HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-21, Page 7if0,14 YOUNG tOU(S,A, The City Squirrel. I a% a equirrel blithe and gay, And frolic here from day to day., The city la my happy )ome, Within its parks I like to roam. Perhaps you think it rather queer That I should love to wander here, And never long ler forest tree Where other equirrels like to be. But never need I bunt .fer'food„ Nor store un nuts' as squirrels ehoultl; For I have many a little friend - With peanuts They my lhant. attend. , $o eft I seed a grateful' thought • - To southern farmers WhO have bought The waste lands, and by daily, toll Ninth peanuts. have enriched the soil. 4 The Peanutis a ueeful nut, For food, for oil, for forage -but wish the farinere all'inight see The joy their peanuabring 10Me. The "Giye-A.way" Garden,. When the school gardens were par- celed out last year, Rose and Tom MarlotV received plate in a near -by vacant lot. The man who owned the lot gladly had if spaded and prepared for the children's gardening. "I shall hope to see roses and cab- bages Where weeds and hey -fever germ e used th flourish," he told Tom and liOse gravely. And they made a resolution that he should not be dis- appointed. It was not as easy job, they soon discovered.. Cutwerms and new soil 'mud be met and conquered. But. Tont and Rose were there early and late, weeding, sprinkling, hoeing andhop- Ing Their bright eyes spied every tolleLer creep'in, arid their nimble fingers soon ut anerid to anysuchfee. • The vegetable and blossoni babies ,began• to thrive, eager. lie .repay such faithful care: ,y ntictitrinmer Toni , was putting into e hie little express • wagon binithes of fresh, greenonions, crisp curly lettuce and roly-poly red, radishes .that..Rose had „waehed care- fully and arranged in neat bunches:, • \Beside, there erepinkand lavender sweet peas,- nasturtiums and •sweet alyssum to lend beauty to the mere useful' products Mrs. Marlo*, their mother; had first choice, and paid the - smell -peddlers juet-what the hueksters in the street demanded. There was plenty.left to sell after that, and the childrenwere se Polite, and their wareaso..tqmpting„ that the little tin elephant on the \ shelf. swallowed ei- ouh nicregrand dimes to fill his trunk several:- times • over. T�th then re- lieved the bursting boast; and kept. his a'Ptreasure in a tin tea ,box. - "rife inedanver hake as mudh as Rose,!'. Tom announced one day in August, "and more than any of the 4. 'boys in the -neighborhood. ' Maybe yir win Miss Moore'prize for the beit- ,ar Paying garden, ea she judge's them, mother!" . Mother looked with questioning eyes at her bright-eyed daughter• . , • "You have .worked as faithfully_as ' Tenn?' she said, paziled. "Why haven't you earned 'as' much?" • Rose's flower like hushed' and .her * . golden head drooped.. She did' net quite knowhow to tell her mother -aboutit. • "Beeause," explained Tons,. feeling =- ashamed for getting his loyal partner - into trouble, "beettuae, she's .given away most of her garden" - • Mether's eyes softened with:under? . standing, and she drew Rose to er •Okla. "Always, a generous fairy, even in • business matters," she said, smiling. ,"Oh, but I love to, inotherl" whisp- ered Rose eagerly. "rm:rneking en - laugh • money; and besides, . it's lots *pore fun to give them away."' . Later her,,nsother heard ell about it. When Rose and Tom went by old Mise Gray% Rose -would leave a- bunch of sv,veet peas -s -those fairy butterflies. or. cheery gold and,red nasturtiums. 'When, You Eat Bread you are entitled to evety- thing in the whole wheat grain. Dr. Wiley says: "Wheat is a complete food containing all the elements necessary. for human_nutri- tion." But be sure you get the whole wheat in a digesti- ble form: Shredded Wheat Biscuit iswhole wheat made digestible by steam-cooldng, shredding and baking—the best prodess ever devised for preparing .the whole .wheat grain for the burnart stomach. Two or three of these crisp IittN loaves of baked whoi wheat with milk and berries, make a delicious nourishing meal. Made in Canada. . AIR SUPREMACY. • Operationettenducte& Mostly ' Beyond German Lines. • HoW the British mid_ French are maintaining' practical control of the air over the westera battle front was graphically, described lately. byMajor W. B. Rees of the British flYing corps, who himself once routed single- handed a squadron of ten • Gentian raiders, and is one • of the few English.; men to receive both the Victoria Cross and •the Military Cross. While the Allies' operations are mar ducted almost entirely beyond the German bees, the Major said, the Ger- man machines now cross the -Allied lines only rarely in raiding Parties. -The' British=firou -three-leVels- With three kinds, of machines. The lowed are _artillery directors who -circle, • about In big figure eight's about 6,000 feet above .the enemy trenches and flash back directions to • the British gunners by yvireless. Above them,_at 10,00B feet, are the heavy . fighters with two iHrten_to-a-macbine and able _to keep the air -for four hou0 et_ a. speed! of 110 Miles per hoar. , a height of 15,000' feet are the 'single- nian.light fighters; eapable of ant) • miles an hour and of ascending .`the . first 10,000 feet in ten minutes. c • The \Germans have given,up. all ' at- temptf to guide their artillery by air- plane and seek 'Only to •smash up the allied reco,nnoissiece over their lines. Their machines are largely. of one eleasi therefore, feet, heavy" fighter% generally biPlanes; which are contin- ually seeking -to swop down en the • Bkitish artillery observers and sena them to theground before the British fighting patrols can reech *mit. , Re- cently, however, ,ecticl _Major Reest_the Germans have developed another light fighting: machine, which by elinibing 6,20.000 feet seeks te overtop ethe British_ light fighters and clear them out. • ' • British losses have been running re- centli• as high as thirty to forty ma; chines a. day, because of the extraor- dinary chances taken over the enemy's lines. As a rult they go out in squad-, 'bile Of Six • divided into three pairs and prepared to swoop down in unison on an Y German machine that may eome up. • Major -Reese. gave it as his- opinion that the British had defeated the Ger; _mans in every way in. the air and de- prived them' of invaleable reconnois- sance 'Pefier: The Zeppelin Is now practically useleas , as a military weapon. Germany's whole artillery obsery:a- ,, Hon, Is cenducted. by -means of captive •balloon% A short time age the Brit- ish and French made a combined tack at-TP.m. and knoeked down every captive balloon from the NOrth Sea to Switzerland. Not for three days. aid another halleen, anpear in sight. England, at the beginning .of, , the wari, the Maaor said, was supposed to have a squadron of twelve machines for -each of the six tinily divisions, but, gg she's -too -Old --andlrhetimatiszy to raise thein. Loll. it laelty I have them to eve, herr • ,• • ' • 'Abinit the Shifts PhiCe'reiiiped four noisy children. 'Mrs. Shultz had no Unto for gardening, and: the quartette • of towheads were too little ,to help inucli;:.. -TheTclieery washerwoman • - wouidleave--4fier• soapsuds - to -buy • . -onionsor tzatips of -the Marlow ped- dlera. -worth- --of each," she ' Would stiY. • Thee. site wotild oa ad- • Miringly, "My, I hope iny children will grow to be just like you! What ' *help yoli Mitt liO* to your motheri": At the .,Sheltzes' Rose always left tetiee the amount of produce paid for. "They need it so, arid they're so poor. „She works so hard, and those children, must eat bushels!" she told Tore on day, when they talked it over. . When the piizsis were given out, Miss Moore preeented Tom with a beautiful Honor Badge. for .having earnet. the largest.augunt from his learriert. Thento the ' little girl'a astonishment, she pinned a tiey gold pin to Rose's dress. 'Tor the one who shared her gar- •%len with all,"- said tho teacher, smil, g. "A little bird told me all catgut Rose .of the ‘Gi, t -Away' Guidon." Arid Mil the othersapplauded.--Youtles .Connianion, • • • trinnia, „4.0t.isnt mar ao,..iittaaaatai if he dogma throW it lit your fsee. I , NAM s, matter Of feet she had miry I three. The service was) very chmotic, with the army and navY bidding against each other, until the whole air service was put under the Air Board, conmosed of a neutral President, an ,aremr yfarle. a navy official, and a mont- h 3,dunitions loard. u . Keep_Climbiag, I Although Yokr -ehance.in life seems [ I ' sr:. Rough lite path ankdarlc, I Don't worry that You're going to fall, ! But get a firmer start. I , Slowly trudge On toward the goal, I Keep headed the right way, IRemember you -can never win ,Life'th,lnittle in a day.. I Like climbing UP a ladder, Ascending .step by Step, Keep your aun the highest, • Ii Lest your mission You forget, When at last the top .is gained Thank God the task is' done; , Look back upon the steps you've • climbed, The battle nobly won. THEN-BLOODEO MEN AND WOMEN iVeed the Bich, Red Blood Dr. Willitans', Pink Pills Mtn - ally Make. • Thin -blooded people do not remain •eo from choice biit froni indifference, in some eases from. despair. People who ari-pale, langu,ki, with palpitation of the heart, some. difficulty in breath-' ingand a tendency to be easily tired are Suffering from thin blood. They need only the resolution to take the !ibt1teatmeitandtickttit itatil cured. The remedy that can be relied upon is Dr. Williams Pink Pills for • Pale- People; 'With 'every dale they - make new bleed, and new blood Means health and strength. Thered cheeks, gb,od appetite, increased weight and strength -that -follow -the use of, these pills prove their great value to thizi- blcoded people. Here is an example: Mr % J:1V1cDoniild, Jr., Hay, Ont., says; "I honestly -believe Dr. Williams Pink KIS saved m_y life.' Some, years ago I bad anemia, and Its 1 did not realise 'the seriousneas of the trouble I .soon became a complete wreck. I gots° Weak I -could kneither ate noe slept well, and aoula not go up stairs without stopping to rest. At times I had an. almost unbearable pain in my back and --would have to remain in hed. I Suffered almost constantly from a dull headache, and when' sweep- ing if I would Stoop to pick up any- thing I Would get so dizzy -that I would have to catch hold of something to; keep from falling. At times my heart would beat So fast that I would have a •smothering sensation. My • eyes Were sunken, and szly hands and limbs: would be swollen in the mornings. I tried several kinds of medicine without beneat and my friends thought I woeld not recover. Then I began taking Dr. Williaties. pink Pills, arld before long could seeana feel that they- were help.; ing me; I gladly eontinaed the use of the pills until I was completely 'curecl and I cermet say enough in their praise, and I strongly recOmmend them to all, run down girls and wOinen." You can get these pills thrOugh•any dialer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six .boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williaina' Medieine Co, Brock- ville, Ont.- - • • 11,JT r, r : ARTS MEDICINE EDUCATION - -APPUED SCIENCE- Mining, Chemical. Civil. ilfeelianical sfod 4 zilectrical uvenretink - - * --., QUEEN'S •UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO' • HONE STUDY • Arts Course by corrernamdenee. Degree with one year's attendance. Summer 4ehooll Navigation School smd Miele December to Apra 15 4E0. Y. CHOWN, Rsalstrar HELPFUL VAXIMS. -- They pont Unerringly the Pathway to True Sticcesetin Life. • . • Rely, upon your own Miergies, and do not :wait for or depend on other peOple. : • Cling with all your might toyour own highest tdeal, and do not be led astray ,by Mich, vulgar " aims as 'wealth; position, ampularity, • Year worth consists in whet you are, -not M what you, have. What $ _ `J, Lt01; W...trZtrOPIrtee%411.43". rnaUe yourself Unhappy by eottiParing your aireumstances with those'of more fortunate people; bat .make the most of the opportunities you have. Associate with the noblest people you Can find; ,read the beet books; live with the mighty: But learn, to be happy elem. ' • - • If a theattsicl •plani -fail,be not dis- bearteited,- • , Aslong- as your pur- poses are right," you have not failed.. Exantine yourcailt everynight, and, tee whether you hale progressed hi knowledge, sympathy, and helpful- ness shrift the day. •Count every aya. lels in which•no.pregress has, been made." . • • Let pot your _goodness be profes- sional; let it be the simple, natural Mitcome of your oharieter. There- fore' eilltiVate Chat der: " • When in doubt hoar t� act, ask yourself. What does nobility com- mand? . Beongoodterms with your- selfeive._ 'whatever eoun 'Gtenence and help yeti can to every, movement and institution that' is- Working for good. I3e net sectarian. , • Wept Illinr One Better. • "I love you very Much, papa," said four-year-old Edna, as he climbed on her father's knee. "1 love you, dear, when you aro a. good girh" °plied her lather. "tut, paps," said Edna, "1 love you eVell when you aint._no, good 1 ' GtapeNtits ,far Lunch PlitiVErr into the aftermon's w0 rk- uTheres a i/e*tr 'a • ' • Dainty and airy is a graduation froelCof'sheer white prgandy. - The surplice waist and bouffant effect of the skirt ate smartly up' to date. The edge of the _sleeves and- the gurplide fronts are trimmed- with a narrow pointed lace. .. A scarf of tulle gives, additional airiness -to the froCk. Me- Call:pattern No. 7752,* Misses' Dress; suitable for small womenrin 4 sizes; 14' to 20 years. -Price; 20 cents.. These petterzie. may,. be obtained frOm yont local McCall dealer, or &in' the McCall Co., ,70 Bend St.; Toronto, Dept. W. -• Idinardrs Liniment Lumberman', *teen% • - Plan to keep the garden rows busy all suMmer. As fast as one Crop. is off another sowing should be made of seeds or plants set att. . MONEY ORDERS. •, DOMINION Express Money -Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. • , • To Make Thin Sticks. Boys who Maki thin sticks for ar- rows, kites,etc., as well as the me- chanic, can make good use of the fol - owing -suggestion: The diffkulty Of 'handling thin strips while planing them -may be overcome by setting the strip in the groove of a piece of floor- ing, clamped ina, vise. A peg or nail Is driven into the groove and acts ns a atop for the end of the strip. • -MINARD'S LINIMENT • is the. on- ly -Liniment 'asked for st my store and ,the only-one:we keep for -sale... All the_neople use it. . ; HARLIN FULTON. easant-B ▪ •0 Praise For Otaatikunr. Limit. General Sir Julian Byng, commanding the Canadian army corps, has issued an order heartily congratu- lating the officers aild men in his CQM•• mend for their brilliant Works since the inauguration of the Vimr Ridge 'offensive, April 9th, declaring that these succeseea could be obtained only by troops whose eourage, discipline and initiative stand pre-eiriment. Be- tvveen the Vimy Ridge capture and the taking 9f Vresnoy, says Sir Julian, eight 9erniall divisions have been met and defeated by the Canadians. Five thousand prisoners have been captured by the Canadians, 65 big guns' and howitzers, as well - as '226 machine ons and mortars. Sir Julian pre- dicts a continuance of these Potent successes by Canadiane. A P,ERFECT MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets Is . the ideal medicine for little ones. TheY regulate the bowels and stomach; break colds; cure constipation and indiges- tion; exoel worms and make teething easy. They are guaranteed. to be ab- solutely free from injurio s drugs and may be given to the ybungest child 'with perfect safety. Roncernng them Mrs. T. X. Forknall, Mission City. B.C, writes; "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my three little ones and have fauna them the best med- icine a mother can give her children." -The'-Tablets-are sold;bymedicine deal- ers or hy mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. • • • When rugs first came to England they were not employed as floor Mr,- erings. Straw, sand or dried rushes served in that capacity. The rugs were used is handsome coverings for beds or tables. Thus . arose the familiar expression "on the carpet," inferring some' question laid upon the table for diseussien. _ _ - SUnard's Linhoebt need by Pfteklisibl. , • "Mother" said an Irish youngster, "won't you give me my candy new?" "Whist!" exclaimed' the mother) "didn't I -tell ye I'd giveye acme at all it :ye didn't kape quiet?" "Yika. mum." • "Well, the longer ye kape quiet the gioonerqe'll -get it." WOIEN ! IT IS MAGIC I • 0 . .• MET -OUT -ANY_ CORN 0 Apply a few drope:then lift .° corna Or' calluses off with '0 fiegers-no pain. '. 0 0-0 o ' o •Just, think! • • You can lift off any .corn Or eal- lus without path Or sore- lieu. • - A Cincinnathrian di's- ' covered this ether cora- -pound and- named it TreezOne. Any drug- gist will sell a .tini-bot-, tle Of freezone, like here 'shown, for very little , cost. Yon apfdy a few drops directly upon a tender corn : or callus. Intently the soreness disappears, then -short- ly ,you will find the Corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. • Freezone is wonder- ful. .•It clries instantly: It doesn't eat away the corn --or --r.allus,- -but — shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin, Hard, sat -or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off i There is no pain before or after- wards. If •your druggist hasn't •Preezone; tblI hiin to order a small bot- tle for You from his wholesale drug house. Prairie Farm& All the Western Canadien Provinces 'show large increesea in the nun3ber at live stock raised in 1916 as compered with 1913, the year previous to the war. The increase in the number of sheep is one of the outstanding fea- tures of the official report. Many of the sxnaller farms of the Weet have ' started fleeka of sheep having found -that the climate is very suitable for them, provided s.certain amount of thelter be Suppled during the short Period when the weather might other- wisebe too severe, There are num- erous large flocks in the West, and -the success which the owners ef these have experienced has encouraged the a/nailer farmers to follow their Mt - ample. There are 2,048,354 cattle jn the three Western Provinces, 505,709 being milch cows and the remainder beef and other cattle. This 0110W0 an increase of 15 per cent. over 1013. • • • Two Eon !or a Mil** Undue is for Tired ayes. •- Red Dyes -gore )1Ires • urannistedliyelids. MM. 0' V I $ iilnignreshes - 'store • went 4115:4111,3117eileitir, gildsman. Give yourgyes ranch or yenrieving care as your Teeth and with the same reguiarlty. Caroler Them. You Cannot Buy New Eyes! Sold at Drug and Optical Stores or by Mali. Ass WIWI" Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago, for Fres Seed More than 27,000 tons of honey are prOduced by the American bee annual- ly. • Asir for and taks! no other. "Into re o.Oter Boohoo C000deo foofoiiio yookst Ii wore them fatty years. Enouil! for 'Ico se precise* 50 Large loaves of tine., MAD* 11* CAN'" WhOIESOIME Asking home made Etna Do oat expaireni, tf'ki*e is siodiag just as good EVIGILLETT CO. LTD TORONTO. 0Nt. WINNIPEG MONTREAL Paper from Hop Refuse. Material for making god paper, is said, can be -produced from refusa, hops that -have hitherto been threw* away in prewerie*.• trfsn twinsect's matment an the house. 0 A dish of cold water in the oven will prevent take frora ••• • k"." ----r"—='13001 l'elmearc DOG DISEASES And Bow to Feed ' $ralled free to oar address by It CUT GLOVERCQ., 118 Weatilat Street, fiew Yea •- •"Yon -are-- drawing -the -blood-- of 11 - future generation in Canada When you misuse the forest resources of the country." -Sir George E. Foster. BSORBINE TRADE HARK REG.U.S.PAT. Cf F. Reduces Bursal Enlargements, Thickened, Swollen Tissues; Curbs„ Filled Tendons, Sore; nese from Bruises. or Strains; stops Spavin Lameness; allays pain Does not blister, remove the hair Or• • lay up. the horse. $2.00 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Book 1M free. ABSORBINE, 'JR., for mankind -Lan antiseptic liniment for bruises, cuts, wounds, strains; painful, swollen veins or ,glands.' heals and soothes. $1.00 a bottle ' -at drug- gists or pettpaici.. Will tell you more if you write. ' W. F. YOUNG, P., O. P., 515 Lyman:sales., Montreal, Can. libSorbise and Absorblne, 1r.". ars Pude Is 'Essay. WOMAN NOW IN PERFECT HEALTH Wtiat Cant& from keiding • PaterMin,. N. J. a- "I' thank you for the Lydia E: Piekham' remedies as they have made me well . 011:11111111,1and healthy. Some-, time age I' felt's() rnedown, bad pains in•my back and side, was very irregular, tired, nervous,had such bad dreams, did not feel like eat- ing and had- short breath. I read your advertisement in the newepapers and decided to try a bottle oftLydia E.Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound. Itworked from the finit bottle, se I took a second and a third, also n bottle of Lydia E. Piekhamis Blom! Purifier, and now I am just as well as inyothet woman. I ed, vise every woman, einglear married,. Whole' treated With any Of the:ad& said ailments; .to tt7 your *onderful Vegetable CoMpOUnd and Blood Purifier and I am pure they Will help her to get rid of her troubles as they did me. Mrs. ELSIE J. VAN DER SANDE, 36 No. York St, Paterson, N. J. Write the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., .(confidential) Lynn, Mess, if you need special advice. ' a • Pinkham Adir' tisenlent. • ilasdro'r Mean Reasiles When buy,ing your Piano insist on havhig an u OTTO .1-11CItL"- . :PIANO AOTION =wawa -PERS Pon mum 13 ROFIT-ASAKING NEWS. AND SOB Offices ,for sale in good Ontario,. towns. The most useful and interestins of all businesses. Bull information on application to Wilson Publishing -Pam--; ram 78, Adelaide Street. Toronto. ISISICELLAMEOUS (1 ANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. wra. aRd external, oared with. out pain by our horns treatment "-Write us before too late. Dr, Bellman,,Medical Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont. • .0ed„roSiezaetticroevo0rspornlo•ealsli;s2e0aot.s and deura. , and newly painted. , Looks like a new running order, at a special price, $350. lritIDSON, MODEL 33.* 6 PASSEN-- ica-8 -11-ig•rh.t98parncieraelionitdaeesrktoo:Toinurginogot Craru.n.oinEgIeacrtar.oi.ar. TIFIUDSON 1918 MODEL "54." A HIGH dome light. :Nearly all the Windows lentric lights and starter, 9.1£10 inside open, --which gives' ample ventilation for -- shhaauplead. apnlieneewsLysoperite.d. I Tiress,in good , ITUDSON. 1915 'MODEL, 6 CTIAN- overhauled ..in our shop and newly paint- ed. SEDAN. A VElir. PINE summer driving. Prise 6700. . electric lights and starter. ThoroughlY TIODSON, MODEL 37„.5 PASSENGER. .1.1. -der. 4 cylinder Touring Car, in good tire. PrierSerg25I0X:cliAditii; G7-1933 41tral t.I_Lric idi:rh,t47 PaanseesitigaerroTr.ourninecgenCtar4 Bovieerc...• Tylmspisr, 1916 MODEL, 6 CYL1N- 1 91.0 looking closed A der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with _ AIITOISTOSZ:LEScriVrOR. seaSt,iaLinzisliserenniangir;ee.dr ITilitouLin ipowered,iticecaCar. !int xpgrociocydel i runningns 7d6eor.,'5,. Q TUDEBACKER, SEVEN PASSEIST- . Tv1.-Oehier, 4 cylinder Touring Car. in good running order. - Tires in gOod shaine." coalgre.wasp'rpioaion3t3e5dot.his. year andjao___ks TACKSON, 5 PASSENGER, 4 CYLIN..., el der, Touring. Car. lias" electric lights 1 and starter, good tires - and ix a bargain - at the price. $300. ,.. • incossELL, a passnivGna CA1311.10- ilLollittil elate. t oAr averear:33re doctor. dps arm, c ee .scil,00rsoeod. -ear. We only sell used cars after the pur- chaser has had p, demonstration and satisfied himself of the running quail - ties of the -car he is bulting. Call at our .,. • showroom next time you are in Toronto and let our salesmen show you any of ' our used cars and give -you a Iltliliandonstuara. . T'' ON AIITORTOMILM CO.. ' ,. • , Tti' 6n1.4'63)OMEN-150 33"31 Street. Toronto, Ont. ., ••;. • • octors a Getting Used To IL The death rate from wounds in the war: .is less. than one-half as great AS it was a year, ago. Dr. Jacques Ber- tillion•; •medicat statistician the French army, declares- thitt 'by -hard- ship and aposure the men have be- come so tou heried that stand twiceas 'much is they could last year. Then torty-fivenut of every 100 wounded died while less than ISSUE No, . midis& gree n a A tree Pracription Von Can Have • . rifled and Use OA Home. Boston, Mass. -Victims of eye strain and other eye wee-km:Ames, and those who wear.glassesrwill be glad to know that Doctors and Zie 'Specialists now d help for Ahern. Many„-wriade eyes Werefailing • say thoy: have had their eyes restored andinany-Who once wore -glasses any they havo. thrown them away.. One man says, after using' it: "1 Was al- tridet blind. Could not dee to 'read' at grvg&LT,1 1;ivyarYgrd:Iliti hurt any more.' At night tber would nain dreadful4T. thrzr reer fine all .Alatrin•IrOt used litkf4S itelt tartick- prier° seemed hazy' with or without glasses, but after using this prescrip- tion for fifteen-daYs•everything seems clear. I can read even fine print with- out glasses." Another who ufted it says: "I was bothered with eye strain caused by overworked, tired eYen Which induced fierce headaches. I•linate worn une junetivitis .and ephiphora. Her eyes when not9congestod had tho dull, suf- fused expression common to such cases. Having. run out of her medicine a friend suggested 'Bon-Opto. .She used this treatment and not only' overcame her distressing condition, but strange and amazing as it 'may.. seem, so strengthened her eyesight that She. was ableri. to dispense with ter disnce -glasses and her headacheand TORT girt left her. In this instance 1 should trsa/ y g havo-sinc'Verified the-sfiletter o -thha 0 . rnproved treatraent ba At, number of cases and 'have seen tho eyesight improve from 25 to 75 per cent in a remarkably Short time. I eau say it works more quickly than .any other- remedy ,Te_ have pro- scribed Or the Owl."' Dr. Smith, an oculist of Wide experi- ence, says:: "I have treated.in private practiewa nuniber Of liericlutS Opthalirlic diseases with Bow•Opto and am able to report ultimate recovery In both acute and chronic cases. Mr. B. hame to *MY offiCe Suffering With an infected e/o. The condition was So serious that an glasses for several years, both for din- zporation for enucleation beeped int -T tance and work, and Without thera 1 porative. Before resorting to the Could not road my own nameon an operative treatment / prescribed Bon - envelope or the typewriting on the opto and in 24 hatirs the sect:alert had stachine before Me. I can do both now, lessened, inflammatory symptoms be - and have ituscartiee iny long distance gan to subside, and in seven days the glatses altogether. I can count the eye was cured and retained its nor- nuttering leaven on the trees across the ;nal vision. Another case of extreme street', now, Which for several years conVergent strabismtits (erots eyes) have lotiked like a dim• green blur to escaPecl the surgeon's 'knife by the nie. I cannot expreas MY Joy' at what timely Of your c011Yriuni. ••The ' itIth"indtletielvOrd Inc.' thousands- who the soothing arid anodyne effects et . tightened' .exterrial entiseles. yielded' to wear glaseeS ean iteW dinetird them in 13on-Opto. I always instil Bon-Opto it reasonable tint% and inultitudes,more after removal of foreign bodies and Will be able to Otrengthea their ,eyos alloy It loce.ny to an enema, ulcers vo as to be spared the trouble and ex- and spots on the eytbali'.. or the lids pens() of ever gettiak glasses. for its therapeutic effect. Ily cleans - Dr. Beck, an eYe "SPecieliSt Of nearly in ',the lids of secretions and acting t•tventy years practice, nays: "A patient an a tonic for tho eyeball itself the • rendered hence •cartfo • to Ina Who wits Suffering tev em th"ision Isetuber ot •ca,e6g dMoro acut(i.-i'.1Plephatitia •Ziarginalts with 441 the tou8es.,, • rAneornitant nymptontisi_as; Dr-,-41ortnet-gsay'rit oily-byeis•••-•tcv-rw- • agglutiriation or lino 1Libs Cbbroni 41011- had coldition„ 0Whig It) bt:voro • • 7 ,apy .Instances. strain• arising from protracted =lords soopical research Work. Bon-Opto used according to adirectionsTendered a, sur. ,prising service. ,1 foundi-loly eyes rd.+ markably strengthened, so much. so 31 haver put aside znY•glaases without comfort.•• Several of any colleagues have . also used it and 'We Are. agreed as to. • . Its reaults.••"..111-4,.•fovr-dayst"-••under obserVatlon,_the eyes of an itlatigolatia. bask -Iv, 6re linproved that. glasSert have been discarded by the. patient.' ' Ere troubles of •many ••deserintlent nuty be-lettraldrtillISs-bbnelited -by the Use of Ben-Opto and if , you :want to • strengthen your eyes, go to any drug store and get a bottle of Boa-Opto tablets, Drop one Bon-Opto tablet it a. fbtirth of a, glass Of water. and let it dititolve. With • this 'liquid bathe thik, :eyes two to 'fear tiines daily. Yon - should riotico your eyes clear up per- ceptibly righttroin the start, and in. flamniation. and redness will malcklie disappear. If your eyes bother /on even a little it is /our duty to take • store to save them now before it Is too late. Many Itopelarisly blind might hii.V0 saved their tight if they had cared Lor their -eyes in time. • . Note: A ritz phyalelan to Ist_borsthAi. abov,. article was aubmitted, wadi "Yes; Son•Opto Is. a remarkable eYe • r'entedy. ' lto coastituent in- gredients ate well known to ..eminent *..ye sPe- einlists and 'Widely preseribed by theta. I hats used it very succosletilly in MY Own Practleo• ors patienti whose eyes Were strained' through over. ' work Or misfit glossal. I can hinliTy reeommend It in ease of weak, watery, aching, smarting, itching, burning eyes„ red lido, blurred Vision Os tor eyes %named froexposure to smoko, sod, • dust or wind, it is one of the tory few groats= eons I fret shout be kept on hand for ,regulat ope la nthufamily:"" vat every ItonAlyto le not patent medictne 'or neerst rernedy. It is an ethiral preparation, •tho 'formula beina.brInted en MO Durango. The nuninfurtnitre snarrates it ta strongthett .6yesigbbile Der cent le ono Weelen time ;It Many imta not*, orrefund the Monet. It 1441a, aseil1 it41 good drUggiats, !notating )1 0'0 Z7!.er_i'lL,j11,f2 re•blyn-itnau - - - — .t 712 ttili 4,-00, Toronto. . • 1