HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-06-07, Page 4TUE LLICKNOW SANTINIL
just y.h .giy
eamil tarn
Ilittrknom 11,rnttitt I
Pealidood. every Titatatat alandue
at Latitaaw. Qatari*.
A. D. M1CKS2,111111, Praxistor
mad Editor.
. ,
• . erally their services are highly, Satisfac- ,Old,,•,Alta.„, about :the 'first • week of
Luoknow Fruit Produce tory. In Proof of this it ia stated the Janfi- Fechi link been engagekin
Coiflpany the fermemi weee'lase yeaf, had high; breeding Shor.thernsefer. ar,,number of
' Joysie Block w, G. McMillan, Mgr
school boys as assistants, were firati to y,eara, and built erp- a yery „fine_ herd.
Two or attestant -ram --To an sadrola
La cameral*** Urtat Britain. pas yaw Itte.
saaathellre., thraiA74:11at tea, Ta tika Unitid
use year uti. Vasa* ere ties peid
Vsaacee ral
tes. putt iu extern/NM* rate
is We. per year higher.
*AM:tibia* 'Vi ho tad to minis The Sentinel
**reign ly by mail will router favor by sc.
liztgcrig es of Om taut at teigarli *44/4.46
UstfroMbilt Whoa alunamat NUM*i dettrad. 'hatli
fir HAYM,01C OLM.tt and Om sow merestobovid. begirt**.
. •
tr=;Soar., Advartiateig
inert.‘r Auvearrousaituns-41odoknown
kiruyx Annual -Qua hiaertioli 110et ihrge ;11-e,
eertioria SU*
Yuma or Real Vete* for sale sae each User,
tient Miscellaneous Artielesror Sate. Te
Wanted. Loetalsouud, etic..aaelk insertion 2.e.
bona ReinAers, Not glee, per lino Per in;
ilatten„, 5P each subeequent insertion; ornrial
rata et to regular display advertisers. Vent
of Thanks Le.Venting lgrente, tie- and to per
G. S. YOW1/1111, is WI,. D. Oilles him notioeese thanesI.,egal advertising
la rat, ttou moor, Teamster. apee mcand5o per line. Auction &des, briet notice
atoldloll tole =MAW& alla attn. longer uotico leo per lino for first insertion
work. tat Wro.t.r lat. ana ad., se foe each subsequent insertion; Black -faced
ay at each math: liarrialitar. ',type vountt iples tort.
, • . ofitge, Aatapidel Make, the01440 el latke
Awn ntook. titlt. Alimodem PecluoisfY brad t alloy lealvithud Or assoCia.
methods used. Beet materiels furnished. nue le be moldered u advertisement 'end
ttrown and Bridgework. Painless extra
Iii by the use or the latestsimple:it, .Id deemed econdisgie.
olioot romody So/ENOYORN Neweet
Wails artificial tooth. AlinuiA*4 SatMd• Business Cards or elm nu:* end under 1$.00
oon broakobto Per rear.
Ificrigratei ;loofah in Owirmoirt
workoms, J. Me*
A.0. U. W. i.aakaaw Lodes. No. isr,
• matelot:. libAdottodb; Roo.
Treas.. *lox. nods.
Ontario's Best Business
Students May enter ourolasees at any
time. Commute yrour course now
• and be qualified for a position by
midsummer., During 7'4 and Aug-
ust of last year we received calla tor
over 200 office assistants viecOuid not
supply. Out graduates are in de.
0111114. Write at once for our free
001 M4JGHLAN1PtratiPla
4/1144014, -.0weisuismisilmr•••••••••,
Luoknow Fruit & ftoduce
We test each can and pay for
it as received.. Get a can and
start now,, when price is high.
Highest:Cash Prices
. Paid or Eggs.
cili in and flee nit -when " tw
•have.been placed on farms and thatgen- he shipped to Marahaira farm at
, town
TELURSDAtt JUNE 7th. 1017
THE enbucans Arm ,rtin WAR
Since the outbreak of the, war the
A1lies1 cause Inie badno more enthusiall-:
tic aupporterd limn the ministers of the
Anglican, Presbyterian and Siitlioclst
Churches, - Not, only were they active;
helpers in the early ,days of recruiting, • i
. .rderaudemomemnimpimmik
thleh service as they coati give, as chap. I. '
but hundreds of thent eolttnteered for
tains', Red 'Prom, or Y. M. a A. workers, W. a, Trussleet of Goderich,„ has
They etillehaw the same eothusiasui
in advocating stens which promise,. to sold °lib his P.116tegraPhing humess
make for early and complete victory. to J. T: P011; of Seaferth, *ha takes
, .
Methodist Conferences, and Anglia= possesson on June 4th. .
Passing lesolutions in 'favor . of .a- een- Mrs. Harriet Middleton, ot "White
'and Presbyterian *node are everywhere
acriOtion law..- '' . • ' • fralli". fidderich Township,- .announces
• .
TilSTUDENTS ON FARMS the' engage Ment ti her daughter, Hat-
tie, to Mr, george Siewait, Goderiehi
' The Ontario Resonrcea .Conimitiee the marriage to., take. place early' in
and the TiOrk thet it his dens in -liaeur- ?Ilene,: .*:.-.7*,:•' ''.- ';'--"7. - -- ,
lug help for Ontario 7 %priers is a gohd " '
3,.; q;. Fyfe,' Slidietht;in - breeder, of
example of what can be 1104* by organ-
, the litt.lihe sif. Niorrie;-hae ,thsposed ,of
ked and Well directed effort,
his entire herd of:Shorthorns itt Eon
. -Dr. A.T...II: Abbott, aecretary of the • i''
committee, !states that 60 tilo-usa•od Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agr
school briyeand acerto41ausand i7-
Ica -Ante kir-Alberta, and thabeict will,
Dot atf•
boy and an
0 to
eh* end
U* soma
motion. and succeee
as the lad batting the
adventede ot
Dieu, in hie home. This new
citrolitouvinsinedowaerevulawg _witlifinsiqueolutkoreons
in bikitorYr lieogra- AY, hlograPhY"
pronunciatien, eporta, arta,
mud sceencee.
NOAH vocabekryTeents. 1040111144ek •
eflOOIllintratione. ColorodPlatos.
More Scnotarbr, Accurate. Convenient,
pad Autholitauve therianyothor Lek
'lisia Dit UMW,
• 41,ND
specimen Dago.
FRE4, iota Packet
Maps if you name this
O. A e, 010011100 CO"
women. and children as shieldi' in battle
-in shorthave resorta to everything
cowardly and diabolical that the basest
mind could suggest. • ••
When a 4/forten Makes Up Her Marc mots Ettomiet-A"eiteitTh mobs le
That Woo Weans a Thin*
The main Aliffilenea between Well
and women &a wallets so marked as
0, lb the digthictice herrret,,, itarae.. *us annual meeting of flit North 11u
ter and ability. roa Liberia Asaceiaticu for Federal pur-
A Wales 'Indio" la ,entirely separate
frete id* detteiler. wee Leo hos VOW waa held in the Town Iiall, Wieg
gefflu alld nu character at alL tle ham, on Tuesday afternoon. with *geed
may have small abilities and large
character. la a illitu the two thiagesp,
Peer to 1* eutirele ludepentleut of ea.
But a woman's character is deter
Mined by her ability, and her ability Is
deterinined by her character- In reol-
ItY. therefore. womea are much Mere
simple,tlian men. although thel, do not
appear to be so. Women are more
Volnidleated outwardly than men. They
offer more superficial variety. But
eloaer observation and associatI041
among tnen3 tend to melte thent more
attendance, ell tart* or the riding Whig
repreaented, notwithstanding the busy
time with the farmers,- - - -
• Preaident &bedew, of Godericle oc-
• cupied the their stud .fterthe reading of
• the treaeurer's statement, which showed
beitiecaMi hand, the following officerswere elected
Preeident, W. 11, Roberteon, Go *eriele;
• 1st. Vice President, John • OilleePlet
• Whiteelnirch; 2nd. Vice Piesident, John 1
90 Breaches la Canada
A General Banking Business Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bang Muucy. Orders
Intereat allowedat highest current ratc
T. S. -RID,.Manager.
• alike, • • a ' Men
enneberg Verde/tab ; 3rd, Vice Prot -
. on the other smut grow morn
dent, Joseph Dalton, Kintail; Seeretary,
compliCated as you come to know tem
better: This la itemise, their abilities Jas. Aleeltirehie, Blyth; Treasurer, A 13
and characters being unrelated and tbe Carr, Myth; . Auditor, Wm.. Isbisteit
proportlenate measure of gush subJeet
to variatioes, uew tembinatioute are
constentie being presented. The vol.
°us things which go to make up the
motive power of a trOtnnit, en the other
hand, are more. losely refitted. , Warn Amos Smith, Listowel; Morrie,4040 Mt ,..
°I', thercfin'e. reneentinte mere than Arter, Brassela;Ashaeld. Chas. Stewart,
Municipality chatruniti were elected aft
follower-ellewick, Jim ;Hunter, Gerrie;
Turnberry, IL S. Muir, Glenannme; Otey,
aithaUgh they do net Seem to du
P. the pl.:west; being tiatiniselaila. •
That explains why, if 0woman
wants a thing'and a man dhesn't Want
'eerie have it. she alwaYa gees It. Whell„
1 Man wants a tidng he plans to get it
lust as much unite catt•through the or-
!erly or his Wild and will
when a isoinau Wantsa thing' eh' -
,cani!“;s no, plan lit she gets 0
1 twill of ten. 'Ilionthe man • be -
...nose. everythinghi. her' whole make
• efinseious and "uneonseions
•working for it. • „
If ytin want .to srce teeiserrationof
oi rgy „end tiis *l'orfectlint ,Of ,enteleacy
watk h the worbior.„ 'of , that perfectly
t)-01.4 ;taut ea . •woman -get,
„. lag -thing frtza a ,unin that she'
relies ' A t'orlisS engine, incom,Parl
sun, 1;4 it .sOap. hoz no wheel*. M.
_iu Lire.
. , •
One Alitan W170 Got Pardon Without
Even Asking For it. • •.
•N mug the hintuuerable ',nuisances
--enderranke ivho called on Lincoln at
• lie 'White [tense were many who
• sought
to whi fa Ver by shbwhig, that
t114. lieen the ,first to suggest his
uoinbiation aS president One of these
• men, sa Frauds' F.Brdwue lit "The
L'Yer),daY 'Life ntMirithatu
wasthe etittor of a weekly Paper pub-
Moveci.by Writ Lane; seconded by.S:
• Howl Esitek E
MAY 8thir0 OCTOBER3Oth
' . , AU. ,RA11.." - also by , .. •
, "Great Lakes Routes"
: "relireareidaseloie • 0 . -."- -
In this connection it is intereating -to-
1toui Future is In the West / t Ottawa has not, received any word
observe the effect of the Increased Pro: a, • a , • . ,...
. Thsfertileprkrise have put Western duction Cain . upon town residents. or the ineklent from .heridgearters in
thousindseemes, ettetheacres, netattiniteeeretor theme master
I Vegetable gardens are everywhere multi- Prange, - 1 : ; • "•• '
. whavrantse home and proapenty. Take
pliedin .'number and increased in size, r. .....
arid an the wOrli;iii theae is hang -done voe'y Piaci POR dlliE§k.„ -The first
apply 'for that- °lase of help thinyea°r. .They brought the neat sum Of V4,000.
Ex -Warden. David Cantelon' Clin
ton, regeived*the Fred 'news • on May 31
Of the death of his :youngest son,. Pte.
D. Canteion; who, according to
report, wire killed by the. bursting of
'Although a few eitims. of dissatisfaction
have been reicorted; the, great majority
of etudente are well pleased with the
treatment they receive.
Besides the help secured.. from the
high 'schools, one thousand men have
also been placed, en farms through the, bomb in thn.trenCh in Which hewas
efforts of the Conimittee. It has been - • •
eefving, about three week's ago: .The
largely a Matter of getting together the
boys and men who were io.a position to 1'4°14:Patten , came° to Mt• Can6el°11
givehelii, benefiting themselves thereby, through -a letter wiitten by a chum' of
the young man, who Was serving with
hint on the fateful dayoand had ' been
talking to, him only.. a few , minutes
before. • T h e kepoit seems to be
inview. -authentic, although the:record otlige:
Oa the fainters who required the help.
The efforts a the chiiimittee along
this line doubtless will add greatly to
the amount of food:stuff produced in
the'provines this Year, which is the end
• ' advantage of aew Itates and travel via
Canadian Pacific
Sale of cheeile of the Minimills Cheese
during hours formerly spent in idleness . _
and utter seutter ve., was matte by the pres-
ident, W. M.--Lobli, to the •Melaire* n
•• Torento, at 231.conts a pound.
Kintail; Colborne, R. M. Young, Ondee
rich; West Wativanosh, 1. R. McNabb,
Dungannon; East, Weefanoehr John
Shiell, Winghtun; Brussells, 'Peter Scott;
Blyth, 11. B. McGowan; GOdefh111.9. 4 -
Nein Wingham, Richard Clegg; Wrox-
eter,- John Douglass.
, Excellent addresses were delivered by
Aldei Man Rata sdate Termite ;M. O. Ca 111.
ernuo ex-M.P‘P Gorlerich-.Arch. Hsloi
the Liberal candidate in North Huron
for fhe Hone ot•Commons, auk:Waiter
a 1,ean, the Provincial Liberal Organ-
All speakers dwelt on the serious-
ness of the great War in which, weare
now engaged 'And said it was, the *se.
.ilaty•Of all -Canadians toattend-Lo the
!Pater. of winning the war, .
The resolution coveting the' *pdfdion
sent to the Ottawa Government by. the
Farmers' Clubs of the various provinces
itiikiog for the frenentry of impleinente,
etc,„ - and. a ,reduction in the tariff on
foodstuffs'was.endoMed by the meeting;
The 'fleeting was the best held anee
. .
the Association covering the new.Fecieral,
riding,of North Huron Was organized;
The following resolutions -were. unto*
meuelY carried by the meeting! -
' Med 111'41 little village.. to iillssourte .
Ile teid the ptestont that he was the Paul; .that;orit synipathy be, eftended to •
men Who first • suggested tencoln'ti MrRichardClegg, Cheirman . of the,
name for the presineacy , and, pulling Metal Association, of Vtfirigliarni. in hie
from his :potri4et an 11741.0.„ deraPed,iOE onr eese.,eieees ere teeeeeed'.
coliy pi lilt; paper, eghlbit*(1 th, Pri*:r
lione eznressed that he ittii
!dent an Rein ou thasuhjece- • •
:•n-tir.tiltogirl-s•:14,__reli I Ilitt:47'1: Irma-LWOW ISPon't.In't..68'.4011:•0 'Pbr"41 "'mak
that that Wak the cause Of iv: Waal to the wide circle of. friends -who. 4014
hith 1,11 *high esteerta- ' . 1
. "<'ertain,ly." ...said the editor. **The , • •
, hfoved by Abner Cesens, aecended by
suggestion. was so opportune that r. ,
%yes at .one taken Upi.iy other•papers. D. Br motray,•ne;:hO LiberakoLor.th
war yen Were, ninninitted•,and elected."' liana, in Convention assernbied,-desire_ bis
"i Ant glad to 'see ! yoti rand to know where born, ; hiii, 4e.aitr•fut.,:ei• 0, . lb' t .•• , ; .Sunday ;:it
..Ah. Weil." said tilleohl with a 240' to. express our continued confidence in name . and itcl, dreg, ... .
thee but seu will. bare to.eipuie me • .rfar•Fed,erealuarin:LproAnola.1_:jea. d.eyar sir .age, whether British by birthornatural- , r: .• at „ u er spent, ,
: "er and•14.4:•Roiivell,-band has been at his pres- • linloss village;
!n.„,.:3 ;ie4nttlielisicilieonwt, li(jilisitdeilie'tmat.i.en in the United • sifiris" Whiteman spent...14s? week -eria : !
. 1. iim just -ohm to the, war.department Wilfred -'L
the at her bottle inCuTress. • •
to see lir."Stanton." . thornughly be,lieve., in their abnity, _
"Well ". saki the editor "I will walk pAty and loyalty tkeoptinna to lead the. States, the purpose of his ionroeY;
• ,erhe president. with. that good natuir Liberal Iiircee, to victory. ' ' . '.. '41ne h•e expects to
be iltbeent•' is elm tt
over;witif you. .., . -Mr. and Mrs. ' Brooks, Of the 12th..
j.,--.." weight-ecolot of .hishair anti eyes and his ;apent.S. unday ;vith John COlbert. e
so characteristic of alm..iooi. up bi- •
hat•and said, 0113 alengl"' • . ' ' TO CROSS THE' UNE occupation.• .1.1e has to ate a . s , . ,, . .
• •.. _ _ • .. ' • ,.,,...;: e photograph of ,h:inn" keif to both the. form -:•'f*I.L'...,.4,.1„oclYrP:-Pncei'';;P.f 4,iPleY., .ePent.. :
When WO 'readied the dear of the -Friday eveeing at -Wet Congram's, , • -. -
secretary's 'office Mr,
. - - 141100111 "ur.nett to - TO 'cress . the border :I.o. the .United . Of apilltnatioti,and.the.forin of traiielling
his. companion and sal& .it shad Woe States a Canadian between the ages . Of; certificate. :Be has to ;swear before' an
to see Iir..Stantoe alouk and.you must
18 'and 4B need's.; in addition to his .6:etherize& oath -taker to,the correctness
of his statements. Ills application hair ,Call.ler.- • ' , ' ., • '. .. .
... • --,
to be Signed by himself and a 'bank maul ' Mi. *Mann and Miss Annie. Staters" • .- - .
and At asoor, Gordan and Mr. and Mrst.
Clergyman or 'Government ' officer, ',Ile . Charlie: Congraiii*Stient .Sunday 'Witt- ;•''''' t
manager, and either a Chief, of . Pelicee must give :the. name Of four., reputable north at:Mr. Eritegt Acirert,4,3::
Bade -
f uality*
/ Wherever you see this emblpm
YOU will find A car that is giving
continuous motoring satisfaction.
Let it be your "Safety First" sign
to investigate the Gray Dort.
It represents 60 van of experience in
buildlng Veldele8 and automobiles.
teoeseur boric:woof spe:ciestions and write
for catalog, or better stilt see the GM
Allin, Agent, Lucknow.
' Electric Lighting
Electric Oakley
Demountable liime
Oonnicticut lgrtition
Nen4ltid Tine
Clergyman or -government officer, ,.. citizens as references; *.'• ". '. '
' • ,The Government lias, proclaimed an , When satisfied, thatthe traveller isnot ", .; .
order requiring every Crinadiaii of mili. .seeking to , escape military -service the.
'tetry,eigeothose tereices "'Might „Conduce .
towards the success of. hie Majesty and ti:ilngintaigni.tattjhoentCra°vineTlifsngt"cne:ttipirtat,4' °rTz:hde . ‘:
• - . • . •
-hirialliereinehe'preseet prevoilingewar,", , traVeller is warned to jraelelpolt;oart: mint lie iiiisi
to obtain' from an immigration inspeetor and proclude it When -c
. - • •
..apernu to go the Vntted Stated. - also advised t keep hie certificia after' ;
- If such person attempts to cross the., • be returns, for productionas evidencecf
line 'secretly to avoid inilitary service he ._.. _ .
-ts liable to a fine -of smoo or five years .
" imprisonment, 'or both. • '-• ' ' .
. Tfcket .agents and Postmasters can
jirovide the intending traveller with:
fortna of applirations for permits... 'The.
traveller, to:filling the forint has to give
good faith , when ho. wants to male
seCond journey aoilth. 'ks,„/ .
' Eighth :Con., Kinloss •
A Garden Party in Hojyromt in the
excuse me." And tben, toshig him by , . .
the hand, be continued; ottoodby.. I ticket, Aeeood 'offices of aleotographeli,
hope you will -feel perfectly easy about an immigration inaPector, foUrreputable
having no'ininated nm don't be trot* citizens as -references,. a Justice of the
bled about It; 1 fersfre Yee." ' . Peace or Commissioner Of Oaths; a bank
• . They Sink Itackward.•
Mitai,l3eotrace awalwellas spending ai.
couple of ereeliteAvielilier aunt, JoN.
. AqUatle anIxnals.• as 'a rule. dive into
the water head first :and make more or
less ....splashing. But:. tile bipp.2. sink*
backward, -and gawk down ..so iptietly
that if -it buider'Were standing near the
• . le: D. HOWARD , _i „ edge' of an African pool the big river
- •.:, ''--•,- - • -•,-. - • - . • . __--.... .k .• 1:_or sport,, %be gain is_absolute,_ , The ajid. horse Wciuld diSapposte Without attract-
• • • • District Isistenger-Agent, Torontet. Igen width. the fruits of these gardens big atteutiiiti." They Iiikelitili the tug;
td ' i ate W the_agaggahipto_tbinticl_liPl tom -. Captivity, where there is
.,. ... ,..,...........„....„,.........,,,,,k.,,,...0,13.,....,-,-......: ...........4.... .....‘
• the-prallili.. "Ions 'MVO • -
,.......-4.,........„....„_,.........„--........., ,, .,,,,, 3 i .... • • .•
. • ; L4,411, 4)Xtdek..4,2rsair,, gs i m a. .s: ,soi i.A.sa::c77ezii-1_44tgmr.v1 _tacelormowria.441115*Cik„uni!:„.
. -
: , :, ... .. - .. . . --.•!--,---,' _ THOROUGHLY GE001A14 .• . ;that •tlice patrons will receive .82 - per ...re.
The Guelph Mercury tells the follow, ; . .• , hundred' for their Milk after paying•••
for : ''' • • ; : taeanuts In India.' -
A farmer naniet Calloc ttf. who lives •
' int isturY wIllet heiDE to '''exPiohil the - - •--- • 11 -• -. - . the expeese of drawing awl ituatifact • The Indian 'peanut originally; it-it,i
' . salinity of helPon Ontario farina. Of near Wilfred, Ont., reeeiVed;aletter lest .ortoe, -2 ,
, 0 per build/ea, for. milk, grown as an Nedible put MP the great
, , • ,
Week frOm • a (looter who had Wended ; - .* ' ''„ . Importance or the eroP.br• south% India
. tOtiree.i. it naltst not , be corioluded from . , means 5,...c. for butter or 6 id for butter
now is doe entirelyto the growth of
kb54' that tbnfarmer in Ute.'hase is"I-1:3-1-4`:13)111*:14i*ital Plrevi* t'°---• tei- when's:ening • Orwell!. 'thus .proving. the seed. er.94414E, 10dostrY• both local- :
• r • tepeoseeteteeei. The treebie is teet,thete hie (the 11611111.),de4le ' " - ';'' • -, • that these 7who,gict ' rtypiii-tiew the .ty,_1..ontn:th:aelartotoadeisanred ail efforts . to lim-.
with the view of
- •
emenottikenell.chanacten3 to itieeearea. Yeting Catlett:4 had been admittedito Cheese factory are obtaining the toP InP ereaSing its oil yielding, property.-
__ .„. ..__,,,..,_,,,,, ______., z -,_ __ thehOspital slightlY wounded .and hat price:for their Milk. The whieli *Argonaut. .
erl-!:'s 13,a rer,t,'""[!' a' el•mr . • written iii-hiiiiirents to that Sifeet,aa- In. netttenea to the PatinUe is Pantene; .” ' • ' ' i, ' '*--'-t•-•
. Ayer* ladabreit 15 years old walked ' "ing that he expected soon to be beck at • kee and is said to mike toradient fond •-•
Stearabtliciaaptitliaginlisint In icroPhones
late' the•Pafgee gtatiql at Gee)1Ph the the fr°°t:' .-1114Y were much Earrtieed a for hogs and calies. '' '... ' ' Installed 'hi sounding leads te deter- ' ••• r
. .- .. .• i. ...LOthia..a..... .. • , .. ',.•
• table -the charadter of river beds, The
sotto of the wads dragging on the bot-
% t&lx eeeereng jeet toer the arrival oe fed' days later to learn that he had died. -., . '
. ' • ills irairitro,so the tali; amid asked for The 'cleetOr'S leiter explained that he
had not died as S.: result of the 'weterid, tom is traostnitted by wire to regular .
ea.:el-at:et to 'continue his- jeMeney to whichwas anglit, lo.,,at frata taviog yob. ,. - . --e.lieederY, .Ttiria 4; telephone reeelierse-liew York Trite
3.4eeeted thget his" here...ewes et oat mee eho !emend by a German girlrinel• . •
Sim . MeRenele -is vieiting frimada
rtV-'"t.at'Y. and, that le Wheat work- mama, who had .seiceeedeel in passing
.. areurid itingsbridge. ' , . . And Got Cafied i'oe. '••
:Hpa. who was the first, itirentoir . eg far a fatmr tur Aker. Seta.et. tune ;herself eff tee French, secured admissioe ;
Gordon Ildehie anti jack Menoticild •tAdam,' my son.
., sv be wee se= „wlt. ikty,y8 Imre gett to the licepitatand began the diatfolioi
.., *ark 01 patting pelsou .ie the .6.,eeds et. were in Goderich ctie,day lest Week.. "Vi hat did, be invent?' • ' ,
. 'ate poor excese!"-Exchtugu.
from to ek on&rens. e „,,,, ene reediers who tenee under. her calm. . -, 2ilies;Retrice and Hannah Hogan,'
s ' InIA5 'es4-'7**Ils far 83.11v1V'e he Soon Miter itiRreg,yeeng Callocntt, she of T,Orontl, are spending a shatvaaatien .
• , Needed It.
, wee told to etop at the held ova- right, pat pce-iset iii the wounds of en of. eel,. atTherr beat 'here. ' . , . - As soon as Adam Owoke end Pilir
. WA: s *veld be called ter next=eirnieg kit' he, eatereieleg that he had ;been Oft Weltesday, ever/deg Of IdAt' Wiek Ere lie coined the word utraublefk*
; ty• the fer', ee for when berate to week.' peiseneel, olled the doetot let the fiend a number -of friende and neighbera of qicao; 11°111
; • .
• - The eteeleree veiree tee lin ani tea 'vas soma exposed. On being eerimmed, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Henderson met at 1
1lee te Uls farm.tear Allem Un Witt tb the , °aerie admitted het. ttiedeet aed *tit hante to bid them •faroteell before ;
„ • , ''.ettiV8 $1.SD sit& At tht eni of Oe ce'nfessml terhavilng poisrined over one their edeparture for Eclenentott ter which
tistefrk le reeeireirenly$1.10e. thObai- ; ; eeletue In the ••*eital. , , , plete. they ore leaving en .the :4illi inst., ;
tient being de:Ate-led fer.bit eight's bag- 01 conrs, an 13=at sztrxtnot TheYpiesented them With a pats's of
inii at At ntirsto.g. the'
itg how* watt fettl. fant in 416 ..,,ittmtg (omit itattysx, ' t) pat i - g by .t . D . Metermate of lteeelaitele Mr . ed." The ssikleeuth Or gia031366 t"
' ileum -vet. eet etehteed heweleeplayea toter betat givirg it to the thirsty atd kit. fleecier -eau rind family told). ameMlinent Is Ott dawn In bet OLIO
w Ma
vat in a ifeett time he 1314to tA.1,1i tEt=tel wattled Britisb ati Csltiht pistm....ns itist-1 be ottatly mists& as they vett
be ionid bete to g5totte. the geaw
r. m their ay to VicittertstA; be, wet highly- ce.c=c4 by nn itho knew them "
4,.liting Ataturence Doti* .f. arn
" tYgy better reeplied Val with 7.0 ,etttV th,6 eta titythirtg-cn esel :Ent Ger. fr As tra,ghbols they win stelve. a Viol' Tbe revile b a.certale tette In liee
stlittelt "eag tatttetz.101k to bit* ham to=St Xtiltate that world fit iii-emen fsr 1 whieh. will be lewd to MI, tie 'Ito itero vle,26 **,??,6 to.2.2.,Itt,"t ,d1r
Gael* *hat litt attired, wittsut eny nth itifarty--i
, fit esters sti livtivi, Evw. `altirm ro.4 end eitilliiing to give whit leit'''''tiTe 70.;;;Wel;; .greeragi-'- '-
eetoatet After e `1 :cling his tee ta Chief eteretof the MO voita murdered ircua- attkittetv thty etvgi in itny trouble. .crerfoifon is geed," *rgo ote elittle 1
liffeesisll, the woe asid he irrotld see he ed men en the field, enslaved the Bel, Their treaty frithls vtish them a long bo:''bekause the peewee aildht °Mr ha 'I
fat leas., &nog intik 1,11s Xasileale, Wad heritos.lite sea posterity in their *elf hOlge, IL* s'reesk,e4111** woo. I* sow
7 WY OfFt . - ,-.-.• - -7497471-7-
"'`.. 7 .,..77
ager, and also. by either a Chief of Police,
• • • • ""7
, •
" • '7
• , . .
fp ' Short Amendments.
The etertest amendment teetEe nail;
tel States ebristittltion ts the ieighth.
containing but gliteell Werde, as- fol.
towst-'4Ezesive--ball--shell-itot be -rt.-
, quirett tor este0vo ELIO; imposed. nor
* walk. like this ritza4e, ter tire the ether Ger- .imetivy and ma ei,dcleeee, vilaiela evas rtfiel 1 ereel and nankffel Punishments letlilah
Any -program Of any sort by any
artists you choose is yours the in.
stant yOU want it if youown a.
• ,
Colunibia Grafonda
The artists themselves—absolutely, to•
the last intimate touch and inflection.
are therein personality, though they rimy
be absent in person. The rich, round, full
tone_of the-Grafonola is reality itself&
' • "Hearing is Believing!' Hear the Graf.
• onola toaday--we have many styles from
1,A. $21 to4478., On easy terms if desired.