HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-28, Page 8• Wit L ULA ISU ` Ii 41:: t4 ! Njit Straw Hats HURON COUNTY NEWS The backward weather of early summer has somewhat relayed the purchasing of Straw :furs,; but now withreal- warm summer weather in prospect straw bats are gladly welcome and are now in steady demand. This store, as in past seasons is well prepared to meet the most discrim- inating buyers. We Have batsrfor all heads, little and big, Prices "range from see. for boys to $2,5o for men's fine straws, and four lines, of splendid quality Panaulas for men at $3.50 t4 $,5.00, „See our range if .needing a straw 'hat that .will ,give eom� fort and style. Ngee''Shirtsa � Our rsrige of fine shirts is a very attractive one comprising newest styles of neat stripe patterns,' full range of sizes at 1.00, 1.25, • 1..S0 ando#m whit* sport Shirts :with fancy stripe collar ;fila cuffs, yery popular lines for summer wear, at 1.25 and $1,50. Meas Work i�h'irts 1l nice line in bluish grey stripe, made of good weight material, well made and good fitting end extra value at 7$c. UnderVear. We are offering a. special snap ingood qua!- ity Merino Shirts and -Drawers at the old price 50e rine they last. This is a real • bargain these times, ' S:.e our values. in Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 50c and: Combination Suits lin Balbriggan„ and Porous Knit at 1.00, and ,tine Wool at urdoc Glamis Monday,: June 25. Mick .Annie Fraser isengaged at Wes. e” n' -12th .. (an ` . Mrs.. > oGeorge Arnott f Paisley,. has y�. ,. 'been renewing acquaintances. here. • • ,John Kidd has been busy this ths locality with his wood -sawing outfit.. Miss Jean McDermid. of London, spent the'pastweek at her home .here. Lorne Carr has been' transferred from Cargil,I Royal Bank to the bank in Ripa Mrs. San E. McNally,. of Sarnia, is. been very. 'll - visiting. her `daughter,' Mrs. Charles, i for eo me time ,with poen •graham. c - ... • A monis. Chad to say it is recovering' .� ---• nicely under ..the tree at hent of Dr..El- liott and a nurse. na n ersiny 'services on Sunday, en's' Half, Hose By placing our orders for llen'g Socks early before latest advances we are able to show better than usual values in cotton lisle and : s6ne cashmere at°.prices from 15 to 6Sei. with special valuesat •25, 40 and 50e. Those who, like•ta buy good socks at very ;reason able pricea should see out range, Men's Caps We ere showitig latest- designs of Eastern and some other makes of caps, in very ' nobby style`s fev summer wear at 1,00 to $1.50. Belts and Braces • kull s nge of Men's Braces make in neat and • good wearing styles at 25 to 50c. Coatless Braces .in 2 and 4 point styles et 50c and , a !,big„range of Belts ,for men and •boys at . . • : 25 to 75c, ameron atone work. of Russ 'Middletod's ' 40-ft.- square'addltion to`his barn,. to -day, • Mr It.Mcd . Donal and his sister, Cas- sie made an auto Grip to Stratford :last Week to attend the marriage of a friend of the latter. • • Mr: and 'Miff:-, Alex. McDonald, a i41cD nna Id, o£ Toronto, are spending a few days ;with_ the former's parents, :Mr. and, Mrs. •.An• gus McDonald, on the 4th, Archie McCaul, on the 6th.; has com- pleted 'his om-•pleted'his well after drilling some spa ft. The water etands'at-a= height of -60 • ft and is beautifully clear and; well'. tasted, • Alr. Sam C n o gram,. en, the 2nd„ has July 8th. ' Mrs...Simpson„of B. Line, Tiverton, :spent. the past week with Mrs: John Gilchrist. William Cunningg ham of Alliston,: is visiting at the home of his brother, J. 'Cunningham. What? The Union S.S.Picnic. Where? Ziiverhuron Beach. When Tuesday,. July3rd..:Don't forgetto.cornet: . • Mrs: Loney, of Oxendep, • is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. J. Graham, Who is. very low at time of writing. • Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Wrightson and itimily and Mrs. Simpson spent Saturday with relatives in'O•wen Sound. On Friday afternoon, Mrs. W.' 7.: Mc- Zeeman"Vine: Villa," gave •a tea. in honor of bIrs, R. F. Harrison, of Calgary, • Mr. A..McKenzie, .of the 2.od, con., returned lately from Rochester; -where he had gene;for medical•treatment. '13e feels much better since his return 'and expects soon to be in his usual health. • Mr. . 3. Irwin .of'the 2 Wnd eo .nn• -' ,, en- tered upon. the sea ofmatrimony last Wednesday, the 29th. Inst. ''The 'bride is a daughter ,of Mr Robert •,H:enry' of Huron Tp. • The marriage eeremony Was witnessed by a Ierge and interested com- pang of friends- and .neighbors. The presents were numerous and useful as weli`as ornamental: We, asneighbors and' friends, most heartily congratulate .them, on the happy consummation of an event; so long looked for, We hope the' young_ couple :Will soon .'take. -up:: their b a ode a.rriongeC aa, and spend 'a hafrpy' life together; • . 'Vf'g•Yel i''tfl ttrititiretittfteriiYYfT ---ovim - Hendey3 hobas---been-_-removes to the: honie of his son, Boundary East, Tiverton, r Atthe regular 'meeting of the. Red Cross workers here 'on Thursday after - neon the:following.goodswere shipped 'to Tc rc ntoc 48 pairs socks, 42 personal property bags,: 66 towels and 0; hot water. • bottle' covers. • • 3fr. aisd 'Mini: It. r:•-; I-l'arrisoe of Calgary, Alberta, who have been visiting '. Here, left for Toronto the first CA the -week... They will be, accompanied hofne by '•their' daughters, 'Misses . Vera and "Verba,; from Toronto - Fourth D Cone, ,iuloss: - -_•. —Monday, June 25, Miss Annie McKinnon, of London, is home for a.feww days' vacation. Miss Nellie .Orattam is the guest of her brother nand his wife thin'' week. Mr. Walter McKenzie has re -shingled a part• large of his ' barn within 'the' last, . . few days. The snail lean no R: 11. No::6 is Seine- -what late in making the trip. What's the cerise?. . -_ TheicRe :hill os,.'ccmpleted11i a. • ' =Tuesday,' June 26. Gordon Smeltzer, of Lucknow, visited at Th)s. Anderson's Friday: Miss Glad',vs Errington spent last week at her home near Dungannon. Mrs. Bert Finley, of Lucknow, is. visiting friends here thin ,week.. Mrs. W Jamieson, of Lanes, is ;visit-_ frig her brother, Anson Finlay.• • 'Mrs. G. Webster 'ands Mrs, Jewel Webster and family,. Boundary west spent Sunday with •Mr and Mr$. T. Blake ' ' Mr'' and' Mrs. W. J, Treleaven, . f Hanley, Sask., formerly of Mafekin are visiting • friend' and old acquaint.. tutees in this neighborhood. 'We are pleased to see thein looking so` well after their nine yeiirs'sojourn in the West. On Thursday of laat'week Mrs. Wm. Stothers received oilicial notice that her ;son, Carmen, was wounded during an engagement and hadbeen admitted to a .French hospital. As yet they have had no particulare as to thenature or sever- ity of thewounds. We sympathize with lyirs..Stothers and family in their pus. sn. pens° and anxiety, and . hops for good newgfrOM-Oarmen soon. ONTARIO'S FRUIT CROPS There: ie not likely to be a particularly heavy crop of fruit in the Niagara Pen: insula,' this year accordi`n� to a' Depart- Tent ear -. ► g„p t went of Agriculture report. Represent ativee of the Dominion Fruit` Branch at Ottawa,•were through the district last have week's d n a e prepared, she fallowing-- report. Peados are -a fairly"good cropalong the Niagara River and in the section in and around St.. Catharines, but at Grins. by, Winona. :and:Stoney...:-Creelr=the:cr' p is lighter and willprobably be further. • reduced•b . y "le of curl which is extreme=' ly prevalent there. Pears, plums and eherries have set for a good. Crop, and unless a heavy • 'drop" takes place within the nett few weeks, the nearby markets will be ;well•eupplied with•these fruits. ” , Apples are almost a failure in Niagara, and reports from other sections bf On= tario indicate a light =prop generally in the province. Strawberries are light in-theClarkson- Burlington section, but .proa.ise much better east of, Haniilton to the Niagara River: The help situation•in Nia ars is riot so serious as has been generally,suppos• ed. The orchards are being well cared for, and appearto be in excellent condi- tion. , . Many girls have offered their ser- vices to assist in :harvesting the crop, and the growers are not anticipating any serious' difficulties inseouring labour at that time.,,... The season ha ii been 'very much delay- ed -by continued cold weather, and •blos- o "'a _Wiwi _a`_bou -0 4Ve'e” S'1'&1 eirr_'rfh&il. rtie",?aim'i*Vvifxt31�',"y°1:"`.``"•aLr. , Speaking,* &generalwway the ;Niag- ara fruit crop will not be above average, and the .Ontario applecrop is certain to be light, and quitepossibly of ponr quality. The spring, weather has been very favourable to the' development cf apple scab, and unless orchards •have been well sprayed, the fruit will be 'ser- iously affected. Verdun —Monday . ., a 25, Miss Alice Reid was a ''. nd a y guest of Mrs. Walter Walden: • Miss Rebecca Smith 'tisited'Miss Nel- lie McMullen lastSunda _,_ Mrs. lir. Giabam, Kincardine, is visit. int, her sister, Mrs, M. Arnistropg. We are A pleased to see Mr. Everett Fraser able: to be in our midst again. Mies Sadie .McLeod was the guest of her sister; Mrn. A. Arnistron;g Sunday. Miss Mary•Htinter and little nephew, Albert Holland, spent last *reek at Jas. Hunter's. ` Two pof our second co0cessioni'boy' s seemed to have a decided attraction due north Sunday evenidg. We wish therm goo Truette. The etreete of Ciintou were treated to si coat of tervia last week. The tarvia Prevents dust en•1 makes the street or road, in s measure, water. proof!' IZca; J. F'oril, fur tlib st fuilr years pastor of. Victoria St. Methodist Chinch, Goderieb, has been rbuporan. *mated and will reside in Goderieh, where he has purcharstr s residenee. Wm. C. l cunuth, 43 years of age, a resident of Turflberry, died on Wed- nesday' of •cast ween after a lingering illness. • Mr. Uomuth'e wife died some months ago, but be is survived by two. daughters. . , The fluant Branch of the Dominion Alliance •has.selecked Mr. T..& Copper to act as :Geld secretary for the County f Huron.; The toni'perance workers of Perth and Huron are working to gether in their efl'ot to W enforce ob servation of the temperance laws. Mr. Richard Clegg, a prominent business man of Wi:nghanr,, died on June 17.. He had been i11 'since New Years, when he contractee: typhoid, fever. Mr, Clegg has been aresident of Win;ham for 20 years, being also. dated with Yir. a Al. Walker in the furniture manufacturin;business. The remains were' taken to Th terboro for interment._ •C'ir sC 0 .0rnC .0 s l's. Tues ay, June 26. ' • 1r:: Har'fyyPinnel-as.-hus - `eg' lectin , new'driving shed. Rain has . bean. almost an.. everyday occurrence for the past weak;' A number fronn here aftend'ed the-in- stitute:held-at-Holyroocl on "Tuesday.•_.'.. Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Wall attended the funeral of Mrs. Calberti* in ltipley, ..on Monday, , . A number from here attended the Junior Farmers' picnic , at Silver Lake on°Wednesday The Kinlougb, Con. 10, and Westford school& purpose' holding a picnic at Sit. 'vet 'Lake on Friday: Annieend Jimmie Wraith- of Tor nth � o , are visiting their grandparents, Mr, mid; MrRobert Wraith:, xrle Hodgins, who; for the past -few weeks, has been engaged,. as fireman n. Holyroed sawmill, is .hone. • Dungannon Tuesday, June 26. Born. -To Mr. and Mrs .Gillies. Haines, ason. 'Mrs.. Wm..Henry is visiting relatives around here. • Mrs. R. A. McKenzie ,is spending a few days s in Toronto. . A: sale of herein ..and waggons; the property of the River Valley Creane»y,:. was held last Wednesday. . • The memorial service for Glenner Fred Errington will be held next Sabbath afternoon instead of the evening. • The .: congregationof the Anglican Church are arranging for a garden party to be ,held pltlonfiay, July 2nd.,. on . the. lawn of David Glenn, immediately norih of the Ville e. A good program. • .. • g 8 ..p g am is being arranged. A baseball match • was...:played on tbe •A- cicult ra r'.. u 1 onnds g g -between the rear riedtand single Men of Du :gannon. A .milli ' P . r t F ,ar e. �; ►ixit � �x y ga but the score was 10:4 in favor of the single lei stile thiel,.;'- ` ; - rowiE1i-thiwirr,---The home. of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Irwin was the scene of a largely attended wedding when their daughter, Laura, was united in marriage to Donald Fowler. 'They are 'residing on the groom's farm it the -6th°- coffees; sion of . Wawanosh.: We wish them a' long andprosperous life. Culross (',entre =Honda June y, 25, " Mrs Albert Stanleyand Nell Albert ..._ ,. b rt, of Kinloss, spent . Sunday with friends here.. - MrvJohii Merhertoli hs building a straw shed and had a successful raising Monday. of thiq week. Mr. Wesley Whytock has been on the sick list for the, past week.. We hope to see hint around again soon, • Our teacher, Mips Bradley, attended the Golden Wedding of her grandparents, near Stratford, the latter part of last 'week. • . Many of ouryowl/People attended the ,l unior Farmer's 'ionic width was held at Silver akceiast Friday.. -.1114e. - port a good time. ..f SADA IN GUN DUELS ilnC 211,h .gi f Increase of Artillery Fire on Canalise! Front—Heross Deeoraatsd Stewart Lyon sent the following cable on Sunday: Canadian Head- quarters in France:•There has bean a marked increase of artillery lire all along the Canadian front during the hot .:tweut) uI''--1rnure,._.•_' :til this. (Sunday) morning the enemy began shelling Vimy and Parbus wood with vigor. About 10 o'clock the Canadian guns began to hammer Vouletto, Avion and Merioourt. A heavy barrage was also thrown: upon the enemy's front line, and gradually moved toward his support trenches. This put the Gor- tnan artillery .coxwnander on his met- tle, and by 11 o'eleck he turned on is very creditable barrage of his own. :ming for it.iggi s from all parts of Ma line withingextreme range. I or •two•hours the guns on both after. their exhibition of barrages, maintain- : eda lively bombardment, but no infan- try movements followed, • •VlHile the . cannonade was in pro- gress the ceremony, took place behind the front or the presentation of the decorations conferred upon the heroes. of the Vimy Ridge battle belonging to one of the Canadian,• divisions whose duties prevented their attendance at tilereceriit investiture by His Majesty the ''1 ing in London. Ono .of the re- cipients was Capt. MacDowell, who won the Victoria Cross for his gal- lantry in capturing machine guns and • mopping up enemy dugouts, SINN I'EINRRS UNRULY • Cork Wltneesea•1vlahy Acts of -Violence , - Denoynce; . clonventions A despatch from 'Cork, Ireland, dat-, ed Sunray, said: The Sinn pothers were active here early, this morning, when they smashed the windows in a number 01 recruiting offices, and by means of a fire escape hoisted the republican flag on the court house flagstaff and smashed the scales' held by the figure .of justice over the court house. They committed many other acts . of violence.:. T]ae<.:..Sirin Feinern at. a, big meeting this afternoon, pass- ed resolutions denouncing the nation- al convention. as a diplomatle attempt.. on the, part of thegovernmentto place Ireland in, a• false position 'and pre. vent the fulfilment of Ireland's claim to sovereign independence: The reso- lutions demanded that the executive con`vene'tlie council to' 'express the ;opinions of the people and elect repre- ••sentatives to a. .peace -Conference. COALITION IN GREECE • -Prominent PraGernians. Deported- .or Udder Strict :Surveitlanbe �_ Charles C, Jonnart, the high' tom missionertrepresenting France, Great Britain and Russia in Greece, last week approvedp •. the Greek •::Gfovern> ment's proposition to appoint a a mixed con} fission,.g_ -consistinof two niinia, s ter each fr amongh om the followers- of Premierr. Zaimis and former Prem- ier 7enizeles, in order to bringabout a unification;"of Greek policy.. The de- portation from Piraeus of a large num. ber of prominent Greeks was witness - 'ed 7by a hirge itness.'ed`byalarge crow__dof spectaters.' :With the .exception of officers who have be"err transferred -to Peloponnes-. 'us, all pro -Germans are. now under sur- veillance, and must remain in their. ,'homes. "Notable among these persons are. former' Premiers: Dragouinis, Slime loudis and hambros.• , B.C. SALMON.: INQUIRY :Dominion Government Appoints"Com- irrission to Suggest Regulations W. Sanford Evans, Ottawa,' 11 D. •Thompson, Victoria, ' B.C.; and P. T. 3amek, Toronto; - have been appointed a royalcommission to make °an in• vestigation and .prepare recompnenda: tient with regard, to the regulation of salmon fisheries.tii British Columbia. The old "boat rating" . was abandoned this year and the use of motor boats permitted, owing to the growth of the - industry. The canners..have objected to the issuance of new Iicensas, stat• ing that those on the ground can take care of the catch;, arguing- that as the fishing is, restricted, the. number of canneries should be restricted as well. It is at their request that an indepen- dent probe ndepen-dentprobe is. granted. Enemy's Troubles tncreaee Twa-tliirds of the workmen in •the great Bdrlin shops of the Prussian e.xallroads-w,allted-•out-a.t-5•••o+'•e p 3t• d? a e�riirarf�'% en orcf a their de; iuunn...e. ttinie" to advices received in Copenhagen Batu tlay.._ .11e5 ate! eeixed.. n. -Am: sterdain from Viennasays a transition ministry •has' been formed, headed . by Dr Von Seydler.. Several disadters have recently • occurred in munition plants .in'" Gerniany, according to the Zurich correspondent of • the Paris Matin.. '. • . New British Cobinibia Senators The gove •rnment on Saturday ap•' pointed two senators. to represent_ I#ritish Columbia. They aro IJ. A. Plant of 1Vanaimo and L. W. Shatford • of Hadley, on the mainland. L. W. Shatford, :one of the two new senators, 'is, a ,?ova Scotian; but has lived many years in British Columbia,. 'where he has been several,: times returned to the -legislature. Re e Is 44 years old. %Nilson Forme Export Board. ''A despatch from Washington • one Sunday Said: 'President Wilson yes•, terda'y signed an order authorising the creation ot a Board of Exports. •• Con. trol; or Exports Council,.according to information obtained to•night, anti the authorization is now in the •handa of the Secretary of State.. • Por Theft of Canada's, Shells With. the 'arrest of Phileats Eer thiaume in Toronto Saturday night, it is believed in Quebec, where the mai: • is wanted on a charge of theft, that he will be able to throve considerable light on the theft of coiaddnrned shella. from the Dominion arsenal at'Quebec.' 'The--Britiblt amHy-•t eMnit lndei-give high prise to CsDit$li'i three tuu>u 1. Phone No. 10 is at Your Service Ws Sell for ash—Ws Sell Cheaper Than 'rhe credit Store 01.1•41111001. ,r_ .. _. Thu$ is the •;Florence Automate Oil Stove—No 'wicks. to trim or keep clean' and no valves to leak. , With the lever you have the fire under perfect* control. Every stove put out on trial and guaranteed to, give perfect satisfaction: If you are in the market for a stove buy -q •.:kly as our stock is .greatly reducedand. the next to . ,ill be considerably 'higher in. price, Farmers I 'Do, you want a '. first-class Seythe We ' have it inthe ,Samson, made from'. the finest English steel and every one guar- anteed. Freak C amen# always on hand' ' rul atone for.. • Plastering Sherwiin•Williams Paints .' °': CM Namel for Grataing ucknowl r a dware �& Coal Co.� THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS .111111111111111.1, ante Ton OflTa1loV Nike have 'Tea •at 25c lb. Extra' ood value. Others are -:}sing them: Why' not .you? Special valuesin Soap Itis'exp c ted they; swill' be 10c. a`bar. • e are still selling digs at 4 lbs. for .25c. We have, Prunes,Peaches and A• „Apricots Special rices on Salmon. Peas, Corn and Tomatoes. ' Layin "e supply . and `save money. Y We still have Odds and.� Ends of DryGoods, OOCiS,.. Boots o ts and Shoes and other lines which we are :clearing out at `special prices, If you have not -been bu ig fromukindry think it t over. • We assure ou we w. 1 at. a -s re _oi .ou _trade' i"' =: •'TS"".Was... ,,,M-'. ": SomeP- otato es on hand:delivered ._ Good S ' Phone- 82 in. town Teeswater Saturday, The , Government -speakers eaker • • —Tuesday, Jude 26. Mrs. Melntyre and Miss 'Case are visiting in Detroit, .. •: Dr. Fowler is attending the, (!rand Camp of the S. 0. S. in Toronto. Mimi Bei, teacher at Delmore spent 1 p nt the week -end at: the home ot Mr, John Clark, Major Smith nth and Capt. Brink, of London, spent the week -end at the home of the latter's,parents. No paint' ars being spared b the • boys• to make baseball the y { celebration on July 2nd. agreat success. The Winghani Band will supply musk during the day and a concert willbe given at night. The proceeds are all for lied 'Cross.. Amery-pleasant-untl,•prbfitable netting of the 'Women's•Inttitutp was:hold on Miss Collins, of Andaster, was exception ally good. She spoke on the value of the society, and the help and benefit its members derive from it. MM. Jackson,: _read a practical papen an.. d recitations and solos were also given: Arrange. ' tnents.are. being )trade to have atdem . on strator in•the canning of .vegetables next month, • - tfolyrood The flolyrood Women's Institute will meet at the home- o f 1�lrs,. .EL. &kert on Thursday; Jiiiy 1), at the usual boar. A paper on "Social Life and Education" . will be given. by Miss Jennie Rodgins, int re 'A pillow case shower in the rests ists of the nod Crosti work will be a feature ilk •-theMeeting.' !trill call will be answered �. . brronundeunis, Everybody welconi$r OEM