HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-05-03, Page 1r747.7.7. 7,"•./,' '"'',,,7" • ' , lir;
.11 `,6c ' ar.-borr- rara riraPIPIra !".
,rara • •
St.so per year, in advance;
2.00 OtilerWiS0
tiettiog Down to Rushton
' That a lateeball tournament shall be
a feature of the iieldaiports to be held in
Lucknow ou ,Tune 4tr., was decided, at
an organization meeting held on Tueldhr
evening. -A greet automobile parade
will be another f '
eature and there will
be it long program ofathletie sports.
Prizaa will be tattered which will attrect
many conteetants and excite the keenest
competition. Committee, were appoint.
ed Tuesday eveniug te look after the
various events, and the outlook is de-
cidedly promiiiing.
Well. Dane, Girls!
° A number of Llicknow girls, • sixteen
to eighteen years of age, •went to work
on their own initiative on April 18th,
held a sort of little bazaar in the •Coun-
cil Chamber, sold hoinetna.0 candy,
' gum; to artid realized $18.02 -Clear
profit. The articles sold, of course, were
donated -five of the gide interested
making and donating the candy. There
was musk by a New Edison, which, of
course, was treat along with the rest.
The proceeds are to buyeean, gum and
loaf sugar Or the Luckiraw boys at the
front. .,„.„ • .
Buy your seed Warty. In These
days of uncertainty it may be
scarce. We have good var-
ieties of Coro, Mengeland
, Turnip. Segilat reasonable
• prices.
1.1*e-o<lso itiaty lines
at bargain prices. call in and
see what we have. Get the
habit of doming into our stOre-
.:Make it lieadqUaffern when.*
Think Omer the
questi,•41 of lbuying from 11S
fair Share of your needs in our
S)0 'cial -4. lbs. Figs for
25C. and Tea 25C. per lb.
'reh' and Potatoes for
cash or trade.
tiods ered in town.
Phone 82.
,Y \
' .1r1 Al
Iton are invited to call,
--inspect And, bay our
Prices Sc. to 50c.
a roll.
Good saMples to ' choose
from. Remilants. at •
'bargain prices.
Unused. 'rolls taken back
. .• - „
.Drug Store
LOC4 -4140 liENERAL-
Mr, Wilfred Andersen • is home from
Toronto 'University,
Local automobile salesmen report
busiueu better even than !eat year.
The Deily Globe, of Toroetor has in-
creased the onbserigtion price to $4•99
per year, going intoeffectMay lot
TtY A 1100 Gravity Wisher, 30 daye
trial free. Light running, but strong
and durablec. Gnermiteed for S years. -
0. S. Rotontra0N# Agent. •
. Letter from the prairie provinces re -
'port rather cold, wet aPd, haeliviard
weather much es we havein Ontario.,
Rory MacKinnon ie agent- for the
Petrie Mfg. Co, Htimilten, thia oeivion
and is ielling blame& cream tienaratora
and gee engines. .
The Graham Biock, corner of Camp-
bell and Outram streets, is being con-
verted into a wage and will be the
home of the Chevrolet qtr.'
Pte. A. E. Worth] asks its to _convey
his thanks.to the ladie&Pf the Patriotic
Society for Nooks recently tient He
• says the now dryttozke were alre4t,
Moorehouse Mitchell's Hamill is in
operation this week. The cut, however,
is light thie season, owing to the war
having demoralized the nraple,block
business. The Lucknow. Table "Co. cut
out their atock of logs hitt week.
. Mr. Hugh McMillen,: who has just.
completed him first year at college, where
he is studying for tliti ministry, was
home over Sunday. On Monday he left
for Alameda,Sask, where he will engage
in home mission Work ter the summer.
IgtolltotiTidsr WANeritn..,--14rs: M. A. ,
Mortis, 14uckilow, would like to receive
infatuation about he sons, William
George and Robert_ John,..,.._nr„ either.3:o,
them, who are thought to be:west/Ong 04
farms in the„vielnity of laicknow;
Messrs Murdle' Smith and Agnew are
getting in their aped for 'Dutch sets ibis
week.- By the way, that onion seed
'nentee 1110-400:00 per, bag, and just
an '3".41harr grain beg ,,at that. How- .
ever, there are a good Many lima in a
, . •
Eighteen students from the Liicknow-
,Continnation Classes have gone to Werk
on farms. This is quite - aeontribution
AQ the farm help of „the locality, as
'number of the boys are Arm* young
felloWe who have had experience on the
farm. •
. •• •
• 'AMEN Idiot- rid 's.-3foron to* wliy not
have the bestAnd Alwifi be proud of
your car. Mcf4augh1in-Buick .cars, with
'reasonable care, will testa lifetime and.
repair bills are almost nit. 'Prices tinge
from $910 up, according' to inodel.. „
• A good second hand etelaiughlin.-13nick
in firstclass condition:41r sale at e very
reasonable °price. • • :
;J. G:,1, AtiiinitSenkr. •
We are open to buy cream for
ebutting.and table use, Write .tor
price* The figures of 'yesterday' • ,
:-thotty- be too _low_te-earirroiri-
•' furnieb•cans-pay charges and give
prempt eervices. Ask any shiPper.
The Toninto Lreamery Co., Ltd.,
_ Church St., Toronto, Ont.
Miles McMillart &Sons are planting
40 acres of beans this sPripg. With the
great demand for food isms this reason
that looks like a good Stoke of bueinese.
It is also a good thing for the country,
as no spring grain or root will turn out
more or better human food than beans.
The country needs a gond big bean crop
Card of Thanks 1• "
Mrs. T. g. Finlay and family ,wish to
thank their many friends for the kind.
Mass and sympathy sheivii them at the
time of their recant- bereavement.'
Reck W. M. Ifellamith, Of IFirning's
Ont., will be the preacher in the
Presbyterian church a* Sunday. •
A congregational meeting of the Luck -
now Presbyterianchnrch is called foe
Tuesday evening of next week, the pur-
pose of the meeting' being to consider
the advisability Of extending a. call. •. '
The Young Men's, Bible Classof the'
Presbyterian church will hold a special
• iiinneesaneeting-im-thir..Vietridsc_Parlo
:}Ay Atilt oar=«1 Tway o'clock. All All membersatre urgently re-
-tineetrcl-ttraittend. • . •,,
Rev. W. C. Allison, a chaplain return-
ed from the front in France niter nine
months' service there; gave a very inter -
tiding address before .the Anglican
„ohurok,Guild Monday evening. Mr.
Allison is taking the ;Charge at Dungan-
non for the present
There was a large attendance of Odd -
fellows at the womb* sereice in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday, when
the brotherhood attended as a !age. A
number of visitors from neighboring
,tewie were present, get Mr. Overend,
who conducted the service,preachtd an
•napping andoletrientiAafinera and the
nerViee throughout wateinost appropriate.
Very Sid indeed was the death On
WednefPlal el last week, of Geo. Mac-
Kay, a young man *hoes home was en
the 13th..conceesien of Aehfield. Ito
viasrjust N years and 13 months of age,
and, died es a, reselt of a 'severe atteck of
quintey. He had been.working in De-.
trolt,for ale* months* audit wee while
there that he contracted the illnese.
After undergoing, three onetatione, he
was advised to rettula to hislioine as be
appearedto be losing strength. He ai-
med home -on the Saturday preceding
his death. He and a younger brother
were to have worked the farm this aum-
mer. while father Doti another broth-
er Operated a large farm in Alberta. .Two
other brothers, who had been with' the
father m the Weat, enlisted and are at
the frent. The death of George is the
first break ie a large family. The tuner.
al to Lochalsli. cemetery took place on
Tuesday afternoon, the father hiving
come from Alberta to attend. •
. •
After making mg report last week, *
furtheraind handsome donetton of $121,78
was received, by the treasurer of the
Women's Committee, of the Leaguiithis
sum being handed in by the treasurer of
the Luckier* . Hockey Team. -Thie
amount represented the money cleated
by the Hockey Team as a result of the
entertainment given under its .auspices.
a short time aro, and is certainly a
creditable showing.
, Following close on this fine.,.contribu,
-tion-tutthe fawle,-early this. week came
another fat donation of $52,00 from Mies
Boyd and Mrs, William C. Johnstone,'
representing. the ..ampunt realized by
therm ladies as a result of the. PiitefotteT
euchre party on Tuesday evening- and
weaktiedomiorarttyt•obn.4 homeThida
. of
Mrs. W. C. Johnstone.. The amount' in
itself speaks for the industry, the energy
and the,gOokinanagernent of these •Itrho
undertook 'this • Matter. Considerable
courage in required toAassume the reop011-*
sibility of managinkftwenty-two tables
of playeritnn two digerent evening& but
the redultin this cede proves that those
who bad -the courage to undertake it had
also the ability to successfully perforin
'what they had undertaken. •
•- To all of those who helped to make
•these contrilmtione-te the funds •.of ---the
Coonnittee possible„Most.cordial th-anks
are extiinded
In reference to shipments Of goods,
the Committee last Thursday forwarded
100 peke of sox directly to the boys at
the front.. " •
Word has also been received from Dr.
Freeman that he ha& already. _received
one bundle of the,thirts shilined about
the 'first of March; •
CCOrrected Up t0 Wednesday ntiont
Wheat;..,.lo 441i 225
Oats.. #0.6.1166 *SP 044* i• *#• 75
BarleYbrAri$W411414,1wir11.-041 12 1 15
utter.... ity4,11 Ileig4 '44 35
new. laid. 601.44111f 060 44.
• .. . . ***ger ort 1640
ton!ohit ottfirs Want •
eliekt-beitvy-steers, ...Ai- $1Z 00
Choice butthers........ 10 75 to 11 SO
Choice butchers,' Owe... 9 SO to 10 25
Oood feedera 5 25 to 10 15
Geed witch 70 00 tti 95 00
Hogs, off ears - 17 25 to
Hogs, fed and watered. 17 NI to
Nil Wheat... tirr VeYriv k 2 30 to
Odotie Wheat ..# .#*.# - 2 4S to
Timothy Hey . 00 to IS. 00
not's, new lad ..... ' 40 VI 41
4,:reatnery Patti 44 ta 43
*rot!, xuatiroos,
Plan() •Pecital
Single Copies 3 Cintar
Bev. Geo. Oilemore, of Ripley, Was in
town last Friday and on being asked as
to the truth of the report that he had
will be Would eitheg "Clean up Ripley
or get out" said '143;o, that ioal it. I'M
going to clean up Ripley and stay."
' Ripley has, long had an unenviable
reputatien as a ho.eze7guzzliti ciintre,v
and as 4ympared, With other places it
„has not improved, since the enactment
-Of th.e prohibition, laws. In fect-In.
pectof White; titter a recent inspection
of the hooka at the express, office at
Ripley, said, that:there was more whis-
key coming into the village than into
'WY other town or village in Bruce
County, ,
Being only* police village, Ripley is
largely at the mercy of the township
authorities, and temperance advocates
are ,up agamit a hard task in securing
egfercement of the law, The law -breaker
may well say: A'Let me appoint the"
magietrates and the 'police 3ineers and.
whoever likes may make the laws."
Mr, Gilmore, however, is a strong
,eharacter and means bueiniss. 'A num
bar of reedit convictions and fines indi-
cate that matters are taking a turn for
the betier.
Mr- Gilmore is pot only a good citizen
in local matters, but a patriot in national
Affairs. He has taken, •the "Increase
Production" idea to heart and is setting
Mit to cultivateea garden just sixtimes
az large as the_one,heitad the: pm few
years. ,It's about the only thing I eiip
,do to help in the crisis created by the
wariand shakdoany-bit in• that
he said.
,-' The Toreuto Daily News of April 28,
had the following: . ' • •
"At the Toronto College of Music .3n
Thursday evening last a piano gradua-
tion recital was given by Miss, 'Irene G.
-Merritt, of Lucknow, Ontario, .:M488
Sherriff'who is a pupil of Mrs. G. H.
Smith, Mu's. Bac., has ability and Musi-
cal intelligence Which °were' evident
throughout her,prograin." Miss Sherrill'
was verysuccessfut in her recent musi-
cal examinations and is now a Mui. Bac.
Part II: -Excellent -M. Henderson,
D. Durnin, W. Douglas, G. Johnstone,
(D. Milne and G. Smeltzer). Good -R.
McDonald, M. Armstrong, P. Nixon; (O.
13litzetein and S. Huston), G. Fisher.
Fair -G." :MiteKtinzie;" -.M; -Webster; I.
Harper,G. McInnis; IL Webster, -C.
Webster. , •
art 'I, B: -Good -F. Melunis, D.
-Part I, A i=liielterit=ir
ongles, X.-ThomPsen04.--Miguilz•-
-tan. Good -N Wilsou.- Fair -=A: An-
drew, A. Cameron, B. Chisholm, A.
. Chisholm, B. •
• I. litmus Teacher.
'`..a.OfidaY APO M.
Quite a number from here attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Matthew
Lockhart at Auburn yesterday.
Next. Sunday motile:it' Sacramento.'
service` will be held in the Methodist
Church. There be tkr service in the
evening as nevi Mr. McKelvey will
preach at Crewe.
The Wonien'ti rnatitute held their at -
final election last Thilroday aft ethoon.
.The officers elected are: President, Mrs.
Thos.•Stotliets; Vice -President, Mrs. It.
A. McKenzie; Soey.Ireas., Elioheth
BUPA; Assuitant PeeyAreas, MintY
MeCourt; Directors V Mit E. 4:1110,.
1101. N. F. Whyard, Mrs. E. grOvro.
On Monday, April 30. there died .at
Me kora° ta Dungannon, 'Watson
Cauloy. Mr. McCauley has been ill for
long two. hut he will be vay mubh
Abated. h iviee at the bowie this even-
ing at they are taking the remains to
Ripley Where mot of his friends reside.
Much sympathy is felt toy khe tom*
• ,.,
Reserve for the 1.6. 0. .
. _
Sergt. Matheson who ha.s beep soon-
valet:meg at his h,eree here, went to
Walkerton this week to assist -Major
Nelson in reuniting a reserve Company
for the Bruce Battalion. It is hoped to
keep in training a body of men from
which drafts can be made from time to
• time to make good the wastage' in the
160tholter the.division gets into action.
Major Nelson has been put in charge of
the reeruitineof tbia reser-ye eeni-pany.
Okkville, Oat:, on April 13,-
1017, to Mr. and Mrs. Cluister'Hin-
_ tonea daughter=•fla May. (MM.
Hinton is a daughter of Mrs. 3. Mo.
Keith, /3411000a
The above is a correction of a MAW
which appeared in The Sentinel last
week, When the facts were not tightly
. • .
JEvern the Township of Moms, on
• .April 24th., 1917, to *Mr. and Mrs.
•• Harold L. Jewitt, a ion. ;-
Taar.on.-:-/n Liicknow, on May 2,1917,
to Sergt-Major and Ars, George
Taylor, a son.
MeTavisit-In the Towne* of Huron,
on April 27, 10171 to Mi. and Mrs:
Duncan McTavish, a son.
thevrolet tow
0eo. H. ifilth hes itinverted the
araliant.Block, Campbell Street, Into a
garage and hat a twat-claat ,nedhanic In
charge. A toll line of repaira for Chev-
rolet 'cars," A Satisfactory service guar-
anteed. • 344f,
Ill in Liverpool
Fourth COn.Ainloss
A letter, dated April 23rd., to the
Sentinel from a resident of near MO.ose,
Jaw, reads in part as followai
Thii has been a very backward awing
so far.. There are several banks of snow
about yet, although the snow is all gone
on the level.. The roads are very bad
with mid, Seeding Will not be general
until the first of May. bleeding around
• Calgarxie well advanced although @top-
ped by snow this last fewalaY8;
Tbere, Its a big boom- in land Prieve,
and there is going to be a large acreage
sown this year, as wheat is such a big
It bit $2 44 the last few deys.
Mr Chas. Mo Nicholson sold hi* Roy
Croft farm, of 040 acres, last week for
$35,200,00, and nearly all . Mr.
• Nichelsan still holds all his horses, cat -
tie aud implements as he has other land
holdingo in the vicinity. He gives tip
hp iosseam94ros. :illocienchfaoo!lynontutenhagemfineireswntesetifeJlt02ulyydtruakgeo.s
and has grown up with the country, and
whir:. Hired help is scarce and com-
mands a big figure.
--Monday, April gi:
MiSs Cassie McDonald 'attended the
Presbyterial at Brussels last week.
Ruse. :Middleton purchased one of
tb�se fhie 1947 Void -CMS hitt week.
- Dam McKenzie is honie again from
Toronto, where he has been • for some
time. •
Geo': Ferris is helping with the seed-
ing•at 'John McGillivray'a on. the. 6th
thie spring: •:, "
• 'Hugh McMillan spent a , day or two
at home lait week. before going Virest
for a time, '
• Some linecatches of suckers were
made last week on thesmall streams'
running into -Lake Huron. • ',
S: McComb, of &Me, and his daugh-
ter, .3118, Stevenson, of Detroit, 'visited
at DM; Middleton's last week.' •
• Sorry te learn that 'Miss Annia
Leod, on the nth,' is itl. Many friends
hope she will soon be well again. •
'Archie . McCaul -arrived home from '
Pia.pot, Sask., last Saturday, where he
had spent about a month.He disposed
of a few horses whilethere.
•The farmers along the line are all very
busy preparingthe land and dewing the
different kinds of grain. The weather
has be ve- favorable' for some time'
e ry
and the land more than commonly ie-
Sponsive-to the various implements
Three.hortie teamsare now to be semi
. -
'As its sbare of the Canadian Defence
Force, Military District No. 1; which in-
cludes ihe.counties Of Western Ontario,
is asked to contribute 4000 men. Batt-
alions, of woo men, are to be raised by
the 7th. Regiment London; the 21st.
Regimenti.WiPdson.the 2nd.• RegiMeota
Woodstock:and the 25th \Regiment, St,
The period of engagement; the age
limits, and the 'physical . standards are
the same fis for service :overseas,: The'
special attestation papers tribe itighed by
each recruit make it o quite Clear that the
force to be 'reiseillis solely for home de-
fence. It is hoped that many who en.
list in the,Canadian Defence Force will
afterward e transfer . to the 0:.E. R, but
they will not be compelled to do so.,
St. Helens
-Tuesday, May 1st.
Mr. Cecil Hyde has engeged-with Mr.
A, McIntyre, of,Kinloss,.for a month..
Mr, W. E. Webb, We understand, in-
tends -having the phone:installed one of
thos.e_qays, •
, Rev. • Mr. Little exehanged pulpits.
'With Rev. Mr. Graham,. of Whitechurch,
on Siinday last. •,
Mrs. Sas. Campbell, who bin her 94thi
year, has, sindethe lat. of November,
knitted 31 /airs of eoelts for the soldiers.
At the C. 0. F. meeting held on Mon-
day night, Mr. T. B. Tayior was ap-
pointed as a representative front' St. Hel-
ene to attend the High Court_meeting
held M Hamilton on'June 3rd. •
. Metiers. Ed. Thorns, Jas: Miller. and
•Elliott Miller nietored- Co the 'lake cin
Monday evening on a fishing,' exploit.
The evening' was rather disagreeable, but
Of fish. ,
St Helens was well represented at the
Preibyterial in Brussels 011 Thursday
last. Mr. Elliott Miller motored over
taking with him Meisrs. W. E Gordon,
Peter Clark, J. Little,- and Miss •Itfary
Rutherford as delegates from the W. M.
S. Mises Ethel:McPherson, Gladys
Webb and Myrtle Little alio went by
train ai deleasteefrana•the Mission Band.
they managed to bring home a nice lot
Whitechurch . •
Rave you road that eloquent and
alarinillg appeal of the Organization of
Resources Committee I It. appears, on
pege of this paper. If you have not
reedit, do so now; if you have alre.ady
read it. "reed it agaitl, aria think over it,
Et is the most serious and Alarming
anneuncement singe the outbrealr of the•
War; and it appears to be quite genuine.
We, all, • Oerhaps, were disp,osed to
thiiikiliat the cry aheut a possible food
shortage wan something of -99arel en-
gineered perhaps with a view te ire
fluencing the Market or to urge ,men to
put forth special effort in,order to make
assurance doubly sure It maybe that
some thought it was a tulle of the city
residents to get the farmers and gar-
deners to Ott the market with produce,
All . such ideas are wrong. David
Lubin's report to the government at
iValollington On Which he points out that
on March gletlast the food ,graine of
the world, as nearly as could be estim-
ated, were oue hundred end fifty million
bashOIS.short of the •amount neeesSary
to feed the world -at the usual sten-
dard of living until August next, when
this year's crop will be available) was
made, not vrith a view to alexia nor
market influence, but as part of the
infoimatien desired by United States
government in order that its efforts in
the war might be intelligently dire. cted.
The shortage is genuine,not fictitious,
Last week the Census and Statistic,
Office at Ottawa issued a stateinent
regarding the amount of grain in Oas.
LAit. The Otate.m9rikaltkofetl
almost as geed as.a year ago, and much
better than in 1915. But that has todo
with Canada aIone, while Mr. Lubin'e
report (teals with world, conditions. The
demands_ outside of. Canada will very
0.0011 drain' away all the. grain of .this
country, ' and it is that drain which
doubtless accounts for the high prices.
It is nct..,a local ihortage. •
Increased production is urged not 011.13,
with a view to avoidingwant and'rumous
prices at home, but in order that, the
armies on the war fronts maYbeted,for
they must be well fecr Or --their Cannot
What can bp • done 7 .
49 one needs be afraid that. effort
towards proffuction will be Wasted Or
unrewarded, There will he high prices•
for anything and every- *Ogle the way
of fool Consider the market to day
It is a golden opPortunity for every
manavith a bit .of cultivable hied and
• the tithe to work it. One does not
need to be patriotic or 'philanthropic.
He needs only look Ownontereati.
Farmers wise to their own interests
will produce all they can They',AtUbt-.
less are doing •that - But the work of
the farmer can be greatly and effectively
"nupplemented by the- work of the s"tovvn
resident Many town plots lie fallow
town :residents
er.a7ed:Yoneartheaelledtemwann*garden Plots by
spend ninch time in idleoetis Cr in Sport.
Every paled bushel ef...feetletutf
• these erstWhile idle men will be just as
good and useful as the pound laishel
produced by the Ontario: or Sailiatch.:
ewan farmer; and, according to ,the hest
information and eatimates, every °ince;
will be needed. •
Want will not come as abolt from. the
Finlay Passes Away
Thelnati Edward Finlay, who for the
paat five or six Vitra beslivedjusteouth
of t'he village, died on Saturday last at
the age of 78 years and 11 months, Mr.,
•Fthtlp.ecy bat trotybecearceilnuegieno: ahecoaltuhp4tuotr
• sufferer from heart. trouble. Mg. leaves
0. widow and grown-up family''of liens
and daughter* The funeral to Green-
• hill cemetery was held., Tuesday' after.
noon, eltetinvg. tteReeirdvitcror,f So, ,uth
MONEY TO LOAN„ -On mortgages and notes
at reasonable rate. Fire InsurantO.' bet
Mock and Mutual Companies. Conley
ancing done with, neatneos and, despi=.
GEO, A, SIDDALL, Broker. Lucknow
W4141%1)44 reliableman er a boy over 16
• Years' or age. 04 handle eXPreaa at nO0n,
afternoon aim eVening train& Good wages
1.4uoknow. •
Imohnow, on Ap_a 8th, a pair
nose glasses marked. Ernest A. Llbwhi.' •
Vinder please -leave at Thethentinel
WW1= PRICFS.for pouItly, yaw furs and
all kinds ofjuidt--rags, old_ PaPer, rubber,
Iron, koppe_,_r zinc. and all kindS ot hides.
Phone 99. WrIte to or cation _
16 2-tf. 3.4.931 1.4111m, Iouoknou.
Imeknow. every Wednesday at ternoon, All
chronic dieeasee successfully treated. Os-
teopathy removes the physical louses of
disease. Adjustment of spine is more
quickly secured and witP fewertreatment4
by Osteopathy than by Any ether method.
304-p. •
.taamFORtading DWNLLIN6 ,on ilayaleeit
bard and soft water, lame touden,_POS.
session atAince, Apply to Mrs: J114)201 Afar -
tin R 6 LucknoW '
_ _
NOtiCe .
Yo all =Atari; regarding Greenhill oinnete y
-retort° D..a. Taylor Secretary,i-- -• •
For Sale
11.°R.L.,08c,411E4 reitQaeeR, ortlt.Th'o-f.lirLi3nokusanacinwd., oreit.oeliere:
roo194-2?.'ad7f • A" `4YIA'ALEX. IsTieriOaseta •
FOR SALA' redeo-lay single-comh :White * ,• '
• Leghe ; 0. A. C. Barred Rook ens -509
for setting of 18, • Also pure-bred York •
, swine, both sexes. Over 40 t.o choose from.
Jona FArtmem it. R. 7,' LuoknOw. Phone •
Dungannon 82 r 13. „ . 19-44).
.FOR.SALETwnyoung SW/409M DUlla ..4(t
• ohoibe quality andbreenio$,, and or- heavy „
' luilkhtir Teesivatir:
i. Phone.Boath prime 5-4onkon,43:--.
blue, but in higher and yet higher prices.
There is _nothing iu.sight to stop the
• - ioresent•fipivard tendency.
aanabiliaikevery•aarniti , „.„ --,--.4711)-,„ Scarcitze* envyaaate,„
n ghbo ' • • ' Taubber-tired-.Dore-buggy. - -production. •
Word was received yesterd?y,that
Sere. Caw** Geddes, who jus0 re-
cently went overseas with a western
battalion, is riotously ill in a Liverpool
hospital. As Stmt. Geddes could ' have
landed in England only st few day, ago,
his thought he Mliat 111,6 eentraited
.o4 wpas,paailla goys* aytti
nota very rerniiiing'41liekiiiigin'Itittillin Iiiil-Plenty2.•-crifitteIprifir Miss Greta Grefa Fox is Spending a few
Weeks with her aunt in•Galt,,
Miss Annie Henry spent the Week -end
at her home here prior, to going -overseas,
- --Mrs. Lott and Mrs. Enenersen attend-
ed the ._Preebyterial ar Brussels lash
. Friday, Aprit-27,to Mr.
urs ay., ' • ,
, . and Mrs. Duncan McTavish, a son.
Rev. John Little, of St: freleast Murchison his returned to our
vicinity after spending a month with
friends at LuoknoW and Kifilough.:
Quarterly Sacramental Service willbe
' held m the Methodist church, Itilpey, on.
service at Olivet.
•FREE' 1 -*OS.
Open MendaY, TneSday and
Now is the time to hare
that Family Group taken
while they are ali at home.
•Olivet •
--Monday, April 30.
The W.MES. held their annual electidt
of -Officers on Tuesday afternoon.
pied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. • ' • •
'• The Guild meeting last Sunday even-
ing, was taken. by Mir:8 Cora Clubb.. The
leader for next Sunday s
the subject being
LAND FOR SALE. -B) acre t or Lot .i.
Con. 18,1;Ashlield, good dw g. good barn
spiked' ried,e' gacitlie 41'!;i:nvaptie":n&c.retiottl., .-.
with the t'Yel:mineAgeeza, it.3,./ocknow•
12-,Itt.----- - •••
turMiture, stook, hens, etc., can 'be bought
Phone 01,10. Dungannon, . •
FOR SALE OrtRitIsIT.-Grass FAITI4, Lot 29,
Con. 2, Kinloss, Will be sold. or leased for •
thesseason of 1917 for , pasturing. For par-
ticularS apply to ,
•Jamas GAUNT •• •
8-5-126, ' R. R. No, 3, Wingham
•• ,
ii0USE FOR SALE.-Eight"'room cottage oti
In kitchen, also good hard water cistern
water near the-.
Gouah St. to sell or r
• Wood-ahed, stablg, 84 a
.,,,,, .g.trden.- Also a low. ,tang. t;•ult trees and: '•
""'''';'•43, • Wilson BAGIrElcir,rtenckfor1°4
'' : • .
Auction Sales. •
SALE. -D. • A. McDonald, Wing-
. ham, Will have an auction sale Of Innen
calves and young 2411 a,1 • theCain
commencing at 2 o'clock p.m.
. • J. Ptinvis; Auctioneer.
„ nit, Fen Szavicia
PURE BRED StIORTHOliN 11UL' for ver- "
vice, Sesser. of 1917, $3.00. 111.40=1 nzta,
1202,Con„Ashlield. • - P
--NOtice-to-treditOrs •
In the .matter of the Estate of Edwin IL •
••_Percy, late of the Township Of
' loss, in the County of Bruce,
4Ezsmcv detw...'ir
-4TaiveliiiidtirtiY-Winfarettaii4iiVWVIOS6 •
viscid -Statutes -or Ontario, 1914. 'Chapter 121.
and amendments thereto, that all persons bar-
ing Wotan; • against the estate of Edwin IL
Percy, who died oh or about the 27th day of
February, 1917, are required,..on or before the
28th day of May; 1917, to send post prepaid .or
deliver to either of -the Executors. Bel
P. 0., or to their attorney, 3. K. McLean. ,
Teeswater P. 0„ of•and under the last will and
testament of the said deceased„,`their Christian
and siirnamos, addro.§ses and de:Serial-OM.- tre - •
full ptinietliSfs'itrwrithrgtrader oath of their --
claims and: statements Of their claims and the --
' nature of the securities (if any) held by tliein,
and that after the said date the Executors will
proceed to distribute the assets of the said.
-deceased Among the parties entitled thereto. --
havilla regard only to the claims which they
shalt then have had notice, and that they will
not be liable for the said assets or any part
thereof to WRY persdn,ef whose elaira,they shall
net then have received notice. •
Dated,the 17th day of April, 1917. ,
Wa-GliticHOBUIW: ---•=•le°141W1-
Bie their attorney, 3. K. hIcLitax. ° 35-e.
°baV°it Pd b • OSHAWA
Buys a genuine quality motor car equipped ,
with everydevice necessary for comfort
and convenience in Motoring -electric lights
and starter, speedometer, 3 speeds forward
and reverse, heavy upholstering. and pliant
springs. The lowest priced car in Canada
, equipped with,self-starter.
-X9 MN) egalOeggiar
°Veit trinee. HONDiier.;
Dive; 8ERVICE To
4P CANADA, Uterus)
eagaWad .0 • 4 10111V00
WWII/4 0110145 Pitie WOMIOOtt liAteltt MintiAo
SOLO, Locatty IY
.GEO. 11. SMITH,
AGENT. 0; Luotmour.