HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-10, Page 7,- + • V° . 1i- .. 7,1 w;' • •••••••-7-•
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The Public Health Service reports that more people live to
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gobs gook i s nistailtst Ita Not CiasSalik Onliire'Olt
•(Froin The Brussels Post) , -
Thursday, of' .last week the -minuet
meeting of Maitland Presbyterial was
held iu Melville church' Brussels
was largely attended, delegates tieing
there from alrost all the Auxiliaries
there' being 30 Societies in the Presby.
aerial. A • large coutingent nunibering
about 50 oars down on the morning.
train from the North, while large. num-
bers carie frail outlying Points by auto,
despite disagreeable Weather,
Morning session opened at 9 30, the
President, (Rev.)Mrs.
,Mann presiding.
After devotional,exerciees were conclud-
ed a` report "was givenby four Vice -
Presidents of .tlio Presbyterial,relative
to, their visit to the Auxiliaries :inthis
A Conference led by Mrs. Bradley,
Teeswater, on "Home Helpers" was then
held. Many helps were suggested where-
by every woman of the church „clay be
made to feel that she is linked tip to the
work, emphasis l Bing laid on, the fact
that the Horne helpers are now one of
the most important.parts of the work.
Atthe same hour a Conference was
held' in the School room en Mission
Band work, led by Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy,
Walton. Short addresses were given
on different phases of the work hy .Mrs.
MeGlavin and Miss IIielo'p, Walton; Miss
Lily Harri'ron and Miss A. Dunlop,
Moncrieff.t• Mrs. Ferguson, Delgrave;
Miss .Little,'St. Helens;. Mrs. B. S. Scott
and Miss G. I)eadmatr, Brussels. Many
helpfulhintg were ,given as well as a
large number of articles on demonstration
which were made for the bales,
.t 1 o'clock the t,lotiference wag ie
Burned. Promptly, at 2 o'clockafternoou
session tosn'ed . i'resideni; ilk the chair.'
Thoto. Occup ging eat on the platform
'lllll'pl •iii 1)44 44114001101 r.
``lin )..UCNOit
YInds Health In Our Tirol
Collinsville, 111.---"I suffered from it
nervous breakdown and terrible heart -
wires end was tired all over, totally
worn out and discouraged, but as I bad
a large family I lied to work despite- my
aut[ering. I paw Vinol advertised and
decided to try it, and within two weeks
I noticed a decided improvement, and
Bnow I .am a well womeni - -•Mrs. Arg
We guarantee Vino], our anon seeret
tonic,. to- .strengthen and build up
weals; run-down, overworked mothers,
delicate .children and feeble old People.
Coombs, Kincardine, and Mrs. Fear,
Bruescis. Mrs. S. C. Wilson, Druecele,
gave the Seeripture reading aud•.Mrs.
(Rev.) L ttle, St, Helens, led in prayer.
Mrs. (Rev) Ferguson, Brussels, ex.
tended a bright, hearty. welcome to the
.delegates to .hearts_ and homes of .the
people of Brttssets, which conduced, to
all feeling et home. Mrs. (Rev.) Me-
Kenzreply,.te, North Kinlos:tt made a suitable
• .p-. '
President's annual address le always,
One of the principal feature' on the
program and kinked forward to ,with°
interest, It was a"summing up of the
year's work, the .different• departments,
being itemized with special emphasis on,
the increased interest in various depart.
menta, was marked throughout'and wee
a stimulus, We were grieved • at the
annual meeting)* year that there was
a deficit, but rejoice this year that ulnas,
been wiped ,out and the S,6ciety has
stood the test, and each one urged to go
forwards to more zealous and persistent
effort in the future. The address was
delivered by Mrs. Mann in an earnest
and tactful way and will bear much flint
in theincoming. year, •
is. Jas. Fox, Brussels, Correspond-
ing Secretary, read the minutes. of the'
previous meeting, ' which was `held at
Lucknow. •
Mrs. Coombs,. Kincardine, gave the
report of the progress of "the Societies
throughout the Presbyterial. While
there was not a marked increase in
.numbers, there was in interest, it being
evideneed'in several.pla ces.• Scene Aux-
iliaries.doubled' their contributions.'
.-Mrs-(Rea) Lundy, Walton, who is
the energetic Secretary of M ission Bands,'
reported increased interest,' the work
beingaggressive with an air,, a' Mission.
n every congregation 'tithe Pres
• Report of Strangers' Secretary and
the Home Helpers' Secretary was given
by. Mrs (Rev.) Bradley, Teeswater,. in
the absence of the. secretaries,. Mrs. John
Linklater and .Mee. Ireland, Teeswater
A large number of strangers was. .re-
corded and. visited. ' ' The Horne Helpers
had a large increase, $763. beipg con
Mrs.• (Rev.) Perrie,. Wingham, gave
the report of the suppliessent to. the.'
_ chools..and;reelerves iri bhe• West. 'Miss.
Jean Moore, Brussels; :reported the
-Messenger.subsscribers on ti slight in-
Tu the absence of Mrs. cKuzie,..of
Lucknow,, Treasurer Mrs. Agnew read
the report, showing the amountraised
by the Auxiliaries • last year , to be
$3,790, an increase of .$763. Mission
Betide,. $499, en increase of $127.
Mira.' (Iiev.):_Boyle, . of Belgrave, .gave
the .dedicatory:prayer..•
,Rev. Mr. Goforth, of'•Honan, China,
gave a very earnest address . taking : for
his the m@ , "I; am •notashamed of the
'aospel'of Christ:" He cited` a number
of-casee. where the gospel of Christ had
worked a great transforming influei>be
in, the lives of the Chinese, ' adding : that
lie was not ashamed of .a religion that
had such a marvelous transforrning power
on the lives •of ,the Chinese ' who have
been in darkne:4s for so many genera-
tions. - Mr; Goforth has' the power : of
impressing his hearers -with coals live of
the altar after some 30 years'. experience.
in China,.
The "Little Stars Mission Band" . of
Melville church :contributed a well
rendered 'chorus. ' •
Rev. Mr. ; McCulloch, 'ofCranbrook,,
briefly and cordially extended greetings
from the Presbytery, expected the women
to rise to their opportunity in making
use of their granted 'franchise as well as
spreading the Gospel to the:. uttermost
parts of the earth.
Greeting f rom• sister Societies : were
given by Miss 'Gordon, of the Methodist
church; and Mass My`rtle1Wils=on, of the_
Anglican ,church; showed that. the :lines
of demarkation which were once so •vise
ible between denominations were grad
•aye,—,4i-ri 3•; nbee k ;ivev'eeei
strbng•paper on "The -place of Messen-
ger in the -Women's 'work," emphasizing
that the MeSsenger does not come tous
on the winds but represents hard, strep-
nous' labor; • that there .should be more
interest stirred up in the reading of its
pages, which if read will touch our hearts
as we are brought face to face with the
Missionary on the field of .battle.
Mrs. Ferguson, • of Ethel, ga 'e the
closing prayer.`
Too -much -pratsee-cannot be given to
the ladies of Melville church fr their
generous hospitality extended ter. the
delegates and their' friends in serving ,a
hot diner and a bounteous tea and out
iif theabundance ofibeir heart.theecores
of individual kindnesses exhibited -which
always help to make the' world a' kin.
The President 'o
Maitland Presbyter -,
al and her noble band ofoffrcers has the
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Your Future Is in .the West
71:9fertil.prairiiei have put Woolen*
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If It's A P:e;rfecl'I'on." 1
machinery in godworking order, all
moving without a hitch and the meeting
of 1917 will go down. as one of the most
successful in -history of the Presbyterial.
Officers for the current year are:---
Hon. President, . Mrs. (Rev.) Perrie,
Wingham;.,President, Mrs. Mann, .Bros-
eels; Vice-Presidente•-1st, Mrs. Hardy,
Lochalsh,; 2nd., Mrs. Bradley, Teeswater;
3rd., Mrs. Bell, Molesworth; 4th., Mrs.
McCulloch, Cranbrook; . 5th., Mre. Mc-
tc-Kenzie, North Kinloss;. 6th., Mrs. Tate,
Bluevale;. Recording -Secretary, Mre. Jas.
Fox, Brussels; Corresponding -Secretary;
Mrs. Coombe, Kincardine; Mission Band
Secretary, Mrs, Lundy, Walton; Stere-.
tary of Supplies, Mrs. Peter Linklater,
Wingham;' Messenger •'Secretary, Miss
Jean Moore, Brussels; Treasurer, Mrs.
Geddes, Winghanl; Strangers' Secretary,"
Mrs, Linklater,'Teeswater; Home Help-
ers, Mrs, Ireland, Teeswator . Literature
Secretary, Mrs. Little, St. Helens. ,
By invitation the next annual meet-
ing will be held. in Wingham. •
A•large-and •interested- •audience •as •-
trembled in the evening, the pastor, Rev '
J'.14f Mann, , B.A., presided and .spoke
appreciatively of the.: Presbyterial and
its broadeping``horizon.
. Rev. Rev. D. Perrie, Wingham, gave the
first address on the theme, "Theposses-
Won of the 'Missionary spirit" •and the •
impossibility of disassociation of a Chris;
tian and ,Missions. • There must be in-
eluded; the spirit of life,. conviction, obt.
ligation, achievement and a new interest
in the home life as to the Bible and.
Christian living:' The earnest. words of
the speaker were: most timely -
Au address brimfull elf interest and
instruction was given by Rev. r. ( o
forth, onPCorea. MZ pictured its- paste
history and the progress that markecl the
passing years in their embracing Christ-
ianity. As proof of the thoroughness of'.
the work the speaker dealt with their
evangelistic zeal; their generous, contrite
butions; their lode for the word of -God
their desire to prayand attend worship;
the: way they: stand 'persecution for
Christ s• sake and urged the home church
to seek after the larger .consecration and
a life of vigor and`e rnestness.
The •visit of 'Rev. Mr. Goforth to ' the,.
Convention as the representative of the
work in China, was stimulating and will
do much to cause increased zeal and fin-
ancial'help in Carrying on the work ' of
the Master both at home and abroad.
During. the evening the church, cho&.
led by F.11. Mulheron, rendered the fine
anthem, "Send out Thy Light" -good
form and Miss: Verne Walker sang. "The
Pentitent" with good effect
Rev lily. -Mann: expressed thanks to
all who had contributed in any way to-
ward the success of .the Convention, and
wiehed `every Society ..a year of, great
The offering at the Convention totalled
about $48.
A. social was held Friday evening as
the supply of provision brought by • the
congregation was so ample.
it's alright
In buying alfoil'stove
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No ' expense for re-
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solutely safe. ° A child can- operate it. Collie
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We have-• a ' complete range of 'sizes and
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We advise those Who are
stove this. season'' to buynow
on all lines are rapidly advancing. We allow
sty f`es b
going to get a
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thirty days' free trial.
For tour garden you may need a New Shovel,
Rake, Hoe,gv Garden Trowel. • We have a good
assortment to choose from. Bicycles, and Auto
Supplies. '.A fresh car of cement just arrived.
Try our Intubator 9il for sure hatching
The Store Where
Your Money .Goes Farthest.
en's• Suiting
In. _`Paas( : Worsteds 'that :: are good ,value- and naiad'
patterns ._ In . Black and Navy Worsted—sur:—,.prices„
-•are ower„•than if we-__ ought -them: now-- -tt ll -.pay
you to -buy from us when you want clothes• made to
order. .
:Our Assortment: of:'Black. and Colored `Silks
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• Special in Ladies'. Black Cotton Hose.
at 15c. per pair.
The-MiIline Department n isr i
• , . • .. , ry , p .• e t ece v><ng spec
ial .attention. The ladies will find th • latest +� at st styles
of Hats. and
Tril>anin s with' us.
Issuer of Marriage Licensees. •
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u"re%o hie i CI Eczemg
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- .. Jr 'w. ....a P+.' uu,:LP4 J' rYX. 7 ✓..< {y+. cU.
Room II
-- Sr iI— Excellent---Caineron�ljoDon=
ldr- ave artee uteea icleona
-:. ,, tl' n o'' I'di life
`:How:e,Locell.-Murdoch,-Lewis Taylor.).
Goon--Ltliott-Barns, (Margaret Chis-
holm,. Walter Eaton?, (Marjprie Douglas,
Clarence Murdie). Fair tuart Mac:
kenzie*, Neil Mclnnes, Dorothy Hough-
• Jr. 11—L+ xcellent—Albert Taylor,
(Eris Armstrong, ' Margaret G e d' d e s
Campbell• Thompson), Clair Milne, (Pearl
Beaton, Andrew Thompson), Alvin FIr-
win, dean Stewart*. ` Good= Harold
McIntosh*, Dolly 'Webster*. Fair-
Percy: Webster*, Kathleen Chisholin*..
(Dean McInnes, Sydney Decker*, Tracy
Webster*), Peter .iiortis*,
*• An examination missed.
' . .. M. Brum her.
F K Teat
•---If -you--read -these letters:you- will
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By actually curing iich,ing; stinging
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'Mr:' J::.,B'rice, " Temperance road,'
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She has been suffering with eczema
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good:. She had about. given up hope
of e'vel° being cured, 'when someone
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• Bj► -the use of this :"Ointment. the
trouble has left her entirely, so we
have unbounded faith' in it. I have
Itold several• people about the 'OInt-
Mrs. W. _ G. D wden, Greenspond,
otiav stn writes: ' eu
• ' 1 $ i 7�sy' NflcY"'X f
• fered with eczema 'en my -hands, an -
for eighteen months was so ; bad that
1 could -not use a needle to sew or do
anything. I Gould scarcely dress my
self. Though I 'had lots .of salves •
from doctors, I• could never get
much . benefit from thein.:.. Then i .
sent for a sample• .• of Dr.., :�hase.'s _-•
Ointment, •and;'fotind it very different •
In action. It was not long before my
liands' began to hear .-and .four 60e
boxes made them well. r cannot . ,
• praise • Dr. Chase's ' Ointment too
,highly; a1inl'leedttently+'. gwe Sbnle to'' �.
others, to. get them using it,' for 1
knave that if will cure." •
In the home Dr: Chase's Ointment
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relieving chafing and irritation of the
Skin ' It prevents eczema and similar
Rotting skin diseases, : t.4.ppited to all •
cuts and Wound's, it prevents blood
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Chase's ointment,. 60 cents a box, an .
dealers, or l dmanson, Bates. & Co„
Ltd„ 'oronto;
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$695. 6.OSHArU4+'A
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