HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-24, Page 8rvoriera "0„, • w WOW Thursday, May 21itb, fl 1 WARM WEATHER WEAR With the coming of warmer weather will also come the demand for Ladies' Waists• Misses' Middy Blouses and Children's Wash, Dresses and to meet this- demand•-wefare-welt pre'ed with- a nice assortment which we invite yon to see when desiring anything in these lines. Ladies' Waists and Blouses Latest styles in Fine White Fancy Voiles. These are very prettily made and nicely trimmed and the very latest irk style. Special values at 1.255 and $2.00. See our t :les in MiddyW �;.r at 1.25and x• °. Also Misses' styles at $1.5o and Child- ren � . ren's at SOC, • Ladies' White Underskirts � � These are made Of fine quality cotton,` trimmed ��vath lace and embroidery;p eclat lines at 1.25 and .$2.00, children's Wash - Dresses Just what the little folks need for summer wear—neat, dainty and pretty styles, made of good washing material, . Busy mothers need not sit and :sew at night when: you can buy such nice dresses as we are showing at such reasonable prices. Children's Rompers hod wearersa0cand 75c. , , • Little Boys' Wash Suits :at l .00, L25 and $1,50 Little Girls' Dresses, in very pretty styles, neatly Y made and nicely trimmed' at soc,. 750, r.00 and 125. Ladies' House Dresses A; new line in good washing material, with self -trimmed collar and sleeves and elastic waist band. Special $x;oo. • d �lionday, May511. Ea,. Downey hem. returned borne from Niagara Fella. Mies Ethel Stewart left last week to take a course in Guelph. Louis Schnitzier, of Cargill, is enfieg' ed with Joseph Wrightson, jr. Pte. Clyde McKeetnan returned to Toronto-ou-Thersdey. morning,— — ._ Mr, Kidd, of Toronto, has been visit- lag his brother, George, of this village. Mrs. J.,14i. Draper, of Stratford, is visiting her parents, Mr. and :Ctrs. ic- Intosh. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. McLennan visited f ler mother, Mrs, McLeod, of K.ineardinet last week. MissFd`th 8ow on has arrived home from Clifford where she has been for over ,a year, Mie: W. Ts. Stewart has returreclhoiue after an extended visit with ri,lativee in Bradford and Toronto. iNisa 'Susie Thompson' was the guest of her friend, Mies Mildred McLaren,. of Tiverton, over Sunday. - Mias. Ray, of Lindsay, ,who spent the past two weeks at' Ir. Graham's,left on Saturday* morning for Wroxeter. On Friday. our burg and vicinity was visited by collectors, who were canvass- ing ter_) ..M.C,A..w.ar :work fund..-.. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Lorey, of Oxesaden, Mr. Burrows,,and Mr. and Mrs. „Beacock, of Whitton, were Sunday visitors at W, J. Glrahaio'a. ' , Mr, .and Mrs,. L. B. Tufford and other friends from Beameville, spent the week- end with Mrs. Tufford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKeeman; . Mrs. J. B. McCormick reeeivedoffieia1 notice last week that her son, Pte' Thos. McCorniick,had been -wounded:- No• pasticulars /ere received , On. Wednesday last Mr, John K. Mc- Lennan had•his' bairn -raising. ,Every. thing came off in -best of 'order, Mr. Jos.. 'Wrightson being the framer:- - Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Peacock and fam- ly motored here `from Meaford on Sitter,. day and spent the week -earl' • With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.N.'0. McFarlane Phone No. 10 is at Your Service We. Sett Tor Cash—We. Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Morel • Qi Cent Bow: ase's Nerve Foo • , merits of 'this great Ioo ..Cure._.fuil=size 50 �i�'o�e 'the r great -Boxes *ill be .liven: awa -�� ontlse date_ mentioned below from: rhe tore :m This will l! '� :the most generous- dtstribu.t<nof •)r..Cha'se's m-edicines that was. r ever uluderfer. in addition to the full box of Dr;Chase's Nerve` Food,each caller willbe' pre-. sented with a sample box of L)r., Chase's Ointment. • Not a cent �_wi�l be expected Pte. _Wilbert Mes,Tally, whd enlisted about a year.ago with 16Qth, Batt,, and has been in London, Out, since before anima it d1lillr. NQAND ANNUAL EXCURSION Goderdch to -Detroit and Return. ' •PIOW FOR HOUSECLEANING • We. are right in line with everything to be - found in an up-to-date hardware store. Ewes Oodericll 'Cllr: stay,• , June l2tb, 9.30 a.m. Pe urning,• Leava.s. Detroit on Thursday, lune 140, I. p.m. $2,00 ROUND TRIP $1.50 ONE WAX The Only Boat Trip !rem God. erich to. Detroit this Season.. NO TROUBLE ON ACCOUNT OP NEW. IMmiORATION LAW.— Canadians coming, to Detroit for a °tern por- ary stay are :trot required to ply • a head tax or make, a, deposit„ Immigration officers• on steamer to pass excprsionists. Band Moonlight on Monday _ Evening, June 11,, at 8 p.m.. White Star Lite, • Detroit. • • i : LACQU R' T Read what you ean do with a 35c. can. • You can make a half dozen 'chairs loop like new. Yon can, awake a Dresser and Commode" appear as when it left the 'fa ctory. . Yon can go oiTer a large Sideboard or Cupboard. YQU. COB .do all the 'Picture Frames in the house and have sufficient left for another small 'ob. I.,acqueret' is lady's friend. ' Y CHINAML Ready to Use Graining System Can be successfully applied by any inexperienced per- son. It completely hides the color and blemishes in. old woodwork and gives a finish which has the color, grain effect and wearing quality of new hardwood. Our Chinamel department is at your service. We will teach you in a few minutes how to do your own graining. Mr. Louts Weatherhead has.tbe eon- tract of ,putting : blinds on the wiridoW's Of the new ' schoolhouse, ' which will greatly add -to its appearance; L. Glrant, who has been working Abe. Durnin's farm on shares for a number of years, isbusy moving these days to the, farm purchased from W. E. Mc - Croatia last,fall. cCroatia..lastiall. The annual meeting of the St. ,Helen : Women's Institute wan bald in the 'Hail on Thursday, May 17, 'The'report of the year's work was read'by the Secy: Thea• 'following officers. were elected:... Pres, Mrs,, A. Anderson; 1st. Vice -Pres.; ` Miss M :-Murray, 2nd.. -Vice -Pres,._ -Mrs McRoberts, Secy.•Treas.,: Mrs.; 'R K. Miller i District Representative, Mrs. B Naylor; Organists,' Misges Little . and McQuillan; Auditors,Mrs.. D. Todd,and 160th: crossed overseas, : is being dis - Mrs W. I Miller; Direct ors, Mrs., Jas, charged from military services as being Gaunt Mrs. Joe Gaunt,.Miss M: Cam li` sicall - unfifor' fomilitary'' service, P P. y Y, • bell, . Mrs: Cleo McRoberts; lilt s. Geo.'. Wilbert arrived home from London on Thursday...: Fourth Con., Kinloss Ma . 21 a Alex McKenzie, on the second,'bad a valuable Steer killed by, ; lightning. last week. ' ,Mies Cassie McDonald visited at Mr. A. McDiarmid's, 'of' Paramount, 'last week: . John S. McDonald started to. haul milk this Monday morning to the Ripley Factory. "Mrs. :Dan McDonald, of Luoknoty, visited at,Ilrs:• L. Molver's,: on the.:4th., last Sunday. Mr.,Archie McCaul is puttinga ed Well and windmill ;on his fifty -acre: form on the Sixth. • • • Mrs., John : Carruthers' mother ' and,. sister returned home to: Guelph after spending. a few dais last Week with Mrs. of forming new rich h Food as a means - �1�'e liave'sllch-'co»fidenc in ;er. Chases Nerve Fn g , ortunit to blood and building tip Che system the we have decided to give everybody an opp y test i at our expense. For men, women andchildren who are pale, week, nervous and -run s ret restorative to put .new:enel and vigor .into the system down, there is notllin .like this g a restorative energy _ . _... e• break: and overcome sleeplessness and all the��sym.ptoms accompanying nervous down. • 'This 'liberal offer will not 'be repeated, nowayer, so you will please make note of, the p time and place. Podtivelyy no medicines will be given to children. Thursday, May. 1917 I emstron s Dry • -Cv °. `D s la . D. � Program .- ommittee Webb; McDonald, -Misses Little, M. Webb, E Mcpherrson, T. McKenzie • The Iksti tute sent'to.Red Cross Society ia May: sP airof socks and 47 pairs pyjamas: : .Secy, ° Carrutbersr; • Next Sunday the anniversary services of South .Kinloss .congregation: will be, held: They will be conducted by. Rev. B,. P 'MeK•ay, of. Tgronto; , .._. 11;;John McDiarmid: is. busy' (hese Store Luckn,ow. ..0 d ik preparing for the erection' of •hi.. Tie Instrument at the right;1I s60� Columbia •Grafonola. -ii ti hinged .ierolns':lla _ the tone -control. leaves at thei front thi Devi aaaad wonderful tolagyi,ae reproducer: and the Qbtrifawla or *Oyler; three - sic 4' windings -- MoDµ --hfondayrt May 21. • Roy McQuillin, of Lucknow,, . spent Sunday evening in this burg.I John and Miss Hazel" Gardner visited at Tom's J rwin's on Sunday, Mrs. Robert Webster. visited with, her thei at:Stt lielens=-on Sunday,== W esiey McIntosh, Ripley, Sundayed in `this vicinity. gar again, Wesley. 'Verna and Willie Stroud spent, the .week -end with friends near Kiniougli.` '.rlr. and Mrs.. George, '.Hunter 'and family spent Sunday with lrer sister at. Crewe., 'do, r oilSaturday The electricstorm o td this nei ads metes telephone posts in o l ag p. borhood. ,Will Andrew, of Lueknow, is assisting his uncle, Robert , Andrew, with the farm. work. . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam'Johnston and family, of Lanes, were visitors at Will hunter's on Sunday. "John Barkley, of Cedar Valley, called on his daughter, •Mrii. Richard Gardner, one: day last week. Tr"". and 1V1rp. G{eerae"Pfullips of tit.. Veleta, spent Sunday with, the latter's sister, Mrs, Jacob lluoter. • Seine of the members, of'tho W. M. S. attended the W. Md S. meeting held at lames Alton's: Tridayr afternoon, , , •Mrs. David Anderson and daughter, Mrs. Isaac Andrew, spent n. few days last week with relatives at Stanley. Councillors Alton and llackett attend- ed a business inneeting in conneetinn with the selling. of the Lake Shore Railway trIaterial in Kincardine last Wednesday Sei*�nTAppr�vIi.: on Easy `farms, if accegted) This $33 or $50 1V�ode Columbia Grafonol�.- The $33 model of 'the drafonf ora, hemi Waived, possesses alt -the-essentials-that go e-troako- up a real inetrgmealt of plass* 0- a full, ` clear, 'sutural tone; strong anetor and ton..e.ntre shutters. In mahogany ear` quartered oak. 1, ■��■,/■/y■in..AMMlR Agent- LnCk11ow • n rarreata ii?ai..•�v — .aSup}? M•.1 Mr. and1rs W. R":McDon+ild, went West last Monday. ' We Wis}i; thern.`a. safe journey. .It is.understood they in- tend moving to Luelrnow Bothe time this Fall. • We understtind that Mr, Wm, Colonel, nn the sixth, has about given.up'.farm- -'and has begun the urchase of cattle wg , K h �? whic: .ha •.intends grazing for the .Fall �h— i t'� g y. markets. ., The scholars at the second con. school, house, under the direction of their teach.' er, Miss Webster, have begun gardening and bate gut :n a large variety of the most useful vegetables, not tbe'leaet of which is the "potato". Thole` who -were. kept at ;home 'on' last b the ran missed Monday evening y. rain. a most. interesting and instructive, lett ure delivered by the Rev. Mr llogg, of Clinton. tithe opinion of many . it far 'exceeded any of the many good. lectures which have been given there,• FOUOW: B1 flSII=P A ,p. - M.URE SCO, .. Theianitary wall finish. in seventeen colors, and white —when applied according ' to directions` will not show laps and will'.makes,. perfectly smooth velvet-like finish that will not rub offi' crack or peel. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. ` PAINT In all colors. ' Sherwin-Williams;Plat "`Tone. produces a rich and durable flat effect in the 'decoration of interior Walls and woodwork,` _ A.Car of Fresh.Cement.Iust arrived • ...Coiled -Spring 'Wire . Barbed. Wire Auto Aecessorl'`es Bicycle- Accessories The Lucl�now Hardware &CoaICo. THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS Canada's.• Consoription- will he Based • • on British Experience ' The government's • conscription measure will be introduced this week, probably on Friday, says a: dispatch" from. .•Ottawa, Monday. The cabinet/., sat all day Saturday . Working out the details of the blip While ,the' final. draft of.the measure has..not yet' been, decided, the. bill will probably contain the following provisions _The British system'wi11 be carried out' aa: far as conditionSdn this. country 'will porinit; All_males.1n the Dominion -between•. . theages of ,18 and 40 will be• compel- led to enrol.,: Enrolment- will be made 'with, local boards created for the pur.' pose. 1*To class will•he'specifically ex- empted',by-the bill, but all selections will hemade: from the list of • enrol' menta by. the military authorities -at Ottawa, due regard being had tri mili-• i n the industrial tary attic encs iand to and economic necessitie8 of .the coun• Appeals from -Decisions -7-All 'enrolment 'OE the local boards a will be forwariledrto Ottawa, and the en w a 'the Bade Wherever you :'see his emblem you will find a car that is giving continuous motoring satisfaction.' Let it be' your "Safety First"sign to investigate the Gray Dort. It represents 60.years 01•experience building vehicles' and automobiles. Read these brief specifications and; write.. for 'catalog,. or. better still. see. the dray Dort at our showrooms. Wm. ;,.Aliin, Agent, Lucknow• 'Metric Lighting Electric Starting • Demountable Rims, Complete. • • • Equipment Connecticut lghitton Non -Skid Tires, on rear selection of m 111 be Made by a 'llflokolgrldhaar Appeal_ from the decisions of this Y'cl�tWfir"`' htr`:`@fslrlYYi"-''�tti�'^t�t+b"••�titltity^, ootirt.•This system is now bei .ed' in Britain with very satisfactory ,t s t e. n the national service apart from 'enrol.' menta for military: service.' SL Helens • _...Tuesday, Mair 22,. Miss. Edna Woods spent the week -end visiting friends in Bluevale. ' • Miss `McGowan, who is here • from Oregon, is 'visiting friends around St �>`t+jlens. flea. Mr. Little exchanged pulpits with the Rev, Mr, t orrn, Lunge nuon, on Sunday. Qaitte a number firm the burgattend' ed the anniversary service in Lucknow. on Sunday ening, Mr. Wm, McQuiilln intends remodel. in his he tss° this sur. nier. Ho has al. rook'010menccd oper'atloae. ,,, ':.:•'iraA'.a.:"E.:.t.:u^' n-.kac[�SvS:ucW,ra%uxeiSc+.0=,....—.»^-+ar^.*nyMSmlr�;:tXIVT^.G9iCSC�"','I[.'n±�.6•.G:�'e. ng work ..-.Bervie- istactor " results I i h intention to' keep • WI Culross Centre _ _ ` ....... —Monday,1Gtiy 21.. M. and Mrs. Joe•Gluest spant Sunday nda at tTirl1r L. McKenzie and his sister, Annie, Sundayed at the: home ,ofmWalter I)ay; John ::.Turner and Mss Hattie of. Fordyce, .visited at the borne . of Walter. Pannell. •' ' Mrs,. Albert Stanley,. of Kinloss, visit• ed at -the home of her daughter, Mrs. -George Richardson, last week.. . 'We are glad to report that Mrs, Thos` McDonald,; who • has been under the doctor's, pare, is able to be around again, a The severeiWind storm on Saturday last did considerable danv*ge. Several, d windtiiillB.were partly destroyed an the roof of Wm, Gordon's barn wan blown off,: Sonia phone linea were also broken. Noticea fact that he was in good liutnor when �y �' P Fs i ' his -is rin -visit.-We would think The Melsono Dank.and•Bank•gf ire it- there -was something eoiriously: wrong if ittan,• i uckfiow,• will, after he let of `l.r. Bald did:not cbme bouncing along Stine, close emery Thursday at`1 o'clock with hin faithful "Ford" and sunny —Monday, May 21. MisaBarber •spent the weekend with. friends in Walkerton • t Miss ,l#ertie Lindsay ,returned' home. last week after visiting in. Elora. ""•Walter Blackwell made his regular atop o.4he County ` wn for the' .leek= efpd. Miss Violet Olaiin spent' a few days recently. in Lnchalsh with her . sister, Mrs. Tbottras Sandy: . Clarence, .Blackwell was • a visitor around Bervie on Sunday. We are he; ginning to lock for ,his.,little brother Otte often hut ww elcome Olarence lob.. We are sorry to report that John Sturgeon 18 at present tinder the Dr.'s Gare. Oa Monday, last he suffered an attack of pneumonia, and at the time of writing be is not as well' as his MAO friends wish., We noticed that some of the local, cdrrespondents in announcing the visit and was-kicked`isya-calt adult -aid. • was at once° summoned and all medical skill was used to belp him,` but It was found that the:injuries were, fatal, and: he passed away on' Thursday morning. On:Saturday he was bu'rieA by the Can- adian.Order of Foresters, of which her. was an esteemed and worthy 'member.: The service at the house at 1 O'clock wast -k: teilr}Jutslre Qf:: Ripley ' and'Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Chalmers,, both of 'wham spoke. of the.neble and cheerful: characters of -the deceased:' Over fifty brethern of the Order lot the funeral procession to the' Kincardine• cemetery, where the list rites were performed by Rave oil note,., Brother Cree, Chaplain of the"Order; arod Brother Brown, Acting, Chiu" hanger; The -•pallb earers were associates of the deceased: , Rev: , Creel, Henry Ferrier, George Clatke, Robert. Scott, George Illack'Well,: Robert Brown. The;,fatnily have the 'sympathy of tho, community in "their affliction. ° ,ofInspector Bald drew attention to the p.m. " . Jl-S-c, smile. trllevrolet (larage• We have this week to report olio of theaad,lestaccidents that; had happened deo', p. 'Smith has converted the in nur vicinity fa>r a number et years, Oraltani Meek, Campbell :street., into a On Saturday last the' Naomi of the Tato garage and ince a.;(i et=class ettecliaaic In on Siemer was held to the Elbow. chow', A fall 11iie of repairs for Chet- . t 0 '� M stilted. • 4'ji1, Mlcdsol! Ivo doing ohott in the Flo s No Excursions ihis•Yeat Because it • is , necessary to forego pleasure for business in order that: coal, men and power may be conserved, the ,Eastern. Passenger Association has de- cided that no passenger excursions will be run this year, This decision -is' 'applicable to all Canadian railroads and. not even for Sunday* School excursions willthere be ari exemption. A railroad man, speaking of the situation, says. "The freight..situation is no easier"'now than it was when the Railway Boards took action. It is a question of notes- city. The present is a time foaminess. not for joyriding, and we feel that Our, coal, Men and power will all be ntedlik 1 omit l'vo ole, tiZroubr '1- rolet,cart.' A satfitaaatory Service guar. t rnr' er1nnn .cry tl ut1 ay aft r. A.. ,..a...,.v....,�,