HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-28, Page 5°
TWOkill :rune 28th I�y
Simplified Driving
• Arms MODEL is a great family car
because it is so easy to handle, All
electric controls are on the steering
column -within natural reach. The
wheel is large and .easy to steer with. -
The shifting lever and emergency brake
can be reached withput changing your
drivhig position.
So •it is just as easy for'your wife or
• .• daughter to drive this Overland Eighty -
Five Four as it is for yoii. And as you
know, that cannot be said of all cars.
- Step in•today for a demonstration: '`
• Overland Model Eighty -Five Four • ,
SS liorsepow' er 4 -inch tires
112 -inch wheelbase,. •firewster.green body
Cantilever rear springs* Auto -Lite starting
Vecuera gasoline syitem and lighting system.
- Model 85 -Four Rogideter," $1290 Light Four Touring; • $975
Couroxy.Club Sport-I:lode!. $1110 -Light,Four, Roadster, $950
• •
• ;tn. b. point pfililsimenti
. Oubject to change without flotice
OVERLAND $-1.-E§ CO • -
- 7 W112001,2 L 1Ceill1tay,"Prop.
;Telephone 192
The Chxxl Roads by-lew wee the mein
item of busineoe before the Council and
• great deal of time was spent on it, in
AO endeavor to make the road, agentned
Ilene the greeteet number in the Conn-
After a great deal Ofconeideration. the
following reeds were eelopted ate tile
ham of the SySten1:-
1. The Durham Road from the mt.
erly limit of the Town of Kincardine
through the villager; ef Bervire ICM1068,
• Rieeredale and Enniskillen to the wet
erly limits of the •Town of Walkerton,
• and heir the easterliliteits of the Town
Of Walkerton tn the easterly liniits of
Ilia °Minty of Ernest. • •
2. The Saugeen ore,Goderich road,
commencing at ,its juncture with tbe.
bollndaey. of the Couaties of Huron and
Bruce; thence north to the boundary of
the Town of Nineardint4 and commenc-
ing. at the northerly liinita .of the Town
of Kincardine thence north td the south-
• erlYlimits of the Village of Tiverton;
commencing at its juncture with the
boundary road of the TO*nshipit of Km
Cardin() andBruce.about (Me mile eat of
Tiverton thence northly to the southerly
boundary et the Village of Port Elgin,
commencing at the northerly limits of
the Village of Port Elgin, thence north
to the Saugeen River, creeping same over
Denny's bridge, .thence easterly along
the north gravelroad to the County
batindarie • •
e. The Elora Road from the southerly
Whit of the Town of Southampton to
the southerly limit of the County.,
4.. The boundary of the Counties of
Huron 'end Bruce fromi the Goderich
Road near Amherley to the end of said
•Whitechureh. • .
-7.711'w W fAriall4,77.171711 ' .••• - - - - • 7 er
usually stops a stubborn
cough or chest cold when
ordinary specifics fall.
It helps strengthen the
lungs and throat -add
energy to the blood -and
gives the 'system the force
to belp resist disease,
Use .-$COTT.1;
Refuse Substitutes
Scott &)3owne, Toronto, Qnt. • Irri
' 16. The 'Twenty-Fiftle- Sideroad • of
the Township of Sinless from its jene-
tion ,with the boundary between the
Counties of Huron and Bruce north to
the Fourth Ooncessioe of meld Township,
thence .east ton said Fourth ,Concession
one and one-quarter 'miles to the Thir-
tieth Sideroad of Itmloss, thence •north
along said, Thirtieth. Sideroad to the
Sixth Concession of the Township of
Culross, sthence along said Sixth Con-
cession to the limits of the Village, pf
road at •
11"-TL:77-Wil-bellele-' 64 -Ws. Wier'
erly limite• of the' Village' Lncknow ence to the 6th con of Culross is an er-
, through th Villages of Holyr,00d and ror and that•tlie road to be taken is the
• Kinlough to the Durham Road, Kinloss.
6.. Tbe Eighth Concession of the
• Townsbip'• of Iltiron •fronf the Saugeen • 17; The. Port Elgin and. Tara Read
-or Goderich Bead at Pine River to - the
from the limits of Port Elgin through
Lucknow-linloss gravel road at Hely.:
8th con. of. Culrosi ,whiph intersects the
county road lf wiles nott-h-Of Teeswiter.
JUNE 25th
Toronto Cattle Market
01Wice heavy steer* ...$11.00t0$11. 65
do. 'good . • 10.75 11.25
Choice heavy steers 11.00 11.60
do. lifOOd 10.70 11.90
Yititchers' choice- handy11.119 . 11.16
do. good 10.75
do. common fr.90 0.75
BateUers° bask choice10.06 10.00
'do. good • • 9.50 • 9.70
„do. medium .... 8.75 4.25
i'utchers' choice 9.60 10.00
do. good .... 9.25 9.69
do. roedluni - 8.75 - 9,10
Feeders, 900 to 1,000 1b. 9.00 • 9.50
00 med., 100 to 800. 7.76 8.25
Stoke, 700 to 900 lbs. 7..00 • 8.25'
• do. • mediuta .. ,6.00 6.50
Canners . ... . . 5.25 5.75
Milkers. good --to 014010990.00 '120:00,
• do. tOM. and med40.00 80.00
Springers •. 4�.00120.00
Calves, veal, .choice
do, medium, . 10.00 11.50
do. • •-dommon 6,00 8.60
.40. gruff.: 6.00 7.06 „•-
• do. heavy fat 2.00 -10.50
Spring lambs, cwt. 17.00 11,50
*She el), 'yearlins, choice
•• clipped 1.1.50 13.00
• *Sheep, ewes, lightUn-
clipped . 9.50 12.00
•' do..heavy and 'bucks. 6.00. 8.00
do..• culls .. . 4,00 6.00
xHogs, fed and -watered 15.25 00.00
do. off cars 15.50 00.00
xLess $3 to *4 on sows, less $4 to $6
• on stags.. .
'IT/lipped sheep are selling $2:60 per
cwt. leas than wool sheep,
• • Toronto Grain Murkets
•' Toronto Board of Trade market quo-
Manitoba Wheat, --Track, bay ports,
No. 1 northern, $2.61; No, 3 northern,
$2.58. •
•. Manitoba Oats -No. 2 OM.,
• American Corn. -No. 3 yellow,
• $1.80; nominal. '•
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 winter,. $2.50
• to $2.550 according to freights outside;
o.3winter.42.48 to -42.53
Ontario Oats -Wo quotations.
Peas --•Nominal. •
Bey -malting, nominal: •
Rye -No. 2 new, $105, nominal.
• 1Vlanitoba :" lour -First patents, in
• Jute bags, •*13.40; second ,.patents,
*12.99; strong bakerEi', $12.60,• -
Ontario riour-,Winter, new, track,
Toronto, prompt shipment, according
arm Weather
• to sample $11 to $11.10. •• •
rood. .. - . . . , BurgoYne,-Ar*wright and 'Overplay.' -to Millfeed-Carldter: delivered, -Mon.
. ; , • ,
7. The Fifteenth Sideroad of the the Thirtieth Sideroad of the 'Thwriship treal freightsShorts$38;bran;al;
Township uf Huron from its junction
With the boundary Toed of the Connties,
of Huron and Bruce,to the Twelfth
• Coneeseion of card Township of Huron:
• ' S. The Fifteenth Sideroad of the
Township of Amabel commencing at the
, _ three and threaquarter miles to the " Toronto•- wholesalers are paying:
Eggs -1- . p s::: eases
beeendiereeeeehe: wieeensmps e Arran botradary of. the Cotintiee. of.Bruee and vd•urrent- Teter t ' - -
itild Atuabet-th-ent-i,to ciiiii- ,..266..rtiiii Hume -„ ... . ee,-- . -•
Diagonal Survey to the Central Diagonal limit of the Town of Walkerton to . the Dairy
•--"'''':'!-S '28 taS- ,,3?
of Township- of Ainahel, thence north- 19' The -'-"11'.1 ., .grrt*.inerY 1301-148 - :•.', ‘...- ...II: ,35.. ":.36.
th" Sideroad of the
east across Pifteenth Concession of the Township - of Carrick - from the wink-
. LiVe Poullry-Buying price deliver.
toad, "epee south.easterlY a quarter of ' Village of Mildmay, and the Sixth Con: ••
Plan Adopted at June Session of County Council
• The -June Session- of • the • County
• 'Council of Brace. was held at ..Chesley
- • eopeniug,on the 1-fitheinst-LThe Warden
was in the chair and all the members
present. • Mayor Halliday, of Chesley,
extended a hearty welcome to Council.
Mr. Vf."E Moore, first Reeve of the
.• Slew Yillege. of Lion's Ptati, presented
Alia credentials and was admitted into
• the ford.
Council got to work early. • A." dePne
• teflon from the County .of Hiirim was
Dreselit,with reference -to establishing a
joint Children's Shelter' for the two
Counties, believing it would be just. as
-7.1Wer'''ter:fdr'griFbe briir .•
. ' •
he Oeuncil will look into the matter.
-Grants 'aiere fe-vi-and faibelween.
;grant of 82500 wart made tethe-Walker-
• ton Hospital, and $1500 to the lancerdine Eosp*tal, and a grant of 5400 made
' ittrAmabel for work on the north gravel'
road, the Indian Dept agreeing to con
tribute also. Mr, Johnston: Arran, ask-
ed-tiegrant -forsenew. bridge, bid it., was
declined.. Grants °flee" eaeliewereenade
to Tiverton and Hepworth..
The Committee in chayge of the . sale
of debentures issued to raise the ,eranfs
to patriotic purposes reported they had
Sold the debentures at slightly under part
• Considering the - state of the money
market this was considered agood sale.
The equalization 'of the County re-
mains the same as last year.eicept dee
-Change betWeen Eastner. and. Libn's
' Mr. Casa moved to have thabridge for
eve eee •
triegor bridge, assumed as ee,COunty,
bridge. A Comniitteir was -appointed -to-
investigate and report.. . •
The usual grant was made, to Contin-
uation Soiree's, being based the same as
last year. ••
. '
of Arrani; . ' '
18 "The Fifteenth Sicieroad • of the
Township of Oulress from the Durham.
Relate, the limits of Teeswater, thence
middling, $42;.goffd. 'feed flour,' per
bag. $2.80 to 42.90 ." •,
Hay--Traek, Toronto,• -extra No, 2,
$12.50' to $13•:50, mixed, $9 to $11
Straw-Carlets, . •
. • . •
Wholesale Produce ;
ed Toronto. •. '
a miler thence north-eiesteriy -to the
-cession of T 11* f C
e °wee g) 0. Amick free' Chickena,--spring .25----;35-- .40
thence easterly to the Fifth sicleroad of- boundary of the Townships of ,Carrick.
Seventeenth . Concession Dee Aleebw. jts juectionewith theElora Road -to the
Hens; under 5-
cks.. . .. .20 .00
Ainabel, thence north on said sideread to and Culrosp, thence on the Sixth' Con- Turkeys .•. .16 .18
the•Twenty.first Cod -cession of Amabel cession of said Township of Culross to Wholesale.pripes to the retail trade:,
Eggs-- ' • '
Ex -cartons..•
•.35 to $ .36
• Butter- • • ,.
Creamery prints, fresh.. .38 .39
• Creamery solids .38 • .39
Choice dairy •pyints ..35 .36
Ordinary dairy prints .. • .33 . .34
Bakers' - .28 ' .29
• Beans -Japanese, hand-picked, bushy
el, $7.50 to ,$8; Canadian, hand:Pick.ed,
bushel. $9.25; prime, 38.76.
Peas-Diied, bushel, 34,5010
thence easterly along said Concession to
bOundaryofehdToWn of Wiarton, thence
from the northerly limits of Wiarton
•through the Township ofeAmabel to the
boundary line of Amabel and Albemarle
Townships, then easterly to Colpoy's
Bay, then following the eastern stage
melte to the limits' .Of the Village Of.
Lion's Head, .
The 'Tenth Concession of the
the liniits of the Village of Teeswater.
20. The Eighth Condesakin of Town•
ship of Bruce from Ldvat *est to the
•Godeiich Road. . •• • 7
It ts, of Course, expeeted and under-
stood that further and. other reads Will
be added to this system, year by. year.
No work, excepCiiiitte 18 immediately
necessary, will be done until atter the
war. The by-law adoptingwas carried
Township of Amabel from its junction unanimuslY"- • -
Requesti for road grants were few and
with the Fifteendi'-iiderotid of An1abial
to the limits of the Village of Hep far between and few of those asked for
worth. e • - • • were given. , • , •
10. The Thirteenth sideroad of Elder -
•idle, commencing at. its junction with
the North Gravel Road near Allanford,
thence south through Tarato the boun
dary between Arran and Elderelie, thence
through Etderslie to • the boundary be-
tween Elcierslie and Brant, thence west
on said boundary line three and three
quarters miles to Fifteenth.sideroad of
netetimfelkaeleat lese1r1
esider-bartn thejtniction ofaaidesideroa
- and Durhani rode -- • -
11: The Fourth Concession' of :Elders
lie from its junction with the Thirtieth
sideroad of Elderalie west, of Concession
"B",of said Township', thence along Said
Concession, and thence to the limits of
the Village of -Paisley.-
12.The -Ninth Concession dbe-.
Township of Arran fromthe easterly
•limits of Tare -:-Village. to its junction
-with the boundary Of Counties of alley
and Briactr.
.• 13. The Fifth Sideroad of the Town.
ahipeefeareenock from Aajunction- with
the Durham 'Road to the -Irate of' the
Village bf Paisley.
eakened by Anaemia
Doctors Gave No Hope
• Said She Was. Threatened With ronsnraptinn,,and Gave
--lierThree Weeks,- to stive:,--
Anternin. Is indicated by thin,
watery blood. The gums and eyelids
- grow pale, there is great, weakness
and fatigue and digestion fails.
ranee Dr. Chase's Nerve' rood
forms now, rich blood„ it is naturally
Most suitable as a treatment for
anaemia. This letter proves its ef-
ficiency in the moat severe cases.
mei. J. Adams, Port. Hope Ont.,
4 Writes: "About six yeara ago,/ was
taken with very weak spells and
though X, doctored with •the family
physician and used other medicines
tor two years, X got very little relief
.and, 1» tact, continued to grow weak -
r. 1 wad so weak X could not wait
-on myself or ratio ity hand, to my
•teed and decided to' go to MY" datigli-
: 4ter in Toronto. When examined by
ITorunte doctors they pronounced me
to be in a aengefotte tonditidrt,
'threatened with cofieumntion and
.other ailments and said I would not
41v. for thr • 110 Ono daT Z
looking through Dr. Chase rti Almanac
and read about the cure of anaemia ,
by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve reed.
began- the use of this treatment at
once and am now well on the way
back to health, after having used the
Nerve Food for six months. 1 want
my friends to know that my cure was
effected by Dr. Chaim's Nerve rood
alone and, atter my discouragement
from the use of other treatments, I
feel it my duty to let everybody know
about this remarkable cure."
Its a restorative for persons who
are pale, weak and run down there
'Is no treatMent to be compared 40
Dr.- Chatte'S Nerve rood. Gradually
and naturally the rod corpoacios are
increased in the blood, the color is
restored to 'the 'cheeks and the
strength comes WWI( to Wagedterve
and .mtnicles. Dr. Charle'ReNerve Food,
600 a box, 6 tor. $2.60, al1 dealers, or
ledmatiloin Bates * Co.1 Ltd,, .or
The High School statements showed
Dressed Meateholesale
_Toronto...wholesale houses are quot,
Ing to the trade as follows: •••
• Beef, forequarters, cwt.$15.00to$17:00
• do. hindquarters ... 18.00 20.00
•• Carcases, choice' , 17.00 18.00
do. common. 13.00 13 .50
•• Veal, common, cwt, 9.50 11.50
considerable increased cost of maintere do. Median 12 .50. 14 . 50
•-• ;do. prime 19.00 21.00
Heavy hogs 16,60 ' 18.50
Sligo hogs • , • 21.50 • 22:50
• Hatton, heavy • 10.09 12.00
do. , light 17.00 19.00
Afiattoir hogs .. s 21.50 • 22.50
Lambs, jb, 0.21 0;23
do.'• spring, lb. .0.28 0.32
"ancebnt not much Increase in "attend-
ance. .. , : • •-
The usual amount of routine work
was passed. The Council and: citizens
otVhesley trep.te4.the Council to a trip
to Eugenia alls, • where' they were
Shown all the wonders of the Hydro
plant, a trip ell tliorotighlyenjoyed and
Council 4. . _...
_. Ives entertained at asuinptuoue
banquet, which quite in keeping
with the hospitality and kindness sholn
the Merebera by Chesley all week.
• Connell adjourned to -meted Walker-
ton on 4th. 'December 'twit '
- P. A. Maeooeurtoet,
c. ti -sete
1isnuteraii?: Cattle
„App. • Market Slew.
•Alt ••••-rar----.
-i-tz ........, ...;,..1- '
••'-'7.-d-"We ak- at *fi •-.16.--srpc-m-iii=ne;_
pelpttV 3,266. Market slow. . Heavy,
$16.10 to $16.25; mixed, $16 fil.6,10;
Yorkers; $15.90 to *16.15: Yorke
ere, $14.75 to $15.50; pigs, .50 to
$14.76; roughs; *14 to $14.10; stags,
$12 to $12.75. . •
• Sheep and .1ambs-t-Iteceipts, 100.
Market active and steady. Lambs, $10
to $19; yearlings, 39 te,..114.25e .wethe ...
pee,. 311 to $f1.60; ewes,$6. to $10.76;
mixed, 310.50 to - $10..76. - -• --- ------:
. 14. The boundary betivete the Tetin
ships of Kinloss. and Greenock and the-
boutidary. between the Townships of
Kincardine and Greenock front the Dui,
ham -Road to Glaring, thence Meng 'the
• boundary between the Townships of
Bruce and Greenock to the limits 'of the
Village of Paisley. ' •
16,• Theboundary of the TownehiPsOf
Bruce and Kincardine from the easterly
limit of the Village of Tiverton to the
• Twelfth Concession of the Taniehip of
Greenock,' theiece along' said- Twelfth
Concession to its junction With the
Elora Road i-itniciing Wrougii liukertoo
Edon, Grove.
• County Clerk.
September 7.h.to 15114 .1917 „ - „weak. Beeves. $8.50 to 313.80; stock.
• s:re and_feeders, $6.90 to $10; cows and
The -management of the Welltefarairi eheeifers, 36.75 to $11.70; calVes, $11.50
1.4011don. Ontario,..are.adding to 5151.75. Hogs--Iteeelete.i.Q00.. Mare
Window Screens all
sizes and all prices.
Screen Doors in July
tyles. All sizes kept
in stock.
The greatest necessity
• of all is perhaps a ..
Perfection Oil Stove
You will enjoy your
work much more in the
kitchen and -the meals
will be well cooked:'
Come. III any time and
we will demonstrate the
superior qualities of this stove over any other on tile
market. • •
We carry a fall, line of Step Ladders. We
canfUrnishiou with all irades from -the -1W
household ladder to the heavy braced, strongly
built for heavy work: Prices to suit every
• Perhaps you' have a few
chairs which are ..in need
. . a coat of varnish. :We
•strongly recommend
'..Wood -Lac Varnisk
for this fairpose..7. We.
also teaeh you hOw, to
grain Yont.*WoodWOrl;, andoors
For linoleums be sure and
try a can of Varnoleum
• Varnish. It is specially
made for this purpose and
will out last any other varnish.
- •
Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, ClevelandjOiCycles, Auto Supine*.
• We recommend Pulpstone for repairing hrekeiPplaster; Try a.
sack and,see how easily you can apply
A Fresh Car of Portland :Cement: to .arrive
- The Store Where Your Money Goes Farthest
• Chicago Live Stock •
CAM Receipts, 1,000. Market
-their Prim Litlt tics year: This amount $13.:20°7toilli164).Or
has •
been carefull3r dietributed through; $16.90; 'heavir, $14.70 to $16 '
.06; rough,
$15; pigs, $11 to $14.35; bu.k
ea the het make it very a Mac- $14.70 to
of aides, $16 to $15.70 SheeP-11,
tive. The Exhibition has reached its ceipts, 10,000. -Maxket" riteady.
fiftieth year and every effort is being native, $11 to- $16.76. .
put forth to make this the best ever Cheese Markets
held in London. • This Exhibition has St. Hyacinthe, Que.--1,000 boxes
the reputation of beinwere offered. All sold at 20%c. One
being one of the ,;:best tcnty.eve packages of
agricultural exhibitions in Canada, and ItIttrrpladn'It
this yea; will certainly be no exception Mont Jolt Que.-..299 boxes cheese
'were Offered and all sold at 21e. .110
• to the rule. Live Stock Breeders and
Exhibitors will de well to hand their baln3e6s0.butter were offered and all sold
very best stock to London. A., win there ttelleville, Ont. 2,430 boxes el
Is Sure to prove of very great benefit dua wtteliaceeer; soildgat 21%c.
• • there are always plenty of, buyers. Prize white cheesy and 6011
T.,ista, entry forms•and all other.eafereee. boarded 'and. gold 29, for both kinds.
t red. Tbe bidding was 210. Two
IL Hunt, Loudon, Ontarjo. I• toed, -The bidding was• -
•%MOO gold at ,
tion oh application to the seeteterr,A. etondon, Opt -1;05 boxes were.lot
The Jubilee
of Confederation
4867°11917 7•'-'s • •
will surely want to know much abut the, beginnings
elteteele..ereeee, 4174 nr.•<.aisTE
Celeleration.e. . • •
As a .good Canitdisii, as a citizen. as One desiring to be well -in,
formed about matters of deep concern and interest, you haVe your
desire and need for 'knowledge supplied in • •• ' • '
• Maclean's • 'Magazine
For July. This Alagazine gives you the finest and most inter-
esting survey of Confederation you will find in axy periodical. • • .
-You-will; find there , - .
• Pimtraits of tho -Fathers st-Cofited. -.Vbamenfs-from :-164';" Frontiers Of -
oration - t h e statesmen w h o Cariada.,$s Provinces interpreting
launched Canada -on her -career btthe meaning of Confederation and
_ brilliantslestiny. defining the Ontlopk, inregard to
Tho Story of Confederation -why It -.their respective provinces. •
vas necessary. and how it
minewas A story - "The Draft,' by A. C.
about. Allenson, :dealing with the part
The Taking Ovkr of the Northwest that certain courageous and ad -
Territories from the Hudson's Bay venturesome Canndians took in •
Company -a stir hgntatory told. by. „ the Ameriestit Civil War, just be.Lan. - • •fore Confederation:
.„ The Story df C.P.R.-told by C. A Frontispiece -.A. Dramatic
INT,11akintoal, a man wlio knew ment-by C. IV. Jeffery,, brllliuint
intimately the inen 'who initiattd,• Canadian artfet. • Ths scene Is de-
built and developed the Canadian pitted when Sir John A. Maiden-
• Peeifie Railway -the cord of Colt- ald and the Hen. George Brown
federation. • stood in the Rouse -one on one
• The Industrial and Busineas DOol. side, the other on the other side,
.iipment of the Past 50 'Years -by of a centre lino, so tense was the
W. A. Orates. wonderful story ." feeling between the two men and
of progress.the tArties they represented,
• Conditions 10 f oie Confederation A. Fine Cover Desin-syrribolic tot
Contrasted With Those of To clay COnfederition, in three colors,
-by Frank Yeigh., An enjoyable specially drawn for July MAC.
study of contrasts. . • LEAN'S by J. E. R Macdonald.
Beyond these special Confederation features of tho July
MACLEAN'S will be the customary provision of fine, short
• stories, and the depattmentse.Which fnake 11/EACLEAN'S
MAGAZINE so enjoyable and Valuable to good Clanadians
everywhere. Get the July. MACLEAN'S, double. sie, • „.
- 4
• • . ' 4
. .