HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-31, Page 7•
Hard to Prop Moat? WHERE HEROES
All depends on what you eat
as a substitute. It is a good
time to study "food value."
YOU may be eating the LAST HONORS FOR NVF.RY MAN
wrong foods the foods that
cost most and give the least
. nutriment. Shredded
Wheat Biscuit contains
more real, body-building
nutriment, pound for pound,‘.
Two to die eoTeatia'litai;igticv tryi7So-tblqunegthitht
and, coste ggs-°r13Qtc"es- --
a enlf:inecifleoenwthet•gallant army efInCeann:
fWbyin t Your "meat" A sa.tis. heroes.
g I,reakfast 'on h*
W t live§ in the grh6ealtlytealfaiede"Wrk :their
war, the Canadian' military autilaori-*
Even now thechaos
crease the interest.' • Win
a fewris mg meql-at a cost of cla'
eacents. Make Shredded forgetter:. will be the gr:ve::84;
f these sraall prize or the evi r
I 17,e.sartli
AuUp-to-dateCostume 11
New Way of Playiig Old-
fashioned Game. . _ s
If you live in a neighborhood where
there are several limns imitable for
croquet not leparilted from one an-
other by Any great diets:ace, you elm
arrange a progressive perty that will
be different from the °Winery sum
neer evening entertainment. It will
How the Remaine of the Fallen are interest a surprisingly large number,
. Being Cared for and Plans for of persons. Even those who consider
the good old game of croquet as quite
Future Memorials. "gone by" will be glad to play it un-
der these condiitions.
Ffie or sax croquet grounda; one
,„ _
lighted by- red Japanese latiterns, an-
other by blue lanterns, a third by
yellow, and so on, are the tourneinent
field& The players Negress; from one
ground fit another, as from table to
table in a progressive indoor pine. A
ess of these )31:11uch
and , iscuits with milk ancient Rom%
little, fruit make a <gen heart echoes this efreTiolteruseen.tiCa'1141;
8011 hi'
0 , • h • Progressive refreslutents go ,appro-
ties are --have been stnce t eeeveret
e priately 'with' the game: Serve them
start the day's Work. It is beginning-careUlly registering ev„e'-At malt tables on each: croquet field-
readrcooked• and ready.to- . grave, locating it for future honors
wee saiadwielres on the, first,' salad "' and
Not even those brave men wafers the second,tfruit on the third,
eat. Made in Canada. . • . in furioue action in the front line,
dead ex eight, and seen; with eke and ice cream at
.buried, Perforce, by the lest Those who finish their games
ssallbaP in ...the veil ParaPets theme
tNe. first will Inive the longest 'time at the
selves, Or roughly eepulehred in refreshment tables.
Deliberate Plan of the Germans in oe. Man's Land, not even those whose
Of corse you can have the same
cuPied Countries, graves are deep dtigonts, are omitted sort of party, except for the lanterns;
. from this careful chronicle, mapped in the afternoon, but the "atmosphere"
out on almost surveyed lines. - will not be•quite the same.
• 1" The Wooden Cross.
To -day, right in among the tren-
• Mr. J. P. Whitaker' a'n Englishman,
who recently effectedhis escape from
Roubaix, and arriving kit Copenhagen,
gives an intere„sting accouut of his re-
• markable experiences behind the Ger-
man lines.
"E,nslavement is, part of the delibert
ate* policy of the Germans in France.
I began by the: taking of hostages at
-•te the Very outset oftheir possession of
• Rorbaix," said Mr. Whitaker.
"As number of the leading men in
• the civic business life of. the town the desolate Ypres salient and at
were marked out and compelled to other places, I' have. seen the little
attend' by turns at the town hall •to graveyards with their 'rows of white
be shot on the spot it the least sign head boards.
of revolt among the townspeople,"
continued Mr.. Whitaker.
• "Not a few of the mill owners were
ordeted to weave cloth, for the inVad.
ches, one sees the little, temporary tttteust Compete With German
brown -stained wooden crosses sup -
Efficiency in Production..
plied by the ,Government Etteh bears
the name, rank. and battalion and the _According to stetemente made to
day of the death Of the man who high officials, for two years following
sleeps beneath it These are the the outbreak of. the war Germany
foremost graves. Farther back, but kept her factories running at full
still quite Close to the lines, up in capacity, turning out great quantities
of products not required by the War,
which were stored away to be dump-
ed upon the world's markets after
peace is declared,
A remarkable statement made in
this connection is that one German is
worth two Americans as a unit of duction. For For cheapness. of .manufac-
ture, it is. said, the Germans will com-
pete even with the Chinese Conse-
quently, it is believed the . Germans,
'defeated on -land and sea, will turn to
manufacture and trade as never be-
fore, and thus take revenge, on their
peesenf enemies.• ' • • •
ThetAllies also are warned- by
- -
• Regimental Design&
To these cemeteries, wherever hu-
manly possible, the dead are borne
erg, and on their refusal were sent back from the trenches, wrapped m
, to Germany and held" to ransom. Weir' the soldier's blanket, and laid to rest,
' of the mill operatives, _quite Young Though, be the graves in the.trenches
-girls, were directed to sew 'sandbags* and under fire,. the padre comes,
for the German trenches. They, too, nevertheless, to read the service over
refused, but the :Germans had their them, While then' eoinrades stand by
Own ways of dealing with what they with bowed heads. Even in these
regarded as juvenile obstinacy. They Eted'S Acres which cling -go close Us
dragged the girls to a disused trams the firing line is disClayed the little
ing pictui-te halt; i-a-ed-keettetirei s • her Itch 4tf JtuntattssYnIPtalre- Here,for
without food and water -.until -their the most. part, regimental crosses of
' will was broken. • distinct.. pattern ' adorn. the burial
-"Barbarity reached its climax in the ground. • - '
so -c . e epor ations., They -Were-.• • - • 9,000eCapadiart-Gr. eves.- --
----, jukt slave, -raids,. brutal and undis- *" • ' '
guised. ., -Farther back -of the lines the cone-
. "The procedure was this:, The town teries are.more carefully tended than
was divided into districts. At three' those within the shell area. "Deputed
. o'clock in the morning a cordon of by the British Red Cross, •the . chief
.trict-the Prussian Guard and espe- :Superintending the lying out and
bee been
troops Would be drawn round - a eta_ gardener from Kew, Gardens
:daily, 1 believe, the 69th • Regiment, planting with flowers and shrubbery
played .a -great part in this chaboliCal of these places. Of the thousands of
Oreecrinie-and officers and on -commis Canadians who have died • in Fiance
2" sioned officers would knock at every and ratitleee' some eight thousand
A handbill, about octavo (note -Paper) graves have already been registered.
Many of these are in groups, but
door until the household was reused.
size, was handed in, and the officer ' some in. isolated villages • .-
, Passed on to the next house The . Deaths in U 'C'd Kingdom.
m e.
handbill contained printed orders that ' ' I • .
But, if Canadians 'who have died
every member of the household:must '
rise and dress immediately,' pack up a in France have been so carefully re -
couple of blankets, a change' of linen ;membered, 4i:6r:comrades who mac-
e pair of stout boots, a spoon and *
Z cunabed in these islands in nowise
fork, and a few other Milan articles have • been, overlooked. These nine
and be ready fin. the second 'visit in hundred and fifty graves of Canadian
half anliour. - .. . soldiers scattered over Britain and
' "When. the officer returned the fame Ireland, be they on the edge of a great
ily were marshalled before •him, tine, city or in some . peacefel country
he; picked Out those' whet* he wanted chtirdhyard, Whose' gnarled yews and
ars& a curt, 'You will come, And you,' ancient Norman *church recall the
,.Withouteven . . beautiful lines of Getty's Elegy, and
tAnd you' timefor"
leave-taking the selected victims were where our soldiers he near to 'Crussad-
paraded in the street and 'marched.
• to a mill on the Outekirts of the town.
: There they were imprisoned for three
• days without any means of cornmuni-
cation with friends or relatives, all
il• *sn' t I • d
herded" together tit mem ma e y and
given but the barest modicum of feet&
Then, like so many cattle, they Were
tient away to an unknown fate.. •
. . • ,
Codfish for Bindings.
' ing knight and cavalier, each resting -
place is:faithfullyset dawn.
Hearing that Canada was about to
purchase ground in eemeteries at her
own expense, the War Office- protest-
ed that all graves ..of overseas • min
who laid down their lives for the Em-
pire should betthe especial care of the
Mother Country. It was the least she
could de; and she would be wad and
proud Vs do it. • So, wherever Cana-
dians lie benedth the .soil of Britain,.
Whether in groups ore singly, their
kinsmen of the Old Land will plant
flowers and keep their memory fresh
and peen. •
A bookbinder at Thenen it using
codfish skin as a substitute for
'leather in •bookbindinge. The -new
material .is said to give' excellent re-
sults, and it has many advantages
' „teler heeneseedeeeele 'Inttes-leindin
Thee,sixength anti -durability of- t
new matedial have been tested tied
approVed by the Imperial Testing Of
• Abricela
Foulard figures allaOlig., thie smart
silks for slimmer this year, 'and the
Polka-dot •pattern is especially favor -
,ed, The bolero „dress illustrated is
developed in this silk. Highly up to
date is this model with the short bolero
and straight skirt attached to a yoke
belt. McCall ' Pattern' No. "781b,
Ladies.' Bolero. Dress; ?round or instep
length. - In 6 sizes; 84 to 44 bust.
Price, 20 cents. •
These patterns may be obtained
from. your local McCall dealer or from
The McCall Cce, 70 Bond St.; Toronto,
Dept, W. •
Mrs J. A. Lagace; Ste, Perpetue,
que., writess-"Baby's Own ,Tablets
have been Of greet•Vallie to me .and I
would strePney TC00111111end them to
Ile Knows Just Why
• He Admires Them
Dedd's Kidney Pills Cured Mrs.
• Blercredi.
Special Sort Of Material Needed for
the Purpose.
The steel helmete adopted by the
French and British weigh from QUO
and a quarter -to one and a half
pounds eacie The rnaterials used, eaYa
the Sphere, consist of platee „of steel
for the convex helmet and for the
sho Had peen 111 ,tite years and Co00 vizor and neck piece, leather and cloth
Find No Cure. Thane Why Her
Husband Is Enthuslestic Over Oesises
kifinSY POW
ebta74, -2•16t
(SPeetal)-Amente all the th mantle of
Canadiane who pais° D KidneY
Ville for the good they have done there
is no mops fervent admirer of the
great ltielueY remedy than Isidore Mer*
credi, of thie place.
"Yee, it always gives Ine.pleaeurate
say a good word for Desid'e Kidney
Pills," a:leered! pays. "My wife
evite peck for ewe yeers, ' We owed not
•find •anytleing. to restore her to
:Then' we foisted a panipielet ot
several perpone who had been cured
by Boddie, Xitiney,• Pills, •
"AO' Virife- MIMI. Pitt 1W-I'jo boxes."' of,
f(14t the lining's find aluminium for the
waving plaquettee that form the
springs between the linIng and the in-
terior surface of the steel.
-The_rolled-steel. Plate balittit
pie enough to be worked cold, OS heat- '
ing vtould lessen its resisting quali-
ties. That requirement compete the
manufacturers to use a special :steel'
obtained from ver % pure castings that
are free frore-phesphorns or sulphur. •Fl •Poisons Attract
The beltnetS are coated with a dull
geray similarlie that used on the '75- B •
lesand Babies
millimetre gun', which is difficult to Ot
xis ?east tinexesta tho press luis reeortedledfly
distinguish even at A short dietetic& In
a spraying process that has the tia-' . 4r: ir:::fatatreir tiat-h24 fax:fa ; c irtiflTtl!Latkidllah:coliciel r470:: 44
Painting them, the manufacturere tree
vantage of 'being ,very rapid and of tirvoi.,t..0,11.0. tr. 0. x,ublio nealth ..,croce
lagalcolfIrteellithrS,4%`114grii'gr rattligt :,.%inie.
add to the Permanence of the .paint giving no inequality of surface,' Te
,ietligt.frepiteitetaito. 29ttn cula b. I.,. 4 _
a :gasstiderPyeinnied ti:reen!.1. elnlints on bars
bai's ins "". d' g"L'a. c' L%°"c"'r4 .4 w:''' ."111:c'r 1"
. ydamia, a claim emit, the °01, Cit0C4FICOSInIttaill KV CV tOOTR7C.14 '.
them and she is perfectly well, to OW; they eel owing to tto rose.latinco otat000t=i polsooks t Insm-Ase 4121114. 8304 .
great surprise .ef all our neighbors 0 lining consists of a cloth eels, tit.Taib'tt eet."4a1:alleeselli."Psees.4.740,,t11401.`I.Ve..41:1172,..„,
They can tell you the same thin& 1
' ' to which is fixed a segment of black a The one safe s
cannot recommend Dodd's Kidney
•Pills enough."
fled paper-tcuicontaistar.sento.dcadiirstor poisons. •
glazed *leather eat in a particular catcher's ' ere, non -P°1"""*. etngleut AI"
Dodd's Kidney Pigs are the greatest form. One sheepskin provides about ANGLE,E0.0
five liningsef or making three'rnillion
of alriemedies for. weak, suffering
helmets throut six liundred thousand'
women, They cure the kidneys. The
skins have been used. The lining pro-
kiirettye are the mot of nine -tenths o•f
Sects a little below the helmet, so that
evomen's ills,. Moreover, cured Iddrieys
mean pure ck4ir blood all over the the metal in no place comes into con-
tact -with the wearer's head.
where. That means good health every-
Post: Office System Still Marvellous
in War -Times
In these war -times the Post -Offide
is min one of the wondera of the age.
The way' the mails still go.to and fro
from the ends of the earth ie a won-
derful certificate to Britain's command
of the oceanEi.
One heard the other flay of. a letter
sent from ,Melboarne tq 'Salisbury
Plain to one of our splenu.d Anzacs,
says au English writer. The man to
whom it was addressed had gone, • to
France,. and .the letter followed him.
• But, meanwhile, he had been -weend-
Members of the French ntission• that other Mothers." Thousands of other ed, end it went en to Havre. There
the "virtiies" of the. Germans-mm
ust others • say the, same, th--eY
ing.• was discovered that he had been dis-
'charged and had actually gone back
Strength to Our Empire
Thrift is the handmaid of produc-
not be overlooked' -"Virtues" in this have become ocenvinted through actual
connection mean co operation, use of the Tablets that Mottling can
dinatien„ dieciplinet tenacity, self- equal them in regulating' the bowels"
sacrifice., hese qualities displayed bi , and stomach; dilving out constlpation
the Germans have Won the generoini 'and indigestion; brealdng up-- colds
admiratien Of -their "--enemie-St. But, add -stniPte fevers:. -expelling worms was•
to Australia. • Away went the dettee
back to the Antipodes, and the man
and the letter, arrived homealmost
simultaneously. That letter had
-ttavelled -thirty thousand miles, at
A • ffi • 1 r 'wen Warning and miring colic. - The'Tabiets aee sold Even the mistakes'ef,the Post Office
that their people must.compete active- by medicine dealers, os• by mail at 25
ly with the Germans along these lines. cents a. box from The ,Dr.
• ' Medi:eine Co 'Brodkville. Ont. •
Eyeli "the- W •
it" Severe Caisie's
Odt:of-Present-Turmoil Will „Come -a-
"Future of Joy and Peate.
"d''sbe Ctwed by M. NVilliants'
Pink Pills. Here are • a few pertinent q•uestions.
• • Is it possible that Germany's -infallible
Is your child fidgety, reetlees :Ir. efficiency as erystallized in her artily
'liable, 7_ .teee the hands' shaky or is deemed to failure? Will England's
Arita jerky Dees the -face twitch ? intaperable7naVY be conquered by the:
Do the legs trerdble or drag' These' sutanarine? Will the Feepee
are signs. ce Ste Vitus Darieeea nervous -ftfasliton and fritrolity" be known
ditease which is confined chiefly. hereafter as the land Of. Sobriety and
pining children,. but Which often affects heroic endurance? Will the United
leightertrung women, and sunietinies States, prodfgal 'son in the fainily Of
men, St. Vieui.Datiee le caused by nations, learn to save, that it May
diseordered nerves, . due .to poor 'bloat feed the exhausted world fromIts ex -
and Is alwagit cured by the use uberance? Will Russia,. its .monstrous
Williams Pink which fill the veins. autocracy dead, set a • luminous • ex -
with new, rich, red blood,: stengthen• ample deinopritey? Will rival:no-
Ing the, nerves, and thus drawing out dims. jein ajeagae of human libertY?
the disease... gere is proof -Mrs Will you, and I forgo luxury and sel-
John A, CuMming, Law.er Caleclonia,• fishness• to prectice the Golden Rifle?:
N 5,,says:-"When My daughter These questions are uppermost *ein,
Myrtle Was: about :nine years- of age' men's '-ininds, and events -day unto
she became afflicted • With St. Vitu "
DOnce. . The trouble ultimately
came so bad that she could not. hold"
anything in her hands, and had to be
fed like a -child • She eauld not even
weak across the fleet , without help.
She Was 'treated eor. seine •tinie by a
physician,. bid did, net show any em-
erovement One day a neighbor -said
the had read a e •ease' of St. Vitus.
Dance Cured by Dr. •Willieres'
Pate, • and we decided to give tills
medicine - By the time the
third hox : Was' ueed there was some
im• reveniehteineeter-emedetion we-
cOntiatted giving her the pills for about
cured,. and has. not since had the least
reture of the trouble. ,
De Williams' Pink Pills ean be, eb-
are wonderful. A letter. addressed to
"The Registrat, County Court, Brom-
ley," some months:ego did' not arrive
within any •reasonable time, and was
even up for lost. Whits lately tuni-
ed. UP, With various Indian Postmarks
on it .• It had been -deliveredtto the
Regiatraitin BoMbay,
--o-o ' 0.-oeeti
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freezone." This
wile:cost very little but Will pOsitively
rentovesvery hard or Soft corn or cal-
lus .from one's feet. "
A few drops of -this new ether 6,1n -
Pound applied .ddreetly -upon a' tender,
aching corn relieves %the' soreness in,-
stanily, and soon '• the entire corn or
callus; root and all, dries hp and -can
be -lifted off with theAngeri. • •
. MONEy 0111DgRE4.
:Remit by Donfinien Express, Money
Order. :If lost or stolen, you get your
money hack. ' '
.In the New Testament the cock -is
mentioned, in reference to the denial of
the Lord and indirectly- in the "cock-
crowing." There is no mention in the
Old Testament of the cock or hen.
These demeetic birds were known to
the early Greeks arid Romans and
probably were introduce d by the Ro-
mans into Palestine, n is said that
these birch; were prized ty-theRenians
both as food and for cock -fighting
' •
which catches the fly and enahalms It andel! the deajThr
germs carries In a thick coating of varnish. 4.10
, 1 Made in Canada by
12111 O. ft W. THIIPICOBIPANT, Walkerale, Oats
. stitisietia Address: Grand Rapids, Miclu
• Certain chemists are eneeavoring tq
adapt the horse chestnut to the human
dietary.• The nuts are mere than half
stareh and sugar, with some protein
and fat, and ere nutritious Their
value chiefly depends on the eliminae
tion of the bitter eleinerits and the ire
ritating saponin-iike glucosides—
H▪ ad ship's anchor fall on my knee
and leg, and knee swelled up and for
Six days •could not niove it or get
IJINIMEXT and IWO bottleveurect-nic-
"'" '
notice that when certa n n s
gin to -blow the gulls collect in large
flocks and fly to the field:s or "circ'e
high over the land, screaming all the'
while uneasily. . After • such dem-
onstrations it is said that a rainstorm
is certain to follow..., ".
'•After the. Marine is for Tired Byes..
• Two EYea, lin, a Infetime
• Red Eyes -Bore il105
m. Granulated Myelitis. Bestir
• • s• are undeubtedly weather
prophets Dwellers -on the meet. have:
a vi d be
• Aumoracistreeso.
1,10 gezet.ergAngitieorg. gp_pD RUN -
7" -Alt, muses
mirteetIre' riPerioeelinsileie steoreEre _enani...
•• •
JUL der, I 'Passenger Touring'Car. Elec-
tric lights and starter. Recently over-
hauled and newly painted. Tires in geed
Ethane. .Price $1,300. •
J LTDSON, 1915 MODEL, 6 • a -MN.' -
A der. 7 Passenger Touring Car, with
electric lights. and starter._ Thoroughly •
Overhauled in our shop and newly paint.
• ed. ' Simi' covers on all seats and doorli
Oversize tires. Price '21:200. - •
.11 A. 4 cylinder Touring ' Car. Electric
lights and Starter, in good running order
and .newly paitted. Loolts like - a now
.car, • Price -9650,
• e —Refreshes -Restores:'
• . • _ ' ment for eyes thatfeel dry -
and smart. °IVO your Byes as =loner your lovreil
care as your Teeth and with theseme regularity-.
• Care for Them. You Cannot Buy .New Eyesi
Sold at'llorttg and Optical Stems or by Mail. Ass,
Marine Eye Remedy CO., Chicago. ior Free Bowl
Baking soda giveq instant relief to
•a burn or scald. -'Applied either wet or
dry to ,the 'Mimed part immediately,
the sense of relief is inagical. •
day-ewill answer...them. • The only one This -new way to rid one's feet ,of • •
we Caneanswer now is the last; the corns Was Introducea by a Cincinnati sEtty Minarain l'intnient in the '.-3(nnici• •
others will he answered. when :and •in naan, who says that fraezone dries in - ' • • '
the way God sees best There •is a molnent, and Simple shivele 'up the
where the bright sunshine will tfall
. direetly on it. - This will take the
state. So are meres opinions. War
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
FAIGE• lbolting closed' -.car • Seating five,
SEDAN. A vorty • ristA •
learic lights and starter, also inside "
dome light. Nearly all the windowe
open, which gives ample ventilation for •
summer driving.•.:Price 8700; •
leitnesoN, •MODEL 39. 6 PASSEN-•
:KA ger, t cylinder TOuring Car,.•in good
running order, at a special juice,
• powered, six cylinder, 6 passenger,
Touring Car.- -In.gclocl running order and
loOks.like new.' Price $760. .
i•-t7tinfgr, cylinder Touring Car, in good
Thio esgr vcs),,•sciserp,• aistTeisesh sin good shape.
t yearand leeks
very nice. Price $360.
S.1 der Touring Car. Ras electric lights
and starter; goodtires, and is a bargain` •
at the Price, WO. . .
Kt, let. A very handsome. closed car,
suitable for a doctor Price 31400.
We Only Sell used cars after the pur-
•chaser has lutd a demonstration and
satisfied himself .of .the running' quail- •
ties of the oar he is baying. Call at our • •
showroom next tinte you are in Toronto
and let bur. salestnen show You any of
our need ears and give yr a demonstra-
r-•• 'Limited
• /46-150 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont.
Offices fot; sale in good Ontario
towns. 'rhe most Useful and Interesting
of en butlinesses. rull information W2
SPPliCat1013 to Wilson Publishing Com-
pany, 73 Adelaide Street, TOrodt0. '
If an article has been scorched in
something new under "the sun every the ironing, wet cold water and lay
Corn- or calths without irritating
time is rises. History is in a fluid ,
surrounding skin.
itself eannoCefface the record and the Don't: let father die •of Infection Or mark &Heels?: out. •
peomise of human life Upon this cons
fiesed and' besyepliinet. The eye of
faith serenely looks beyond the hide-
ous turmoil to the age that muSt---ar• . •
_ ,
but alit Ibis .ollt'nuci make him try It
If icier es:tweet hasn't any fredeone
ten hint ie. -order' 4 Small bOttle from'
Wholesale drughousettoe you.
Cataioome mantled tree
• riny
• riocir•
,113 Hand. -$12,00 tip.' Send fer special
price list • Varsity Cycle • Works. 413
Seeable. Ave.; Toronto.
V internal • and. external, cured with-
out 'pain by our tiotne treatment. write
us before too late. Dr. Reitman Medical
Co., Limited. Collingwood, Ont. •
rive -when the law of love shall be
paramount and the 'character of an in-
dividual or of a people -shall -be -s
and known for what it is. e•
see; •
See,' is easy to , work, literally thine Of what avail would Tavith pre- Wined from .aey dealer hienediethe or
untearable, and has the beautiful duction be without the strong re- •
markings of snake-skin.-
by mail at 50 Cents a box or six boxes
straining power of thrift?' A fight-
. for $2.50 from The Dr.'Nlbliame Steal-
ing force in adieu, unsupported by re- eine Co., Broekville;' Ont.
serVes, es like a runner who exhausts • . — • •
. .
himself by an •ill-judged• spurt, arid •-: '
. .
is excellently at-.
tained by adding -
to the daily menu
ration of
'when' hetinest needs it:flnds his re-
lerve strength gone What 4t reserve e t '
n glieheseittighert -That Are roma
forO° hi to an arglY ..and- l'errvee- In Lamle .Atroes: The
strength -is to a runner the pro uct of 1 . ,, ' , Sen ' - •
At English traveller lately returned
thrift is to the individual and the na-
• -• from Japan expressed his surprise at
tion in time of dire n'eed.
coming across some Old -English furnf-
rem on end of Caper:fa-to. ths
‘F ' -
lottier our people,- old and young,.ineni 't1..re in Tokid. How did i•
t fleet its
Women, and even,children, have begun 'wad' there? ' . , • .
Toegibly the explanation lies hi the
a eampaign of Production which is eic-
migratory' movement. which is liffeet-•
' hibithw to the world another phase tot
- • ihg so Many Engliah mitiques. Many
our.invineible National Spirit Th
vahlable articles of • furnitere-histor-
Nowt with equal ardor, energy
deterinination, let us learn the lesson, 101 ell 311.8) aneient tables, and relics of
eetturies that have eerie -have found
-and put it in practiee--of•hadividual,
.tteriteet •seeiai am -national ;thrift, tileir tvny across' the Atlantic to give
and sm.'. "atposphere" to solne modern Anieri.
"TinVt in each of the varied
end move ean home. The British arietocrats
'pin ways in 'which welive
who orginally possessed them have
and haini our being; thrift in what We
been ;tempted by American dollare, and
pat er drink; .theift in what we buy
.__, they have thus parted with their
or sell; thrift in the. things we use
' the very clothes we WNW. Thrift iri d-leridleti 15°86e1581"s'
Besides furniture much 'old crock -
the 'sunshine *of prosperity, that we ,
ery, peiler and glass are deserting
may be prepared and seasoned for the
British. shores. Sonxetimes" Amerit
trying times that are bound to emus
Can millionaires purchase Tudor and
when We will.feel the pinch of adver- • Iaeo_bean interiors, and , have • them
sity. •
Let the tea man-ag Nyell as the shinned across. • .
If - the old -English furniture itt
poor Mari-,21itiiily and .practice thrift. 'Tokio was imported front America, it
No selfish, miserly thrift however, but has get half -way aeross the world, and
wise, timely and patriotie thrift,
,. in the &miss of time it may complete
worthy of the Canadian tuntle-tnat
to ',..ttei-r,ttol.;tour. Then England shall
will prove a bulwark of strength • old treasures, returning to her
onte Einpire, our allies, and a statmeli ;,"„,,,,"",,"••
support to the fighting cause of jos. "5"Inl
tree and freedoin.
Ilant:rd,o Liniment need ay PhYnirdatie.
•• .Experimeeting.
It is' surprising how ignorant girls
can be at times.' They should afi
know what tkiss mean& but.. they
often insist on having itrepeatede
3a 1-3
Says S-coHselt- Engineer. •
The head of a leig Qlasgotv' ship,.
building firm, speaking at the opening
of the exhibitionof women's war work
in London, paid warm tribute to the
.excellent results obtained in his bu,sie
ness , from "Cutlers" _with . women
labor. •" • ; . ;, h.
• gy—Ease of Di—
. lent' Flavor—are
all found in .thia
• truly. remarkable
wheat and-bariey
• food.•
• Salt should neverremain in any.
thing rubber., 11 eauses the rubber a
to mot .
• Keeping Your Friends. •
Don't 03;peCt to lteeP your friends
If you them away. •
Atilt for MillAttivel and tal$01 no DUAL
the suppoet* You Need *rid Just
WhereYou Need It.
All tile lateet ettlee of eoreete to
snit ally figure.
If your dealer Cannot aueoly you,
write: no dittet for catalogue and
ineaeuring form.
litoresoulaiitos 'Wanted,
"Given tWo more yews of war,'h e
• . EOM 0, F.N ,
' ..it.110„iftzt....,....... r1,1,-rMl.
Mikes : the Author
Plinth •li. CLATOLOVER di.; hk.
Dos Remedios 118 West 31stStreet, New York
r .
, The- Soul of a Plane is the -
Action. Insist on the.
" ':()TTO El I G 7.2 VI! .
a Write to.day for our big
• " 1 d t• k t * build
celex detail efitirelytwith k*onen-la; ' -showing our faii. lisle Of -tic cles fori0-*
• •
- • . Men and Women Boys andYGirls7-- i Stelelftin Air BOILER
Tires; Coaster Braises, Wheels, lemee ' . vott't'"' • GO MPOUNIO
vie"iTenh:r. yid.eaThise wheeinithaeni wtaenhtaasetiterenionr, 'rubes, Lamps, Bells, Cycloineters, 1 ?or All Boiler' Feed Wetero
Saddles Vuipment, and Parts for
ed'cyclone ahakint and Darning Grate
Bars for all requirements
- for A trapeze. Can. fire her voSation Bicycles. ou can buy your Sapp les •
at the giddy heights of ti Scotch crane, from us at Wholetalclitices. Cantadleri Steam sailor Equipment
. 0.0.. tilt.lted
andthe.girl ,tvbo. le eircifieient at danet • W'' BO . ..... _. .
YD & sON
• ' • eerrai.e deed " •
20 McGee "ht. •- • • Ttropte, •
I ing is well equipped for undertakiee,
271 o e Dame Street West, Montreal.
the work involving moventent of
' tione • • • -1 '
1 e.
"There are some operations in the
• 1
writhe and press $lhops in which the
aptitude Of women for correct appre-
ciation * of time intOivals showseto
great advantnee. In the training- of
women the results obtained from then.
labor and the shertness of time in:
which they arrive at proficiency have,
exceeded all expettation."
' Editoril ElysiueTt. 1
'a •
I"Fellow dropt into the °Meethe
ether day and ordered the paper, and
we were pleased. Said It was Ft good
paper, and we wereglad.- Said it was
imere. than ivorth. the money' to any
man of intelligenee, and we were tick-
' led Said it was the mainstay of the
l• * < •
town, and wewere supertickled. Said.
it was the greatest booster and the
niost reliable town -builder and devel-
•oper In thitt whole community, and wel
yelled with loY. raid for his papert!
and -we raid gently to tlie floor int
blissful unconseiousuess. Nature had
1.4°M.P.-,1*.titi°1=t1=101.•*. r It•Whe d RS I Ina.
IfttIVE No. 21-17,
listae:easi tetnieteht tritabeauan's Stiend.
• „
Liqui1IOc.anti toldren5Sho.es Cake 10t.
F fritithAto Cik 120,A 1110.HAMILION,ON
' ••