HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-10, Page 37 e VI' "IJA cuss Spring Days are Joy Day? for the man or woman 10 NAVAL HERO wig, is wise enough to jump i frog the heavy foods of NV ter to the cereals, fruits wi 017 GIVEN THIS SUPREME' and. green vegetables. of AWARD OF HIS 'VALOR. Spring, Two or three Shredded Wheat Biscuit* Boatel storat captain's Drava with bees and ilk and .yettea to Duty in jutland Fight so.nle green lu enri vegetablesPlaice y De.. , Last loy. ga. delicious, nourishing Meal. Puts the body in top-notch 'To Coraniander Leftus William , condition, for,. the day's work. Jones, R.N., has been awarded the - Victoria Cross, the auprenie award of ' valorOr wlitch Britona hare Waliced 'up to the mouthasp flue -spitting Cannon. , 4.eat the honor is posthumous* la rendered to Ma lueranrYt ars 'GPM"' *ander Jones, after displaying the highest gallantry and fortitude,. sue- , climbed tie the wounds he suffered When Ms ship,' the terpedo-boat dat ntroyer Shark, WO sonk itt the tints • land fight in the North Sea oti • 41, .1916. As a 'proud" solace to his Wiciotv,asau loheritanineito hie dee.- --„cendahte, the, V 0 ii:Oonferred on Commander Jones "for Most. coiropicu-- ous bravery and devotion to duty." Some of his last utterances must be- , vote historician inspiration to British • eiaffornien. As he lay ,dying on the deck he noticed that the Shertes en: sign had disappeared; ' • "What's wrongwith the ensign?" he asked. . "It's shot down, sir," answired • pharles C. Hope, able seaman. "Hoist another," the commander ordered. •Midellipirian Sinith cleared the vtaYr Hope hoisted another epsign—there were always spare flags'fier an emerg- • ericy:' • `1That's goad," calmly said the * Shark's captain, lOoking at the: en-, , Andthe Sherri eank with the colors flying. ' ,:A Great End. Nor do dope who were under the captains command and who survived • the Pa etion go Unrewarded for their • hearel% says the Londoncorrespond:- OA of the New To* World.`" The Dia: • thiguished Service Medal has been , given to Coxswain William C. R. • Griffin, ' Petty .--Officer'• "-Charles-Filled •• and Able Seaman ,Hope, Charles 11, Smith, and Joseph, O. G. Howell and Stoker Thomas W. Swan. The Distill- . .guished• Service Medal is coveted. only •,less than the V.C. Many an officer' Of ldestklineagennd highest rank in the • British army and navy is proudest of • the.D.AO.: after hisname; no* the •• 'Medal; Willeadorn the breasts of these humble seamen. Only now have the details of the Shark's glorkankend and het ecaptain's death become known. • In effect; the Shark fought an .entire squadron of •Gerinan battle-cregets andtheir tiecompaniiihg, destroyers boldly entered a hail of ptojec-' tiles. delivered at 'short _range': Re- ceiving the ordee to attack • about 5:30 in •• the afternoon, Commander ,73'eneis, the senior: officer of in division uf of destroyers, led 'the divilion into Action' against the German battle- cruiserat the morespoieerful British' Ships hinfrnet yet•cOme up. Ten Ger- man light cruisers and • destroyers came opt of the mist mid. immediately • When the Shark tuenedto attach, fir- ed at her *Om not more than 600 yards . s .. • A Shell hit the Shark's engines and another the bridge, „wrenched the .steering wheel out of the coxswain's handsand; wounded him in the right 'hand The•destrayfir AcaSta Nome' nianclee J. Barron), seeing. that ,' the • Shark wessititdly ,hitt caMt. "between the eneirry'S fire an the • .Shark and signalled, "Catil give you any helix?". The Captain of the Shark Signalled, -back; • "No; t'leoh after yourself" Aeastionnd her destroyers obeyed or- - dern;'.,At the same -"•tinte • Cotcsivain Griffin '.xicticl, "The Wheel has gone, • sir." The captain replied, "Man Ae other wheel" The •coxswain qbeyecl • and left the bridge, followed • by the „. captain, who helped to connect and man the wheels, s: se' e • e All oir Deck. , .. • • At the toot of the bridgs the- 'dm- . swain was wounded jingle face ,and felled. He picked himself up and" ---7-treztioshattarissoingeaftellesineasttiesseetto 'Pedro inetrnetelit-Wklehaid.h.Chtedlilred , ese• eeteeteolesondoeseandelionglittelie4i-aztr mail at•60 cents a box or ON boxes.for Made in Canada. DEMOCRALi.Y EVOLVING. This hi Not n Wu of Nation., Race* or Peeples, But of Principles. . None of us who watched, over in Europe, the risse of the world war, drearnedl for one moment that it WaS merely clash between racial amb1. thine and greeds. Itewsie plain enough to any one who had etudied, his Eu. leoPe that it waseeiornething •darker and deepere.going to theeroot of ore genized •life, writes V. Thomnsen. - GOMM apologists' hept ineisting it was a trade war; that Germany '44,8 fighting for her life because she was fighting for her commerce and her • trade routes. • . Germany was indeed fighting for her -life, hut for lier life ae an auto- cratic, militaristic power, bent upon bolding down her own people anol upon nunitering more than hereshare :Of the world. , What she fought -for was IttliPP rule -eat home and ahroed. And what rose against her, world. over, was tile tide of dienocracy. " • cchtild ewer understand why: this fact* Was not telear from the begin- ning. TO ,oneswito knew the 'nations of EuroPe it was Clear as the eMl. there 'till the end With , Mideldpinen This,wee not a war of nations, raSes, Smith, -Griffin, Hope and Heevell. peoples It was a War of princiPles. First Lieutenant Donnell, Smith, It was fought not to decide questions Swan . and Filleul were passing alnr of territory, •trade, spheres of influ- munition, of which there was plentY, meet It Was fought to decide whether Hope was at :the, midship gun from the future is to belong to the weapon the beginning till the end of the ac- or the mans -to Krupp or to ;humaintY. tion, and distinguleihed himself by What is being proelaimed On the his coolness and efficiency. 'Vlore battlefields of Europe and Asia is than one hundred rounds of ammthli- this: tion were tired from this gun. 'The The future belongs to the book and, captain was so pleased with Hope not to the etvord. • that he patted' him on the back, and. • It belong& to life and not to death. said: Go on, iloPe, you are doing It belongs to the common Man and Splendidly," Finally the Shark sue- not to any arrogant gang of1/4 war climbed to a . torpedo'but. she went _lords and parasitic kings down flying her flag'and there were Here is the meaning of it all: survivors to :tell of the heroism of Man has determined to be the mas- her ceminandeir, ter of his own civicelestiny This.is democracy's war. • PULVERIZED FUEL: The thrones Are tumbling. . down. The age-old royalties bUttress d up s e by . tt+ranny • A Means of 'Utilizing Western Coil on, crumbling like and bad incorruption ereertia. Railway Locomotived. . And the end of.this: war ,will be only The Prairie Province & have -large the beginning of mightier revolue •relierves - of -coal, but much ofj tionsnehanges, __upheavals : •• - unsuitable for railwayfuel on ac- count •of ite liability to cause fires by sparks from locomotives.. During re-; cent years experinients have been made respecting the use of pulverized fuel for locoincitives. It has been used for several years in connection with certains metallurgical Work and found • to .be of great economic 'importance. The tests made On locomotives show that -the use of toulverizenoal is more efficient than the ordinarymethod of hurtling 'Coal:* and, In_addition s does net Cause.'emoke, cinders or aparks. Its use would not antsebe.an economy, but wenld add -largely to the tomfert of the passengers - • The following shows the, increased use of ,this kind of•luel on locomotive •service during 1916: - -The- -Chicago- sand- Northwestern Railway has adapted, t� the use of pulverized coal, an Atlantic-tepe, ias- senger locoznotitre and • is now, operat- ing it in itsregular passenger -train service between Chicago and Milwau- kee_ The Delaware and Hudson Com- pany has just pit into freight service a netv:Condolidation loconiotive (prob- ably the largest of this type in the world), equipped to hurl' powdered coal. ,The Delaware and Hudson Com. She is Always Ready To Tell Reason Why She is Recommending Dodds Kidney Pills. A MN* S. Demers States They Cured Her of Sick Heacieche and Rheum*. tiern From Which She Suffered for Six Months. ' Que.; April •80th (Special)* Cured of •chronle. indigestion, Melt headache and rbefunatistn, from which slie bad suffered for six months, Miss Deniers, Of 190 hiaisolinenve Ste nerorgivea all the credit Or her cure - 'to Dtteltits Kidney Pills, She is recom- Mending them to all her •triads who suffer- from kidney *tootles ef .any kind: • - aea alwitath 'ready to tel what 'botid's „Marley Pills did or nie says Xis» Demers. an never ePvithout them In the lionse. ease Was one., of the wand,. . " "I had tried several medicines. from the cloetois and- was getting ne better when / .decided to try Doild's Kidney Pills. tOOk'seven hoses intern my, rhouroatlinn, sick headache e,nd indt- gestion was gone. ••• •"Wheri, my father saw liow much. good Dedil's• Kidney. Pills third done me .he- began to take tliem for kidney trouble. He is better now." • Dodd's Kidney Pills Wake 'hesithY kidneys. • Healthy kidneys strain all the impurities, all the poison, out ,of the 'blood. They are the greatest of • all tonics ,• , For geed or ill humanity is taking its desttny into its own hands, sweep- ing theadd -props 'and esubte:r- fugee of king rule and Krupp rule, and advancing toward the inost tre- mendous adventure In democrecy the world has ever known: The great war—the tumblingdown of czars and kaisers and aristocra- cies—is merely part of the ,dark strategy of democratic evolution. 'The common ^man hi proclaiming his ,kingsliili• • . NERVOUS -D15EASES THE SPRING Cured -by -Toning the Blood and Strengthening the Menieg: • reelsosnr..1 • The New Modes • 11 domeesemmeemoomonmeinmems9 • New Fancy Collars • • While tollarless styles are fashion- able, dainty collars have by,no•meane •been discarded; on the contrary, this Is en, accessory . made very much •of,. Some of the new shapes fall insrathei long_ points. over. thashonlders, other are pointed in front and square at the back, and the familiar sailor cellar ever. present. Fine. voile, marquisette 'ar:d handkerchief linen in white and •colors • are . used ' for the • new collars. Some are hefaistitched • by hand, others by machine, and on al• - moat every one there is some touch of hand embroidery. 'Double collars are usually made with the upper. one of TOURING AtiAlikt* 04.11•11414 • The C. P. It. Is Making Preparation. for Record Treas. The Canadian Pacific Railway is prepering for a record tourist traffic to Alaska this summer, it has been announced. The "Charlotte," one of the largest • of the Pacific boats now operating be- tween Vancouver and Seattle will be requisitioned ,for two extra trips, The first real effort to attract tour- ists to Alaska was made by the Cow. pany last year. So successful was the Initial effort that with the additional facilities completed hz the railway, the touriet business to Mosta is expeeted to increase each season. On account of tho war, which has •curtailed tourist traffic to Europe, Am- • erican tourists welcome theopportun- ity "tour 'Alaska," the passenger Officials assert. 1VIany points of inter' est are in •pleasing eontraet to Euro- pean tourist centres. Inquiries for information regarding the route te Alaska centre on Alert lay, B.0., where American tourists desire to see the Aetivities .(4 the ,In- dtans are many Of the most •elaborately carved totems In America: The Indian village of Bella Bella, also Is prominently mentioned in inquiries ifrom. toialsts. Alaska, during the tourist season, •which extends from June 15 to Aug. • 15, is not, as is generally believed, e bit of sea ice' here, gt !snowy *moun- tain there, a studded pine or a polar bear to relive, the monotony, but a, combination of the fjords of Norway • and the Alps' of Switzertatid.. Skagway, Alaska, is 1,000 miles from • Vancouver. In addition t� its novel and interesting attractions, At - lin, •one of the places of call on the trio, the alimate is such that it is be Bored it will becoMe pne of the world's • greatest summer health restate. BABY'S OWN TABLETS— •• CURE CQNSTIPATION Childhood constipation can be promptly „cured by Baby's Own Tab- lets. These Tablets never fall to regu- late the howela and -adzes:et, thus cur- ing constipatien, ineigeethen and the many other minor ills of little • 'ones:- --concerning - them -..-iwts.'--Louir • Nicole, St. Paul du Buton, Que., Writes: •--"My • baby suffered' from constipatiari but thanis to Baby's Own Tabletrhe Is a fine healthy boy to -day. It gives me mach pleasure in recomMending the Tablets to other mothers." 'The'. l'ablets are Sold by medicine deidergi some color and a .white �n, a little larger% Under, it • ' • • The high deck Collar is being. worn • by sin t woman as much for sports • as r use with • tailored costumes. Usually it is made .of pongee -or -some ,heavy Silk withe:ends-that •ctoss- in • front of striped or figured silk. For sports' wear a white silk blouse With' one of those pollees and a skirt matching .the, figured_ or_ striped silk in the collar, mike a very attractive cos - It is the Opinhin cif the best 'Medical . ailthorities, after ..long sOirservatiOni . that -nervous diseases are :more :coni-. mon_and...inere. Serlons in the spring than at any Other time . of the year., •Vitarchanges in -the system, afteriMeg winter months, may mule much more trotible than the familiar spring weak- • •ness and. weariness from which most. pany also • installing ' a omnplete people suffer as, the result of indoor pulverizing, storage and- life, in . poorly ventilated • and 'often Overheated. huildings. 'Official records prove that in Aptiland May neuralgia, St Vitus dance; epilepsy and other ring of nerve trouble are at their Worsteand that then,. moile than any Other time, a blood-inakingnerve re storing tonic Is needed. • :_ • • The antiquatedescuatom,, of • taking, pnriati'Ves in the sprieg tauselees„ for the system, really needs strengthening, While ,purgatiVee only stellop through' the towels, leaning you woken ••Dr.. Williains! Pink Pills are the best Medi- cine, ,for they actually make the near, rich, rod blood feeds the starved nerves, and thua cure the "many. forms of nervous disorders: • They. cure also .foriYiS or spring .trotioNs -as heeditehes; poor. appOtitce Weakness in •the limbs., as well as remove unsightly pies -and eruptions; - In s'tactethey -disbursing 'plant, and...equip/nog, ite, stationaxy boilers at Olyphant, Pa., for burning the waste' tailings from anthracite onlm banks The Missouri, Kanatil and • Texas railway is installing a complete pul- verized -fuel preparing plant at Par- sons, Kari; end applying equipment for, hurtling pulverized coal and lig- nite in its stationery boilers and loco- motives.• •' . • ' e Various other 'steam "railways;' in- cluding the • Atcliesoin. Topeka and Santa Fe, Grand Trunk, Southern Pa- eilic, Kansas City Southern, Chicago Junction, and Central Railway of Bra- zil, are new considering the use of .pulverized fuel. for locomotive service, The last named railway has already decided•to adopt it, after an exhaust- ive tlited. months investigation made in. the United States. • , ' unfailingly bring - new health and The_railway luel,_prcr•litein _in cen. trid aild'welfterfiCan-affrieitininiiia- SIW-Pdx4ealisitlerin,reethe-raTidel Iroduction itieren- rail- teengthete-wea.%4Itednat47flelit•gs men, women and children. • • a German cruiser; and Rainmell, the • ways in the United States and the .,. ' ' • chief etbicer, who said the engines.and u-, economy to be effected 1?y its use$250 from The DrWilliamsMedicine ,' • le ethering gear were out of aetion.sTneco., Broekvillet OM: . ,' •ri,‘ • ' will be only a, short titne before such • . 4. , v • pied which connected up steam was iesanotivee Willbe usedin Canade. • • ,FRItOICH WAR BADGES:. blowo aways Thci captain, on hearing •• . -• • . • this gave orders for all to come dn '. "Of .01 forms of roductive cepa- e 0 *t ;Whole • Military se • • • • deck, go to their stations and put out • Delay mail at 25 cents a box' from The Dr. Williams! Medicine Co„ Brookville ' Ont-; ' • WARS F'DIIGHT :BY ROTS,L,„,_ . - More Efficient and Suffer Less' From • Hardships Than Eldere. • • • Warssare fought by boys. • It 'has • been the, case sincestife earliestfightt • ing. In Europe; where the demand for men has been so great, older men have been forced into the armies, but the 'fact .reme.ins that wars, for the most • part, are' fotight by boys. • One of the most pathetic things in• : connection. with a war is the tender age of those engaged in it. It loaves' the heart of the hardest men to re - View a line- of troops'. and to take note of their boyish appearance. And yet • the boys are more efficient than the older men. they make better side diers; they do not •suffer from the hardships to the extent that do the older .men; they have more endurance. So the only way te prevent thee- em- ployment of -boys in an army is to do away with war—which hasn't been done away with up te this time and which can't be done away with un- , til Europe comes . to the conclusiod • that War is useless and stop fighting. , WIT YOUlt WRNS OPP WITH PINGERII Hove to loosen tender corn or cello* ea it lifts eut without pain, ' Let folks, step on your feet hereaf- ter; wear shoes a size Smaller if you like, for terns, will never again send electric Sparks et pain through you, aeePrainIS-te eil4e/UPItti itUtheriti- Ire says that P. few drops of a drug called fresZODA aPelied directly upon it tender; -aching 'cern, instantly re. lleveS 501'0neSS*. and Pon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. • Tide drug firle:5.' at once and sirenlY sluivele up the corn or calls without' •even irritating the sUrrounding tlsOuo.. A small bottle• of freezone °Wiped' at any drug store will cost very little but Win, positively remove 'every hard or soft Corn or callus from one's foot. , • If your struggiet hasn't steelted tbis Ivneuvrvidezge yareuLgtbelolusheiml G�. get..a ernafl bOttle of 'freezone ' for .you• from his • . - „ • "X gear No If: oer • •"We've come'," said the• chairman of the local committee, "to ask you to take this nomination. The city neede huM like you—stronge brave, self- reliant, owning no 'master, fearing no man." • The great man was visibly touched, •"I'll not deny," he said,. "that your kind words. have shaken my resolu- tion, I trest that, if elected, r may justify. your confidence and prove that • I am indeed strong, brave, self-reliant.; that I own no master and fear no man. Suppose you wait a minute till I see # my wife will let me accept." • Minattles ilninient do., lAmited,', ' was very siolt with Quinsy and thought wiould 'strangle. used MINARD'S LINIIVIENT and it cured Me at once. 1 ani never without it now. • •. • • YoUrs gratefully, .0; D. PRINCE.' Nalltlfittiktittuila O.et. ;Pik_ • - 4 "The three •W's- is • my maxim: plenty of work, plenty orwittles, and plenty of wages-Thackeray. • MONEY ORDERS • When ordering goods by mall, lend a Dominion Express Money Oreerat. , - • • • G• enerally speaking, the depth' to 'plant' should . be: -fotit'Ailner-the diameter of the seed: adinard,s TA:trim:int .1:timbeintan,s Friend. • Belgium's King.. • A 'British. army•chaplain back from the fronton leave brought with . him the following -tale: In a small town in• western Belgium a handful of chil- 'e clren, pinched and half-starved, were kneeling before a shrine in the • cross- . • roads, saying 'Our Father." • Back of • them stood, tall blond Belgian officer' 'without" any insignia of rank. When the children came to .."And forgivans Zir=trzkspasseslalieir-voicea-trairedzbft"- • into silence* whereupon the voice. of • • _ • Officere-Waneaw.. Most_ ef the ob- jects of. interest in Egypt, including the Pyramids.• They're covered with hieroglyphics. • GardenereL-Well,' I hope you Used the insecticide sent you. That 'ucl. do for tem. ', irsirairprants woo tazx PROBTX-MAKIN41 MAW$' AND Alit • a (AMOS for $al• in good ontnrin tows& The most tmful and interesting , of telt businesses,_ ruit. intuits-wt.:ft ,•rt '111)Plietithitt :et Wilson Publisiona Com - NOW° 73 .Adelaide Street Tont'. **ZIP WANTS --- 414K1• -WANTErk--Tri 1,19, vir.osaN part . hue: good, pay: wmi: vent ony tzti light sewing at 1tno. terle or taueow'itarges Sena star%) for Particulars, .National Manufw!tnr:ir.-...,g 31entreal. SAISCIEX4TaillIX01711 2.7W AitiP -SECONli • Hand, •f1,2,vo top. Soni for speLia1 Price list IrarsitY 413 Spading: Are. Toronto. 1ANCR, TUMORS, ETC„ • internal and ,enternal• curea tvira. out p4.111 by r home treatment, Write us before too at:'. Dr. Dell:non 'Medical Co„ Limited. 'oilingwood. ont, • ABT RADE li-44.0.51.i,AT. oftt.t1 will reduce inflaaed, Swollen Joints Sprains, £) LV Soft Bunebies; lioala ' Boils, roil • if• ,Evn,olottor,Fistebiliaa • ix . /Steeled° sores quickly ' 1. i.,doe )ili 44 ;I ,4, as it is a pbsitive antiseptic and fpnraieldr. Ple;4nt to wet doe/taut blister evermore . the hair* end meta work tbe bcte4 AFIlir eita. $2.00ger bottle, delivered, . . Poole 7 fil free. .413SORBINE.JR..ttanuatanlinigillt fersainklatf. ' • Wino* valnint. Swollen Veins. Went, Arsine ibuisets goys gain and Intenenation. Price S1.03 per bolds et deniers or delivered. Will tell Ton more, If rott Write* 14bertl Teel Bottle for tee in mem, , W. F. YOUNS, P.D.F.,..510.1.ymans 014, Montreal, Can. ., . When bnyhig your, Plano -insist-on having an " OTTO HI PIANO AOTIPN MAKCS a HARNESil t ' I ONG &TOUCH! gunnia tunmani. CtIL ' :_aiikee. hereeie oreegseted,„,„, , ,gh This mineral' oil not Only i I tikes dirt off but keeps' itoget.lenItthefirlis the pores of 11` 1 Tedbewtiitshwl_r Eureka harttesaltpat- , _nie tough 1 ,pliable,shi yaminevelooking: . I: t . ,DIP.S._14,3ttit .011Elli COMPANY . 1 . ' nranchoi Throughaite — flamosteow's welti. ' - • Write" to/a-day :for our big FREE 'CATALOGUE showing our full line of Bicycles fa- • llen• and Women -.Bop and Girls— Tires, Coaster Braes, Wheels, Inner •' . Tubes. Lamp?, Bella, Cyniometers,.; Saddles, Ecimpinent' and Parts for ' Bicycles. You can burritir supplies' REMEMBE• R! The ointment from us at wholesale . • you put Cul your child'sskin gets I.• • wjtoyE)& SON,.. rito the-systern just. as surely eta *1 otid the child eats. Don't let I: impure and mineral coloring - matter (such as many of the cheap ointments contain) get into your child's blOodl -Zane Buk is purely herbal.. No pois- onous cohering. Use it aliVaye. •50e. Box at All Druggist* andStores. I Amorka's _Mosso BOOKON DOG -DISEASES And How to Feed tnied tree to any address bY nrweinthrife Author ork •CLAY'GLOVER CO..,1ne,„ 27Notre Dame Strews. likrest,Montrenk ending and 'Absorbing!' A. us mac coga_t_ ral A N ORneb 't.y41 CHOSCN FRICNDS A triteseat soul Insurance enelety ritat ratettsItirintinber* In accordance with the • ntariq Government Standard; •Siek and unoraibenefiteinitienal. • Authorized to *Main members and charter lodges in *moot Province latCassadtt. Purely Canadian. oily sena and=itcoacr mcnL datAlUthslirietilisilpirthlidiereefa'Chelo sairlienniortkeda following bWerai i..1.W.Easseids.144y! • W. F. ' • trehidneiliallott _ Grand Mice'. rigor P. 0.antpbsil, 3. H. WI, MD., ,GranslOreannti mixed -7,11ValLtUtt - •-• . , 1. --GOOD DIGESTION—. 1 'Mother Seittere'Synap corrects end' stionlates ., When sour digestion is faulty, weakn•ess and .the digestive organs. and banishes the mans . -lode are certain and disease is invited. ailments which arise trod indigestion. • • those who trespass--:" The in linens and the new figures! Cotton temet: This idea k also.carried out f°rgiv° ericnowe officer was none'',0the'r than mg °Albett. - • • •, Materials .which are so smart for r, • .• snort eltirt%,• Instead of the high!, • ,, , • .., She IN as Shopplhg, stock collars.sorrie openf-neek blouse s i ' are worn with :graceful ,fonteiii-handl A lady had been sitting. in -a' furhi- tee* Made. ef the; t ma. a al. -. . _ . __ _en The ' vogue of the one-piece dress: SPeeting the stock of linoletims. Roll -it eana the-v-ogue• - th • • one --------t 1 d' o ler arras Itis y ere n ore eti a , in jest "•the boats 'The boats • were blown Record *Upon -Ili& • pensable and. Steadying than the Ape!' • •• • • away Its they tried to pil,t them out. plieation:"ofehumane industry, to :the Aseorrespondent . who• hai just -been • TheShark all the time lay heleleSe be- tweenethe British ilea and that, of the et enemy's. and so -•=got the •Britisheiheliss Which fell short k few Minutes after the .a,etion started. the • feetsli •and ••fo'esle gun, with •gun's crew, includ. Ing'the officer, Sub-Iiieut. • IrVing. Vance, were alt blown aWaY except One man, who was badly woundetleThe eantain ordered the rafts and the l. lieitinntriats Mitt assisting in every-, thing _as he. gave the AVaerat Iteeritg his men constantly. • •••4 • Cheered -by. Captain. Foreeeeing , the idevitablen ,Coin - mender Jones weighted and dropped, ,overboai.d the private Code book and other confidential papers • Be had •.• been wounded badly in' the leg as he • left the tvreck of the bridge, and Rommel and ,bound up his • leg. Still untnindfni of hillfselte the •eaptain • noticed . that Griffin waS badly wounded •• ' 0,0o:tot your eye dressed ' he or- -doted.— •. '"There is no doetor sir " &Ain •, r, •Whorl kult seen the Mark's' lair- • goon was binding • up the arm of• a • seaman .torpedO man who bad been , badly hurt by the eXplosion of the third torpedo which the Shark. at- • Unlisted to discharge. All the men At this torpedo inbe, except one, had • .• boon killed or wounded by this •, ex- • plosion. The captain Ono went to ;1 the• rakishly on, the other guns and eVerethieg else on the (leek having; been blown •away, and ho remained s ' • sicir t ture.;shoP fey Pea rilte, two...holara in cultivation of the soil'. • And if there ••in Paris giVes , some interesting .gos-• is one .peintat "which*.order seems be sip about the .114lIll'Yedkcs WOlO ginning to emerge front the present the*, Vrench soldiers. - In the British • confusion of onr political and , Arnty there. is only otet the thie gold ainis it is preeisely•With 'regard to thisl strip denotiug that' the wearer 'has fundamental neeessity of making a been weunded. The French have Many, b,etter a *the givatest of* all nit tont a 'man carries his whole military tural raourCes.".--Viscount Milner. recoi'd Oren to the view of all. Indeed, Na • ..s.,nrinnerse • saiii my Mende a uniform unadorned„ tretelleas . • e sorer to the Health' Question • often lies •in a .chan‘fe of_ table think h. and too spotlessly cleent often • calls! forth urrillleoheettled :gesture-of1aa,' , an inverted "V" hilt on the right sleeve Means "wounded," andit new One is added for each. wound. A "V" right side up oo the same 'sleeve merely means 'sent oti accotint of sickness." On the left sleeve the "V" indicates length of ser -i vie, one for the 'fast year and one for eVery.stieeeeding six titoriths. Re- cently there has' been created a hew; distinctien,, which Ps very highly priz.! ed. This„is a narrow horizontal band,' • aid means "six months at Verdun." f • In addition to these individual synt.:.! • bols and distinctions there is. a kind m -�fseollective embles4 which every Pont* is very proud. This is the' twisted teasels of•ted and greens/the colors •of the War Crosss--whieli alt' members of 'regiments • "melitioned", for gallant, service have the right to: carry from the left shoulder, In addi. tion to all these, of course, there the individual tuedals and.decoratrmil, like those in ourArmy. Rut the Prowl* carry the badge idea infteh fur- ther than the British.do. The stunning model designed on the , brought out, bet stilts she seemed (115 - lines ef the howliee niiretto cotresponcyatiseede •eltroin her dress' he judged ' With the present silhoirette. is pirtr.:;het to be ' a peribn bf 'wealth - . - and cularly good style. Developed in I thought itiikely that she ' would have lightweight Simd-colored, velour it et good oraer-tto .give...' When at last be practical tor mountainside Dr sea- he had shown her thc. last roll, he shore, while indust -proof satin it, will ...paused in despair. •, • ._ prose a splendid motor coat. . 'McCall . "I'm • very sorry, madam," he said Pattern No, 775, Ladies' and Misses' ,apologeecally. hut if you could wait coal, in 3 sizes; trnalL 34 to 36; .I could get some inore pieces from -mediums:WO:to 40, and_ large* 42 to 44._ th_t• tett-Wrenn, catstrote ea...again?" bust. ,_ Price. 20 .efeateee .: ... . The prospe'Clive eustemee gathered, These patterns may he obtained hei.• belongings together and /else from, from your -local McCall dealer �r from, the chair. ' • . "sni"itg,i4t(ai ';1,hcetilislidttewistelnIdaYgrouti:oiomdell 'tolieepthticw•CaIl.to., 70, Bond St., 'Toronto, .s•—...- en _____. • • with .very small designs, suitable for • Fish as a Farm •prup. , •• putting in the bottom • of a canary's e .'Among the' nnewthings in farming cage. , . ' es - fish vulture •. promises to Prove 'a .• . 'throe eery farm home should have its 111'811 1'6417 Tawg,;;;;;;SII;A:?dit;fteetlalile source cif profit and to provide an- other food retionice foe the nation. In Ku.e. "I og- Marino is tort 'Brod eye& own Ash pond ,etocked with bass, ovies -Itetresbes--Itestdroa. Morino isravotit.Tre=t, petal. sunfish Olt other of the warm • and smart din/t yo rirmeri=alrottilgilgtar water fishes'and where cold running 41.retteroar ...maabu e. e tit the same rept f.t.•• Ity. wittet' is aVtillable, there May he pools Coe for Them. You Catiol Buy NOW EyeSi hi Whietreetitiluniscirebrook •trout Will ritigtvgilteigtztzgaitizzUli 44 FO R 40 YEA RS THE STANDARD REMEDY _ :At all Druittists, 'or direct on receipt of p numb ni thestnaller. A. J. W FOR STOMACH ARO:LOEB'.- .TROUBLE • 70I " riee,150a. and S1,00, 'riteliarge bottle coOsins thee times se • MT& Co. lantrap. cr.44 Str4t Weitt:Iviontreel, , I .• bishop of London, the- dean of St Alt fer Atinaralt Wed take ao,ptiele, ' ?IMPS, Or the lord mayor. thrive. PIA fainting is a 'practical means d increasing the farmer's in- come and of adding' variety and lower coets to the eentumer's Meals. Kean *unwed,. Tatabnent In the house. — • - Graaf Tarn, the chief bell of St. Paul'eathedrod, London, Rug., is onIy,.tolled on/the ,death 'the fun- eral of any of thevoyal family, of the Cato recOrernended that the soil of farm be good.,and fertile; also that •near it there be plenty of laborers arid that.it be net far from a large town, Moreover tlutt. It have 'auffielent Means ot transporting its produce,. either by 'water or land. This advice, although 2,000 years old, still holds good. iitinartios Lituntotn*. tiiiod iiihsritelana; is$1314 -Worritir," that's whatto the matter nt 'eat, Stomitch and— intestinal worms. Nearly as bad as distemper. Cost You • • tem much to feed 'cm. Look bad—are bad. Don't physic 'San to death. npolutio Compound will remove the worms. IMProve tha aPretit*, and tone 'etn up all round, and don't -physic." Acts on gland!! And blood, Full directions with _ each bottleand seld h% ell druggists. Po1ztirox.ke. Chonlittio. eositeta, tud.: tr. S. TABLISHED 1042 •THE RIGHT " IN TO PAINT RIGHT tj And now for a grand clean- , up, Ranisai'a Paint the arnarteat, hrikliteat and Most econninicai helperyou ever employed. 0114110 M POMO• 8 -A. RANISKI? dit SON COMPANV-Atikera el County %intik MONTREAL 'TORONTO VMitANCO a.