HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-10, Page 17"Lir ekdr.""3,-1,W-or mews- 6') • T.• 47.7 -7 7e- , '17 XXXIldr.,; 1,d•rv."Tr",474fr • So, • 4.** • . - 11. 4.1.4,. • -* dor 4A r.,59 peryear, 1nadvanco; 4,00 otherwise _ YLOCAL AND OENERAL: We gokthings a, bit sifting in our, 11(1te on the Plau0 Recital lest week. lesteett of swing tkat Miss fiberriff II now .4 Alus• we should /Aro said an , Por the summer months ;pa Agnewea . dice hmrs wdl be.1. O'elock 'PM. to 01010* p.u.ltirgenk husintsestliovievegs: can be transactedat any time:- , hit. and Mrs. ;oho. Rabbi* left. en.. Thursday of 19.4 Week for Toronto, where tiler wiii renidfi, Thet were w*b their daughter; NolytOquipioititerpa!t. mouth. Miss marlowitioLoo4) nurse in traj,u- ' lag, bas returned to Toronto to reenme her dutiea.. itfker pending a fortnight with her parental Mr and Mre. Ai Mae' Pim& • s: c? lit 1iniIroung, Who, tor it few ders hat week, Wes qiitte setioutily ill with PP,unixonie,:ia improVing,. Parties nteree�ed jn potato . planting, seed., etc,'wi1 Thid foint,,,4014:401910 on peso - joint Bewles, el tlie 12th. of ..wanoisli, Jett 'yesterday. foi Sturgeon Yells uteri; he, wilt dervfl an ie ranger daring the :itummer. • • Viet apending.a few clays in,Walker; toatereisties in •the effort tO reariiiel re. iservuroMpany4Or the Bribe Battalion, beigt.:Matheetii hie retniriedlti-Litok- ' :tow to Werk .hrialltin, the. interestsof recruiting. , • „ . r• A Mooting nt the members • of the IirekeeVe Recruiting Cominittee will: he Mr.. George Smith's; office this (lititisday) 'evening at 8 p.m A. full, , . ,n4enclanee 18 'reOneeted.. ' 'X- (larreeps, C airman. CHURCH NEWS- Ilev..40hu Moore, of Strathroy, will conduet the services 'hi the PreebYterkni Church hgre tient Stindey, not ea a can- didate, however, • 0.0,14 go Ray. *gamma( -At 'the Meetleg 01 the Lucknew PfeabYter. btu congregation held Tuesday livening, jt was decided by Onanifocius vote to ex-' tend a call to RAM ItObertNeCalitMi of TOIL '• it is expected' that Mr1 ihreCal- hue vrill aciieFts bOt tbe 1064er• 104 to Om before the PrelbYterY of Aleitlend which meets in Wingham on May 15tb , • and the Preebytery of Brnee which will Meet about the end of the Jnouth. Women ititute ° The xegutar meeting of the It'iromen'e. Institnte will be held onriday, May llth, at 3.00 o'clock, Tb.e 'Program will conttist of Animal -Message hy the ,Presi,- dent; election of officers; roll call to be answered by paying fee foe, the coming year; music, etc. New members -solicited ter 917-1$- r, • The Patriotic Work The ',I'reasursr of the Witinen's Cow mittee of the League aclrawledges with ,thanks the receipt Of $1.00 from Mrs. Rod Campbell fInd eten Hiltless A letter from kiss g Rinsley,.B Prance, acknowledgei the receipt of Bei - mal Pamela, containing towels,. writing *Per and "other articles; Ont. to Miss Robley for the conifort, of wounded sol- diers. Mitre Emeley expresses her. heart); appreciation of thiete useful - gifts ,and thanks theirs who ',ate responsible for their shipment. "," • ' "70 Dr. preernan able acknowledge; wkh thriller the receiptot•fiirther shipments • of sok' end:shirts: • Open' Monday, .Tuesday and WethieStisy 1"40** is the time to have that -igo.ritily'OrMip taken are all at horem. eason 'fere A kr 41/0 Cia are.; invited tb Call, inspect and buy our - Papers., Prices 5c. to 50c. roll. Good samples to choose froth,- Remnants at '- bargain prices. aillib"*TaUS:1704kitlit- Isr4 • •;,, • r*.;290. • Mt. SPENCE'S 'bhig -Store Lhevriikt image • Geo. if, 4nrith has'converted the Graltani Block, Citinpbell Street., into a ,garrige,andhas a first-clasetnechanic in charge.-- A full line ofivpiirs for'. Chev- rolet cars. A satisfacteryservice guar-.• brimmed. • 3-5-tf. 1 rt at wo mpo . Two very suggestive Items, of no, Wien* from4Ottawa: Sir .Sion -Hughes ii.going to move a revolution favoring the enforcement" ofthe Militia Act (a measure of conscription) tit Order, to get :men for the army, and a revolution has been intrectucal in the Huse of Coin- inoneto atop the ivatta of fried grains in .making beverages such as beer and whis- key. Regarding the latterA_Geo. F -08 - td!,. 0118 of,the leadingsnlitt of the Gov- ernment, said: ',The esseniial thing is to • Win ,the war:- 'Food ,is necessary, drink is not."„ The Clovernmenk*ill announce its policy regarding this waste within a i • few days. Ki1111011gh.° -Monday, ' May '7, .• 'Miss E. Stanley is visiting, with 'Mrs:: Jae. France. ' Mr! Frank Brown made a business trip to Kincardine on Mendastr4 .Stif;"Defe johniton isthis week mov- ing into Will Rousom'slionse. ' Mr. John Brock, of • .13 wee Sound, vier .*-111W-fr:Xt_i • Mr. F. Hodgkinson hid the -misfortune to lose a veluable covelarit week. • • Mr. George Hodgkinson, of Rivera - dale, visited our burg on Sunday.- • Mr: Chris Blackwell and Miss Edna McConnell visited: around,,-Kinlougli on -Sunday. - - • Mr. and •Airs. Wm.Mallougb and . daughter, of Teesweter, -visited Kin- Inigh OnSanday. Our teacher gaVe the school children halfolieliclay on Friday,.•and they spent the 'time in the woods* They all report - having had 6 very good time. • AMt.WANT are open to ;hut .eream -for chinning and, table me. Write for.. prices.The figures of yesterday „ may he titO • lOw to -morrow. We fttraleh9ePat-lety eberiteis and give, -prompt servieee *efi any ehipper, jhe Toronto Vreamery Ltha Ltd., "Vhstrely41t., Toronto, oset, - • • • • ,AAPKETS (CorreCted pp to Wenneaday noon) 'Vhe4.1.2011611VV44ert44 2 60 75 112 115 Slitter. #4,0.0, • 34 .36 Eggit,,seir ir,r • ?'..o ors" 34 35 Flom. 4 • ; yip r.4....*,;;11$ ... 105D TenC0T4t0 MARILIVIS )° ' T17114*Y• OP 'MS WattIC LT/ patiOW* ONT., "THURSDAY4 MAY..19t1t.* 1917. Annual Excursion LUCKNOW LOSES PROMINENT CITILEN The:White Star Line of Detroit, en - ponces that it will run its annual eursibihy theetwatier reYhotoid, Cede, rich to Detroit, on Tuesday, hoe Is. 'The -return trip will be weAde un Thuts fiat, the 14th. The fare for the round trip. will be 02.04 or one way for $1:4,(X The Oreyhound will leave Goderich t 9:30 ato. ort tie I gtb., and arrive at De - trot at 500, O'clock P.m. Tke moo,o- liiht excursion from 'Oodelich be run at 8.00 o'clock pw, Ape 114. • .The.Coal. Outlook Coal -dealers. throughout the proVinee are unable to get a price on °coal for any 'time ahead3his summer, and they and the tonisurnere who are'contracting .for a supply,- have to, go more There has-lreenan advance of wagetab the millers amounting to something like , thirty utillimit dollars which will be macle. up by higher pricee at the mines. The experience . of laet • winter has "citua:ed Many to gat their supply lie during aiim 'Pier and this to bag a tendenei to stiff- en prices by increasing the demand. In the meatier* dealers can only guerancee Prikea ttettlfY wall beat time of delivery.° a The Seed:"....Potato Problem' The Patriotie Association of tbeiown of Chesleydigvd, decided to get a earin`ad of potatoes„whieh will be sold at coat:tc those -in town vianting potatook forseed. Walkerton cititene are forttinate-in thikt. Irwin Broe:„Iicese dealers, have landed over to the itreparedness League a car: loadof western potatoes, at cost, to be - supplied tegardeners for *Siting: Souvenirs from Vim, tr 4,„-gf;„,BillOtr.thtli.,01er :day re00-4" ed a pallet fibtd' DE:Freeman, Iiimee; • containinga number. of articles ' taken, from 'a German dressing station on Vinry Ridge. Dr..Freenran, was through the; terrible tittle Whieh resulted thetak- ing of yin* by the Canadians, and the souvenirs. were taken .from.„a deserted dugout.„ They consitit of .taga whieh were-tohe attached to the wounded •he - fore beingsent back, a collection of phiela:.'cOntaining drugs; label*etc., ete.. )1,eing the geriniee articles and the frnits of such a recerri eVent, they are of witch interest. " St Helens Mr. 014 Dirlt. Ed. Purvis spent Sunday with her mother. • . Miss ,Ethel Anderson spent Sunday with Miss Pecrl Todd. Mies Laura Currie,:of Wingliam, spent the week end with Miss Chris Miller„ ,Biessrs. Elliott Miller and Dwain Phillips were in Westfield on Sunday; Mrs. -Gardner and daughter, Margaret; of Whitechurcb, were Ashore at Frank Todd's last,Week. At the Beet Ring meeting on Friday night last, it Was deolde4t carry the -Ting on for another yeaii shares be big all taken. James e.unders irt, en- gaged as butcher. ' • The annual meeting of the St. -Helens Women's.Inetitute will be held in st, elens on..._Thoi;sday,41ay- 4,r60K- is extended to all .the ladies inteleeted to be present. If pomible we would like all the quilt blocks in by that date. -- SEM Choke heavy ateers....$11 SO to $13 00 Choice britcherri..... 10 2S to f SO tihoice butchers' tOwS., 9 SO to 10 25 GOod feeder" ;•.. . 9 25 to ' 10 25 GoOd nillth rows... .o 70 00 to, 95 00 Hoge off eers; ... . 17 25 to Hogs: fed and weit;ea, 1/ no te Piot Wheat, 4 "ao) • d 2 EIS to 2 90 000se Veheat .......... 2 85 to 'Timothy nay ..... 18 00 to 1300 Eggs, new 42 to 45 Out my Creattiety Prints 44 to 45 flitter, Dairy Prints.* d. 39 te 40 Langside' • May ft. - ‘11 1e : c union,who was zil for it number of ditye lest week, is able to be around again. Deernert has ,moved his family, into one of Mr. F. G.- Moifitt's houses for whom he is working for the satntrier." Seediest* preetiea' flyover around hero now and we are waiting patiently for oldBol. to open rip with his heat rays. Rev. Ur; Graham has purchased ta 1017 Model Ford. We Wish him every success and not too many blowouts with WS new -car. Our loes.I Asher:nen took ad4antege of May Day to go,fishing, but owing to dis- agreeable weather, one could hardlycall 'their catch SticcesisfUl. Mr. Donald Meintosh has been in London for this past Week under the circa specialists, and the 'meagre re. ports that come as to his condition are far from being,favuutiible. Mr. and .3r3. -W. It hielltirney, of Itentietly, Sask., medes flying visit to some of theitkfrimide in Lticknow and vicinity. Mr and Mrs. Melturney tend leaving for thew home tient IPtiday intetnint Lrewe •!,,,04.4.,104**1** W, J. UAW' thed:Suildenly Tuesilliy About Noon • Rarely do the people of QM Village experience itO great -a shock of • surprise and grief as they did. Tileiglay a' little after noon when. they learned that hir, 'William J. Taylor had passed away.. -For a nqinher o years he had stIfferect from hedrt and kidney trouble,. but he was al- ways so active and energetic that friends never thought of him ail* man. in deli- cate health. e was in his etoreattencl- ing to business .,. as usual all Tueiday morning, and wan apparentlyquite well when Mr, Ittial, who wee assisting him in- the, atom, went tp dinner.. On return, ing to the stere, however, Mi Rezd wad surprised to find that in Ids absence the. last erimitions had come. ' Of .robust physiquesnd equally robust charaeter, the late Mr, Taylor has been, ever sinceeciming to Lucknow twenty - 'ex years ago, ,ope of the active spirits of the village, sad 'his death. certainly leaves a vacancy Whieli it will be difficult to 611. For ,14 yearahe was chief ' of the Fire Brigade and always when there was work for that body to 'do, was one of the most strenuous workers. lie was an active and enthusiastic member of the Black "Perceptory and of the locallodge of Odd - fellow°. In religion he woea conststent member of the Anglican. Church. Ue aerved for several years on:the Village deuircil.Board, and afterwards, two Years in succinuclee Wee eleur,' the reeveship; after which he iFetireel : his own wish. .'4•Natil .1:47 Of high spirits he was found of a entober.of "ports, such as bowling, turfing aid fishing;. as a marksmen with the rifle, too, hehad'few 44482., . Mr, Taylor was, born at .Butliegton, -Ont., 66 years ego, the eldest son of the late Mr.- and -Mrs:- Thoniatt-Tay1ori--tbei3- . recently out from.,Ireland. While yet' a a child he came with_idsparents to Kin- losateivriship, where they: tookup a homestead in Block A. Amidat.the *Orli and effort of pioneer :life h3 grew to manhood, and after 'Ins Marriage to *Janei, Shoehottorn in ' 1878, owned a farm at Kinlorigh: While there he for a. niurclier of- years- engaged. in .barr- 'framing, a kind of Work in which he was greatly:skilled. In 1831; he and TainilY, moved to Lucknow, and for twelve years he was associated with his brother, Mr. D. C. Taylor, in the hardware Imeitiesti. He then bought out the grocery husiness. of the late Mr. T. S. Reid, and it 18 58 a dealer in groterres, feed_and produce that he was chiefly known to the Luck now of to day business his \free, -accommodating and genial manneiade himmany friends, and his store has , always enjoyed. a large rtationage. • Beitidee a widow and two daughters -- Mrs.. W. T. Honies, of _Detroit, and Miss Lila, at home -Mr. Taylor leaves two brothers and One sister7-Me. D. C. Tay-. lor, of Lacknow; Hugh, of Saskatoon, and_Mies Margaret, cif London. The funeral, which will be conducted by .the Rink percept*, • Will be held this afternoon to Greenhill Cenieteri The'luneral.deivice_ RIRbV hetd rSt: Peter's Church at three 'o'clock. The. bereaved oneehave the sympathy -rifiaer*4arge:etarte-,=01,--frionda---.-in tho Iswof,,,r,,c;tkiudolnaghtfaii.and.,1adist, husband, father and br,other. "Lander,ou Proatiertnon )sin leCoples 3 cents 4 -pros report emenating from Wins - ham rowdies* littleincident arialng out of the war, is 'of local interest as the pro-91ermati ("Prat" Kett4 is well known here,: having frequently „Visited lemknow in his .beilinessi as eye -cpecialikt. It la aboutsaid that biltein‘;tahreueoutztsesailAbc:iniiideara;tibbea. hove the British iitorito about the ger- man lemeis and reversers,• and along With thisgnve to others,nti-ftritish explorations. This was too muchfor Aden] Mackenzie,. an insurance agent of Clin- ton (ferreeily of „Wiegham and Teeawat- er), Who, having his "Scoteh" aroused, landed one or two on the 'Prors." jaw, a proc-COding which put an end to the arTighnt. hlia.ts found it prudent 40 guard bis tongue fairly well, he frequeete ly has given evidence of eh:mg pro -Ger: man sympathies. -He has the reputatian! of being quite it "boozer" and perhaps when atWingliam 'he had indulged a little beyond diecretion. . Though of rather low tfPe himself, his mind. m :greatly obsessed by the greatness. and the seperiority of everything German. Shortly after the outbreak of war, While -cliscuesing the "relative merits qf the combatants, he, with roue% indignation, said: "You insignificant British to go up agaibst the culture ofGermany. It's ridicrilous," • , ' He always Haid that our and the Brit- iiihnewspapera published nothing but lies about. the. 'wetland Would-addl.- -9 get thotruth about it I read the der; an Papers." In thui date of Minct.the old fellow is perhape fairly represents-, time of the Germans generally.. -There is aothinif else for such men but physical suppreseiort; and IPtte, hurl -sing into re tireinent after tbe blow, from a British fist, is, representative of what inuet yet: become ofa nation hem greatly Winkel: A The Bruce,-Blittilion In'France- • Word was rdceived in Walkerton 'last, week' that , the hnaiaoDiioAL of which the Brice Battalion forms a part, had crossed the Channel to France: It is 'thought tlie division will spend sorne Weeks. behind . the lines before taking an active part in the fighting.. An • array division, Which - Consists of about 20,000 !nen and is amomplete unit in itself, i given charge of a • section of the line and is responsible for that 'sec- tion until retired for rest and re -organiz- ation. • • (letting The -Names On '., The Ontario Franchiee Act is • now in face. %Tit every women over 2r years of age,and any -man over 21 years. left off the municipal fiat will be put on the libt whichwiI1 be prepared by a County or separated ,ditY, composed of five memberas follows: ,2 Judges, Clerk. Of the County and Surrogate COurts, the Sheriff, and Clerk of the peace.Zn Bruce County the Board will consist of Judge 'Klein, Judge- Greig, Dr, Clapp, Sheriff Jermyn and Thos. Dixon. •• ,This board will name the registrar& who will ideas enumerators for each municipality. Think They Have Plan --Siundere---Chairman--of the -Monday, May 7. Card of Thanks I wish to sincerely thank all thosb friends who so kindly helped me at the tim,e•of -my operation. • • '- ABE )111RNEL. Church service here Sunday was wen attended; Sam Sherwood nuide husinesi trip to Lacknoyi„ on Saturday. , • Harry Shackleton, who has been at- tending high achool in Goderich, has enlisted for overseas service: , The ladies of the W. M. R. held their. monthly -meeting at the home of • Meit. Wni, 'McConnell: There vran a , god attendance. . ° Dungannon --Monday, May Quits'it Plinth& lir fdttnere about Dungannon are through Seeding. Prank Orser has- enlitited in the ArtnY Medical Corps, Ponik looks well in hie uniforni, Rod We feel mire he will make a good soldier. •c! . A lecture on the war will be giverein tho Agricultura1-111dt; :on Vedilestrayi May .0th. . Rev, W. 0. Allition, who was a chrtplain at the Front, will be the Smelter. Talent from Luekriow torah& the 134010. Neit Sunday 1110triiir$ 4/tOther.'s will be observed in the Methodist cher& The married ladies will furnieli the not. ie.' In the evening 'Bev. Mr. Ntidteltey wili Pretteb to the OddfelltiVirr, and theta will simistes timir. FOOD PRODUCTION VITsi, TO VIcTOIlL • The progress made by the reorganiza- tion of • Resources Committee in the general campeign which is being pressed by the Provincial Government to in- crease food produetionos reflected in a special circular hunted yesterday by the committee and which is practically an inventory of the machinery which the committee. has tet ill motion to cuthiefe their objective. • 'The corrimitt,ect Aims first to increase prorluctiOn On the farm by the use of methods- which involvelit,tle or no extra labor. This is being done by 'facilitating the use of tractor -implements, loaned through the Department of Agriculture, and the spread' of knowledge of more intensive agricultural methods. The problems of increased dcreage and 'decreased labor facilitiee are coupled ,together in stun of the committees elforta, and they now have completed a labor organization which, drawing from , high schools dellegte, offices and fae- teriea, rsbutld provide a sufficieney of etanarialor during the Crowing meson to give a reasonably effective impetus towards greater food production within ,the province.' 14imployment bureaus have been opened in Toronto, Ottawa, nam- ilton and London and each of the 45 district representatives of the Depart* meet of Agriculture is acting as agent for the Iargelabor exchange, Width is under the charge of Dr. W. A. stiperintendent or the %ties and Labor brettchof the DoenttMeut of Willa I WOO* agAtivio UP RIPLEY Mao Goes to Jsil for Five Menths.---Wouldn't , Pay Floe - 'John Wylie, of Ripley-witki it Sat- urday given his choice of either paying a line' of 1200 or .epending five months ,iu prmon, andbe sent 40,24--4Or inther , vine taken there by Constable Cameron, of Lueknow. . ' Wylie was convicted of haying' intpr. Jesting liquor elsewhere than. at his 6wn private keeidence, Tile trial eanie off last Saturday at Ripley Wore Mogi* Oates Logan and Osborne,- Inspeetor White had itd the charge. Klein, of Walkerton, Wed.* White, and Stewart, tif Kincardine, conducted' the defence. Suspicion attached to Wyllie because, on :examination, of the Express CO's. books, InsPeetor White had found that he had received four eases of whiskey sincelen. 1st. this year. On being asked what lie dici,with the Whiskey, Wylie old he had drnnk it himself. Asked , Where be Irept'the- whiskey while using it, he said he had kept.some in his room in the hotel, but On learning that that was unlawful, h� had removed it to the home of It friend nearby.. thatwas just as bad as having it at the hotel, for a Man may bevaietoxicating liquor only at his oan private residence, nailing a man down pretty tight, but it's. the law. Wylie has for years been ,bottr. ler at Irwin% . liciter and has no Priiitit' . - home: ' There are those who say that Wylie just had a bottle of liquorin his room feiiiie :in case of sickness. Evidently his condition ie Pretty serious if it • took four:eases of whiskey -to keep him well since Jan. 1st., , . _Wyteis_a_ man between fityand sixty years of age • He ts known tir be, quith able to pay theifine of.1200,aithough, he -preferred- to igtto_jail. - - In the course Of his evidence Wylie, on being aaked, what he 'did with ,the bottles, said he had broken thein :04 pit the glass in abarrei behind a neigh- bor house. The neighbor; however, said that there was no barrel there, and, an • inspection by Constable Cameron .verified this statement Under a nearby building, however, ha discovered a pile :of bottles which he estimated at about 2,0o0. Some time ago Inspector White said that the Express Co.'s books showed. that Itipleir was getting Mpre" whiskey. than any other town un Bruce • LUCKNOW‘ SCHOOL' REPORTS , .Roierr III Sr. III-Excellont-'--D Mitchell,„' A. Johnston, M. McLean, F. Andrew, Helen Thompson, M. Webster, 11-.--A.ndreiv.• 0ood2-F. Cain, W.' Thompson, I. Rath- , well, (G. Hodgins, W. Webster) ties: A. -Hurdle*, , Jr... III-Eicellent-B. ;Beaton, G. ThompsOneL Johnston, A Mitchell, W. Murdoch, J. Durnin, E. Johnston. Good --G. Jewitt, T. Alton, E. Reid*. - Poor -E. Burton. , S. A.,,Binteess, Teacher: BORN 0 1 mum olomioutio ANNUAL EXCI,111$1011 ..Goderich to Detroit . - and Return - Leaves Goderich .TiiiidaY, June igth, 9e301141). peturping, Leaves : Detroit on Thuraday. 'lune 14th, 1 p.m, ' $2.00 ROUND TRIP , $1;50, ONE -WAY- The Only Boat Trip from God,. . erich to Detroit this -Season. NO litmus 00 ACCOUNT OF NOW . 151tal0RATION LAW.- Canadians, 'cOOling to Detroit .10T -a tempor- ary Stay are "not required to pay a head tax or make a deposit; imn4gratiOli officers on steamer to pass exeursionists. Band Moonlight on. Monday Evening, June 11; at 8 p.m. White•Sjzoi Vile, Detroit. .. , • Seed Potatoces For Sale Two Cars New BrunsWiek Delaware Seed' Potatoes to >ar. rive about May i5th Betttr boa your order early as good . • , seedis indeniand: J. G. ANDERSON EVORVBODY'S-4cOLUMN Good Rubb13r Tho 13nglity for 'sale cheap, A ply at the Z'ord Garage. .104.M MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and notes at reasonable rates. Fire Inourance, hot-, "'„.. 'Stook and Mutual Companiet Canvey. anoing done with, neatness and deSPatell- GEO. A.BLDDALL. Broker. Lucknow COMFORTABLE DWELLING on Havelock, St.; hard and soft•Water, lame garden, dos- • session at 01313d1 A„pply to Mrs. JametMar- tin R 0 Luoknow. Phone 26 r8. HIGHEST PRICES fOilpoultry and all kinds , ofjunk-rags, old paper.. rabber, iron, oo_P per, sine, and all kinds of hides. Phone sti" Writeto or call on _ ;, • 15 2rtf. JAKE Linn., knon 00, LOST. -Id Lucknow. on Apyil 5th. a _pair of nose glasses kaarked Ernest A. 4Awls.' Finder please leave at Thb Sentinel Office. • , DR„ PARKER, OSTEOPATH, at Cain Ho'us'e. Luoknow, every Wednesday afternoon., All chronic diseases successfully treated. Os- - teopathy removes the physical causes of disease. Adjustment ot spine is more quickly secured and with fewer treatments ' by Osteopathy than by any other method, 1-P. • • • • _ - _ JOSEPH AGNEW, Notary Priblic, Convey- ' Hume' , Lueknow,_ on April 30, Idaurancei Oillioe hour% 1 to n„.na„._ PtefiAmnifi'Mr-ilarrisr -eusiefts-trolFertirtl-iiiltkerer'''"'-:- 01110011-Inast tf. hs announced announced that the Board Ime sent to' Wishington plans for dealing • with ihe submarine boats. The Board ts of opinion that they have really eolVed the prohlein.. We all hope there will be no disappointment. The plan is one' Of some $0 which have teen - and ft -ikon -into coneideratieni been pretty thoroughly tettltd by experi- ments en the Atlantic Coast, and:0e, re- sults are said to have been very armour- • aging. the Wiste by Fire It seems trimost incredible that the fire waste in the .province of Ontario should amount in tato to 'Ways millibn dollars; yet such is the informationgiven out by the tire Marshall, For the first three nionths of 1917 a bill of P3,321,931 waste by fire was run up, and if there is no check put upon it, fire waste for the year will be as great or greater than last year. • , " Throngliont the province in 1910, over 000. barns were destroyed ineolving a loss of one million dollars, about six hundred dollars of the 1080 being in the form of produce, implements and live stock . -Tho liamlialtouggeritirthat -jus a little care would save a gi\etit' deal of this waste, Ile advises farmers to put lightening rods on their barns, as this renders, them practically immune from lightening4 lie alio attiises that otos be allowed to betome thoroughly cured before being pat in the barn. . There is a good deal of evidence to theefteetthat Ore" are eittleed by tlis heating tif 11114 a OM grain or hap Teeswater ' -Tuesday, April 8, . Mrs. Dr. M. IL Gilles is paying a two weeks' visit to her narents Town: to. , , . L`-54. J: Hiscox has sold outhis ftirniture. business to 11: Linklater. Mr, Hiecox finds the telephone business has increas- ed to such en extent as to require prac- tically all his -time. . The annual meeting of the Women's Institute was held in the Tessin Hall_ on Saturday. Officers were elected, a good program provided and the • usual collec- tion for the Rod -Cross taken up.- Min. Linklater has been elected president. %Km J. J. Mciore, who has been a resi- dent Of the village for many years, passed - to her reward last Saturday, and was interred in Teeswateecemetery on Mon- day. • Rey. Mr. Durant, assisted by Rev. W. A. Bradley, conducted the fun- eral services. . The mothers of those et the front are to be in charge of the Patriotic Tea in the Town Hall ou Saturday, • Potatoes have been donated by Alex. lielfaigile, Sohn Ireland and T. B. Aikens, which wifl bo sold in email parcels for seed. It is expected the tea will be a great: ouct- deti At the instance of the Library Poard the Council met last • night to Active representatives from the Patriotic So- ciety, the Institute and the Library' Board, for the purpose of disetrating way* and Bleat18 of increasing production, The Ccuncilis to grant isna in tito park$ On blied Streak et., and posaibly routs seoapotattesi 'Notice . For all matters regarding Greenhill con:Leto. . refer to D. C. Taylor Secretary. . For,Sale- • . FOR SALE 'Ott RENT,-Houscf and ancoore lot, 114 iciles north of Luoknow;on .11013t. rood road. Apply to 19-44f, -r---:,- FORSALE.-Oomtortableeight•roemoci house, good cellar, hard and -soft water.. electric lights. Apply at ThoSentinel Office. FOR- SALE,--Bred•to-lay eInglecomb Whit° Leghorns; O. C. Barred Rook eggs -500 for setting of 13. Als0 pure-bred York swine, both sexes. Ora 40 to choose from, JOHN .Fsitiusrt. ft. it, 7, icteknow,- Phone, Dungannon 82 r . 10-444 .t LAND FOR, SALE. -10 aoros„. pert of Lot 4, 'Con. 13, Ashfleld, good dwbiling, good, barn • and stable, good spring water, 6 acres fall ploughed.. Outfit of itaplemonts, house furniture, stock, tens, ete, can he bought with the land. ' T. F. Itorognseit, It.3AlteknoW. 12441. phone 05 r Dungannon. • HOUSE mit SALE. -Eight room cbt on r" Gmigh St. to sell or rent, soft water stet% 0. • In kitchen, alb° geed hard Water near the wood.shed,stable, 31 hared trait trees and • garden.. Algo a good farm Mose for 'sale. 22.3.-tte4 WrisON EAOLFAON, LacknOW. Court Of Revision Notice Is hereby given that a court ot isiotrOf the Assesidnettt itonfortiraToWnAbid" Of Hilliest; will bo held at the TOWnsid0 Hall On FridaY, the 26th day of May, 1917, at the IlioUr of 10 reelotit in the forenoon. All perSona leteret3ted will govern thenitelveS ereareisele. THOMA11 MOOR/W. 17.6. ' Clerk EitiloSS T. 1:irt.:1:244:40:1111:itiof .°10:4:110:177wIn'181g,iti:::::::i:IvP Itso MUnielPil COnnell of the VotAmeldp- of A. grielsitA.WIt tactWouenaSktill meet in /lib Taira 1 tli.s_Ont tell Mirth% "m14 141114464 tonhtar , ...tad thit _par pm t 6 cects.-..4„