HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-31, Page 3I I I �. . 11 I . I I I I :4 . - , lo, , I I 9 , . .� - I- - -.-- ­ ­­ -- . . _-� �� 4!7 ­ - - , 9 . -, . . 9 1. ­,:;� -- . ;­,�,� .-- ..". 1-11 # ., .. i i 11 9 I I - I—— ­­­.---­­ -- .- 9 --- - � ­­ 11 ­ .- -0 ­­ - . I i "! 0 . I ,�- =m - ­ - -,.---- � "-. -­� I ­ �- '� � � - - - ­- 7 �- -- --- - -9- , , - , '- , " 1:6 9 . may Nksoleo. I I � - FOREST RBSUA�RCII- � ur,nRDS , � ­ J� - An, Editor Talks ­-­ j .c, " MUTARY " V, 40 THE, SONGS HFJn SKY $LANG IS I i , Life at' Whads, Remands . I have blitbo memories to I � I .. ' I I 1.,�� I Conservation of Forests, , Of 411 the mirsacles of May; , I T 'WIELDS A NEW LANGUAGE, .: Ttef,,rocciteiAworld,%vur over id ede tholr oi�u defoat. Military ;,. AND WEAPONS How bees filch f=nY 1103rdS 'Of ' ON Bk .1, ed in hi,,tory Goes livoly on. "Draffs, I experta say the duil of the. war Is in The devolormputs, of tbe,war have 111� bongy . . . ".0" I I � its vircary louoth along," is the old Q;:- sight, but from tlao vigor and violence, 4emomitrated that, In iaw intelligent ' From -tulip cup and:- Mao spraV . 9 11 � I � . . lug'. I Pisan of vrelpar4nesB for either war or 3101)10 'DE- 9 ,. " J0110=3 EXAMPJI�Fjs OF QUAINT . * * osvion. We mialit say "wearing"lof the Arras campaign now rag . WN Ruips usE4 AULT .- ) TROOPS SING AS TIXI�Y MARCH , r the asm seema to be !,and in r;bich Capadlano are playing a4eaQo, the basile industries are. of vitkil I— ,� . * -1 4 r- . K wo-DAYONuTS. How apple blossoms are a loom 9 TO BATTLE,. . I ANJ� PECULIAR TERM.S. fength aloug,:fo is Impo a co Tile necessity for close A Of delicate color and, porfum 9 � . to zoo ,which B14Q ea. -P weiir the other �� br4vo and victorious Part, thQ- end . rt n . . I I 00 � . . I I . - I . out first. if tile , , statistical rocor&'Qf not very near at hand, Tile principles 'co-oper4tton between science and in- I 11 I I . And the song gmlies of tho thrushes I I . � . � ,-. , . �W. �--- vasualtlea; jn.cgn;ldian papers are 1% for which tho.Allics entered, this 0111- dustry has bQcomQ�rocognlged as. never Sweeten, the eatly twilight glooml - ' � . . i - flght,, before. I . French Lanxaax� Si!ipplivs Nearly All . � . . . "TApperare" Still 11olds, Itil Own As Every Day Drings No�d Additiono; t9 � , , ; . . fair irdlieption of the number vf sol- filet and �or -,vbicb they are still . I ly partially v!ndicat- The development and perpetuation ' ­ Ictureoque Speech of I djqrs who have, and are, falling in the Ing, ii4vo been on #Our N;Rmes ForThlaos How all the akles arO byaline; 'The Mar�chlng Song of - the P . ­ ' basic industries necessarily . , I . 11 . I ; ranks Of the 6ther allieta"andtlie' total ed -they bavenot been re-establisliad. Of , Im- . I . . . And how the attars of the plao , � I � ILI I - � ­ . I ­ �1­ ­ .�r---- ­­­' . e- - - " "" ------- mri- - -- ­­ . � . I . � . 4 W *­ 4r alifig are revea n j. . . 9 to 9 . . 1 9 of these ,.ire exe0edea, by the 1100es - , ,., "" , . pliow -uot--o4y-far-reaching--plana--for ---- ­­------- - - -Military-- -----.--.,,--,�."-.,-,Tbdtt�bljw6-6f h 1.11-1-040194 -Aradeo� � - - � 9 0 . ar Alfuiettl - �' � * � - - -- ­ I ` �. - - ' I� I .. I I � ­ . - of, the onemy, the man are being killed The sowing has been long and ter. the conservation of the tow ninterlalo, 11 -the conduct of � scientific gre- Did it over Qccur to you to ihink And reeds shoot up, anil mosses 014ne; * * . What war song of, 1917 will ease the The war In the air Is oviolving a . � joil at a tremendous rate, In the ranks i r6y destructive ok liuME;a We .and but also ... . . . I . . . . I I . own. Already . ,valuable proper f the a4roli that -npv uses, and the most Of- that nearly every w9rd"In our lan- ,uQV1 in the watchea of the woon brain of those yvho go forth to battle? neir - langu;ige of Its . . . . , .1 L _ and military af- , . What song will thrill those who 4 .4 go I ot Ca;siadians alone since the attac% ty on the fields 0 ficient.metho-48 of utilization may ,guage relating to war. �. . 99 1 9 o the many. quaintaxi culiar words pro in . , I . on Vlwy. Mdgo in the Arvais conflict -- . � , . , be � 'The lunar moth bursts ItO COCO041, � work. 4�110119 . , irmeni 1. ' v g . - I . I scieral "fronts," As we call the Pl!acesi determined. - fairs Is a French word? Thilik it . I �11 , Ut home.7. I . �Sq. .9 and tba� list is be - money And how thron eery, Ana yet . . I on April Oth the, Ca a4lan, casualties of, the cent . I * ' terestjug, . 1 9 11 ,n , osto and billions, of 48 . it. 16 almq$t three years since "the lug Wild to doilly, . . 9 . live Tun woll up to 20,000, and there have been spent-Groa I t � 13ritaliesdaili - The ralBing'in Canada .Qf seveval over; it railier curloxisly in . eerles, . . 9. British army took Up 4'TipRerary," aTid No airman aver thinks .of, tAlkAn$ � . Fo eatry Ba . When, , , 1 9 I -Seems to, be ' I illinjilutiQUJA the bg-:. kures being, now thlrt:Y-000111 . r . ttallons for the. cutting of . we, opeak of a "fort" ''or a Theirdge thbir deep bass- oboes, tune.' ih ., , i J - example. Flip� is - . . # ' , . at� song, espite, opposition, still 4bout .a flight, for 9 ". 110 expefid, I emp6plzea the 'Vital, "1510ge, W,or an."army," we are talking .. I . . . 1 9 1 9 ficial iecQrds as given out 'from . Ot- ",milli6na­so if this costly sowing. is timber overseas, ­ 9 ifAry . -T.." ' 61da, its own., . - the. word W usea. And. -his flips are. , . I tawil, . I . I . . I .. - . own' garden ' Paradoxical, 48 It ,may seem, war . always of a cortq - a � , to have any harvest 'Of gai4 to man- hn�ortauce of forest,resourceA in con- French,. ­ we doscribe mil I . . , If The earth io�imi Go&s I I . I � . . �, in ban- 11manoiu,Vera`A'..we .ugq'Frene'h,ta.rM.. . place, - , I,- , ,I I , iii duration, not o� I I 9 . * * * *. . I � ly 0minensuTatO with nection with war operational iks,. from �; 9 1 .. I , ti soldiers go into ;ortain distance. HwAlpy, about for I . i I . I . . . � . I .kind, �neasurab out. a44, wp, must recopflze that -6n, either Our ran . general to corporal', wtih glo,'ry And, v�lth grace - - gonge, . he so4B f1ldt. � . � . Instinct 0 ny. miles, - , , . � I � I - ' 'battle wl , th,- tire. piacb son ,, .sayi n - =4 � F or some weeks xumors have � bean its terriiiliha�ieit'of sorroW and.. ­ ,,go and usual- an hour . ot for a , . 1 , - 4on, it, will be 'only A war or4eace bails, the lumber a4d bear Fronch designations. And'so it Where L onii who - wanders, if- -he ` . , . rife -iix thr, ueaPateh6s fiom oversea,§ fering, and.414truct - . � - I . . I ly those of the music hall, niusical or,, iathep,- knots. - I 1. . 9.. � . . . s� o ^'for peace, but. ft through a contplete , Germazi defeat 'pulpwood iildustries'� -ire essentiall� goes.' �: , . I A . I " ,;., pofiders'. .. � I . , . . I , ' I i4 . . 1. . I ..., . . I I � of a UQW propo it! n ' Qermany'A 9 , .. . ­ � I I , , M . . , � Tha siflo, th '�&. v . Roill -vihpaebo.o�k,('IluthQ'1(6yal'144- , . i9a�a &ushin; of F u beyond basic Industries, that. upon them d& � ,xoyv,, the �Iwhy" otall this Ii6s 'in . , . , conkedy stage, .burlesque or vdildqville. The late. FlIdlit-L.ie'utet mt tarold . , � � Ay'llear His voice. - may s66 � His, ,, 1 9 . . . has not been made lmown- . I . ruggi�nisi , - - " face[ ... " I , ., "". . '.. I 0 . 1; I., � .1 . I . G ' pond 0, hQit,of secondaky indusfrieo, of the-1aet .that the - -Frpneh In ,'earlier. _ at Bin dn�', has been " � . � er; I . I I I . I peace prier is not -likely t6 be 'very ! revivOl. : Therefore we. any I eTM4A , I I ", , . 0 merally uc- , , . . vital iin�ortanbbqll thie'economle life daytr were' the'drill masters, oil., Eull . I . 1 9 . ,said 6fteiii"wh1cl1-dQu'b.tIeos ts,the,rea-' Val Air '.'Service, I is ge , , . , - ' . . dered by'the J , a co ;Mill 9b be�t:,Util�.L :tope.. - . . . I 1 9 . . . �:-Clinton Scollarol. I . . -provide tile. most ,n i- 9 - � Lilies, for, proposals foi P. a . ,e. holibat and i . ' I t, , I ; � 114riv'Aly,consi , -tit - . son,for song writeri �t6 work bvertim.6 knowl6dked t6 . � . . , , , , . I � I it -will be made by. the same authorl-; e0ectual only.'whon they contain that of the colAntry, and- that the . F n06 f6r.,centuTleg was thO - '. - .F, ......- ". I . In - !-' - Insight - lute I, - , ' ' - - . . . . . defeat which. con , rest resou�ces,-inelud- great military power of Europe. - No when war co es; Actln�,uo*on t'his"mate ,a�d illuminating� ties who wore behind the last bhe, codes lzatipn of our to ' I , . TI1,E MINI$ttY Or, . LOVE. ' I u: ' . I .confoorPion Of . des, every -nation now at, war has fur- the human sideof -%Mar flying yet p b- � - . . � - uro' e� -11rig the divalopment of new uses And won4r that she'.9ave enauring names . .. - . � I -� I y 9 V P ' I. I I ed sinjing. There never has been lished, gives so - f . I that onl 'lived in the public mind as. to the V46pla of the rest f now Markets, both domestle"And fore- to military things. . . therf � ,me choice examples 0 - � . I - . long us it too'. to read it., Allied 1 and the rest of tl;e world the right to - ' ' Bonds of Sympathy BetWeen Mothers a war in the woild's history where so sky slang. ' ' . . . . . . J their Own lives withbut regard to ;ign, still -offers a wide field for indu%- The bayonet (the word is French) is I . . I . , 9 1 . Powers metaphorically dumped it un-, live . trial research. We should be able, ctitti' an Important figure - in the of Our British P61diers. . much.voice has beerx,gpent in song, There. is spikebozzle, for. InstAnce, .. I I , I., rMan Ambitious, ng � . .. . . � I .When the 'Prussian soldiers went n ' . - chase, after a, . I . . . I 0 . cerginoni6usly into Jhe waste. basket' -or apprehension of Ge , to increase the intelligent use of wood present War. Wh' invthted it? The Much I*s been written. and told of I nL aeroplane, . . . . . W .. the'day 'it * w A like a' or Purposes. - Yes, German proposals 'ties. F -r . ZT�pt'e ln;o'ha remarked.- "Two, ma- ,, - as recelved-jui. . . 3 criall fbrth to war millions of voi�is'sang , . � I scrap of wa ill be. honest o y when by leaining more About Iti . , . eptli did. The invention came about� the, great work that the woMen of *the W . . . . ate papqr. it ;Oas, a fra4d f peace w 141 . . along the, wa3e to Belgium, France and chines went up to spikebozzle him. . . or I plate This,in'turn, means m0a.6nd better I a rather curious way. - in mu i . , . . . a � 9 . r face'the,com 'business for Canada And an . intreased in . . . Motherl.antl 4re doing nition Russia "Die Wacht am Rhein` and Mahy nglish . . . nd-a sham. The next one will eman- they admit on thei . to . . The Modern Bayonetl. .. aeroplahe workd,, In' "Deutschland, Deutschlanol . I ueber . learned professors of E . 1. . " I ate from ..tile same source and will failure df the German ambitiori cfLpacity, from,both direct and'indirect . .. I ,,�_ factorleo, in might hayp given yeats of. situdy and .',. * I n . . I . I . ),ave. tile 's4me .underlying purposo-'dom*inate the world and to Bhepherd I , When it bad been proved that cav- shipbuilding. yards, in agriculture a d. Alles." .France's troops went to bat-jthbught, And yet have failed to creal�e .. . I . I I , revenues for the payment -of the great od by iri�- in countless -ways thaf Vill .release . ; I . . Only, one peace is possible and that the "inferior" peoples under the, iron' I alry charges coiild, beiWithsto . � tle ,singing "The Marsefflatse.10 When -a word so peculiarly expressive and I . �, . � 9 1 . 111master, �.The war dett with which the tountry will . . . . ! � of rule of the Trussian dF , . . I . fantry in ejose order if armed . with mert.for Military .service. But little the J' anosd took,,.� KlaoXhou'they meaniligful-as"splkel�ozzle in colanec?-; i 9 oni will follow the actual defeat . .. be confronted. I . I has been beard of another piece of V -P . . I . . . . . , the ZoAffict.! power of the, Xalser and his inhumazi pikes, tacticians Accepted the idea that . I song the national hynifi "Ximi Ga Yo," tion with Zepp strafing. ' ' �' - - -,--- German -.% '.� - . '-w9mem-in--ill� ,RUBB-1w:fts troop-g,­went­�Wthe- , M -.--I--.- -­ - ­­ ---- 1, - - I ,rmics-mowin., .t .­,th­--An-�exeeIIe,nt Jaeginning-Was---been. ­­-, -- I iroopi in bat- w- - liundroda­ol . . '. I . frWA. - - . 6 � I . I ' ' - es --1 � ­ ­ ------- 7- - ""Ve -- --ili-ol' o ea 9 - A-1 -Tarrangeftielitof . . ork that . I . . ,. I . - . . . ,,.This, is why the call of iiie Xfti -is � war lords. must .. e crus, p tio Jn id�a . . . I Or . � . 9 9 . - . mit'46 in such investiga ns by. the in, � . . . Obscure Jigms. , I . I . I . 'than ever for men, money and never to. rise again. I 9 . tle *as one'wherein blocks' of 'pike- ,Old. Land. are doing, for out boys singing.:- . , . .­ . . . . . .: . . . . I more- . � *. *. *, . Forests 'Laboratbitos maintained 1?y . . � throwin open their Uomes to them I . . � Huffed,.tneaning got killed, is ail- ' f 4 . munitions, to defeat them., When the . men alternated with blodki of mus7- .9 . ' c' - . I . . ­ . � � t - istie Airmew's �vo - . . . - then -will it I - 'the Dominion Forestry Branch, in co- ve tbo noble Czarl, . rd. . . . .' Wliat utter Ally it* would. be, ,Whht keteeri-the latter to attAck-and the and' looAine af ,or them when on, ', "God sa . . , other charactet I . . 0 � . enemy has. been defeated � . . , operation with McGill Univeisity, at . . I �. , - I I Long may he live, : . I wliich Lieute vn to* , I � I . I be clearly demonstrated to German a ridiculous 'spectacle -the head- men . . valuable are, former to repel the enemy. . leave, . , � . : , - . . .-,, ! I . . . ,,, 1 should Montreal. Particularly . I . -Recefitly one otthe'fiist contingent In Power, in happiness, in peabe . .the public at large;, but ho omitted to .. .., . .. ,- ' I . . I War- lords illat the' conquest of 'the of the Allies Would present . f It wag -a French officer who'suig6st.; . - .. � . 17 .mention the phras, lftb hasn't . . , .1 . I . . the investigations o pulp and paper boysJust finished 'his fourth'Asit to ' To -reign!"' �. . '. '. . , ' . - B, h. ,,as t come,�,. k � ' - World'by the -impossible,op be deceived by or inveigled. into, � I . I � '. I . . is. ,,d.theJheyJ � ed that the strength of a'force mijbt . I . . , has � . . M , ___ , _ _ -manufacture. . ..which.-4)roniiae,,,!ze-p-ults� I , these--charm1n"ox&q91­A.­- al. - OL 1��ck for his cap," which has . 11.1 . . I ­ -.,- - ., ­ . � . Germali pepple'will i;ee 4hat th� do& � any proposal. of-p`oace em"kiia-ting-ftotra . . -Ve- do-iubled,by - 9foviding-ea-ch min -with- --d---wb1;-,h. -Jhas-'been-.dis­,tirJ �. - ­ . ­. I � . . . most.important to the industry, . � wrote Wis mothei - what "peifewetly late I . �, . . . melanch fic4tice. -,-1 ---.- - - - -----. ,- 1.-, . . I . . trines *they have a6cepted through. a German still engaged in the dihboli- . - An adjustable pike, to. fit , into the'. � ' . . ' . . .. . . � In many. cases scientific research . . bully people they all were, -arid, Mrs. It* . . This'phr4se- originited at a"certain't. , . ! . '. , ­ . ine and"rulia . ' his gun. Thu , aly ' a entrance into the . I -i may pave the way for"*kstly increased mxizzle of a each, soldier . .do her � 11 . . . � 'her troops sin ing`�kll For- I � . , . . 11 it � in- � C, - jitst mothers us and Makes 0. rial' 'War withm � . ' 'b g school, kfor training naval - a , I - r-6 - - .,. , as'llas .characterize 'be at Aid. be both usketeer and pike- I . � . .9 . I . ! their lvad,Ors and rulers'were false c4l work Of murder,, ral: . . . . I . I ;tndlead their .:.country to a;tdXrible such .. d,t - markets for Canada's surplus fore P? '­ , . I . I . , � .1 . I. diaastqr� 7 . ". . I I humane ,conduct in Northern France , � '. op- . Man. . I M, , . �- -.�­--. �­ -, . - .­ home for us. ­ ­ . - - � ­ , ­ � - Waroll AII,Forwardl" -- . I - . pilots. - Before .a i6n "took. the air" � it , , . I 11, . I I �, I , . I . . I .. . . I ,, 14;.addition t 11- ' . . o such ell mar I . . qnd upon th *hI products . Letter� ha sed , betwee .--the So drilled in the songs ol� the Fa -' Was BtO'i ' Y for 'him to -Nang his . I . * * * *, e , esefitch Afterward solneb6oly-.1lit Upon the VO pas I . I . -1- -1 . I I 01 ,.seas wheroirer. the - � I i. . ' tb ed Service cap, 6h, . o � : - ­ - . ­ I ... . I— ­­.. � .. .Vortunitids, thora-is tee.4 �qr . r... . , ­ . o6oy�s-nlother-and-the­dear- - old, -Jady�-: r ave- een .no of, A.kong� . � � 1. , " . . . om sUbriiarine menace e o o asping t e pi e-aroun . . . . . . I � I ' , ould'dod-fate.- The I" -4-1 - - ­ " ' - t Germany's -troops that. peak I - , Ali the ovdi-tures of peace lr�' 'Gei to, determine m9thods for better .n-o.66ii if �h k d he a mea en, a . I ­ * ' I � I . � whose wonderful kindnea�s.ha iugh 'A Bel- line of -Pegs, Wh I pilot, crashed . , I . I .. � I ill be 'in vain till thbn. I lust of . woild � conquest : Is 'not Yet utilization of I wood, waste.. Under ei�d of the gun bgriel, so that it, -,iould. � C nt Whitt the ainly went -thic l I I MW 0� .1 I I . .� . .o of any kirld'qfienoibed-, the �s present conditions, only about * one- not interfere. with* the firlirg of - tli6 so milch'to th6,youn z!nadian. And ok three steps be- dr, had some, other unfortunate . I * I . . I I I . � ln0ed, itis wild t think c . . ante ambitions, fill the I . � , I � . . I'd .p6ace as"long'"' Germany holds'lleart of 'the kdis4- and 11is, counsel� third of the solid' contents of th6 tree gun; aild thus,, it may .lbe' now the - mothQr here has received tWeen each, two lifies of O'Die,Wgelit haPx lie did not;, of '.courae, come back : , I .� * ' , the doctrin I e that Ifthe necessities . of: Jors as bpforepthis world conflict be" I said, the t4i :-mpst - dQligheful po�,A;Plctu, I ; ,.. 1. I . ll�pnce, the origin of ' ' .. . * . , 16 utilized in th' e* form of lumber,Ahe bayon'eb.hadAts -'orijin� . -.. 0- V3 - of ain R14n.!,v . - t.- ­'.. -.--.-. - - ­ --.--.r. ..for his,dap,.gnd .. . ­ 1. - ­­ . I � 1. - , . . . I ­ I . . . I ... ­. '.:� , . . I I � . I her. boy"froin his kind "indther" . in . . . . ihe saying.. . . . I I . I " ' - .. - . 0 the German State are &bove.-hu%4i0y�,J'ga­n'-. ,'The­A1lib6`ti0kIs14-ot 6oniplete orm of -to�d ­ . The'llyntla -of HAte. - , - ' I - ' ' - ssion, - ... �. I I -I'litimate . . , � 1. -ther 11 . -to* be balance going to waste in thol Thb . fip-to-date: - bayo'neV ay, . " A fiother 'no* m pre r.. . , . I I and that thdr e is ',much fighting, yet . , . Engl�nd, t�llint all.thi dear,,. ­ i .- - . . - is no moral law where :L .. . ' � saiy-dust,'slabs, edgipga, tops, a er, Is. very. diff�ro�t fromL,the Frac,tidally-tho- only,wa , is' tumpg, ,howev� ------- � - ­-­--- --r ,is- , e . ­ hj gs ithat-a.--mothei longs ta now- �­ Song, tbf-Lt -*hich- came frorii: ,tbe same - school I �,� -- - --.-, - - - ---- . I .d . ils -are- � - - ; _uppotjto�L - -c -.11 done -before-- any -pea e- proposv ­ � ­­ � . - -1 . tho German' I oficerned ' � etc.. `Ultimately, it, should'be Poo- old style we.apon so'cal ed. It 1%. in i A" achioved4istincti ii in Germany ol�ce hickboo. HiekboQ,mo A. good many!. ­ .� - ! - '. � ', I I Al . ­ .. . . if.. - � I -R ­­­ � � ---dbout-­her-b�y; but -would- nev-er.­.-as1c - � ­ - - -- . . � L tobe-ser-164ily entortaFn6d; Shall the, - . 0 . ans . - . heid of the ­ August -l" 19M -was: Erfiest Lissaner'i -- - ­ - - - - " � . , . I . .- The'men -at the � . �aible, with -propefl7lmothod'sijtv i-is-e­---tq­ -�ffect,-A­kn o�-a een- ge c er, things, h ircraft - I . . - 1. . - - fac .. - el. I ' tachable to ... n mu'zzlo, I - her.' -,Ho* comforting -it. Hyfnn ,of Hato.'� Herr Lissauir was . . 1. . I ,.countries . must- face this- � . blobd' of.i�e t1iou ian i � hint to tell 94 , � . % . , . advAntitgd -at least'a considerable pro- knife, at . . ', - : ,. -', - e a' tiie fl(xwor of. Canadals,young � � 1. . ; was to -the. M66ir'to'lewrii. that Ily U. are about. If .Zeppelin� "or Taitbes,,'. ,� . '.. I .: - - 'Oerrhan aystem;� must be broken , and , soldier , . I I ate material. . , - . but. L%rried ordinArilk. in' a leather ou� decorated' by'Emperor. William. -with - 4 1 . is "on I .". I ". I � I . I , . . . . n-.� . . . .A . . . .. . . , 1or, thii two i. . , . - are on their,wa`y, a,hicicbo6 ' * ' I I portion:of this wa � � . . I . demolished be�ond,iesu'frection or th .rdarthood, bv-�Bhod in vain? . --" � . shoath. 'IZ irench, fightin aday'd I will be . . . the -Re(­EazIe-of­t - - - . I . . . , ., . Pitupsla � � 1 L . g. now ' . Proud of �iin ordei-.-of the I .0. he iing, in. zfa�ct; -which is.. calculatd, *� I . ... . - I I and cru -must be� crushed P - . .. .. ' . - . 116W I .. . ., I � � ism and, Kaiserism . � . ` ivhilb in'�cha � ;. . . . 't the i4illd up -the timid is ... � , German system -,�riil, bionk� I RAILWATFIRE PROTECTION. - it Js. -most commonly employed as a I ybars in. F rance Lave- improved him Fourth Class. after, the - famous. '. - "11 � a hiek L ) ' " '' ' ' ' I . � . '. Till- before peace can prevail. NVithali it is'. ' �-.11 . . . . . * physidally, raoiter he, is . to. pit. . - I � I I � I . . . , � , re " ' g,,.Which ends w in , boo. - . :all,that we care f014 . . - " i . I I it� the follow* g ' _ I - ­- -:l � , - �.­­ , . or believe in., . , . . knife,- pu i arid' gimple; being,. exce6o17 � ton * I I The iioroi is -rdaIIy,A--C'Hii0ktiOn,!.0 " . . . .. �vh' . , , ' still the ni a clean,.10 . , I .1 . . I �. Vie German armies have been defeated a hopeful sign ell Germany. talk& sfactoXy­­.Ues.ulto-.. ­116,Ve­�-Beefi -ingly--'effeetive-at ,cl6ev.-quikers. - � -- _.C.pl vable - boy: we I wd�.-Published, in 4% MUhioll' UNstrated � , . , . . . " ! I . ' - �eace­ -n f - Saii . ­ . . . 1. . ­.. I- et -at Christmas' 1.914. .1 can -AA- - an Indian woka, meaning. an ea,gle, �. � ., : ,,, - .... .. ­ - ­... -irctlic-1161d -all 4.1asting -­.., bi.it itii�oxly whoPdul sign. or. , . r . the 61a.�fBsll. , first in I. I I - , . , , . ., I I I , I . .. ' I . , , . I . . I . �.. . . ­ ­ --�alk .about- , . . . ­ -- ,Secured Undir Competent. Directioir - oRecently.in ell ,�army . I . . � . . - I � I ­ .. 11 c ­'.. I.- - 7 - ,, . . , � . PI . sure..you France has'ftot'harmed him.. - . , -.. . . . . ".. NVante * d it d. .. � '. . . �aeoi 'is a sham. �Peace caft.only.161- those who are .fighting her, .And .they ­ . .11 I . ioned cavalry'sabre has been.'re - . Wor - " � � I . , - * 1. .... � I . promig, I � 1. . the least Jittle bit...'Ife has sailed clear. "Hate -�y waAer And hate by I a*nd.'-. .',',. ` 'the � , , , I . Ow German willhigness - to accept will interpret it as. a e 'of Vid- - The railway--;�fire-pi'o'tectibn.wo�'k, in by, a*attarght sword,, fo .. -Stunt,is one of most frequently- : ' -. � - ' . � I ... - 1�` - -.­ I . � . . nent I I e 8 a S on -all . ting,, ,.of -temptatl6fis.'� . . - . . . - - . . . -; . - Hate of the heaA', an& hate of .the hAnd;: used. -.w � Ords in the.Aii..Servidd` -'Do I ' . �' 1. . ­� I . ... I �­ . , iermi founded oil conditions- - whiv)i tory-.2nd -an 4 c Ave- to; -fight harder,,'th � 0 t bli m t � d �-administrition - ��Ich-W iftbY i6ofe, , "'lid -Ate. of the 0 . I . � . .. I . . .. . . I I I I .. I . I .� 1. . effi�cttft4ln­wi ifid-­- . f the lt�iminer, a .1i . i � 1. . . . . . I � L F .. . . � k . .%. . � �.. of which the Cominaidsimi of Conser- � Another, m6their in thp� city *bo�e Hate o � . I.. . . anglatunts 'in6l' e .all man;or of'. . I.,!. . . I ., � . .. . leo--anoth . . . . I . . ; ud a � . � � - : t - I I . I - . - er - French, , '* Wd by the . I . . :­, - .1 . . , '-. . ....., -1 � - . . I , � � - . 7 - - - vailorihas co-operated. with the Dqn�- 0 ' I . was seve ' :' crown; . . . - . � . ., . , .. � � - I . , - . boy . � . 1. ­.. � �rely' wounded for th e' . I things--�-looping- the 19,9 141ging in ' - 1-1-1 ­ ­%. � �� - I— - ­ --I--- that t 'ji � PrJdeS'* ­ .1 'j-, Z, .-.:- wik,�.-tfian 4�-ha4ino - a . ., "I ­ .. ta­ ­ _ _�jnd ��­­­�, , . � t1i -19-IT SOCIALIPOVL� � 'M - - � ill:: be nsaily, the e-- on- 'Rall -Way -Comffillisi6n,� has pro- � . 1. . - . we Pon.. ,",:­ - ffi-e-a­i was ill Hibe - of-, seventyl: - nliffibilir- choking - g xi�-- .. .. , . . � 1hi* ; I . in r. .. .,Jsecond" ti ion- ­ * , ll,iospi a in - i , . QW - . ' I .! I . ... Carii7i--&W in-g-'iiFd�iios-'e-rd'i-v�i-n'g, lan&­` - ' ­­ �. . .! I . 1, � .. , : , " . ,4� .I ., . .., .1 � " . .,: : , . in, all entent - - - atisfictory ,re- - he� Turkish Sel' ita ' V 'A . . 1. .. I � .' A . I . � . � .. d - '­ . . . .. . � .... .. , .4 I . . ­ I .. I .. same . . .e.. countries.. . . duced : r�emarkably Is 1. T . , '' , , 1,6ndoil, 'r9ceived a delightful le'tt�r n. . '. - ­ . ino in a new aild original-way,,wn so , . . ! . . . . .1 I . . '* " *. - . . . , . no . I . a . . * * S.0 I - , 'Tk - .. - " . . I , .. . . . . 1. For hackin And chopping in, com- from tin English friend "Who journey. We love as o so -.and a flying�-Machi o "is ver �' . '. �... ...., . . .. � . By Chas. M. Bice, Deilvq; Colo. . V I :suits.' - 'Under the, provisions of the . 9. . ­ . t lie, W6. hif6 it ,. . n . I I I I I I . ­ , � . - - ­ ­ - ­ At I ilwir�Act -- --north -..io, Lend' We hive -on"o6l-Aiid one, dloite- . , ' 11­�L . I . . . . . .. . pies6t.-.the Unitig-States-is, the- -and the regulations of bat.....there has neyor been, �- a � pattern . .ea- away --from the on ' . . � . , nytiring but it !bus. , Small airslilog' --.-. .. , I . , . ' RA I I ., , � � .. �� ' ' ' -­- - -L ­ ­­-­,-�­­­ a . �, � m 1- .. .'' � . , . -- ­ I � - I . : , .1 I I . . - �'. --- - ­. � vjthis far- a -, th-�-z 'wa -pbject to efrebtivo as the selvi -to - you- -$ ., - -1 England V 'T r' . -. . .1. 4 . � . IV 0. , . - its a7ord so . itar;of -just .- sea the � I ng .majov�' I � ---.-, 11 , - -,. �. �. . ?.� . - � Are blimps, howeve.., - . . . .. I . -, -- I'- .��:Tho E - - 11A 9- -, And danit6t Afford Ao� �'. I I � 1. . ,. . . ­-, I j,.ur9peaii conlijet, N I the Board riiI ya . I . I * i - -� I .. . -. reacbii�g - -conseququees, . forced set Ole prices for itidlf?and leave its. Jurisdiction-, have,assumed ` full re- the Jurk,.-yvhich bec�me ;f�miliar; -to I spent several day there "fixing th6gs - . . � I ­- ----- - I -belon - ­ . - ,- . - ­ -­ . -1 . 117 1 .1 ,- I . , A :- Although .hi4ndreds ,!of -songs. hive To borro*,or steal anjything g" ­ � e 9 . � r. -hi ,'- and, incidentally cabled . . . . - 4 ­ - 1. - � ­ 1. ".. ---.1.111A. -1 ­ .­& ­ ­­ . . . - �11`e.r I I - hotatuff it; and- im- - - ", - �,.­­ � I , -11 w - d � . .: 11 .M . . and- -tried -out ­�o one, in9-3Q,AA0 -is-- to ,' , , , . . I � . . .- � I In the Nival Air',SeTrce a -� . � . 4 . ­., - 61� I SP . � ' ' ' * ' *16tt� , - . �­- -14- , t , , : " I - - - �- ..'. : mankind into strange- and weird situt AssQcjAtva� to b.argitin.fo.r,,.t).i,emis,elv�es- onsibility-foir--th -extifiguishing -V- guroppA��Jhr'ugli its use bj*e� gar- up. fo . . . been d '. , 111. ­ --- - ---- ­ I -1 ,..:ations, and compelled. the a option o eaple asA whole will fires .. presumably .'due- 'to .railway Aeons irl fighting the 'Crusaders of the enco'graging news; the r --ille I . . �­ I , . , . ' For all. this the p � I . �Ong compose -ace of "Engl[4 d'B . I . . ; I . - lid taken the",pl n . .carpen-,ers, � . ­­,­­ I . � I . . policies to meet thesituation which b� illy griateful and,thankful, for causes. - Mmirable co--ope�ation, has. Middle. Ag�ea, I To slice with - a- straight' Mao gave interesting �details, -411.! about ' mar s -of are, cli1ppies. ` ., I- - ' 1. � . . .. � . . , . �tr , c�i so r the'familiar chorus I ' ' �, . . t � . . , . ng n , ' 1. I Militar Cr as he, h; d b ' 1, . I � . I -AngeljUtopian and dreamed of I - trust exist' e r' ilway - organ.:' gword,.onelmus *sa-,- with itm­ii - the y 0 . a een pre- . I ' ti ` ' , ; "" - I .. .. . . I , . .ar6 sti .1 ... % .. d'. ey w6uld ' much prefer, to. . ed between -'th a t v 1* .per . . 11 .-I .... *. .. A fting officir wh6 gets: promo ioT& . . ' I ..., �. I - . only by'such visionary win -�Janlmorff themselves to A, paternalistic govern- izdtions and tho-several'Doininioh and formance�scakee practicable in batflo, sented with at Buckingliarh J�Alacd,' whic . h runs:,- . . .. � . .. . Ped an�th6r -stripe, i. -, .. - . I � . .�. . . I . ' ' i's said to have ship I . .. . ., , I . .. . - - ' ' - � ' � ­­ - : - I ment, I - of -Y to T - as a spot of I 1. i . � . ---as Debi;;Bellaray and,their like.'. than to the. greed 4zid avarice of provine at, .�, flre�-protective a the scim' the naW�e Of the ,wo'unds' "'IN a long.wa ipperAri,' � �' and leave is rderred to ' -, a I . . I . I . , . gericies, ;7 -but itAr, -curved ifi. shap6 told ' . .1 . �. I I , I . I . . . I . . .. � I � . ".. .. Undiiubtedlyj a. 'double emergency individuals -arid' orporat I - .toN�ard gavd the the" � . It's'a long way. to -go; , ­ . . . I .. I .. �. . I . . . e monopolies, with.; results thoroughly satidictor� 4nd,wido And heavy'forward - -young officer all Cani , ' leave. � , � , � , , . . , �. - 1. I I . � .. I . I � - I . I . . exists in the United - Siatei, if, .not whose'lust for-g'abi kis not penetrated..to. 11 concer�ed. - Rail the end, slicei by mere stiikin . .�' than iie'w''s from her -letters and � wrote fft's "a, 1png'way to Tipp6kitrk � :11 :' . It is diiiious"that flying I on, eing, , : . I I . . . . a I. . .way,fires have .1 I .. 9-- .. . . . I .. .. . P �.. -M b - - '1 �. ,' . . , ', : " . - throughoUt the world', And to meet it. by a §ingle ray of� pity. � . . . liden reduced, to a position of very , - . One rehlembers.h9w Saladinoin Sir many. for'bim to'filends,,- here;' Still To the. swoete# giii Lknow; .: � I 1w, '. .­ . . ' * . I . . . . � � . .so fel'tile'-in'the inventioxt. of .ne " - ' ' ' ' * . I � .. . . �, . . . � I extrenle,measures'nill9t be adopted.. . We know. what they are,,46*1n -4pinoi� importance and - the railways Walter Scott's novel, "The T lis F *.wrote � to ;t,.. r,o:r:. ,V, - Eiccadill�r;, fakowe * -Z . it up . on I. ., , , . - ! � . . �, � , 1 O04 . . , � ,11,, L.dic s- , , I , , � . , , o. , wordi,, should not ag-Jet have hi . I n r mother , � I 1, ­ �1� . I . , � . I I ' . . . . 11. . ... '.: ' ,owin-g mot ! 6re'gboul 1. . ... I . I i also 'rendered . I . . . ,L sfonishes Richard Coeur de Lion by' 1 er J * �'her',brave tef quare- .. . . � , . I I � ".. . I .. Wa�. of.tifilleard-of-proportions io ' '11- * b' § � - ---- -ani I ­ ,*. ' . I I . .. . contral'Zilrope, and why' the � enemy JlAv signal service in ai . I - . . t :Vj ­­ '�-generally­popular tems-f6r-thein;- - - -1 - - ' - I I. . . . I ­ - r duttbrig a ed 'sofa cush* * 'th, .an4:'.'senf it flower' from- ,lt'8..alofig, long way, o. ipperary;.' - . . ... - I . I . 11, I � ;.. - . . . . . .., �.: -it ,. . as -be - ' able to' hold 6iLit so lonj;: -for the � 4 ion clean in boy's ;e . '. I . , . . ­ . harrying�'a dontinent,iand '. is fast h* en I . extinguishing of-mafiy fires fo otu � .. ' -iefves, ,111�.,. , i. - " '. I ; , -, ". 1. ; , . :1 t , � ­ . , . . . - is ,iA . - 13 ., � it.thereili ' . " . A sent -they Are-. airmen , not . " - . * - , . . .. :pegobing out to. 6mbrace.every nation -the government from. the very start of the. origin 'of which ". they- were two'*jth Mingle sliciii blb*'(jf his It �gr� 3 in t Lveyaid. ut �m� � heart's � righ . I .. .g he Eliglisb.gri . � . I . I . I . . . . .. .. I. . - .- - .. . 1. . . .. t .1. Ov1Tk9 . ., A , 11 . B6fts . oi� gongs .. . hate . - been .. tribol, I - ­ - I ... ­,"...: I .'' I � I i . -1 I . responsible, ,­ 1. , - scimitar,' , - -, -t-. . � � -A14nyf ' . t 3ro sk� PiIots;7d-t-a*iaioia, 6rl ­ - 1. . . - . . , .. I . I . 1. I , under -the -sup. Milliolii. of..'&en here ih6: *at conserved her essentials, - in, .in no wiso 7 - . ' .. ' , . :nkany ins ances 'ok . mrol2in, or . . , I . . I I ,; . . . I .� . .. engaged in the productions Of '.�wi - the U.:S. ha, . - * I . � . t , thought . afid, ,c6iltin,tied, * kindnesses 1. I -troops, includin . g Any. of the iithor'fanek-", . ' vibich! � .. . . . . . . . . .about the game ve � Diiring4916,'558 fire A ibelieginn.ing of the presen war, I 1 the, British, names � .. � - . 1.� I . .y as - .. .. . a wer ' e report . t . - out 61 � I � - ' . I I . I :� . . ' ' ' i �, I ...( , - the' S011 74 -re no*, and for nearly three beguntqd6i We. must 4ight -the 'devil, ed as ­originating-� in forest sections, � by . of ,co' d be tecoiihted. - they are bright I' �e6p..the.. Home . ing.enious,.* persons .. attempt'.t . -... I . .. .1 . - ... - k % . .. I ­ . . .. the .. way, .-.xn.any regiments V1 r . I . vorz,Noveilo�s-!% I Fireo .certabi, . � ot--' ib.-- ­' , � - .. �. I I - . I .. . ke ­ � ­ ' . I - - 330 fp -of, lines subject to: the French .4 troops. wore -red- trousers .1 e , in � e 01 11Miclf&­e1­O!Le. -,,-C.�" 4.010-uptin­ thern. -- :- , - ­ 1, -­­ . . I .. I . 1 , are havd, been, dolne nothing to- witIvItis own.fire. 1. - . injhisd�try g,di' .. . V. I I , 1. .: �, 1. �. mith�i -et, . . . 9 spots . ys of suspens, Burning,., � dry, ­ .". � " , ' . I . . . .. , . . rdi .production, but "'evokything- , - . I , A , . � ; . I . R . a -i , bd-. which, had ' 0 � em -'rand the.partaphrased- . . . . � . . .. . . - � . ., . . ­ �, .7 1 m . . .. . � I iva c . . . I , I lWay IdommissionIg jItriedictiorl been .'xetained,. -n twith- and inxiety,, and,wo-can on re . . . 1�i,: , .1 � .. . - I .. I , . . I ­ I .. . .. . I ly m . I .. . . . I - - . . ­ . . .. - '. - . .: ` . I.., 1--- . *ithin-.Aheir P�v�or, 'aided by, the­­�­- I --- - , LIFE PASSE e , - - � - irog,� 128 fires -les's - than' in: 1915. Of sta�nding their, undegirable - con leu-- ber to thank God -that �such­ woniew.are, . " - , I- . :.-- I � V, I ,OUR . ENEMY TICE PLY., . - ' . � � . � .. L , �.. � -. ­ `AS- . S . .. I I . I . . .sp . - I . . . .; ­-­ ., - . . ­ , :. . . � , . , I If destruction, - to make the ` I . . .. I I. .. . . ,. - at:. ousness, f6i sentimental rdasona, be- acting, as jard to . .� 6i boys. - ,we a -a coining, -Marshal Kitciibnee . I I . .0. . . . . . . . . ... . . I . 0 . I . I I . - .. . I ,. these, 69 por* cent. w�re definitely � � ­ - gi... . li1A*fi9Vls � ' - . 11 : � . ­ . .. I . I . '. . ­ - I �'. I . , turo, * ' is- , - - , ��* . . � ' ­ . I . . .. � 11 " ., - . . . . r . . . .. lonle , all iia . 1. . 'y to . , ". � CA bay. -re - -Theyri as. if . "The. Rest is -Yet to V,ome," I I tribiited t6.1,.railway cause�,--18­per Ing associated'with the,mllitar'yL-h' ' - ", I . . . . . .(now Lliq d George), 1. . Various Wiys,.,in Which Comba . . . p �: --Jere � in ful. - A . edor , Wl -- I ----6f* . . . � I ­ * , . .4 IV 8 .. . I. .t � . . . I .. ­ � . A - .". ... I. . 1, � . ' F' e hundred -thou and strong, ,.. , . . I .1 . . � I li d 'ith the pan on&' A little . ehing cent. to.known ehuseg other thanrail-. tory of their. country . . . . . ' I � .11 �. '', ., . . . . ,� . I ey, In . I � . , .� , .., � THE -EL I ECTRIC FURNACE. ng the battle cry of freedom,�' , , The: F1 N I ., I . I . I moro gr . tile less . I . . I . I I Shouti I . y,, uisance, � . - 1. . . 4 . - I . . I ways,. and, 13 per', cent. to unknown Engligh cbildri n,'in tfie.' d . I � I . I I � . I . .. I .. ­ . . .., . .. . I . e,struction, meteorological, conditi ' . . . . . when . . I I - .. � I . . �, I ' ' I .. I I . . 1. a -, * hair., I.. . '. . �.. ­ . . . � . . 0 ays . � . I �, I I , ' 11 . . . . I � ave. prevailed.'that havb re uced pro . causiqo. Of the 388 fires ,chargeable ther.Fronch ana British.were clj�oni but the Prussia troops in Prafice.still Tile best Me et - . . . . I .. I I . .. Eacli'day'as the by" ' : . I. . Rapi;1'.Growth In.4s Use for the-Prol. . . I . I . n- - I , . . I � . . . . � -1 . I . `imou%%music hall . -, I . ductl6n in Ali. cerial.. exporting - co'u* years - ' fo,railwav causes, 101 fires or 26 per cally at waij were- taught that the Sol , � 1. bear - c6k, of- is .to prevent their 'breeding. b' d ' ' 1� - I'- .' I . I . I stO6 e i,b ..­."..-."-W"--1� r. � . I I .. � 7 I . titi I . . . ,y . e. . . .. - ­ - ---- - -- - - - -----,- -----,-�', I I 1" I i I" I I i I i L.4-111­oi I I I le I ; - I 11 I I ed -1 d 15V h 1. the gu i I I I .1 I I . 1 littl' .more pGg in1h . $ I �' . . 111, , - - I - 11 1. I -I ­"'-� . I 'A e I rm, . cent. were incipient fires 'which did ha Tjo�j6 �6f F-rand6 wore �6d troillsers 2 4n' * ­ -... , � I - - �d . uction­of..S�eel. - -­...­.:....­,, Paddy's Molly 0 1 , , -. - : ­ .-.--- stroyiJiiq,'th61r`breeding places, Thus - ' '. ' !-: .. , ' . ' - , :., . � ' .. ­ `#Ies1arbel Wthe, uormalwverage4 � . I . I � � . . ow 1. !. - .. � � � � I . . ., . . � 1. . � , - I �11 .. . . I . � ... . I . I I Alittle more dim in'the eye. . . . ' ; , , . . . I . I .. * . I I . ..*. * 1*-.* I .1 I . I he, step , 'aamige'. 2871tres 6r 7-4 per *cent. are order that they.might not be frighten- ... .The use.ofthe'electrie iron and steet' �Back- of the lines, - 1,1softfiwhere � in' if, flies were excluded'fiont thi gii-` , , . '. I ... , . I . I . . 1. � A -little more fithering �f It I .. - o�ver� 1.1,29 1 . 11 I . I ice . " I wthe famiaar yy�x1in� jildt--bago.pan, manurepile and* Ta . ult)" - -1 , . . . - I . . . .- - - -, "K�e­n , iust-.m6et.-this�:eonsPira6y'....I�oy---.� -Wuy�:,oter- - -1 larger,fires. whieli bllr�i�d 0 ed, by- the-aiglitL wil--blaoid it. furfiace'llas made bxceptioftA;optqMas,­Frhn " a . .. . ­ ­ - .. I � . q I ­ .- - - I—' 1. . --- - -- - -- . , ,.A ­ P#vy - ­ , - lifelapith P Under *at. i;i�Vitidns,-' Wheii th ' I - common - -7 . " -114.1 , � . � , �Ai .Vo tread, � , - -- --- � .. - i their ...o i , . - - /--" � , , �. I -total ..amusing Idea', U c6Urse;,.,13ut.Frenpb , - . ­ 7V .­,;....-­ .- Oy get'tojith- ity to be fibe fr6m'fllos. -, � -.- � � . . I . . . I I 1. � . ­ . f d - - -The - A the Yorkghli:4-�laxlg, when. ,the t ivould bo'pos�iblo for the . .--. -' - , -- . I. � . ambitious man slid . Mother ,-Nature, Aild a little ne I arer ever d' I acres value at $35,566. '* I � . . c. e- cates � . -,­_ -..' . .. � ' V ay - - ' damage �rolli all f1rds is. estimated at . steel, exceeds the supply,' And -guni are silent, frequent . I . .. 11 I .1 ­ tile 0 ' 7 ' - ,, . I ., childfen were thuglit ; English ifiand- f0r .' , . . ' 14 - � . � I . . . , ,and about, the only weapon .we. have ''To nes who.haVe" ' I I . - , I � . . . � � . . *d - I . . . . � � � . .1 I . . , gone before,. I.j. -the railwaks are fighfing men ,wore red 6oats -for --e'x-- Junk 011e§ -are sdarclied for available �et.for,a sing. . 'And the songs -most It'is -in easy matter to provi e a . �. . � .. I � is to follow%E uropo' in stimulAting and - - . . � ... 89 482 ' Of this . . � . , � I I ......, I . .111, I . . I . . I 9�. P , ' - th 90 - per . ­ c . en .,' k ., 1 he - .. . 1. .1 I. .� , - - - furnace:1 ex. " tting "' I I , . i 11 . . . ctric steel -for. the, ggr -­ �, -­­ . � � , I -- . . I *A Utp, . 1 ---­J---4-"--­i�-"U- -,---j cngyg�d vi ­ - t -a.a y -t --s , - , inetil, the ele av�r�����.Ut g�j�-.� , lid, bggq, -Can,, �­ , ­.. - ­--�-A. -?. '"Oncal -I n- - . - jL--A,:J.&­1 - ­­­­ ­ -- nowli -4ine ie% -5P -U -..z.-.- .1.1 . ­ in L ­ ­­ . ­ . -� - � - , ­­ - - � 4.1.. ­ . -- W- -1� - - - - - - I . ­.- .-, -........ , ..­';w�­ � . - I -­­­ - -- . ­ - ------ ­- . f:!!--�- -f, .. .. . -- if --t -- 1161ity-, � ly�Pro,Qr.--aOwoVe1r,------- I - ---. - -W-Rfw-n exce em- q r -,---- -Tne7PrrVy­vKU1U-X . . 4 1 0 . . . ­ - - ­­­ ., ail A' per cen't. -,-- ---­-ffi-------- ES' ------- 1. ig ' fa a t e -even- ... ... � ' It ' .. cent d Unknown ftes Z . . . I , . I . I I I . - - - ­ i&--ror most ,of the;fooda, An& -X-.,eo , 11 . . � . I � SUM XER F IR . Abide�:With Tile, fast' fa ­ . . , - - - I .. 7nunt Pr . _ w ng weariness of t. I e framq Thus oW all ilnos* gubJect to the uris- . 11 F .. . �'�'. � , P�rativel�- Poo I I 1. I . p . -is not such Ali easy matter ,to ex- .. I '.. I . . "I I J . � . ii 9 . , I - . steel from -a com. r qua - . . I I . if �, � � 1. . ­. 4lothi ' i aterials, An4 the. first step . d i I 1. I . . . ". .. . . P As.niore , ti We,, , I . I � I . - 'I d 'flie' 1r6 .� , � ­ . , , . . : . I ng m . _1 ' With each swift Passing year."'- I jet;" rd ,throughout Can-, ' -ness deep s,.p6 - , ,a 6 a fil,ihe manure, PJ1e. J. ­ t I th6 on of the Boa k e'r lt� 6f Aron and steel,scra . T�e ,Aatk . � . . in this direction - is t#" cut ou i A fading of h pes, and, aviblilons, to'd -1 Gtare Danger. from. St6ves in Sumn I I ell id, with me . � . .:..1.111 . � I " . I 91. I . . . Q . .. .1 Ada -the forest.0res defin�itely attribut� - , . . . . ­ . . . ; and tftore Careful ., conservation of I .., tp. , *.'I* .*-. . I � * I is b,est 6 store the ma . ..'' . � . I I - . and - � 0 1 . .. Kitchqn Without -Chimneys. ' .. I . . - -abide. , . 9 1 , . .. .. �. . ­. � nd t e ddlemdrip .1 A, falteiing in life.16 quest,. . - ., ,. . I . tha ti has beeirmade f eanS:. - .1.� . 1. - ' 0 ­ . . I to­-�rdilway agencies d 16d. id .. . . .. . . . ... jdatural 'resources' becomes' necessary, , - . , 11 �. . lyw-proof by in .. - � I � . - 11 .. * arx %binh t -little nearer y .. , : t'. ,. . � I . � 1, 'gain � Or:- - . I . , . . ' of redn, or to store it lit atighthok . I , ..., : . .1 . . .� . I j1poculittor", t , formed , able .am- . . . . - . I . � .. . . . -'est �811 co . a I 011 0 un- And a . . every da .age amounting,, to. only $36,666---:�a - re- � A seri6iii.fire:bazard is the suMther electrical , processes., steadily . --h ­ ' So' I . a. 11 � , � . " : - � ... a , To a'swee a ' '* '. I Lead, kindly lig t � " If it is not pbsslble�to.stora, -1 , . 1. � . aly r, ISO the PricQs o? n6cessitie f na peaceful. rest' ' ere heir greater epon- - . .'( , . I'a , " . . , I . � - ,Thus th'6,.i-Od4al-90VO-VOline'nt',,�ilI asw:� ' - 19 1 . , ­ , , , markably good .showing.,* ciin�idering kitchen or lean-tto. V requently ... I I gr;und bec. Use of t I Amid the eneirdling gloom, . the, mail-' ", ,: - . . .­­.­­- �� � ­ - ­-­ - , , ­ ".­­ . ­ ... ­� ­ 4?�.. - ."--,--t- ­ � . 1. , . � j&lq . use . I I . � - bof ­plaees�-- * . ... . , - - the -uq� is-Wd"i! Th'M - - A'Ar-o��- v- - - -- --­­� . , - pvorable--we-Athurt,unditi ^ - gtt -7 - -Mny-ill tjle,� Taw--niaterials,; -.- - - --- - -,--- ­ tb----'--- ---TF----- ----------- .th - -n a i . . .. '" - " ­ . y � d'y 1 9 1 1 .1, �11 , Tse­rf- , �uroi, 1 iii -:ay-pr e . V, " - I of: all food receptaclest:1. . . , . I . . et . I I.. & , tli� ... � ­­ ­­.- -.111--- � .- ! .­ . . I .Lead-­1.hQP­M9 ... q]R'-�...":...���.,:�-���....-�l---,.-pil�-c -betreatedat - - - '. :. ! I me contro A little mot,f l6neli'n' .% Of I'M ­fii,es rep,ort-e 9'. . .causes move( ouf for title- Warn -i season, and. - �­At the beginning of' 1916 there w e-te'"', "-- .� all, int�rva'ls of Aen ... , . .kU , .. , , I . . e�IT iw' life -1"-A9X.. . .. . '. , ­ -. Or tlie,.SINVIrigilig-jnili�ant--hylmn.,--�. ' . I JUch* a.9 .storage hoise's,, warehouses,-- 9 .." wee's . � I --�­'. � ­ - .1 . . As -tha-dear' ones -pa-si -away.-'- � - - Loo�*otivc- -j - i ­- ' ' t'Abrough tb6 wall. 'e?e*' ist elfu­ - ' i th United.'. � I -&ie .1 .� .1, I r , - . were as follows: s, 61 ppf a 1 tovepipe pu . 79 ciric e rfia-ces lit , e ' , yo� ': ft-tWitr - k 7. 'during - *arm , , . . , -.1 . , 9 � I , not Albigger claito oti. the hea � I . 9 ,',Onward, Christian Soldiers, - . .. . .. �. .. �, . 'eti., �nd "e,to it that these are ve,nly,land cent - iailway- employees, 8 per cent.; roof � This, ig'a verydangerou States , produdin 100,000 tons . per ' * - ­ . - weather by'm6ans of chemicals. This, . . � t� I I 'A I . � . ' ' � ' ' . . .� - 1, . �..� " - ., - - ­ " - �11­­ ­ ­;­­­�--*� ­ - ' , . : kills -the Maggots before they'dey6lOg-, . � , - �` �, I ,. ­. �; ­- - ' 9 . -Cft, tie(!,-,alid-�!��ShG�-ld-�-110..t'�be - I � 1� P14 .1 Altqr­��-4tq � v -dr double. thia 1. I ­.- � . . r lt ,te famitie prices as they : I . ... F . . . .. . . . - . . I Miirching as to. war." - � , .--..-. ­­ .. .. used.. to .cres _'­- 7 11 With eveM�pak�lfig­da ' ' '. -w -a K � mit l In tap.:r .4 v ar;� to�d4y� I' . . , i '- ­�, - ­ __ _.-- __ -91-z , mpdrs­.�aud=�p, velcrs,,�l -paL- - T ­ ­o� - - _ _qy ­­­­ � -, -- - - - - - -- ­ I I ­�.... ;2 -1 , .. I . ' t. . 9 - 9 � . - - oth �,r ­'� -ica , .- - �Y�eii,ly, produ - . . z -- . ------int6-tli,�-ai3Ult-,.fi�t.-- . ! t -­ - �� � .A�';­� . - - :., . are at pr�esell . . . I - �� .... AJIttle-farthe.r.from, t.oll,anol care, settlersi 8 p6r-ceiole., ( - -�now­ll Sto . sh.ould be,'a,t. I 60 oikhteen ;�uml)6 -;Wikli� a etion'ex . " I I I . � �4.1 . . . . I— I . .. . I. .e 11 - . I I . I.- ; .% : . �. � i ' . ­ . ,. '. 1. I ,The government is..tNgo still fur- 4A little' less --'way to roam; , . . -, . . ..- . . . .. I . . . . ciulea,- 3 per cent.; iinknoivil- cause,. 13 'Inclio.4 front any wooden wall or ceeding'1,000,000 tons. Theic furnaces , TH $PLI LOG DRAG. - Powdered lielleb6re *C'an'be pecurecl, - , - 4 . . 9 1 . El T . . , . ­­ .? I : . 11 and instruct, supervise and direct .A drawing near. to a joyAll' hope; . pet 60* ,. ' , .1 I ' ,r'eqdire in the.n;ikhborhood,'Of 150,009 I . . .. . . . ­ . I at*4ny drug stol-e­ . affid1t 1P ", 0 , specmkl-'� ­'­4.1�1­-.-.--"�,, - ­ . .. . .1 � , nt - - 1, tio,n The floor..Should b6 Covered 9 . I . � �. , . .. � , - � ' ! Y. . 9. .. '�' 11 fa:rmer ,regarding what he' Aliall And. h 4ppy b6ftli-' '-.--T.li6..ti,,b..o,L,.tant�..caxa�f�.r�-fi�.e--Xlk�t��, wit]* ' ;� I � . ended ,foir'.-tr6ating manbte� -- �,*­ ` . ­­­... 9 � �. : _ _,yqlcome L zinc oriron beneath the stove to bip., one of th� liirg��t i§ingle-installa- -AA,'.a' . , .9 . .. . - I ., ritagp of its Use on,Eatth Road rROMM �, �i'Knffi"'-liilif - I . , . . ", � .1 1. - . , . - ­ -"- , - �'. . -1 - . heaps. -.",.Mix one-half pound of jow-, . .. I � . . 1. I ... : P ,during - ihis. gr�&-7 - .- �. ..'. " � I 1. . i ­ . . , � ...... . 9 . 'd.. I -h - - � � ..- I . - . , , . '0,��,�, -11, -­, Ing-purposois is -now -- ` teil: any live Cos. a, t 6 covering I tions having a a � - , . I 1. � � . . .-1 . . will be required to . . - - - . - ­ . I ill effeff 6h fhl� -total e pacity of 70 tons .d... I .It. 8 ring. . ' . . . -1 . � I 1) . I . . I � � 1 .--Railroads , , Canadian -Pacific, Grand .Trui sh u 6xte or. beyond, -the' AtOve for in unit,8 of It -and 20 tons �-. , � -,', , * J ­ . ­ . . . 9 . . ns of wal- , � , - : ,i. ­ I I .. - . I � I lk, toniis- cao Id, - 11 � . dered h6llebore with -ten gallo . . .1 I I foodstuffs * in pi6ferezieg- to -othet' , , .POTATO PRODUCTION., :9, - it d"conventioti4'ilre excel to "I i ix'tf ith the r � . �. I 'i I . . . .. . .1 . 9 inches lit front'afid oil the. ' The. Mative- growth in Canada is � Good Oad - an' & M loioii6ly Wt. , han-,1, . , . . 9999 glits tb prove I nt market maniptila- ' , - -� ' . ... I. . . kAming. - and Northern Ontario and . ei' liteen i . ' ' ill Ilyaround th6'edg6s ot th '' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . I 1; ., I .. . . .; . .Canadian Governroat'raffi�ays. '�Such side on..'which the fire door 4peng. even,grater'Ahe electric­furnhce steel tent. ' Much infoAnation . and many ure, 'especia 0 . . I � I . The Average yield of potatoes p0r I . ! '. ons.' - ', '*. .. . equipment has Proved it,; effeo�tiveness. Where pipeg pass,throug1l :bartitions, prq4uctioti has increased from 61 tons helpful suggesti6s ar.e.tq .6'e -obtained pile.. - The above -quantity is sufficionti , .1 � . * ,,­ , I 1. . �/ � . , * , .* .* . '. , . aore in Diitarioin.191r� was 53 bushels. ' . . . . ,. I 9 . I I I . . ­ -6 '916: -tending them � "''. - Vilfortunate- for- tiel' cubje-:-fet-f -of ­1�anljr�." , ' Y, "--:---- I . . The next lowest y1414, lit the . last :And wider use- is �o 'be- ho id ,f 1p�ll thimbles. :�iv. spaee�x4�uid' in 14K6 'to -43,760 �oiiis lit 1 .-' fh. frorrt7 -A I Th � . -1 i ) The. govoinment alaa prol)ose& to. � -- . -7 . 44 P- , -O . r-- : � �- Jim . . with- 9 . . . . . I I . I thitiy-five'-years.was 76 atid the avcr� Z' . . � ­ . be provided� M.iac'6himneys shoxild 1 Montreal, alone,,aceording .to figures 1'� very f6* country' patlimasterA at hellebore is very inexpi�nsivo,,and for, I I . - . . I . I WEAPONS I , e Inves , thient'aii . n* n " . I �. ... I . ree'just h610 Much Of -the nbedsgi- .�L 6F iVARF.kR10% be, uied, arid these should be at least' .supplied. by the, Civi d telld then! - Wo all hope that,, eve a'.few ce ts a sufficient quantity Call' I o I . I . I I % . .1 . . . . . of Ijf6.shhII go into the'Monufac- I age annual yield for theyholia peribol, . . I oany, gooa roads, with Propter sur- be secured to . I � Ast . .through the -entirel . . I , . . ' I � . . . . '.1 '114 Iiiishols pet ,aqre,. , Considerin ' . . . - � I e-ighi. inqlwi� tbick, And start �,roiit a 1 . Industrial','Co., there are in opefation, t . I .. . . . . . I . , . ' ; I " brower, , 9* , I - , 4ettric'furnaces �aee and under -drainage, and fou'nda- seamoil. I 1 " . t I . war, I r . . �� e of luxuries so that the a Material Furnished,, Ily .The foundation on th'e'Iffround. If chimw I()' being installed, I I ( . I . I .. I I "ilistiller will be placed oil shorf both yields nd Prices, of seventeen, . I . I . , � ' ill,beedine general..' 'Ite-41while ' 1f,the breeding I lices a:re . � . i; .. . ,; be J 7,0001.P. The. I I . . . Fishes , of the, 'Sea. . ney, -hied with tile forM% lua'de for .recifiiring a, total ,of I tion w destroyed, - - . . . I ... .different farm crops, those which gave ". - . . . . . , , � ' 6 ,� etepci.�e the ? . - " ' oblit�rated, a� . 11 - t fed from JlJ.Tl,i 'it. -would..' e well fo,k Li to . I I but ftw'flies will be found Around tfie, - ', ", . . . � :. . � I � tons, -it not entirely ' the greatest returos'per acr6 in On-. . l,wen'tlie, fishes of the sea tire called.; the bbrposo, .1 Siiigle,briek thickness is, larger furnaces wholl ( 'few that �io rnake'their,'. � ' � . I . e. . ' 6 house, and tho- . In short) ' it * Would in ws: � 1,6ta- . '. satisfactory. This. is the -billy safe, 1 tell'sion lincs and "Propelly, controlled, pl,oper care that rhould be given I to . I I a. t to fario 1' 1010 were -as folio' an to supply iv'ar raat�rial. '. . I ; . 1. -b� 11 I any exi-ling, carth roAds:. .. , ... appearance e . a, .� 1 I as o * individual I abou 16 ,� .: . way and while mor� expeiisfte,. the � offer -no swrious distui i, ceg. t� thei), in, . h ,soon .he caught br . . elli�fnated in' the. interests of the toes,;$78; turnips and other field , otk�, I � - ' . .. . I . I I In Polynesfa spears are pointe�tl and 11 . , Plant -of, le po. AVhilc.'. t . 8 ,of fly traps oli:Po'l, e ' d' � : 11 . . to, and that W' Atb. entering into ,dged witli' the beeth of . , $76; benns,,$68; ' liusldng� '6rn, $84; e aboriii�ly C roduciio' ift the fire danger nio�e tlilrn i ch cui ts, but it ...3 than f) ra�ellln�! 011011911, Dund-0 mean ell a al) 11 � , . I t to. eolltlt�y, tile middle of April, ,it was stjci�ly . . e . compensate -.4, for' the added 6.41�11.1),. capaCity 4110111d not attenip , fiV el i . , �ctp , nolont- 7 ... . 10 ! " fleavell. . and ft0l.wheat, $33.. It'will be. seen i Ainflaq. Su0i, 'A weapon inakes a insirtmee compan . - 110 11 - that the � n)ad -XII .windows' wid oloso'rs should b(y ' .. q ical Socialists' �htful woul , id. fearing, the I flesh to ics" w1li. carry-siiiglp j)hase furnase"A of 400 k.wl ofiStil "OY ndtiectiblt�' . I ' returh's wel-6 obtain-Iftig . 'till, ft- ..' . t) . le ' * , . . . . I .. philosoph iliat the highest Ag, ., I . - predicted 'sure it buildink where or O�cr- ' Tile, *Pd9sibll ities � as' Ali 01- upon which . ,ag had 1 carefully, g&cened'. This . very es-' I , 1. '' .. ndee(f, It is ' c0llfldetitlY I .ultivated �vops. . , . . . I � .., ,not- kjiowjn�,ly in split log, oil .- _ ,5, . I ... � . . � � , t beforo this month'en#6 .the 9bv- ed from the.c .tatter.q. , - , I . ' pa . ssds to the outdido 'peak lwiol ard.good as the uslial length beezi-tise.d*ercliltil6oi(leillY.Ilettel"e.()I',,St�j'itiaI tirkeepitg, flies.out of the!J. I . a sfovii�i�o . . . . � . . , . I '. out Will. b� in ab9oluto control of, , Acd&dlng 6 present prices, ' the Anotljor 6qtrumqht- of frightfulness -i; (litioll't'h.-in,tlie.uiitlral�p,,etI roads, Do 11611'se.:' If 'it is nof, poiqgiblo 0. Be. , , roc�l valuo, o� rke Alurchased f6r 'On, through a wall -or roof .th� insurer, of -lheat,, ii - onl9 about - three- -hour t I Aa . e in tile 11 9 . -- itit tintil the road is to lie recoll-, vura.vdre .sereon, the cloth nios4uitor , , , *.. 11 � I ; , the eggentittia'of life Ana their dis- _4 * , South Sea: are ipalagoes, is' it I .1 * , � . . � I I � , - " Imt . .. . _t 1 41 - of tate I risks being' unqble , to colleet the which c9iidition. woul(I adapt'itself, Q.,.. not. w, - . . .. _ ­ ­ '. --.1.11. �, - - - - alt, - -the--most- 0 Oq�'o -Jo.­,that----_­pO__ . , - - -hk-lff�urfifio�ei,"o icy';­--­­;velrL-11 - -i -etc --� --hioderatol - - -----� _ -4Ppced-v Ith:s -4)*,-soni-(.,t)4w--to-�ep-4t,iii Tmr Can :6". ecurbd-tit-a -i-ei�y --11104 --call- _04- daggtr,�Bjnlilakly eql v 1=k,s� , VIr , - � . ! coatitg;two dollars.' Rico can be,used totffi. . I I . . ain(flolt Ot f , tirnA1=fted--nrvj,�-,,,iyM. ;. stru 4. -- - � -% I I . . . I. . I �s call be. 6110.1., .4 ' . 0�t Sodiallot ask I, of.'eoutso it may . I . --9-�� . , timr. -. The fornao ,Itd,.l good shape, If -the Aplit'log drag is c -(),qt, an(I.ft will last oho'seasoll. 'k�%� - I I I s . ;Aary, to. exprefse tile , nu- 8, a wgo-table , toike tile Place :Of Warriors -all. afids, . . 4. , , , I I ' . I . -"-01 -.- , , 1 , , . .1 ..''. �. I I I . be neew, i , a to I of the Alai all Isk . Kifid Neighbor. -economically tit front le to' .r"6c P01%, used in, the springt'bri Aftcl� rttills, ­ ' - I . . . . err6d oil OhIcials, by. Con. potatO6. Seed potatboa are exceed.- a' battle helmets m4de , , i ., . I I ority eguf . I ometimes w,ear � k.w.h.'and such rates are now lit ferce earth r0tis cali be yery much iniprov- � .. .. Defiftitious. '- - . . . . I 11 . 1gly searee filid people , throughout. Of - the skill, Of the porcupihc� fish. which' , '1000(i morning! . instead of having 'n' road tull � . . A - . . . .0% tit least to ail extrome ftree, it , ­ I Caine to tunQ, yolir in many Canadian Centro for prdillary ed. A philosopher is a man who call . - �'A . . I I ut� the authority -will be there to . put - tile, - pi-ovifice , a -re eating potatoes is very thick. And �piky. It is Cured " ' . at ad can be CSL I I �. . I . . .qervice .quOi as house lightilig. - of holes and ruts an er -th 'rbi with.,equarilml. . I n1s,-goveed and tyranny. if 'which should be retained for'plantingi in,'iuch fashion as A.o preserve tl�e, I �d!dllit smol for yo -%11 .. I , � I bear another's troubl . I � �top to nia . , I kopt amooth. and ill Inuch better con- .. I , I I I I Those favrhtrsi ate wine ' o retal' pj'itn��'no' I'lit I ---I.- -- n, a e ty . wit ned' shape of the fish, and,'*h1le aftording "P 'at tile neighbors,sAid .� T�ctt�i, r 7 , , ditiou than M. nV f tit Undragged " . ilioded" , - , -rop , foil.. seed pur . - iTo' 111�?t'm. . '. . . . � 'Athor. , ,, , , . � Philantlitopist is 0, Man. who tells*, , I . I 41 I - tl, it ,v I Ile �Ilotjced ti)at Ved- their potato ( ow from a. club, I h ,00' roads,of t1f& pfe;ellt (14y. Tho cost / ! . POM protection -against n ill oua � to L . . , t . I ,. I N it . . . � .. . ,lill"Ather,', ,.sajd Clementina, "do � oil others whefttb give their money. . �Ii : . 110 even'ttiough they wove ,criticized lor londo Aj entrl"�tOJACJJ Of f�rodty �0111e- � . '. ---a�� , , OW"Alent iq great, 4A Authorities lire but taking vleaf not -1iringbig them to ma�)kot. - I would fightipg Man14 aspbqt. . . ,,What, dirti hands yoif 'have, eiljoyAlearing tile shir'?J0, , , - , is sinall but the illipr A ,pdCiflat la a man ,who permits,' . . I I .1 I , �. I . . I I � I I I - . , � �' . , I % � . -.OtA tile, �601vq 'Of v rance mAd Great I vest that these - having loid, pota. ­­-­*."­- - � . .1ohnily," said Ill,; te4eber. - "What . tile a . --'­.O.��- others to, ilglit, his battlos. ' , Y. Jf(tj-,J, and it in not improb4ble� that S1199 . � "Well " wwq naw6r, "I -don't , , , , . V . . require. "� varntinq, and 16VO-Inaldil di -O tile - w6uld yo"u Any if I ftme to .gohool th�t lin"o'* b' ' i I ,rather Rbothlng' in - A,J ..What Gerinany ih� doillit 110W` 4 . � .1 . 1. I . I 11 a na�tiollo'wlll join lu tile toes for sale, beyond 16cal 9 , Ut it O'. I 11 I . is t.�116'1� , Thalle are fifteon ulilitaity e4nipb'iv� . � I e , --T­ � I lier , the """ - -ey , f!VRQ�Lul � '. , I I , % I I I - - - - , I "i I11 11 , f thb RIH4 I Ment4i "Advorti.q0 tit IoCily. rk�qleultural -L�Ootanential ifidlistrieg of the 0arthJw,.%yJ11 "I wouldrOt Day nothin"", re- - It makns cieeds of desporation. It , I i .1. Mao . . , - 330,000 acres. , , . - , � I I � � I and distiiblitioll , Of, fo()d� I . , J� ways . gAmbler's last tbrow.--Lord r, indlAy, � I � . "I'd Ve t06 or trou%108-11 , I I . . �. . . � . .: -11arry Lauda. .' ' . 1pliod Johnny, 11 . I Canada, comprising . I I af,46 well As, Ill War ettgentials, so, pr duily PAP�ft . . " I . . � ­ I . ,Pplite.11, . . I . . � I . .. I . - M a I . . . . I . I I I I . 4 . . I . . � I I . I . I . . . I I ., I .. ­ . . �. . I � - I . . I I .1 . I . , . � I � . I . . "� , . I ­ . . 'O .11 . I . ., � . I 1. � . I . . - . I I . 1, I . 1. I I I I . . . . I � . I . I I . I I. I . � I I - � I � . . . . " 11 . � I 11, I '. 4 . . . ., I t. I �, I � . . I .1 I . - - . . I 1 . . 1� . . � . I . I I � I . I I I .. I . I . I . . � . . . . I . I I '. I . 11 . . I .1 I , . I I .1 � %, . . . , I � : I %,'/ . , . . .. I . . I . . I A . I . .. - Q . . � . I I 1. . . . � . I . ), , ; . , � , . ­ . I I � . . 4 . . � 1. I I . . I . Af, . � . � : � . ­ -----i