HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-28, Page 7•
WLAflJti when you. Eat,Breasl BIRDS THAT NYE GET TIRED.
OF STARVATION ytringarien
thteitledwhotloe twirheerya; I Sea flwallowtos ?dig viltorlinyaserrels Make
grain. Dr. Wiley flays: i perhaps you, heve read about the
d Tha€ make their summer home
FRENCH ECONOMIST'S HAAS ON Wheat is a complete rood
containing all the dements
necessary for human nutri.
tion." But be sure you get
Yves Guyot Says Tlisst the Blockade, - -
Made motive, win Bring ,„ the whole wheat in it digesti.
ble form. Shredded Wheat
Germany to Terms.
Biscuit is whole whe t made
Accordiug to the noted French d' ebl b t cooldng
as an economist is based upon fistv: shredding and baking -the
yeays' study and research in economie! .
Pest process:ever devised for
thinker, Yves Guyot, whose reputation ages e ys eatn-
and financial Matters, Out of ,which
have come many eible books,-iver, aid , preparing the *whole wheat it:As noSuthn:r if the tireless bird travel- into -the istreem 4 heavy Piece of wood
1 grain; forthe human stomach"1,1 is the storm petrel, which sailors 1 to Wirlich a light rope is. attached, The
PiirtieularlY Modern War, is pure and. -
suriple an eleinenterY thing. • ' - -' ' • - , call 'Mother Oarey'se ehleicen." These' boatmen pickein Ifs neat aeoitvoieaesse:
-Its carrying On, M. GuYot tliinksel Twoorthree of -th. ese crisps, b. a fly so cloSe to the -water tha-itt them, ahd haul en he rein), t hieh ir s ,. ,,
rets upon steel and' wheat nucl cotton, little 10aVeS Of bOted ,whole d le 'el' cable is attached. By means
11 lic d berries 1
, timers they seem to be. evtallontn upand
down the waves; An in eres sng..s ee 0 , - .
fe4'tvhiat cable the cow is drawn to the
even rnore than even the valor of men. i' e : , „,_
In its end; the belligerents holding the, wheat with ren, , an 9 is told abouta a ofill p ,
etnm petrel ,that fol- "shere, where it -peaks the load that has
world's economic resources and con-e.make a 'deUious nourishing lowed a stearer A I the •way across been s
hipped across the island on the
meal. Made in Canada,
CANADA'S woopPinx. c.
lfg_1!_gt.e WA111111)
irv Lathe and ileneral Machinists,
also Vattern Makers. Day and night.
Apply Brown bow} Co., Unaited, MAMA -
lte Letterer. Aarly 4Lico. Vaul,
far up in the north, around the Arctic Sarnia, Ont.
Ocesin and then, when the summer is "eas---"---eheee--"-`-e------"e
. over, fly far to the southward and inheerilealeeme r074 slum
scarcely stop until they have reached pfteas-heg ItYi ociN 14n tja(it
!Delete that are mile a feW hiltifired towns. The moat useful and interesting
miles from- the South Pelee ..14. making' gegebtletingulel&WilefaltrliesT
this wonderful journey over see and' Now. 7, Adelaide etretit, Toronto. - --
land they travel in a short time near-
ly lealf. around the world, or about _
000 males. 'These are the term or steer.' CANhEn, Tneeons, eseeeins,
1 internal 'and external, cured witf
1 swallows and they sire the greatest out train by our home trec.tinent. Wri e
cuco..btrotetdoso (1.1aotielingDwro.013,elounnta.ri Medicat
long-distanceetravellers among -ail the'
birds. So much do they lilte the
!bTaiqt days that they have been ce le channel the boatraen hold it againet. the
e birds" current, while a man on ehoretthrows
tialling the World's ma kets can` dic-
tatet a crushing conclitio of terms:
The substance of 'ten i teresting in,
terview, given to an Americans cerre-
spondente occurs in these words by
U. • Guyot:
"We all want peace," he said, "but
only the peace that denies the pest-
Cominission of. Conservation Studies
eenditoins Effecting Supply,
Canada is undoubtedly to become
bility of future war for at least two one of the world's greetest, sources; eor
centuries, when peace will have be- the supply of iroodpulp and paper.
'tome the fashion, see that, war cannot This industry has grown be leaps and
be reborn, •It is now a definite cer- houacts during recent years, and fur-
ther large developments are to be an-
ticipated, both in the ° east and the
west This will mean a•constantly in-
creasing strain upon one forest re -
'sources, and Must result in careful
coneidefation as fo whether very large
areas, in which the heaviest cutting
is being done or is to be done, are not
in danger of depletion: . , .
Wrier -in her particular way,, as a real
The ravages of fire have been very
factor in possibility.-- First, morallY.
serious in our pulpwood forests, and
And snoralle throughout the war. But
question arises also as to whether.
at the Moment of peace elector in ace 'tile
present methods of cutting are suf-
. eion._ For Liberia grows coffee.,
tte, _Thicho controlled tu, ensure th.e. re -
beaten of 'another forest •on scut -
beaten by force of arms and an abso-
- lutely complete blockade he will be
. forced to capitulate. • He will do. this
with a veer badograte of course.-
"Suppose at .such a time, aftet the
Boche representatives have had pre -
ods, the animal growth. will provide
Betted to theme every Allied demand
the basis for an- enormous' develop -
men % of `-the .pulp and temper -industry
fof all tinie to come: This means' the
practiceof forestry, of whieh we have
as yet in Canada °lily the beginnings.
. The Commission of Consereatiori has
started a etedy cif these fundamental
problems. Xhisenvestigation will have
-as is -possible, -the destructien of your
for its objects the deterMiriation-of the
autocracy,. I propose to engage irk
I erceentto which* cut -over pulpwood
treaty with my allies, (and -we -respect."
lands are -reproducing valuable species
in potentialrei •commercial quantities;
the effect of fire on reproduction; mid
-the.rate of growth of the teiiroduction
‘..-tainty. that this is to be the full Allied
• portion., . • .
Significance of Liberia's Action.
'Many have -smiled, for ihstence, at
the Liberian diploneetie break with
- Germany, Liberia: 1e as nothing,
•have mentally said, and her entry .or
non -entry weighs not. And yet, Li-
the Atlantic. .;One �f the passengers .eailway„ • ee
had caught the bird, tiecl a bit of red1
ribbon around its neck, and released it. -GROTESQUE BIRDS.
Seldom was it out of sight of the pas-
over lands. The area of. pulpwood
lands in Oaneda is so great that, :if
fire. can be kept out and the reproduc-
tion of the forest teouted through'
»Toper reguletion of the cutting meth -
and before a word of -argument -begins,
/ • the representatives . of the Urnted
; „States 440. and say: ,
' • "Unlese without argument • you
agree to each and . every individual
• thing here laid down, to all our dicta-
• tioris, ;disarmament, such. eeperation
treaties in America) tot to let you
have a pound Of cotton a pound of su-
_ • .-gar, a bushel of wheiefor -twenty-five
• years.' • present, to determine how long • after
"And. after. he representatives .of
% the 'United Sta Ei have . taken their duttitig - one, may reasonably expect
the crop. The anewer to these
seats, Brazil and iberia 'arise and in
questions should go far in:determine
' •the• same breath say.. 'Those are my
_trig what additioiralemeasures are nee,
' sentiments. Otherwise,ono -coffee for
ceseary- to place the businesseof pulp--
twenty-five years.' And then in order, w°61:1
Production.upoe a thoeoughly
. China denying tea, Japan denying rice '
permanent basis..
Guatemala denying her tropical pro:
- The work for this season will be, un-
sengers, who. could:readily distingaisli Pantomimists That Act as if They
it among others a its kind. When Were Trying to be Funny, •
only a few miles from New York, the
little petrel qisappeared, perhaps to -Led you ever watch a screech owl,
follow another steamer back again to especially a' young one, thet wants
the other side. , to -impress you with its importance?
. . The fabled frog, that swelled up to
sciommularticsotnh.e bug, is almost a joke in
LING - BONG. WEAKNESS r. &roe& Owl is
FOLDISEASE mostly feathers, not in weight but in
Banished by the Wonderful
• Tonic Powers of Dr. William?
Pink Pills.
Ilow 'often victims of disease euch
as la grippe fevers, or contagious
troubles are left 'weak, ailing and des -
pendent after the disease itself has
disappeared.-'-- They do not. pick
etrengtheits..they ought; remain list-
less tired' ane discouraged. The rea-
son for this is that the blood has
been imPoverished by the ravage of
the disemse through which the -victinh
has passed. Strength •Veill not -re-
turn. until the bleed has been enrich-
ed.', 'The blood' cen • be purified and.
,etriched by no, other Medicine as
quiekly and as surely an by' Dr. 'Wil,
penis Pille-sto enrich the blood
and •strengthen the • nerves is . the
whole miseion of these pills. Thou-
sands .hahe found them beneficial in
bringing strength and eneres -after
disease had Ieft -theft 'weak and run
down. Mies Hannah Hamilton, .EV-
erett, One:, says -"After an attack be some pool; stream or bay, aiirib mar -
le grippe 1 was so run dev.41- aud Ma statue has :anything on .him for
anaemic that I could scarcely walk. being immovable. Presently :icierke
I lied no color, -M1*-41-ppetite,' and con- Member of the-efirdiee tribe; erietherie
stunt headaths. Th4 medicine I chap out of clime, or the whole school
was taking was doing me no good and: even, wanders by beneath the crystal
I had almost lost hive of ;getting bet -
depth, and -whack! Thecoinbination
:ten: I was asked to try Dr.•Williams' of long bent neck and dagger bill. does
Pink .Pillsi7and it washot leng a:et-tint_ that is both funny and --ef-
could feel that-thei-were -helping ene,
fective, and generally. gets the fish
and after taking them for a couple
The entire aspect is peculiar and hard
of 'months I was completely cured. I' to deecribe; it is much like a miniee
now never fail to recommend these
Wee and pleined , clotheerack With it
pills to anyone needing a blood build -
le diets, eveiy‘ally denying , some ele-
der 'the dieection. of De.- C. D. Howe,
mary entthing, all elementary things
. • • of the Faculty of Forestry, of Toronto
at its toreinand. Even Cuba could
University.: A co -Operative arrange -
say : 'We make good cigars, And you
ent has been Made, under 'which the
don't get any for twenty-five years e in
first part of the study will_be made
• Finally France, which having Suffered
upon the limits Of the Laurentide
, inletarises and. says: 'There is no -
Company, whose forester, Mr. Ellwood
' thing to _argue . about, Gerreany;
Wilson, will co operate in the field in-
rverYthing • we have . dictated and
vestigatione, - Itisexpectect_thet simi-
within two beers, or .we enforce our
lar studies will he made in 'other sec -
terms anyhow, and you 'suffer twenty:
tions of the .pulphrood forests of Can -
five years' sprivation' '. ' - ada during succeeding years., The re-
"Hovelong, think' you, will that con -
Belts will endoubtedly be of the great-
ference last under such conditions' -
est interest to all who are directly or
Just two hours longer, since the Boche
indirectly concerned in the perpetua-
is 4 Boche, and will take his full 120
ton of this great. industry., •
"I do not wish • to say the werds I '*7_---: •
' have esee \\elite used. But I do wish 'your wife and.
you are equal part -
to eay they should be, in euestanceeeners. Divide fair with her. .
, • and that I believe they will be. .
Neutral Trade Meet Be Controlled.
"The iderne continued M, Guyot. "of
e placing a rigorous blockade upon Ger-
',many, preventing 'possible receipt of
focidstuffs frem the 'United States
t'hrough neutrals, will hasten the end
, • ofthe wire* Holland and the Scandine
•- avianecountriee awe_ _without doubt
- 4ienersertifeialisingeGmernanyeeeelearaenfais
:117- --1100-etarle=Aeleletlevieeeriands--at
Ieast in its not'hernrpori-iO.nh-:'--'''''-`e'-
,,And so the cotton, the wheat, the
'sugar, the steel, the tea, the rice, the
otobacco, every elementary .thing. at
the command of the Alliesi can be de-
nied to Germany. • ' .
'The -tighter the, screws are placed
,utkon Germany from every angle .the
_ nuicker the end of the war With fell
Oieteree" ' ' e - • -•
. •
- Preparedne$s 'Wins.
- The pacifist and the preparedneis
People are, respectively, like Willie
and Johnny. Willie and. 'Johnny had
been very • naughty, and were' sent to
bed by their 'mother. As they lay
hide by side, footsteps were heardsee
it was now evening -and the two 'cue.
;pelts realized that their father was
•-ftibeeting the stairs. - They tureed
Palo. "I'm goin' to fold my hands as
eif Pdsbein prayine" said Pacifist
Willie, "and then I'll preteed to be
• asleep whet he comes in." But Pre-
. paredness Johnny was already bustl-
ing swiftly. about the TOM.
goin' to put on my pants," he said,
and line 'em with a hewspaper."
• A two -horse cultivator will 'great-
ly reduee the tinie spent in, keeping
the eorn clean..
Of the things that a *Men May 'run
• into,rumrtng into foolish debt is one
Of the went;
.• :
.1 III
Who Iov:e to 'gratify *
children's desire for
the saine.•airtielea of
food and drink that
grown-ups use find
just the thing.
"There's a Reason"'
bulk; and these serve him well in the
inflation stunt.. '
Sine moment he is, just like any
other normal avian inrelative dimen-
sions, in the neat he appears almost
twice as large as he should, according
to the actual body size of him and
by reasot that each feather stands On
en e and outwardly. A 'mad cat's tail
is nothing tosit. , ' ' '
• All owls are funnyelooking fellows;
even the vrildeat, tigerish appearance
of the greet -horned killer -cannot take
from him 'entirely that owlish cast of
feature, and the big -eyed glare, the
all -wise stare, is uppermtest
But the funniest of ,eill nocturnal
birds of prey is the barn owl, er mon-
key •face, nat only as to the get-up of
his phiz, but the generalcontour of
his angular forfn. All through, either
as a .well -stuffed specimen or in life
and antics, he Is the queerest thing on,
wings. Not even. the pelican, about
which -se much of enimorous eheraeter
has been :Written, • has .anything on•
the monkey -faced owl for oddity of ac -
.tion and attitude.'
-.Did you ever watch' a -great blueliee
eon' fishitg? Kneedeep he stands in
Two Seasorsable
rat only should. you seek the heat!
Mole for Children,
mode for your children, but you
hould give them the best teachers--
always the beet teachers possible. If
you want yeur children to love poetry
you do not give them some poor little
vete°, some bit of popular doggerel,
but you turn back to the Masters -to
Tennyson, Keats, Shakespeare, Burns,
Longfellow, Brownieg; you, give tliZni
the wealth of the world. You meet do
the value with =mile. You must have
them taught by erne who knowe and -
loves music, who can will response
from them, who can direct end encour-
age them. The best music in the World
is of no avail for children with a poor
teacher.: Seek good music in 511111)1e
form, arelertaisic lovers ae instriletors,
,Tersey cloth has proved most
popular, in sports clothes and' hat now
added new recruits in bathing suits.
The pretty suit illustrated is made pf
jersey cloth and trimmed attractively
with braid, Large pockets at either
side and a long girdle are other stYle
features 'Of this medal. McCall Pat
tern No. '7773, Ladies' Chenaise Bath
ing Suit; fie 5 sizes; 34' to 4,e bust
Price, 20 cents.
You.earr get -these pills through any
dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid
at 50 cents a• -box, or six ' boxesefor
42..50 from The 'Da Williams!. Medi-
cine Co., Erockeillee Ont.' :
• , • ,
One Man Performs All •The Duties
e, • Required. •
, •
On a little island in the middle. of
the Athabasca River in northern Can-
ada is the shOrtest railweiy in the
world.' Although itis Only 'a•euarter
ofa mile long and connects • 'nth- no
other railway whatever, • it makes such• an expenditure of asphyxiating
motley. =' '• • n shells'. one day that six hones after the
'Up to .fifty years ago all the goods i last deluge of them suffocating smell
for the vast northland came by way] were still paseed, through
. -
of the town of Prince Albert, and a Lavish expenditure of gas on both
long chain --of hikes and riverseto the sides forms a,qharacteristie of the :tug- BACKBONE Ole RUSSIA
various 'trading' posts. that -He' in that furions attacks' and .coenteieattacks • . • ,
district The route was a hard one, Ahich have been delivered= day and Attitude of the Cossacks Toward New
with one very long land 'portage, overtnight round these twp The -
- " • • - - - e• Denniteraties Government - -
"It is significant :that the Cossacks
sofneileserein' leareiFfideeeeeitlese, ,
eseaseneee-s ..."1„-Zrat4yyt.W,0-3#: naper-,9f,:ACIA1141.11:-PA.:41*-001114, neenneedemocratepeeGovernmentand. have
through :the Grand Rapids of . the • see in the night on Ihr,ilcipes west Ortlinuninced that liner tifail
'Athabasca, and proved the possibility n'resnoy. eetire regiments, in masks, again the ,Germense' ternarked Di.
of a new and shorter rotate by Wee of fighting and killing each other in the* A. 'Herbst, an American who has
EdmontornAthabasca Landing and the midst of black vapors,. -which ewere traveled in Ruesia eetensively, "For,
Athabasca River • For his feat the rendered irioee fantastic by, the light 'denteries the Cossacks have been •loyal
men of the north dubbed him Captain Of the moon. • • • ' Muesli, not to any-pareticuler king
Shott, and by this name be was known The hand-to-hand struggle eheseoek or dynasty, and they have always lanil
throlighout three 'thousand . miles of on most singular forms. Thro*ing ed on the winning side. • „.The Cos
wilderness until the day "of his death. away, their arms the corhbatants weald! sacks fought for the Emperok of Gee -
But altheugh he had dared ter Mr By at each other'S -throats and trY tO' mai* ageing the Turks and. for Ter -
his scow theongh the repast where the
river. falls sixty feet in a quarter of
a mile, ineve prudent tredve- chose
.to unload, to run the *secievs thiciugh
light, and to portage their goods
round the qaarter mile-ef-bad-water.
Fortunately, there it; an island in the
middle of the river that extends the
wholeeecingth of the rapids. The
scows can unload in the genet water
at the head of the island; run down the
•rapiciii to the quiet water at the foot
of the island,. and reload there:
To earry the mods across the island
the Hudson's Bay Company built a
railway of wooden rails .on" wooden
ties; the rails were overlaid with strap
iron. Twe battered flat cars made
up the rolling eteek. One Man per
forms all the duties, from that ' of
general manager to section hand. Two
dollars and a half a foe is his charge
for moving , freight across, sind the
shipper has t� de all his own hand-.
ling. • •
• When the light econt has run the
f 4
, Ch tioCAtt,,.
• ..
Unusual and stylish is the cut ot
these ,cunning little rdrapees. The lit-
tle ,elewnevaed peeve_ of the _empire
Waist under arms gives the Fait- a
charming effect quite out -of ihe ordin-
11-Y7 "The lower leaetsof thie -garment
is so fell that it might, almost •be a
skirt were it not buttoned hi the center
and•gitthirfril aroundthe •leg OW -a -rub: -
=Constipation in children can ' be
'Promptly . cured by leabfe Own Tela-
letsee They are a gentle but 'effeettvg•
laeative' thoroughiy regelate
the bowels and' sweeten the stomach
and thus delete out all' childhood ail.
Monts. Concerning there Mrs, B.
Vaufeenbach, Richer, Maine'ikritee: ."11
have used Baby's Owri• Tablets and
have found them •an excellent medi-
cine for constipation." The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a box -from The Dr..
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Put a silver spoon into the Most
delicate glass and boiling hoe liquids
can be poured into it ,without break -
ng it. •
Seep Wrinard'a Lbiimint-in the house.
Trap the squash . bugs which alsh
infest the tucuxaber, and melon plants
by laying a 'shingle . On ,the ground
near the plants. The hugs can be lights ter, in good running or e
and nal ta'r,
found, ender' •th'..s cover early in the
. car. Price MO, s ' ...-------11.77.3:la
y painted. Looks like a new,
morning and destroyed.' Spray plants ____
with. kerosene emulsion to kill the
younger 'insects a this kind.
, ,
Hatt Him Safe.
Tommy A.tkine (who has been' blown
into a water -filled liele)-Tharry up,
MOO I don't want to lose my pris-
Rescuer -Prisoner? Why, where is
Tommy -I'm standing on lull
AtinatiVe Liniment usod
. Until recently, British Columbia'
herrieg was little used'except as halt
far helibutefishinge Durieig the past •
season, after eicperiments, 22,000 cases
of herring were packed in various
ways, such as kippers and in tweet° -e
sauce and oil,. "
A der Touring Car, in good running
order. This car has been painted and
vaentehea this season. Price 5309.
JILA der, 7 Passenger Touring Car. Elec.
tric lights and starter. Recently Over-
bash:geed. apnrclieneewsil.y30poal. nted. Tires in good.
T..1 'CASON, 1916 MODEL. '6 CYLIN"
AA der. 7 Passenger Touring Car. With
electric lights and starter. Thoroughly.
Overhauled In bur shop und newly paint-
eody.ereSseeaetticroevr r.,orniees,1511.s2e0oats. and d9Ore•
AA 4 cylinder Touring Car. Electric,'
'When Your Eyes Need -Care--'
s.e Kneeler:eye Medicine. NoSmarlin g•--Feele
'Flue—Acts' Quickly. Try it for Red, Weak,
Sore Ryes and Granulated gyeible, Eurine
Compounded by our Ocuilsts--not 'a "Patent
kledichae"--tut used in successful Physician&
Practice fo many years. Now dedicated to
the Public and Bold by Druggists at 500.13er
Bettie. Eurine Rye Salve. in Jiseptic Tubes,
Ea and b0e. Write for Book of the nye Free,
.Murine Eye Remedy oompany,ohicago. Ada
• Still Unable.
"Then :this," asked rejected James,
'is absolutely final." °
AkQuite," was Dorothy -'s calm reply.
"Shall I return your letters, James'?"
•' 'Ten,: &pee," answeree • poor
Jemes; eTheres s'inne good inaterial
in them that I can use aggin."
IT is•alivsers, safe to semi a Dominion
Express Morley Order:- Five -dollars
costs three ,cenes.
Kerosene ell is excellent for clean-
ing the rubber rollers of' a elotlies
wringer._ _sMtere it has, been Applied
_ _
ber taPes Giegharn, crinklette, crepe the rollers should be rinsed off with
and' chambray, are splendid materials Warrh \‘ ter.
for this; suit, which includes•_a one- _
piece siiiiehat too.' e:1VIcCall Pate= mineral' 'Idniment l'ambernian'' "lemae
.PGE SEDAN'. , ..V.E.,R71.•-•-•6411.14,0tel.
looking closed car seating Ave..*
ectric lights and starter. also inside
dome light. Nearly au.. the windows
open, which gives ample ventilation for \
sunundr driving. Price MO.
xi Cylinder Touring Car. Erectile
starter, tires practically new..deMoUnt.
able rims, one spare tire. ,...Price 430Q,
.powered, BiX cylinder, 6 hassenger
Touring Can In good running order and
loolcs.ence new. Price -$.750.
1.0 ger, 4 cylinder Touring Car, good
running...order. Tires. in Amid shape.
Tvehriys enaierewasprpitetein5te3d50t.his y:ealNan, 10,1
der Touring Can Has electric lightly -
and %tarter,. good tires, and is a bargain
at the price. 5300. '
We only selDused cars after the Dere-
chaser nas had a demonstration and
satisfied himself of the ruruaing
ties of 'the• car he is• buying: • Call at Our
showroom 'left -time you are in Toronto
and let our saleamen show you any 'of
our used gars and give you a tlemonstra-
-Tti-73371.457.1°.:11111'0" T0ON 470313:70..rdul",octil-t.e..a,
Q 9 0 07-0 .. •
o How ,to lessen a tender ,torn
, or callus so itlifts out
withdut train. „
crazyrtorigeattachmerit, tile latter bee- nese 1790, Child's Ronipers and One- . oboo'd-,tf'o.,0000‘o
: • An Aged Gander'.
ing . lerigthened. by a. felease watehs Piece Sun -leaf; in ,4 'sizes; • s months. • •
spring, You can see it, but merely toe3 years. •• Pride, 10 tents. . , ' The birds that .live to 4, great age
so; no more :than teat. • . . e ' These patterns may be obtained are cOMparatively fear. Grills have
. Other funny tikes. are the flamingo, fronreatir local McCall dealer, or from been known to reach forty .years, and
the spoonbill, the wood ibis ane the the McCall Co., 70' Bend St., „Toronto, swans nearly as long. Ravens, end
cormorant on the feet, but the turkey Dept W.- • e - .
blizzard on the ground can move one ,•
toemirte as, quick as anything outside - • . , e , •
of 'the' imagin'atioh. , ' :. . , I . Was ' cured . of .Bionehitie and live more. than years. Of
Asthma by M1NARD'S LINIMENT. • barnyard feyls,... docks and geese live
GRIM ',GAS BATTLES. ., `1' eM,Ra, A. •LIVOIGSTONE. ; longest : 'Mr. A Me.cLechlan, of Islay,
• Let i, . . . • ' ' Scotland, Writes to the Field that he
•Iland-tn.liand Struggles Where Death I was cure of a severe attack of has a gander that is how sixty-six
ithiiematiem by MINARD'S LIN'I-e years old. For forty-five years it be is often Conqueror.
on the Byitiph frott, 'bays there was , bay,. -• JOHN g• AtiER.. • Blornigdegedntdo;tsliceottirnoladr.iirwetoutfy.aonhootyeelast
Andre Tudesq, writing of the battles NIElereatr*.ene
I was cured Of a severely sprained agO the father-in-law of the present
leg' by MINAleti'S LINIMENT.
- .IosauA, A. WYNACHT. •
owls esttally die somewhat younger,
but there is good reason to believe
thee eagles end faleots sometimes
which all the goods Iutd•to be carried' mask is here .as peeemus as the gren-,
outerieres-backses. • __ • ade.eae_theorifte. • ' . • -
Ireteherneihreeleeffseirrrettitehren .irrea-sfeeighWerThee
miller.. bought it. Mr. MaeLachlan
says that the gander 'coke as well and
as ming ,and seems as active as it
ever, did. There' is nodoubt about' its
tear,away .each other's masks. Few
prisoners were talten‘in theee encount-
ers., and' Mounded arefeWer still.
Death alone receives the lionls share.
ISSUE Not 25--17.
You.will find relief in Zam-Ruk I
eatiffrffilrbilithir, Itifigift
ease. Perseverance;w4h
Oak, means cure:- Why not prove
this 411 Drsgeze and:Mores..-•
• Let folks steP • on eroirrefenteeltereek,
after; wear shoes a size Smaller if you .
like, for corns will never . again 'send
electric sparks of pain through vin,.
according to this Citeinnati authoeity. -
He says that a.few drops of eedrug
celled freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re -
Heves soreness, - and -soon the s- entire.
corn, root and ,a11, lifts right out. •
This drug dries at once and simply
shrivels up the corn or ennui without .1
even irritating the surrounding tissee.
. A smaIl bottle of freezone' elite:hied
at ane, drug still% will Cost ver y little,
but will positively remove every had
or soft corn or callus:from ones foot
If your drug'gist hasn't stocked tins
new drug' yet, tell him to *get a small •
bottle of• .freezoee. . for eou from his -
wholesale drug house.
key against Moscow, end they had no ,
scruples in Siding with Moscow and
Crimea against the-Poies:- -
"The. Cossacks constitute tee :Moat].
loyal body of soldiers in Bustin: Ink
.the_lastieYeb1110.11.in Russia theSos-1.
sacks serit an ultimatem to the rebeTer
that if they ata not discontinue their
agitation against the Czar the Cos...!
sacks would march against them 500,-
000 strong mid -annihilate teem, This
declaration rad its effect and while' -
some few soldiers Mutinied; no Cos-
sack was Mend wanting'. Tlie Cos-
sacks are ow bilekbone. ' of Russia.
With them standing behind the Government and the tniehte allies,„there -
can Va no question, in Iny opinion, of
the. future of Russia or the coetinue
ance Of :Russia in the War until Ger-
many is beaten." •• • •
, • •
rians), like peas, leave the lend in
good condition for fall whbat.
Ask 'for Minara's and take) no Other.
• SO inpouN2
--_ ddi Moiler -Feed --147e,ters _
Cyclone Shaking and Dumping Grate
Bars for all requirements
Canadian steam Boiler Equipment
Co:, Limit:41
- tok-Gorrard-a660-- -
so McGee St. Tortnato
Piano &es the
14 OTTO. lildELV
noine 'ex •
Anct ItOw to Feed
f.t 40 mly 1,14,1##A 111
• the Aut:10:• ' •
113V/col e.e.e.s.e.
.4=1 r•••• -k.
oman ThotiChtlkae-**4."(itil
Die. Cured by Lydia E.
,Pinkham's Vegetable
Ogdensburg, Wis.-"I -suffered from
female troubles which paused piercing
pains like a knife
through my back •
and side. • I finally
lost all my strength
co 1 ha:d to go to
bed. The doctor
Advised an oper-
reetion but1 would
not listerelei it. -I
thought of what I
Itadr 1 abOut Lydia
U Pinkharn's Vege-
tried it. Th.6 find
hottlebrought greet
relief end, silt bottles have entirely
cured inc. 'All women who have female
trouble of any kind should try Lydia E.
Pinkhetn's Vegetable Compound_e_.” --
Mrs. Etta Donion, Ogdensburg, Wis.
. Physicians undoubtedly did their best
battled with this ease steadily and could
' lib more. Inif often the most scientifie
treatment iseurpassed by the tnedieinal
peoperties of the good old •fashioned
es •itit and berbs contained ill Lydia E.
Vegetteble Compound.
an eomplieation exists it ittvs to
Pinkham edieine
Co., Lerma, liiass,;for special, free advice.