HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-24, Page 3111.4111111111M1177111141111401.11111111111111111.111110111pRippWirz.P.,... -pm:, PP, avows 7•ElPimpqmpopre . STRENUOUS WORK IN MEMORY OF _ SOON TELLS ON YOU ST no HEROES Business Men and Breadwinners the Victims of Nervous men seen become the vleti s of nen, When tvorrY is added to o.verworit I gXhatilStiell. vu s exhinietion -neurasthenia -the Elector cane, it. Some have Ito reeerve trength itheir yetemtbear the .etrain; others overtax what strengthi sn se o. THEIR NAltIES ARE WRITTEN IN THE HALL OF FAME.' Canada is Proud of Iler Sois"of the Maple Leaf Who Made afilallant Stand fer Liberty. _thavehave„___Ifeyenteined_tkat yoneare nervotes arid not Sure of ynnieta, that - 4-.44)"1 441 vw uarWtreefebrater—Q you sleep badly, and wake up tired and . this ,olay,.just two years ago, the first aching, your nerves are gut or order, Other signs me inability to take pro- per intoteat in your vtori; your apna;', Otte is fickle; yew' back feels weak, and you axe greatly depressed in Spir,1 its. One or more of these signs mean. that you should take prompt otePs.„te • StOP MiSellief by nouriehing the navies Germans took the village, and the Cetnadiards• suffered a loss of 10,000 'tilled, wounded and prisoners, out ef a division Of 25,000. But their semi - flee end gallant stand stemmed' th,e tide of battle agalieSt the allies, and filled the gap in a dedperate Situation. .T1i(oirdere• mention of, StoJ,ulien 'Ails pride in every Canadian 'heart) and the pangs of sadness; which brave deeds brought to every home is for- gotten in conunemoration Of a noble action. Throughout, the length aid breadth of this great Dominion is felt the deep sense Of 'gratitude to tkoee fearless men whose bones lies sacred in the plowed fields of Flanders. But death could not •deettroy the Spirit which encouraged and 'urged others to victory in, liberty's cense, and Which still litres On in the men of to -day, A Bright Flower. ° . • • . St. Julien will live as one of the brightest flowers in the garden d Vic- tories, and while its petals may fall in the seasons of time the seeds which it has sown will ensure a sweet and lasting memory. Those men who stood betweenbarbarism; and civilization wrote Canade's name large in the hall. of fame. They erected not.a tombstone that signifies death and •defetit to be worn thin by the ravages of the heav- ens -and centuries of .slavery,. .but.. a monument that • will reflect in the kbright rays of, liberty the depth of• their sacrifice. •And with death flick- ing theit faces with the fangs of hell they carved the, Lady of the Snows Ot of the rook of time. • Greatenbattles _have been e fought, and greater deeds of heroism may have been, accomplished at other times, great army of Canadian citizen sole diery fonght with thie (laeli of veterans at $t. Julien in one of the fiercest and blaidieet battles ehroriicled hietory, he battle. started at five &chick on the 'evening of the 22nd, and continued. until Midnight of the 24th,.. when the with the food they thrive on, paittelY . 'the riele red bleed made by 10r. Wil- liams' Tux Pills, These pills have cured thousande of 'cases of, nervous :Idisorderst includttig nervous' prestra- . nearalgia, :Bt.. Vitus dente and tiartialparalysle. Idere !vim example; , Mr. P. R. Callan, a well known best- ows inset owe' my present health, •if net life itself, to Dr. Williams' Pink- I Ita.d ' always been an actiye man, and when thegan to run down in health paid little attention to it as I thought only a letapOrary weakness. , time passed, however, I• found. myself • growing worse, and consulted a doctor, who said that was not Only badly rtui down. but that my nervous systen; •was badly shattered. I lost .fiesh„ my appetite watt poo, I slept badly. and •aotwithstanding the doetor's treatment ' grew so weak that I .had to leaVe busineee • and was confined to the house. Time went on and I was stead- ily growing weaker, and my friends were all greatly alarmed; for My eon - .,1/4 ridden. In this condition I was strong-. ly recommended to try Dr. WO:them:0 Pink Pills, end. aa the dootor's eine was not helping • me I decided to do so.. By the tint° I had Used three boxes nould tell that -they. were help-, big nue 'When I had taken eight boxes "of the pile I felt, able to attend to my , again, and •people w6re, sur. prised to see me Out. I een,tioned the use of the pile had taken twelve boxes c by Which time I -wasqeeling as well is ever I did, and was. being cone gratulpeed by a.11 my 'friends-. en ,eity • full restoration to health. feel now', • , thatIfI had used Dr. Williams' Pink but no menehave_ever_before_gonelto battle with a nobler purpose than those sonvef Canada, who fought and bled at St :Yellen for.liumanit.y's sake. There cart be no atteniPt to detract freno the .courageous and gterhius °etc- , tion. of the Princess Patricia'e fit the second battle of ;Ypres, or these who Won Courcelette, the, Orchard and VI:41i Ridge, buntliat the 'Men who foeght at St. Julien " did se with- a _ Medicine .Co„ Brock- - — -4,-, • Brighten The Corner I where you are by eating a food that does not.clog the liver or develop poisons in - the colon. Cut out heavy meats and starchy potatoes and eatShredded Wheat Biscuit with berries or other fruits. Tiy this diet for a few days and see how much better you feet The *bole wheat grain made Fads of the Moment Draperies are featured in some of the very new st dresses. A very stylish c ue ;s illiestrated here eomhinin draped ekirt with a blouse having ody and sleeves in CO. Thie model would be most attractive de- v1oped in crepe de Chine, foulard, soft taffeta, or even in one of the pretty summer. voiles. McCall Patterns No. 7$1,4, Ladies' One -Piece Waist in estible.liy.steam.ccfpk• Proved. Once More In Southampton, Out. 1 INVAMADLE SENSLS. iv* IOUS How Some People Earn a Living by * tettse fCr Mae ha sew onnate N.gtV'S ANL) Arill -.... owns. 5.4)05'00st Ilasftil an2 tntertatt Their Ears and Nose*. " ', goilitatatgrts%reN"WMgrtt'ltr'&4. . a 1 ' eanv. t3 .W4414110 kltreet %%WO 4c. • . Most people depend upen t e r 'T4t DoAld's Kidney Pills' CUre have come to eeealt of handiwork. arid a IIILICroratkilX, UV* halide for their livelihood, and im we ;--4--------"*"..----------414175771140. IMW-- AND bECON handieraft and "handy" But there 1 • are many others who eould the leen a arms in aueli a war os Ulla su"ive .1kireafelitofflAve*,4. ITioqottutPoeend'inWsv' "411 Itheuniatimn, Herold D. Bertram ,Had Inflammatory - and etill be efficlent for business. I Cetif,OBR, mintilmitiorn nun), one .inx of opcid,0 For instance, there is a man ine eta InatlenrItgel ''''re' -A* with* every pen factory in Birmingliainel us. bereie Kidney Pill' Cleared it Out of Hls e_ ee et etteieeledraited. Collanawded. -Orr g pr a y eevera e 8yetern le binsaib their fi se us 4giving na 011.7_uthTaztrohituomzitilrdirls zetttzte.7--teat--before -they are padrzed--awatr the familiar box. Ile drops eaelt nth shredding. and bakhiga o tlie-outset I would not -Only • have saved much money spent in dec- . ,torte hills, but would have had renewed health'soonen'- I cannet speak too: highly of this medleine, and wOuld reeommend it to. every 'Man whofeels weak l nervous or run. down." You can. get these pills through' an.' medicine dealer, or by inall at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, freni The• • THE.SONG OF MERRIT- • - The Oriental Idea.A.a To What Were Good Shoes.; '• • greatet determination' and tealization of their responsibility, Cannot be gam; Said., They blazed the way for greeter victories for those who filled theit ranks and sheered the path :where duty 's • Jelin dditaman often -has 'pealiar Thelijittleof St.' Julien vvas unique ideas. about the wearing apparel that in several ttways, It was the first great battle fought overseas in which Canada was reptesented by a com- plete division of fighting men, and the first battle Of history in which ,the chemical skill of a nation was employ- ed in a diabolical manner. Germany's introduction of asphYidating and pois- onous gases in the battle with the Canadians brands her as unprincipled and inhuman. By its use she violated a• very iinportant, and sacred agree- ment of The Hagge goVerning warfare among the -nations. -- Under such tortuous eonditioes and handicapped with badly inferior artil- lery and munitions, the brave Cana- dians held the line until :-after . three days despite, terrible lodges, their de- termination convinced the Germans of the futility of attempting , to break through. At some periods of the bat- tle, the Canadians, short of ammuni- tion, accounted for the enemy with 1st and rifle bad, atid so fierce was their fighting that the much -praised Prussian Guards •viho..--vvern pitted against them, .were 'forced to retreat In cowardly fashion:, . Of the 25,000 ma who took part in fisi-.4.21000--WiRantry-rtrade- iith-10th-Lith-4-441-45th d ieth Battalione. • • • Sent, to Assist the French. , • In the'heavy action..at St. Julien, which. se* more bloodshed le fighting fo ireportant positions ' up to that e, than any 'other section- ' the Western front, the first Canadian divi- sion was sent in to assist the French, who were in A desperate situation._ Theye had, been, lying in. reedit -ties sintth orrpres. lacrifiiik of British in readjusting its line f0 meet. the altered conditions due to the forced retireinent of the •Fiench.• had to lace the north, and extend its Had to the west beyond St Julien.' 'The extension. Weakened the line, and the Canadians were ordered to stand by. Shortly aftedward they were ordered he •buya in America. -Fel. one thing, . • he always wants boote that are sev- eral sizes tee large, for he believes •that in that way he gets more value Lor his Money-. In addition to exces- 'sive size, boots have to possess Other peculiar characteristics before they meet his -full approval, es the .follow- • Ing. story indicates: • A Califcornia merchant Offered a pair of fine boots that he had long kept In stock to a Chinese for three dollars. , The Oriental finally took them, bul • tweeters later he brought 'them back. "What's the trouble, John?" inquir- ed the merchant. "Him good boots.", • "Him no ; good," - declared John Tine no sing -song boot . Velly soon wear out. Me likee singsong boot or Me catchee back t'ree dolla'." • "Singsong boot!" exclaimed the merchant.' "Me no Babe," "Me t'ink you.sabe, all lite," replied Jelin. "Whit' fo' him hoot no singee • Squeak! Squeak! •when Chiearnan. maim, alle same geed .boot • When the merchant had gi-iien him In exchange for thefine boots a pair of coarst, cheap ones that squeaked China,malindeparted-higha leoratetiofeedetee..teeketeeeteeeoottwai 'Lettuce, turiiipsnepeas, beets ,anti bean*, niattire in . six to nine weeks, corn 'from eleven , to thirteen 'weeks and potatoes from fifteen to sixteen weeks. - 1:4:11:VA...?:".— • h NO SLEEP LAST NIGHT? If tea or coffee was the:cause change to POSTUM, and sleep! _Made. Canada, •-. , • Their :success Was only mgmentary, for soon they found themselves • sur- rounded by a large force. of the en- emy, and desperate hand to hand fighting occurred before the %Cana- dians were able to reach their line. And it was only a remnant of that section of Canadian boys that dug self inte the front line trenches until next morning. But the proportion:of German dead was much greater, and in the darkeessof the `night the enemy 'searched with lights for their casual- ties in the raging hell between ' the lines. k Recapture Three Guns. t• '. Next day the rest of the Canadian line started a brilliant attack, and suc- ceeded in recapturing three guns which bad been left by thb,French in theirforcecl retirement, and in another charge at the point of the bayonet they recaptured four „Of their own guns that had been previously taken from them. • * Another day • of terrific fighting 'OectIrred before the Canadiantr, who were ' greatly outnumbered, Were forced to give the village of St:t.Ittlien to the Germans. • The object of the Canadians was At to held St. Julien, but to prevent the Germans ,from breaking through- their lines.and mak- ing ee dash to 'Corals- - Saved the Situation. Thestory of how that object was :attained thrilled.not only -Canada, but the British Isles, 'and immediately at - ter the battle Kink ,George, Lord Kitchener, General .;French, Lord Brooke and Xionar Law, cabled, Sam Hughes, . then Minister of 'Militia and Defence, expressing their, deepest admiration of the noble Cariadienrs; end. eiingratulatiog the Ottawa gov- ernment on their beiniiiior., And King •George and Field Marshal French con- gratulated GenereleAlderece orr-the hbroic conduct of his troops. Gen Al. paid the Canadians a great tri- bute when he said that he considered it a high lion& to have cornmand of men of Bitch sterling qualities. , . • .° And these were the men of a citi- zen Soldiery that Canada, will -ever- re- member and revere They haye -*Ton. themselves, undying glory and for Canada al placa among therighteous nations of the earth. Etow .no‘ YOU CARRY MONEY ?: Each Natimplity Has Its TyPical Method of 'ladling Coin. You can generally tell a inan'.s na- tionality from the manner, in Which be. carries his pocket -Money, for the •yarious-emethods employed ilequent- ly betray the. name of -the eeitntry of which they-_ are: „ The majority of British.people carry their money -be it .gold,: :or coppers -all mixed hp hi the right:. hand trousers pocket. 'Upon needing •any, your typical Briton takes a hand- ful of. this mixture, and selects the &drug lie desires in an, open and uncon- . cealed manner. • ' Uncle ',Sam, heroes the Beundary, en 5 sizes; 134 to 42 Inlet; and No, 7813, Ladies' Straight. Skirt, attached to one-piece low yoke in 39 -inch length; 5"8izes; 22 to $0 waist. Price, 20 cents each. " • . These patterns may . be obtained from your local iVicCalk dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St. Toronto, pept. W. THANKFUL -MOTHERS Mothers who' have once used Baby's Own Tablets for little, ones are always: strong in their praise of this medicine. Among thein is Dirs.. Mar-- selle Boudreau, iVlizenette, N.B., .who writes: "Baby'eeOwn Tablets are the knetir offorones. cliserile,red kidneys and. that Dodds , separately, one by one, en a obeet of Kidney Pills will cure . it is again platetglass, and he can tell instantly preyed by On ca.0•0 of Harold. D. Bert- rhe sound emitted whether the nib is fit to be packed for sale; or only te Intewn bore. He lied. infiammaterk . rheum:att.:xi fOr two Months. lPedd'e ' 'There are people who moire a living Kidney Pills 4ured him • • by their noses,. sniifing perfumee for the scent -makers., The art of :malting' , "The doctor said my treibie•Started with the grippe," Mn Beritera statee. itiper wfuni)deerfliglir is' milli:ralliVythaier% attbede "My band e tied- feet Were badly eiwol- Idetnin7111%thaelly44A9Ord.dis. 411/yllogra"needminiofttebre‘, tQl.lailttosi44111d-14elle.rojare *011 -trained noes and hew little of. roe to, take. Whieb can tell at at,eniff when""there.ie Mrs.. 04; • Grasser, advised Dodd's; -Kidney Mlle. 1 'teok pm, 60„x • 5ust tile little.t.00 ralleil Or too. little or ram, a Young man well and fe'v°61)13' be thrown aside as imperfect since. ain clear of the rheumatism." I • of them and I haven't been bethered ,Whether anythieg is missing, MONEY ORDERS That Mr.. Bertram 's trouble .atime t --- When btrying your Piano insist on having an from his kidlleYS iS shown by his other THE safe :Way to send money by Ross Self Seders • or the Home Carmine or Fruits, Veaetabide and Meat* VAN cu. 5C0 =Tait' at, - Wereate _ IAPPOTTrif aeratirsla stsz, grultiorto ene M.,-,Ma13911.11. gave Z•real tlay, to Sa2.3 raZ aYlontomec . He had stiffness in .the : mail is by Dominion Express Money' "OTTO HIG'wL" tante, was tired and nervous, and Order . eyes. He had a dragging seneatien „ . . The Best. . there were flashes of light before his • across Ithe loins, was always thirsty "Which one in the 'language a and felt heavy and eleepy after meals„ flowers do yeu consider the mOst Itheumationfi•is caused hy, uric acid quent?" In the blood. Cured kidneys strain, thq "A pair of pressed two lips,m uric acid out of .the blood. Dod-d'e Kid- ney Pills cure the IddneyS, • INCOME $1,000,000 A YEAR. " India's Representative in War Cabinet . A Man of Renown. The Gdvernrnent's choice of the lVfaharetjah of I3ikanir as India's repre- sentative at the .special sittings of the 'em. . One crowd wants to calf it War Cabinet -will give great satisfae- Middletown, the ether Centerville." . tion throughout our Eastern Empire. An aide-de-camp to the King, his Highness is a :vigorous man of 88, with a yearly _Alicante. of 11,000,000.. He rules over a State of 23,315 square miles, •neariy, three times the size of Waleb, with tr.' population of 700,000 . people,. and'is entitled to a salute of 'seventeen guns *hen arrives at or leaves a garrison town. . At the _beginning _of the war the -kaharajah offered the whole, of his. State resources to the King IS his- .1aWsonal Services, and his fent- ous cii.ttnel corps has done invaluable I a very thankful for what they have werk in. Egypt. He served for a done ter my children." The Tablets year on Field Marshal Viscount Xi:411We the.bowels ancrstcanach; cure French's staff). and has been mentf9n-, constipation and indigestion; break up ed in despatches.' • colds and simple levers; in fact' they cure all the minor ills of little ones. PIANO °ACTION --BOOICON DOG. DISEASES AsIdltow to Feed Wailed free to any address by the Author a CUT GLOVER CO., Inc. 118 West list Street, New York rainamo MIniment xammormatee 174end. Naming! the New Town. • "What are you going to Iyone, yo* new town?" , • • "Can't tell You. We have two fac- tions." • "Sri?" . "And it's hard • to deelde • betvveen They ate sold by medicine dealers or InT ;nail. at 25 _cents a box from The - Dr: Williams' Medicine Co.03rockville, Ont. -- • The Little Rahn' 4. "Oh! she is good, the little Ain! and, • well'she knows our need • .Who cometh In the time of spring to • • aid the sundrawn seed; She wanders with a friendly Wind, threugh silent nights unseen. The filitoWe'-fiel-libili-apptetits, and • lo! the land is green, "List 'niglif adows gletimed the pith that winds to My abode; .orantlia'led EYeild% . And: the torches of the river -boats Eyes inflamed • by expo- :. angry meteors * glowed. sure to Sun, RUA aed Wind , To -day fresh colors break the soil, and t quickly relieved by fibrins - butterflies ,take Wing. e Lye Remedy. No Smarting. Down broidered lawns all bright with jest Eye Comfort. At arts in_the._•garden of the ,Your `Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Moles Eye • • big." SalveinTubes25C-ForliedkeilhaEYerreeasie -Translated from the Chinese of Tu Fe by L. •Cranmer-Byng. • Zeep,lifinatiro Liniment in the house. Amerkts Plant Dot Remoras • SELDOM SEE a big knee like this,' but your hoige may have a bunch or bruise on his , ankle, hock, stifle, knee or tluoat. . Perch!. Herbal -4k episodes Waring Aatiseptio-;--Stops Wood -poison Sotithiavaels pain and smarties, etc. Puto-Best to hilts rashes.. - _ , Heals sores. 50e. 6cie.' " Alt pregkists and ,Sfor'ie.: ABSORE3INE „. JR4DE.f.(ARKRFO:41:34,T. Till clean it off without laying lig, the hOrse. No blister,. no haN. gone. Concentrated-enly a fei dreps recital -id at. an application. $2 per bottle delivered. Describe your case for spMal instrucdo and Book 851 tree. AOSORBINE, J1L. the an septic liniment for manldnd, Maces, Painful :Swelling% Pain and inflatrpration. Brice El and 12 a b.ottle strut Enlarged Wanda, -Wens. Bruises. Varicose WinosaUs or delivered . . W. !.YOUNG, P. 0. F., the lymans•01k, Wontreal, Cal; ilinorldno fad Absorbine, Ir.. Us made 15 Canada. - • . LANDERS, Sparks. Good nature is a key that fits many - --Religion, must sottk .,beforeeit ean - fiend out.. • 1Vlari may be 'the arehiteet--ar home, but woman is the builder., . Moss grows on a man's hopes. if he waits for something to turn up. • We say "This is a herd old World!" bet ;what are we doilg !to sdften it? : _Golden bepean ()Lean eternity -are better. than a safe deposit box in a benk.' A New Tense. Teacher -The sentence, "My father had money," is in the past tense. Now, Mary, what tense would you be speak- ing if you. said, "My father has money?" ' • Little Mary -Oh, that would be pre- tense. • has a "wad:of bills," which he s ly keepe in. It' longi mane ocket- ' book. • - Frenchmen,In-ere often than not, MINARD'S LINIMENT. ' • , I cured a horse of the Mange with are satisfied with an ordinary loath- CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS, -ter.-^• ' -prelrebila•si-441,ast-;- WAIF etramtt.tby-rza, 'telt-fork; -witlr-IVI-INARVS IlVIENT. $t. Peter's, C.' B. t DW. LINLIEF. I cured a horse, of a bad swelling by lillItTARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst; N. ,B. THOS. W. pixIlp. • . -a-purse,-gaily 'embrowlered-m-sil the fair hand of sine Gretchen, is the money -receptacle • Of. the conceited H un . l e poorer classes of the Italians ptih tie up their smallfortunes in a gaud- ily -colored handkerchief, whichLthey. Mysteriously conceal Somewheee about their persons.' „ •• Many of our Russian' friends' pre - fere to hide their precioas. savings -in their -boots- or,the-lining-of their clothes. , , ANY CC)111N LIFTS 01.1'1',„' DOESN'T HUR'I' A. BIT I NO foolishuesel Lift yont terns . and. calluses off with lingers Druggists or Modes ty* Remedy Go., 'Chicago The- Harder' The7Further.- , Witte musketry instructor had Just been giving a lesson on the rifle to one particularly "green" set of re - At the end he asked:--; ,„ "Now, is there any question yoe- want' to ask?" One dun -looking "Johnny Raw" stepped forward, blushing awkward - "Yes; my man?" Said' the instrtfctL br, encouragingly. • "Please, sir,"...stammered the search- er after knowledge, "be it right that the fardel t pulls the trigger thing; the farther the bullet ,goes ?" ' QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY KINGSTON - ONTARIO JiU • MEDICINE EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE' Mining, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical and , Engineering, . , HOME STUDY. - '- •Agg's Course by correspondence. Degree •• • 'with one year's attendance. , -• . Summer School Navigation School. July and August • Darsinber to April 15 GEO. Y. CHOWN, Registrar - this oontem1oras7 history ofthe callI,,Clian 'Expeditionary force • lssiiea by the§ Canadian 'Illoverningmt,, ii • • • e- fibii)ett.u6R vo,..6T Tom wiz., AMMO, /IOW IN Mt HAI L'DITIO3t /20‘trAn UM I' 0 IP" Willi • itaar&Vgai" By 1°141a1 LORD BF.AVERBROGIL CaN28 • 11114 .arnmet mixt • OWIMPAISal ALL orfoirsnitiul WHAT. -A. DECIDED -IDEFIFEE=CIE GOOD " PAINT - 'MAMES‘ iereazzetze.LeneentereacezeAtelneednetwitionered. • His Weide . , - .. - taaehousenerty at a nobleman's .eolintry houee a. guest Saiiito tbe little daughter of the hod: "Your oldest brotherislit the front, of courae?" '•. "Ph,. yes: he's got ; the Victoria Cress," she an*Swered. .- "And Your .,second • brother-A:or ebotif him ?" " - 'Hfront, 'He's at the too. He's been twice woUndecl." , : '11) to proceed inimediately to the north . 7-Itni 's like agicl ' "And it your* toitingeiWbrother, the of Ypres. In the rush to that part of '.._.'o-..a-.o..--O----o-o---o-p--o--o:--,n---o., , 1.1-yoar-Old: Harold, ,.,., else in the the line they were forced to depart • . •- - ' • I trenches?" .. . : • without food" or water, and each man Sore 'corns, hard ,corns, Stift corns or I was supplied with '400 rounds of atn- ally kind of a eorneari can hnfe•Y h S -e s 1 She steak her 'head. , • "No," .she said, • "heti minding ' In - munition, . " • . lifted right out with the fingers if you I deee . . , . When this section of the C.anadians •apply' Open the corn a -few drops. of ; ,. ' ,. .,‘ , • ... Look uptits position there slight freezone, sots a einqinnati authority, The Golden Utiles. • lull in the fighting, and they Waited For...little, eaAt ope Cu) k until nearly midnight before receill-h* bottle of fretzone ae any gdelgn :11,111:0111 "Do its you would . be done by, were 'formed, in line by half companies PiDrsoianno.t that to 'a neighbor vvhich you -any oominard. The two • battalione which mill positively rid ones 'feet oi In eXtended order, and the signal wait Wonlci take ill from him.-Greeitte: given to charge the eeerny 500 Yards Whet you would not wish done to away and break 'through, Me lines, On yourself do not unto othero-Chinese. the •Cariadians Went ht a wild rush _ ddri like greyhounde -unleashed, -tatty-to , Th . it ores t s , iictoune.etrieiii ,orn , p.ncien,so osniluLdsisreeeshfolroro,noeth,sersaelft.1.431e. It'd): fall -victim to the Reaper, '. • . matiV a our °Teadero. If 'your, dra*„. He sought for otheLvsthheimgoopdghssed61e1: ' Ontiturebered by Poe. ' , . . gist hatat any freettine tell him to sired ler himet self. They fell before the enemy's awl. surely get 4 51111111 bottle for you from :--E401)tittn, leiy firo like graga, botore the well hin Wholobale drughouse, . . . . All thinge .wbetsoever ye wonld oharpened tioythei or oheep undo. the . that men should do to you, do ye even ea an ettatk on a wood held by "7,000 The &St ahniee typerweiter Let none of on trat has se' to them -.-Chi yeother butcher's axe. Ititen 3;000 more atart.;•.° Chiraese Typerwritots, clutractere, and weighs forty poundo, in a way Vo himself wouldIds brdislike to of the enemy, atta so 'oiuldep was the b charge that the 05),E5C015 Ware driVen een designed; it carries 4000 chin600, frOM r their ti in dm. trout lino .but the contemplatr ed impovenaetits be treated-Nohartintedan .. - of the'woki, filid 410..Carlaelialle Want tatty .roduee the weight to teenity '1.,:ilt t° II) Izel'a' 6114 t4lt--"" through ce0 yards to tho other odd, pounag. a, ISSUE No. 23-.'17. every corn or cellus without pain.. This shnple deug dries tile litionient it hi applied and does not even Jrri. tate • the surrounclitig skin while ap- plying it.or afterwards. • • Cabbttge., plants - -for -early- -erop- should be sett out, setting them deep . • . enough to cover the stems. -tor interior or exterior painting on wooden sisrfaces Ramsay's ie unsurpassed. The quality of the ingredients and the well-balanced pot - portions give xamsay'e-Patnts unusuat. spreading and covering • capacity as well as' durdbiiity and protective Propemes• • • , • . Local Ramsay Dealer will serve you 'with any information you may dedire-or write to us direct , • . A. RA1VISAY ik'SON COMPANY Makers of Fine Paints and Varnishes ' S estABilspirb. p342MONTREAL TORONTO • -44c.‘14P 111111111111111111011111alit16111.1111111111111111.1111-011111111111 111111111 '22111:2 VERIIIIIMINEM116110111011111inecace teearlaSelllier111111111Elalealleleas.-- City Eye Specialists -Tell How, o Strengthen Eyesight 50% In a ee itne Iti Many Instances 'Free 'Pre:gelation You Can Itave • pilled An tiny at Home. - • 'Poston, Afifes..-ritictime of eye strain Amid :other eye ..weaknesses, and, those Who Wear glasses, will be glad'to,knOW that. Doctors and • Eye SpeOlalisto now agree there Is real hope and helpfor them. Many whoseeyes wero failing say therhave-hoal their eyes 'restored and many who once were glasses say they have thrown them away. Ono num says, after using It: I Witti al- most hllnd. Could not See to read at all. Now, I can read everything with- out 'My glasses, and eye. do not hurt any ,more. At night they would pain dreadfully: Now they feel fine 0.11 the time. It was like a.miraele to me." A. lady who used.it' aye ''The atmos- phere seemed hazy !with or without glasseh, Mit after using this prescrip- tion .for fifteen days 'everything seents clear. X 'an i•en.d eren Site print with - nut glassen." Another 'who used it "t Wes bothered vnth eye strain eaused,by eve: rked, tired eyes which ind.ueed.,nerce headaches. I have worn glassed for several yearsboth for din- tenee and work, and Without the* I could not read. MY own riante on .nn envelope ;Or the typewriting• on the mn,chine before m.. 1 tar: 110 both now, andneve dibcortied My. lent; dbitarice Insises-nitrigstinir., I -can -count-the- uttering leaves on the trees acrooa tlitt street •noiv, which forseveral yearn haVe Melted like • a dim green blur tO I,ettattot expresp my joy at what It bob done for Inc." It IS belleVed that thousands trite Wear glasses Com now didetrd them in n reasonable time, o.nd multituate more .1,vill be able to otrengthen • their eyes ..so as to he spared the trouble and ex-, penile of ever gettine gift:meth The leek, an eye aperiallat Of nearly tit4nt3',yeard praetice, pays": . "A patient tame to mo who wad zufferino from Illopharitis. Marginalia' With' till the tone:unit:int' avieptointe an •mornino aeotutination ef the lids, cbrordo coa. iunetivitis and ephiphora. Her eyes when not congested had the dull, suf- fused expression corfunou to stash cases. Having ,run °tit of ..her medicine a friend suggested-lson.Opto.' She: titled thistreatment and not only overcame her ,distressing condition,. but strange and amazing as it may seem, so strength-ened her oyesiglit that she was able: tO :dispense with her instance glasetes and her head --ho tin4fnouralgia, left Iter. In thiS instance I should say_ her eyesight was improved 100q. I have since verified the efileacy of thin treat:tient in a number of easen and have seenthe eyesight improve from 25 to 75 per cent in st'remarkably short time. X can say it 'works more quickly • then any 'other rtmedy I 34.avo ' pre. scribed for the 'oyes." Dr.. Smith, an. oculiot of wide exurri. once,' says: "I haVe V.eated in private praetice a, number of Seriou 3 (4)111.1111)',:l diseases with Bon-Opto e.r.d. urn Mlle to report ultimate recavory hi b.lt :•ente and chronic eacea. Air. 23. C ; t .,N.• &Mee: sufZering . with an in, eted eye. Tho corldition wan SO ebr.iono tliat an Operation Per entMleatiort seined poralvo. Botorei rota -tier, to _the operative treatment, P proseribett lloii- ('pto and in 24 hourd the secretion had !arsenal, infetromatory tyrnetems be. ,gan to tit:beide, and in seven daYs the e 4•-•-t14----i.iiifea--5.11T-'rettiliTtid-Ita blal .Another case oe 'extreme eenvergent t rat 'smut: (oroaw byon) escaped the nurgeoft'd ltnife by Alia tharly 31Z0 of your collyrium. The tightenoti exttir11d)1 inuseles yielded to the soothidg and anodyne' ati!ecta of BoroOpto. 1 alWays 1l.tIl /len-Opto, latter, rentoval of foreign botlictr and apply It lee:illy to all burn:, and, Spetn on the eyeball or the lids for 1t5 therapeutic effeet. Ily ClraVISA. Ing tho lido of Seeretiond and acting' es a Untie for trio (yob:ill itself the Visien 15 rendered Var.ro Nair,. brio •a 'the number of easen tiZ Ili:wards:I tilatmor." Dr..t.ovitirr .tatrsl bati. mattlittea °wins- AA! t`..c „ strain' arising front protracted rnigro= neOpical,reffoarell work. Bon -Opt' used 'according to, direetlene 'rendered" O. ,ffur-,• prieirig service. • I found My eyet re- learkably stnengthened; s.0%..much .:40 I- -; /lave 'put aside my glassoti without dis- cornfOrt: Several of MY C011.4,agul313 118.3f3 also used it and we aro agreed as to its results. In A. few days,'under my . dbaervation, the, eyes of an aattainatle.e.,. ease were se improved that WM:4st+, haVo ,borit discarded by the pationt' Eye troubles of _many daseriptions may 'be wonderfully be aeflted by thd um) Of Don-tipto ‘and if you Want to Strengthen your eyes:, •go to any drAltr store and .get a b• ttle oC Bon-Opto, tallletit. Drop Onts (41-01) to trlblet In 9. fourth of 9. glass .of water and let it diSseive. With t1i! iIqUId bathe the •.:Yes two to font llraea daily. YOU. shotilel noiiee too ryoa lear 111). Ver. eeptibly right front, the earl, • antl In - f9. end 1 41::eas milekrsr If emir pees nether you. i:t11. it is YOur d'Uty to tako clo.oi to pare them now' beforO it 13 60 late.' Aiany'llepelessly blind Mieht have saved their night it they bad cared. for titoir eyes tII Ulna« city 'physician.. to: #hotutbo urtiele, woo onlanitIrd, sold: "Yes, teit•Spia 10 4 to111404044 eyet mode. tat come/aunt Id. .gtedients nre ItrOtil, 1,1 Otainent eYe e. ••• ntrsd i Trey ntsceenntally hi my Ottl 01110f1.. 0 Ors tvitlentS eyo•Atuero Strained tbreog's over- work or rolc.9t tantges. 1 eon blali!y roconourna It In cop Vealt, VeliMI", schism Smarting, Whist:, burning pyre, red lids, A:0mA Vision ft t.u. eyes 1.'1:tur1 trent 02postite to Melte, entrii tioSt or wird, /t Is -one of the vevy tow ProP1Ia4 tIong I ('-3 should, be kept on, head tot rogultit tr,.;n 111 tiniest every fitrally.0 lisii•Osto is net vatent medicine et cemet remedy. It is tat elide:II prep:1111MA. The torroala pOntEd tho paehoso. The Oftrillfactairm uunttuttes it tO strengthen eyosield 0 vet retit lo wDro wOeles ti mai,y I rigtanecs, er ronsid 'Mo.:coney. /t is did. 1.s. ceed• dr31122:latn,,ine11 5104 a.paral slarNi: also by '1'9.):1t(13- 11 anci `0. ltatca ,t1o. TorontO, •.,