HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-17, Page 7•
ANOTEER PHASE OP WAR WORK Vinleat to nourish every t"6 lYhetir.itlebeitenegaeThtioll'ei,voonur,:gtr, Thug and tilliehee fer eollarleaa dresses. This tiontsinpottirr edetweo--*et the
, ' ' member of the family. Two sQpnvire, to filend Out- With it. They had &pare, renud, oval and V ellapesi are c anasilion Expeditionary r erCe
Shredded Wheat Si*Calt* eXPerienee in motor driving, but none all anieng the different petioles In ilesimiaaued Po On 43annfiffna 00T44103114int. IS
0 VOW, ill ploughitrig. One day lastr,menth a I The oval outline going actossi .—
011itvr in Charge Deseribee the Duties With 21141g Make - P letter was receive from
nourishing breakfast at a, 4 ("le PI them ith°:uneeek from eltoulder 'to sheuldee lit
end the Pay Of An ,, , A .„ in Which she eel& .
cost of a few cents; An "We have just done 38 acres, ed 1.a. rather shallow depth is very inter -
I. W. C. -
. the bodY-buildiug material have come to de 20 acres, and this efiting and ie shoteffin'the accolatpanY-
Gratified was 1 when gieen com. in .the whole wheat oak!. , Morhing there is en inch of snow, but ing sketch. In this model the rade is
though a trifle ruffled when irreverent For breakfast or dinner with " "'""' t° ke l'utr ana trf t° w°rk" 'unik- 'shed teftli a cm-ff.-attar embivid.
Neve either of us cOn werk the tractor !ory design% one a the newest forms of
mand of an Infantry WOrks Company,-
brother-offieers persisted in uddress- berries or other fruits- tol plough, and can turn inte andtut embroidery,
tno rether, one 9f the Old-
iog me as "0.0. Drains." of the furrow witheut filming up very
mech. Sew e and bolts me alwAys 1.1.eet forms of embroidery recently're;
Your Wife's "Allow. livossui WORKING, TUMORS..
BATrALION 10110E" tiOt eXpiirtd to Two in, Eagheid Hough From For.
meet t,he increasing cost of Five Acres a Day.
may foods, but it will buy a WA- Two Enwbivli
glish, le.diea began last tianu-
Our Spring Clothes II
cleat quantity of Shredded azy to drive a tracter Plepgh, mann and voried are the neW out.
oo • wan la .1.2 yd. re • o o. • • n ors,
V01111fle 2
Werke Compenies were unknoin be;.
Worldng Mese, and pliere and wire arelvived. The cross-stitch of getiera,
fore the War, and came into being
about A year ago, owing to. the need exx 4'1 often needed. It is Very dirty w°--rk' I time back has returned', noti that em.
for-'euradementing or replaeing civil.
Vii, , >, . ' as the engine has to be filled -twice a :
broidery of d * t" -
every enrol) ion enjoys'
ion by Military laboie, sort a writer '\."1 A' day, ond paraffin" lifted to the' to of .
in London Answers, This, it woethe tax!. We. Pull totepe•gallon drum
Allnd, could be most conveniently of paraffin. up in stew stages. The final '
, done bY the institutionof - small, mo- bit is done by one berg on top and.
bile, oelt.contained working units, , lifting while the Other pushes with her
each. independent of the other, and head! The mixture of oil, paraffin. and
• available for duty anywhere at,home, 'blade in ' Cailatill flO.i1 is very adhesive, and our drill
All Conditions. of mon.:„
overalls must be a sore ttistil.to Wash-,
• ,
• erwoon.)! • • •
- Werke ' Conipany; in, .shb, is a 1Phese Vivo Women, we are told, now
minMture battalion,- and •the "0. 0, plough from 4 to 5 Atree a dao with a
Drains' is his own commanding ofll- three -furrow plough. TheY
Cer, The establishment comprises
one officer, -who is a captain or a sub-
aItern, one Sergeant -major, who aleo
acts as quattermaster-eergeant, two
• sergeants, four corporals, six lance-
arpooals, and ninety -lour privates -
total, one 'hundred and eight.
Because they are unarmed the men
. are often mistaken for "Conscientious
Objectors"; but most -unjustly o:They
are Derby recruits, who, an being at-
tested, were found fit for' Home Ser-
. vice only, but capable of A certain
amount of labor. No are they neces-
sarily skilled artisans or trained labor-
ers. .
My little commando. included journ-
alists, „clerks, warehousemen, factory -
hands and operatives, barbers, and an
exochauffeur, and only a small proper -
tion are laborers by calling.But if at
.first 'manual toil bronglit ac' hes and
• pains to these used to indoor. occupa-
tions, they. buckled to witha will, an
soon grew fit and hard. • '
.Theocenstruction or _repaired- rifle.
ranges, the malting of temporary- on
:Permanent teethe th'e building .of rail-
'aray sidings, these- are the usual- tasks
of an Infantry Works Company.
Noble Emolumenta. •
•_IFinfinciallyothe_menonay. be_ quite
• well off, for, if lent to a el:Allan firm,
as they useally are, their, receiee the
local civilian 'rate of 7wags, less 85•
cents -it 'Clay, which le stopped by Gov-
ernment. Thus, On one job Miring the
summer, when ,workingehourd werg
loog, infr•men wolking overtime Stitur-
, days, they averaged $4.25 a• week,
. After providing for the. 87 cents a day
aeduttioe, And -,mind you' -these
civilian wages were.... in addition to
their Army pay and -any .separation
, . • .
...1..l1owerices to .which their dependents
01.were entitled., • '
— The civiban employer deeahat bete&
oflit by the 85 cents a day stoppage. He
has to pay the full rate of wages to
_...__the Government, •the stoppage being
inade in View of, the- fnct that, al-
_ though the. Works Comparaeonan is in
civil employ, he,,Continuee.to be , fed,
elethed, and housed by Slate;
cicientally, the men are provided with.
khaki -drill. Working overalls, th save
• their uniforms from wear and tear.
Touring England. "
. „
Humdrum though his task May be,
• the "I.W.C." man is iikely tO see more'
of his native land than probably he
has ever seen before -A Works Core-
.pany 1s -not supposed to be lent for'
any one job for More thanotwo months,
, and it wanders all over the country,
What of the "O.C. Drains"? He
tastes the joys of iudependence, and
•'what -with supervising' the -work- arid
• conducting- Ms oWn !ioffice,"-there is
enoug.leto to twee 'him pleasantly
busy. s. On the other hand, is he is the
only °Meer with the compaOy, he may
suffer from ^loneliness. Still, it is
svveet to be your own "boss," and, my
experience' of runeing an Infantry
'Works -Corepany is that 'I should' be
loth to give it up.'.The men are 'uspal-
-)Y. exceedingly Well-behaveci, giving
little or no 'trouble. • : .
' I'll admit thatOhete arelew •epporo
tunitieS for heroism .and ,ry.c.'s, but
LW,, -men -are doing-valtiableork
• all -the -same.
An Class Distinction Levelled by the
• War. •
school for training drivers, and have
• Walking' up the Strand recently I 'already taught twelve ether girls.
saw 11, young woman *seed in a kha-
Id Russian blouse, long khaki trou-
sers an'd a khaki turban, writes a .Vis-
itor in nondoo. ,ne was -perched on
a ladder, busily washing windows.
Hundreds passed the spot every min-
ute but few even 'oeised their eyes to
look at her.
Women hi trousers have long ceas-
ea to be a novelty here. Three years
ago this one would have blocked trot -
cin the Strand, To -day she is Om -
•ply a woman "doing her bit" in a
great army of women workers mobil-
ized "to keep the home fires burning."
The war found British men. unpre-
pared, and confused, but unafraid, It Medicine IS needed to put it right. pt,
found women almost entirely ignored, deed there are few iSeople who do not
though their patriotism ran. just • as iineeda tondo at thrs season. • Bad blood
high as that of their brothers, lathers
and sons. After three years of strife
there are still,n,o quitters .nin`png the
Women, told few pacifists or "coal-
scientious nbjectors.!'- - , • .
In the firstdays. every ,womati
wanted tobe a -nurse.' It Made no cannot cure these troubles by the use
difference that sheprobably- had of, plirgattive Medicines -eau :needs
never even bandaged a frostbitten toots, and a took only, and among all
toe ot extracted a splinter from her Medicines there' is none con equal Dr.
finger. She .declared she was fully *Miaow'. pink •Pills for their tonic, and summer frocks will be adorned
cpiolified tonurse the wo,undect-Tom- lifiTifvfniferve-restoiTiig pia -WE- With lc-WC:Wed:Mit-in' the attractive;
mies who were coming hetne in hun- Every, dose of tide medicine makes colors used for embroideries.,
di eds in those confused days. - new, rieh blood which drives but im- The peplum'.blouse illustrated is. the
The romance' of nursing appealed' purities, stimulates eVery organ and kind 'that iO•worff with the new loose -
to the ladytin Belgravia, the ;cotton brhigs a feeling • of new health • 'an hanging skirts, an example of which
spinner in Manchester, and ,the typist energy Op Weak, tired,' oiling .nien; is shoeht in. the This skirt is'
in Whitehall. And nine times mit ' of women and -ehlIdren. If Zeit",ate out attached -to •if 'skeleton baing, the lin-
ten the Manchester 'miss' and Lady of sorts give this medieine•a trial and Mg so called, hanging from the shottl-
Belgravia were equally wining to see how quickly it will restore the ap- dera.and cut on straight, loosely -fitted
tacklo the job of scrubbing --the hose petite, revive drooping spirits.; and fill, lines. The lifiingis made of some soft
Pital floors and doing the rest of the your Veins -with new, health giving or thin material.. such as net; China
strenuous aboi iocideet to a nurse' blood ' . • silk or firie lawn. The Object of this
novitiate. • . . You can et these Pills. from •any type ' of skirt is - to preserve the
Itoeghly, the British army of we- -
men is- ,divitlect inte,OtIfitee:•Pirts:
First, the munition Workers, who
comprise a force running into hun-
dreds of thousands; • pecond, a civil
force whose' duty it is to carry' 'on
the work necessary for the financial
and economic continuation of the na-
tion's life; third, a mititaty auxiliary
composed of nurses, Makers of • sol -
In the Spring Most People Need
a Tonic ,Medicine.
One of the surest signs that the
blood is out of order is the pimples,
unnightly eruptione and eczema that
come frequently wjth Ulf change from
winter to wring. These proye that the'
long indoor life of winter has had its
effect upon the -blood, and that atonic
does not nterely.show itself in disfigur-
ing erdptione. To this (Mine condition
le -due attache of -rheumaftimn and lum-
bago; the sharp stabbing WM: of.
sciatica and, neuralgia, poor ap-petiti
and 'a desire to avoid •exertion. You
• • %675•7683- .
PeOltien Blouse with Pleated Skirt
so. streng a- vegua--: It is -fascinating
work for those who like needlework,
and so siznplete do that many spring
medicine deoler. or iv: mall at 00. cote, straight-line ,silhonette:. It makes an
a000f eloolioxes- for $2'.50 -Min The hiteelleiit Ridndation for the •dephati,
Dr. Williams' 1Viedicine 0o., Dreektille, oroutside blouses: as they are cailed.
. . . . The 'blouse that 'Kittens' straight
• .: .. . • down the back inomakieg.it way sure -
KING EDWARD. AND THE KAISER; ly but- slowly into -the fashionable
• - • -7-- • • ' I world, Crocheted ' ' and decorotive-
• ,
Cowie of German ' -Emperor's Hatred fancy buttons make these back dos -
for Englieli Sovereigns ingi ratter attraetive. Some 'novelty
An astounding story of King- Ed- buttons- are made Of 'colored beads
comforts, escorts for conveles-
,ceot soldiers, motor car drivers, and, ward: knbeking down the . Kaiser ' - at bunched together in ball shapee These
Windsor Castle Cs -related by Edward. are generally used an Waiste that hut--
-dellortmental atessengeri. - ,. • :
• ton in•front.
Legge •in a new book, "King Edward,.
the Kaiser, and .the Wen" „ • .
• . :A' Gallant Airman. . Here is Mr, Legge's cieeciunt of the:
. ,
.Commander 'Samson, who has been incident as described to him: s •
a -Warded. a bar to his.D.S.0 ...and • "DOring:one of his visits to Wind, . . ,
. -engagetneet to :,-Miss 'Honor sor Castle- the -Kaiser ,and .Kirig-Ed.---
-. -
torey Was retently announced, may ES
justly be teioned the- father of ?lava from something said by the former-IvI.ERICINE. -.
S.ward' had "an . altercation ' resulting TIIE. i3
flying: ll'e and Mr. Winston Church- So exasperated was the King. by his - FOR LITTLE. ONES
ill between them: got the .Naval Air nephew's ' grossly' , insulting' words
Berviee_fairlyetarted,r'and'brofightlf. that,. losing all •control- over hiinself;• '
to such efficiency that it Was far the he sprang to ' his.. feet and knocked ' ilali's' "n Tablets are the best
Medicine a
better half .of our "overhead . afoot the Kaiser ..doWnl"-. . . • . , , niother Otto give her little
whenwOrrbroke out. ' That event took The Kaiser's antipathy to England, ones. ' • They. are agentle • Samson to the western, front, Where' Mk. Legge thinks, Undoubtedly .'hia ;mild -Mat thorough In actiMi-and are
his skill And daring soon Made him its genesis hi the "bad blood" .beiwe.eil guaranteed by a government analyst
famous with our ttoops. The Keiser himself' and King Edward:. : . ' • to be absolutely free.from• opiates and
offered $5,060 reward to anyone wile • The Kaiser's' envy and hatie.a .,of . them Mrsinjurious , drugs . --Conceendng
could take hiln dead or Olive. The, All- '
his uncle led hint to long foe the . Auguite, So Driehx, Soak:,
Highest had eethi what .San could time tyhen • an. oppoitunity . should writes: ellt6 for "Enelos•ed find twenty-five
another bo x ot.Baby's Own
de in the air, and had been impressed arise fet. humbling the 'Peacemaker '''
by it . On the- last :accaajon that the and haughty ' Albion. In ‘Kine .Ed.. Tablets. I firid them the veey best
Kaiser visited Englandl\the bar' gpict Ward.r.s. Successor the -Kaiier iinagined inedicine a mother can give her little:
airman. • performed wonderftil •feats be -iew-a- .i6vekelkil--7""ififirin '
ofitipur_. tmes.7'. '1111e, febrets .alel, Geld -Inoniedi.
'Mile dealers a by Mail. at 25 cents ..a.
ex -from. The Dr„--Williants!...Medietne-
-1 • ikitillerglblin .12.thlaj
These . patterns • may be obtained
from your local ,McCall dealer or from
The McCall Ch., 70 Bond St,„. Toronto,
Dept. W.•
. • .
Method Employed by Submarines a
Their Deadly Work.
The 'torpedo is discharged taider
water, leaving on 11 whit outface
White streak of foam. The depth va-:
ries, but la never Very great because
the target to be hit is not deep r in the
-w4terItg battliteliip-Oth-Ftitigerliea------
betWeen. her water' line and keel, a
oz0000distaneetefornaybeethirty -fettoolf°-.
destroyer ---drawing only nine feeton:
sp of water, the target is, *ery difil.
cult; the torpedo is likely to pass clean
• urid.et 'the hull of the ship er else, be-
ing Mined ate point between the'sur-
face and the keel, nine feet below the
surface, it is 'likely to broach to the
• , ,serface and pursue an erratic cOurie.
Of Witte 'the torpedo bitty strike any
part'ef the ship's hull dr may tnies.en-
• 'UMW Tornedoes. ean be discharged
on the surface and Soinetimes ' are,
when the aubmarihe has nothing • to
.fear trey,/ the target..ship: . •
The business is difficult. oWith the
periscope • fukly above •weter the suit,
• marine may sight ,a .bottleship five
• allies, away, The next step is to de.
tertnine the course the battleship is .
• taking and her speed 00 that the cid).-
Marine can tell whether it ifepossible
. to overtake her and if so where. The
stibmarine tolually, travels at moderato
speed eubtrierged toivard the target,
_ .eising.oecasionally_to_get4teirmwo.,
The Iast observation oii�uh bo tee;
within 1,000 yards of the battleshb,
Plate of high danger or the under -
Water boat. Then there is fiothing to
do but to sink once for all, erowd on
ill speed, run a eouple of hundred
yards nearer I/ .posaiblo and fire thlk
darkully aimed torpedo, trusting t,4
the accuraey pf the ealculatiOna
above_theitobanzollerai Do,obtlesslie
would give Much to get-the...Kaiteloas
om range oganot
Rose by comparison withhislioother
-one. who • Would be with tQ
ermany at a time
his influence into the Teutonic Kale;
and, So to soy, tange himself along-
side his Imperial coosio. ,
. "To the amazement of William II.;
King George, when the fateful mo-
ment arrived--;Sunday•Efterneen; Au.,
'gust 2, 1914-gaVe proof that the Bi ito-
ish &finite was ruled by a verithble
counterpart of Edward VII. •
. "The Cabinet' met twl'W on that
LIMgP .1116W UN TO 14u comon
• (NA Toac Ammo no.)
osnowsa AT ALL smootrar,0
Out of Step. , „
equad of recruits Were lnerch-
ing along when suddenly there, rang
out 4„ sharp order: 'Malt?". At mice
the soldiers came to. a step. The of.
hoer. in command glared around
angrily. "Who gave that order?"
he Snapped. •
"Petts, sir!" ,came half a dozen
voices in reply, and aIl eyes; were
turned towards the offender. • • •
"You, Jetts pr whatever your nameis, sir," roared the infuriated officer,
"what do you mean by giving orders?"
"Well, sir," replied Potts calmly,
"I've been trying hard to get the rest
of the coinpady to keep step with me
and they couldn't, so I thought I'd
just stop them and start "ern- over
There. is a Message
In This Lady's Story
She Tells What Dodd's Kidney
Pills Do For Women
She Wail -Troubled With Week'neati'''
and. Her Daughter 'Had Nervous
Trouble. ' Dodd's Kridn'ey 'Finis. Proved.
' the Remedy 'They Both.lyeeded.
Hamiltedo Ont., Mat. 7th (Speelal)-
Alter Otory „told.by itIrs..H. Dicketts, of
TOCIskii-Street,' tilts eity;ocatoles a:ones-
:sage of hope to every suffering -woman
In Canada, . ' . . .
"Alter MY baby_ wee bOrn,":. Mrs.
Dickens states, "I used to Suffer with
my hock end had no, beart to do my
work .around the hem). .Dot.I.tead„
about 'Dodd's Kidney Pills and what '
they have den:efor oUiers so I thought;
I Would get a box arid -gee What' oleo •
would do for me.. "... "' '
.7 am .pleased to say thet after tak-
ing tWo bexes I found stoh greatrelief
net. be. 3tithent.- Wein
" daughter, too hoe 'been very.
sick on aodoff tor a long time. Her
'nerves got so bad we were afraid. we
veMild 'See her ,I1Fthe li9spltal.'131it
•pleased . to, say she is • better
Ortaigb takleg.Dedtre Kidney Pills,
, "I never' thought Dodd's Kideei•Pills
laatellino all mo: friends
tehoeum.,,,h7eOne i, .suclo good. work rk
W.:anode troubles, or nearit..all of
them, come froM siek kidneys. O.The .
Mae for- theta Is the old' °established
remedy for sick kidneys, node's Kid-
heyPbIls' • ' •
What Might-HilWeif.-:
et Was a .Witty young - recruit,- who
was taking instruction inoitiarkstnan-
ship The squad:had finiOhed'ating.
Pot was brought to task for his poor
shooting, and -told .that he must do
better at the next distance, there were
•to be•seven romids of quick firing..
"Nbw, Pat," the sergeant -told him,
"fire at target"No. 5." • , _ • •
Pat banged away, and bit target No.
4 . s:6'vetf times in secCessien,
"What target did you oim at r'eek-
ed the irate officer,. •
"No: §, 'sor " answered -Pat.
"And. yon !have hit I. 4 every
time" 7 oe • "
• "Beciad, sor," 'retorted 'Pat •'that
01 1 rILI/e_ tt. grand thing in war, Sure
.1„-0 0 •
• A olo-N-CititE-SIM-----T-
. ,
, . .•
Advlotages of Cement , in the don-
structien of the Silo, •
, The inenvadvatitages of a silo to
the progressive farmer are well known
and need not be mentioned here. A
consideration of concrete in relation to
the silo, however, *pry quickly demon-
strates thoyelteeti--ferthe--,nonolarity
Sabbath day; informal ltjinistirial con- it has already attained., Few ether Sormoorne, hard_
•Tiziaiicos_.,sixtee...eti&„eater.0,141,;_t_tt 4,30 trateriale ,eari.: be: ma -de At airtight as any kind of a -man can shortly lie lift.,
the -King held ti Cauffelt; and as soon conereter and just as a preserve can ed -right out with the fingers if you will :
as passible afterwards the country Must baahotight to prevent fruit from apply on the corn a few drops -of free -
learnt that the Governnimnt had taken working so mist the she be air -tight one, says a:Cincinnati authority._
control'of all wireless telegraphy, to prevent the silage moulding. The ' " At little cost one can get o small
while the Acirrilyalty celled out the Na- concrete Silo is •water -tight, which is bottle of freezone at any .drug store,
val Reierve,. including, pensioners me. of great importance, for the moisture which will positiVely_rid 'one's feet of
der the age of 53; and the Royal Vol_ which goes in with the silage muse be *story corn et calias Without Pain or
reness Or the danger of it:feet:ion, '
ototeetoReserve.."- ---- kept,in to tireVent_the process 'known
' "VW° days later Great Britafin. wait
"ikt „war with tiernianyO • 1 ..
"Thenceforward the Kaiser's 'in.'
, sensate' envy of Edward . VII. • was
traneferred to George Vo •ivorthy,eon serve an even teniperatete than a silo ettolift off you'r COMA and calluses new i
of. a worthy sire," say k Mic,PrErgge. built of any other material. The acide,without a bit of pain or soreness: , if
"Never had the head of the -House of formed by the slight fermehtation ,in your drincest howl freezene he can
.1-lohenzollern been so humiliated. His silage havil' ini effect on ebncrete welly .get a email baffle for yon from
hatred of. England new knew 'ho which iff rot -proof, 'Concrete alae is his wholesale drug•hOtee: ., .
bounds. ' lie had expected to arid fireproof and the farmer whose silo is • ,., ,•••••Lltaii. 404.4477•••• •
a woe Vi, %Or ootoe than cit 2,01 bout of concrete does' not lite in feat No Man ever lest IN Selfel'etipeet
itipesint;.-a woedon lath pelt& 1 of losing not oplY 'his' silo but also the bY acting on the equate, .
ti,410 viva,1 . lit paw cippo o7,d to erop stored, 'which is even more' difil-
WC P10 11147theilln0Feit gliaa00
Mitt KM expensiste to rogue. 2tinard4 Liiiiiitent alai b2. 'ailivalloissia.
int a ent,0 , The two most Popular typo of con-
.-gintralt" .
War Orphans Cared Fur By New I
• York Women.
Babies for sale brought a number
of eager bidder si to the NOV York Ex-
change for Women's Work, when
forty-two French orphans were put up
for sale to the highest bidders. The
top price was sixty dollars and the
lowest tkeenty-five dollars and seven
babies were "sold" to foster Parente, •
The sale was under the aueli4ees of
the American Ceivrier Fund, which ;
provided an album with the photo. '
graph and history of each child to
be adopted,- abd seleetion was ;
made from these; The sale will be
'continued until all the 42 babies haVe
found American mothers.
Alphonse Felix Parqui4t, seven
years ef age, whose father was 'killed' ,
in the battle of the Marne, will have
a 'composite mother in the Exchange-
for Women's Work.
Regino Chiquet, aged three, living
-.near Paris, wilj be the especial care ;
of the empioyeee of the • Exchange, i
veto wilt provide the fipaneee neces-
sary for the • child's support.
• ;
Minarcns Liniment Co„ Limited.
Dear Sire., -our OtINARD'S
1VIENT is our remedy for sore throat,
cable and all ordinary ailments, •
. It never fails to relieve and cure
Port IViulgrave.
In England To -day.
The foureyear-old: "Munimy, do
tell me another lovely fairy. story like
the one you. told me yesterday, about
when there were bootiful lights in the
streets at nights, and when little' boys
used to eat lump sugar."
'When Your Eyes Need Care
OseNnrinellieldedleine. NoSmarting—Feelie
Fine—Acts uickly. it for lied, Weak,
Sore Eyes_ao Granulate Eyelids, merino is
commadedby our Oeutistsnot a "Patent
Diedieine"-,liut *see. in successful Physicians'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated to
tine Pablicrand sold by Druggists at o0e per
Bottle, Murine Eye Salve In Aseptic Tubes,
.0043 and We. Write for 'Beek of the Eye Free.
Marine Eye Remedy CoMpany, Chicago. Ada
The war is producinga great school
for the people, and the lesson we are
learnitg in that school is liberality.
Minardli Liniment Lumbermanisriend.
. •
witheivords as with sunbeams;
the more they are condensed, the deep-
er they burn. -Southey. •
The Support You Need, and oiist
• Where You Need It
All the iat'est style.s Or coil -eta to .
sett any figure. , • •
'1,f your dealer 'cannot supply you,
write us direct for catalogtie and.
Measuring form. •
liepresentativeis :Wanted
GIVE wind:and -weother
chance to sea Iteneeth the
shinglpe of Yon! hems, anti
you ILTO in tor neend of trouble'.
and expense—warping. rotting.
loosening, shingles leaking
swig; and endless rem& Pedlar •
"Oshawa" Shingle, give you
the permanence of e. gases
sheet of metal with. terauty.
of separeteshinglee. knelt
on all four sidee—windprcoft
rainproof. rustproof—not even
the nails RFS visible. Thettee
.afety and pennlnencc in It
Pedlerited /oof. The cost Is
• mall. .WiIIO DOW fps "Ms*
Ftight e' Booklet WW
(Established 1361)
• ' ExecutiveOffice&PactOrtells
• Braisches:Mouttesti3OttaWs;
. Toronto, London. Winnipeg
; -
The Rope That Failed'
One day. a chest of" tea was being
hoisted to the top floor of a Toronto •
warehouse, when the rope broke and
the tea got a -damaging far, • -
zeiewspapErss rore okra
A Offices for sale in •good Ontario
'towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses.Full information on
application to Wilson Publishing Cont-,
pony, 73 Adelaide,Street, Toronto.
.11..10 Hand, $13.00 up. • Send for special .•
Spadinu Ave„ Toronto. • r\,:-.•-' .
price. list Varsity CYcle .7.VOrks. 413
'' 'Cinternal and external, cured with-
nut pain by our. •home treatment Write
us before top late. Dr. Bellman MOdical
Co Limited, Collingwood, Ont. .
_Pleader H. CLAY GLOVER Co., Inc,
DOS Roniedhs fil.8 West 3Ist &keel, New York
• .Apid'llow to reed
Nailed free- to any siddress
. the Author
• w
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
`Ieltan All" BOILER
Por All Roller Peed Water,
Cyclone Shaking and' Dtuiiping Grate
Rare for <,a1.1 requirements
.nstriadian Steam Boiler Equipment
no., 1.1mItsd
• Tel.,Gerrari•> 3500
20 MaGee St. .
- —
sAye cpnNs LIFT OUT
• .
,"dry -firing," An even tempera-
ture in the silo is necessary if the till-
age is to be properly preserved and a
concrete silo will more neatly' ere -
*This new drug is,an ethet compound,
and Odes- the moment It lo opened and :
does not inflame or even• irritate the •
surrounding tissue. JUat :thinkl You r
-Running water .1n-thettrm.h0b10
01•41e neeelleittY than a water suPPIY
in" the sfahltas, only it ,haS net 1,appeal-
ed with end; fere° to the Wirier be.
eittlge hie wife has done the haus+.
work without complaining,. while he
had. thte &oresto dollimself, and. ARV,
the labor-saving possibilities .of run.
014 water in-hit...COW, bati30 and hog
SSUE.Ne. 19-'1.7. ,• • .
eteAll floe aro tie Monolithic, or Solid, , Somebody is patterning after you.
liOeantithe_Contretelic..ck What kin:doll ..a. _CAW; ara_loa.aetting ..
the ormet. Is poured in sectiOnal him? . . • . • •
niotd 0, the eenareta being suitably
reinfort.,ed with stool rods, and the lat. MONEY OFIDEP18' '
toe is built with oonereto biooltsi A zmniinton Xxpresi Money Order
wIricli roar be plIrcliaileel from a Menu- for. Five Dollars Veaffi Three Cents.
facturer or mode by the farmer him- .,......i...
soil (Wrinkle the slack season, these . One.foutth of :Denmark's ' 'export
bloelta being not up fitrairtar in the egg trade is hattdied on a co -opera,
same ennei AA ordinary masonry,, tive •bums, „
0 , v , .
A.k tot 2lgiggx4V0 eene take no eteiee, keen itlattre.e ifil#tnsuil in the hatise.
- ,
usually observed that _
s n—
Is specified and used with much satisfaction.
• Specify "RAMSAY'S".for your next'job-
or the odd jobs you do yourself.
• •
Makers of Fine
ontr I' or
ES fA P'LL.5Wrii 1842
104 .1111-,A6(1041TE-1:Ait4.- 104
n F. Dailey C.o.,of Coniulo, NJ.
thiato., Cam