HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-10, Page 6. " - � ,-''I '-17 K.", '1w ,_
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I I . 4 I I �111 I � V " I . Aw&mNwA lo -am -le-& -job-
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.1� � "I Q1 is 6041111 "low . . , . " � - � a -4"kl a - I - . .
.1 I go fd **&* MR1430 , � . I&_ __
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qmmqmw WOURNIS I , &*we Y" MM or 1:10hrO110,10111111. � , . . 11
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'..� ..A. k$ QT%' — d ,!.IT j " , WINNIP1110 .
� 40 ft, -, �. - - . ,,�',: %�. "s— I . I J -0 . he "wood the .. 1", " WILLIA) . ,
O.-, ii I - . . — � . w ahe' 80046044 AVeft AsWi, A%w th" � bl"" 1114wo . I 06�0 1 0.1 112 I .. .. �
� , , I -
, 114 , W I - - .-- . - IN 11 11
1111111 4; ___ I_ .t. A io I 014 I - *40 aw V*b% -- son* =9' . 4 .6" NW *Voll 0110.0 . -
jam" low 1101111 meow *a his - .V 7W * Of As XWU"4. _____T_ - TALL -1 - - - ` – 8 -w— # —
_000*4m,at __ a- Dodw , - — ,_ wevemost ft* edy - it is plaia that f*W AA in
00-han1w Qft" bm saw is * elis" "is*. bk I, ulk SW ,-I--"*`x, ft"" 0" a" a2u. ., pooduces, bom xmw�h of ., - � ___
In Tripoli dW so =, whether feathers or hair, , k ** OW %Uw
W" " 9W tim is 440411sr 04- * Pislat AAwaadw, Out. April us :Wlu a 10" vom,tz"=,gwo,w
I I I . _X&% --"W_ "Won that - 04"A lAmenilIal Xw0d1a116w9 bb- (%WW) --Xy- D. A. Frow4re, J4 if i ki that food whioh in poor #AWWV4Wm Larke .3VII. 0;0
- ow to Mo sandy lieved tihat he had boo vivasits of wou A in = tends to reduce the kiz,- ,both 00" so'd
1, I . .. I - . . . -kaowa 44 y*um tar* uw4m OI horay auh""Ic5 in Ami- � Waltntr DI -mm
PM . 01 , 1110WIR47. No also " - the ` * -ppialar InJurious, -bo the, I �ZV Many 0
1 - , in"rvievzog porm" ,,A I . 6 Writ vitor, living'sear-4wo, wbo has been *4 or m .00" "t I �
, ,..WwAipda fr4w beyelasta or wo k , � in Ids or
�,� ,�',,. thus reducing the "d a am
'. . , �� I I . ot &V4U'r,do welim ism as the oow�at- YOLS, lYing Wawa at a sufferst frop kidney disoass; for 111tresath of the bones, causing rick- r, Immot .00 3m .
� , �,,� wo �It
" '11 '11"k � th's 8i8X# Of PARPONDAII, War the 5010�6 tiaso Pact, is back a work eta, RAA iia henia, icaulsing them to lure. It sets 4h " a# �, # 44 I
I , L U .48 " ey
,,, . ,od hiet to aga2m, sad he We, with 0 blood ri6k a I Itw 10 I* MW toa
. . ip . ad.-Io4 ants did not t closs enough for Virgin, who otoottraig it , I grai sum visal raI v
11 .. � I . 11. .� to-haud J.+-_. The wounds oil' h*&'ts- * aw with leathery shtl iniii bin %brough & I so
�,, ,,-,;,'?L "7; "" . L W* to his Mission. sk Joahtts, tioar. thisil kin cure is. That 0 14684 1"W ww $or= 101s. = I 11
�. lllllliiii - L i* d,evot Dodd's in abeep & chan, W a Joe of #" 0 4 as. UUMS aw"M a r w I -
I �
.. !" III, 'r ...'. � V" I $or - 4A * calibrel Itaii ]=, iof diet pr of osse6
1 ; - I -11 i
I , , I '�:, , A ;saying _ ,4 hOU", Ju4my rills. W OdUese Aill Dragglate. .
.. . *� ��_ . 11 lj�L J, im qui4ly�snd left &I- thou 'Land ncry� k*.& in grovst,b of wool has, been SPORN NIVICAL CO., Okamilsta, and Jkletal,W&MMI&I ucsbM ISO,
- I . .gM the, loavvis wore troax, *M "I was always t1rod 'v. S. A.
. I . �.'�I. , 1�'. � . .W so near. . the men. and wanIat bushes *tatod ous " Mr. Frgaicaire says in speak, P106"d by ,takiisg obeep from Tri- -j===cF I-,, itill, I 1:, i,� 1'..�,., F'' ---- .,—. _ I - _�:T - -_ ---
,�: . , . � � &L Poli to Famosa, whem aiter two I . I
.I, .1� - ,L � , P - Inlft* . i4- PWt. 104enan declared that. war by the broess. 04vor =1, ins bf hix mus". "I suNredfrom - - ____ , - -
. .. 11 - � . *0 IQ" VVIVIVY9 so far ax bit stperience lying tkeplut on his oottehi now the backache and neuralgia, and years, the# &kW4 .41togother lo4t -- ,
11 . W* , , loys qWw4;* u*4 a with the Greek army showed, was my tWr wool . In Fessan they did not
. , - - I - - aloop was bpoken and napdreabing. find the litAuriant. Sr"a j,�,,, which � Wanted. r
I I 1 4111is sied ve* diRosih,os, ehisAy' a matter of arm, log and ,itlisins ,"n. and a g4antia we . ,.Sweet Cream YT
" I �11 . ... 0* owm4kcase( 11 fibmal head wouads. Injuries in the breast man appear, who told hi= he would My eyes were puffed and there wore thev. had b�jm Accustomed, f1Dr in . WE are now Von *
K . . I 44 becom the peatoot man in Mig- dark red circles around them. I tracting for our Summer sixiso ,
If' I 1: _,$' - Xrtlan saw Qwqut *ad abdIamen wore Tory few. Feosaia*overy one lives on dateo,- I
�, 1: , �,,J1?JJfPV9A" . 4 Re la�d, Ben Johrima sprit the "my mUncles would cramp. I felt 0
1 .. �!_ '' 1�� lowll� � . W treated 565 wounded men and . ply of Sweet ream. It, you have'& X"i suprjy
I I .. . . I If jw� I' 11111,110mr, $1 yett " one of tb#m died. 'He said that watches of the night an intereited heavy and sleepy afterwards, and I c&=elc,, 'hor"s, dogs even, Iiu4 of fee, good Stables, milkhoune., eta., and can
. I . , � - I . opet4abor of 4 orowd of TiartArs, was dopressedL and low -a irited, man' ship 24 gallons of $2% cream a week, write u*.
_1 Y Vze#. out, breath- the wounded man did not expert- IM � That our donteatio *wine, which I
. .
t Iosiort f .VOX hayst onest any Pain,frOM the 8110all Cali- Turks and Roman - Catholic*, who, while shortness of breath and dizxy . WE buy on the batter fat basis and pay an the 11,
, 1! . � - _4%, i 016ro doseanded from the halry-bris, . � �. I
,I- � ... rofe up and, fought Around his Arm- applIn served to make life yet more I jild: loth Ot each month. , , ...
�' . - _ -ba V 7ou 4" k" high-power bullets. The first I .
. .. - AlsoMm:
'i . *jjdW - L __ _,___ff, r had chair t4ll sunrfie.* .mixerable for me. . t, ad becoono Almost Wr- I . WE OAR talw , -
,� ,ow* . , ot*l output for 12, st"As of the ywe
� I . A46 mt joiatx notice *1 the fact that the, 10" tan be e4ributed, to nothiag your t I
A . Benvortuto, Cellini, imprisoned at "I wax always thirsty; my liri�bs .
� I 6*0, a VOW -AAW- 0-1 &VA " been bit came from weaknei6 and - I I
i� ,"" � ATY - el" Q= ithe, a44k of ailioato, in their
. I. 11aw . el ref"sla. blooding, which distur food. The Ohaags 'of the color 'E---- Dairy Co., Limited Tojront6
.. il - T 040P hod their Romaq, resolved to free himmi,all by were he ; and I had a dragging CRY 01
. . . I . . self-doetructiob, but wall -deterred 1161154tion across the ]*ins. *1 . 9
,,�', . I- � *'"14L MAI, - I%k PM WW UX%W fun0tiOAX. I ' %. I I .
� akin from the dork color of the V914 , . . I - _.
It by the a,pparition, of & woman of "MY symptoms led me to believe 1,, __ ,
�i w%& &ad s*m . So hisilitl Dr. Frank, of Berlin, who was a _ ,,_ .t, _1 ,
. . —I..14- -1-*- 1. � I I I'll. I .1 - - - "
1� U-1,11 worl0rous Doauv, wnooe reprO&Crt" a xmu Jwn0y, QIxe&se,,* . lux WIV -_ I I � I -_ - - -4 - . --T-:i4-ii- -7 , � - - - -_--T!!!=
I I .
�, I I a . -, tho. I *1 Poo* the head of a large Greek told hox- 01, 2AM"Ou
I . 1. I ley 2 , '*M'm&, W"ok ".104C wW pitail, said that is large number of turned him from his purpose. --N&- to -use DoddOx Kidney Pills. I doItnestic, swlae."may' aloo, be attri. ; 144 Foot SA1.111
. L� .1 . � I . 11
. L *k Oay ars, As best ning men had been wounded in the oalf P`1>16M 01" Called aftclig4m to ,a have taken eight boxes in all, and bute4 t* the ohninge, from tho'na. ;14., W. DAWSONt -Ninety Oot#
. - STRAYED 1, , arns stirri,
� bright -Aw lie believed he Saw sh' 0oneiabing of fruits, nut4 I .,
I . 1% If you feel the nesTof a of the log. These wounds were Very I . w- I am very grateful , I .
I ionic at this sipasou givit, Dr. Wil- painful. . . I ing in his X0006 and saw: . I I have received from them.',' aud roots, to the food -we give I our . -1 - I I — , "
l from the X Retch Corral *wall eyo4 ' ,1"710th IRTOOX PARK' � 6:�IAORW
. , � b" never deoerted me. I If the disease ix. of the kidney dow,eatio owi" which ootoista 40 1 1 114911% 41, t ?ai.,
- none i . , I
I . - Hazes' -Nak Pills a fair trial " Prof. Goldammer made am ad- "It resi or from the kidneys, Dodd's Jffd 0 larg4y of milk ) and haS s< aidded Sm$ 13relticho, with *,Roms�' � U he OhdrI.�[d)n P,,,, a T#ry 1110W. I
.1 I you will roJoiso, in u" bAM, new dreas in which he described. the ute. 1100 it 011� the OMWOn of every 9: - andilibining,hiols. WahavalssuaiiI - I I I
1. . ' wil ImSTRABtw" , , , -
. strisit#6 &I saw energy. D6 not tar neglect of the sickand wound- event. urging me onv&rd. It is my nty Pill* , I cure it. . I , thersto, tht great bleacher. , a a humorous dw, riptive circular of I EVICRAT, 1PARUR -IN
. I I � weatbor of summer ed Turks after 4emoralixiation not utfisaing Omen of avoeees." I , . I 0 1 I I I � Maultoloic Alberta so,* Rooliiatchowma
, I � , I "-*-, I -1 --- I-IIIII-4".1 � ,_ , . this ramarkablo bronco with Illus- thletir"2111 "]it. W4*tb 0114 modify we .
.. . . I . . il" I a.
�0 "d + [ &vA sllixga B0114 in on thoir retreat from Lule Bur- _* ANTI-BLASPHISKING tra out free . ..- - 1. .1 I
" . r I . � � . . .,. LAWS . tioni at his antics. S -
, .
... V � "Uplow up rkyw with D". Willizaas' tax. MIMS OWN TABUTS , . — , ,. , , *, .- Sort Back, No Fun, - ' application to any reader ofthlxpaper. � I T 4AVE � .
t , � $4*19" 1 IL Farmp, $0, different oectlope of 011tarlo' � -
, PARar-A0 ft at!-Pugthou- Prof. Verth, of Xiel, save an ac. . I . . I - 1 4 OM nW list. At You W$Mt a 4" Q004410 , .
, . English Olerg ost famous circular wor
, ill
Ask. for Dr. iams Pink Pill*' ,yuteu slid &cularitits , , This is ths,ru, , .
,t count of his experiences in naval Baby�s OwnTablets are the beat , , I . L tie. � � L �
- for fale People and do not be per- warfare. He Said thiLt ilk these c - . - Start, b 7 U . I printed in ,"the English language. - I 0 . , I. . I .
, ,4." -� as I � C re It To-Dqu
I . . . I . MI,a mother can Sivo*her lit- "i 0 . ' ". W. DAMSON Toironm - - Q,
; ". V_ sisaided 16 take nom41thing else. It as the wo�udi were more serious ble one. Rocaub pr��uti�us under -the - ,, . More than balf a million Copies have I _. ____ 1110- 0 -,-- c�
. I . They act Am,& gentle I&XIIII-1 . . already been di3tributed to advertise NE HUNDRED A�
t. .
.�, � 4001*r "m not kQ4P these than in military fighting -on aT"nt I existing EngIbih t^-ws againisit .,. kub on 4'N floe Ill ,b , from 14"40sk mair ot-,"Voil OUT ayid I
. , blas- , , ery 0
t t, tivii sweeten the stomach, break up I I � our famoys PhAo, Shall gjaves made ;itravilli.losm-.4 acres archtr4t oothuild-
,�. 11;', of the size. and terrifilo -explosive, Cold& and make- teething easy. Cour. phemy h&vib 1,6sviilw iij a 0Mvg_bed' 11 I L . .�.- , _ , , I , i ar.
�, �-, i�% 4 � . pok"], 0 60 ozut$ a box, six � as 'Power of the large, sholh. I I mOvOuient'-W their 're � . . — I _ -, , � , , , from touglt 13r*ncq Miss., For a free � I l"4Cff.,f*Ir,;. hau milo 40 �Oaotrle Tailw. , -
I K for Is. I � o6rning thiBm Mrs. -Alph,qnse Lan- pea -on the - . , Would exabange for� 16n or twenty-Inve ,' '
� . . . " �, !... L
� C- � I .. . � 11 dq, Upper - ground "t, they are ;web It Will Stoll, Totik Abliiing Back, I- eiopy send po3tal lo � ,.. . �;'' �ffvil*& near city,*#h *omd'bulldinim, 'The
,_ � . B Says: , � - . I � 'Western . �Reai _ '
,�- W_ - I . , araquet, X .1 ,,Q,*nd . . . _.Vstiitsr,Xxdb*nge�, Lorid.61h. _� � I
-.0 � I .1 L 1.
I �A - . . I - I IIIIIIIIII""'k i "Baby'$ own -Table _ , I , �- Otop Tibur Suffirlite;'Reep -7 - '' I 914� M'-' ; Ah : I I
. I . . likaw 60 ","rlt�o., Ilar"01re6ruel-, � - - - 0 - unfair.' - _* . �
. - �,;�, 1. .0104. . . . � , .1 � 0 , � . . . ,ba were of great � - I , *UD64W JIM . 11 � I I'll �
. . I boy and I would A meetirig t& this end *Ax h�ld , ,, � I yoli.W,ell. ,! . ._ Ca"-s'lxpitrt Gim and 111111 makem ARM Im. RASKATORnWAX-mulp. " , -
I I I , � benefit to I I � - , k !IF
.11 I * .. � . . receutly in Em ' � . I . I I monitz"" . 7 � ped-, lit brow Tnuat soll; terms easy.,
i til r - 'advito, all = With sickly ehil. . iIox RIAU Lou&A, . I .. . orov, Love. .
, , I
� ,��,,-� It" - � , I PRIEND48 Hap.� . 41 A, Th;W, the kradjt$Qn&j home of' religi,ous � — � . � ,P E1.1wrtiden.,8051C. .,�.
I , I 1�.. ',0)F.%L9X WN99 sm. . 1. M 4, 1, � I dren to'givd, them,, a tri - Nack Buterars, Rq&d below. . .. � . . I := I ,�,
, f '. I . I I
r L 1, , .". . .. Id at 25 oents -a box, freedom in EA la,nd which was the -, - i � I n . I . 114ALEMILP WANTED. " �1.
� A,,,-:- , � St. Paul Park 11101dent. 4bleta are So I 'I, am Just so'delighted,widi'the oom-? _ - __% - . � .
, * -
I � �_ I I " - , " '' , I - . . . .1 -1 I � 0 1 , . . ,.
. � , , , 1. *4" Al"a -of a *ax MU GOO 'from The Dr. Williams' Xedicinie weni. of a = lfttimg in 1824. fort Noritlive brought me that I Van$ to - L 1. UT OP EMIFIWYMENT? URV-95, YOU
I .. I It was -riirbt. Learn.birbor trads; ai
�, t,o_ . .,7,!� -. " Jft4&&1W*,Tr&NW#, - "After drinking coffee for, break- Co.) Brockville, Put, , , � . . Mitended by many clergy- talk wbout'it, �11'the time,,, writeo's., 0. . , muc ' a bather. , .ou'eylp' " �
I . I, � � 4 4roken Mandate. L " 0
. I I & � sure emplo.Ment for r I=.
�� ,*4.- , - - . Ishi I &I*AYX felt languid and dull,- 1116 " men "d prozalueni oeoularisl* who Cauxblan- 91 Saskatoon. "Tor made I have (I vi,btbode. constant, Practice and I
�K�` b- � I .,. A *1".-k* A04raii, 10, having no ambition .to, gei to MY ULU. EIX bONFID1914019,. all "joined in donounoin-g thi'lmiris boon, subjec1& io an mclli#, dragging feel, . Although the practice of tatoping I)iria(Ziewtione-anallfir .you for Position 4n,, 1�
, .
,,, 1* I
� . . . I - I
. '. . � , 4 10,"4*6 scie"108"O' morning duties. Tb*n,,iu abol;� an , I, I 11 and'-d.emanding thei, iibolitl6n, A . . 'forbidden in the Scrip- I 11
kl -� 11 � '. I I -8 - � 11D111 Send us. Moler � �
Ilm 03*r P Inc at the base at thespint. when mt. is expreably .In,
. . JL�aafi .Jiplll,,11,111t�axt ,,11111�, � r = Ueen 0 ltald� . ��
,;� 11 " ! & �Ims. 0 IMT-rllntl . .1
I -
. . . , _,�� i , 10d NaInO Out hour or 0'0 a weak, 6rvouz derange ' u urged their early repeal, tacks came on it, Made My whole b6ay. tureta-7for-in"Leviticus it is, otated� -00 . __ I
� . - X
;F � . ot Much Chargee .,Ran. robOlutio *�
� . for t4a � � � .1 . �
. .
. .. - I � , STAMPS AND COINs. �' , , .1
-1. I
, �� 1. went Of the' heart and 'stomuh , 1. 4see ng that'ibey were 11feT0- and a soreness devItloved Lag. "throug)i My "To shall not make Ariyl. cutting, in
I �, .% . 1�� . 46 �� far," liesNih, but the cWhose'Courate -.Yalls. - I - r4i oh% It Appeared. **'If 1, had taken told L �
. .
r . Go"A* W not suitod With so* he uld comiD over me with au your flesh f�r th's di�ad n n
.� ' I WO ch f9rce . cious".aad "inhuman "I �md an in- *�nuoiiUlar system. When, in . ,S TAllP'COLLEatORR-8 V N Olt Kn, DIV. -
� , 0 Winnivezone U, . fa, - forent Forolto f1tam
00 �' � I was wir - returniag. The'.'ship had I w,quld frequently have ,to- lie Thousia4e of men ',go down,i, after fringemett Of the great rinciples day 4 ,friend spoli:6 , to me of 10ivillue, any' marke'upbn '$ou"--Ahe,- fashion . mrk#�WR%W9
. I I p$. Catalaram,
. , ) � 1. I L p -_ � 14 , L
; j.: ,- '_ - **" *i6m t11M 11I b6r homeward doym.� I I - SeVoralL Oonooltt'Vo' �ererwa, be- pof That Wag df decor4tiugbheL.Skiu'*ith- Ir i - ,Ar."'U'm . seveo'coutc
� . civil and-voligioui bberty.,:- . ilid I lidiltht's, 60o. bottle, " ',�)%*- . Y. Torontp � � � . � "I I , I I
r'. � 1 -4 V&W abq wtia*caughib in X, Tea is just as harmful, I because A Cause they loze heart. Th6y -decid,4� -Copeland Bowie, who de4a,red ho, 'best h-alf-abnar I ever, soewt, ,'It,, dld'*o !ubjects.'seems to be 'steadily 'gro*-; _____ . . ___ -_
� .. 'to L T40XI41 . ,. 11 . ,
I . - I kow - c us caffeino'., the. , X r 9mu&, luck or tate, is against � �bliem 11101 . on ! I . I 11111113CELCA"so"S' L , . 00, I I .
i .1 =, tight sZtir migIA, ontai am�, dr�s - spAe'as. a sinceie,fri,6rid of rolf- much for me' ' It 10 b&xd to *0 " lows 1, Auk. Ac'oordirli. a .tatoo � - I -1 '�
i '_ � .., �, j�JWL'that it. * &;�;Try" , . - L 11 . - I
I*M 1ft f , ;d ., 4 ,
Ate oid the 'w^% _ . . � - . ocn. these eX"Igtinig . M . . I I , I �� 81 ,01 -
I - , It found'in. eo&ej, Is ,.rto U60 to try Awn people, of ,Wbai 'a -really to" ' 6diolue: 'artistj " he.- Lis � often ,'called ,upon - to I IMPLES. L L 0 E - -P � I
1 4 . htft='t L � $ oufleed auti. face Li n T' e B 11 I
. '
.:, . .; 11 ma4,_.,V4 ,Qr, rudder. � W "At Other times . I bad - severe You will,'notioo fh4k tho 'man who bjoApli �. I - - � . . . ,dan Ab� Ut t,hero *111 be no vadpWo Oter. , tatoo . .h i, � ti6its,-I, and oopies, Of ' rem ' - "' t� . - . - emJ110 - ni , ,WrX ' '
I emy U4 , . N , u ,7na,, . ,_ I I . ..
I I ,ex Ife6 L t a d6rii;, SM e, of-
t6km 1114 �AY *wO headaches; stomach. fivall�, became does not low, his �couraga or, his Ilin - 4 use it for eyevr. Ce , - 'a � I , n arg $1. V. I
)us �
I 4 14i Otill . r&&.g ,de- Stab t,64 becalioe 6.1 thel thoy try out N6ry e � J:�! �!I,giqus mtore: -on the Y , , , F. bor '
- � L ,. L unjust diaorimiunfion - in their on, ,thinit now, ,Ns lino for a oumatio and di S , .� U rl '. , - 0 , XQn,tt,oa1z,1'_' 1.
- they 46re aftected and digestiob so, impaired tenniii4t4oh. -whop. hf Io0ft his PrO- forcentent. Re Wd ,that if a fellow' Neuralgia and'all sorts of muscular valo� , religious enbhg,�Sts � .,� I :
''j .- � . boaU we" lowered, but . h m , .48 � . IL I u It
I ' It f ' thO P1111098ongbrs that.1 had seripas throuic,�,,dyspep- party a I _fee� 4ain infin%�- of anbxtord. con*, & distinguiah. It cures -au4I , But internally, it Poo, .. jg� , . 'ffl" 'Jfto I
I - or trial syrilbolic, gns. �C ANIbtg, 'VJ
X* W 0 tor - ,,pts on his , well,as , 11 �osi I IkOAS. LUMLI . �
. L curse , _ L . -_ - _* : . I. Internal, wid oitornal.. atkr;d wit!; . L
i I , 'M how& * -who loses ed mb er'of _. Ole, Nervillne is even botior. It, , . .1 out valn by iour-lioma itentmout., Wit
; � UC;t* 4 -wAS being 64C VX44 .,bc,Ufftipation. , A - lady, for ly Iquitker, than. the man mb . Parliament -or An 5A* . . 11, .1
� . L ".:r_ L iesident, I of tl &'cramp In to'n'-swoudo. and,. as for cots . . � up I before too ,late. 'Dr, Rellirnati Uedial I _,. 11
Istould be. coUrago L ,�&rary, . $ Co., Ll -C - Ont. I
d6a tho OrdK14 tbAt lots' many years State P ie heart; in faofi tlievi' k it4oi, wReh ' � ugar to. Dreog'Wounds. . _� . .
I . emielit -lit man,�;;w to bus- . It nod,
. - L
i to, astOe which,of W. 0. T. M, told me she hod, 'been chance for tho man whose h- - 2n IeaTnea.arld,fO , and upset or *our stomach, nothing could I I . . I I mt 04. 7411filer � . I I ,
I � tt,;r4,Ab0uW &R> in " boats. Tho I m-ible - �Lsu" Idlest Wor,11ine. . 1,01nk At should heI I'- The latest, form of dry dr'"O.iiig ALL'STON L
I � - 'Ji" and thoL gieatly benefit�d by quitting coffee fail%. * 'When ho Woes his geijp, #A ja . , � I 1h I , . � as ' IM Kl))NF,Y- AND HIJAM - .
. .. I . .last bad heei d for_L I . there was lit*10 69 -Oft 'of 'I ' krotect 04 G. det'lit6nes.. Itidney tro bit, Gravel.
I rf41W I , n every ame as a, p , , i ("o,gitust foe wounds It been invepted by � " lie pblittv , I
. and using Postum; the was trou- ruk,,he 'lows his climbing quAlitioe,. ER Who\ Uses 4 Lumbago aotd.kindred ailme. T, , I
I I ng- pr�aeeiited AndimprisOn- , shd4on Ing,* a4d alio -to cure All$ that,re- 'Dr. Chevrier L of Paris f enre4L WJth the --now Osman Remo r. ,
. I L
. .1 : , ' pride St.m., Itiotbortew reka a .. . 1.
� I I turtate, once r4nged thomselves,in. bled, !It years With asthma. , , Shii"and *imply drift4. A Aeid fish will ed,. -but if ,& 'woXILP14man at the ' - "Y4
L� L , � , I � L ...
: lino,, I . - I I I WQ Street �6orrter,,01. L sist other treatmenti.' I � I UO&A .
I � I , , 'but',,it takes L. . . I � � Sterile, Sol' '�f glnoow: L "Randl." V � .
L � I . I . - vai&it� *as" no CkOSS' to quit coffee � IlIoalt the`4tream,, in A, lie park "r The for '11talJOUA-Mallitus. an I$ sure cure. W.- .
I., . � The man, 1'"Ut4oned, 'Was onie-,Of when she found SnQ cohld,ha 'M a very lively oze toa*im againab a . . pub 4mily size bottle,. 600,;,tilal else,. M.#� wound'id' first of&II, cleansed -with v, ,--sotiory Inti-blabstai." rice $2.W ft,cla. � '� -
t ., � 4 . An L � I 1111 I a , , , ' ' gave exp to -I same, i4Ws t all storekeepers and tiruirists, 0I The ,p0UXiIcd ejeep�a iW the samo,Jiquid. .drur,milt'i or direct. - "-a so 01 �Variu?Ae- , I . .
1 L the fi)0411241,ts Onelh and as he' wait- elicious article apt Postu Va nf. It woi tiQd Caoullo� - Ututtet. ,,, , �
t . , t n turTa Mal ' * I
t � ed until the mon, before him had it ill crude 04ur , , � language bie,wiis , Catarrhoson,67 00., I Duralo, X. T., - F. S.., A,. h hao been. folind.that ,. ''L , I .
I � I � I ,Another ' lady,, who had'' beet, ll= Z40 Cause of aIf the faifluros in I � L tbiofoi�n of 1wu*1,",3vZVvm,'y' , " 1-1 I L. ' I
, I eys i su,Uanly, fell upon a MOL .be a Court, and freqontly , ' -- _*`_ - , dressing hazII'a remarkably owming , . ,I,II,,I,,,,II,III,,II� � . �
he world we Should find that lossI senteneed tto consider&blot,g=Lo� m4sic 1 - JAUSIC 11 IAUSIC-111 ,: I )
laqud us, trohblea.witl�',cbro ' dyspepsia for' f I
. � fW A0oo to -him, 'Ho�, remembered, found itnut . . tolUNG DARDAIBIANS, AT PLAy. 'effoot, on. painful *0unds, sod the Owth# Ml*iIisll)pl:- ' - Wslyo Had 0, Lovely Time, . ;
. . yearat bdiate , rell'of 'on Confidence hid more - to do with imprisongi & III: , , � �
..�, � I : � I I 1 L and. using Poitum. thow'failures, than the loss -of jiii- . enfl. . ,I . . . I . . . . . .. L . - I . I reparation -of the-Iiiattei; ' - *4 Thm,01401d,o(1141", Whouthomidolghtchoo, ", " ,
. I it, sioa its dory fiashe&upoa hini.. ceasing Cofto 11.
. I � . -F L ,e . , . . I I � . _. � . ie rapi I. WhenIvo,t-you Thor411118to 1"Ti"Ityou ,
! % Rw -W talked ,;ith that youngnian Still an(ither-Lfri6nd 'told Me that pe,rty.,' Outside OfIcharmter itoelf', ." 11 I . -AuAtrilla Are Alicli D;r., Cochora,l has' followea on * D' r. At�ths Q#Vill* 01, . Tbo,t'sHoW1N4odYo1L , I L �
� , � � - . I f.,. , _,*__.� 1. �_' -� Black I Boys 4f. .. .,. . %. - Chevriqr'a lead but'amploya pov;- �ad UUildr4diotothir IMP. 13611ge slid Ifixtrfiinio� * '!, ,
I � 11 11 a few days ago, and had learned - p,ostum, a .Godsend, her heart' there i& iio , ;. � 0 . : I . , .... I qYAO - I 1. . . , talm' X5c*;%*h,*7,farJ1.0Q;'pomtpWd - - il. -�, i
I l - great ap that Of . ._1 I - *1 � , . . .,., I , L . ke,oitr 11 - , I . . . I �1, S, "k. 1. cin all or4w% for Standard Songs, ope" � . ,� i
I " wss ng - been relieved after Self-confidence; for,, wlxie�u this' 'is 0 1 ask � I . I I W4 ViMAOMU1110, Albtims Ilutio, 113. �
. t, thma years Ago, with. but small trouble havi . IOU go - I . dered auk�r melted inAibt w llo�vii��
� ... . obanae, of .life, he W�4 left behind leaving. oft coffee and talonffL On * Y,uf Bad'T � I I '. .- � I Ile lbla,fk children of north . I ra I .� I . �
. ' I 11 I I , 'L . I I , N " 46r.. ,
r . gone, thorb 'is nothing ' to build I I - I . I I Quilow 0 0444 -.Bottoft I'doop, Uit, With or
I i _. .11fut in rugland'him wife And - Chill- Postum. �, , . . . I , , , Pue i 4' ar,v A4,,,m,u,6h'. absorbed,' . I . X� I *---..:—, I , tiod"St. To I Fonts. , ., V . !
. . L hoti,kh, Was. . "So jisIriy such,cases came to, I le - -9. I 211 their..pames- "'white child.rehi, . I * � . ' . ' ' I �L I I . � ___I I �, , ".. I , i ttt
�j I z . dron, so&, aow, in f0I " ' . . Upon. It is impossible � for & man . _ In Th, MorIffin, ,, . -1ris an L � thals. J J;burolislr"1612 0
: . I -1 L I I I � . . .. I . I � I
� I I . . - It I 1. I TL . I .. "L , ' ' I . I I I
.1 � 6'Was ;aj�peia Ily' �rhert' heI - h ' 'T'L B , � , - The . $out la"A* Is tho I
. . 'On* piaiwworth3P aspect 4-r 4 Iff.-', Ightj ; -
I . an his way hoini., ': But 'he stood notice thafl Concluded coffe MY to,at"d erect wikhout a bacOO:no - - I I t� � Of th Gained We I
I . I . I , I as much "M . le]d itt L � L �. I 1, '_.1 � , Of- -a PI"o Is tho . 1,
. ,
I ! I � a the doonisdi - - , , � ' ther C&ttie Of WYL trouble and I quit ,,Wjjg&bO "I Wo;ffiing.��n "op , Is Dule _, � 0 Ca arrh ;sport, writes r. ,X , Mnf ,�. , ., � - AiiatiOns. Jn*1#.kt 6 that - - �" . i�
. . .1 I "'My Tropic Isle, " is that they tof 9'. � .� � 7 1� .L '
' I I :, I � �* i
. in tao I I _11'. I puy:. - � Dilgt$tjon, R;stoircd ,. �. L � . '. I 11
,. V 8eWOM&A ill, im jui S ' t and toolt 'up N'stum. . Z -am more a ffian, down �L whon' - has, #-tit and - ,1 - � , I I � . . I \ ., . I . �
� . ' � he — . I . . I i I to, , �, .
.b L ,� . . 1, their game, for.theaakp Of th � I I 11 � I . 0- � .
- . aoized tl* wAlvand, for,&A h over, than�leasid to 4�j that my dikyo.det6rmitation. It -is .iia im " . I I I . " � plgiinie� � ' L sOW-Te. 111GEL I , ,I
I L . . POM 'e, Destroy fors tot to -gain. -the plaudits of a,n id,b '- - I ' I .1
I , the" guhwlJo Abd i6tbippbd into his' of'troiib-le have disap�eared. I Art to� imprison, one i ad it,�,V�O_Uld L 11 . This .Polsonow Disease us ) I kceWC4 L., , : - P .. I
I -
Mies , __ . is Ssr out' , 16i ' i, . '' .. - _ , �;
.L � _1_; , � I . I ly "' crowd or in 10kPootaition of reward.. - � . .. .. ''. I ' !
p*e. In ,& few miiiites, all was well aim happyIIIII - bot '_ . Your, N 6 a "I" at. . . . L -, , _ , . tan I 0 Aot I I L .
I 1. I 1. � to tler, up -steam, , Self-oon in 4 I I . I -, �, I . � I .1 . I �
4 �, ?4 aver. 71he ship had,gone down,' Look,ih pkgs for the famous little niakea men lw I L . " � . ,� . In order to acquire dexteri-ty; the L 1, I , ,� ,�, . . I .1� . 4 � 1. � il
I ''I I I , ' $Ah.apoar in OfL I . .. ,� L _. i
I oarryijag ,mith it milany J)];%V,0L Pods hose.,wills must 11 . 1. I .. ,
'men, book, "Tle 'Road to WdlIville.11 be .obeyed,, � . . Perhaps you haven't ihoutht of-oillins � iho Arab instance ii a Itere-6 more ProLot Quiek CUA I.- --' '' __ .1 t 4
. El . M.W I ,- . 11., I
I �
I � - . *ro&tL L , , L - 'New`airid Second. ' . I I
� I. . . raver of:gratidar than he Evot read the atiovi lattert A "Sis Ono 11 . . those vriplemant, symptidufs. that affected 'More boy. A colored boy, in' 411 the. , forAll, PAS That. jifd WeAk, � I' ;
*Opftrf Jr4M time to 'JIM& I
I � They are - 0 . , "�_ ,
gatrtOft fr"Arld hill.ai liumin-Intatist � - , � I L. . I I your n6ae� and 17 any 'partiouTar jqouis " iaba,ndon of. uAtdriess �� I ,�%Ab Nerwils# I 1, . 'L .1, banj.' ror ficat n .
I : . - ,who wo hik HN for his tr�e�d_ - � , . - I.", 1 is' L
� ' �� L ' ., - .
� I
'. ,
I E . I . I — 4r""""""""- . I . � I 'O FIAI it's Catarrh Just the 0.11me. 4pbrtz -witif a ,gj6ii�r AitIiiblii, to 0, . , . * . : , , Alld '. power � pu � KS A L I I I �
�. . . I I I . I . . . 4 - rpoods. TANKS A L
I I I . i
)�. .- L I I I . . I - 1-1� 1W L *, ' * I When the Att"'k Is severe, Your eict are height and strength. for A 30ofith. to- � - ; -t . � ., I �, , . I Ablo) .. .- �
- , . , d , Arid. _ sces
� . : . L ''I I I CUM - 6 I I . SIZIL10h . t look *oak. -Y�ur breath- to 'PS of , fit � � . -Ka STACKS. ., Agoata.for.star .� 'i
i ' ' i
.. . . I I I I , I gafher, floating Chips . - More . .. 1"Ll"g"'S P'lla* ', � T'"t T"llatibn J�kd nextiAg systgrasi . �
I I . I . Fli ... 11 to ludammition tn the nose b , � � I �
I . ,� I . I I - . L � -1 �. 0,0 ftye�'. L,
I . I . I . " 14114 W cram sod I ark in th& wator AS tUg ,t� unta - !- �
'I . , i I . I 6UGHt '- � M" .111'ria"'611, 410. A ... # �6"' mu,�l e, , Pirtle* ter Dr. r �
"d 1090,110. a
J . , 7 la thromt, . tii Tortitt 16R
11 � n A., � I I I I . ". 11 I ,L.86 - �Wk O . .
. I
- - - i - - to 'g -RI Foree4sfitag.: : - , . , .- - - �� � � . hands "(I eyes are. broAight uwdef:, ..,,po*�'g-jor1*-A.J1kst a M1446t 1 E."don"S'lAnd shilih "
L L. , - . � I .
; _L .1 I I &COL11% I . � . I At - ht,nt -m�16nca - _hte_-.A_I,,,o,o,7ere4_ �" real . L u tbs '*ought, , " iko . - .
_.,:'��, � - _��7 ---- --- I � . 4"_ , L . I I I --We,)-'- _ -� ---- . . _ .1
- � .1 � - . 1--- .1 -0 - I , lolk,i _titim -.iiwap I 001ft" _., , �
r-7. , 'L " �' - " - �71_('� �7 , _ � - . � f -�V'
. , � _ L "�� _ _ -.4 � � "Who pairk3ted 0uhb0'w IwLi� ab3011110,0011tk0l. ljitho,j!" A.ib'�;OU-f&d,�i6teltod--fr,olir.�a-af.- a *r , L LL
" -I't , . I - qn "r.!Nr44y, ,��mw-,Amlf�w,tflr: 4 .. W� 0 tm, ,,,-- - W& ,Vr_0Di I mijklaey. _ -
L . 44 It ,K, -,VF J0h--+r,A0....,k.A, ��4'�nz;�,� 7 - �,w. ,.',,_,.-111--11 &1-t.h11`_; xqov-V.40�w. .."A - - na.A -1P, tbw,�UJIJ,641 - . ,,joi;�W.,-, �1_
. . �Wft - . , '66 ��4" .. �111.1--l1 .-:7�;-,-.
,� % . . --a-- , ar- 11A:u`d,T�bfli,_me a 11 0 MO name 0 e con. uko no. othe A45 W fft�mia- * - _ I 2-±=-. -27z
I ,";�.___�� ___W�'1141` f*)ff_0At`:B_eg,_g, I so -long dfWr�dft�d .' bi , r, Catarih t6modt � on eat ta* TV; :Ixnw 91;4 ,,,
� 1. I y � icientifio **it" 1�0�",`Ai th. -___L. .
. . . - ' ,06rents died - and left, IX n or� ,melli, al 11 Uhink he said -it -wag don4 "extarrhozona" overat,60 -oil a- now vlan; -and so�#'. 'he -Isi� & 'regularri to ' bU-' - heat had lUdo, Ind Hotloss and the djo-, I - � I- I . I . I
, . I
� . I 6 A- , qlears to -be gai-Infing resipec, _0M - . utri I Majoota L It)$ r , . . I
", I . I , otan J I P "by Itz and Ptartx.P ' I 'goeeL .instantly to Aor, to .the la,eder. " . : taste"for food reduced me to a aoi(ditioli' . 1. , I -
I ,edestilan-'e"Nor fellow I bability qjtbl� b. it It Is a dfi*oot; r6mady I . LIN .%. .
I i0il '01, , IL .. F . 'CL I 11�, . � I �.' , v, �. � �& - r� . 4
- I � I ;j, V , little with the � L' . I _;t�; 0 ,
f I jo:,ing 0 �o With . ? . .1 . . . I I _t1k6.,#qvr09_ .0 Oil. ;m ,7- Uk rldh Ira.- Tho -kitt4-kal, treie- providgs t1e �X�jgd �f 0,it,rouo ,� 'r
I . I 'are you . . I IoVseml-otbrvatiou anit firouklii�fto--tii the' , � ,
� . � - � _ L. ' , ,�
, . I . I I -
- I . L 11
- L' -r - �L ,� pr �rees of moit;D6tology Say � I krAutL eWi`6no_*8 and hea.ling b4same 1kre , . dtIve 'ilej, ' jI ' 't � ( �. *L' ' .., i
,. 1_ 0 S, the oollAD66: . To�foo , w4td'. AnD 0. is 4.
1 ( _ -_ fteriti e � Of 006, breathM it vapor form turoutu, � I
I � . . I - "'' - fio-. Arho6rioii,ii. Th, lt,st, an- Vhsh Your I N ' d ',m0a'14 of, sabi*fni thAt dc�ik`5 tot useless to rta!�tbre,%A a ro- 9r ,Givetrich . I . . I
!,,; .. I I . . I 7 .ur, - roporC of the -Dutch lRasit. J -h- T-ry mutine i I . _#, special IS ' t � f4 L " 4 on'�' 44 .I . I - I
0 I I . I �. nual :ys Ubme . X. Smarting-11'"Is inhiiier and *zl�e instant i�ollof., . . � , , &_t-dise that I instinctive in thi too& "Phio'dooWn't-old ,Mo my IiTdr�Afid , . 11 I I ..
' .V boy, w r is � race , or ,.I or.,
; ' diAu nioteorologi I I Intle-Acts Quiekly. ( It ter Be , Woskol . I. I Waileys Were both at, fault, bA the -1nodl. I., 11 I'll!" # 4 . .
' I , ' ' # i I - . �
If, . , I , I ' . L , n*! Watery Eyes Abd dranu &I Wyeims. mine. Catartho*one doesn't st4j) at tho vollef iWVorA. . -,feet I WOO 4W uF41, ,
14! . . � . L 0 , : . , - lorosasitt,01 tife trated J366k I# sech P&I ,Uldrine- Is Oun , lu " , tit elude. they save wo Wiiiti too, severe and I. . or 1 1 . . 4 !
I L . VA I ROSE 10 . - +Aorts, tho� Ui:4 the'eta someo me ' oozbp.o -not a Arii,tent Mod., d4o"It adds fuithei"kedva on volni,till reduced my strength" ' it If L at "' 1
4�1 .; I ,leino"uA46d by our 0oullsta ,long &'A 1ill'of SAP a aoed fit ad id I 7- , ,
btit *ai," in fi,U6dft4 " that I P
A. �kt � L ill; I " A .
. .. II.A d 'weath6t ch&ract;tr1S Mphyxialaball-II64. sk cure to offeoted.,Bid cases are'eured " homnlo. o troub I
-UUVL , At I - re� 01 Potion of � a, . , � - . .U, t
� L . I fi468 the ' the' rd lor 'a few min �itbazidop'Ahdl _ Out Mij I � � I
I as You can judge . troth the ionim to Is - uteis, - Wh.eik no laijaIL: -24 io $� , I . i
. I . . � of e"t6kly",nion,000n Are '*:'or i""! A - I t t friend *hD bad of b1c;bd ,and . . I .. �
, ; ,J[ � , etrength " 'o a 'so'*
� I � I ,no* iFisued 4 "BativI& � each -April. ' tor:-rl'39V�ry Morning, for oil Months last hey &to I lb"hod' I on A 1.6g Of 'othor -the ' will '14-A ' lhide'Ilk I
I I I I I 11-ullInvoy"'ItL �Wlnt I " skin, troublo. 1 beatt'd . Aim, ) ,V .. , ,
I uio of Dr L13C. ` . L , , . ?
�p . . -1 - . y er awoke *Ifit' a '-,bitd tests, and ha,id substance, tlie,,hoated, gas i U U i
� I � I ofiloial Iii6iiwou, foweasts �- fia" ; In ilt'I Piliol. vhodifreV6 , L I
f , ' ,'- ' L L ' ' , ' ,,, � I . 1. tied I fif*t noticed � ::
I . I 'thy cbre system, at JONICA -(W �1� I . ,
-tol-I - . �
L. been. reoular1y mado, in"Brillwh, In. - .1 �� 47 , imtal breath &nA, stuirbiViftv tdenrir� It mr: ,the 0 blirsU out Vft.h'a Vie-. �W&s_, ti�mtLwbtle thertleabood ,06 . - 'th "k I I
. I I
� I � I , or.mainy yea, L rep In the IThited , Uertie-"I wish yoii to know that nbstrflO,'k writes 10b x Rlitland, of Xe- , ike report, �' L . :instoa,d of feeling wo ker I volt UeA4� , ,, W1
. Broke I'00,80rd. Itiolied And Buriied dia� f ; L 40 d . 1; ,
.1 . I . -ould Scarcely Sleep, States Weather Buroau, Sun y I "It w0A simply an, ow,ful ease, of , -folk -after i0drim them. Ina .6 � L' w it' . 41 host , � 1. Ids , `�
It . So Badly 0 da '' I don't statid,ou trifles," 'Relen I ""' it is due 0 the: crud# who deed th ' I . ,
� I- . . glanclug At her feef,)-111�oi 40at - obt0ai6 Catarrh. Jt6lijf drot 04me'frdMr . air a0tiV10 r- . . . . 1
II, . , OsAarrhot6tio..'I use . �own-ed Au,sbialia, fio't So very long was *0 mild It waw:eagy to forget I bad, . . I ;I
"6' .1 . I Red ohd Inlanlod luticurit Soap foi6msts for a ' week- in Advance. ( L , 4 's il . ,. - & tDmt Irbalor twonty � ken thein itt all f . �-. ; L, VENEDICY a gai 110(ra"41 # , �- .
. I ln6nt rn� I wwya� don't." , , , Ag6j - t6 - they, had inventod �` I , thok seemed to go I I
I ire, I � =to s, day 0ifid iook':L� to hod with mt * �_ _`� , ,
, .
t" � � ,i()f_,J5Wrj�e._2u �. ' ' L , �
L L . I and Oint y'Ctired, . hav"' become An eatablUhed Institu- , , _ _ I , j&y,thab riRM to the liver., an41n A ,vorl, brief i __ .
AU .;W _
- . lon, I .0�j , , - - - L _ _� . _, � � , -611to(l, pudbyUs loss of . A ot - ' �"ihfiik is Ltile ' : .
� I . I � L C"" 'L #ILEJ OUJItti JR J , at nl*bt. I ikm'.' the fop. btfore tho *hiite, usurper& time n dfily''Ald sill soufee''Of noullem ". Sh'6;"Wh`kh tl� Y�ft ff
I . , L . the foi*oasU deal with only th;6 , , To It'0AYS. ' catarrhosono, stai *oll. wow X am 'free came -Along. Tops� are ina,do`frorn Aisipoo&r. but I boxAn .to ovsvg &(I and be t tinte for
# I . . � M7 Oroehw6�4.A:vc..'Toronto, OntArl' broa.dor taittures Of the-,� we,&ther V1111r. d let win refund mohey If PAZO from irritable , throat, trouW, pougho, the. fr'it Of on,b of 6. her�-to bia ent(agidW .
. . _U the 'gourds that I diot"i64 It r6asonvmy wax], Then I b& :�e_"I should a "I
� I "my trouble wag yarloose veins above my .OINWA'N,J,F4, falls to ou esm of Itch- ' No :m6ditine on U t h -"list btfore
. . *as . L 0 Intl, B11 eeding (Al ' 'nl to Ay J L abs , "I
, '
I* . I I . istwe., It broke hAo a Wd,*hteh over wido 4refA. . . � � 110. "P.V140trii ,darth, le oIji ' is aboub the, Azo of it o6iAli ova,,pi(5. AVsn toL put 4oft,LwelJeht` 11 11 -Within * )re* is - Iron, . .
I . . I I "" d"ag """ 'n� told., h8aditht, or catairb.- nied.11 , - �
I , , tW. ' The VorsL Itellod and J*td, _ I I 6,to 14 daIyl! W, � The spin4lt it t6 -smooth and sIcstidot months I was brought to 'a c ifidn Of
burned so � � __.M'_-- ' ...IIAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� . cond , . I
, . .
, I IL �
I, badly � . .. ,% -, Ow - 6urd every' 16M -of Catarrh or thfbmi piece, of wood fastetled' to �the. top g6iid'hotlth. I urge I* Itaimiltows Viina, I, -, I. I. I
L . that I could se"y sloop. This *kin aroftd . I ,I * I . � L � Only'.Oft* 1-1-- _. . . I
�� 11i W&S red -and Idnamed. I could not . L An Advocate. - trouble ag 110starrfiftime.11 not the 4atis QU10,10'"
. I wftr , 1. . � I � I 11 I $1.06.01we. lasts twO mdntbS And, 16 aUS with gum., ,To spia the top, the for all who &to In vor hoalth.$1 " I 1111ROM.0 I
� - , 0681100A*61aht weeks. Itriedso I igm , I aft L. this best of tn modiclaes to,d�* it I# I LAXATIVE 1110mo QW91MIL �
x . . I L, Wo, L "th,6 tpindlo,betw"Ili � k fir'lhd 11904MO 0 A. Vr. OROVAL 0 -k
r . . for' ' players revalv�` I
I . V"I 6111it- , . you favor votts I^
f� .. I sient#but thoy didn,t Awnito do Itanygood. I I . I . 0, "I do", repli hated4t otedluta wise Me,; samolb.'N1.6 250,- and - VefU80 4 AlIbStitutS flOt I)r. Ila= 'F
I , k"oors sna- dtuglVists, or Jh; 64 nut, , r & COld u O*v I)Iiy. Ott"* at I
" I r � It. I-
I . � I .� , Mite. � l# to , I I I
Thori I Wts recommbilded to use Cutloura ., Iiietill, �L P&IMS of their Und-S.' L ton's Villii pt'Maudrikke and tutter T a Sys, Me.,, � _'4.
1, . I ., I . ,dbn policom "It woidd be a catatI Co., buttalo, x, Y., ,and bl"kg, at i. ,f) L .
I � . 006P atid Nntmont. I 1,athod witk the Out,, � . . I I . . I . I 9 I . An. ' 14 6 go 4� pert lab the� top j;old by &U L druritlotit and - A L tm#keeziorp, , �, I
"'! . . I cuft S6aP and J)ut'% little (jutkurs, Olnt� reat o4mfortio me to wo- A crowd � Xingoton, Canada.. � � � 948 tO sleOW before tho'Oft-of 25c. per Uir .. Ilyd for $1.00,* I%nt post. . , I 1 " . � � ,
r , . L, , ment on and they gave tbo.groate*t, relicf, - I iconoldor, MINAAWS LIXIMENW.,tho- ,of SUffragetteN voting instead of I ,, . ,a 90 I
. . BEST Liniment ift use. . . . . ,-----,I tlio smiling and exultant player. paid by The Cat&rrhomne 06�, suffalo, ,30'ZO women Atre. *Asiv ploalsed- I I
L Jr�,,,. .
. I . In 0, few*061(othe wor6 wat tnthely,durdI I Ainmed - late tm rka and throw. " . , L
I,- . Igot MY foot badIr 1 i ,making unkind r a __�__��, .. 14, Y., and Xfn*ston, OttilLd*. , . . . i149 by the'huillabdo they ko,leo,t. I .
0419fiedli'MrZ U".ftgor, Peb,.41, 191g. ' ""' It well with M t4ARD'S LINIX 14% iiag, Aynarnite.'* - . I 1 4.1_.__ ______ I I _A___ d .11
, I � I � I . L -IIIIIIII- _4� �_ .and W" as won *6 ever holt'dar, W 1 1 NFLV'19X6,1 OF 11000 - ()N. IrAIR , JiM Ifieks says times are s6 good ' , 111ftelex . , '1100 Ul 16210*0 604110 tututimil *,04610 -, 4_?, . r..
., . � HL . . very truly'. I __�;,��, -.1,_1 I . � v , L that ther� have bf,,du days when,no. q# � �
. . SALT RHEUM ON BABY'S , "T1112111, 0. '90MULTAIN, . N'\ % \ - _74 ,�o s hung arotind the A you I :
I I . EAD . . I I . � . I . I PIZ ."'. , \1%, I � . milli to'st Hig 'Hirt4ute Co qqng body but 4outtower I , L I ng tool tevei believet what ()r,%t0r_X,DW, rigen, i a them Any . 11
., � I I . Wftd*o&, Yomoutil Co., X. 19.—my, . � I I Irl.- , I t 19" Ulten lie stoppell Enting Buds. =r= ff,bLery. , I ... _ I sh"old fool tolls him, so what's tho Vody in the audiibnet who w,buld Ijk45 1
61d *bft be . . -1 .- - =90=90= "
"� �
P i . I 'bobY w#A about thrp# w"U4 .. � __ 1) S ' `/). L I '. - I tjg.� 'of LkIlybo(ly efther gjying'or tak. to, ask a questidit i Voic �rl �, .
� .. I . Md "It rheum oft his homil slid torgidecL . . I I 1. - 'r DOD _'�i , Clothing has had little'-to-It!6 with I L . I ing Advice I - - I . _e--Yex, x1r; . I
k* I I It beon in 001�0@ noo m9b, whkh eams I . � 1, ,� . i r , 0 � WAn!6 to& ottb# hairy ,00vqhig, As �,,,, .1 . how, won is the band going to play I I
I I on 1114 11OWand down over his terehda,j - I I �', i from -4, o I I L . . 11 . .- ,- �
, . -4 X haird, brown crust, It 10,*ed , . . I ' APP640 . � mparixon ;61 '"thaid"11-4,1010itent CUp#j Qole%.tj* _, .L_ ___ - - ,,.,I
and tOn* _. sheva'"ghtit. � i KIDNEY' , .
I I '�A I 11 I .
I . - �, ClOthM And Un&0th4�d'U10I1 in, th-6 I . I �,
I I I 't"AtIld, 4I ft Must bitvA Wtilewd bin% $arah, the. neii maid,' wA4,unused . " I * I fAmA6. latitudo. � I I . L I Strenuitius Tgsk, r . . . 11 � .�
I! I I 411111tO -6 16t, Af h6 *6tild hot 8160p, I IW�4 to d Is. One day so6n infmr / _ . I � I I � -I I ,I
;j by *a � P1 LL5 � �1 I , !(Air is I -i hofty growflif Jast lik4� � ' Woman "I gave, y6n 0 Cents laftt
I to wooh him with t1l" Cluticur^ ,40" and' hor arriva h�or mistres ' n io6d a � I / .1 � On tH I ,
I bol Wifi�ll And pu� th6 C,UtIMA 010tMont f 8 ot 0� I I I 1. �S� , I 1withews, wool" naitg) lWols, 0,18,WA I , *oek Aud you look ai lisroputatio , a mt,--.a* ,
. 9 I . t it I I
I , 1� . d4dit
, Oftr &114 11% thfM W"k bl.-s hftd all,I t6t& Imil hangitig from the SAm bracket r �, ,, \I \ , I ( arA horng, rtqniring sili6ofis earth I as 6vero Bogg&r�-Ilwell lito 66 I Im
bood '01ftr. I ein't "k, too hf*hljr Ili tht ,11411. Att",43tiII the coun- , � I)t % i L I p � ,4; 1 f6r its formation. All animitlx with - A Isei I � -
at tho (1114rlira, 0111ttiltnt and Cutjf�ut% 'I %'I X1F)r,41 I , L I it's den4md hard broaki 6 �
try girls shm eAlled lgaiA Ana aake,i:11 1 1 xrest horn do,volopment fo,ed 11pon. . I ,f Jnb�L th'
law. : - I - marb met with 10 imnts# � $I d If
" 04*010 Jvfr.4, GeOM B. All6n, W110tt it all Want. 1 F4 �l 11 H r , 1,NJ A-ir, it, r " I I "Ims"M I
; L � I f000 '" fir Aili�Ntem, .
- I soy. ill 1011. 11 '' "Well, you a,", M4,0n 11 rsplie!d I F, le, H T 11P ()I � I t� 1. "4Wihll_V . 0" 1 2"4494 1
f'vW�iwxpt*pA*$Ciltkw%otntrdentm* k i 1. "'Aft It r 11 !'� 'J, 001.1 -for examplo, hortied, mttl; 11 ,, One an Ifer, of I
OM by drosplok doslon ftrdry 6 Sarah, � "the m0wr Sara the to � 1: abft-: L —F7. 'A 4 &,-e, eJ#AVh^nt0;, Vho hAV16 Jklot, 6nlY ' . 0110 a, . ... I
. I A ~# a" 14 rw �whftI& -?'to `� grestf, Us L k4i, blit bony hidtm. It I low , � 1,
Iftlawont, filmViA %AS ItAkins, so Iplit lip t1to Va, 61 f �Vv -, I �, -, -A , irdiii, at is th6 itatttr with ray hug. 1.0 I 1101111 A*" go 11"
* $MO" AN a" 000d tn*, "h 42_.V� i , � ** , �.I`l barid, doetor V I . . 73T - - . - L, I L
Al" 0 e4tch it.,',
I , _Z� ,dddl - which r*quirf# P, lr*rp amount of of WA), to be prfedly fr&nk ,With I
. BUS 14 ---'IL mand " gr&,V.01, 7
. I 1060. "dftn van awd rotw )MIR * I ..."_." - - 101kOft for tht,ir -dioo,ary by fttinit 11ample free it yes write mationAi ov -
'ftm f 1#0 Co. of canAdill, Lifflit , I
?M- Do$*- &4% 111401009. U-10, A, , to I VIV I
. I 11111411111`111110 00-010111 "11101111VII 0161111411111116 rID, I IN , You, MiAam, it wis ,40 im I,
I . . - .. . , � ,. I Z* wmiderfill to, "011*1" 0 i ch?�AIIP 4!9116 6110MA Ookiii$ I �J& L - - 111110 I - �
. ..-Iis, 1 '17, L .. I, 1. . . . r .
.. . , #;� 4W ! q, � I
I * 11 .1 ,
I T , ; . . �
^ .. � ".e. . � . I A*
I11 . . I -
'A I ,I � , .. .
. � � I 11. , I , I I - . I *1 I � ��, - I.
14� , , .
I 'J . 11&&� . �' . . , _11,41i I .411-t- 111-1-% _. 1,
���������������������m .,!,A, , 1&,&,1&.&..,&. - , .�Ip .0- It ,�_ A -1 - - . - . -