders whiek . Mlynov Regiment, situated between the villiffe choir Sunday night. Her Batkov and Manalov, .voluntarily re- and as 'a result the eeighborieg units basket factory, The fellow 01- who told also had to retire. • Susie she g' ' 'Canada's Fine Cavalry A Canadian .correspondent, tabled from London: Prom an officer on leave I learn that the Canadian ,etteal. ry brigade -has been on the'lina with the :imperials three menthe, • and in reeognition of, the good, work doh° have been graded first in efficiency for that which division has tot place •for efficiency of 'coma. In fact, when asaything is doing with eavalry, it Is likely- that the . Port Gerry -Horse, ntrathcona's and their colleagues will bo heard of.could sinought tobe v • O smoke inniett. • • DraftMade In Requisite .;„ • in a room. in the Semite Office Build- . tor at Wiialiingtinie the TJnited Statea Government last Priday staged 'the greatest o ery in history to select the men who ealled Mitt In the Oath* of an mons le* Se .19ewselee ae- • einated and then burped at the stake. Married; Miss Sylvan Rhodes'to Mr. Conlen, on Saturday in the Baptist church. •The bride is a very ordinary town girl, who does -,not know more about cooking than a jack rabbit She never helped her mother three days in her life. She is not a beauty and has gait like a duck. The groom Is an UP' .to -date loafer and has lived off the old folks all his life. The Match is one -that 'Will sanounr only to costing thie taxpayers to care for. another bitch of feeble minded. , , The morning after the over was printed the editor was hanging to a telephone pole. • , . • Siam has declared that a state of War exist!!! with Germany and Austria, according to .a.. -Reuter despatch from tanglok on Saturday. Nine stea'mers, aggregating 19,000 tons, have been eeized. The object of "Siaires declare-. tine is to "uphold the sanctity of in- ternational rights' against nations allowing contempt for the principles ot humanity and respect for small states." All Germans and Anitilans, the despatch adds,' have been placed tinder •arrest and 'their . businesses closed. Siam, "the land of the free," a kiegthen of southeastern Asia, has a •nelmiation estimated at over 6,000,- 000. , Porty. German airplanes brought down in five days ending Sunday is O one indication of the frenzy Of nee. Veusneso' with which the Prussiano are trying to find out What Fieid Mar- • that Haig la. Preparing for them. ,. RevolutiOnary eleinents have boon: engaged in propagendain Pratece..to &Montage soidiersnind .develop a de- " InaI1d for preniature pea0S, aCCOrdifig 10 Senator PIOMOntectit In the Paris Upper House on Salado. . • An increase of letter derriere' viiragne in titled and 'town e" to meet the high. er cost ot Hying was tnitiouneed in %lit. Canadian ParlisInent. last Vidor, 0000000000 eeringHarvesting Machiiiery - ^ 'ar-^ee-eM•akeve•eralicai,ve*, .nUal4.s.aao,•••••••••••on a•••••*, Order now if you require anything in harvesting machinery as the supply is already eihausted in some lines. A KEYSTONE TONGUE SUPPOR. •Wihl save your horses' necks while working • on the mower - 5 Binder 'Twine and Hay Fork Rope Machine and Separator Oit W. 0. ANDREW, LUCKNOW. •, • • • • M[GFHAM1fl steblishecl capital' Authorized, $5000,000 Capital Paid-up, $3,006,000' Surplus,-.. • $3,500,000 O hi the Beginning THE primary object of the' Bank Was to encourage the habit of saving; especially amongst the small wage earners. The Hank of Hamilton has never lost siglit of dee object. The small depositor is always assured of couttenut iteattnent. One LITCHNOld MANCH 1, J. Ab Glenniro-klnager. ,40.0 - • • . . • .6...A.1014.