HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-17, Page 6� - . I 'e�.-T,R,Vqp..r�P-7-,-�.-r,--r-r" ;4?F -, " , lzyq W -- 1- - � ,%­ -.-,-% " . , - F, ,;� �T.r , i ,Vrm. . PVT, W%� � , 7, � " , ��WF7 . . . I . . � . I , a I � I I 11 I - I 7 11 1 1 11 Im: low t � � ! ! wi-. � .- I - �-- 11 - --- - � W , ft� I - - NN .. ft . . .- - . t= - a. ':I" .1 11"'1-_!�4=!!!:===w7r!�-= " . �­ -­- -- , - -, - v� ­ - . I . . ,` -­ ­.- - 1� , - � ­ - -�- - ­--., -- -- � ­ -- ­ - " -- Mod up.—wU* us& Vesno":F son; for *# wyk" w* Me freely 4�au. I -- - - , - I -=;= leity hers, where Nasty tan #njoy tly-,f I An Editor T a­lks I Nit We call I" before us *04 see aul, . . . We light without Tonews seek- ilisatioa." I 11001MUM, 9 , , *X-WW..----W--.� tairasase Widarity, which could nat'ing, nothing for ourselves but what I "Bet4uIte, you *##," put in the. irre- : I \1� i Wo been dmaint of yoArs, *go. we shalt wialt to, xhm Ias free po- , THE BUSINESS ASSET pro"ible Nancy, Arolly, "I'm unvivil- , %4tWUY we " a a&& well on tO the country uec Is ail expert. Ille, U-1-ir III # * * � , b: 48 Ywan of ago who -Ms been *y*rY-'Ar*ligiw* tooy*stious, cant I , ­ �1 plev�ll 4 � I— �� I luds" � WASTE IN GWFX : , eronces and iCity rhaps. do striko a practical!! As strongly inellAed for Peace an , I -4-q - . .1 I . L Ward directed a full Admiring "Wo" i � Oliag by turas and uothliag IwW?l He �� *s*"UlitX uWally meet durlog sum. I v*ia sometimes. ,Our attentleii 11*11", the President kas ever two", he 14- "I regret to say it to you, Ward, but *14111ce at her Which she could not i was an *Vmt now for books. lit waii 11 mer months to adjust the Operations beelt Attracted to thla t.inlaly 0 u3 in his weiis*ge that no other things van't to on as they have.,, mistake, And *heflushod deliciously., 10 XVIRCISE T1IRIVT IN REGAUD I a Xhb talker, a*& a good appearance, � vW illilce mou for tim attivitioa of tit* 11 tian MA& by tile q, Xr*ugges�t,'f rms - �i _boo And ,o#tber , alternative I$ left but war; that the Seemed intelligent oil world topicii, And ,4 , 4"You =osiis Mr. Fletcher. ---- ?11 i His ardent eyes said plainly, "You - . TO PRODVCTION . 1 ,� ousuing year and one famillar vAth'ijQUrA%l that eliQuM Interest *11 Classes, imperial governmeilt of Qormany,bas fqhat Its" About to give up business are tbo sweetest wild prairie rose, . we www" as we talked with him the conduct anil corilposition Qt these' oplet . I 11 Ibsen ail'ilng6sult to injury and has And You know I think a*.-# - . I I Mod sined him up why he ha4 failed in�,�ocletivs MAY well remarig tut *Xe of "' reason, no capital. There have beou I I During the two mouthA of smaier, foxced,the arftr*m��nt to Arm% A% the, ` . u ouraging c9mailswions, but I wal a explainea the absence of I %3,4 19 15ave' jFertilixer, Spate Mai 11 . I �v**eriax moWl and was employed � are many more Vacloney IAQU in an when there is very little buaiiiests do- � only q1ionorable egur4e open to this "ev' * c I I 'he termed "my part-. . on a woman!* job. To our great re-, effizient factory than anywherelelro� it, Ing in retail stores, and when pressure I they came far between, and I doWt Fletcher, w)Mm 11 . a , - at Its . the farms, no � goveriiiaeut *a4 people. We believe , . the Product# of oui . , I I gr*t we learned that he vAs married! ttho world, but by coutimst there Ave is .greatest upon , -care to venture ihe bit on", ,b,,, It"ner," for reasons of business policy. � , - I Oh, th* horror of the thouglit�-* maniloliglous, educational and 'fraternal doubt a good many clerlim As well As the war will b4i shortened and the ` takes money *44 *line to work out a Then the little, man unfolded his plans. ' . -Gardeliv.. � - � . - I I ift- �" . I Ato-P-4- . I—. -1 ­ ­- I I . � a failure in life and marle,d! Weba4,�'!Qrg4nkau*O.M.f,tigllt-fully-bitrr I cause of the peoples of all 44 cIV -- ­.­­ - 11 -- -- - Ward, Analyzed them with- - I p tj ., , - I . - - � ­ - I 11� - praivWraftould be- �well-spaxc44,row ��ted-J*tlona towards; freedom will - bo 'Profit'" �� - ----- --- -Moore waa�,stbrCid, -but* ou"t-spoken. Ile, We might consider the subject uIll. . . ­ . 11 O� ef -4 .. ­­ _ ­ _ ­ ____,, . some re,gard for the va*Ws feelings,.ficieneyfacts. Saida man well pos'tka the storea to tsace A hand in the bar-,gr9atly advanced by the docialoiC of "' see' 1 Feel!' nodded John Ward, I bluntily stated that, b.o would, t*ko ten der three hea4lings-couservation of . 4Q thoughtfully, "and, you QAwt ke I so w* did not quix him too much, but"In religious operations- in one of the vesting of the crops, It Should be put Amer. % to e I ep me.' , . ' I , Uter the struggle. I . we mme to the conclusion that he ,bit religious denominations at a re- up to them in the strongest 1. , ­ 1. I. ,4..-�' here; is tha 11 . [thousand dollars for the.41timber lot," fertilizers, conservation ofspace"And, lacked a purpose,in life; he possessed I, cent meeting of the, church executive.' manwr tbat.%6 help Ili as, Possible . . � , t Al , I "But we worth twelityp" 'insfstW comervatlon of produqs. - - � - � no bigh. worthy ideal, and was short If I were the h9ad of a reli i d ' mucu A, . OUR CITIZEN ARMY. 1� - "'I'm Afraid it"altrue", replied FletJW%rd.. . I . .. 1910128 c- mattor.9f duty to the country sA t4k- I I I As To Fertillmro an Perseverance and real" ambitlon.�XlomlnatlonlwouI4 . . cherreluctantlY. "I�m going down., "Then take, air your, Japket and make All green vinos may be dog into the t . . put In every theo- ikw lap a I - . An' 'to see my f0l" An&-4nd the -the difference for j6uriielf 11 advised' . I 11 Hebaddesire to b4,somebody,.but ,logical college -a plai . , gui and crossing to France, Odd Way of Enforcing Discipline home , . I � a course Of study We would- go a ' step'. -fuither ifu& , Employed By British C.*eergL , lady I expected to marry. That Will big client. 44wou , t you .sort ground -In the fall, or place in a Vila in lacked tourage and energy to stl0i. at ,filled with fac�s on the System. of mel- make Vie,suggestio that's . . , A , tores in =- . I . of get a corner of thc garden, allowed to 4�- ,� I I a job, till ba made a success of it, fare work Mud liuman helpfulness Such Pal parts mightelose for certain. days They are laughing tit the Britts1l. have to Wait 740*- I'm a f4lluret,, und" Nancy and me located somewhere re- ,cay, and used, tho, next Var, If in- �� In tile, L , sPectAble till we gei our money and . . * * * � * as Is ,carried but by the real big fac' . trenches in France and I . ondon, � I've k6t to begin all, over agaill; . ! I . - during the ,w�ek to It, eirriloyees - I . 'feated wltb Insects, however, those � * I � I tory manager, and I would -compel or pt9prieto ' , Perin. clubs oVer -a story of bottv, ,%It English ` ' "See, here, . Mr. Fletcher," spoke our bearings. 1. . . . 1. . We couldn't get'thott maip out of 4. P, . . rs, with"or without - General taughtAiscipline p4lniessiy�to ., W4,rd bluntly, I'dozet lo . vines should bQ:'burnt on tlio� ground -� I every 0.4eblogicaV'stu4nt-tobe a w rionge In ileld, work, to ex Idler$ � eat j1d6 � . .ok at the -dark, Delightful taakl I I ,�, our thoughts for a long tlme,gil4 we' , , a . I . - take hoict of ono,or,ae millions of new so .' You say yo4 haven't, vapitaL 6 John Ward Pags' and the -ashos .carI0Ifully r4ked into'tho 4 Pitied the fellow and blamed. him" by " fare worker forita time under an ex- this Pressink matter of gettirig ev - I . I I . 1i . i, . . . I -d'some time with the interesting soilo as .t* contain Potash, 4,very , ' ' a , qr,y Englziiidt, has made , I � Mistake --y got yourboupst: - couple, domiciling, then - Iii, a. com - * . valuable fertilizer jind I . turns. pert, before - recelv!W, a license. to thing possible out .of 'the ild. It , ou`YQ Y and .A , fort. , one very scares . I. , He *as. born Into this campet"""preach. .. , . -7..�,ne name, of, tbeloenei;il vaiiezi Intl - I able family hotel, dire.etinC them gen- ' , , �01V abilifi,and record,, T I - a no ,doubt approiated fiilly tbe\L­UlIIiIIg,� .. I heere fam A tive world short of tiome quality that _ ­ . .\, � .. � . *duld b . .. , U �,, at the present tITn ost of our . I . * - - , Sgino say he is . 11- the week WUng t . he ,pots _o, a$ in "no% , ' � . # , id a Wks , , . I I . - Others Arop frbm the avilary roll I an adv c - t t, v f - , im I * * , I $sets, in y erally, and withi !';, , , . .. bls,con�petitorj,; possess, -an sob I V, :t. . by the �armers;who would not only _ Field . Qua a . � I . all formerly,eame fromthe �;t - .11, bandicapped-heilee all* , pity, But ""Tut,7 qoin� poritaoical maa.�*. muy rSfrv-4 tbeirtmdelo�, iuch sto.res.dur- i Marshal Douglas Haix. ,� but'l w,on!t . tifixbot tract at an o ba ga a a .German � . 1. . I Sir . _y. . . . � . say' the Irish General Gough only cloie the offi you3ce, gone , : . I I � say. "Thil ve 'Idea, of' sucV�baoli- , . I , ce while ' I ; 11 him 44,000.cQmmlasion. - - - . * 6 -ry � . 'All' kitchi3h. Ifatbago - such, as vege. :.. then he bacl'eyes.to t earar to hear; Ing the., dais set apar t for, business, could have done it. Whqpv�r he may'Wheil You come back, if you say .so He g9ked Moore for ar thirty-4,ays' table f r , 9he"' ,Iingof religion with the secular in, . I tops, meett, scraPs, Ash scraw . � . I and edue-tion euou to. learia. how atm during the summer,, but- co-operilte be, he connot let the day pass without all right, but a dozen goo4 option on the ranch at Ilia owfi figure, and loavings 0 . � 't1lods, of busiilqss�l Yes, most sin- In "' 'tal;in his ride a-borseback.. Though turn up In the.m,eantl * , fl�adily granted . � others sought success In: life and at- I � .ter by, regular patronage. We b�VQ � from the table, should� b , , ce ly. Better -nOWIP .9 me. --- take a . Then the excited, big- dug into the,sail. � 1� I , I - I tailued it and so we blamed him fort re frankly ack ,49's now quite generally the Wednesday, 'hearted fellow had two j.3ole obejets in � Nve ., . k � * ... . , -the Tiet that the church evon this General is knowu to most 1pritish rest�. and maybe you'll come ba . - . . ck with -being a uiver-do.*ell. We believe . . has very balf holidjiy, why not make one or soldiers,' and" though his. uMform, �our,qld amtbltion."� - I � . 1. life -to Prepare a vast surprise for decay ,n bongs, If,. buried, will in time , -, . uch to learn from the operations, even two. days a week this summer , and enrich, thO soil; or thd bones, - ,? . . * ' - that a man Can accomplish whatever," ' ' . . I . I 'he � Vet soll-lRystems, discipline aln,d principles' of iriargin Day,lp,,wheil 4call 11 shows his /rank, he Passed. one day, Ezig Fletcher had come to the city - Fletcher and to win" the love, of the eiff. could, b' . . hisheArt to'do ilarea I -I .'a year pr 4vious, from the little.inland'chantinj little, creature'- who had pounded. Tills 'gives One one,s own' - a. andall -could while a, burned .and the resifto, * I " -physical Wai'the. factory workshop. -and Of turn. otA to. gather and house the . _Qnh daily c ,, ter a private � . . , places 10, an ' I . There are limitations . - . soldier walking1a the opposite dlrec�'town of Moxiudiille. The ince tive brought 'gunshlAe.and ainbition into . . . eree. The ellure,li Is . m crops. . I I .. , . . IQ ­ . otherwise, but the truth, is clear and l.cOmIn ,ot tog . 1- I I . . . I . tion - , The soldier- did not salute. The for Pbreadi as his 'faiwily big life, - . � brand of bon -e -meal, not quite so. Yalu- ' ­ � , 1. . at out," . . It able perhaps as that which we obtain , . has. been. often verified that to really, saczed or exclusive to learn modern � . � � .0 - � . General sta a moment, puzzled termed It, was -his love ' . . . . I ! .. , I P, F E i red I for Dr,pailla it was at the end Of two weeks that frorn� the seedsmen, but yet veO Yalu.: , - ' i- � I �1 . I I . will to do Is to ilo, it., Our motto early methods from apy person or qdarter. AMERICA,WWAGES WA TO RE whether oi ii . �,- . . � in I life wats..,"What man, has done man Indeed, the chuieb, that falls to profit. . . THE RACE. . ot.to reprimand the man., Ashton. Thire seemed little efiance, Ward received a.jett�r from Fleteber, able. I �-\ , . - . . . , I I - � Then 4 slow grin Passed dvei his -fade. I of getting aheid In the slow, humd was coming back to,". gell � NOW.' that pottlob - -wood . � , 1* . . I * and' many is eon­� ' I . I . I , rum Tb6'lafter , , � is r , can 40" a tirao th by the suggestions of the successful , He turned to his, aid.,' . - , . village, and Flat er-was. ambitious. out his few offi ' . � scarce, I I . . and. experienced manufacturer or the I '�k 9. . . ch � ce it I i viction has buoyed us up and. carried By.7C"has M. Bice, Deil4er, IN "We'll dismount, Mr, A.,#' he said, Besildes, as a matter of pride, Ile w .rapq.,. return . to. ashes have become luable and are .. . , u.s, tuccom Sal am= and other busineis experts is. I I ,ant-, Moundville. an4'settle down 'into'. a expensive to*.b y va . ' . 11 . ., I . , 4 These ashes. -are I 'We enter the war that a demociacy and then turning to his orderly and ad to own a homd before he took Dru. I clerkship position; Ward met,him at especially good, for onions; strawber. - .. dullyt'ovef what seenieil al- 0 1 . � I i - I - . -most un forfeiting its iright to thrust its, liand of all the people d 'pointing to the soldfi '�TrQQPDX B, - silla for his br�de ' '' , � I . - I the train when itarrived. in the. city, Ads and potatoes. ,, , i . . surmountable obstacles. We I . in er, . saw'what-others had achieved and into the machinery of business in or" upon the earth, for goverlimpnt of, for irreft that man and bring him here, . I Fldt�her dl .1 , ' . . , . ,The amount. of . . � 11 , ,, 'iet'ourself ,to the task Thero could der.to adjust Its stands' , I I I -�Peried a sma � from pa, per 416ne to our. ,' - � I . rds to higher a W 11 ob. �, "Moved the allied Since you went asli, resultin . , � nd by, the people, is the real issue to., He's. it spy.'� - I : I � . I . - - , % I 'only , , , 'organization Or day on the battlefields of Europe, The The. General, gave every appearance sm4ll and obscure. From � the o4rt "Whilf-was that for?" . . Diahwat�r - atid sogpi;uda should "all, I . � , I : � . i a eat 'levels. *TO I I I scure office as a- broker.' It was, still - away,!' h.p. rep5lited,' L . . '' . prising., . � . ­ I � � . �N one result if honest effort till I I , , : . I i I I . � .were *add�-.a . . I person, shouldi be Considered too old . as it in truth is, "de- ot being in deadl earnest.� t . I .- � . . , ituccess.. ., I or high up to Is from the rip motto shlolkld'be, in I y In a. 1110� he had ietuoed. d'dabbla. in insipid I , "Business Aema'nds," ' responded,. b4i thraivil on the gkr4n, being careful , ' , I . . . I I I , . . I I .4 * 0. *� . . orn 0 el- mocracy against autocracy,"' and all ment Trooper B, had'brought back the stocks and cheat his clients.' The re -1 Ward,, coolly. '(Look there," and he not to let them.get on the'*aves of the, " -- I .. . i , young man, young, twonian, set. per,elao� of other successful, concerri'l the world is beginnin .t6 recognize .stspecte&man in a State of bewklder-� , iu#.. . I ! . . , �1, � � I � 19 � I Was" his. specious business rivals! pointed to the se0Qnd'st6ry'of a con- young pliffits - If they contairi soda. ".1 i, . . or pqsoiiq. ­Ofte of %ihe.- regreftble this as the tr a [a it . . . I . 4 � . 0 1 . . . Yours-bif 4 task aid resolve to do , it. issue. .Meh who have ment and no littl mppidai�n. . Thi outstripped; him. . One thing.he co, tral business building, a�ross ,the Or ammonia. ao ,much the better, as 1� , � - .- . � . I . cond s qX the preadult time is' the bee ' throu u eeded to , , . . I I I . The o'rdingr-y. young person who re- I - ftioln n ghout history the mere Gerieral. then pro� order aid gratulated himself on . � . . -lag vias loyal. vlate-glass windows of. are good fertilize - . . � -which was both of these . . re. ) � , number of Ineftient and'belo,�v medi- pawns of monarchs are now* a search of th " . I I . I I . solves. determinedly to'do. something, ­ , over- supervise i . - a man. ty hv� and honest with his Clients. Hit. c6in- , a name ffigreat gold letters� ": . . I .t.. . a - . 1. . I . . I . I ocre preachers of the gospel W740 b. . I . I As To � Sp ce " � I i I . .. worth while and -to be, something more - ave throwing the,misr�le that,'.has bound "Take off his coAli 'Emp petitors sneered at 'him, I - ---i- .. - - "' '. ' - . ) I been received into the ranks of . . I I lit they -had, ' "Fletcher & Company, Brokers," . As soon as -a le "' . I . Abin mediocrity, need have no. fears, I . the 'them In servitude for ages. . 'pqtketsl Take off hio'cap! Look in-' to acknowledge th "See here!?" .. ,�. w radishes, onions ., . . --wher -Y . e. -.1. are.4qlle oe 9S. -- : , . 10- I - WiliioWs- historic -message n - -Never k * - ' 'dst 'record'amdng 1biam'ail.- - '- - ­ -44X�p -946 '06re I '"d- - 'u h, , . ­ , I li . "I ­ " - for-twbut,ptherg have daiio undor olail.- ministry.and-.16e�-ordaiued -to, -takd -, , Preside side. the lini I . ,at he bore the Clean-. . gasped Fletcher. . d,:.s do.-.of:.,other ihin �' ;� , I I I nt . �#!-. , now- T � . .1 . . I A . . V r6oudly 'in be dropped into their.places thus . I 1. � full, charge'of'churches and. preach ay these spies ,'hide their p - Wii4 P .' 0 . . . Isr. -or tye'n .. ordixitry �.C'6ndittouo, you '. . of last Mbnd night, -probably --would. apers," he ..,Ono '" � . . . L' Aigh I . ran !tcroos a I I k in $8,006'' Ing' UP.the supply,,.' Whentplant, I I :1 caft do, too. Be as the blessed gospel. of Salvation to. men never have been-uttered''had ordered. "Make him tak6'off.hbput- ' t, Fletcher , , . I exhil�jteda, bahk boo ..show ! I / V I ..sure - and . . . . ,,not the I . ... I -0� wrhtchq(t staggering wreck of a man,. in the name of " his' , seif-6,on ti ted Ing late it ils, wise. to soak th seeds for - . ' ' ,.. � W 11int, there is 1. ititd, women far better educated I I . . . I . gemilne, And justifiable pride and . a . � two hundred milli6ns of Russia, in- tees,'too. 1! ' - a , : �, . I I . . It was id,hn'War'd. He Pitied the for-� firm.'- IlLuck- has come our wa - : I . 4 chpable-thAn th Still 'in speechless. -wonderment tbi - I . , Mr. 'a , ewt -hours in luke-warm, Water, 4is . . I . doral grandeur lai the th6ught, 11, , ey. .. - - 11. , spired by fre6dom,librown off the yo,6 a . _ , . . - I � 11 � . I .. . . . . . . . '. , . . Ilorn fellow, t4k himoto his office, ' - Fletcher, and what- hag'brought it Was this hurries them'oh � 0 . . ­ � ', � - have won. succe�s"" I dia- it myself. r �- - . * . * " * - *' . f , 0zar and soldier helped .Tiooper. B.- execute lIttI;­ I I I . .1 l . .1 . * ' - . ; I o -plutoPrAcy, deposed the i .. ;, bered. him let him sleep fher,e nigb�ios, what I told'. you were valuable I :assets . Tomatoes m . '" * W t , ` ' ' . ,'l . I ay be trimme o a � ,. . _ . . . 1111 . 41 . . ' I F . I had the vision. I went 0 It, ana It coii- - irrui4- -there, is urgent , reaion - for proelair*d a, government of the peo. these ordera� In a. ilioment- he was bought hi? a decent suit of cloibos, --honesty 'and, ability. 'I. : - - J�mjl-eajdin� ' . 1. - ­­ . . . . . . 1. . I . . . stal'iding, with al' - and trained up stsLkes five . I . . . -�. - I I I I queire& - .1 woir out, - "Alftla 11 men Of the coming conf�r--�:Ad- - . -" - ." � and got to liking blin. - As to Ward', he � . There, *as a. double'wedding," Ezra, or. six. feet 'high, Trbated thusthey : , . � . I " ?, . . .. .a. world'the' ead . . ..., most alibis kit on the . le'vvs� &.,16ver?l )too, and all,the 'World 9nees tq discuss intel It now remains to 'send fhpc IeVew to grass. . . . I . I ... �-It -� It . ". - - .1 , I , � %(Nowt�' Mr. A.," said 'the, General turned out. true-blue.". He appr�clated Fletcher went back & Moundville, b'ut' produce' larger an& better fruii -, Bind - , - I . � . . - . . � � I , I .. .- " oves, ,a. plodder.- , DiseouragementaAcerely the timil�,q#�Iition,.'Vhat I's the people of Germany.that'they may . - . � I . ...: 1� . . I -t a A ­ eat,severity, I Ilyoli 'kno*-- 0 e " .. I I ., .1 ­ . � . . ­- t ­ " .." I - V,ft� h � gr , 'P '- endly ' interost of Flbt- ofily to wed'and bring fiack -hi's Charm, more of it,,. *an'd may be lan ,d much, - - ' . �` - - I . I I . a wo�rliei r I . . I I t ini. 11 . . I . er- , - dr., . Ike ong* ­ "' . -ib 'Ward.,, Closer tog -e I ther.- " '-Ral il�p ' I ., . : , ., will meat the ambitiou:' and. bei the elation,of efficiency, .to - religious risi-lip aild. ov�rtbrow the"most hated t) . . ,on � . es ­ I . Ing fin .,. wile a g To . . � * . - at,' but, let the eduds, �man.. I * 'i t4�se �paperg, is bacJ� t)n,,'s'tr .dAnk, I , iticee to 'the 'city . le � as it' . ., . '.. may �bi even laughed t, -?" ve.ar of'311 auibeffti ,,,th.�`Xaisef'aud his . me I pleIis� . P I . . . I � ... ' , . . 6 gladto 41nd' that � .. an I sist - on helping his benefac� and-ilia,ppy hearted gan6y lVoorettWitie. word, in., the air le � . . V . . I I . I . I aves more space in-,' ­ . I , . i "th -,,world 'wag their 4ttempts'are being.'made Wi� gh the oelf-c6iistituted IftiIjiarl . 0 ., I 'in a - I I � I 1. . I 11 * " d see what s6rt of information t'h'i an , . . 1. .1� �. . . SA y ones �in � 6 III , u am. , , '... ". I h , - a , cier finallyi paid Ill -few pit iting il(em. . .- .. .. . .. ,. . I .: i. -. 'hegds * y. - as' been �,qolleet "for -' the - - . ., ­ . - . . . the gardezi for,other.thirigg. - �. . . I � . -- . I -. - .-..-,- -Is-, - - -- . - -1. : , ''.. . ". � . - 1, I ": - , � � . ; ­%. � . . .I. . a4d oRer aiscoaragemdv'li�. efforts: oif i f , " * To ass ' A.- have.-44cid-' PP - . - - ­ - -41 I - . .6 %%�� ''a f beans, think' - I � I ., � . men 0 "parlance and -vision . . I ure thlsj�Ahe U. - . Pg� - -­- - P a, a: ok Salary, arid-*wal ­ li I How ­many pouns o � . . . remember -�imy Rirke,, Determinatfon,-to reach: lilkher.states of ciencyA ad to t k up arms In o;:der thfit the enemy.0 � / .1 . ' I -. . .. , . . . I 1. , bift" * in a .a - ned clOsely'all ' jit 1. - . �.- you, wl 1. I I I attehile4l - by- Courage and -energy, tsome reli us. or Mr..A. exami the - [made a. commission, 'dividid it -* -.with ­ for Intilr 6e might be growh on ' I . I � 100 ,gailizationg. ' Chris- people of G many I . him. ,- , � .' .... '. I .� " ... . . IKI 000NONY T -O PROT I � '' :1 '. .1, I ., Apstria iiikcl Turl ', - I I . EPT,AIRDS. ' * in -a free te g6ver .ou a . . . . 1. � I ­ . . - 1 -71- 1 . , � . - � � .,�, � . . . ; I deavor Sociel;6 key� ` hy b � V.. - . 'I I -- fences and ktround the back porch, �4 . I manifested in'liction,. *on -that desir- Can. ' P,n I � ter - on the. grasg� - but" f hd' not' . . :, .1 . "N'. —I to. 0 . . I . �d - --�-­- A .. 1, I I 8 gave the D ihemielvias. - Now thecrisis find bome. Business . if being ihould ,be fifteen or twerio � 1. . . ., . I I � .,.,act 6b. even to warrant. a,hint ofL sus- I , Best Guard gainst the - kivgges Of - . . I- I 1�oti:V6 o1kd.ih6`f4jixp.of Ca�adals church a needed. lessonwhen th6y.tab- Gaining. t�is,,the mightie' il�i�g �' � -- ' A � . , I " I . � , , .1 at of 'worl4 fhad turned exceedingly bad. 'Flitcher' I .. � 11 . . c6iitg a - )�oqnd . ne*t winter,- would Iv. - . ". -a . . . : , ' - 1. , ,�rs".wlli,,� livi - 'turou 0 activities� - published wari *ith all its untold-.9derifices, wi - -111.1 ­ .. I - � ­ . . an I ' , . � fl� . ''.. Insect, Pests. .. . , . am irt 'while? '.,' , , - � young, Sold, � picion that thb . Soldier wag. a Germ - . I - . � � � � . . . . , . . ,, , , . � . I 0 , 111 . . wag; worn with anxiet�r and ,Work. He . . . I t w6 h . . .. � . I " , . u - i " ' , I SPY. I. '- � . . I � I I . . . .. e. � ad : . . ,,. . I , 1, , * ,� - I I . tho.agest, ­,-, , ". . � ,. 1� , - I charts and ,reCorded­ the relative- � effi-, not have beih, fought,lil. - F air Incriminit ' I . , , ..'��. .. . 'Slj - - ,.' -� N , ­ - I , .. . , tu, ­, �. * . I I � - , . . I . ir * . valn' � '' 4 "'There a. ndthWk at .. _ was forced *to announce his;resolution I on illilade 1. � I . 1-1 � .1 . , i in . . � I I , .* I I . - - -are foi-peace,*but onl).r through . I n ail Address t 'LLffe �1' A-13 �'To Products- �- , L , ' . .; , ,:-i.'.. , "k -1 ­ -t.61. -l- I ­ I -- ­ .- I ,,: , Iciency of each orgiini2ation injarms. We L . . . ' . I , . . . ' . . 1- N.., . - . �­­. .. . L the:'.6Ydithioik of_ , Ing here,!" he -exclaim6d, ttift'ing t6lhe to Ja . . i.. - I . . ­­ I ­; 14'.'. � I ,,4lnd tbd'LUilequ�l�ftght., ­­­­ -Ralation.-to­ I - . I �, ,- I - I . - , . � s-'som6tiino.s,,-scartb,:-aiid'd6i%i�,"L,--- i . I I 1� *� General. "Uere are - letters,' - . John Ward athek to big 1 Dr.. Coiens; recently -told' of 4ut 6 - T-�- -'. - t �:'- . � , niann r succeas, aw-aits­. you - f - ­ - - -A ." a .6'.& I -Ai- -autoer-hiby ""i"a"'the- It Sd�- 4k� lird.. -Life,!� --a - ­T-oronto ­-,-Se�d 1 * I. -I... 77'" ' � . 'kil, -11 �0 1 6 per cent. `� - ovision', )If the., nanCl4L I ail some 11 ne op� ri 11 . ad -in ' . I - � If you.13et yourseIf.thd:ja)3)ii I and. are.t a .i. ln.,mithy chuiefies, too ult- I of.,& woild-4ide: democracy.tan I . .. 1. ,.. i post no. may skve..on a own se � ov ''. "a 1. � , , ., , yateii I , res . birth ... fi ' h* -' ilite hai riale's's, -a' . few pie- - wailfully. . It was -the ii . Q A ­ � I . ... . I . con clou - . . om ome, qu , . , ic�nd day'the,consiant gtriu-g"gle going " ' .. . .. I . . � ;, a S� �Hhat integrity of purpose ingt in' an' - every -member * campaign this be guarftnteed., - � ,,. " - . . , ­ . . � " , on in the great many cases. . � .. . . ..., � � , 4 . '. . i . . . � . .. ture:-posteards 'his pay -book, and . an'Oter the- 4,�,Parture'of his - i ' aiid, animals.and- ­-Tha . young Aeaves ­6f­dandeIicms.-- - -------- � !, . . �- .� ­ , hie andLa O-Pr6�idEin'th4�s.proverLhiingdltto.� - . - I . . a . ,empl9ydr world between plants . I , '. * i . , YeAt1y'b6dget;': Indic . *h ' - t't*o'odd visitors entered the: of-, , ''.. . ... 1. mt�s,the ad- .. Th , , i - 1'�­ I , ,.that Anowa no dd4af.4i�d.w� . b7hdaLt, - . . � envelope' wi e.g. ,th I . � . � . '44fidtorized all *ho -win success -AT%d: vent of a rh�r� effective hildbusiness' be aman of wonderful vision, gr, asp'.- t five franc not It , insects fbr existenct, and of 'the nice mak . d 7 if ' -' * . . � . I I I . 1. - I . I - e the. earlibst' -greens an , ­ . I. � . I . I . ;1 . "Oh, ."is- thlwteit?" The � G . I - balan�e of, nature. �This hsis "been, de- bl,shched, niay' be u � ,. l � , -wllt-��-chaiacti - " - ' -ftp.- - . -present h � i id eneral - Res. One was a. bronzed,' plaifi-fiacqd I , � I ., . -depart , In't-not on , .I , � a is -able to . .whieh , I der', like, manageme of c6itain ly the scowled blae�.l man, suggesting thd tyj3 n . . I . . , - . I erize. �youi ,ull add in salads. This' - - ' - -, , ilar. �0�ditlo'ns.' If . i "I I SiTAI I y at the. iiold r-tintil-'the .ntroyod ,mlid. iiLirenpin I.- the plahi ,has'.A..mib.4icftltal, effect..upon' 0i : - --, - .�­­- 1. I � . =�A; the'nients. " '­ - thi'futur'64 - His mes ge latter hung his head. - .. Then he e1dar- . ) E' - With hi was ayotng I I ­ 4 .. . " .. _.by.,ma.,- 9 I I � -1 I I . , I- . - 1 . . . It, . I.. .. - . I . �Yotl. I 1; I r, . � 'Every. , individual , church see, fAr: into. , eil I . . 1. I .er. - i ull ,�cal�'4estdr n . t . ­ *Mafiy g6rden- now* � '. .1 , �, .. 11: , .. . I , supreme effort, there. are 99, chances should issue aft"ahnuafrepor o,tCobiress breathed liberty through- I ,'t 1, I I . � . I ..... , gir, evi- O'bri0equences'-.6f bis�-Oestruction of the .9ys em era arv. . . ".. t . .. , . .. . .1 ... .11 - . I t Of its t �, ad. his throat: I . . ently. his daughter "petite 7smililyg-'�irds by su&erIng from th' rat a of.. " 4�itingt �thd. seeds. of the dabdelion . 41 , . I � . in 100"that ,you, too, wi win. - - You. T rations.", We agTee . that. out, th nct i . . It . r . . e ago . p! I . . 0 ,,� , I . . , financial ope .. .. , eivorld, d' soinided the'death, 7.. ".Well,, my'rAnn, I willit.y6ii tb un- eyes and infused vidWa natural -vivkr e ` I � I I " , d 'd 'kn6111to. autocratic tule-in Prussia. He - � � i city. I ' pei � I - and cultivatirig it -in gardens, Just an - , . - I I , . - . . ill 'like, the,Vanadian 16ioeii who 'in religious.. e ucation it -may be 96 and'this' a British soldier who .born of the'fkee air of th t'check on injuriou ' ingects., 'any'other plant ii,cultivated'. . .- '' , t � � V� I . I I . . ,w , . I I un , . '�'8 t et AS. Birds.'dre thd� most iin � I � ; tbok 10my Ridgeo� stand on. .the, erriln- Ito be 0ifficultito, establish any, ar�bll- Was particular tolay Uriusual emp - do - . . ,a moun- - . I ,J' I a I . . . , I.., - dertt . I . n I . .1 . . . s,jlth,'- tain"plaini. . .. , �­ I . � � . . �.. . i � � . . . I .4a 3kitish: officer I � . , po a a -are certain. other elide - . Surplu.s. corn ma - ' ' . I � I r . . I I ence y�*;tavv fea&ed 'by your earn- trary, standards, because the whole sis on ilia filet, that - have n . 0 - Th .a .. lig, i4ueh� I i be. cook6d on the . . .. � . . - . � . . .- we o quar- era -Spa:y or; a fdol. . . Tou, apparently, I. "I'likd� this,' obstf4es .the: odd littl� c ' -` ., � � I � ". '.� . , : est,'6termined 6&0its.' .- You ma r . . . . I as parasitic insecti.like the family of p6b, cut off; and dviid in a slow even.', ..-..� I � I . k not 'subject is exbandinir so apidly. -Then, rel 'with the , phlegmatic," - sl oing, . I . . . . . . . . ow -9 are just a plaln,fool.11, - ' i man, taking' in ,the office and I� . . I . , h4ve the, inffuen�d . , -its - fui,- . thd, Ithheumofiidne. - 'The Ichneumon' I nitetelf s6aked' overnight and '� . I I I � Of "We�illthy friends, too, efficiency.'is -not impersonal b' Germ4n pebple. His words are: "We. I . .. I I . . . ' . �' n �Vi . - I . . , . I , I lit is I � Thereupoi� turning on his beel,, the nishment in a comprehensive sweep . fly lay,% its eggs either on the skin, un. ,pwly, it makes yery ' .. .. . , . ., 1 then cooked. a] �. I � . . - .. nor the helpful issistande ,,of favor- 'concerned withthe trpini�g and devel . . a., .41 . , . � I . - have no feeling towards , them b � I I � " , .: I I , . Oeno�raf 'jumped liqto.the­aaddle Aild hist peerini, int,elvigent-eyo r nea th6 !ar . . " I . I � , . , I � I . � ad oi the go6d,eating, .If inclio d to b a4ittl I �' - , , . Able conditions, but - yp4 MA more,and opinent of. #Le individual. Ari efficieficy SYmPpoy t'aAA -friends - wiis, I , . 1. _ , - o­'-tbe,.--bI � .1 . . - � . . - � , ", - - � ­, , .--- ­.------4lR: It- -- ofiwtodd toxide �off.. - But-the.-Geheril- 7,=t -A a -a--eontrast-t . inaec�J. . rev a -tough, it�may be Strained and used foi ,. 11. ,� - I 1. � . . . � ­ �"Voyv--Butl the b .4 --1 ­ o.- � � , : . -, .� , I . . �, .. I o- '' - � "d t: 'more ii - ­ 'i ' '- impul$e. thatt -their, .7 -for -a' - 'th"plat6 glass , -gilding- -die* bur, - ­ .1 k -- -edficei6up, 1----.-----i-, 7". i.. ... .. I � - � 1: 11 .11'.1l,better--Iiel,piits-*e',heart.'fti�4."" n av: Iii(i mugf---:b6-- ."su6idatj�e',, tian upon, their ­ ­ � '. . �, I . , I . . . I . . govern reined in Iftoment i0fd turtied1n. office ,va and- eVty, � great, helpe�a,­. tand every, . .. 11 � .�. . : 1 . I . - . �, .: , � - 11 taining - the ,height,of your ambition nutheritative; indicating pon I teA wh6fe they prom -.1 St . . .;, . rA the wit . y I a in, which ` - - . 1;. . ' ­ :, � ,. . sible pent acted in an ng tthis *ar.,,It his saodle,! grinning ,down, iipov the . ise ello . " �.: ' . 1. 1. . �. � :. .and. the, determinatibil.and'coutage to lines ot'develoiind nt. The great"need. was not I .a f 1W -ev ge -of Ab,s�ct life, , -eggs, larvae, '. Xumb�6rless ft I . I 1� , . . . . , '. . .1. � 11,i:�: -, � z. ... . with thei� previous kniowledke soldier who Otobd at ­attenti6ni halt thing afid do 'ilothing j,ar,J.surprus tomatbes.,may be put,up fbt-. I I - . . "I ­ � .. ..:titemjt��.ih�'��aseeiitt'�atid�. these self­lto�day is for'thordugl'ly.t'rained'.Iead.� !or -approval, %,.-It: - -bei6 p , A an' a I dvande fee I ey , t -�M matuteit- iiii4e�t � . I . ' . " ' , %. . . ' d' '" " ' ligiiig % s�siiered t6.dolld ; h�, 9i", -t P � .. . ' 1. � . 1. . . - I I , . ,i . was it w,ar cletdrmin- 'kds6e; , his �caterpillaf,'�, � . ... , ' ' I I . .. . ­ . i h6s food for". gotild-bird. Warbleti;wintdr. I '. . , s They ma' be'cainned, rna(fe . � . . � -cootrolled friende- in action- enahled.�eis, '. . ..'O . . I , I . . ed upon ",I% ".. - iii the interests of a about: . ,� : .. , gilt seems," chirped �is ; ��inl�' A nlg , in y I t. �. , . , I . . . ' . I . � 1. . . ­ - - -Ridge Ili . ­ *-,.--#.11:. ­*­. *­­; -­ �­--'-­­ -­­­�­­ . . . led. i and chickadees clean up' th .. -....-.",-,..,.-,-,,,y'ou',to'gittain"toy6i.ltvt�iy. ­ . I— ­ I ­ - - --- - - d' S� ilowill-11 .41 -P e eggs, as, to 6hili sauce or Catsup* or a sweet . �,�'. I I . I 11.,�,. . ­ I � ­ . I - .. I ;­ " . - "All-rikht -�ou cawiilrea . am companion,' settling herself in a cane .d Pkeidive that' is .quite 'as good as - ' - ' ­­ � . I ,life. Tdk�' courtioeiyoung. ,persons, --The.Do iont remarkabl�' . 1 o ,flid,creeper's. �1 X e . I . I . . I � I . ml� Hoii*se "i i I , , - This -message -breathing. - olonY 6f warblers , . . . I ,' I ' I . . I . s'again lit the' -Gen -;X 'and this � . great complacency -'lit' ,oralige-marmalage ' ' .., . � I � I I from-thege -succesges.- Go, forward - is loped off ;r , . 7 ­' .* . -time he.".9al-.' rocker with . , and chidltad4es. Wilt keep ail 6ard - , - .1 . .1 : . ­ I on'at Ottawa and herculean, tas�6 sunshine and hope to the oppressed , '. .. . ' . , 0� . - .'. ' ' - - - .,:.. . , I . I I . .. . Seems like home." I ,t � .1 � I . . . . . .1 I courageously­��add.virtuo. to� vir = been ant for - Sir , , . Rree froni'the,Aread San Jose sea a. tk, . The fqr6goin&i&as are rnerely,pug-- ,. . '. 11 I . . .the m6nibers.. being scattered among . I ` � � , ,� . . , 1. .. look 'steadily ' the higb, place you George E . . Poster . *I' the German The story gpie.1d.and there are -few-, 11 ."Think':�ou,"'b6wed-Wardp:�-bti,lt(ly.,�numbe-r,�f ori�Ies..-iltn4" . -bi � IIed-',gestiVe-;, but 8 ow bow-full.of Wain, .�'. �!. : . .. � I . . .11 pieside in -. the. people both.in grid ib�at of the tr0achd'Is,' er ewnplaint;§, now of inattentiorr to "It'g a coniptiftnent,. ' . ., yellow . . . up. to , . � I miss, I .value. Can; : of dxperin ing t116"i'ubjectApp, . ., \ I . vVill keep an and leliti . I desire to roach.vfn4 yqu will reach.71 absence. of the Premier 'in England, and accoRnts'. for fhe discon.. the. rules- of the service in the British I be of siIkviee . and. black -billed CUCIC60S . . I , - . no doAt . I ­ .. . " I - I . . '' I . �. � � .1 . I . I � ,to' you,.sjr?" h . ift-� and -how niuch may'be'done . . . - -: whoilias 'not returned. -tent and threatendd-uprising ofthat . � .. . .. . . . . - frtc �fr . by.tho , ­ , , � . 11� I I � * '* * , � . . Tl:uly; thd I �% ,�.brchkrd omlh�'tent .cate4iVar. ! , Si. . . . I � . - I . . �-. . . army.,.* .', , i... ... . 1. qu ther., . - - ' ; i whd . � . � I : . . . cent paragraph in �' th 'as' . . ,. I . I ". .� . iiN� of the. fa' - . - allows feed on , wishlo.exe�ei' hri t, -' .. I I , , I . �Irl a re, . age tim and � conditions . Bank sNv'.' '. � : . - ' " . : I .. . need, ,.aye, do,..people.,now in Progress, �as in Russia, � . . I- - - I . . I - "'Art You'Mr. Flet6ertll ques-tion- . -the adult nioaa I I ... 1, .. I it I 1. I . , . I .. .t. that -bodes Ill for "the higher .ups."- ' � . I I . I . . . i ­ -.. - -.. . I . . i �. I Talks we referred. to the supreme im� mand,'tho best efforts of. the, very bes I MUNICIPAL -COFFINS * ­­ .-ad; the little Man. . . . �. quito,'and ihould re�eiv6jabsolute.pro­ .. " I . . I I i� 1, . � I . . , ­ � � . I f . I 11 . I �A I I I � I , * I � I "I . I " I11 -Ir 1'r , !]E -T--" r I I � , I I � r I f� ( 11 , I I I I I I I � , , . I I I I . , I I I I I d in I I � r F llar I i I . I I It " . or men our colintry'contains., The *is- * French and -English aviators --have - -, ­ , - � ' I ' - I I I - D- - SOLDIE 111$ DIE,r. . ­ , I ,.portonce. of -properly. employing I . I . . tectioliz . i.,Cosens aepiored4he �de- I . . ­., "' -- �. ,­ .- - , �'4' . - -1.11 "I -11 I . . . .�6, but this is his' , I . . . ....-@t 116;,�� 6v ­­ ...­ -- 11 -P-- "I. -1 ­.;Ag:g - ... . � ,Pmce.11 11 11 I . I . � ., : ­, spen, ing., one a eii" "i i - "'M " " W ' Ohl of 'electing this -beat a"'n-a-iso er tVe'Germink. . oor v V 6kieq` Me' fit -a' I 1. ­ ­ . L 1! �'; " - I stru6tion of- - c6loinies, .of - "bank- swal�., t - -- ­ , ­ .. �,,­ ;3. - � ,. 1. �. I.. . . , sure t, ours- e . nges armies.d.ropa ryl a,'Fletcher, , I I . . zr. .. . . . . ­ . . 1. . I . � I I l4r working peri- , mdn- mentally ind fro& a business 'ping copies of this remarkable ni'49si-, - - � Vea Coffifi Td'Car the honl�,-st broker? 1-1 ows a I very- year -by idle -boys. . 'This � Strong'�$ausage and Pea Sbup Are.. ,.' . . . �!. d To the -Grave , - .... . . ? I . . I . � � . � .., , , . . .obServed - th e . Asitor. - J�� � , �7 " I . I . Y bank swal- 1 . . C � . I I . , m . . ­� 4 . ., should be's,topped. Ever . Favo'rites;WiQi tile !Crntlans, I .- - --.W. ­ ar 1-1-1-------------.. -- -w -:.-- zi:----� ��- -, � ti-� , -ods'or�*hat in. school Students. call ,standpoint, 'wag nqver more. potentia1- age translated Into German .'sa- that -'n .Wtexleo inan of -the-'-Peo�­re ­ e,�Aicl-you­ g00 at? -It'sAr' e " ' a tz­ - . I I . �11 . I ,-,�-�,-..,".,,��..,.,-,....�,,- ­ . -­­.... ­*. '.., ., - ­, � .dgsl . ­ ­ .b.., I L Y ­­ -- , - ­.. rit-k .v ­ u j ldw-is-'a PuUH6- behefactor.. The ��6 ' I i ". %­ . )gre-�!-'�-l�le�h'essi,g-�4tin'shgrvest ' Pon- uny,"electorkt6. ,..-Th ' 'tha:t'�'tbd, it' . The.fo6d.of soldie,tg enkiig4d,fh,t`ho, , '. ' ' : . '. I I . I T,4Y-­fDTCed-,u . 6- iho 'mAy. read­gtid: 'khow- inatead:of - uy, coffin 'butYduateaA 'ger,anil—ll ' - I" - I � ­ ...... % ... I I - - --id' . I ­ . . ' a .are the piil)� check on. borin - :� ­ - ---- . ..� .. .. . a, And,foi those ran I . I .,. . �, tii&' One -of the . abits � t I cb-opefati6t� and qc�- linatioi of, men, -greft-republic- is- not-. goi4g to!' war -Wli,S aretinot. el, . A ,,: .FTn­-DaAd-Mo � I . -g ."ar , '. worst habits.', -ord . .- IV . I � '- pd6ker I . . ..... .. . --- ----- - , it - nt,al 'd -v " . � -±-v .. g-o�e,or:�l-i�pl�-7toLt-hoir--�ihition- - - I I �.. ," . I . Rule t1v � y re . I Ore, -,from 'Colorn 0�-`-' ' 0: a hilhe world, and 'at spLecially'alftl , ri lJo ' weat -of the ,. - , . . . , . . . Y01449 -I and minds is, imperative if t6 grea( a in 'people, _but only .1 . -th . a little.t m4n. '. 4I � , : bee e � ,eg� � - !X,hL . ,. , . . . I folk in Aties, towns, and.v I I . ga at the'Gdrman - P I 1) V*, I . � , : . " . .ii -11 _-LL�"!- �-11-!-- -!--I ___ "�Ahl.v­' A--11-- --i-i- . .1 . - . .., . 1. . I Ahe`miti�ic'1141 attihortities'suIpPlY A jeasivo .-announced I -lived, An141""Wl �i;.+,h ,� I,A�1; --,3e-------. ­, ';.�, I ,1--�- ­ . I . ­ - I I .. . . , ---- ,--------.----�,�-.P-...-,..��,-�-, , ­­ i . 1 A—M, -t..-,,-; i�.' .. , ­.; .... De -- in,t�eiiioenttv.--and..-r,-ttt.irf f - �­ ---- .A 'I . .,7--^f "-�-�­­:&&­-N-, -,S--- Til " " " - - ­ ------ ��--,�­�V­Z ­ Wk P 1 Etr ,, - -- , ,­ , 0- -, Al ­Wiptg7 " ,--a ad-! - ] % �%t4 % in -r iitkpi� 2 tf-�� tz.i�"-",*,"",-,",-,,--,W-""*",-*-,� ­­­­ � '. ,;�;�W�,11 S'ZVqW urio y­0Wn,d(F­%-1+--h04=-� , ,�_ i, I , - - -­­��­. � - � I ,;a;,&a-P*V',­ -­--=­', I ZdZft�1-1Z-144­ "e,­'i'lloy , f.m­l � :­ - . .t----- ­.4­­&­� -r,��­ .�- -,.!.' . , i!lf !111 � ­ )NI,+, -n! % -+ ,+ ; -, �AHg91n157-1MUZ%r--tn`---b­ -K ... ... '.� �, ,;;, . . I � �7 �!,-;;��-al;..:��.,,��4,.t�.-,-.ixz;!�jilqu��t!",*Ri�k�k..4.t-�4.)Lvl.�tr.�:�-A�,,�hrIt�k, fdalf ;-�,,v,iT " "Mm ", 45A�� @ I � I I , r---- 11------- ­ V lj�� -+-Om". , --4 - "t" - - I. . . .i .�. walk in' open. air is healthful and efim .*It and, Sol"& Wq. ar ,,,enter- Russia, have beeit'alway'. known to coffins ard.merely roughlyinad . ra:nch -fo I I .. . I ur.p TR,e­Ua`r]f4 beetle, in �'the chief ingredients of � iv,hich, are, cab-; -t. ,., � . ­.­ ­­.. ­ , ..a . 0 1 r lifin and. got, hfin I . ' ' ng upon a ne . out of. the 'tbe,Wost desttuttive pest * w'c."Iiavi�. � bitgo, 'Potatoes, oatineab,-and -tat meat - I I ,. . I . joyable wi a. suitAble ,co w nada as a'tesult be denlociaticatheart. wh6hever a]- ,%vith7halidles at either e boxes , 00tchas of some 'real estate shaTkA.?1 ' I , .. .. . I . . I . tb ,mpanion or 1 1 er Ca ' - � . . end . . The ptim- � I . I nual � I . . I .. . .11 . . ­-:.compa 9 I -reatest W.- ' I The ail ' os� in .'foreits .he --preferably pork, Thosd are boilid, I . I . . ." . 1, . . filons, but we 'See'. too ni Iny , of this 9 brld c .. t6 lowed. 6 sfIeak.theilr naitur'al"inslinct.,. itive� manner in, iAich .die is catiiedtl' "I iemembbr," nodded W rd. " ^ J '; �, in�, t . 1. 1. 11 c ­ ., 4 ! Vnited.State, al�n og asoll- � , , : !. 'ari to . . . . _,, confli t of "';d the sum-, tol the idemetery, with its froiglital ow., a! $100j000,000- Woodpeckers, should be. hik) the result'being,."I I-11 ck, licurish,- . � � I . young;sters of both,sfexes an street, at, nations. Who Ant the out�- The,aiiiocracy, that crown �d of I "And' charged, the p6or,fell " 0 is 6timitte(l, at t ether,, with salt.: and other se . I . � -., , I . night who should be in their hon'5ids (come of the.redent'l perial. Confat' i - � 11 , - * . . 1. I . .41 - 'mit of the political- stru4t4re of both; Inbital remains, presents a -� 6 trifle fo ' . . � . . � * ' i . . harp con- nlCr .r all'of his good'work-11: encouraged and P�oteeted. The Sap- hig, al�ldby no meAng. unilalatable dish. :- - "' . .. I I ­Iearning'something� good alnd-helpful,.-enco in London may be? Sir. Robert, countri�es was not,in.fhet Russ-itir�.,�ori'tra"st'to'the'hearse ind,conveyancen!* "SeeingheNvas poop, ' . I . � , . .. I lBorden, se ed.C�nada P ,. yes. .Why not?. sucker"is, more likeiV bori - f�r ''Th6. Italian soldier�, �vho are'ApIeh- I I I I I with good books.fir, their companions. P tho,re And! German in tway.pf: I I .1 . ng a , ..q 9 , . I okigih, character or pur-., Aat iiiake up, A funeral �prbcession till That o'Mr." Fletcherils . grub thnn, for' 'gtlp'. .' robln& Ued � M .marchers, live laq,vely on 'a fix' ' , '' 'I - " . 1. . � . 1. .,, - . -f .he I I .* . I . ' ' I � I . . . ... he � . 1. .1 I .. � . . . . "I unaertstand that,pp replied ; tbe'on. the br�Avl-talledjjjeth, -,,,hi ' 'inaceous " diet---�mni�ooitii I 1. . . Such young,personsr ate the UP6 0 . . will' have much to tell -tour People 1pose;'and now tbat1b has"been gliaken �this country. ' A conimon i1ractice is C T . . t ., .. ­ ---1 . i . ' ' �t . I ch was I spaghetti, + , I . I I ihis, e6untryl they will be the com-! when he returns. and. much, to with- - off Ili the- one, it I more thanlik�ly 14,1 4 I ' - Westerner .,!and X've­'.eom-- . 11 # ­ . . I ­- . ­ !.t - � � '. inlinky:1 -'d ­ ­ . - . � - - - ' .Js ­­­ .--,- -or­a,stor y +-nn&gf��ira - . . gly Yory.rag Proniptly" , � . . ea era; they, ih fillour legii� �. bdl'd for fit + � I imP rted-, 6 'thle ,continelit1fom- - di I - and. So- on.- - They -are-ixln'o very Patial-, - I . I , , - pite"t-k,aidanc -i.' blic' recei�e a like baptisin - in the other. -As'' ged, Peon -to' cArry: the burden Strap- 'O' " , , - ,---" 11 .111 . 1wl I ' t Plut,MY belongings Into his 1�-nd� 0 , � I .. I - . + land in,1891 in 3i . I'to. fruit, which is. issued, tog�ther witit '� W . . . . .. + . I . . . � I . litUres alid parliainentary� chambers 'matters. No one can. estimafe what-, ,',our President de&res, "Th,pre, can'* hi',ped'to -his. bifck�' Oil atrri'vf-h , it t6'for sale. Ybu gee� since my , , AUTWY �ck and be� -wind.-and-,", " gA�� , , I I I , , -91- M­,e� ,,I_ -- .M�if�.td*( �dazpg-vel;y­d r -in­A - , - -.,r.t,, (i." -- A"- ---. -1 '�- , , ana7,W� a , e - �� .... . �­- --�' ---n ­7� ­ - -- d ire , - roli-ea -r 1. ah , , ­ _q1,,,.tjV he 1, - , -W S,Zz. ; , .I --and,4v91­zit4wjudgmsr.t - anA- �� I j--�the-.Coxiieience,wilt.4noilti.,�-in-its, ulti-L. n; �gftfWitV-tbP-A#K6dt"e��-gbVer-Vf;';�L+"itrt�ta-IL'ii--,'dTn-d-�,,tlreli-6,dy��i)f, ye�,, .� - 4 ,"- - . -hkk4t ­­ - .. . � . .1 ., away ion - -Ii��aver p&�sqi-@Ii.* -'-%- ..- , ". - ­­ � - I ., . - � I ... � �! � - . . I . men and -help to form! the laws t6 gov� -mate'analysia, there will ba 6 out Eugltind'stateg.... Tfig 4- W. I . . . . , . : . a - neluver''mentg Sio long as: intperialism ex1its - straw:andl -depoSited Ili a gave, where. ' t1ftelle-, Pve f,lot s� thousalid-aere ranc ­ � . -gypi5y,mot 4g-- -1 t. . . , .. ! , and bigger'aftil granderl�inida which . . - NO 'Go ' - ;', �` , , i . . Crn'. them. Iroys and girlar Who' run -box is oarkied.bat,,k.to: a � h a mtdrpillnv� which weavo -a a an rman botdiev ,conolddpg � hib , �� . , . . . , , Ill I'lh a Sing).6 liation a natural - foe - io , 'Upon ,the w6oden, ' , lid , � I . . . P . I . 4ve hundred..itcres ,of timh�r, I. .' ,; . �1'1 - . . ., + . ' , ,; 11 daily ni-ehu. complete, withodt a sau- - .+ ,� . � the atteata sit late hours 'are off6 wi - be legislated f6f, as part of. thd - 11%Crt;y P-gind, be 'adds ' dii' nd held in readine s*f ail hTill floatg. a,fty 0 tile win to . , I 1. I I .. ; I I . significantly, 'the, t y a. ' 10 - a or . the�am idady to sacrifice for the rdady, pas�ure.q new I . . I -age, of sontip.1dild or other, �aykd the ' . I I . I .., . I . � . I , . *down fiitho,� - - .. ­ , , -, . � ft . I .. I I � I . tou,nd later on in R& occu great,. E Our present -we S6,e,k no materiftl 'compensation nex 6censiqn. � .. I �, . , s � . I . .1 in. Pying cells . mpire. . . .. - .� I .. , I fagb, for I want to' sqttle . I . . � ?. '6' - . - I ' � I ., I . . jails, penitlemdarfea and,,- asylums'ean be but'i faint -addmbrittio I it. ' I . 1. I . ­ I I . , . I .. I . I .. I I 4 : st; .'Vr" its flavor the better. A, I . � . . I I 1. , : .., � � ­­�-- .. ----7-.4.-- ---,- , 77`--:7-!-"-('1'-7----- . ritious pea soup is also li'.Staple' ef, � .1 . � - - I and, Sea- and.. thor paretift I . . ­ I - -­ ­­­­......,­..­­ . . . I " - I nut, � -* # *- * . I I .. . I . . . . . . I Var r .o �.. I - . , or "oil I � ---a-. . , e fO W 1h W rkers; I ,t . . . . � I .1 . I . . I ' 0 k I o I . . I .� . . . " . I . � 1 thle . . I p -b � . . ' A� . . . � . . ­ I I .11 I �� . i '- � . I . army rafi6n,- , ,. I . . I I - . : I did of rok6n hearts. " � -Bystander fittingli S that thi's " - ... , . I .. . . I v r - ,; ,�..; .Z- ­ .- . - � ,. I I � . . ­. � 1. - � r'oeg­V,s� -, , . . . k � . . ­ ­ 1. *- I* * -1k - . . ;,��,:- �..."�. It L, ­ *,�, .*, I , .1 , . ,. ... . ; . . . , . . . .. .. ,� � . I . - In-' oft'a, of The a. g , lf�makint' Title mainstay of -the V ier,ch toldie , I . I.. � . � ,� , w . , . , I . I . . I . .. . . 1, �­ --­ ­- - . . I aye . . .'�..:�"�... ::;' . : ." . . . ­: .. - � ".. . ,. ­ 1- . . I � - - , - - r , , , , . I I � .. . .�� I I,". I 44.. - . , " �. . .:1 I I ,. ". -plapts im-,+EngIa.A`d,,tth�re tiatn'of,hi$ beloved "soup W,ap 16, " . � . . , , :. ,., �'. � . , Iniperlill Conference ig,ollty the� be-" . . + :1 '­.�' , " . ' , . , .. ­1� , , , L.!*,� .... 1, i.. .. ., I ,­, . ,.. .N. � ., �.�,.�' - -�.-, : ., . I I.. is- a. large -ton 0 � - .. � , ­. . I � " A L91' . . . , . -, , ;'. I �t;:� 1. . �i' , � , ,., .11 . . � � , , . w . � 'godkt? "'The kinnitig. The future of these , , , ,: ,.; o I I ...: I . I , , L,L * , ­ . . hospital fortlie treatiro-lit of accidontl calls it. It is ret.ily a thick nourl'sh., - , . . I . , . . .. I.: 4 " , . . What is'an- effitiency e , . . .0 � . . rm t over ' seas .� - :,.,:", - 1- ': 1:, 17. . -1 � � : '. �,. ..� � ­;;"�.-: ! , . , , �' ",. . I f. , '.. ,,4 , .. . ­:" : I I � I I � . I . " ,.:�, � - , � , , 1 .., " . ' . tt ' '.is' unfamiliar to , ordinary Dominions is all unknow 6 0 . � . . , ., . . . , . .. . . ­ .�. ., . �.. . . " ", htly furnjshed, , . � I n, but Ais 1:11, - .11 . ,� , , % , . .. I . . ., . , . ,�­.It . , ." , "...J. . . + . . . , , :' I . 1 , I 1. .. �. mv . I � � .. . ­ . 11 I . 1, � . reader.. I. Great - Industrial, concerns 'great Meeting"of ilia Preini'drs has qbi * .. ...".. ,. I � ''. It. . I I . � L I and a 4�t roorn, �ri , ing stow, made of ilfeat,,p�tatobs nnd . . . � .. � " . I I � �!i:.,;.� .. I 1. . I , 1, . � . I—— � ­ , . . I g . , � .. . 1� , " `� , ., , , I I I . . I . I . I . . ,.t .t. 6, . . . .1 !,:, 4to', 1, . d . a .. . . . - iool . . � . I .1 , . . , , .:,., .1 ;. ,+ . . . " .. where girls who - feel fwi6t, ciin lid, ,�ai a 6t�er vegetables. �, . , .6 er I : :,: - � .�: � . . , , 7, . . . , ? .. �. I . 'Weir fac-'it tiew piled for till, of our' gist na. . . -.1 ��,::`, � -..��.�,�, �i�. , . � , 1. �. " now-a-dayt employ them in t . ... .. 1­�'. . � . '. . , � , , . -till tile' f The Bliglitsh I'Tommylp . I . I . . - . . � art i0io .` - , : . - � . . ­*', dbwn .. , . - - tories, The effl6lincy exp' - We will grow� 'in staiure herd � �.:�.. .. 1�-:' - ;. I . .. . � , V, % I . Y.fte.el fit to go b(ick to � may be'dad. ; J3 -60118., �'. . I . ., . � ! I �, , - . . . 4.�: i�- �.�,­ .1 . " I . : ' % '. L . . . .1 " W ' ' . ., . . , % , � .. .1 - - .. � I : k . + I I , , � , , - .. . - 11 .5upposOrl to have a, complete-* knowj� in Canada. 'We will.bullk so tro' end-.". 'ttt� �, 'i i ,, . .. I ­ "'.. , ; .�,, , "': I . ork. It 18 foxitid tha �gitls on'�ight'cribed as oninivorous. � ­ , , . . . . - ,;:. , , . I �.' .. . . . .� . ` " � I �� . I �­ I , � . I , %%�`.`�,.:.,: , + : . . I --�- ""', - 11 a 1! § ., iVork, and wild cannot ---.— . . .1 , � .1 - Vgg I - � - I �ry - . . ­ 1� 11 ;.I.. I ,t . .% '.I . I 816cP very well I , , . .. . ! . . edge, theoTetical 4ild. experimentdl, ..of ously that we. may b6come the Contra ,", � .; .. , �t,:. �: , - ,;.". . -� 1. . , �; �." I" I . ­ -by,. da: 'liqrvyll ,and hy.4teri- i* I . I . ''I . , I " , �, 5 . . 2 . . . .. 1*1 jlil� jo, I Y, get I, I . I I . 1% -- I'll . '.2,Q, ..0 . I �, ­ I y 1. ., �� -.'� - � chl, 1, . .. N�hare -tlic,+,.�, armhousi Wine . I I " , - theoperati0ii, at hiant expense atid-foi, of the Empire. , That is'not � o faritas-' - I . I . t '.; I r%,.. .. , . -R �%, I .. 1 ,4 I I , - , I 8 . , , ,: -�,, �. " '. ­ %- ,­ . . I , 11 "�), q 1'&W�,�)f , : ,�',.` . '* . + %. I .. , , ��, 0 . � - �. * tile - fa,lged, 1 A farm 4family , living on 100 acies,­ I i greatest proAt of e; particular bd�i- tic eitilek. We Shall, befor � . . �i ,��? � � ,�, ,� " I .so , moment a 9411 looks - a . . k"I j ,�! �. % It. , 1,o�.� ' - the rest oom. I , " " : � . - I . ," �.'.ti-': � , 1.1ji.l. 44" �-.-. . . ..." , . - ,, : ­ � dhe ik sent off to r "It's. with the iiea�eft neighbors qua tot 1;;t-, * � , , great I ; .. , . 1. -,�,;,,.�,.'��,Vllr I " " "I " I I "' i ­ I '.., .. ­ , I I ..%a r � , I � . ness, goes into i ,factory , and',atAYS'WbiI#,, fia -a' eater 'Population than :11 , , -r­:t��, . ., '��'o 1, ­. .­ I . , �1111 .1 the, quickest,way, in tthe'g�d,ll . . I . � . : I -.�Iil­ . ,� -1 ­­­ ­, ,,�­ .." i - I I I �.,t:, , . , . I . ..­,.,,.,, ­­. I .11- �v ­­ 'lk 10 , "' "'A I . .i��J I . It 1, : ­r,�4 , "i'll �­� ,nows every patt; do -'Great DritAin. ,London miL -be des6- - "", �� . . I . , I . nth we gr .i. .1, , . � ,C�'Tne., -ti SIRY,�Ah�e' of it mile. awta�, can know but little of ,* � . . I with it,until ho- Im y I I - 11.111'.: ­ � d,-.''. b.. . . t.., I . I ,-'O .. I .. . , .� � 1 ,7 I,," ­ ��",;,. "'. % iffiatroni, The dire a , .. , "­ � -- - -­ . tile annoyance of living in the city, I , , � - � I 11 I lk . ��i . : . etors of. the - pl int,' partment. or bra of it thoroughly late and insigilifi1callt, Winnipe't-may . "'r IVU n,11� �71, py, ��. � � � , I . t, .�';.,",,� 11 .1. 1. %1.1 �%�V:-­�,­­ ­­.N.V. .. � ...'.... . . I I . i� + I �,� ,, ,%,*.��i: .. 1. 'xi"'.. ­ :, 11 1, . 1. evolved from' a. house -building on-, With a dozen neighbors I , ana .intimatel hqving colle , . . I Constantly ' . Y, eted a be a great and lar city, The fu-! ' ' ',�.601 pc'�V­ - g --y , .,'�,. 11111k�,mi . . klmltl ;1 -�, . " 14. "I "N I , � I A'�,:,:, P" .." -1, �.,�, I.. i4�'�, , " I . . tablisbilient 100 years old, are also . mass of facts 111'a figures tt Po . , lm. , . 1. � ,"', - " . ..�, �' ' -I' - ' . ')out men turd will be big witib"fate. 'That meet -r , �, '� , � - �. 51 ;, - � 67,wl. 1 , . .. I ,�. gufficiobtly P-11 - le of . mind to b,qv . within sight and 'hearing. They eon i. . t . � and matters eonnected with that , .��, -.".�. : , � `� '� I I.. i IN 0 look into youro windows, - upatair " , ' * ' " ' . Ill- Ing was compos6d, of 4 number of uh. .I � " .-:-07 .."Al"fr' ­�', � " ­�--, .! f I .. � . . 9 as, . . . .6 . . " � �,,,, �,' �, ,­�.'.� 4P -- . 1. ;1 , sten that a *o an ftPldyee need I ", tc--�,..%-w.� . % ! k", ��. , , ''' ­ I .. ".. ` I I"-. " `­­�:, . �' ., t'; " ' I a'well as down, They can moll 'your I � ' . I `0 ,;:"..." ',�­,�', t -ii, 11 .. . . I 'bit of Ii bts . ' ' - ' &UA0, dild. th6ft Id Out6 bla'bialno , _ preUntlous l6oldrit mbn who, ,sitting . . . 1�1 . ' '' , . k I o t", , " I A", ' - .� ' .. � �..� --it &�! . ----­'­ . , -- - ---+-- j., � I - AAabl6,,A=:madei­hIS`tory and. - � ­ �-". ---.--V-,- F,e!­�,� � 1, ­ ,-�; 0 il"s it she: in- to ln­�Aftiiier,matcb, your.---visliors. , '- i, , i and oxnert kn6wIedge to work and d6*4 at 11 . 1. ,, "A.'. ..­. , - � � .11, Ad .!,q " ..... , , � A -P.. I *rl­ +' " � . , - �.t - 1*1% I -- - - fl-- � --- ffi�v- - -.-.—=-. . ,maps ou a­pi6grani -in aceard'ante hag nob Itnown it, That is h6w, . the I ... . , �,O.-, . 'A' --o 0, , ­ , N�', I . - " ,­. ----ir- ­.- 1ru y tire u , , hii,4­ � , -'etme, aftd, ­-­ -- I I , 11 I �)Ir-., 0 ` - �"4:,�� , . �:­ pt%l . I. Provided a i go, scrutinize the 'contents of your, , � ,1 ' ; � " � - � 04 � I . I . .*&,:� ­ " .. ;�.,�, " I . big room wh i the. girls clothesline. Jrmrin hoUson, have ,few I . �., �-t,'O,�'i­w ,, ,, 11 X , , ,�6 § I I . . - ,. � -, - ;t�`;t, , � . . I : I I �with the facts and conditions , madis t Ing. to done—and nobody kno*a any. , . � I ". 1- ".1. 11.11.. JAP. . 1 I " e, - Aftei teh, ", , , . . , I .. V�' 'I,';" . �� IS , . ­ 'i .... " ,� 6,Q, ". �:% , '. ( � . I . .1 . ..'", ,., ­ ., I N .1 � I . I : I MW, F", -.1 1. . 'i . dallee for t6i . . I . MW, '. * �.,��, " . 4 � " I.I.I.., ." �,` knowl to him, than he leavea the fore- ttk abott It, I ., . . � qftP.;, .. 11 I , '.L:"-- ,., . I . I 11�uteg 61I So, and city advantagoa, though it i's doubt. --, - " , -,:I I . .Z ` � -,;,;".,: 1 I . .�7, � �. . ..;. '%-� I." .... I 't N."I - I ­� - �� .. man. of each branch to- ;W6kk out t6 . it has �111 , ", ," .11 ­ I ­ I 0 . 9 6- 0on aaid that the Britigh � . ... 1'..- "" .. ., I : I �� ­:: ., . , 1�: '! i 1. i1i %��,Nll ..... . ..�-.� seftmP"' back , work the b6tter'lor'lul wbetha eounti\y people fully . '� �� :: . I . . '-s", - ", 14, &1�11v, ... I �.� � 4 I I .. . part of the progrard applying to h1s . I , . I ­ � AP . :: , �, , '. �� 7 � . �1. � I 1't�,J, I . Jupl); wun Nip4ed I ". i% � q� .. their play.. I , ,in a nioinftt of .1 ,O 11 , I . . � departmento So every foremon �himt,l I * " I- I 1� �,+: ..'., �. .i 11 ,,,�§:� � ­�. , Ii...". 1. 11 I. �, j' . .. Z I . I Preeiate the Privacy of, their homes ..:. %; . 11 � �f,t. . , Q? .;j . . . . . �'�'.V ,F:. - , . . , ", 111. � I . I— . . I . Mess x1ore and there, gill it, . I : . ,� , ,.,. , --------4- --�- ­ , " uiltil thoy go to tile eity to livo. . t . . I .1. I., . I " I I . ,.�.;'q � I . - , � . , I I . I Y"i . I .. '4 111. - - '�: % � ... I . � **��%: t . s, to, " � . ., � I . ,�� ­: 1:�, , '�,,,,��,A : �' ,;,, " . - I I -1­,,.�f-"-t:­,­.. - 1 . . , , . 1-1 ".1.1 f, .. .: � o : � 11]�:: .. ,­ - .V, il, . ,� , �. I + I 11-11�, , \� �, "I., I ,,v` -� , rt , , . a-3 he was not . ., ­'�" , . ,� � ­ � -1 . "Your brodler,1140 thd oaraelid)) � - - � '� , ., Crillge and tffe�t. I 7 1�11') � , -",� .. I I I , ol 1 4 worldig plot :for offigip , ,�.�"*.y 'i : qVIN",1. '. .,� �.�`�v , 0 . ' t 1; I I , " I . I , . may, Ylla , orla -thra or that Mari *on , A �::­ . . . * * * * I about ,'Anf - d a site 1 . '177:1, . - ��.�: .. , &-�; .: �W,�." til- ',�', I � :%�? .',,!,k,;(.". -'--"a ... ,. '. � I Ii ve Alfidlog'A I I We '. � I ­ .­;�,. �,r'. ,3' " a . � . It. adoms, t6 tit tholt tho'ri Is a wide iwitiscifts, ot Anything gzdat, He de. I , . I I , "It P'In'ves I - thei Alth. , ' I . I Tange Of-OPOratiOn for eMCIOUCY' 0:9- pte0tod the lust that WAS made about Wk4 I I ' " I . kim 1111TIlt," ans*ere� the . -e Are, also illorle wh(), wilon . � .... .. I - � �, i R e a Era Staff Cara'Do Splaah a. Ld ' '�111)"- .(No Aiinwer) amill boy's Sistor. ' "Teacher Ilan told they "boliovo , . ptro,vat9idd of,manuftetuting, C611- it'$ bkby-bit t1lb PGWPirb wag ad&d THIS' MUDDY WA —-Th a'" . . 9 " I t, Don't'fhby, .1 :..' AnYthing,' don't eara , , . 1. I I him tifile and (tgaiii he 6tIght not to whethOP theY.kliMv Anythina about ft � . I "ras. Evory ,great ortA11124tion - iti'l, to# uhto 411 tho-Mte #Pot# weio pb- . .1 �. . . . I I 0 � � �-Xl� vaptain jqmfril * �i Plur tho piano by 04r.", , I - ,or llot6 , - , . . I 11 I #,.ft 4 � . � . � . . . 13fathor, 'In Lon4jqll '13,vul Ikde , . . I . . . . . I . I . 14 I L !� . I . , . . - , . I . I . , � I. .. � . . I.. ,. .., I I � � "I. I . . 11 . � I . , cNew-�.- h- h I Ilk I , � , I I. - � I I I � I . . I . I I � . . I I I I . � I . . �. I . � I . I . . ,* . � I . . I I I . 410-1 - . .1 I I 1 I . 4 I . I . . . . . � . I . � I . ,� I I . .j. . I I I 11 : � I I . . I . . I I I I . ­ ,,, , . I I . I - . . I . I . . I V;1 I . % I- .. I . 11 . I . . . -1 � I � 11 � I . . I :, . . . ,,,, I I . �1, , I .1 - . . I I . I I I 11 I + I i I . . + . � . . . I M . � . I 11 I , . . � I I .. - . I . �, I . L . � . . � I . 4 . 11 . . . .13 �, � � I . ­- ­. "*-­A�X- ­-�;ihb­ aw - . . . - "I .. I . '. I I I k� I I fl I . � - - I . --- - I - � I - - - � . - � .. ­­.....­ - . I_— -1 . �­ .- �- � � .. - ­ � .. . . �