HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-31, Page 4111E ,Luockcov,,,u,NiTINEL
;'• 3 .30
• ..
IL 0 41, 14.14atiknow Ledge lasesa yrku,,y
at s °look la their. Usuip-
street. All haithres y invited.
-Nelda Orand. IL .4. 1•Vitie
C. Alsehaitia; Row. Sec.. A. Boyd;
Dr. Paw sae; Treas.. Row
y • -
YAP; AL. R 0. old Lislett t_roLoal4fe :meets:
ream uldittAcor wore tn. run
le nail. Havaloolt street
rijk..4.45140LientOilf:'911,71d. reultre. 4 sitft 2•01.
L. W. Y. Oeurt ilkierwevd, No. *4 Leeknow.,
sleets every teat moaday of the mouth in
tk Oddtellaws' Hall, ileitis* brstbefil eur''
Many invited to attend. Chief Itanker,W.
J. Da: WM; itec. Secy., itobt.Fin.
secy. Robt. Jointatee; 'raw" 3) meg
rauluttou ending
Paisriaiemt mtesey Timaiday marshin
M issionsw. Ontario.
A. MACKENZIE. Pro arbiter
tat Editor.
Timm or ilivaeomrtior.-To any *dares*
Canwil*ev Groat Beings ,one year $1•50.
Itioothinc., three mouths' me. To the United
ewes, one yeitr_fl,W. These are the paid in
advance rams. wean paid in errata; the rate
le lea per year higher.
Sabeoribete who foil to receive The Sentinel
reitularli hy mail will oonter a favor bli ac-
quainting us of the feet at air early ]tL. aa
Whoa change or address is desired, both old
and the uew addrees should be given.
Advertising Sates.
InstrAr Ararsaninis Rates --Made known
ea application..
Wear Ainusui.-Onaineertioa 009; three in-
sertions VAR.
Femme tolled Estate for sale sco each 'neer-
Son; Miscellaneous Artie*/ Fur Sale. To Rent.
Wanted, Lost, Yound, eta. each ISSertiOS 250«
Load Readers Notiose. eta, ieci per line per
'fortieth 4o each subsequent insortionreeedel
A. O. LT. W. Luekttow .hodire. No. 137. meets f play advertisers. Card
sea).„3,monday of each month In the Odd. of Thanks. 24e. Conitng Events So and Eie per
fellowsMaster workrnan..1. Mao.- unbolt° uotioe loss Duke tie. • Legal advertising
Dlarnild; Secy. Madotochatee. lee and 50per line. Auction Sales. brief notice
Etioy.. Gem Paten Trim Alex. Roes. . sea IttIntte* notioe lOopor Iiiie for first Insertion
ec for each subeequent insertion. lilack4aced,
, Dental
u. 8. YOWLER, n.0. S., o: s. thinieup
etelmin. Button Bleck. Teetiwater. Spat
Jai attention *ovoid plates, crowning and
brosework. visite iVraxater nit. and Ord.'
Wednesday of each month; (Jerrie Thur.
0, .A. NEWTON, D. D. 0., Dentist. Ofileo
Alan Block, Duoknow, Chit. All modern
methods used. Best materials furnished.
Crow,, Crowand Bridge work. Painless extract-
ion by the use of the lama, waviest and
safest remedy, 1301.1N0F0104. Newest
thingin artificial teeth. Mend= platesd
non fteakable •
Ontado's Best Business
•• • \College
Students may enter our chigoe* at any
time. Commence your courtier now
and be qualified for a position by
midsummer. During July and Aug-
ust of lett year we received calls for
over 200. office assistants wecould not
supply. Our graduates are in .de-
ande Write at once for our free
b.AMCLACHLN, Principal.
.. •
Type count *lines for 1. ,
Ally special Notice, the object of which' le the
il_tceelarY beeeLt elegy individual or assecia•
Ws, , to be reasidered ea adverliseadet -and
charted accerdisily., •
Business Cards of six lines and under WA
Per Year.
.THURSDAY, MAY Slat, 1917
It is said that by no means all Of the
anti-conecripti?hista in Canada are in
qu,ebec, but that there is quite a sprink-
ling throughout Ontario. -
Those ibo oppose conscription ought
to be asked if they think Canada ought
to withdraw froni the war; or if they are
opposed to keeping the Canadian army
in France up tb fatrength;
' If they think we should stay in the
war and maintain the army they May be
asked how this is to be done., It cer-
tainly cannot be done by the volitntary
syatem. . • •
• •
VAltitt vs. CITY LIFE
Round trip tickets to points in Manitoba,
SaskatelieWan and Alberta via North Bay,
Cochrane and Transcontinental Route,
. at via Chicago, St. Paul or Duluth on.
, :pale each Tuesday until Oct. 30,, inclusive,
• ae,Iow fare*. ' • -
" Through Tourist Sleeping care
to Winnipeg on above dates,. ••
• leavivg Toronto 10.45 p m. No
• change of cars via Transcontin-
ental rOute. .
• Return Built, two months, exclusive of
date of sale. . Berth reservations and full
•..1 particulars it all Grand Trunk ticket.
offices or write C. ti. HORNING, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, Out..
cr O. MARTIN, Agent, Luciinciw.
Phone -2
We are ..opeti • to- boy cream for -
churning andlable use. Write for
prices. . The figures of . yesterday
may be too low to -morrow. We
furnish cans -pay charges and live
• prompt services. Ask any sipper
The Toronto Creaniery Co., Ltd.,
hutch St..' Toronto encOurages the productien of a type f -
, Mr. W. L. Smith, for Many Yearvedi.
tor of the WeeklySim, ind_now, in o
age, retired to a farm, writes as 'follows
under the above heading:. -
•TiMre are, happily, Other. rhiergar thin
a mere question of profit and losfi that
lonter'into the 'calculation in bomadering
the relative advantages of farm and city
life. For those Who have a real love of
nature the brick-linecl streetsofa. city
are but little more pleasant than prison
walls. To such the green lanes and fes-
.toons-' of bloom on plain and pear are
more•beititiful than the finest painting
In the city's greateit art galleryj,„ the
morning song of •birds is sweeter to them
than that of the reigning favorite of
concert halls, and theaffection of animals
that recognize the voice t4 a friend is ti
constant joy. Finally, on the funk even
as the :evening of , life approaches, one
does.. not feel a &ere ciimberer of tie
ground. In the city children tire a nut.
sauce to be endured, and age an obstruc-
tion.in the path of progrees; In the
country, almost from cradle to grave,
Tie can be of service at least.. •
For the past week or more 'news: of
actiVity and success against the common
Tie Tired WOri-oitt *Aiwa
Jaeltsae, Miss. --"I shall feel repaid.
for writing tide letter if I can help any
tired, wernout inother or housekeeper
to And health and. itrength se I have.
of hive a. family of Ave, sow, cook
and do Illy houbework and I because
very much rundowa in health. A friend
• *eked me to try Vinol. I did so and now
I am well and strong and. zar old time
energy has been teetered. Vhdol has no
superior * tonic for werrPouti tun.
down, tired. 'netball or houeekeepere."
W. 1144.1?s, Jeckson, law
.18 no certainty that the derniania nsa:y
not be able co find some way of offsetting
• the present advantage. The Mediter:
• ranean Sea appears to present 'the greatest
submarine problem, perhaps ewieg to
•the comparattvelr'llarroVv passages
through which vessela have to paw. In:
these waters ooly have British and
Firenelr transports carrying troops been
roueeessfully attaCked. • It is said , that
recently; a• of Japaoese light
Cruisers have come to ihe•Mediterranean
to assist ict 'fighting the subniarines.
• On May 25th., betsween five and six
o'clock, in the evening,, SCplatlren of
German aircraft made an. attack the
snath-east countieit of England, and by
dropping bombs killed 76 and injured
174 persons, besides doing considerable
damage to property. The raiders were
attacked by Britieh air -craft on their re-
turn trip and three were ehot down.
This is the first air; raid in six months,
the Germani having taken a long. rest
following the -destrUctson of three of
their Zeppeline last, fall. • :
In conne:tion with ,these air -raids, it
•Should -not be forgotten that British and
French air men are ' constantly raiding
GerMan territery and that the destruct-
ion there by bemb-dropping must 'be
many times greater , than , England.
The British and French raiders, it is
true, aim to attack only military depots
or munition plants in Germany and Bel-
gium, but it is doubtful if they can al:
ways &veld the destruction of private
residences The German raid, though
'having little minter/effect upon Britain,
Will give- the 'enemy war departmen
something to report to -the civilians, who,
no doelgt, will enjoy greatly exaggerated r
reporti of the damage done. '
r As things look -at present, there is no
prospect cf ending the war this summer.
The talk Of -starvation and' impending
revolution in Germany is Mostly hum-
bug. ' We have had. it from the begin-
ning of the war, but ths Germanif ap-
pear to be able to:put•up as stiff a fight
as ever,. Mid Bluetit continued. an effec
tive Member of the ailhatice itgamit
many, prospects for thesuminer wuId
be „different. .
. • ,
• r TRACE oluyinc,1140
Somebody recently -distributed'. 'cop -lei:'
of the "Commercial andFinincial World"
containing Marked article on
the 'Rada Track Be Abolisher •
The Writer this 'article ,recogpiSes . •
that the teevement against the race track appearon' Bllght Polliaoewk.edir by
business, is aimed at the gambling rather , wilting of the. plant rand a. aoft root
than at the Wing. r But. he saytc.`thal thiteusrteoli 'BiSottade43ru'exitemixtli weierke Werr
Ihkuslq, htLy 49'7
Destroy Theo or They May Dam
siroy Yonr CroP«
v lomamaroo.".
' This Column the Hasten*, fir Ihrow
, trodueed to Inseets and Vow*
Oa Tht He Mar Natter Them er
%the,* *lot Nei.
(Ry 4.. 0. JOHNSTON'. Vegetalrle
Specialist, •Ontario 'Deisartnitiat et
Agriculture,. Toronto.)
Garden Foes.
'Unfortunately the backyard Yeg*
able grower hat; ectine difficultiee toe
overconse. it will not be all -pleasure
and profit which he nunft look for-
, Ward to because. there are innuraer-
able insects, and fungi** dieeneeil
which cause much worry end trouble
and neCessitate the Use nt extreertitst-
rimy methods to *Vent. or 'hontrOl.
Most of these.tr.uubles may' be ,orery.
creQntedibera wsitriarcYcilan9lbett SePrretillaroitiline
seed stored and other :firms baud?
'Rug theizi,1 -
The following. IS list of the Merl
common vegetables and the thine*
•and plant dist/AIMS attacking them
, with remedlea or preventives.
r ASPARAGUS. Beetles. Ohre, black
or Yellowish colored, about one -halt
inch long, which, appear early In WY
and feed. en the' young shoots. Keep
the bed elopely cut In the spring Or
allow poultry to run through it. After
fiurolinnaleseconteiad.i.s. ov4r;orraragywiti
il the
lady bird bottle which, destroys Mall,T.
of. these insects., -
Anthracnose Or 'Pod Spate. Brown
or reddish. epots on the foliage and
pods; Founds on low damp ground.
Plant only seeds which have no Signe
Of the disease. Pall up and burn
diseased plants as they appear: .
.got.' A small, whitish colored mar.
-got one-quarter ot an inch long.
Leeks something • Ube. a .. grain of
wheat,: found just below the surface
of r the grotind.eith,or close. to, or on
the roots. They eat the roots, cadg-
ing the: plant to r drop over. ApPly,,
a solution of ,corrOssive sublimate
One-half ounce diseoleed riivor od-
ious of water, at the rate: of half ,a.
teacupful, oyer each ,fr. Plant Once a
week for 'five weel.01 after they, are
eet out, ceinmencinethree of four
days after. planting: . • .
.Cut • Worms and 'r White::: Oran*.
-Greyish white grubs which work at
the surface the soil cutting oft the
plants, They may be r,trapped by
spreading' a mixture of poison, bran'
over the surface of the soil, close to,
the - plants,. A pail (Alvan With 'sal -
Omit paris green to, highly color. it,
Should ..be moistened, witlf,_,Molat
anti' it, crumbles.. reattily in t
hand.- 'This moisture should be opt
on the ground:, during. the. early , part
of the. season. .
,Worin. genial greentedi wens
-three-quarters of an inch long,whieh.
appears quite early In the 13eaeon.
Rust rvrtrtb._ _pyrethrum or,4e11.1Nwe
-powder when the plants have headed,.
or dust with a teailltetin Ul of pees
green mixed with. three tahiesPoonfill
of flour *nen. young. A, piece; of
burlap may be used for • tbis purpose
or an empty. can With. boles punched
In the rhottorn ." ' • • • ' ' • •
-Aphls, alsor called ' r•r•-rSmaill,
-01.2931_0 • insects : which. nialtiply rapid-
ly. • They. may appear at any time in
the season:. Spray -forcibly With • a
solution made rfroin steeping one
pound Of tobacco . refuerr'in one gel-
, Ian Of water. Thiersolution may be
ased all r•Piaiita Onr.which r,Aphia,
wherever betting id stopped there racing ering the entire' plant. • •
eqemy came mostly from Italy, Which le dead. Racing is defended because it CUCUMBER. • Striped Beetle.
C •• • . • Black and Yellow striped ..beetle
.LucknowFruit &Produce
. Company , •
• We test each can and pay for
it .9s received Get a can and
• start now when price is higb.
reportedgreater successes over the Us-. .. . • i) which, feeds ravenously on the ten -t'
t i than f that . horse useful in war -time as a caValrt der leaves of the Plant in the !ter,
r tine anhadcome from at quarter.
horse.- The ar ' 6 t ii - " 1
gum n r ns in t 1: 8 Vi. ri..« • •
for nutny Months. Some substantial A certain type. of horse 'is tequi d f . When' wet "h.' ashes or airillaked
re or bliararelY. stage Of growth Dust;leaPres
. IS
progress has been made towards Trieste military purpoies. This type of horse Squash Bug. ' Dark brOwn'hettle
and the Italiene have taken more than will he producedonly. Nvhera racing. is 'which euelcs the inlet, fron the Plant.
practiesd, andthel
. 'racing will be practiced Rand pick and destroy. round ea
.twenty-seven 'thousand pristine& . • :
' ' ‘.. Only Where bettingis rperinittecl. ' . btE'ebaOlreNILS. Cueuraber in.seete:usUel-
Russia, is it subjeet of much interest, Of ceurse, nobody will take this argil. 11 attacks and. may. be destroyed as
and the whole world is Wondering What' - ,
anent seriously, because everybody knor 'n• • given above. : .• , •
the helpless giant will dm rEvidently that when there is a !parka for a Certain OS. Onion Maggot. A white
114 -German General. 'Stiff is. satisaed type.,Of horse th9,:t ty.peWill be produced misiieligoot siNmoilitera,eteotiotheemr-ceolabhptoki 'coot
Highest ,Cash. that the Russians will do nothing" but According to the writer in The °Online* :strol. T90read charcoal 'over
the '
undrcat,,,4- tioult..0psr,,,0"..,,,,,,,m' r=;.JZ,01,...ER003o/actreitittiiiiet-lbirriffliffaik-Ve'-'hhhifer'-''''
ea -US), ,,..,,r6t1"6--BF-'34P. -1144,1-°4441-_,I's 14.111111-21-firaWY.- -.7cind 'wig er. to..,; '62wdr-r4t-411F-&15-ee'v-%1'5511r&-119111!fr'
. h
.-.. -.- --• ` ••• ••-, t - 1 tiOn ' At -reconunondely
A violet color, patches
. _ .
. , . . ., , 'aim have been taken `from the Ruitsian poses, horses for the rice track must le
. Blight
, r, r ,
when : *.produced, - al a other lines of industry atipearing on the leaf of the onion.
, . • Cali in and see us Iron' to strengthen the •cpriosition to the f it
in town, '•
. Brititili and rieneh attack' op, the West aminals and 'articles are produced • for ' LIciamteur'a.e!vfrisOeMs-PthrrtgitilWle ththirdrnort
• : _ .. • This has resulted in staying Os progress the purpose for Which they are needei,, Ardent is three inelfee 1111111;' • ' '
. . ,
t • ' ' Luchow Fruit &'Proditee
,. . though the fig tang la contmous, only
of the Allied hoffensii?er there, , and 701- panudryboacEizutt theitruat ,.;riar.4eeedet,iil ef.C.:13- -itIhntiat I'' tli,r itiliOn7
, . _. .. _ . A.70. Colorado Bpeetle or bco•-
"' * - . - • ' •":ohllih1141' . " • -,:- . slight' progress in the Wet of winning wanted. for one purpbtie mutat be proiluc- i. or plaPleg_;_dteeewsPoNamiuill iirst'4.1kw4attlinngtp'
. ,
- - ' ' • illaynt Block W. O. Melyiillaii,rmg& ground is made • . • . . -.• • ed for another. • . - , 0. ,
, «
It was reported. last Week that already ' The plain trutb is that the race tratc"k •eall of
. . I plant , If possible hare the plant
water riLd pour over the
ianotionurdevertanictinwroinsf,ot,,,tug_arrodusted Wererarith p_arie green, befo_inlin
' i '' • \ : • ''' .- ' . ' , --- -- -there *as. an,American.fightingstnitn•on
. ;4--
, . .
(lliftest Award)
. then to(,
at Patin.**
4Y1 0'44444 r-
" •
$', rat* of Educitioial MeriL
Thls fremr-,treatiori answers with
iftusl authority alt kin& Of Parading
questions ouch sie "RatVia Pitons/
pronounced?" "Where la
fcf3?" "whet is a continuous coy -
foe?". "What is &howitzer," "Viriaht
is Waits matt" 'Towle gad pro4r,
hounwirr told thounntla of other&
Miro then
.31,111Otahcat Sjett. 12,001
Mil Md.
fratIsish 21.11 Paged, Th.aulym.tka.
aj&Ithtbs Added plitlitt Straka at
• sot lase*
•*Is for 'sped -
TOM tigesi
lattratiOn* etc:
• rola Stikplif
YOU nose ibis
• . -t3cals..'Easily recognized by char-
tho 'Western Front assisting the French.'
. , greatest swindles in the world, and; that.
with.the-expedttionery.forCenecter,qqk ,43zoilibitetu ;1114 Licied4zatosuw,:lt...h..a:L_tacteristic roughness Of the Elkin; ,/m.
This unit, However, mint notle confused. if any, r,urm
. of gamblfng at all shoulo IT.
eral Pershing which President. Wilson mleaTteiritglielnurtisteliiribeno 11 oifinttwobtlirl
survived only because it has been ini • etilleeff -oritivffrathrltittrIlv° sall9"
Gas authorized.. That force will likely tnensely prat:Alp te'en infittential elosN ,
consist of a division 20;000 men) of men. There alwaysilias been %ono . 0°' hi' iiilsert
:ietif7Brts'ozifi ' spots utsiudlltiritbouutnel
from the standing stela of the'United thing about the proasoutk States, which may g0 over in a,boily as of •
men for:betting on dice or ear0 il '. : • In .Tttly. If they areWhole ziot prevonted
irons% growing* the plant' will
' ,
did the first Canadian fore. We, of small way, while a huge businessi: tboer dfoetistrrooTr*.dilv. e wSeperltsYWi6tnheaROtdwealt
course, shall know nothing Of its move. gainbling, ten times as crooked and a :
thousand times More harmful, was beim, mixture from /illy let. Uae.tbo
carried on under cover Of hof -se- racing &all; eonrieomne:tolietligstlot.givaegl for cabbage ca,bage.
and grain hiving.' ''. . TOMATO. Tonna° ,trorM or Born
' ' , ' Blower, A large worm which rapid -
TOO WESTI1RN FAR .. lidedfoolgrags. the plaii. t. Hand picks
The prize List of tondoolo popoi , 1Blight., 'Black swats appearing On
the leavewhich spread rapidly
Exhibition has just been issued and Wit s *Ad
E- elialte the Whole plant to die. iCtop
formed a fighting unit, - -1 , • Just Nis tiort.
ing e hibitate In these Strentiona times 4
thorivplants ;gimlet vigorously,
these young enthusiasts tot together and be of great interest especially to intend
. . ,
For the past- two-iveeks rilire-r has the PreGemg need 8Pg111° t° begreater' litherkbatkainean--ellopealtion.*•-
• produetion. Ile Management of the, age curtail:ay, has. *by., that maa,
been a marked deeline. in °' the loss of Exhibition having ilia in mind havethis
would like tOthilig° better than to be it
"shinning through thc activity of German year generously added $OD° 00 tdthei moo strapping , six rooter, with, the
submarines, and it ia thought that tome Prize Iirst" in order to encourage th. 1Pkt-'euidors of a,prizefighter, and go to
n oettve incans of capturing or destroy* Partnere and Breeders to produce more i gamn health mart arid strut around
-IX-- -better LiVe Stock, Grant; Roots, among the hotatiwt......iiinnhigh,im
r log the undersea craft, has been devisied. et6. Thiti,,tmount, Which has been dis- Age,,riaraid, ,,
thhl et any ref* is the feraPrehsfeh 'left tributed tlitoughoilt the listi will net -
by the rather meagre reports coming tainlY make it a moat attractive one; Itti . 41
from the British Admiralty. It is, it Iptings flo tist IV heat the 080,000.00
point, SOW) tO" th,8 SentetArty, li. M. Jenhie'-tNer7tbing lie tehCh" et*ne
howevely net claimed: that a completely
Bunt, London, Ont,, for t Prim List or fn ttirn to geitt '' 9thiAtest he tended
ettee,ttsful mere of dealing ,otth the any, infortiu0104 nailing the Exhihir,„ the tout for 0 sovoaretout-Lo?'01,po
submarine US been doriesch end titer() tion, - i
merits until it is some time in rrartee., •
• The 4timericari 'unit DOW fighting. in
Fritnee appears tohave been' made pp of
•Yoting tbeginestlyoollege students and
graduatee who have gone.. to Prance Of
their own laecord, some at Red Cross
workers, others as -soldiers. On' the
declaration of war by the linitedpates
• •
4. •
, Expensive upholstery doesn't prove that .a •
Over 700 •
Service Stations ;
Canada'. rr . • .
. •
car-ecels in quality. The real, quality of the
, car is "determined- bSr its eliassis-:-its power plant,
--- transmission, axles, etc. • , ••
Both by laboratory tests atid-actii.al service
tests,;.t114.-different. fiarts ...co*posi6g th Vord
chassia'have proven themselves superior to those
usedin other cards Iqrd :Vanadium.; §tcel has
never been surpassed in quality -and -strength.. --
Ford Dealers, LUCKNOW,.ONT.
The electric' end "wind storm last
woelc p‘ttbuI -172-Arid -telephone
• lines, cisnecting at lllyth, out of hosf-
oess for a• few days. r'‘ it also damaged
a number of bui
Tbe Auburn. Dramatic Cloy has
adfed about: 0200 in the Red • CrosS
fundS through the pri+4entation, of the
,play, Plhe young Village liector", at
Adburn,,teebu in and Dungannon. L
GraliaM Ross, e deistson of • Rev.
deo. E. Iloss, of S.h.fatThew'seliurch,
•ileptrealvfOrniedy Or Knox Church;
doderichr ties enlisted. in the Imperial
Royal kiiing Corpsancris now ranked
as a Cadet at the School of A.viatienat
Toronto. •
Sergt. T. Piitchard, who is in charge
,of •recralPing at G;derich, . reported
the hollowing as having 6:ousted hitt
week:, E. G. Colborne, Thee', 111 Sun-
buryi. Harold •NUrney.. SanittelPiteth,
W. Glen, 13 1.1 Weston, Cyril Dat
ton,lohn...Farr. • -
recently sold by public auction, ovoty;
thing going at; whatwai considered ,
.4sietl prices. The hotel building" WAS
oeught hy the township and Will I e
Converted into a municipal hall and
ot:t ce. , The price vrafrpop.••Th e _barn
. •
went for $150, and :a shed an' d. the
Windmill at $40 each. - The ..furnitute
Of hho hotel was alSO sold. Alto
Miller Who Owned the 'property, 'Was
moved to Detroit, where- she Will re:44;
with her sister -414w. Mali. • A' ed41
iou.h' •
CAPITAL Alsito' ReseR.!.s*t .$8,809;000
. .
. .• 96 _Branches in C''anadn •
A. General Banking Business Transacted °
, • .
Circular Letters of Credit •
. -• Bank Motley Orders ,
Interest allowed at highest Current -fate ' °"-•
1P: S. rRIEID, Manageir,
:••64,424..e.«...,..edoir, 44444
Stephen , .. . . 4271' •6229. , 8239
Turnherry.... • 2452 1626 1638
• : •
Tuesoblizsem:L.th.,... :. :0269p r., 21903452:
' : s '1• 1893435
Virawanosk Emit 2076' . '', 1434 .., 1405'
WaWanobh West 2337 r 11491 , 1317
County- Clerk Lane of littten
•ach year inakes Out astatentent-of the
population of the courtiy by municiparli- ,
AWL The figures show an almoststeady
• tecrease for many years, For shoot 25
• itrt there has been, little loss of popu-
4t1tn in the towns and villages, and hist
ear there was an increase r of 355 over
1915. On the whole, however, evtn the
..owos tied villages have suet red since
1691. The figures itif 1891, 19115, and
1916 are as follows:
1891 • 1015 1016
At,htield ..... 4010 2521 2500
Whortio.... 2216 144i 141
2006 1 Obrit 1605
Grey ........ 4082 2000 2642
• 2059
:i i4203ff
layfield 4 505 -44"43 48'
Myth, 972 680' 703
Brussels . • 1204'. 840 ; 982 •
Olintn....« « • 2685 • 2115 •' 2171
Exeter., , 1/3119... ..; 1608 :1572.
Goderich . .4430' 4676', 4655,
In the Stud Season, 1917
. '•
The- Grand Circuit raae horse, Dort - .1
Roma. 2 06, i null' -Welt ,feccifil 2.04, .
publie' tiia.1 2 03 With Wit half io 59 sem
sire of-Dona Iona 2'054„;.;the 2ild•-•', '
. .
t "he Perertbe Great blr-Canada, e
: a a
In ' Rod many rothera.,_. Don Itcn`n -2.:00._:.•t•
in 1916. Lady Den, ZleanL.Olcr record ..
fastest. w:y40::.,,,Dmilald ..,,;.titrvol) :::orrf...4tt,oithe„ w,tmort,,ld_==.7.
is thoonly sire tbat was ever Owned or
stood in Canada, 'thatsired a"4. year-old:
trotter of 2 051. , Ils made his first stodl
season in 1912. He is '4' smooth, big; •• ' .
horse •with quality; Clio 1200 lbs., bonet
and sulisfanecr Don Roma was knowm ••
on, the Grand Circuit as the "War,ilorse , ', . •
., Race Herm." „ f-' . ', ; ' •
Mares from it distance properly loOkedl
after. Will stand at hitiourci stable', • • . -
Main Street, Kincardine. Service lets ' ,
.025,.to-inte --1.--Wilte'"'nr-lilinffe-Tfels'-'-'' -4-
-folder of full particulars.. ' • ' ' • .
K McGlregor 2294. Tile /kV Me.
Gregor,. Axtell 212 Stallion with foie "
epedreor, boalinepaonttlicsuuktbrtista.anci)p Petoe.s.„12.6: ... , .
faiimilsialis. X4104 ril i tie; Glif.15.44;'"'"
„Heneall . . . 688 749
S ate th 2640 _157,t -1064-
'. W:inah,i-tn ' • guy7,, .' 2433 , 2444
Wroxeter , - 504 , 347 :" 357
"'Total Villages. 16321 15706 ` 16001
. Totalo nty 66781 49913 40710
gad! 14 8 * am
Ray 4244
Rowlock 131100.1111 4489.
Morria....... 8858
&HMO)) 8086
anniversary of the Presbyterian church,
Iyhitechnith, Will be held On Sunday
next, June ard. Ilet. Samuel 1?arleir,
M. 'A:, Collimmood, will preach at 11
a.ni. and 7 p.m ,Morning subject: ilTha
Curee of Aferoz." Evening sobjecti
• "Count Zeppelin. -n A Punishment."
Selos at both sereicesby PletrAl.e, Farley
and Mi$s Iloilo Goyelon, Toronto Con-
servatory of Mrasie. An entertairinlent
Will be km
een at 8 p . 'r yionday even.
June 4fh. Rev. Mr. Farley will
give an address on "The Catelt.triy•Pal
Movement in Ireland." Mr. IL p. cam.
eron. of LiteknoW; eh() Rive an
address. 0161. Speakers *Ill be Ito.
2165 Mr, Little and itev. Mr. Gralceer. bliss
2882 Belie Gordon and Mr. 'Parley wilt render
3852 solos during the evening. A: splendid
2141 program hos been Atlanta.), consisting
2006 of4olt•s, reeif whin. auto tes, tic., etc.
iuu 1071 f
1446110100; Adults, 20(4 Qllikirto, 14o.
her's Troubles
Mottle 's unending viorleand
devotion rains and strains her
physical strength and leaves
its mark indimmed eyes . and.
careworn expressions -shut •
ages before' her time. .
Any mOther who is weary/ ,
, and languid should start taking:.
as a strengthening food and bracin
.tonic to add richness to her blooct
and build up her nerves before it
it too late. Start scorrs
today -its fame is worldwide.
No Handal Drug&
Itins 1, skormt Toni* OM! 5.,14