HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-26, Page 7•
Man's Staff of Lifts is
the whole wheat grain not
the white, starchy centre of
the wheat—Make no -mis-
take about that—but be sure
you, (get the whole wheat
>grain in a digestible form.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
contains, all the tissue -build,
ing, energy -creating =Waal
in the whole wheat, steam,
cooked; shredded and baked.
A perfect food for the
nourishment of the human
body. A better balduced
ration than meat, or eggs,
or starchy vegetables, sup-
plying the greatest amount
of body-building 'nutriment
at lowest cost. For break,
fast with milk or cream, or
fOr, any meal., with fruits.
Made in Canada.
• Thrng Incident of e Hunting Trip
in Quebec Province. ,
In a Book -Lover's Holidays in the
Open, Col. Theodore Roosevelt takes,
his readers into the less familiar cor-
ners of both North slid •Sontlr Amer,
ican. Many of his experiences were
exciting, but perhaps the most thrill-
• ing was his. encounter with a bull
moose when on. a recent bunting trip
in Quebec. , • .
When we were half a Mile from the
• landing, he- says, we saw. a big moose
on the edge of the shore ahead of *s.
• Ile.looked bigger than the one I had
t, shot Ahat morning, and his antlers
• were rather more palmated. We pad-
dled up to within a hundred yards of
u. hire, laughing_ and talking, and re-
marking how eager we should heeete
been if we had not already got our
• moose. :. • - ,
At Arse he did. init seem to notice us,
Then lie looked at de, telt paid, no fur-
ther heed. '' '•We •were"SurpriseOnt
Raddled ..02.i past 1.1i.nii we _minimised.
that lie did riot realiie What We were.
But another hundred yards put us to
, __If:Web/Vat& ,e,1,,rAead afIeturthig. into
. the forest when -he got our wind, the
moose merely bristled up the haleon
^ his Withere, shook his head and walk-.
ed along the shote after us. Plainly
he meant miechief. Se we turned the
canoe round and paddled ore our back
-track. But the =else promptlf
• turned and followed us along the
shore. We yelled at him, and:Odilon
• struck the canoe With, his•Paddle, but
with no effect. • '
: For more thee an hour -he thus kept
from the shore,eunning to meet us
'wherever we tried to pi. The after-
noon Was waning, and a cold wind bee
' gat to blow. Ire was not a pleasant;
eeeeleokingebeast-to-ineet-in-the wood in
, • the dusk, We were at our--wit's-ends
' --tti ketiVe Whitt tael6.---Arlist-li-e-tiiiiit
ed; Shook his head and; with a floor -
*Ash of Itis heels, galloped -not trotted
-for fifty Yards up along the little
river that paralleled the portage trail.
I 'called Arthueseettention to. that, ,as
• he had been telling me that abig bull
never galloped, Then the mese dis-
apPeareel at a trot •rennd the bend:
We waited a few .minutes, cautious'y
latded and Started along the :trail,
watching toseeif the bull were lying,
In 'wait for use Arthur told me that
if he nowattacked us „I must shoot
.. him'at,orice or he would kill some one.
• •A., couple of kleundred yards on, the
trail led within a few yards of the lit-
tle river. As we reached that Point a
emashing in th4
e brush beyond the -
Posite 'bank jaused MS to Wheel; and
the vent btill came headlong for us.
. Arthur called to me to shoot. With
a last hope of frightening himI fired
over his head, without the ellghteit
effect : At aeslashing trot ire crossed
. the river, shaking his head, With his
ears laid back and the hair on his
withers' bristling., •. . • '
. "Tirez, m'sieu', tire; eke, vite!"
called Arthur; and when the beill was
not thirty feet away .1, pet a. bullet
• into bis chest, en theeticiking'point. It
evai-d mortal wound, and stopped him
short.' '• - •-- -
-I was ,serrrto' haverto kill him,. but
'there was to alternative: ' As it WA'S,
tlj .• and had 1 not shot straight at least
• eeeeeleelete.
•' his life. Even in Africa I have never
• known anything •except a rogue eleph-
ant or buffalo, or an Occasional rhino-
nere3;-10 -Attiieleleser •-elcio-uaV or
•• • such premeditation when he was neith.
• er wounded northreatened. •
ili .i
Scientific facts rirove
the drugR caffeine, in tea
'and coffee is harmful to
many, lane the ..pure
food -drink -f •
is not only tree ircin
drug!, but le ecenotainal,
delionnue and nourishing.
, Made of wheat and a
hit bf wholoonte rho.
L:--4/15nek Posttno jg. highly
recomnietuled by phy-
sicians for , those' with
wham telt or coffee_itlie,
Postunt is especially
suitable for children.
"Th(lio'S a Reason"
•sold by Croon,.
• . "n•—•1-..... •
i'ortner Royst Family Are Virtually
Prisoners Under Constant Guard.
The imperial Wintesr Palace in
Petrograd, one of the mostcgorgoous
buildings in the world, where forreerlY
wore held the brilliant affairs of the
autocratic Russian court, is to be the
scene of the firet great decisive step
toward the liberation of Russia from
the shackle* ef politieat bondage. The
palace has been seized by the Russian
revolutionists and will be put to Gov-
ernment uses. Instead of the limper-
lai standard the red flag of the keise.
volution now floats above the edifice
which was once the home of Ow e*
C4Raru.ssian women are to
,A.nnouncernent is _made that Whets
get the ballot.
beers eettled that women shall vote for
members of the Constituent (Nation-
al) A-ssenthly. '
Among the precious jewels in the
'CroWn jewel room of the Witter Palace
is a diamond -studded scepter -that Oat
$1,200,000. The Orloff diamond,
formerly ' the • property of Empress
Catherine II, 184 karats fine, levaliied
at $225,000, not to mention the price-,
less quality ofitshisterie ass:relations',
A crown ordcned by EmPrette" Cather-
ine 1. is valued at $ D0,000.
In addition there are millimis of dole
Jars' worth of diamonds.' 'emeralds,
rubies and pearls, gathered feern all
parts of the world in the course of the
last century and a half.
The Winter PaltiCe was completed in
1764, but Part of it was destroyed by
fire in 1887. It was restored during
the next two years and made finer
than ever. The building is 500.feet
long, 385 feet wide and 95 feet high.
The grand , ambassadorial -staircase,
constructed of Carrara marble, is one
of the architectural wonders of the
The -last of the Romanoffs was under
detention at Tsarskoe-Selo, literally
"Villageof the Cztir,.". a town situat-
ed -about.fortit miles from Petrograd,
and containing a Royal residence. The
former Czar, the Czarina, the eoyal,
couple's.' only • son and their fOur.
ddughters . ere now housed in the
palece. Evfry_ deference has been
shown 'all' these Members of the forme'
er royal -family, - : ' .•
The ex -Emperor is under Constant
guard and no one is allowed.to corn-
municateevvithehim -except -on •permis-
ion by thee provisional Government.
The' former Czar's _dagger was taken
away from him when he waf3finterned.
The one-time ruler of 'all the Russians
s described as "pale, haggard and
• neevously ,restless." ` He dreqbently
hursts into tears and bemoapi the fate
of himself and
. . . • • •
• . •
A New Phato of Prinee eit Wales at
• the Frent. • •
The heir to the .British throne join-
ed the army four days' after the war
began, August 8, 1914, as a second
'lieutenant of the Grenadier Guards In
the following. November he went to
France as A.D.C. 'to Sir John French,
and on the 18th of the month was pre -
meted to lieutenant.' In March, 1916,
H.R.H. was _temporarily transferred
to Egypt as a staff -captain to .the
commander -in -:chief of the Mediter-
amen Expeditionary- Force. On lite:
ing promoted to his regimental ' cap-
taincy, he was, last October, post-
ed as _a general staff officer, second
•grade, at atinere headquarters
.FOR TIE SPRING. France. The Prince of Wales, -,who
• has been undin
er fire in .the teetches ai
1ST_Ot 'Use lige0,Pilr.Oativen---
, - •
published soldiers' letters.relate, has
twice been -mentioned,in desatc1ien
Sir -John French 4'inenticined"-him -fore
- spieled -*die as st liaison officer .at
Neuve ChaPeuue, for zeal. and flair,'"
oughneSs in the Performance of duty,
And his_deep_intereat in the men's wel-
fare. Sir Douglas Haig "mentioned"
him more -recently' "for gallant and
distinguished conduct in the:flea" -
Not exactly sick -but not feeling'
quite well. ' That is the way most
people feel • in the spripg. Eneily
tired,- appetite 'fickle, sometirno
headaches, and a feeling d depression.
Pimples •oreeruptiens- may appear on
the,. skin, or there may be twinges Of
rheumatism or neuralgia Any of
theseindicatethat the blood is out of
order -that •the indoor life of winter
has left it •mark upon you, and nmy
easily develop Into' more serious trou-
pp not -dose:yourself with -purga-
tives; as Po many people , do, :in the
hOpe that You on Put your blood
right. purgatives gallop thiough
the system and weaken instead- of giv-
ing, strength-, Arty dector will tell
you this is true.. What you needin
spring is a tonic th'Stwill make ne
blood and build. up the nervep. • • Dr.
Williains',Pirik:Pills is. the, only' med '
idine 'that can de this speedily, safely
and surely. • ;Every dose of this med-
icine makes new blood Which clears
the skirl, steengtheps the appetite and
makes tired, depressed men, women
And children bright, active and strong.
WC. Maude Begg, ,Lembeig, Seeley
says: "T, can nnhesitatingly recom-
mend Dr. Williams? Pink Pills as a
blood 'builder and *id'. 1 WO very.
much run down when I' began using
the Pill • settee fe
AWN& My 1-1m7 , ... •
nieir at 50 cents a hex or six bexes
for $150. f rem • The Dr: Williams'
Meditifie Co.,. ErockvilIe,.,Ont •
Proud Traditions of British Navy
• Maintained by Oer Sailors: •
Some Helpful Maxims. -
.He is truly happy who makes others
• Yau can prieS into ethe ternple of
honor only -through the temple ef'•vire
• Continual. eheerfulness is a eign of
The .goddesi• of -fertime • dwells in
the feet of the industrious. The god-
dess of misfortunte dwellon the feet
OT the sluggard,
• Clean hand i are 'hettee • than full
ones in the. sight of God. • • •
Hypocrisy is a -sort of -homage that
vice pays to virtue..
•• Health and underetanding are the
two great blessings of life. • , ' •
••Laziness travels so slowlY that poe
verty soon overtakes 'hiin.
• Nothing is well said, or done. in • a
passion. e • • ••• e • .
He thatovercomes his passions battles of humanity. .
e These are
*Solithtleis e despair of fouls, the •Pelgieb.-"Reref • 6)111l. s' niittee TS .
overcomes his gieritest enemies • • askingth. e
e•rment of the wicked, and the joy of the people of Canada to help atter. 1
the • tied. ±TheReigian'. Relief ConimitteetheL
-------1 same cor--igift—flin ee arrfarit7-,91T1 ea,
Tells Just What
They Did For Her
Well Known Lady Makes a State -
anent Regarding Dodd's
She Had Numerous Trolibles, All of
Which Came From Diseased Kidneys
,. and Found a Cure in Dodd's Kidney
Are's Cliff, Qee., Apr. 16th. -
(Special). -Mrs. W. Coutes Macdona,
of The' Farm, a member of one Of the
oldest families living in this neigh-
borhood has consented to give the
publie the benefit ef ter experhinoe
with Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"My trouble -started from over -
wells," Mrs. Macdona statee, "aed°I
buffered for titre years. I was treat-
ed by a doctor, but th,e results were
not eatisfactory: My joints were
stiff, I had erampi in my Muscles, my
sleep was broken .and Unrefreshing
and I was heavy ;anti sleepy' after
xneals. I had bad' headaches, my ap-
petite was ntful end I was always
tired and nervous. I was depressed
and low-spirited, 1 had bitter taste
was often
doutity,inthe mornings and I
"I perspired with the least exertion
Mid I often had- sharp, pressure or
pain on the top of the head." Then
rheumatism was added to my teoubles.
rhuve taken just Om boxes of Dodd's
Kidney Pills gad they have (bine Me
good, net only it, one way, but in.
many.' Even my rheumatism is Much
better," •
Mrs. • Maeciona's symptoms all
shewed -that her kidneys were wrong.
If you have sinillar symptoms'
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
• t>
Warning on, the Danger of Using
Poison Composed af Arsenic.
Dr Eitiest A. Sweet, Past Assist-
ant Surgeon, United States Public
Health Service, is the - author of a
government health bulletin on "The
Transmission of Diseaee, ley Flies:
Which coiitains. tirneiy warning o»
the. dangers of arsenic fly poison. Dr.
Sweet considertheir use a menace
which threatens* every _home: That the
fly poison peril is a real one is proved
by the fact that the American Press
has recorded 106 child poisoning cases
in -the last three years. . •
• Dr. Sweet advises his readers to de-
*etroy flies some Other way than' with
arsepic.fly.poisim. He says: "Of other
fly poisons mentioned, mention should
he Made, „merely for the purpose of
candeintation, of the composed of
arsenic. Fatal cases of poisoning of
children through the Use of such come
-ffictiiiidl ere' fee , too irecnient; end ovv-:
'Agette the -resemblance of • arsenical
poisoning to summer diarrhoea and
chelera.infantum, we believe that the
cities reported do not, by any means,
comprise the total .Arsenical 11Yde-
straying devices' mist, therefore, be
rated as. .extremely ''dangerous '-- and
should never' be used, evet if Other
measures are not at heed."
iWeiVe nt Every Thousand Die Each
• Month in•SPite-of Relief Efforts.
Appalling figures have just been re-
ceived pointing out the sithatiori ifl 00-
• cupied-13elgium, with More convincing
details, perhaps, than has been ' given
before. In thecity of Brussels• twelve
people out of every thousand, die each
month, and practicallevery death is I
traceable to starvation. ,
,This is the condition that obtains in
spite of the two and a half years of
ceaieless efforts, on the, pArt•-of the
Belgian Relief Committee. • e -
And to make matters worse, it is
'Women and childrem agicrmen and
.Women; cripples and the •helpless who
are the vittims; It is those whom the •
eo1cheLs of Belgium had to leave' be
when they went Out to fight the
Long List of Crowned Heads Who Are
goKaged in Dusinese.
The King of Spain is the proprietor
of a large motor and bicycle facto*.
near Medral. The Kaiser runs a te
at Potsdam, close to his castle -gates.
co! Ale,
His ARA -Hemet aloe receives divi-
dends from a large beer brewery in
Hanover; and he is the sole owner eif
the big end 'flourishing porcelain
works at Cadinen, which return Will
a profit of about 9 per cent. on a
eapital of $500,000: - -
Rini Peter of Serbia owns. a "shav-
ing sateen and chemist'S shop in Bel-
grade. Before the war, his majesty
was the agent • for a welt:107**n
French motor, car. The Queen of Hol-
land supplies from her dairy, near the
palace at get Loo, a large proportion
of milk consumed by buyers in Am-
sterdam. The,, King of Wurteraberg
draws a net prent of at least 50,000
a year frorn,the hotels he rune in the -:
Beach Forest , • •will' reduce them and, leave no blemishes.:
AR% a factel'er- .for mennfaCturing eteeeme,,,
etarted, a few,Years
evt840;;°ItIr7iri2mn :ohs vi oePt tired Pe IbtilvYe.r'edDoes
1:114t bfiriese:
stiThigertlize4a4tifiluila• !queen ,of sorely -
air, and horse can bet
toothPicks4o suecesifill was this en- feet`4 sTelaZI371:47FonJIL ft7strnitvtherQevs:1/2
efteirtPyt:Taesbi .netiboolmree„,ettoob:mtwakaoerfe iltuhitia.tte hoer. trueuggurtnweetradatterzeswittineeteneyez floerolievsens Name sr
F. YOUNG, F. 0. F., me Lymans'Illag., itontisat, Can,
•absorblue andliisorblue, A.. irR We in caws,
The Czar of Russia is a timber men,
chant. The Duke .4 of Wurtemberg
owns perhaps, the largest corset fac-
tory in the world. The Grand Dielte d
Saxe -Weimar is a •butcher, and, like
all Huns, does a flourishing husiuess.
The Archduchess Frederick df Austria
invested nearly 32500000 in a candle -
making factory near „ Budapest,The
King 'of Denmark confites his c'om-
mercial ventures, to the Stockex-
change, and has made many consid-
erable "deals."
, The King of Sweden has a large in-
teeest in a Stockholm brewery. A "
large brandy. distillery fascinates the
new Emperor of Austria, who has put
quite a large sum of money'into this
industry, which thrives remarkably
Albert of Belgium; when a young man, '
well In the ramshackle emFor Stiff Neck
pire. • King '
courted, fickle fortune as a reporter on AAA', Sloan
the reputation of being the abraWdest 134FinorwIrggtralitibtelLlarin:hilieeZeilLalgi,a,
and 'wiliest of all royal business men.
an Anierican paper at asalary of $1.0 aent cathififft
IC week. The King of Bulgaria enjoys rubbl.ng to the sore leaders and the
factories; dairies), and has made con- "put: lumbago, bruises, strums,
He owns theatres, cinemas, tobacco
siderebie on the -Auitri-an stock sprains and .muscle stiffness, have
a bOttle- handy—
exchange.' , • Quickly penetrates and soothes, dettner
than mussyplasters or ointments, does not.
staitt.the skin..
When Wag your Piano
insist on having an
Moor1 R. CLAY GLOVER CO.,, Le.
Ng MOP* 118 West 31st Street, Neir Yeti('
And nowt() Feed
Mailed foie to any Wilma IV.
the Author
Hock or Bursitis
DItteFrr-A1/1147:1 NEWS
Office' for rale in liQoa CozitaViit
tOWnfi. Whe 172,)Zt useTtill and interratirg
a all businesse3,
0,PPIlieatien to Wsozi Publishing COM.
PAW. 73. Adelaide Stt-eet, Werente.
• rfirqau.44s. Awn
.11sind, Up, Send for vPe(lal
price bat Varaity GYCle irirorica. *la
Spadana Ave.. Toronto,
I,ANCER. '1'1131011/3„ LUMPS: LTC.,
Internal and enamel, cured with-
out pain by,our home,treatment. 'Write
, us before too late. liJr. Hellman Allatiflea/
Co., Limited. CollingWOod, ona.
• !•t• MAS R... gar rrr
111111.1;11:110.0111 0
-41 bap4-
o b
No humbug! •'Apply 'few • 'drops
then just lift.them away
.• . .
. ••with fingers.
This new drug is an. ether coin-
.• Pound discovered ' by a , Cincinnati
• chemist. It is ..called
freezone and earl • noW
ebe-obtaiited in tiny.b�t
ntles As here -Shown at
.very little cost from itni
• drug store., het •ask
.• for freezone. Apply a
drop •or. _two, direetly
• upon a tender corn or
,callus and instantly the •
soreness disappears,
Shortly • you •Will find
-the coin 9r So
loose that you can lifiit
off, , root' and all, cvith
the fingers..
Not a twinge‘of pain,
soreness • or irritation;
not even the slightest
smarting, either when
Appl,yieg • froezone or
afterwards. •
-.This drug doesn't eat
up the corn pr callus;
but shrivels. them so
they looseh•and come right out. It is
huinbitgl. It works like- A • charm,'
For a few cents you can • get' .rid of
,every hard corn, soft corn or cora be-
tween the toes, ' as well as painful
calluees bettorn- of your feet. It
never •disappoints and '` never burns, ;
bites or inflames.. If your druggist
hasn't any freciene yet, tell him to
get-; a' little bottle for you :from his
wholesale ,house.
Doctor -Yee cough more easily
- - • • jette-
Parirille-Mife not to
heetCwenteekeeddlegodei-ere:firdedifinee AlEree .
.• Gain , got by a He will burn ones St - Peter • Street, Montreal, and in •.
fingers . • • `: - --,practioally every'. town in: Canada
. r
At all druggists. 25c. 50c. and $1.00.
"Cletin AII" "'LER
zee meter ries ws.ters
oraes• likokinit and Puinntur Orate
"gars pm requirements
Grenadian Steam seller Equipment
2 Cif* Tat Gm"! 268° Voxonto
0 Ilk o
• •
, •
wilr N,
4143, lb --- 00A,
Write towilav for our bid
showing our full line of Bicycles for
Alen ford Women, Boys and
Tires Coaster Brakes, Wheels, Inner
Tao% Lamps, Bells, Cyclometere,
• Saddles, Equipment ,and Farts, for
• Bicycles. You can buy. yet& supplies
from us at wholesale emcee.
27 ,otre Dame Street West, ittentrelL
softens harness;
makes it tougher,
Penetrates into the
leather, closing the '
pores eo water-lea-
ther'sgreatest enemy. •
• COMPANY, Limited
Brandies -
Throughout Canada '
, -
• . . . • , .
THREE VITAL QUESTIONS ' ',relining] in stomach 'and allege after eating, wl. tk.
Are you hill of energy, vital force, and general cowl:ration, headache dizziness, are sure signs
Ilood,henith? be you know that good digestibn ...... of Indigesiiba. Mother Seigel's Syrup, -the great „
• is the foundation of good health; Palos and op- beam remedy anti tonic, will gure you, • •
' M OTH E R - _ -‘
AFTER ' -- -- ,
. .
8015 .
S YR, Li Fto
ALt all Ant/gists. oidileef fin receipt o 50c. end $1.00. Thelargebeffle con -rains three furter ai
•" touch as the finale r; A. J. Witt= & CO. LIMITED, Crsig streel Westk Montreal, . • •
. •
octor Tells How To Strenithin
Eyfisight SO per cent In One.
Weeks Time In II- me
'4.;_Fe.r4e'eilled and Use at Hour.
; .e. ;dg leirlyareri r; , ,f u Irnaglitlitfat:ritee: de.en:1,N.rFf43irouerT; fiocepar tausrlintmd
eDyle's Lrees7orePdti ir et;;TC ro ii 1 i : flirt:0nel, :a, . 11 ;is idernoet:e: Yrnnti 1 idnoe;:i mpc I aneCInt:4f or nenthHlae,,,afinVote:.
a real
:!nri:decioynf':8—efeectrE:t Tyroalttgears a y glasses? Aro, yon .8
if so, you will be glad to know that according to
in tor e her eye weaknesses?
1 al hope- forhayv,eouiaaMthanerr
senp e
amnz4:::,111:1;a7:113iat Ythso: in 'The andanat nl° a t° in
0nitewithoutg1. nsea: eel::
It 19. bleir" aven
4 rea,,ellecel 15.1ne:dvewirl'rebultr3itfuevt:o121;taltnrtranegbidnYlbeatininuhtr:eh:atheAnitytrs
plelaardy;ho ustendeit ii.a was like a'. L'ilri they
.ww-i t a Ian
rnItitudes marc"1 tiri in tl trouble nn° wanedareogia:88.:
eyes se as to bo Zs 1 brel '
of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles ,of many
descriptions may be wonderfully benefited by
following the simple rules. _Here is the prescrip-
Vont Go to any active drag atOre and get a
bottle of Bon-Opto tablets: Drop tiao Bon -05t0
tablet in a fourth of a, glass of water andallow
to dissolve. With this liquid bathe the eyes'
two to four Bites daily. You should notice yobr
gels clear up perceptibly right from,the start and
inflammation will quickly --disappear. If your -
eyes are. bothering you, even a httle, take steps
to save them now before it is -too late. 'Many
hopelessly blind might have been savecr if they '
had cared for their eyes in time, ,
Note: Another prominent Physician to 'whom the
above article was submitted, •sald: 'ffiotrOpto is a
Vert, remarkable remedy. Its constituent, ingredient5.
are well known to eminent eye speeiausta and widely
prescribed by them: The manufacturers guarantee ,
to strengthen eyesight 50 per cOnt, In one week's time
In many instances er refund the nniney. It can be '
obtained froth ally good druggist and ls one of the
very few preparations I feel ahpuld kent on hand
for regular use in alreost every ramity. The Vaniat
Drug Co.. Store 4. woronto..wili nu your orders lg
your n -u st t.
A great met Scorns t� trample' on a
1 • • •
rantarais huadlly_tr eizrywit..
where contributions to this great re-
lzi-serrt. • • '
---evernreneeeriegeetreyereenne_ or.1, , Zemaee:
Lir& carry a man aeross the
PAY your out of town .aceolints by
Dominion ExpresS, Money ,'Orders.
Five dollars Casts three cents. •,
It is stated that the' amount sub-
scribed by Puhlitt,te :the. Mar_ Lean
was in, the neighborhoodi of £10,00Q.
John ' Herbert Pollock,' Deanfield;
has been Appointed a justice of the..
peace.fer the county of Londonderry.'
brook if he is not too lazy teeleare '
There is no one luckier than he who
thinks ,himself se: Bettee suffer a
great evil thareelo a little one • •
., • The' glory. of the 'British navy can- Experience is the lather of,wisdoni
not the while there Are Men like those' and Meinnry the Maher, '
of the,13ritistetraneport Tyndareue to • , • • • e „..........e..,•,:ee_e_ee
stistaineite Their -ship had- 'etre& - a ----- --;•••••• - - ' ' - •
mine off southernmost Africa; It be-
gan to settle by the head. Imme-
diately "Assetribly".Wae, sounded the
men put on their lifebelts and stood
eateeettention till the4sall--wes=-,-, daThtth
Then the-ordereStaild easy" was eV..
en, and they began to sing as fervent-
ly as though: marching homeward on
n b by' is '11 I
constipated, has indigestion; olds,
eiMple fevers. or 'any ether of the
e e -w ten he is
couldn't have been so very, hard to.
learn." • pobby: "No, • please, teach-
er; it wasn't, becaese it was so herd
to 'learin but because Wag se easy
to forget," ; • ,
irlitientour Eyes Need Care
Use Marine Vitt hteciteine. No Smarting-4'We
rine--Acts Quickly. Try it for Bed, Weak, ,
Sore Eyes and Granulated Eyelids kfurine, la
compounded by out °enlists -not' a "Patent
itledicine"-but used In euceessful Physicians'
Practice for many years. Now dedicated.to
the Ponta and sold by Drugglata at fiOe per
aLue..__IunrIne nre. Salve AsTeptte:Tubes, _
1.50 and GAN Write for Book. of tho Ey° Vree.
Muslims Eye Remedy corepatneemicago. Ade.
• ------e •
leave through a lane of -Frame :qr •
Flanders. inany miner Ws . ee n tee 1.1 h I, consider_ MtNARD'S. LINIMENT n The birds are Vriving in town And
mother' will find Baby's"O
'•'t ° es -4 e the BEST Liniment in use. countryside.. Why not kill the ;worth.
Own Tabletst
an extellent remedy. - They -i I got my foot badly jammed' lately.- •less elley eat and at least bell the pet -
lig t e cause of rnovset of •Ituhsei‘etg5t1lUnslisehtef- 14;NIM:gNT, and it *as els well as , • •
of them would fled a. grave ip the e e
their fellow's. , TheY.had no hebe of • • • eeee....--e
They.were ,perfectly sure that most the 'stomach, and ,boi tl b * I bathed it well with MIblARD'S ted house cat?
.sea that has engulfed so*. many f
°- childhood. • C '
oncerning them 11,Irs.
• stinaraer Liniment Cures 11111118.• Eta:
,ever next day.
412 inette; Cheeeville, Que.: writes:
rescue, They good exactly as the •.
etin recommend, Baby's Own Tab -
Men of the 13irkenhead ' stood. . when letS to all mailers as I have used them
.thoy went to thoh..ackom and thor mi" for my little one for eopstipation and
* perishable renown oft the, same coast diarrhoea end have found thorn An ex -
sixty -five years before. -. . ,
But the sequel of a modern miracle
was ,happily •• otherwise. • Two steam.
-ers summoned by wireless tame and
towed to port the. foundering vessel',
with a . display of s manship on the
.1, pert ef:_tha cre.wee f _ lethree.._enfp
that has meintained t to British navY's
proud treditions. '•
The bravery of those who had al -
reedy given up their liV438 as lostwas
itiSt itS sublime as if that ultimate for-
feit had been required. Wherever the
deed 13 known it will stir Ate poises of
men with the assurance that the pages
eellent remedy." The Tablets aka
sold by medigine dealers Or by inairet
26 eente
it box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Broekvillee Ont.
Auntie: - mIs'--your---Inthert nsleene
Elsie 1," tisk: "His eyes is, auntie,
but not his nose, ••
Liniment Muer Lead:Mtn • '
After Brazil,' Colombia exports
more Niro than • any ether -country,
its mmaal ehipments being About 3112",--
ef to -day's newspaper may hold the 000,000- pounds. Ths arnotint
story of p heroism quite as exalted As ported to be produced. by ,125;000,60()
lany that Homer or Plutarch inissor.: coffee plants, and each plait:tit valued
, tensed. ,• ' at 0, tents. •. .
• Yours very truly;
' T., G. 111eMULLEN.
There the Mother Was, .
A young lady Was Wailing it the
tonetry one,daY, when she eame upon
boy about to climb a tree. There
wat.anest in_the tree, and trim eeter.„
tain artgleat was possible to see in it
three eggs. ,'
"You wicked little boyIP,, aid, the
"are you Anil* up there to rob
that nest?" - •
"I nn,' -Y the hoy'Creplied coolly.
"HOW Can you? •She • exclaiined,
"Think how ,the .finither Will grieve
over the loss of her eggs." .
"Oh, she wont's care," said the boy;
"Sheski" up there in your hat."•
ggingrkra Istnititent etelievo Netiralehn
Peculiar Bird.
The moiled bird of Australientakes
a large 'Mound' eometimee 160 feetin
circumference, and its eggsere,deposin.
ed in it at a depth .ef five or six feet.
Palely Herbal -No poise:was etletiss
Antiscrifiv-Sliso breedstsiten
Sesiless-fees pale sect atnartief,sie
Pere-fleei let beteg fishes.
Beals. ell sores.
ba. All Dn tggists end Stem
SW! No. 16-17..
• 'ItUBSERLASt “....
PIVIIIIIons of colds start with wet
feet,* hieli could and should be
prelrented by yea!ing rubbers, -
rti1ler1;.farm.ihoes or high
RWIE3Eft iiL
Through. the'.slop andslush Of
Spring you: cari work -better, be
more comfortable, and enjoy
better health, if your feet are
'Protected by rubber footwear
bearing one of :these 'famous
Trade Marks:'•
unix:Lump „.; "DAISY"
anattiaitconsoiidated tubber CO...
,. /Altai Manufacturer's oftiliuMbrergeloilsin the fir'itish Empire
( ••ee • EXEC11171V3 OPPIC,33 s MONIIISAL,
28 "4411VICE" itintieliVsi AND WAIllBliopos 7112011611011 CODA