HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-07-26, Page 17.7 11 • .7.4..r•M' RP $y*Ser per year, in advance; $2.00 otherwirte LOCV4 AND OENEOAL Lueknow Civic Holiday on Monday, 6th. Mt. and Mta.,-F. r. Freeman are away 1-3 for a vacation at London.' , • Mr. Bort Finuth-oz Toronto, spent the week.eud at, his hoine,herp. , ! • gr. %rola Freentati inane it businese • 400. to Goderieh on Friday. • b. 'Miss Vim' MacDonald, of Toronto, is *visiting her parents in town. `- Mrs. 3. McGarry, of Toronto, is re. uewing acquaintances Luelinow. ' Miss A Elliott, of Eayfielil, is visiting : sit the hoine of her uncle, Dr. Elliott. Thendvent of hot weather has wised - a rush of townspeople to the lake sliore. • • : Mr. Harry Alton is engaged to. teach • in. the Witted just „north of town:At...the 70lid-of Kinlose. , I 1. .. 6 , • • • • • Miss 3,,fisrgaret Miller, ,of near St. Helens, home after being, nearly a Year in Mberta. • • Misses Ada and Frances Webeter and Evelyn Caswell opent the week -end With friende in Ethel. MM. ',Toseph More and family _ aamilbon -are Spending their 'vie* with friendahere.- - - M. , ,r• • 6... m•••6, 'if ..gr:;7177.0,.wv - .ilitclittooto • Mee„ Einchelo and children, ObieeflOt are visiting her sister, Mrs. Philip Mc. Millam Dr. D. Geddes b€01 gene to Rochester, Minn, to undergo medical examination beet been developing for soma time. 4, All, use ofso interns' growth which has who know the Dr. wilt hope to We b SA restored to health. .Prociantatien z uerelik. PrOclaiiu Monday, 6th,, 1917, a Civic Holiday for the VII. lege of foreknow, and notify Alt CltiZetle • to Obeetre the Same. • Dated thit25th.• day °truly. 1917, 24.e, goenrirjentis'row, DATES •OF FALL FAiRS Following are the dates of a number ' f Fall Fairs as given by the Agricultural Societies' Branch Of the DePartinent of Agq!ulture.1" „, Lucknow ; , • .Sept. 27-2.8 IciSsardissr.. 4000,00.05E0 ..Sept,.20-21 26-m23 ;,• Duogannon, • Oct • LUCK 'MEE DIE SUDDENLY OW0- ONTgii THURSDAY; JULY 2fitit's 19170 Qaynor-Nrs, S. Swan George; Rising. • Withj t,ha ?suit week the residen • Llicknojoul viainity have been t tiniest stAitted'rby, the report of the den de.athof persons known to thew CoaNtlanii fatriOn• Successful Candidates • Single Capiej 3 gaits MONO TRAOEDY IN The following pupile Of Lucknow Clew " MORRIS TOWIIISIEP tinuation :Qwereenceeisful in the Iolrer School Entrance .to Normal ex. ts aminetions: A. Alton, AL Urrinftteo, 1-6 !age Finlaysqn, IL Mitchell, a MOW. SM. Jimmie, M. J. MeeDinialde P. iSfoNat • The first was Mr. COrfieliiia GaY 'a pioneer resident of Weet yrawan who died Oh FridaY, July 20, at the of 81. Mr. Claynor, who. was rem ably active for a man of his years, out in .thialeld when he was etric by heart failure and passed aw stantly-literally dropped dead, , saying Re was one of the -pion residents of St. Helens district and widely knOlvill# native of Ireland Ir whence he carnitais a young man, and Member of the Ronlan Catholic churc The funeral was not held until Wedn day of Ode week, oiling to the fact th meinhers Of the familyhad to -come fro Sefwee was held at the It, hurcli here atten o'cleek, after whi • •• M'o Itatliwell, 'J. A. Stothers, N. • Thenipson. This ineluclesall who wrote „ . Hore examination. •Thelollowing get nab, the imine standing emption, having a. gone to work on . Willie E. An• drew, Stanleyia. Burns, Ethel M. Howe, Katie MacDonald, Lorne R. MacDen- wf°3 aide Willie G. McCall, Clarence E. Mc. ken Milla,n, Ian McRae, Alf. T. Mitchell, in. Kenneth 0 Murdie As this constitutea the whole class the results are about as satisfactory aii eelild be. the eer 'war om , a - h.. Mr. Steel Rimier has resigned his position with the town as engineer in at charge of thefir0 protection water works, m and will leave for Calumet. Mioh., early C. ch ___Engineer Resigns - - t minter ...., 4 4 & * • 4 • • Oew. ......•••• c he funeral Proceeded to thapemetery at & ... Oet, 9-10 t • dmay, 041. ' dot.27-3 * Bruaselg• " !v. • O. • Oct. 4-i Mris, Jamieson left on Fr .to epend the summer. months friends in the West. • Mr and iktre Treleaven of Han • :Toronto 252 • -Sept. 10 wit }Iolyrood; • MRS. swAir • Mrs. Samuel Swap, _formerly, Liu Bel) JOhnetont.was known in Luc ow, irbere,. until shortly before he Wisp) a little more than a year ag. he afttnidneichocl, A. baby was hor the Swan hone two weekaivo, an iday a in h` Whitechurch -Tuesd.e.y, July 24. in August. *While on a visit to 'friends 10 Calunist.recently Mr. Hunter toolc a poeition as fireman and caretaker which looks better to hint than the' Ithcknow position' hi which he -has faithfully formed his 'duties for the Pest eight years ' ra The'Conneilinis secured as a successor k- to 110. Hunter, John Nevins who comes r here from Brussels. h Verdun -r - - - - • . ley, "Sask, Are 'visiting at the home Mrs. T. L. Treleaven; , Mr. J. A, MacLennan Toronte a Week's vacation ivIth • _ . • brother at the lake shore. Mr. and Mrs, jaar Sineltzer *Melo tit , from Detroit last week and snout a .! days with' relatives here. of Miss E, of` Clinton, is visiting al her friends, Viso E. Feddle. •-• • - • . „ Mrs. Rantrame.of viaiting (0e heitMr:rifssteiatt:ItiWipnitlet.7ibilveu:tar, few'. days AcY1 • • - ew - Anse Lillian Longman visited 'with, °fa d • • *.• 1 seemed -to be gen* weltinstirillem ternoon when the mother developed „iiillsed her - ming -04 smelt She - was in her 21st • ' -Monday,, „. Miss Myrtle Blear,...of Tiverton, .sperit • last week with her cousin;,Mary Wilkie. eall.And a daughter of r. and- Mrs rchibald Sohneton; of Aelifield. Attic mpathy is expressed inethe bereave her brother in Windsor last week. an • Mr. Ander8014 arrived innile'Sa urday night from a trip•whieli took h • as far as Vancouver B 0 • • -• Mr" and Mrs. Angie Irepougall the Mr. And Mrs. Palmer, of Hamilton,* the who lived with hii mother at Hely- in Loildeiboro.last week attending • . wedding -of the latter'e sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Jtolnies and M Perkins,of Glorrie, were Saturday Visite Summer seems to have 'arrived atiast . • . . • k and baying:is now the order of the day Mai Nellie MCMullen and Miss Elea - willies, The funeral,. which was firs t. Mrs. Robinson, of Belgra`ve, , spent la t nor Finnie were Sunday guests of Mrs. flounced ter Thursday, afternoon was ira Sunday with lire. Mar3r Morrison.- ' tor postponed until Sunday at 1:30 • hick: • . • „ • „ 1,- GicoRGE !twig° '.', . .... .„. The excessive keit of Tuesday gauged , death of: George ••Rising, a young • - • g • ine Baker,'•of,Toronto, visiting at, ere . • • thelionieof *kite, Miss. Jennie Walden,- who has• Spent* • the last two weeks with friends in Mark - arrived,honwon.SsiturdaY:' a isiting at the home of Wm. Barbour. ma • - Mr, and Mrs. Dan -McKay and children rood the aftnr.nocur when: he iitiffered IBS of B Niels are visiting with friends He was at vverk on a load of hay • ri,„A,rnold Cowan and two- ' • Grace and of Torotit%are visit with the forMer's'mOther, Mrs 'Cliff; ' ., • , • . Mrs Campbell and daughter,: Alva, • anu spending a vacation wi erparents, Mr._ and Mrs. das. Taylor. Rev. Mr. Graham and Rev. Mr. Boyle, ICU o, of Belgrave, exchanged pulpits on Sun- c no ng clay het. ; hou hav frienfle Bluevale over•Sunday. Fra • A few of our young friends held held a moonlight picnic in Blair's ()rove *one • night last week. Alt report a most en- • joyab e tune. • No service waitheldintlia-Pine-River Presbyterian Church Sunday evening, owing,to the re -opening held at, Bethel Rev Mr. McArthur, of Kincardine, oc- cupied the pulpit and delivered an lex. cellent discourse on "Influence." -Je took his text from Romans 14: 7, "None 'Of us hveth unto ourselves. No man dieth to himaelt." Miss L. G. Welsh favored the congregation: with a pleas- ing solo. ke;TIViippears to have been it part - lady severe case, as he did not regain. scrousneas,:bnt:passed away in a.few re. The family came out from Eng . 4r,,, and Mrs. Donald Malevin, . • Goderich, spent the weekend With the latteets parents, Mr. and Mra. P. Smelt- , • Dr. 0reelmanithys that Ontario farms•, are short about?. fifteen thousand men. Sounds likelliat'used to edam) only from • • 'the West, - 4 Mr. jack King, of Winnipeg, who is • visiting his folk at Oorrie, called on friends here yesterda3r. Re was meow- • fan , Miss Lillie Paterson, Miss Helen ..and • of Master Scott Paterson visited with boYs d a fewyeare, ago; arid two of the have since re -crossed the • oeean, ing enlisted the 180th. Battalion. of palsied by Mr. Dawson, furniture dealer • f (lime- • . . 1-4OW:ik'nownot now SPY -1101, Sask., Mr. and Mris W R McDonald return- "' C3111616146atift -04W --.4a ran oputairrtlio'Weir made his first call on that part • Of his. Mr. and Mrs, •Victor Durnin, acCom- aangreggion residing „ on the 4th and Ponied by Re. HowardYounton, Mrs. 2nd concessiona of Kinloss Jut Tueli , • - Fraser and Miss Fox, motored over from thy. •• .. • Ooderich on Saturday and visited at the home -of Mr; and Mrs, How* LATEST • %kit NEWS rte. Gordon Taylor, of Exeter, who The latest- news from ,the;Thissien. 11" been 111-rxtme°44-the t!snel)cAtter,f. irnnticattindetheleritAinfthe-theist- ' • - - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tor 4c1 kat interesting of the week. The rm f • Miss Maggie Laidlaw ,will lead the nk will be remembered gie having trained -in Lucknow for a time The r brother enlisted- at Teeswater., rge Was in his 28th. year, and, like brothers, a young man of geed retin- an. The funeral to Greenhill Om will be Ilea thia afternoon, Guild*meeting on Sunday night, The • othe subjecp What our Missionary Doctors Geo are doing in %MOM" his Mr, and Mrs. John Milks, of Brandon, •-t,atf. ;so. visiting "with the former's; brother, wry Mr. DaVid GRUB. It irtinfir fi tti east 14 years: ' • ' Mateking visit friends lit Detroit • Kifilough•" •-Tuesday, July 24. Mrs**Ed.. Percy is leavingthia week td • fourth Con, Kinioss Ha in is f 11 • • „ • --7_Mondaye Jely 237 karrilehas hecOnie general nlcing the 4th -.4 wonderful crop.• • formerly of -tof he lisps of returned -freer Toronto on Monday. • was in town- Monday and TilesdaY. He ed3o.theirtaim.e On. - iil'aturdar Jaimile" nuier, who Very.stiddeolm •Mimeo Beatrice and DonaldalicIetosh -Tueday, July 24. Marion Jamieson is visiting her uncle A• nson Finlay. • ' • - Mon Belle Errington spoilt the week end at Mr. Thos. Anderson's, • • • Allan Pinlay returimd tday from few days' visit -with Zion friends, A..org_m4 . A" year and a half and home on furlotigh, is visitinrwith Mr. and Mr. D. S.Mad, Donald for a few days. - • iViARKETS • (Corrected up to ViTettheiolay notin)• Wheat. • .. • • 4 • •10,6 Oata••46•064•6••••1+:11 ItarleX • • * • • i • • • • • • Y •'c • • Ittittlet) • * 6 11.6616.'27 30 zggs, nevr*laidt66606646666•• 20 30 7'010024TO MARKETS zintenvit OP Tars WERE Choice heavy steers... 25 to $11 SO Choice Il 00 to 11 7.5 Choice butchers' COM .. 8 00 to 8 SO Good feeders 7 73 to 8 SO Good Mit& COWee 86 00 to 120 00 Hoes, -fed and watered. 15 25 to 2 .50 to 2 SS Goose Wheat 2 SO to Timothy Hay. ..*.; IS 00 to 16 00 Itggse near laid .4. 40 to Butter, Creamer Feints 38 tO 3. fowl imitti, nt4t. 4 • the youngest republic appears to be.. re- reanng on a wide front, over the ground recently won from the Austrian. The guesiatui make no serionstiflort tostand and are destroying or hieing VOA *stores of food, aininimition,and guns. -411 of which is of the utmost •importance to them. The retreat is duo to a lick ,.of dicieliue-whle bsttalinns and divisions refusing to obey the Ordire Of th e snperjoi, officer. The success of the actinium is most unfortunate, coming, ha does, at Stine when thei most needed eticoUrage- merit to Iteep their people true to the Kaiser and his war lords. The Gerinans are attacking the French positions in, a mariner ••which 'suggests the great ekurctotake Yerditin. So far, however, no (coniderable success has been won, .An. attack by the Brutal all Along their Tint has been predicted for sothe thne and artillery Are Said to surpass anything undertaken so far in the 'war, is said Oa be. in progress from the North Sat 10...1441olitherit enci-ot the: British •rs. Andrew, of Zio, was the guest of Mrs. WVitothers pot of last week, . Miss Leila Blake spent, a few days this week with her friend, Miss Eliza- beth Mr. and Mrs -W: Treleaven vent A leve -days last -4eelc' Visiting their old neighbors on this line. - • • Mrs. 3. Kilpatrick adMiss Margaret of Crewe, and Miss Bessie MallOugh, of Teeawater, spent Friday at Satn pattickl• . • We extend to Mr.. andiMr8. 'George Situndere our hearty congratulations and at wishes for a long and happy voyage on thematrimonial sea, Rev, and Mrs. X. Kilpatrick and &slighter, Margaret, of Sbeddon, Mrs; Knox and Miss glance, of Goderich;and vs. J. Hopson, of Toronto, slatted at Kilmtrielt Friday. The W. M. S. was well re, preeented at the regular monthyineet, ing held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Rieke on Thursday afternoon. A good program was given, and refreshments served at the close. Quite a number of visitors from LueknOw and elsewhere were-Preeentsamouit-them 50s, tr, Mo. Kon!lh' And 0001 Of Detroit. • • y g u swing here, and all report•e: veiy heavy crop. • • Mr. -Wesley Boyle is hating a ceint wall mit under hi a ifeck,Witt,sOne of Lucknow, has the job. • , -Mr. and Mrs; 'Amine -Robinson a a family, who left Ithicardne. this spring for the West, have retuiiied.• vt,tiMr7MAX88-Zire-pettdi'tir-rn8- of Teeswatere conducted the iservice here on Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Stewart will poach next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Little, of St. Helens, will conduct the . SerViee the two Sundayts folloWing. J. N. ▪ McKenzie is at his home this tamer • --..Tuesday, July 24. •!Mitl Lillutu Owen' is visiting her sis ter in Bruce Mines., • Mr.: and Mrs. D. it ."IfelCerisie called. on frienclajtere to day Lillian Wallace, ofa:Aeie!). is. *fait: ing her friend, ',Annie McKezie. • ;Misses Annie Scott and Jeosie Buck- ingham left bits morning to visit friends in Ayr. • • Mr. and Mrs. I). McKenzie and ail- dren returned to their hoe in the West yesterday. Mit* Tena AIeai, who has 'coin- hpelerete:.i hertraining as nurse in Toronto Geeral Hspital, is visiting at her honie • Miss /salmi Walker, who has Com, pleted a coilme in the Stratford Boemese Colege-leifor Toronto this morning, *heft She expects to gets firm James ?ifcCracken, who with her husband and young son lived on the 6th concession of Morris Township, Huron Co., wits•on Sunday evening the victim of a abooting tragedy, which at thetime of writing is not - known to have been intentional or aicidenta • Her husband, in whose hand the re- volver was when this fatal 'shot was fired, Rays the 'Shooting was accidental, • though the circuinstances attending the • tragedy might suggest otherwio' A • After the Woman was shot through. •the head McCracken, according to his Own story, put the gun to Ms own head and fired. Tim bullet, however, only grazed hie teinple. • lifeCracken is under arrest on a charge of Murder, Domestic 'relations at, the h MaCtitchen Immo do not appear to have r been happy. - According to McCracken's story; Sunday morningwhile he, his wife a▪ nd d little son were out for a Walk, •an auto- •w • mobile drove up to the house. •The r auto 'contained Mr. Wm. ICearney, who o ives on the 4th ef Morris, his wife, two b children and .-Mr. James Thyne. Mr. Kearney offered to take Mre.MeCraelren to on a trip to Alma, saying they 'would be ce Married at Winnipeg 3,14unti-ase. (The following Marriage notice is from the Winnipeg Tribune of July 16, and is of local interest because the parents of the bride were reindentsof Lucknow until few years ago;) • Announcement, •ia made• of the mar. 'liege ofMyr. Victo,s,: elder daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Roe, to A, Jam - spa Martin, eon of the late Albert L. Martin, of Belfast,' Ireland, which took place at the family residence, 410 Victor 4, street, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Nev. Hugh J. Robertson, pastor of Home etreet Presbyter'• , thumb, officiated. ,The bride,who Was unattended, wore a Martial &Armand. model suit of Ereneli grey with touches of blue, showing a. bleas of white 'georgette crepe, Her. at was n small Leghorn with two aig- ettes. She carried a sheaf of American •Beauty roses.• • Mrs. D„ M. Cameron played the Neu- elssoim wedding inareh Pink and hite peonies decorate& the drawing - "1", in the corner of which was bank f palms and ferns, before which -the ridil couple stood. After the service, the gileets sat down a dainty buffet lunchenn. In the Ord of the tablee on which Were lilies the valley, whitestreaniers hung from e chandelier to the wedding cake:. Mr. mad Mrs Martin left 'for a short ay at-Minaki: The bride travelled in blue silk sport suit' with oyster trimg lugs and a white Panama bat Upon their return.. to Winnipeg, M d Mrs.. Martin will rside at Suite. '217' aidon cOurt. • , . . • Hifi FARMR. AND C01413RirflON • There ts probably no class an the mimmunity that • will benefit more by Conscription than the faretieg !lass. The lack of proper help lit the. greatest beck • about live 'o'clock. ; McCria• ken of objected to her going, but she went. th McCracken went over • to his father's place and returned -home -shortly before et the auto came -back front Alma. Mc- a Oradell says: "i put a revolver in my in *trek and went out • and spoke to Kearney, and told him he was not a man au of inuch principle le do. 'inch a trick •as W he had don." There appears to kave been some hot words 'before the unto Wont emay and the MeCrackens went into the house, where Mrs: .McCracken gave her 'husband a "lecture" They went out for another walk, and he saps: "I had my hand the retoler. in IV -Pocket, when life were down by -the, pig pen, and told-niy Wife that if • anything, else happened thatafternoon I should use It on myelf" • -. • He says further: "I went 10 draw the •reolverirem my pocket and she snatch- ed my arm and tho revolver dischrgd'. • 11:dzfflculty iVindth*wh:heils thtiei eirnehiPeas%ted • e ot demand for production it is moreacute-. felt than even in ordinary times; • . Prices are good, the demand for farm nee is-unlimitechlytit-thrfailiter ' Often Obliged to foe7tlie opportunity Which these advantages offer tecainse of thelack of labor •. Conseil tio if ly Tbe-blillirirent through her head " Bow she got her head in anemia ,his. pocket is net explained. t • He then tried the revolver on his own head biit got only a' scalp wound. He then Went back to hie father's place and had him call a doctor by phone. McCracken Says that he and _his wife never had -serious quarrels, and had not been separated, as was rePorted. _Following the coroners' inquest into the circumstances attending Mrs. Mc Cracken's death the husband was taken to Godench jail to awaittrial_ atthe Fall Assizes. ' Zion •• -Tuesday, July 24.. Raying is the order. of the day. We wish Mr and Mrs Geo Saunders • • . many years of happy wedded fife. ' .Misses Annie andifargaret Clarksbn spent Sunday with friends in the bulk Mr' "n't-Ais---TI:lPIinE4o0sit.0.;.-ate Mr. and Aldrii. Herb. &others, of Dun- gannon, visited at her home last Satur- . Master Ailan -Finlay, of Mafeking, visited his cousins in this locality this • Some of the.....„Zionites*tended -the bill game 'held at Belfast on Friday evening. • • •• • Creek, spent the week -end at the latter's . . Mr. and Mta. James McKay, Willow home here. • Missea Lizzie Helm and Myrtle Rit- chie have passed the Entrance exaniin Mons. • Congratulations, girls. .Lurgan -Tuesday, July 24. • Alfred Wilden lost a jthluable horse last' Mooday; Mis Jennie Walden returned hem° from Markdale on Sturday. • Mrs."Capt. Btown and two Children' • have retutned from Toronto. • Mr. and MraMaynard, of Kincardine, were visitors at W. Reatty'e bn Moday. Mrs, Geo. Lamoritand Master Blair, of Appine are visiting at Mrs. Gee. Blair* C. 11.-Veraiand of Hainilton, spent last Werk,at Mrs. Geo. Biwa. • ADMIRAL, Get the Life buoy OUTNG. SHOES ammommimin MI sizes in Alen's • Women's and Children's W. J. urru EVERYBODY'S COLU,MN wttlf,t172°111401itt irutitoill'arbatatogg° Woes, . . • . ley Tonsil: amohlagra$00..itttahonAearit.tnetstaroakendr.alouPto*ok:ins: 'dttatual Compie:Cer."tenb4 • • 1114nERII PRICES forPollltrY and all ofjunk-rag old_ PALMA, rubber, Iron, trAte112.....glialaitior,.. of hides. Phonro6. Jame . . 141m14tanWiFitA.patch,4011rwitte3jeanirunaiiiider4;sidiatereipit wlih a slit in theriaht ear. Anyeerseit having information regarding the same- kindly re. • port to DAVID RitamoTog. Auburn Z. 2. Vhone 79r Goderich•Rurat. •• • ITICtiER ESTRAY.-Camet0 the probleis et • ' • ' - - . , . • . • • the tmderniened. Lots, Von. 4. KInloset. on or *tont Jen* 18, 1917. abetter:. appareutlY - • . ' 2 leave old. •••Owitel- may' bailie }mute on • • proving rroperty and paying expenisee. , . .-_,- , •-- - • • _ ,,....: - • •Atoif, Moitszteu, .., • ., . '!-•11/-. -.. •• ". • •• Ptiotto 11 on 46, Lnekne',4 • •••• DE. PARICER;()StROPATE4 et Vain Rouse Lucknow,, everyWednesda afternoon.. All chronic diseases au - teopathy TemoVes the physical 'causes of digests). A41 he I quickly seourelattervcilt=nt:stritntmEM 80.1.hp! OsteePathr than by any other mpthod. • : - • tigenctlndarystPlaprerlogd1.1+- Arjral% 0HICRNVANTICD.--For Nola, Ash, °"321811ceel3PLA; OtaReer- 287-p. ", • " Itat• No.7. LitekoeW P ." perly enforced, should- prove a .remedy JOSEPH AdINEW, Notary PubIle, convey.. for this need. It may,at first sight, ap- rultegi Bintrffilltreeinefilahr ilftersgst4415sPlifti pear paradoxical to suggest that the 45:"Ienruistrgtrd14'1)3T:sf)(4111:41ear withdrawal of of • men for the Army will. • - enable the farmer 10 obtain nere help, but it iightappreciatioti Of the facts will explain the seeming paradox. . Thefact is that there are plenty of men to sit both reinforcements to the trenches and help to the farmer, but they are at pres- ent so distributed as to deprive both the trenches and the farmer of the needed help. Conscription will give the Gov: ernmant such a power of reditribution, as to enable them to put the manpower of the country where it properly blongs. For Sale THR,ESHINGHICTFri. ,Surninenlitra,,,,,,tOrLinett• or and blower run one wagon; vvpiros.en, Eine, 20 kn.:traction -71tMunuaw, It. Vangannon. -Phone. 78 r IL Ihntgannon - • VOR SALE -Good fraine 'resident* with etene foundation, on Havelock Lucknow (be, inc- the residence oocupied Tsir. O. Bidden). For particulars apply to mu& Da. MAVOlgustorr.1tIplet. 28-dtfo. • • r • • , • • • 1otice - „ • ' For an mattere regarding Gireenhin oteneteti rarer to D. 0. Taylor Secretary. • -At present the Military autlioritieenre obliged to t'ake meewhere they can get Ahevroiet--Oarage:- thenr and thersonietimm_tes ironi7thirtiqins_whereZtlie:KitKin iitrensaliiany youn ,men who were brought up on farms an who have the necessary knowledge farnung operations are engagd in non essential occupations. The productio of munitions, for-exaniple, ia a,n essentia • occupation, but there are many ' young farmeramorking-inmunition-plants-,-not as expert inechanics, but at work which could be just- as well done by older men Or by women. The. enactment of • the Military service Bill will enable the GO7 ernment to bring all theseyOung roe under contiol and to put theni where their energy will he used 10 the greatest advantage for the welfare of the State. There is no lack of material in the 001111 • P - try for there are aflemit a million pro • bably a million and a half, melt .mili tary age and :many a man who is work- ing In a lawyer's ofilce a motor garage, a shoe shop br a dry goods store hashed a farm education, and • ahould he in the trona es or on the farm. It is, there- fore, to the interest of the farmer and to the interest of every essential business' that the Government should be in a pos. ition so to vo-ordinate all the forces of the country as to obtain the bestresults, o doubt the majority of farmerateonld welcome conecription -Apart from any uatrof self interest, but it happens that in this tate linty mid enlightened self Interest March togeher, 1G-rahar4rr-L:arrB1=ottities.thin-pbell-cStreett!ct'inea . • garage and has first-class tnech'iinic- in • d charge. A. hill line of repairs for cher, of rolet cars,. A satisfactory service guar,. anteed. • 3-5-tf. . • • . n . „ t • Notice to Creditors' Inthe matter of the estate of0Iara Allis, late of the Village of Lucknow ia • the Couet3r of Bruce, de:`' ceased. Notice is hereby gltenthat all tenon; having. any claims or demands against he late -Clae Alli. who died on or about the Nineteenth day of May. A.D.19174 at the Village Of Luck - now in the County of Brute, ate required to amid, bY Post Prepaid or deliver to the under Ellgod. agent for Rodger executer under the will of the Stud aqua their nettles and addressee d in writing . • of thew eleinis and etatemente Of theiricoc•Unts =. and ot'theilecurItIesit any, held by them Itulyverined b ailldavi. An take notice • t at after ths Twentieth • day of August 1917, the said Rodger Allin . ' proceed to distribute the ands of the fetid de- ceased among the Oients entitled thereto,. having only to the claims of which he shall then haVe had Mace, and that the Skid Dotimor•Allin Will not be liable for the bald assets or any patt thereof to any person, of whose elihn he shall not then hate recejy netiee. This notibe is given pursuant to the statute' • in that behalL Dated at Lucknowthis 21th day of $uly, 017. • Matsu AtttN, Agent tor the Said fwager Anis: Notice to the Public espilesing Ott the property of the indersig-fied for Berry -bitting is forbi&s„ de, and hereafter persona found- tress . •244-o ' • • • posing will be prosecuted, Iiituvat 1. 0*