HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-07, Page 8at" rt:Arf. 7 7 •
"4. -
taliollitroA* 41041141 -
then *MIA owing to the cool spring seaaon,.the demand is now
at baud for fine summer underwear.
UAW Umillartmor. In this line we ore showing a very fine range o'f
MI* andI wk, plain knit and porous knit vests in short sleeves and no
sleeve solos at 16,, 15, $5, 40, 60,80 and 75c.
Wiles* Unica Stan at 60,76 and $1.25,
Wins' Drawers at 55 and 50c.
Ken's Underwear. See our splendid quality Merino Shirts & Drawers,
all sixes. These are exceptional value at 500 each.
Men's Fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, in good quality and neat fitting
at 50e each.
Men's Pine Mesh Combination Suits in white at $1..25 per suit, and Bal-
briggan and Porous Knit Combination Suits at $1.00.
Men's Natural Wool Shirts and Drawers$1 50 each. •
Ladles" Black Cotton Hose— Buster Brown's 'Sister's Stockings,
in both black and white, at 30 and itoc
is becoming a special favoritewith girls.
For 1%oys" Wear we recommend
our Knockabout 'Stockings at 3,5c and
Pine Merino at 50c as lines that look
well and wear well.
See our special, a big seller at ;80, a pr,
for 35c.
Black*Cotton -Hose with natural
feet at 25c.
• Fine Cashmere Hose, summer
weig.ht, at soc.
Fine Silk Ankle Hose, special 75c.
Ladles' White Hose—The Cin-
derella Silk Lisle Ankle at 35c is spec-
ial value. See also a fine quality Lisle
at so6 and fine $ilk Ankle Hose at 50c
41141 75c.
In Children's Hose—The Fam-
ous Princess ittblack and whitet always
gyes good, satisfaction. Prices, smaller
saes, 25e; larger sizes 8% and up 35c,
• Men's Half Hose—Men's Mick
•Cotton Sox r8e or 2 pair for 35c,
Men's Black Ltsle Sox at 25e and.
Black Silk Lisle, very fine quality, 50c,
Lightweight ,Cashmere at 40 and 50
•Colored Silk and Lisle; good value
at ,35 and 50e.
312411 PI, :Of
Vinahrlailainuaa Peewee. Dreaded taw
Oa• or tee recipients of Witatilnaillooll
bounty wa* ids old uriabhor, t...apteti
John l'otal. Posey sol4I Washington
mut Nay me Ferry farm. bor atm) Me
claim to wiate.n lan4i. tie beeame
Ilitauelany out arruswil-in fact, .ruitis
ed; hie tangly were scattered. mai sta
made frequent appiirations to Wash.
tuaton for advice mud assistance.
Washington healed Pt educate a„ sou.
St. Lawreace. who bed been reduced
to the tiara expedient ot tending bar In
a taveru, and -Le also -kept- a thruierter,
)4111y, at, Mouot Vernon is a sort of
eompanion to Mrs. Washington. The
captala ouee wrote the following de-
ilithtful letter. which is quoted h3t raul
Leland llawortb n "tleorge Washing-
ton, Farmer:" . _
"I could (Inver been, able to (haver
Satisfied all WS old 'arrears. some
Montle, AtItie. by nlarrYhig , old
widow wornatt fa this 'Coullf,4 SIN
• bas larg,e emus. tort -cosh ity her aud
Pritte.Y• geed Fist. --$110 la, us (Melt a$
high -.And gits drunk at
thre,d or roure (tiniest a we which.
DU:agreatne to, me -0 lurif valiant %Spar
• tit Wilco ,Drinik-its beim (tit great -1)1s
ptue lfl my mind what' to Poe,..7,1,, he
leave -1 tdniri RIM ali lienan-lf
Last wife, had been on. 1ven tem•
womanbtu her • tilterrit. ••10:e
tliceft pie slut tat Shoelt-that 1 an
afraia to Rua tile josnunLn."
' Evidently the 'curtain .111d not. lind
way out er hat trouble's by the •marl
"tuoultil route. for Son,iewhat later h
wee In jail at Quetaistowu. preauntehl
for debt. and We tied In one of Waal.
lagtottai cash wetuoraudunt hooka: tu;
der dtite 'Ott 15,117a, ya-ly- laterite
given CUpUL Posey. attirattniuda.r On. •
of the tame later settled al Indian.
and Posey county .•Is named lifter tole
Mondayi June 4.
Thos. ThOrilpeon returned home trona
TOront4 lad week. • -
• Artie itligander, •of -Pinkerton,
dayed at Mr. entries, '
James Gilchrist, of Kincardine, was a
week.eua visitor at hie home. . •
10 ,
-Monday, June 4.
• Mrs. Dr. Bradley Visited friends in
Xingu' last week.
John Nesbit, of Kincardine, spent the
week.tind rn 13ertne.
Born, -To Mt. ad Mrs. John Bredley
on TuesdaY, May 29th, a son.
Mrs. Burnett and brother, Jas. Lam- Miss Mahola Bayer spent a couple . of
Szindayed at George Webbat, ' days in Kincardine last week_ '
Ohas. F. McKinnon has. purchased a Miss Violet Glahn 'spending iifeVe'
. • . ,
fine young driver from Jos. Ferris- weeks with friends in Lochalsh.„
Dat'A. McLean, of 14:"' °mit' made Rev. D. W. .Williams is. in London'
Jodi:tea trip to Toronto ma Weefa' , this week attending the annual On-
) lead el the isporta from here took in rferenee. •• '
the celebration at"Lucknow on Monday.,
We are glad to report that John Stur-
*sees Mai Deolkan' and Aggle Reid goon is able to be around again after his
• Vent over Othdat ttt'thetatter's home serious illness.
near Tiverton. ' . -
A few of the /.6. a F. brethern at- i:,,Asp3relnili-deintg81713ity''9,°eittirti°0r124tatils-tic;u87f.tioYu,',
tended the parade Underwood°14 the South Line.
Situday affernoim.
Mies Belle lMcGregor, of ath. Bruce,
homeinfilipleiafter Vending a coliPh3
. speat the weelr-end the guest of Mee
..sait*:aecalennan. • •• of weeks at Gabel's and Sturgeon's. „
Males IKaKirman left on Saturday Our cheese factory ban started again
on an extended visit, to friends at Cape and thoSe that like the morning nap
Breton and other points. arearoused from their peaceful Slumber
The .Association meetings of the Bap, 1)3? the music of the. noisy'
. •
Mise Ida- Stanley returned to her
and the shouts of the eleeP3' drivers.
tist ektirelleis et he Walhettoir Asseeitt-
tion meets in 'Walkerton tlris rdek,
Messrs, Dan:t and Finnie McKie-
nompurcliased new Ford cars from Ir-
win Patterson, of Tiverton,last week
The 1 O. 0. F. Brethern Imrpese at-,
tending'Divine tldrvice in the Baptist
Church on Sunday Morning 'June 14t1r.
A. ,number from hen attended the
flinerrit;,of the:We Mrs. Arebii3ala frle-
'Pedigo., bottridari east,- Tigerton, onThursday
• PrePatetoii .11-41t_te_inSiZ_Yrailie
Mural on Priclay.evening. Sacramee,t
Vas Obeerved tin Sunday., •• -
A feia, frern here joUrneted over to
Voritiotia On Tuesday to,..seo the • raising.
of tha new cross du the Kemal/ Cattle-
. lie Chichi them -Messrs. jos.; Wright-
, non,, of this village, and Jae. McKinnon-,
• ittli. Bruce, •has, had the eontraet.
On Thilladay ..jartt_ Me re. Thai A.
McLean.and Jack McKee NoOlt0,the'
7 following delegatest�. the kreriby
. terial of the Women's Missionary SotietY
• CiniVentiOnliitfahover: Mesdames Aas.
0, Thonipson, W.11. MCNally„ W. J. McKee-
.„ Man,, Alet MOICennitt, (Rev.) P. Reath,
Misses Elizabeth Campbell, Matide go,.
tay toa hilts Wirat,
..613/11110KA LASE.4 •
A•1414314QUIrt Nit it
— -*owlet trip Mutat-tickets-TM bate'
from stations in Oritarlef at very low'
fares, vvith liberat stop overe
•11 erth reservations and full lefortiation
• at ell 'Grand Volk Ticket Offices, or
• write C E. HORIIINO, Diottiet Patten•,.
ger Agent, G. T. Ity. Syetem, Torolito,
0. MatTillti, Agent, twoltiidsiro
neat t
• Andrew McDonald hag received Word
that hiathreebrothers, Will, Arehie and
werela the big battle of a few
Weeks ago at Vimy Ridge, and all Will
' be glad to know, that they came through
eafely. '
We are sorry to report that Mr Law-
son, our junior paetor for the past year,
will be leaving us the last Of June. Ire
has made Many friends while working
in our midst. He will preach, his ISA
The alitomobile gentsare busy these '•
days, entertaining the farmers in our
vicinity to joy rides in an up-to-date
car. Generally, after enjoying it for Ei
few miles, the agent has no difficulty in Ashfield.
.•.m.••••, ,41•44444444•••Ii
' -Monday, •June 4.
Miss Jtnnie Walden is spending a few
days -abWi» Steele&
Mr and Mrs. '.1....Courtaey vieited at
Smith' e on Sunday:lait.
Pte . -Tont ;Paliner,--of 'London, -sPent
the week -end at ins home here.
Vies Awls; Robinson' 40 has spent
the *inter moths in-Wini,hana, return-
ed to her Ionia last week. "-
•,. .
.Rev.•C..M.:Rutherfoaat•left on Tueiday
to •attend the Assembly rn Montreal
kroni Montreal Mr. Rutherford will go
to New tork,,to enjOye, vacatioa for a
'few weeks, ,Itev 4. McFarlane, of Kin-
-oardine, will supply the,aataat puIpLt
Tom Webster, Of $eaforth; spent alio
week end with his Sister, Mrs Raynard,
. • •,
*Miss Isabel Nixon, of 'Zion, spent a
couple of days at Clarlcion's: • ' •
Neil McKenzie, -of Toronto, and Lis
wife andtiou-and Mrs, R. MeCitarles, of
iLneknow, called to see his father Sun-
',day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Hibben, ' of • Laurier,
:attended Sunday School here ,Sunday
afternoon.,:, Their eld friends were g10
to see them again. - • •
s!tr. reitz, Who has been working _for
Stewart-Robertsonallspring, • has gone
to the city of Toronto to try his fortune.
Our beef ring is going again, and now
we are assured of good beef for the next
four months.
The.--YouOg people; InbetinKba Friday'
revening was very ititeresting. The acriP.-
turolesson-was-reacJI. 3r
and .Jatatarketehibate cae-oir`1l'riezid111-
nese rollewieg these a variedPregram
contributed to .the enjoYment of elf
present. ' '
Seartee Kifler„Wheles swim in Motto
ir.•• take Treined aoldfore.
The klller Whole Usually travels -en
hunts In "SeliOnls”, er" petits or fioi
three to n 'dozen ur were ilidividault
Unlike most lin lest. the Metahera t
these •sehoola do not trklvel la a .etrai.
. gang ',thirty. IAA awIto' tilde by Skil
their MOremente OH reguiarly Vulva a
tnese-or-soitilers A viegalariv-apare-
row, ot ouirenehrg1png black this salt,
ly tatting- the..tt [tattle thk.a• surfave
the sea • produces l alegularly' elniste
effect- The evil imprestiant Is liI auk-
allied,.,since killers are; tbe:,,Mest ea yaw
anil,Y.ela(iragle* 'Tbe ja%v.
are grimed with •rows of erfeOire teeU
With_ which, the_ animals:attack 1111d:e1i:-.1
-seals and porpoises, 0110_0'0 dv°
stroy.,,souta of, the larger vita les, 7,
Milers ere like giout 'wolves or Ili
'fliert., and :their feroeltj, striltes.terrnr t
COO Warm,. laeodea::::inimbitunta ut tu
deep. The, „Eskittes Abe :AltiSkti.
coast' Of tiering sea*: epnilder killers 4
actual:wolves in, sea farm. They Is
.:11ere,that.,infthe`,ettrlY AnYs.--•When tlt
:World was young :tete men- tineanimal
could chattge titeir form at will. aim(
•,Woleere °Reit-. went to the ,efigd 01 t
.shore Leeandchanged, to killer Whalle-a'
and the killers returnedtte the edge p
the lee and Caine mit SS nfOiVeS. to gi
'Tafeaing over the med., Spine ,of te
'Ikittivestissure- one that•evia todOy.
lain wolves 'and' killers and stili en
dewed with' this power and' on aceoutit
01, their malignant eharaeter are Owe:
, feared, by Minters, • .
- -niers .are known tnsidillow sroan.
-,Seals7 and: porpoiseentire and attack,
large' whales: by .tertring -away thee
tongues, whenattae4
Ing large:prey .they work ta peeks. ,
With. all the unity:and fierceness et ria
inttny .wolves. --a National GeOgraphi,
Tperimading thufarnterlthat,r-lie-,-canno
get through life Witheut• a car.. , There.
are eta manywith the auto notioa. lately
that it would be ,unfair to, mention a few.
of tlieni thieweek-tiO we shall Watt ;for
further developments ' •
• •
Pme Rivet
• • -MonclaY, June 4. '
Mr. W. J. CamerOn raised his barn on
Mrs MontgomOry and 'daughter have
moved to Ripley where they will reside.
• ' The pretty trona driver with the rub -
bei -tired buggy can be seen any Sunday
• evening swiftly.. passing up the, Lake
Shore road. •
• OliVet
0, -Monday, Yipe 4
Wit Alice Smith spent a few 'days
last week with Mende at Lanes.
and Mrs. Wm. Harrington, a son.
'Ed. Wilson will have eharge of the
servfee at Olivet next Sunday afternoon.
Vases Afinie Itorilston and Alice
Smith and Walter Holliston neat. a day
last Week in Wingharn.
We are entry to report that Mrs, Wm.
Harington's eondition is not improvihir
*e fat MI her friends Would like to
The, Arilleld Soldiers' meet
atthe home of Mrs Jas Hayden, on
Tuesday, June 12, at theusuat hour.-'
. 'Helens
--Tuesday, June 5,
Miss 'Oliris.Miller spent the weak end
in Stratford. '
MiStriStary Little, who is teaching at
Allanford, was home over Sunday:.
Miss F. Taylor,' of Clifford, wan a
weekend,guest of Mate Mime Ruther-
ford. . . ,
A num6 froni,the 1t4g attended tire
anniversary services,in Whitechurch Jut.°
Sunday. .
Rev./. Little is attended °the General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of
.0iinada, in Melere41.
Mr. and lira. WHIM Webb left. for
theWest on Tuesday lest, where they
Rev; 0. X, *Mackenzie,. df EirtIough,
will preach itt the thesbyteriari Church
liere inntt. Sanday evening. The service
will be co 730 o'clock.
Messrs. W.1. Miller, T. D. TeS)ole
D. D. Murray, 0. Aitcheson arid 3v,
Miller motored to iiiintou ot Thursday
evening attend a 0.0.k. Molise ilea
-ifesaday, Jam *.
Marvel Millar purchaseda new ear
laat week.
Bed Johnston is home after "pend-
ing soma time in Luc:know.
Mrs Fisher, of Brantford, visited her
atter, Mot. Frank Scott, jr.
Min Bessie IIoward, of Chicago, is
railing her brother ltrbert
Rev. Wm. Moran le vidting his par
eats, Mr. sud Mrs. War .Mn.
Chas W Alton los secured Miss
B-Afast, as assistant
Adam Johnaton has added to the ap-
pearance ofi hia ear by applying a coat of
varnish. .
Ursa Crow, of Algoma, Mich, aud
Uise Mary Downey,. of Louden, are
. The feconsiderata Mice. •
A more kind hearted and ingenuous
soul never Hied than Aunt Betsey, bat
She was a peer houStekeeper. , On One
. eteeaslon a neighbor wile bad tun in for
a "back door" eall was borritiedlo see•
a -mouse run across Aunt •Betsers -
kitehen fiber. • "Why ; on - earth don't
you set a trap a Betsy r' she asked.
-•"Well,"!replied Aunt Betsey '1 did
have a trap Set But landcit wee -such
a.. non!' Those mice !tent getting into
• It1"-youth's Companion.
ctilr,oss ,Corperi
--4.1r8(103', irs une 0,
Wiet.'"B'ecking has Purchasedit new
.gcjauglilio tar. •• .
Silas Palmy Wail viaited at Barry
Pitmena last week.
Mr Robt. Moffat spent Sunday even-
7rig at -George ,
• ..Tt 'Hanna took an auto load to -KW-
*reline on. SatairlrY. • „ ,
Mr. Tier/gins and Afisa -Jennie ,spent
Friday with RiPlev ftienda.
The Earl 0± Haren spent Sonday on
the LOth Call again, Ear1.
nOniber- from ' here attended ',"the
-ports in I.41.1eitneri en Monday,. '
The- 'Voting People's r S. classes auet
Bethan`Y. lest Monday evening and,
presented Mr...Arthur Haldeaby with a
handsome Writ watch Mr 1iaKtenb
intends leaVing for overseas soon Ile
will be Missed by his friends here.
Wiiitecitu.reh •
--40114aY Attie 5.
Mrs.-WeBrYan, of Aubtirn,. is Visiting
it the'home of hei,brotilea, janiee
Mica °lire Terriff, ef Wingbam Gen-
f, ral Mospital, is spending a few dais. at •
leraaime here;
. ,
Monitor 'Anclitirs.--
The old style ratchoa-except as the
,atetered synthoi of hope -is fast pass-
ing it way. The .modern anchor is made
Of steel rather thalt of wrought iron,
ock,!...hau halt and_secket
n an • s afijaalfirelest the el
our largest warsilps welgh ; 20,000
pounds apiece. _ - ,
„ ButternuCDye.
Butternut Glitglanattinel'eal:Was for..
ilietlY u valuable' dye ,material.It
usually is ,colored brown, but 'the
- shades could be varied.. The ileoritedi
-ergo jeans"' the cloth ninth used for
uniforms in 'Tennessee and Itenttieky
during the war • between the states,
Was dyed With the bark of thiti-tres.:Th,
• the Flaceptive Mood.'
• Yeast=-Hcvi. does your Wile like Iter
hew heightiort • ," • '
crimsenhenje-tib, anilines her.%
"Why.,. that woman repeats 'every.,
thing she hear"
. ,"Yes:. that's WhY'iny wife likpsilael
" -Yonkers Statedinan.
Literary. Punlithment• .
"Ma, when t Came in last night 1
found Emily devouring a novel."
"And this morning she was eating!
cereal."--Beltimore Ainerietim
;Had to; Do It.
. . .
"The defendant admits.". Said the
blithe tallied cop. "that he *eat around
the earner pri„ two ittheels."
riftY dollare' One or thirty day,"
Mk the judge. '
• "But does /our honor know," inter-
posed the defendant's. cetuitieb, "that
tlie deteadrint, _Watt
0 1
• the State.
the'lltaria ehould appeal+ only one
bight In a thousand years, how men
Weald believe Mid adore and preserre
for many gene:videos the remembranee
a the eity of God which had been
shown! Out every night come out
those suroys of beauty and light the
moot* with their *diminishing Mile;
We are ,sorry to report , the serious
Une,ea of -Latireflolates. We wish her
• MISS' thiltunings and -MisiiFaivier '
ngh viited over Sunday t e •L
Phone No. 10 Is at Your Service
Ws Sell for Cash--; 11 Chsapsr Ikea liss Credit Iltasso
There Is Nothing Adds to the Apo.
pea,rance of a Property more than
a well.kept Lawn -
Biit it is impossible to
keep it right without a
good Mower. We handle
the Stuart mower exclus-
ively for two reasons,:
first—because it is made
in Canada. by Cauadiau
labor, and second—it is
the best Lawn Mower on
them for eleven years in
ceiver*the first complaint.
5;50, 6.50 and 0.75.
the market.. We,„,have' sold
LUcknow and have yet to re-
Thepriees range from 5.25,
MI ere is nothing pas he farmer
better.than:$ flock of, hens
If well loOke4 after., If; however,
you allow vermin
• to ietinto yaur hen pen your *ml' will not.he 50 per
cent:efficient. You can bny from us for sac enough
C1UW)N.011). to keep your, lien coops perfectly clean
Lar a .year and it will certainly do the Wpik, Don't you
think -it would be a good investment?
To. Repair that Broken Plaster .
use-Pillfistone •
It is easily applied and °sets up as bardas cement and
' will not crack or fall off.
We have still a‘m.tall quantity of Coil Spripg
." Wire to sell at $4.35. get in quick
'before the price advances '
Auto Accessories - Bicycle AAceespories,
. _
Miireneo Chi Namel and Lacqieref
e Lucknow Hardware& Coa
nine Of Ken, Paterson, , .• '
The 'GUM meetingnext Monday
vening Will baled by the :Missea
Gillies and Anal. Fox Pbe14.'!112,1e4.,
3 "Sins of,the Minty, •
ANNrirEaSA,RY.7-The special' Itervicee
tetd in99nneetinn with the Prethytei lan
Ina& anniversary Sunday and Monday
vete very "SileC(134111. 4 Large coOrtrega-
ions listened with profit and interest to
laea-5. Farley; of Colling•Weed, nirrning
and evening on. Sunday On Monday
'dr.. Farley gave an addiesso On the
Catch sty Pal Movernent in Ireland,"
rid other, addresses Were given by Rev.
t: Little; Rev. Mr. Grainger and *Mr.
a. D. CatherOn,- The cluireh•elnne. did
-Nell much credit- in the rendering of
pedal amisie. Mr.. Farley attic) contrib.
tted 'a:number of vocal tonabera 'Whieh
vere greatlyappreciated. • '
-Finlayson, of Detroit, spent a few days
Fourth:Con; Kinloss at totr home here last week. Miss
, ,
-HE.trpei ont,
Fair, O:f Pqrple Grove, was a
• Sunday visitor. at David Stewart's.
:148.4On:ion, of Pori poim,--48..,,tbe-
guest of her brother, Josatimilton:
Miss McLaughlin, of 55 IsTo 15, spent
the week-enat her home in Ingham.
Musses Minnie and , Annie and John-
MeLltyre *doted to 'Teeswater _last
• Miesei-Mary and 'Margaret .MeLen-
tian, of &It spent the week end
under the Parental root
• •
Rev.: iv. McLean, Of Ripley,
. eh • rge "of the service in Ashfield Preeby.
terian chafgh at 'p,in.,,next Sunday; in
the absence of our pastor, Rev. J.' S.
. . .
Hardie, who will he in Alontrcial.
, .
Misses Christen, Elizabeth and Sadie
We have new six (altos inside of twe' shortly: -•
odes on the 4th Con. • Kenny got the
. ..., . _ .
77'W,ednesday ,Tune O. troit and expecte to . sail for Europe
,.„,„ . he , ,,.
Captain Roderick Finlayson arrived
11.t i' , •• . . • : : - . • • home last Tuesday aright, He was
Mrs. William Fraser,on tile 44h, Inict wounded in trance, and has. been dis:
t enddee. call to see her d tughter, Atm 'charged -as unfit for further service. He
.t Snelgrovet who is yery ill.. '' went to:Detroit on Fri8hy,.. where he
4'4 qa:e1i6 Jast-SIbb4h in S. Kinloss. ' . was dispensed in Ashfielci Presbyterian
nFd 'cLotitIMintce:Liedil:1;t1:hnaeor_n, 'met): rol.,...eact_rtirs c.enntt:1111•,sr:itryciliceecis 3c'1,170t-ssti:o:I:mkeen7ifiatahletlreaatralt>sellta'pe'er
0a4,4a.e.4,.::-..e ,.., ,,finzppe•-••
the road. It will he occupiedkno doubt
. Dungannon'
--imanday. lune 4.
Wedding hnlls ,:.art. ringing, neneariaat
-norms Stothers Made a btrhincas trip -
o Toronto three daxe, last week;
Mew frotti here peMotidayin
tateltnow, and all report a good tithe.
• Mirs; Edith Treleaven and. Mrs. Robt.
Treleaven are visiting relatiaes in To-
rento. • •
'We are glad to hear that ;Miss Lill
Villa:an is home front. Rochester inich
improved in
Miss Lla Whyard is backsfrron Bogota,
NI. J.; and is at present visiting her
brother, Mat, Wei, are pleased to see
her again.
Harold Sproul was home in hia soitlier
caliform. Rs looks fine, Ile left in -day
for London, Where he training
myth° Mechaniciii Transport.
• Lochalsh
• '-i-TtlesdaY, June 5:
Viredding hells are tiagii;g. ••
number °toot laming people-apent
the halidiiyin Iareknovr.
T. V. Henderson'S sale was largely
attended last Thursday.
1Vliss Violet Gleba, liervie, is, visiting
her oistert Mrs. Tom- Sandy.
Miss Grace Meter:nen, of Laurier, 1
visiting ot
Mrs. D. At Mobounid i 61)6)1416g a
week vidtiue Mesas la Toronto.
. 1
and Saturday .nforniage. ' Rev._ Mr.:
draliatu? of Whitechurch, took charge
of the service -on Friday,
aricl,,Mis. T. F, Henderson, Miss
'Lena and Wellington left,. this morning
for Ilditionten; where they intend. -mak.
Lig their -future home:: They have lit -red
in this nelghbOtitood all their lives, and
it ts needless to lay .that theyd_swill be
tnissed by e heat 0e -friends', who will
always. rentemberthem as being the,
kitalest and best of neighbors. Their
rawly friends assembled at their home
on the 12th Cen..laat Wednesday even-
ing, where an enjoyable time was spent,
• k good program was prbvided, Mid
speeches to stilt the, oceasiMalyeere made
by 1r D. McLennan, Thigh Mcintesh
and P 11. McNay. Before the departure
of the gUeele.'iMr. and Mr. Itendertion
were presented with a purse of money.
The presentation was made by Donald.
McLean the following address Mei react
by D. McLennan:
Onr Dear AIL and Mrs. Hendertion •
and family
We; your friende and neighbors, being
desirous of expressing bur good feeling
towards you, have nssembled, here ro.
night on the tve of your departam„arom
amongst Ms. In presenting you with
this parse of money we consider the
intrinsic value Small m eoniparison to
the feelings which prompted us to ex.
pre, i our appreciation of your hied,
iv+ !thinly life atinuttc US. Our tecollee.
tient pf you alfrom our very 'earliest
•, am on.. s of kind, honest sympathy
in trouble and wiping, telgithorly help
lrbon seeded, We will miss yout 'itnd
fnthe Stud Season, .1917
The Grand. -Circuit .rriae- 'iri
IRoina g nide trecirrecord
public trial 2 03 with last half in -59 #eo.
The sire ef Dana Lona.1.00i, the
fastestz 4' year old trotter of the worid"
in 1916; Lady, Dcin, g -year-old record :
'trotting 2.15-; Don Benet jr. 2.071- rate -
big and many ,others DiOn Aorta 2 06 '
is the Peter the Great. of Canada. • He
14 the only sire that was ever oymo or
Stood -in Caeedk, that sired a 4-aeitradd
'trotter of 2 04 Et Made his first ated'
season - in 1912. He is a smooth, big, .„
horse withquality, size ..1200 lbs,.hona
and -substance. ‘ri:Itin.4Ount: Was knovve•-.,
on theGrand Circuit ah'the."Itre,r Iforse,
Raco Hoipe." N J, . •.
. „
Mares front a diatanceproperlylookerl •
after. Wilt," stand at his. own „stable,
Service' freeir
lt25,:tO insure. 'Write_ or phone tor •
folder of full particulars. "
K. McGregor 220. • The jay
Gregor, Axtell 212 stallion with else, ,
Speed, bone and pubstence, Pee $12,..' :
.6.Var all partitatlars apply to L.
CgAmeampatn,'Elnardifie." Ont. 5-7-p'
sursamos osunfoutin.
dedch to Detroit
and Etatura
Leaves Cloderich. TucstlaY,
aune`12th, 9.30,son..
itteturningt Leaves Detroit On
Thuriiday, June 14t6,- 1 p.m.
$2,00 ROUND TR1
$1.0 ONE. ',WAY
The Only Boat T from Gioda
crich to Detroit this Season.
• IMMIORATION- LAW.-- Canadians
doming to Detroit for ti ternpor.
ary stay are not required to pay
• a. head tax or make a deposit.
" Immigration officere on titeatuer
to pass excursioniste.
hand Moonlight .0b. Monday
• Eire.ning, June 111 at 8 pan,
White Ster Line, Detroit,
it will be oUr earnest prayer and desire
that Cincre blessing may follow you itt
the prosperous and golden West.
(Signed) Your friends and neighbors:.
Mr. Henderson, 5;p behalf of himself
and family, in a fow appropriata and
well-chosen Words thanked' his friends
and beighbon for their intish ikeplicsaa4