The Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-07-19, Page 2­, 11 I rTr - -�11 11 17; If oll,� 7 -WAM I ". -F' i, VRT,:" T I . 4IRM . - I - - , W —,, 7- . M .1V17F ­ - ---,- -.-T -7-," 117 ,- '9-�--7qW­r--%T9F!F4P" ,� ,� I � � � I � ­ � 1�1 -R! -w- --F ,q% 1�, I - -6 , —, I . ­74rmupwlwq"1714"�� 1�,�"Rww , , I I. w1v"I"14's � r `;� ""","" I . . a , � . . � � .. 11 . 1. . ,� `A�71, PMR95-'s- 1 - I - . . I . � I ­ I- \ ___ - - - P � I . - -_ - � - . 16 - .- I I - — r— __ ___ __ _ - �� � � I . .jr�m - ___ 11101*, U& __ _ �___ � � _ "... I -, == I . . � - - 3WW X" 33CAMZ CffII=XlX . I Z� �b sm 0 - 0 , ot I .- I,---- 11110 414-Afts U aeod 14=1 % ; I 1%*# Caski Tkrmsk PdMval � U"G LWS ' I � 04% a4l hft 'I **sea Do** Aw 'Vad" Diet, T" 1`11) I SO � ist I U .. I "I % A . WNW MN I has )AIN" ?" W 1111111%0�" I - . It I$ A 000=04 saying that the Way � � I , Ulm - . I to reach-* =^Wx lisart in through his Reasons , � -_1 I . I I'll of keta ktweat WAft=w� in yoke And � t I I stoulach, but it Is mot commonly ' I . =a~. . I . .. I r . . � known *at, inon rvached'civilization. Un- � J QNNICR�,L SMUTS ON RU$OIAN . � I I 'only a &W W two. U* I" Como 1. We - " � through his. stomach. .... I'll ... � vy, J3.y CONDiTION8, . kw* 1�mm P^rla, wbiwe she is known q ­ r I ., � I � for 'WW chmt"W &Wx And her mt*r' A C6URSE IN HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE C . In the beginning of things man, a A rrowpWa0m Xow"�So � -7 � . �_ -_ I I . - "t 14 time ~ AM o"rooled.." IN, Vild creaturle, more monkey than hu- Abw dealer -C&A *d9r.-Qui big-.... ­­­_ -1 I I ­ - -, -_ . r I __ - ­­_­�., .. 1.1 . , , ­ Ir - I - TWENMFIV9. LE, � i � fortilizer In cars 104,4441 to full I . . - .- ML for a MANseat Silently Ca- . ­ - -_ - 5SONS. - -.,.--'' - --,-.-- _____ ­ MAD* uv" Olt - 'foots - Ana berries, - An, Kr*traQt frg.m 4k Memorablo.811644h 111; - I =-- the outlook. Leasom IL -The F1411010110t Watm -_ - I science tells. us, trying first this and � 'Capa,city, wbach 14014 W146 40 ,Which 81hg%vo a Remarkable I . "YOU MAY tell the king that I will Water is A necessary constituent of health is to bell the water wh there that article' and discovering by tke! Muelt a#; mV$V&ds,IQ"9d,t*1#1 , � I 1� � J*Vj#X4fi" lAt JV01iM fttUft Um Plot," said th S hi ' . en . I Just balf #6 vianyl Can are I . 11trial.and error" method which - was ,,b,,_,,, ,,,r,,, . WhIk Prince Angus a the blood stream, As it jerms thre . is t e least doubt its to its purity. Be. _ . " era me Zll;'�. * , .##.Qf thik situatIon. . . � nd a r 0, h needid-the I I ^ft" P&y */ .*At S~ dille""bW tbo J?roblem that confront- fiftllsof the tot*l weightof thp,human cause water looks bright and sparkling good mud which was not, There is free for other uses. Fireight C04. 1111unsial, ovou, � 411teer-atle. RUS814,* ,I 1. � . � led thwo4 the girl leader of the Pee- body. Water acts ,as a it 19 not always SOO to conclude that considerable evidence that he 'kept �to' tion to relieved. you stikud 1% P -- . ", Carrier . , this vegetarian diet for many genera- I %ter chance of gettlat your ,,ald- QQatral Switts.4t London recent- . ­ � N~ hy tAt unitrMINAW Pk'g 1"Sue wax holding a secret sea- it is therefore free from impurities ly, 11.11aa Dloyoo a great part In the bls�. r *%� SiOn with Duke Hextor irt Another rownr4kroughOut the body, and Is a very Every ftre'SIXOUld be taken that t144; tions, never discovering the dietetle,' fertilizer. - 1,y of ft, .Nvorld, bli". I am sure tbera. jla� 00,%Aft,,*#AW' of the palace. necessary 'Agent in the proce46 of source 0, . .f . - � � _ ,,rypki � water supplyja uneoxtj=. value.of,meat. I he I A PotriptieReasow-So pill out to I I � &I—M - - _ must take me to the room dilrestioji,gm� �limluatioii. . i Then the change camew Either t industries, All out national ire, � la 4, fti, areator Aiturc atill belorc, free, , . inateid. � _14ourcoi, allour efforts paugive, , � ilomoeratlo 1111201% But# 'of course, . I 0;, - �' .. . '& ------7*' where the vault Lax been built. Then The,presen�e of water in the blood stock of herbs and wild fruits 'Save! a full measure ,of war -time sot. I A,./ , SIXTH NPISODIL give me the combination, and I Will regul,ttes th4 temperature of thp.body. The reason that boiled water ham a, out in his vicinity or he got A. taste Of. Canihave , 11blorty, �T-u know,,10 lilre Youqg wino. . 11 I flat And inslPid taste, Is because the Tlelsor'Adoolerflfteis 3, , . ;it meuuttj to your, hoM ppmetinies, . I � � 1 7u Q"ws Nock]ia,w. , 90t the jewels. They Wi6ng t4i thi A acts as a distributor,of bV#1f`Where oxyg6n bus, been driven oe b animal fiesh after a forest fire, for -*%'Cham,04, to iucrex4is our ua-- - . , I . . . "OPle and they must haye them." the the blood. f, � I y the boil. A Cnwkling Aax"4 won deywring tba girl was,Wnr. ows: from the vxfn'i jut - ing. , StIrr- be began tovat meat. Pqrh�ipv he tional food supply, . iid liberty of all the,forcoa of the � � 0 I I I 11 erior in , . . r I � ombat #no eg� I . I r I to the cold exterior'of the bod g. Win, incorporato air, kjo, I 'rid requIro organintlowand OJs. - t4AwM* superstructure of Able air-- "I van understand why you, are the r .! .d an ammal in � C . wri0forpartfoolars - � ive, . . ­ r' r bators It k" tairly IwW*d in,W).of the The process ' Y. . iknd restore oxygen, porimented r . 301lLWM0VZM0NTq0?4MM= .1. 0. Ailtocl.,A(,�- In. al%yaya, ownt. , ­ r , . I . I 11 r ar a Ulu PAW- Of digestion is - carried A g�usa ofw,atr - tal%,em,beforo. Is on the r;7 flesh. No one , . of fAs, r , #.I� thp ve - au -1 �. , - , "ya It! CIA." , SaI4 ,0 111p, r4w terrify most . Zed'!n ,ry nhture, of to. � 'I, nwpox 'Oaf # es r . it uncon- OU by the.aid'o;f wat;er, � FOr'this rea.; prePare4 the StMertich to receive food. Will evex know jug " v&v lid tasted, it ' RMONAL TIERT0M 03 I I I . I , wy More ft=n t UZoe PQX�" 0 . I . EMS:5�V , tealled r Admiration. ' 11 - craer, to -be orgaulAod; but llbo.riy, -, , 7 I I . 0"Wers to met extr"" told us son itis AeMsarYAO take a large It is 1p4pecially beneficial to drink a first. At any raterhe'likedlit better 1,01417410004-all1k. .. - I I I 'r 11 Olk. ,t-., You would dare an hill behalf of' amountl`�74 least two quarts daily, in than the ins .> ,W*o freedolu of governm6ut, to never Pro& �.. I ,1W __V, . 1pl& vegetaiian diet d 171,090 I - . . "" to mave twr liveAL A JrXom4y. -the poor, miludi, at is y e, sent -for order toLpreserve health , ilsss of hot wAte� before breakfast be ' . . !perly organizod., it goes -by itsdIf and . I wbe WW loom stunned by tb* blow You -but I had no idea you ould I . Bes��s the Drinking water with the meal is not came devoted to It. . . aMOuZt'*equIred:C9r purposes of diges- harraful if Am I m- Its own. luternal Impulse. I . I I . ., *at knocked kin onto, Or* of the such danger as stealin j elo taken when the mouth is ' When the wild animals grew elusl � I ___ � . . . . ' j I �. . . � win and hard to kill he began to, t I . I p of the nackine just as it began might involve.li, tioll, it is'necess4ry in hot weathe'r to ,empty and not used � , r .... , , I 1.0son of Life. . . r � . ap the stomach bud t4Med*llirnf d laid , . I . to wash down the b , , Ai� . tts Asewt, wax now reviaint coul - "The danger means nothing, it I can drink an exfja amount in order, to food. It is likely to cause I ime easta and huj# them gyatematically fouildstions for civilization , - , C� f �� times Him thque,thoro must be I scia"mm". Accomplish the'p"urpose th unter-act the loss of in An , roase � OIStur4 00- in'Weight in fl' . With -an eye to providingr for the lean Wh � Ino than an Idedlistio Impulse, the . ., . eaby persons. - en. he quit making, his innin die , rer . 1. . ft Pat kawed tbe Sphinx from his ro- Poor peoplehave intrusted to ineill the caslofied by, s,�eatiug. days.' Following these days the Sup- 1; t1i I I' ulsoof treedoin, a'noble Sensation � I r ll cumb"t P@Wt*h *R tb* bQrzdnz wMr girl responded, And as she was' Pare drinking water and . I . co raw Meat and began cooking th . M 1), . . I . . . � 7%en she tlafiAbered an. ahund- digesg6lass .,'0]fDrinakimg,avf ter meals Aids Ply of AWMAIS 'began to dlWn!4 and -Animal, Ifesh that came into his pos-'of fre.�dom Moving through a great at the airplarm Speaking Duke Hestor wrote 4 ,series ance . ery, cold, water . - . I � � 110 INC41116 it -hunter of considerible 'people, There must be. organixotlour 11 I . WO t1*6 brOnck" Of tb* tM b6MlP,Of` numbers on a piece p Ad Of'Ot t's therefore absolitte1y 'PV' is harmful; 45 to, 55 degrees Fahren. ­ . 4 his, Pointe, I .. . .he XS 'a ran e. . session he not only tickle ,and. there iumt be discIpUne. I SUP7 . � I cmwlQ down to the low- held them, before Patricia?s eyes. - preservation of hqaith. helt is the right. te Even the new, fields bee but he improved'his disposition. He r . T . I . mper4ture. . .., 4.11,ir.i.e. D, I ?r,e "Memorize o ` the du L"4s4 germs Are Often present in ' m re difflq!i1tf6r him, and h.4 hit, I becamele aVage, less bloodthirsty,, f, P036 that 10 what tho Rwolau deh)r- . . Kelly 1ker, And, there i - - .r I to the � a . lou Is learning to-dd,i� They are - , * . . "And you have .the col.r.bination, . 0 'rd 1 ter to Maintain perfect.'bealth. , , And a rule ]People do not drink sufficient wa- the scheme of taraillg, anima.14 11 8 � a f0I1oWCd'PP*a' N, watet and t�h -best -way., to. , edlately appe , said, . I Saflega A _ moro of,a, pacifist. The-�ery act of: I wrodup'Ontht"'00316, -Over and over -again Pat studied the . . . �. . ­ Taising them within stoek4 � =4 t". ay the. g"06st lesson of I . I * - � des Or in raising gTain, pait of which he learne(l, . tI.tqr'b free-yQU' at Work-"- '_ . ­�"__ ­ " .- - : -I.- � ' I I group Of oxeitod And mxton'Wm�d' . figures, and when be waiF assured -they - - ' . Seaso ' ' . " '. - ­­­. ­ - -_.__.-1_ I 1- I-— - -prison valleys � ... ­ . a - of Which he gave to'llfe'-tha , or 10111 .. . .. rs who had been Attracted to the , . � noble Recipes. .' Saucepan and stir until starch, is dis- ; so that they w6uld be to cat an part .. I . I ,were fted in her mind, Duke, Heator . * . �n And for any day Of need. Catching the. stock., tij very bard, %truggle very hard.' . r. . Strawberry , ned.11i&, f '. scene by the brilliantly burning *ir-,, tore. the SUP of paper into small, bits Charlotte.4-Make 4 cus- solved, then bring, to boiling'point And th� ­ - .or by It lie, neg- . plarm. Willhii - the, and thrust �he particles 'tard Of one cuplfub of milk,. two yolks cook three " minutes, Remove from wild boars, he within a * certain lotted his.combative. instincts, which I " "They have. the sonsation of tree, . � '%', , .- r . . '�- I arg har& ,assisted lutor his I . now tile shackles' and bonds ,are . , A. 1, : . "", - - . of eggs, two or Corn, -the fire and Add: one tPaspoonful Tan- bog, , ; girl into a near y house,while, others pocket.' tab1e§p6Omfnls nunibbr of generat ons produced the bad 1jeen cAllefif upon sostrenubuslY do�n , 1. I � ,-,, carried the partly unconscious'detec- 1 (7?6 be contimied.)r . starch, two tablespoonfuls. .' -baff ii6pful st�g " the wild bovine herds hb turned ' d, -w gone, the free lica,vens abovg, the free . . . . . I - . , I of iw.�,jc�. illa, - one . d,! ,pg lays ,hen�he fought with 4.. 1 tive into another f"erls home. � , ar, stlMy Z 4)& - I _ into cattle. 13Y taming he made the als earth bolleath,-,and they feel the -joy . . . .011r; CARRYINQ VIZIS49LS . DISSOlve, star& in water' and *. Add beaten white of * a , . . ' z' Pat soon recovered her composuie ., . egk. Pour in Sin 11 d , hunted jhqm w.ith'spear . . - � and Aside from a few scratches that. . I � . . . scalding nift. '.' Cook for three min- pudding 'mold, Set in Cool , ,,,,, r to modern shedir out - of '.the InOunt4im, and grrow. - I � � I �.. . . . 1, . of Intoxidgtibn In this new experience; , - . , . . , . . . . � I would noon be forgotten, discovered I spoed With, W"'h "'pa'Are'LoAded utes. Remove �rolm,' fire.. Beat i - 1 � goats and sheep. Various kinds of ' , ., r . -but they are living In 6 now world not . . . " d;r tt,e �yo . a 1. n mold. Turn the pudding from the r)irds he calpg�ii, �__ I I .. . � . . I . . that she bad escaped miraculously Qreat Lakes. and pour'in a dis line mold�".cut with sharpr knife. in one_1neli '. and transf6ruilod. Juto , governed by formulas, however clever . .. 0 To THE VICTORS, 0 . . . 'L from a terrible death. Then, 're- I . . h , d . I L . plikkens and .. L .F .VlBfT'RIDQ8 r . 11 , I . L . rr . . � . Atli $Pon ,a cal- L p1JLtt*r L 40 ' ture- ducks. r . . . � : . .. . They May be, but Of brute. force, . . . � . I I ,.L MCI i, er go, The loading and the unlqad( -of .. Whe -, alleesand place on. fruit - L . L -.. . . I . . .1 . � . ,,, - � 1 * li A fortune the girl ' L �n c6ol C �rLW,th Crish ' . � , , . . . . _tyL . Cannot . . r . 2: Uft - the big ore boatl'ot tta� I 119 with .Meringue Made L trom white � ed, 4nd ' . ov-, It was his stomach' that lie WAS 13ravey. ap%ndict Men 4 Canada ­ Where, Wber r, Live,. . . . a � sweetened berries. tilinkin of. , _� � - . .'' . . . -_ I I � 7�.­­ �;.. ,-Wh. ,tr­­ t- 1.1, I -&--1-_._____ �­­_ --11y".. � ­­.­­ � - - __1 ­ '­ �IC-ttLitl'-f''-"."�'�-�-.L,--.--�"-"�,-����� ­­��._ . a friendly A,elter ber good Great lAkes eggs beaten very stiff� with two -ounces Currant -G . . 9 . . . I ' - -to'- ­_ �­ . 'I -,N"tld­ ­6"��"r lb I - .� . � . , ".. I %nd made, her are accomplished with remarkable of f�u - ,, oopellerry Jain*, --To - a G , o wen abro"ad' le, il�lesa�. tb4 . TS 0 r - - . .. . , . - r , . . L way, ift the earlk dawn, t6 the hangar speed. -According to, The Story of gar, and- One -Cupful of ciiished gallon of gooseberV16'a 'use one qu . art. i0f. - radually hA became aegstamed to Whose bodies lie in you ttaelt . In . . . r . . � 1. . r ai, "ded " r sti-awberries.,which have been fold4 ' r - I I I living . mearhiaheXaS. Tber_ue#'7SteP ­1�m L. der France,': liberty . cannot -live, . In, sure - _L _ � _, . _ , ..­ I .t�_. - - . . L 'b' 'red N t, . -- Ign sky,, ' - � - -, - -anythfug. - . , 1. r . ­­ _. where her automobilli was waiting. Steel. oix'ora boutw . -Currant Juice prepated'asfoli jel yj was thd� Qreo , fdroi Germaliy IS prepared to"do . -�.­, -When Kelly had collected his senses I luth In Sept4mber.- 1.515 ,,in at ". iu'ader the. eggs are whipped, I and SIX PoUrtdg,of , I' I _ -on of a ln�re' or . les a . a-foukht v . . . 0 11,2§29 , ' r _ sugar4, Make a 8 Who won the bar _ igtory . . she vill swallow all the nice formulas 'I I � . . . . and started to' investigate, he found, tons of ore - Cherry Roll.' , Xake-a plain L pastry Syrup With tho C]Jrrant�juice,and the permanent Abode, &tome that he do. On Vimy Ridge, the blest, .' L that the Russian 4emo6racy and au9" , L I . I . -where PAt had been diel-'LAke ,RrIe port e great 11, lett u L . . r . . . In thit room � I Ill one _boUr,* At one Of the L of one Cupf serted only when his herds had, ex- Safe may you'lie, ob,"46ble m64' - pth'ier democracy ma . - , , . . . ,ydevise, ShewI1l#Z__,... . . . " ­ - . tered, only one sigitl a, th a n, . . ul Of flour, ,one-half tea- , Sliiar;. the;x-'radd the goosel?,erries that' hausted the phsttires'iA,th .nP tdke,your';�ell.earmp . . jll� '''L � I - -if s,46 �j - �She, .. . I— I , , I � .Ahat she ever . . I L I . I :"a A, purple- 1044em which grab fifteen tons at a Spoonful salt, -one tea ' . . , ll'iest'� . :11V OW Russ a. tool r I r . been fhere� On the -oofmi a pdonful bxtking, havp�, been --stemined and . talled. silm- , , , 0 � 414ty- ­ I � And I I r W . . .� I I pwder, lour. tablespoonfuls s'hoitten- mer slowly until; the,b - Sarei a rret� .. put Of this. pastoral a' he J . . ,�, - ­ .I ­ '.' r la,clever,enougli to do. that. * .. , I . . . auk. I . L . errie . ge , . .r %� . ­ ­ ,, ,r. I. .�. r . . . . ­­,­ . .1. ni. and bg this, I slip. . of'threO hour. "8' _Aaft 31119, wie-quarter C r red color,'then fill into. gi period .. . U r, "She Sita I I � . I "Fooled a I b1te' took out a Cargo bf :L:I'L 3 to r J ty �1 , oped the agricultural ,"a -day.. Ove . , � ". 4'. fort, � Allfal of witer. Mix ear Ther blood-soakgd soil whi d yo r. Belglula, Sir- , � .. ' . ,, ' li new r ch fal s. - 114, . . m to ".,- , n , __1 .- , f _ _7 t ejuice'down -to tho. jelly. plauting.for , '; 0 , --- �Ydt -life, ,. . -20 ' . ­ r I I I ;, I Minutes. The 130i, , r ass to the, fo.rage 4ri" I . - . . t , - ajo - gnant dry�ingredjentg, -rub in shorteniii, ada jArS­ Ik I - Uve 'ito r la pie I a girl" KelfV41841d to, imself. as he ore dooks, Which' ai`e:iAt`biAUth And � r . . r Aid "' oat of Rouniatia, and . . . . � sta;;�A back iowird Paris, waild 'Two Harbors, are complex agiirs Of. ,water; m4'to dough, is benefit'r 'His Motive in With seeds of fine and splendid Truth . ng ' ' , Roll one-qu4r- Stage, . and touf over .t , 000,000 of Russians, and.no *or&-'tbAP I .L . . . . , ,be ,frUik and . r . to the nearest railrpAld station. ter inch thick: on I . I Setrtiing'downr ,and forniing cominiumi- The eud,of,' ife. _ , , I . - . . . . . . 11 _. � . at three. levels. Flrat,, .tile dock prlopet well -floured. - pastry Seal - '. . I 11 I . . I � . woe an&atr �offtciai Gerniany.haa,spolcen leads us , I ­ ­_� __ mornin safely at home, Patricia re -J board . - lear " L . . . . . . - ­ r " �` �_ - - 7' �_. :� , —� . , L . es 'Wag. &� - ' i , ago ... .,.,r- ' ­ � ­­ ­ . � extends hundreds ot feet Into the lake- *read.wit.h aerr atone4 . . I I ti , largely the conservation OfJFor moneean die-Mbre bravelj� - ' Ao Infe tit, f f. She All di rge - all r . .,. saw fer -aunt with An incomplete' , * * . - I . . I - " .. . , I I version of her adventure. , , Upon L* the Oock'beslde ' -basin wide And Chopped, 11 le over the, . -a Are Spoiled,,. , , h1a.intat supply.. , * . * .Their spendid­youth* laid down- these Nlithout,being forced to do'go" L ' . � a f1pr How Eg, , r,, , I , , ' . r . . . .L1. . , , ,� ' ' r I enoggli to Admit -th cherr'les 6ue-h me' I . I - ` Slowly rivilizatiou began to dawn: A;id all the wor% not, better be, ,; � The official W�I*ds spoken through. the - ' 'r _ . '. �%- ., . 'But it *as several weeks b efore Pat- - o ir&t ore steam I - . alf Cullful o brown. Sll� r . Most eggs -*hen laid �vontaill yery * L L I . . I gaz . I --- ­ - . I . 'rS , . tru, cture of heavy -timbers , . - '11 the 11110116 like , A; jell AncomPany with other! ofhia� 7AIrd3lannotwear'a-Crown.1, .' . , German Chancellor are, to. this effect.* - L _ Atkin ent*Ved a contest of wits s4th c ii a a . � , ro 0 , Z roll., few Or. no, bacteiia that L Thrown . . . - . I . . .Would cause kind,,� beVaE "lk, ' L. to -- . I ' " L '­ . . I . . . . � . .. -_ . , the Sphinx. L . . Whose upper stetibus form - - Plate in a *ell-greased7andi,floured decomposition, . � i better,.. live . .. , 1. I , r�' ,.r., . . They are - prepared - t9 � make peace, . - -.4613 L .% . . � P, . Unkno #d6kets for - - , . � . I hnd the. entrance better, to. ,r . .. r - . . 11 .. -cer, 4 . .- . 1. "2 I . of I t � - However ,wn io the beautiful the oft; And 'on the very top, arelines, Pal .g thr ,think bette4 ', 3) pourin , ee4ourth I I or, .L a "CUP -organ ,Tribes� fpM- -The generation#, t - unhoin - . y. are longing. for pea but pe, ce . . I I . . I r four ful , 11 � . gro J -Uspar y- .. I . . . . I 1, . �p - I Patricia, Aire * e tert4i conspir­ .. ed. Governmentlb6caine, *a thbij to be , Will pilgripr to this s1hrine, tho basIs'of Gei�jnan victories ob ' . . I I .. � , 1, . . I Olt railway trael-S. The 104 d � ­ . poonfuls a car *5 es$ .or me- Considered. ' - ' ey hav� bitteft ,, �. ': . . . _de trains WatO and tables of'su- aC6 'cause elessn ' th L talk- - - I P, , emlonts, at work that wbufA SoOA I from Me. mines are * run out on' the gaVever the roll -as -you p , ! Laws were, mmade, : Jus-' With -bowed heads'And hearts uplif�, " ed.'- That is because L . I � , . ., � her ; . lace it , Ct on. p - ,r -as � -oin digest. - , � : , _ . * '�: a � rate --oven e �­ ne-;bf­the7thlek�'joujc� ceas I ' he . �Suoh,� I into aetivity��that woul& trAcks- over thei pockets, and ILth; -ore theme4- ,_-BOe�,iu. moge - I .the Art of these handling th� ticewas administerect Mu had-' ell -- -For. Such brave, deeds thine.: :, �, ..;: -off inoid, thau­t y� ­­ ..� - - - ;.- . . a er a chance t6 exeralsellerL Char, I . �- - . I 1. I I . a Of to. bla g.vanderer,-i lonely,ifiam...Hia, '.' %­ , , - - ­..7-Mizabeth_Hop .' .peade *Ill - n'6 r1happen, . You may. ,' - , .._._1.----... .. . . , , I inatin L I% .AumPe�d .automatically_ ,Then -Me thirty- ith frfiit.' e lon is dirt -V or damp liests .Xgge . , . . . and do sorn'ething iA'- . , , .ftve.minutes - -Serve V1 . � . . e�. a 9 . . . 'r '' . I I . .1. . I . I - ' J' . L . I 'L -1 I 'L I I . . L With. 1. I L w- 11. �� . ­.: �� r , e interest of the oppressed Pat's empty. I are Switched �Over'tQ - ,sauce, . 1. - _ ­ I . I I . I . .' ' ' L ' � ... � . . . I . � . I ­ . � k,aa J.opgag YOU -11�4 of pow ­ _ ..." I.. � .. I ­­ , ft J - - - -, . ;- . like ilk, i.n�k&.a*n',excelaent,l)!;tcer:folie -_ —_ _t4 �... L . , I . -to' the naul � . . I I F I , , . . . eX . . . . fame had- extended beyond !he -con-Iroturn. txAck And started back- "i Ah I x Cake.-�-(in'o'-'ha'lf'.','Cupf'uI I , . : Out ann ations � and indemnities,. but I . 1 11 44�0 � � , L fimeS Of L Paris. '" I . I su;- bacterial growth and'-develOpment and - ` ., I.L - '­­ ­ " , ' ' L . , ; . . . . . I �' . I . . . b' ' itre Aalking to PeoPldi: �.� - . .1 . . . . . . . I . ey sp y� . .: remem er you L - I , I . . I ' . 01 very rea . kept Zin. . I . WA6 �rlll s . . I ." . kpoim ' amont . Certain 'egos . boats. Comes up from, the'l9w,er lake light leavon color, then Add; five table- . t L .or . . . . I I . . -� � waj�ow.�--,that iormu-14 #Ad .- - .- -.1 -.-. '. �L , . She was becoming Mines. One of the great,- Beet 6f orei-, gart Yolk 0 one, egg. � Cream untit, I 'it - The � . I I .. K __-'_*1 "--"I , Ill . 'A . 1.� / .. .. 1HE:_C I SHORTA, . . .1 , OAL - . .E'"! .. . . I 4. throu t Frsn%. L I anx ary, conditigns. .. ­ .. . . , .. �L'� LL I t, olipalutd: the basin and Is; Made- spoonfuls - Vafe��,. three � .. - -_ .., . - .. � L. I . . .1 I , . I I I . . . . . 1� . - . I . . L " 4 L W you . . . � . I I I . . . . I -fourtha. .S 6 :,Of 'egg jS.LpOjO ' i ­- -, I . . . L . L qver�t4lng' besides . , and awallo � , . 1. Ute uprincipalitt �of Dufrane there ' 0 the us:to Admit the 1 - �- L I , L. ­ . . . I I I I � I � � . L fast to the dock. 'The ship, Six bun- flour, one - and. omb"holf tqaspo , . I . . I . L . I L � 1 " . . * . . . L � .1 . . I - . � po In the end, t6o,'if you are not carefuL . I . � , a passage. Of,air 'mi,and Ott, but. - 1 . . The� ajAi'i . . . . it SL cipated -shortage -it hard stead of beind delayed by loa&3og -With - � . . - ill I ­ I � .. . aitilo�ih. I . : ., 4 : . wtm cerialt '60napiraclei, fomentbftg�'l 4red feet: 16xkg­Ak4 _ only: aixt,3, le,6t b*ng e 13 ,well, � � to� _ . There' is no doubt, It.1s.. a Case. - of. I . -1. . M F 9 had aroused the enmity, L powiff. r,. . " L � 'jut. , coated -with .' � =uCHagInoug,:*atWj. 'cdA1­,!affec:fi!qg --of' Can- tur ' " . . I . , . - I I arga - - L ' ' . 9 a __ - - - .. g. o�usan& , ,re n*freight, �twa moVe -A . . - . . 1. ­ _. 3 - 1. __ L . � I I . . 11 - 4tifIy eat-eir-whiclv..,pi-�v-ontg--*ht7-iiiraifi�d- _,:W COM ,hfiWiWwdd-eA-0�ffieff9-e-, , ,. . . I . ., . ". .., iNIqP_X_11i_A'.A_t"!,#hvJ1- xn"�ho -at. 1*qA_ ltft1*M'.MAe_ ;b . - -1 ­ � ­ .. L -hax-d-fightt g�,_Gerluany -as�-Blamarok,�_."_�__'­ L.,�! ­=�_ , :ZatV.People. by APPftXIaUngLL" $Or of bar- . . . � N self auecklace of great valui that . . -- egg; bake In an eight feri. . zidijm* 40tes may -be _;­ ... . . I . each end .-offivirs! ii'darters ,., and, white of, ilie', . _ a unless it is ve old, wet, saften- . . e A i�ifliy . . Withm'.a few days.. the coal=er� 'said, Wf6unded o� blood, and lion, and . . L L Us T"U'L upoA L 11 . . I byL ' ry Th J I L 8 I her death a ,, bridge IA,thleloow, crew"s quartem.,anii inch) 7 1 ,pan- �e en..- I I �. . ., if'-doxisdiners . =on s before bad bequ . I � . a . mois . e, or rubbed Off .. ere- . I .. , . c atts a#e ' � . . I . . . I . , 0 tal a engine room In the stern. There are in a hot oven. - t Cool - . I I I I . 11 I I I I . . . . � I . I , about by 'blood -and.. Iron' will have. t6: . , I I , I I ballan L , , Split And'fill with fore, e a ould-notbe.'waAgil held' . to the dealL till W.' " *apid deliveri Us 4 as eonsum-.. . � . 1. fund she intended 'ab I Used hatches six 106t aphrt'aU down, theferushed as.,, . . _. -es, b I . . . . . 0 . I I . .1 . in. ampi This is the on a TailWay, ni'lan. � smash6d in the, same way. -'Not un- �. . .. . . . .1 relieve the distress of Inled, poor. - I . long, 0Peu. deck between, the liouses, ' Strawberry Pudding, ... I . di L lmus4 plates, � or, illed I - 16pibl era reo-operate, by giving their, orders be . I I 11 ,. . . I L . . . �­One d one- more than neeessdz7, and should be'who, say that -while' they, are doing t,qf the merchants now for their;,win- til-then'will it be'possible for the Ru&- . .. .. . . � . . . . . � . I . These were the outwardL. n * , 5, As sloqu As the *P is'made fast ille half cupfuls'' cold' ' ' an I I otheir (le., .�' � ` . __ , . . . I prj!�sery " , . everything possible to assist Stan. dqmO,qra,q.y, like.. all the .. � . L . I , M table-*miarketed ed, as Soon after Mr. C., A. ter'�' supp,11�9, then unloading -cars . , . . . . � , hAtdheS­ I ­ '' , .1 . when theve 40131ne one in I '06L W494 . Ave L . - - ' . .11 I I I :Kelly a iness*ge from Ki i bi)dlied and'1rom. th'e Ore' spoonfuls _6rnstni�ch.. �Pl - - . I , I � ' or . . . - . ­ 1. . - . In. u'llaying AS I)i)ss!lle* I 11airath, Controller of Canadian Fuel -quickly,. t1le, ' "Congesition"exper mocratlew.9f the 'World, -to feel safliiylk - - ­_ ,;�.. , . . i . � , a to ' . I . ace ". appear at ome at his balate. - . pockets Above -.axe. let ,� down, chutes . . . . ...'� iencied I . . I . ,.L 4 1 L . I I . . . I � security, and o0t1pIsT once more. . . I . .1 . I I 11 I . . I . — - . . . .. . � 11 . , I I . I I . . I . VoCkets T H F_ I . "WhIlst -exprIessing the'prOfoulidest - . I . . : � - � . 9'th t are 161de'd flat-AgOnst the � . —_ Supply, Oe co-operaiion of., thle, con'?, last winter will,bb accentuated. and I . I . With hi" hit two most at a , Asia- , I.AhGeej -GEYSER. - I I . I I I 11.1wr I I � - ­ - , - L-::!,. � Sp'hinv — - � . Frost; �A-nd � L Soilt - . - sumer�,also, b_necessar - . . . ­ - I ­ ftainto when tot In use� , The doqrs Of tlio or#, . � . 11 . . , e!1 prices i3iay- r1se-to, unheard of.-heiglits. . ... . ­__� I&' "' I , ­ , , � - ­ tautsp tkt SP11%1 Veto 001y I . I I . � . .,. Fertility� - . y to me * aymphthy mdth.o Russ an comrades, . I.. 'L . 1W. I I I I I ... undoubtedly serious situation. J Consumers are - also L recom- mended to . . . I :, I . . . , I . . for Dufrane. ' Xving IP id de, POCketv are op6ned;, .two laborefr.s New. Zealik, , L ' , I , I . I . . .1 . I '_` . � I . L . I talled Ids son Princie 91 to meet'with. Crowbars, Stand by. to Start the ' I . � 1"d Ott One''Tirno- H*&.tbe , The rlgorous.winte�. that. ,prevails. . � The hard coal used in the' -east for 'b'e caieful in'the -use of I would say. to them, Do ilot forket thd ; .. . �­ .1 . 1. .1 . . I , I . exceptionally . I � I I . .1 . .. famous rm . ' iinp coal, avoidingwaste a dburningw ' I Do not fOr- _ ' � . '. . .. . 'Me -F9 ' Idable 'Goyser. I part of,.Camoda je furnace is, -o-rted-ft-om ' n I . 00 14;t& And -bgkvi kim!Q'*� '-WW4*' go" rushing . . . ov , er.the greater- _1".Im�te�A othdis *.who are'qufferIng, . :, . do" thp- L ..-_,' , -. .. . L mr-a 9_q- . I ood I . , � om�l I � ' ' " ' �L Amerc ants get Belglum. 'Belgiumis efu ullw .1 . . I UlaUght - the United States, and th eL . pos I ,. . e Aed ' . L . . , � � .. L --at once to the Council & I Olutes so fhat that, In, twenty. -Minutes - . . �in. the World. - .'* , up for S�venl- 'mOntlis--praCtically'., . , prbbleln of . � . � ' _,_ - - ­ __ - - ber in- tU P�aaee. .. L , . , . L I r�ls lar&1y. a problem.of-trans- th I me d . I - - �--.-, `.: . . . . . ' I . :'L 4 �, . . Su 4 emselves are -alsd bei' der the, German heel ,toAayi..,iBut It . . .. _ I � , , A. teu-thous=d4ou.shlo.is .1cadold, - A 'While,ffie- from _-harvest- tbf -seeding tinie-the" pph . thev was . not, of he herL'doingv . I Z" . . ' . . ­ _L . ­ - . I . of lkave, tbme�,, sir, at � ur oom- - . - . Walmalign Geyser in -New , : . portardon. -Owing to" the shortage oPeritO_ by having Cars loaded.to I rchods.ng or .. -, _ __ � . ., .. . . . I few' milautez. later, =der Its L ow'n J�­� .1 I ­_ ,. I - L I I . .. � , Th tood'- that of -labor and in very. hard vinter� by . �, . , ­ ­ vaand"soldftbinxMilly� , lenhe,was asted It was -the largest -in SOII-s ltv�rtifi t,v*. fe plapt ­Gormih -Chancellor - himself. has ' � % I �, I . I I _11; Fk�;a into the Presence of,the king.,, 4("% 4110 Yes$4. P'#S lQut int.o_the I i"gio lmaximuni capacity. and. .1 — I _ tha� L I id, id. .1th . 1� - __ --------, - - - __ - __ _. , 2i�,L . Motly T e - __ ,--- - ____ - , ­ .. " .-L ­ - 'k-- , wgtopi-1-has. -been- --converted ilitivI. ,AvaiIxb14 1. L' i-Rdilivays- last . - tbat�41­ *6 -a- - - - Jf -'has . ­ I.... ­­_ . . __.. _. * , . - � _. - . I . L , . . L . - I . .. . I L . --e _9% I .. ac tongu% e - . ' -L. L A n . _N�PT-lc lt%- maine,:'-�blavk dian yeai'fariid 'a: ti 9 m e car I , L .. a - g L � . - .=., Joins --me -mule -procea40A .... . from the .forms dd#ng' the' preeedimg,�summer _severe tongestionol traffl-C, whi . t us roldasing the � teen done, but the�'Vlll Ti6t,rahounce ! ­ . I . . � LL steel- - .01 boaft that tarry .ore , ch was , 11 . M., foi furtheki se . ' I . I .. �� Ou . . Py . ��Oughout dark colomn, ,of 'water acnmd debris that a et"accentuated during the winter months . , . . ..-. , . . the evil. I I'VOuld appeal -to our Rils- ` " - .�' '. . I 1. . . 1-1 Upon. e d ., , , the 7�pen. Fowha., - ' . I I .:fUrna,ce COAL _, VICAW... ' ­- ... I -, .­ I StAn I . .. . L . L L . I . I I ,"The life a say. d , . . . %*. IL . .. . It thill'W'up at every eMAou, -Stlo,n - after the season's growth, is consexv- 4 by th6 demandfor . .Tfie SiiUat, More ,b,rethr :6 remembei'Belgiumil' . I .. . I . . I - YMIL ''.. _ , - es I - On apphrebtly is . qu. I I � L I . I - — .�, , and bolllng' vMte'r, ,,accompaAied. by 'ed -for the� CtOp of. the� succe ing y :fo. . - . . . I . I . . .1 . . . ", e a ** I. .1 - I . I 11 . . . . . ed i�_ I NL order pr.evegt'_4M_-po sible a serious in the.Eapt them in the West, ,� . - oo �' � . I � I � I . . , I . , ened. 216 L - Lre t §.p 91 ..a . ' I - I . I . . dL of C. q I A - # T4% and A Want you to SAWDUST STOPS FIRM . V2St clouds lot 'steam, rose - !line, bun, t The .froat'holds tight within its,grasp, similar - condition next seaaon� the owing to the Acceilte use of box �ar ' ' , ,. Hard Breeds Attie. L , . I . � . . L r . � I _9M , 0M . I I . V. . I . . , . I SL . . . I . . �L I . f .. ­ irt�eh hundl;�d'fer,et ' idly'raftays-arii concentrittin L ev1p7 a. -lin the -latter territory. The gu . y , L Z�l *e vlat And ,report -to ine yo find- -L . . . " �dred -to A at Irre9u. - food untold value especu � I r I . I . , 1) I . , p . � . . I .. I I I i i i I I I I I - I I I - I I I � I I I A 1, th4,1 . t I 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 evel dding - I Ck b - tag el i bn 1 VM41i 1 rf" e I . th I I I I I t4err,11j* LAWeftty_�.t& I . , - - I ingi. Ptince Angus, who lias btoiigbt Vioring An Effectiv* -Alahket' That twonty.t*61 . . ,n1t,rates--sO.mete_,T,-, ft--].-- - il-be: open tan .requ.!i-d'% -the ,east 14� I � . ,.,. ,,�. _­,?.,�­ 1 7." .. - ­_ 1; lar: -4n . L _ tht"Itnote, "JU4,ble, I fort _bft.� go_ _g . . ply of ��L��O.-:bre�ds--of-,dair-y--or--b6ef- --cattlor; � . I here. . Will" Z, L %ef _ � I I . _� Rp y a 'i�41;46� � . I e. I I . , . . Ive So, . " tipies a month, � At other ­ iiiing ihe gr I have as yet b - , I , - I , . . . y6ir a full`de-� . huts -40S Air ]E�rom Vialum . . ..times ,the. ,sary.� for st#vul I ga pucific�.for 1however, liml ' e�n found hAt ." Then t S �, �� � . L � owth of equipment.. Th � idanadi n .. ted, and unless deliveries L. . dy efi6ugh . tons U kin indicated thiC . . I r � 'water of' ths."Waimangli'lay Cup.. . theyoung LC **V. � In regions enj to stind the Winters in the interior - ' . I . 9 . ­ . 24ecent ex t &' t. -,S&A] ,in, a I cro o-ying �'instan-ce,.has decided-, t6ada .- 1- -_ . .. the auffleaft was at',sm end *na-. wen - _PW _4 1 . pt af o 1 ' spread ]tore than they hav`e bedn - - � . , . . . . � �!Nal!o . . Z . ped 0 this . tf­"Alaska'without: exelobsive: etpense .. ' .'.. ` . . -_ .!! 1'� . It nd boficentm e summer, -e- � I ­ ­­ � �__ . , .� I I 14-ce6=14-nived br- P.Aktce A a Xe I � peHments . 7 -6L,Presslon- -about-tweftty T,eet" u more .Pon vbter� lmltialet plan ' bi- - -, _OU. -'- - _._ ' i ` -by-the I - fi)t L L . ' . I I ' - i te A C0ASJdW__' _0_PQrft -.06ir 1h moht'4 .. , ­ n - 3 A#.,� I . ce. L I f od - a, lwi&lL "' . ' or r �­­ � - ­ - `­ � 'k AbAt SM40St !9.Xs0W- .=--a - filriy, 'e_x- deep" tw 6hr feet o _ I 'food, and protection ig-einst eold4' I I I . - - . . ,ed to mno&er-room in ('t1tguj*Sh&.' It VRa$L:&tmd to. be ,, jl�ed - ' woul(I be* lost by.leg Ing.. , of aadftfon�l:'freiglit equipment 'I �Commended,. co-OPeratiouf of tonsum- L I I - r , . Ili,'_ _.�_ " a, � . I ' -JUI _ 'ty­'i' 0 1 I 'L' . Severe win- 4 ,oal. unlam intrOasinig 11 ­_ "I era, the' aPpto -L ---- - ' ' . ,V I , 2 L j, t � All their drawbacks vur a a' esult, milk sells for.50 cents . a * _'i I I . &7,vdiae� Ana, " d%V'060d t;o. I � I I Priro* An p , . , . , ill, . ., . ee I its �qacit.i. iching Winter will. Comm A r . I -L .' A_�_r . � b:,-" - - ' ___­: ­­_... - - I - - ON,= _16�_ -- --- . ------L-- - -is. a i — ._._ �_ 11their-_11. --almost-:1601W Uous, , � ; Sucertg-, _%­qUeftela�ng' fir�'$ 0 jq;�g�" - - '' - ­ L"' ­­­­ . , in 4& - tbb- 'dix- � ii rons� I I ____��? I I. ___ � .' e 0%. st the � �� L )-n_ S_4_ —:.,-. 7 - _V�_�th ------ -_ ­_ �. - q�ut; gna tne be"iitA u*ff�r . . . . I . 01i &to ­ *.—t­­­16�_ �_-V- —_ - . . - . I ., uriif' T six miontrz iTv . . . = 'T lvdth tragii� c� unon t e Cainn ,..nq , � . . L __ - ' L ' ­ L _ _ , , T� � , , _ " , , ,fM , 4 - , �, , " __:_ �,:,t' 4, __=4, ,� � . �­ , ,!, ,.;".All"?V�,-,�-r,-��'-�,�,4:���A�,L-�,..i,.,n.i,--_, =­Z,—Zlg�w t�-=.%V, , 11 - � , , . . . . . . . ��;, . �. ­Z-"-,7,b&3,.4_­­;W�� . . . �� L ,_ `1�_v i�t�dte�,* . .�n __ ____ I � - , 6e P] .11 v0sal ., 'but tft I . " A I y r -)ij ! I � _ tp i . in 11-:5 '11 3 4" I I L _7i Im at th, Ze f�r r ratt ,01'. ica�____t. . .. . L , - '? `0 P "Ibs fid L -i e, r- m -k- 6--! � I 39=e�% - 11V=k,& I llc_tl� Z_�W_t� � ��P- I thv�_41"=Ilmis �!;:i:�Vie , I 1*:Z-_:t: 7httoi =!Ry be = =-'r-le-, I .;�,Ir 1:F_ -,5-d C -it 3��!tg jz��j --%,." I erz--i.d. - TE%*=_!25 ZZE-_gD�-�.,j " . I . I t:.:Ln-_'tt1 P-.Y�. - .� . I �. i�_� T_-1-_ ye�-_.V-r2m -begp -c�i--!g��k=-I*f;�n,�-,z:t��.*,=,tb . 1��:ell" - " . . . . -c-y'It�"_ t,�, ,,-�jn*) ,,g,� _*g�n_v. . � . ,�� - 6,�. . _14zi- .=1 ;,%-��' �', #i�e !,� --- I xntso, . &,`I_=�- - - , - .:� �_4 q��ig li; l'. 4 czsn k!:�� t�>' eq tZ:Z:tV1 - .. ­. I � 'Z t,--''e-ta-_ *',--,* X'1Ce !�> tt,-t � - t1ft_ rg=% C�:�, f 11-i a T, --n t�t-1 -�_ , . Wzs Kw_�:ya =pft 4�=rnla=. . . `-'Zt�, J=!!t* �1- ,VMS A:�,ft. �t,� I �_= .4n, I i�__4_1� �1_ 2 �__ 1�n-**-­ ,,I-t�,-,s--=-�.,,;.i,-,----s--fa I!---- rt��-e ta� ZS ,,*,�, �--=, � . VrMTAI.� __vtl *"� us tt=�!_* , - - - ":.r 4, h --*. .. � �=, 9 .W2: 6 1 1 --m I V=n� 1=�=s 'L-7ia tin -i itE=_.; Zt*_,, �='�-e i . st ----'-*T,P , . tw1n �s tie ',*,V�!-_ cl fl-. V,t--- I I I M r_-_ ! �"' t_!!* & e_ -r_:- ti :t T�� JLA L*' � -*,rA�-vu-,-tzr-,-4��r?!Za,att:OL,-I % I . . I . � - . . , . . �14 . L% . I I . -1 . � ""i:v�l V7X-..A_=k2!� �*Y.przyn;, 4"" �7 - L �" , . - �� . i;�_. _,_.. -111. .- _- , ­ , ­ ­_­= -1 ­ � .- __ _­­t-� -111, �� _jr­ --'---j;#, ­ ­ '­�j _­ -_ -I,-------- ­ _ _____ I= 'L __M_ �_�,`!4%11 ,t� - _V - -A- -,�, . , "I'll __�11 . ­"�_1_11_ W - . , , " � * , - a , 11 � I ... mea=p . M L 1W. Ar . !T!!��;nm��---4mz--, =_-72.- &-t-rgm, , - --,t�__�__ez��7­_kn_--bti�.r . 4-1 �,�Mi,w � - , � I -6 fi -- . . .- - ­_-­ I � I �fi - maa-- -­�­_,.i4 a L _- � _. _�h - ' _11i�___, . ., _I _ -_4=A- �­_ vZ W. ­ � i = . . ­ . ,�... I . . _ .1-5)t4 _e� _ _--_.-t- ­ . - . . . - - * � I I , * . � I . " perudents Vere tonductea with �tanU- � "d Ltb s send off dense vlc�cjatlegjit. `;as' an agriculthmI waidrawit.- u si li. To r�nledy this situation as I . ­ . fa ' � 14' . L a h�rge number of cars ,The coal� according to Xr, Magrath,, . : 114,,'of turt-ing. lnrquer�'though­tht saimellouil, ' siobten =-eau, � TUMblingS -�"We . re -l"flue'- one -Which'Imust profoundly af.; from. other services, is.*Ldaptmg otj�tr� ij,.avedallfe ' , far, as .possible, the Alasl -' I.. . L Ruc 'largkly to 'Th� cars, gfecoi-ding to . ca Experi I I . . 1, i - , l3vind-ples tippear Ito ;apply heard. wilen ,theL' fltal , f6ct, . . . .- . . � I . exple$%Zi .4n. a bolleficia1 way Oilr depe,nd- t;ypes of Cars, and lm,jtst,put - L the Ail . - I ment' Station have undertaken to . �, I .. . . . ' � L iis-lubks,of burning ofi. LA mingled with ence upon purebased'fertniZe�fa'fOr force' a new Wa a are, colm*�­.but - I . . .. . . als 4 . , r4ile unijej . . I 7 V"'ll, *cross Gallovva, rattle. with th . The 'floating ., tzime,. the Whole mj�, I'll " - wwoh e I .tube coal only if the. orders ' I y 0 Yak - - - � - . . . L I are I � I 1. 1. . SaWiu:st formt a blanket that shut$'Inaterial ft-om beio`�V, rose bodily; its * Satisfactory yields. -Frank' T. Shuft, if, ' i a - 2.'s at onfeep re , I UfO .er . PUtSL an Asiatic ox -much, used by Alongol-, I I .__ " ' , Al caj . � . I - L �j 0fr Ike 2ir:ft-em,.the flames; �ana taw_,'ioTM71tlta 1;E91 was &gtruc Domini6n Experimental, Fatm , . . I.. 11 11 _ ­ ;A� wint on. the I f0r­Jn­1e­ . . -_.---11-_...1 I __ 1- - ­ "' I 11. . t1ve empty'to the Wineg lOr tTeSh coal' in- s. ' ', . - L . �, iafis; ' Tibetans, ­ etc4, 11 L , , and . . . . . . 4 I to a . . ,,, oreign c. . coal I L I . . I dust Itself ,cata" fire obV' alowly, �, large- area- roulltil abo-at, and the slop * - . llfi�� . I . . : ... L I , . . - I . . . I .. I . I . I , . I meat 1" well . * .� '- - xta Vnth-!t�ffa=;:_'.,ne�ar,,$' ­ tfl-'Qt'l�=_ ­ ­ ­­­ .Va� __ ­ -1 . . - . -IX , I _ , " I _l___ I- . L . As , wo. It is�paed lot, __ , ' 11 I - ­ L, - , " , � Vve'd �by the rIvers . . I !! !! I * I �­ -% '': ­ I _* , I . . I % . I � . I . if&-d.lheff-adeis�t-&�i;urn,- .-, yams t . � . -_11 L ....... I . . .. I I � I . . I . —,- a'beait'of biii,den atk,�lt u i of I 10 - I * 'i Th � .. -..:..,. . . I .� . . , - ... L. L .� . . I.. 11 . I * 100&_:fe�a�. * L - it" I - , I . 1 � L- .1 -.-,.. -.-I...".., . . . . I . . . L 1- 1. _ 0 L -vxtremely- --- - ' . .. - _ , . .. ­ ­ 1-1 ­ �­_ -_,1___ or -L --.m As . I , 6 _0 $awlattst, blalie t W= t0m2pletelY ,Zf -'Wat�r tbat,'��rsed. . o n _�­ L ­­ ­ ­­ - -, � _;_. - - - I L -.1 � . .., - ­-­­_- , ­ .. ­­­ ­­­; 1­1­_­�� _ .re, . . . a ,a Wn tilen . .,�, I I .- I ! I _% � ..."_: _ lt_�_19, tUt it- *UtL of _waWe W, s� thl L." - L " I— ­ ____­:_­___­ �, ­­ ­� I - .- _ - ­.- --..,- I— ­_ - -1 � - I L � I .1 t� . 'i , .a _6. - ­ - . . � I I . ala- i9a&et-9ta i� L the Aies-l;`The evinr= wir up .� �, . . . , I I , . . ... .. . L . . . . - . I . . . . . . . . � . � I I . . . . 1, . hardy,' pastures thrbugli the winter .- . . . . . . I ' .. . . .. . . fhese� tests: It, mwlye no diff&enca ;abo'"at Itar UM03 as 4h as th .. . I . I I . I I I . : � . I . under the open sky in 81beria, qtnd le tumt, . I � . . � � - �0 --' I I . . 11 I Afte'­y ­ �, . L ! - ­ � .. I L . L I'll " L._ _ �­:­ _. , � . _ �11 I . . I I . ­­: _�t__.P_ . . I I . . I. � , r,-�- L) 1��_ c tie'r 4h e, G arra us, vus wet - or � drs� ", O,E5��-.. MZW &b - largeit ..ft- - . ,&J_� I . � L . I � . . i . , bbW - fcO -.fkbhi � last"' iv -end . . . � - - 4 ,j , _ . ., I I L. : � : . ­ L- ­ I . - I .. . - i rig -d , year - a d -, I -_ . . .. . I . . .nz-vie"MC7 ut..-,,nwasti-4.,�girefttt'r'lvwst=G�Pzt44't�IrO�vs Us vab�n an . . . . Vast' diig'rrom und6 the sno%V* . nel, , '- . : . 11, . .. I I 1-1 L L . I r I . .11 ffi9 ot vistnous than. on' thizi liquids na � t1le.:area of '118:'ta8a =s ab=t t*o -.1 , . .1 � .1 � . - .1 , . L .. . 1. . . L , . L . I :, . Crosses. 6f the Yak 4nd ordinary do. - . ­­ ' .- . it fc,aft more rip-affily'. ,on the former ,and .a hall terea, In '­OO=',Pbi1son vith - : . I .L I . . I . inestic cattle are colnhion in parts of, . I I - . ., ".. . I I I I . I L . . . � than 011 . tlit lafter� The sziwaust. the few. stmrel raga ,of tho A=erlc =-. . � I I . . Asia (foi ein - , . I - . ia' tot leuily igtaffed, tind wl�eii �Igelrr �­ . i . L .. I I I ., - . L . * . .. Mille in Turkestan) ,and �' . 10 I I I itself 3 ser.. ... 1 I L , I I . I have Uen foundof inuch value. ,, . . . .. . I - . .1 I . �:___ . I . a�--J 19mi&-d i� b��r= ,;&_h6ft a -flatii% =11,11 Close. by "tylo gevse?' 19 I lj;�J - r - - __ I - � � . ­ . " � . . . SU2% . .. 11 .. I - I I . 14 - I I. � . I . . ,1,6 �*G lt,�,Zr=' g, , enibos ItLvo -tot. =ffl_,.=0=t,e4 t-_,-, 'Iran ktrf, about fomr ... .. .. .. The P6wer.,qf Ga' � , . " at I . . lil �Mttly Mg*# tempmtare -to. � ­ . t '4=fted an, d,:6 toot abo-� e Mer rabj,, . :_ . I � . solifie. , _. I I . te­lgm �8 fty, .. _ 'I I ­ . .. . --- I �_­. L, I � . 11 "... ­ . .- - � ­­ I ­ ­ . . . I..... ­ - . ' I , % . I I , . , . � I . . . I I -2, . , � I . . . . I., . I . .. L ­ �.... .. , � .. . - .The powor of gasollne .1s.g'alm% - -._� : , . S, 1= I I., I . - . A � Ily - !. �"4 -' t�za , 1:-��91 �; blii�ng­ ",A' - - !bkft±-'!1WhtT0 cl�3erve� took. - azi-rg LLL- -1.1 I . I , =-g"b,t=t-t�wit-hlh�tiu*aAinzreasesi�,g"er'"!�12cm Qteda�rft Atgr,tsl� 100:-3, I . . . I . - . , rated by the distant 'it wilf p6pel Am . . " . . � . I , . �n � . . � . . L. . e . . 'k L I I automobile, says the Popular - . 91 . I L L't ts =- I Ea . . I e 4r =,atke . . 11 " ' . Science � A .. 1. I L Inny. : . � 4. I,b rar4y Trns ,6-t tho S�ma below tb-14 . . , . L I ". ,4� , 0 . -or& I . . . . I :�_ nnaitg -�n - .. . . A I XOnthly'. But the 18aftle on ,y, . �6 L '' ' ' !'*' % , — 110bit-9 M6 baning, Pool,. . . I .. . it 2o� A tt(�t7 JhttftZ11t.'=e t6 ealle"-t. go=&. A . I I I . I _J"�toL t�t;rMft& I - 1'rJtL V,,;�. - I I , M I 0 t,to le�.Z,s . I I . . 1- . . I . � - � directed to -other and more Varied pUr� ­ I . I � :1 0=ve:� tl-= to *t eat's tiz r -u *,, 1 c�L=e- tntms. 1m=2njeTA, the ga L,Po wtrt. . - . . . I , 1,poses, will milk'300 cows,.�ala fou,r . , 'k- I i , , I I 'I l, , .,I. ex i to . . u . �J tons Of hAY,. mix,thirty-ftob cubt; I t-�'l 0 -cal tt-_--tts by 41MZ;gt invis-vam �%irao;l 'e'l. 4-ttl Btex tnd 11, eq , = . Redpath, r6fiding . . I . := �b sz�,C=r,mrt fl -At it caih ta r*= =_ aty,ell . T -to zrneAher �,,f one . r_1 the 4 ... . I L -=efh0& pl�Uucd no -sec.d . , � yards of cement, PIOW thkee-fifths 0 , , . , e =gar. � e make -and sell One grade,onV � ' ';an Qcre of,grou'hd, or it will . __ . . ... . , W , , , . 4 . . . . i " .1 . . L �1'7 1 e, - r, it� ==*s ttzWq. I !1jiZng, rn,mt--3 wxM: t& hen I=t 15tal , I'll, . y -the . t;enerate , - , , . I ' - *"ough - � , . .. L I . eleetricitv I - it�� Tt�_,t� 1W!lrt*1 =p-ptl -,r_-,-t!=7$ *1'%..0,-m=te3 fo t�Lko =!Ier r�t0lo&-tP%: I od--49 thd YOU, IWM never . to light . I . - I , . L L I . 96t anYthibg but thel. I - It arge I , Im =5 r,o- t_ L =t�;Te' 't "J=�t U =C-ent, t�tj�j.: JI'L . S. . . . 5.�t=!Lt V. -en 7-,�-, __.!r6ol tk--** _a _ _,I, .. tmder the name of Red � * � faymbOlVe for tbirty hour . I . - , . - ,p&tb, , . .. I I :1 . - , �1 L . , . _�._� I � I ­� ==g t1t ,,,vut v�, tit -A t!a!y"t-T�1 . D-24r%g el -at t�,-,=t=t tzl;�,,pr��'j . . . . �. 1�=&­ v - — . I . . 1. : I I . � . I :. - I . � `!�' � J IE!�L< - . . I I k 00 . ;f 'I f3'- -')1iPe 1000ZIetheg 11ave . . . e,ls� rra_tzz��Zg lcr 4* -5 ea:t!=Z 3�enr ;;tc=, j"_ lk= 6rvarr-:d, and tho &e_&&ea1t-_t, . �e"t Rectrath Sw�efnn I , . teen in. . . 'I t��, j�;=i=S�_ I , , En "V . I I I ? I V, _"_., =1: _n"n ttr t"'Ize-'a ttn:�t ,_,-� " . I � I . . CT'It'l 10�1 E129141A thut aresaf8 to U80 . _&�_ f 147� .k_L�,4 sm, rz=g :-_,I�� 2wnA%l5.CWtnn*4- . `!N ('�L`l ninc-s, t1loij - -,gmitlon taltilig , I I � L I __ � . I . � � . ­ I C1 t:!_1,_ -_q r��r_-_!-:,-_l . ­ I I . 2Q, ",,S 1) and 100 1b, BaSt. 'Cana;%& *ttd ' - I . . =C-2 11 I I �.J VC= 10� E'�-, t;,l i,zval I, ­_g,; P -Cat -b. I I . ­�-��­ - - , �,__, .-- . _ gar"nift0U. LhW ,* h1ontrad, I . . . . % . . . ! . . . . . . I . . I ­­-_.___ -, � - - - - . _ I '. - � . . . T", - -., !.!.+,Hn �;glu boxos �ajjd their eX. . ; . . I .. I 1. ,. I 1. I � I I .- -1 - . L � _, I ,. - ' . _,. . :; . . t �:�, - - —.- . � _­ ,.--------",--,-�--,---�----,-�.�__--,_i,-,-_,�,"-,--__-_.,L__-�-'�� _­-­­­,_ � � __ -----"- ­ L L" ­__ " '- �­­­­­­ � �.tdter_,__ -, ­­­_­_' , _ ''' ­ , "", " ". ". L ... L. L ­­ � .­ L ""' -,-,_", - . ---___-,�,.-���,,�—,--�---�L�,-� ..... _­­ ­_�_____L!�_ , . � . . ., . I � � . . . . . . I L I .. - I . . . I . I I 1 . � . I I I I . I . . . � . . I . I .: "I \� 0 . . . .. . I . .1 ... . . . . 'N . . . � �'. L � . I . .1 � .1 ... . � . i ... I � L... . � I I . . .. . � . . �. . I .. 0 . I . I . . I , I I . . ­ I 1. ., " , . . I.- . I ­ I I I . . I I ;. . . . . . I � . I . . . I I � . � . . . .. I . . . . . . . . .. . . I . I . . , I I I . I . I . L . . I . . . I I . . I .. � - . I . . I . . . I . . I . . . . . I . I . I . � . . . 11 . I . I I . I . I � I L . � I . � . � , . . .- I I . I . . I I I . . . . I I I . . . .1 � . . � � . I . I . . . . . I . . I .. . . - . I L . I . I . . . . I - . . . 1. I I I � I . , � 12) � , I I - - _ �_ __,______....__!1t"%", _-7_ _____1@"_ ____ ­,_­__­­___ ­­­­, ____ . - . . . � , I I I �r. I 11 I I . . 'A, - --- _­­ , _ � I - . 0