HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-19, Page 6"r, -11-0-R .11 -Nrww4r,4wml�7,-.--r-rwq—MT7p-7- -WVrVV-WFM-,TW7�WMV"RTW , P gw­" , i, .T,qrW-r.W, I .ww.- ,,,� , V1R�"Vr-rWjqVT,M",�-W- .jj?F-�-XWr194rV.,'5� , r t , 111191111111111F . 1-1411;�, W -W., 7- 11 I , -1"7 � , � 1­T1V-71TW"R.1%r 7 . C-- . - I . - 4 T1177 I . . . .. � I .. , 0 � ,� 1 - --v— -- ----- .1 ­1111F*W—�—­— -- ­ - - - - - , ---- - - — — . ­­ . ­­- - I � I . ­ � I '. . .. ,. W"U"OX . . , ., �, � An E ,&;at - "Y""'s 111"m NO OF ORHANS I '11;, � 4 � ::d1tor '"" ks 0 N"" I ­ * CU& U. Meo, Dwyer, 0" Xww Tke"wm% of TWw# Two Out . j .. . 11 .1 . . . -----"W­--0W � 1% Week soome to to In # ww*- I MWOon 1W Ru" i- -1 U MY an our vskiae 00wilts scoomk Mouses Uvo U0 "a formost tar 4X4*WU6 As am- I.! ,, IMPIRE40 FRFXH . ", , WwwW about the progress of 00 txv*VbU I to a 40*6ve, levol Xors, *an 90,W Japan#11411 MUU � 101 � .1 . ww fresa day to day tkat WO Vivo all Oy*r. %=14 UW out to = that pcoyallod during the tions, makers art working day and ­­ I -- * Mrq� rovolutlow of 1780, which was I VWY littw Consideration to 00 future our P"Is too say* by "'- have confined toons ontlu*nt. The ,whole I night turning out slumuuition for the MEMORY OF JV ANNE WAUC HAS I or the problem* that will tolkhOut Powell *kn*vor possible, -Russlan armies. This statement is 0 . , Canada &M Canadians almost JMXO- a sun Weet in UWr*111111119 *&t *Ud clobe. wootax now to bs upside down, mode in The Japan Magazine, in an ALWAYS, BEEN HONORED. I diately when the war is over. Surely w4womy In all homw I for even *0 Orient that slopt, throu& . q 11, .� � . 11 avtioje on 11M,itking.Alunitions for th!a . this problem will "quire tke United I * * 0 * awsk I 0. Occidental revolution$ , in now I A11108.11 Tile article, written by X. 1 .1� , . "Ga of the gov . I - by the J*panese War H4% Stirred Fyeuclt , people to ,W -�, ", *rnments, the ,cOr- Canadian soldiers vrits to friends What bim tokou PlAce, In Rissis is I 11yodo, uvd approved 1. I � I I � I porotions, the men, old wA young, here from XagUad about tbo open g pi,ophetie 81 of the times, for tits, � � . I . I . intelligence officej says: ReligiQua Fervor 404 Churches , ". grout and small, and womm, t000 to, temptattens the Old couUtries con- ordini-my, of a cyclo -is paak*4 � � I "In the Rolsbikawa section of To- I., " . = 0 Are Filled, adjust conditions, thiags, and men Ulu for our boys who W, fona of Into a few days. The great utolq no- I t kio, there Is a huge arsenal dl�lly an- . I i - who will return to this tountry and strong drJUX or who Indulge ps qp-� . � I .; I ged- in turning -out munitions- for the ­ ­ -1 111---l-1.1- � , -14 UQU of tho, -north, once aroused; iur- 1. I I 4�,-� � t -1, -, 94 once !more is Vr4ii�o ijispired -,by I the thousands who W41 Immigrate to portunity offers, in i "social flusR"' �P*44d avoii the ixglosive, nature of I I ,�� . W ; . t . fiouQpirds of ,C-angda Irm the coupWas beyond the judego, at many homes In the Xnglilh - .1 ease Operation; and tha Jeinno-d'Are, and, it is 013 spirit the Frenchman in his ways of doing . hands never c which has made tile ­Ftellch . , -80 seas. Old conditions Can never be re. cities, they litre treated. to win* and, things. . : , , " -1. I smoke above the giant worlis is like 41 1 . I 1.1i"., Thomas B dison. says# the most glorl. I - stored, but all efforts must, anii will. often. stronger beverages. It is too ... � * . i li:. . 3�� a cloud Imm a volcano. The Russlita - revolutionist carried . � ­j� 'i 11 Quo people in the world." William T- tl,�- ., I 11 , "The new arsenal, first showed what .. . . be directed to making the world over bad that Cina4lau soldiers 'who go out his dream, of freedom with true '.1, 4. I L-,L��, 1� Martin,*rIting in. the Novi York: Sunt * In the now to, meet Chita - dramatic certainty and effect. Frord P L ** 11� . ", .... . . it could do� Ili tFe way of meeib�g the says that,wkir'bas stirred tileML to a , ged Conditiplis. overseas to help wilt this war for the . ' . I I Empire should.be face to face, With the 4esputehes it IS ea L, �, I I At, I I nods of the army during the Russo- , � , I I I The nmt decade will be One, of the the _temptations that Canada' US ban- ..11y to See the �', 'L * I I . -1 ': � - I ��: . Zapghese war, after which' there was re,1914us fervoo - tu"t 13�018 at noth- . I picture leading to,tlie fall of Czardom, I �., � " ' ea tb4t xioe4 to. be amPtY and ' I I L ... . '� I -%: � a lull luOutput until, the.demaW camo Ing- U'hurch . I . Most momentous must construct- ished, we believe, for over, ftom Most I ­' - ­ I . ­ . . . I ., I despotism, and ,medlievaligm. pemo,,.. I 1, �11 '.- I I —­­ 1. 11 . Sunday Paris turns. ­, . 1v6 periods. in our hlstory� to the stu� of the provinves.' England,. hoilored gracy massed In, tile streets, of th . -1-1 - i I to help Ruisia instead.,of withstand are now 0106 - On st-one adeord� .. I , .. w I :1 1 ". I uf to Church with;�bno' I , . � - . h"q , After big war orders begau to 0 , , I L .4ent orhuman urkture and of political as -she isi ��dth the� lisai" Ot� Mother capital in triumph, the soldiers falling I - ,,:.. ��. . I while all through -the weelt there aro , ­ , tA I : -1 I economy. The worli we'bavo grown Country;* ShQuWset a better example in line with the el -011", to.' Welcome I I � j: � : � . . arrive from Russia, the 2;000 workm6a I � 11,P1, . �7 �, 11 11 ,,, I in -and known so intimit�ly will to the bravo sons Of tile "brightest . . -L. �...� . � I � In -the Toldo steady streams �f th6so,who enter the UP the Uvin of a new Russia.. . �, I . � arsenal licro4sed mani- . so oA the L in the Crown." .But unless more The misrul � I �, . '.. % "'.. I church to pray. for the repo , . . be only a fruitful memory, so entire- X�-M ' ' 1,1. � I . f 014 uittl t I now n6 loss than '15,000 . ' * , e of three canturl ­ " - . �. .h ads L aear one or that a 11110T ' � . as was I �� ­ �­. ". , .;­7�. fl�, '�:. � . : j,. - -, �, , a are - .: � . I busy there from day to day BOU � :: ­ ­ �­.- ... - ., �* 4(na I Of Eome I - , A'� � 1. � band or a father may be 6pagad. There . - many .. � -­ -� - , -,�'kl. I ,­: - .1. I - ' , ­� ly will conditions sbout.'us 'have 'drastic m6gsure5 than havil yet' been � , � � , , , 3 . , .. everthrown,in less- than as .� '�� n, " , , �� ,*Y:�.. L�,' ' . . 11 'banged. So Itis up to,our leglola- introduced into FOrliament in'the Old ., z . . ­ .: 11 � - �, I ­­ I %. '. .;",* . *ien labor. from eight to ten .11 . 11 ' - - " ,�-,­,­ -­: . " . ' g , hours. W"derful peopl -Rus- � ; !-�- ­�.. ­ � I IPX�� .1 :� 11� � ,.,;, :.;�. ­ .1, Iny, too, wbo'prqy for, France. . I . Countries. are . � 6tatute . I - . % those . 1. . I I a - 100 , .1 . I � toro. our ministers, teaehjars, all pub- placed on the ' slansi once they are 4�iake. - - - f , I I I hours 4ay, a&ordlng, Lto pigssure of are , I 'I., I I . ojie cau'e Is mentioned of, -a French ,L - lie men and women t(P face the prob. booki, her terrible shame will. be per.- Ordinarily they are Patience, per- ,Sister of Fielcl MATshal Sir *John French Killvd 1;PY . work. At present the demand for mu- n 7ho hckd been at I the - front . d �iu�h petuated, 'for authentic 'reports -01 I - . L . a Sh6lt ultions is� so* Insistent* that the work noblema - . . I as , S ]am of reconstruction, We rea S0Zljfi%tPL c6lisprvative., religiously ,a, y' until a .short time �L I , MR4. HARLE Y, sls'ter - of Field-Marshil Sir John French, ,and who w".' goes on from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m,, a 12�. almost Ini � I in the newspaperos abbut the necessity England's drink bill shows anincrease mYstical, and. dogile to a degre *a, but about fifty, ,Years. old, biA� served sInce the outbreak of 'the war Wltb s apfaint Than he . , , -. Itory to instead of a decrease during the years the Scottish womews Hosj%Ws, She. was first to ;their hospital: hour day.., The work; glies on at night a1WO, slivvlug as , I for doing, .9oraething prepara once Started they exhibit, a reserve . . Rttached s Wounded an L a arm became - , , � - their reWrn, for the homecoxicling of of -this. frightful war, Canadians who the L . at the Abbaye de, Royrauniont, where the above phot9graph was takle" also, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. The most '%YA I 1� I , I , strength that may shalre world. Later she went to, their French unit at Saloulki. There, wherait2e Ornal pressing demand at present is for POWarlebs, ITO could no Jolygcr help , .1 11 11 I � � I our soldier boys, but what is lir,letic' are solemnized by t1le daily war news' They'have time and again Suffered de. ebauffeur Is IndlottilWabable In her work -from the inale--even to tl1q, rifles and' small arms, ,for which big France a,t the fropt. Now ally every , .�- . ". � � I . . ally and actually being don6 lierond cannot ,quderstoxid how English Pao- feat and humiliation, like the Swiss ' ' ey Served with such distinc- . . g he g as t carrying of Wounded on her back -Mrs. Harl -- in ing ,and every evenli4r 0 � I simply 4sl;4ng one Anather *,but will Ple can 90, On drinking- but they have never been conqiered. Aloh and bravery that she. was d "c ,v ush ers are being filled., , orn . . . . . I *' .0 :* 0 .. , rated by Gener.41 Sarrall 'wIth-.tb 11 I "'The wages of the Japanese arsenal I into the Church of the Magdaleno.'Ha - I be,done when the wai is over. Erie- 1. % . � I . , Jipan fought them and won bril- gilitary Crosb. Photograph shows Mrs.'Harley. talking, with a gi - . I . d pruy for victory,. lie said, and sa � I . p4ttenta at the Scottish" Women!q Hospitals at the Abbo,ye de UoYaumolit, worker'are small ­compared with the cOul' I . . ouslyi,gentle reader, -�vbat have you Mr. George Wilson, of the . United. liant victorles,but Russia remained '� 1 A town with lie cou'ld fie p'. I . . � � - done aj%,what are"those aro' you Kingdom Alliance, the greatest tem- -Mks,* Harley was icilleq-at,monastir, Serbia. ,She was I I no same kind of man abroad, being fro* 11 I . I .1 . I - ' . und , . unconquered, and the other nation was ambulance of which She *" In charge, when a shell burst nearby., A' . 3 - se nts) to I �en (fifty � - . I I . ; I F � I 0 , I in Great Brit I .' Her , 0 n a day (16 ee I . The Volegs Again. . I i .,,� doing! , 1. . =organization "At glad ofjhe� Roosevelt intervention, L . fragment �f the shell struck her in the head killing liar Instantly 4 I I . . I . . . * * �* A life wait herole and her dea�h worthy of berspl? and -of the cause she aervqd ce ts). for. a day of ten hours. The - . . . rity Air the statements that The great Von Hindenburg, with, the nobl, . . . 4 . . A superstition that th� IllessedUald . . . . If 'ch Will greatly'. sur mightieit war machine ever, construct- 130 . Y. I I . . . . I ., .. men are paid 20'per cent. more for �f Orleans may a ' . � . . . ever wise leaders of -men and of, follow,and will - I . . I . . . . , gain. visit the earth ' . ,� . I - dvertime - so that a mail who race'* . I I - - communities war urgently necessary prise and jjrob bly disgust Canadl I 1. �. . .. I I . I . . -. . . ,, I ives xmies of I , �� 1, . I , . e. � R I an ed.Arove the Russian legi6ng,'back, � - - . � ... I - I . -r I I � ­­ � ­ '30 San day will get . 42 San if, he has 'And Ili person lead the a '.1 . in this Dominion it -is -n6w, to give Xiiends of the great temperance cause, and back, still, many miles, bdt there . . A France to- victory, is said to be very - ... ( . goods will be entirely carried over to work overtime, while the man Who wide] , ch armie%, and - ' I 11 � direction and to lead. the people in this, The consumption: of intoxicating came a day when the German machi,qe. "the gr gets'l yen a day, will get nearly 2 yen .1 .. " � ited KIngd6m during steppe AN , British soIl, 'the link in .. eat y held Ili the Pren . . I .: Ation." liquors in the Uri . . , thid, soldiers read eagerly of -every . period of the, "birth of a now n . , � . cT and could go -a� firther, as if British "All Red" transport,system, a day gor. overtime. The men have no I :V � Canada is sure to experience a new 1916 is said to have been Attended by it was kaminded of. the futile aaven- � N . VVIRE �. . ­ .. I I , . - - inpide S. to indicate I . I . � "., . I I .-.. —­ , . - _ . time off, Save on Sundays and national. littW� ,at that sepm . � I 1;" � . . . I I I I ., birth—nei,V-comers there are.bound ,to an expenditure of 12 per cent Ole' tures of Napolqon' on Moscow, And . UNK OF I - ' I 1 iie to paim . . � . � � 1P :be and,they MUSt'b L � . I , . I that such A rniracle may cor . - assimilated, Our that in 1915 and of 24 percent, over would,profit by, it. � t - ".. I , . . . I , URUAT. holidays. .. : er's daughter in the' Vaud . I I � . 0 ' . I . . . . HOW." 6ERMANS RP 4 A farm .: . so 1� . I own 4wndltlong will be � in ii process of the figur�i-lor 1914, and is, iii factw— . .. . . .— I . . . I '.. . . 1, . 'As the work of the arsenal � is . ' I j . . � ' ' -To the amazement of the enemy and I . . . L . I . I . was reported to.have Wd 'that ebb " . . �, , I transformation owing. to the return of ,and this the diiiressinj' ilhought— t�e surprise ' . '. I I .. . . . . . on strictly seerQt eyQry one entering or -her to, lead .� ..- .., "' I . I is.. ­ . .1 Ili, Lay Nyaste the Country and PO ' I heard �voices, instructing' � . . I . . . - ", gg the world Russia ON I leaving, the great worlisil closely . a On re� As ! . . CE. SEAT OF BRITISH NORTH I . r , � I � ' ' ' . I 1. � .,,s,ok many Soldiers to find. their bid the'lilghest liquor expepditur came ba&'� again, and;again, as if I � . . I I .. .. I . .. . I Wells. .11 - I the armies. of Fraoee. The BAhop -of . , � .1 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. . � � � -) I 1. ­ -�i. . . V.e Ito ., .�� 1 P14cos. Qccupied. by� ,other. workers --in �cord ,for .the, � - United � Kingdom, ' He there had b6en. no. . . scrutinized., The'woikmen ha: - roletiers sent a priest to intervie,W ' - , . ,c I I . Idesolating ratreitt . I . Qdrtilan' line carry a etal.' ais'each, the, . . . .1, I very many ases by women and girls. estimates .tU6 amount'speat in alco.- afe, ingaths befoie. Give,thq Rusz � � , . . . . I The whole of the d . , ,ra p , perman x. it Waa, said that� she had ­. ­ - . 1�� . � ... ­­ ­�­­. ­ �.­�­­:­ South --of . ong,-as�o, - .' '- -: . . I ..... dom, -,,, *'the arms.and'ammuAiii6n', and' - . . i . 7 I .. ' I . �. , . What,hithousands of-casei6;wll1 hav- h -611c liquo,rwin.tli,e,.�uniteLl�'Hing .lan he I ­!. . " I . - Arias -i .as Sti * ne,vast ent-hands- �aving ;a -nidkql pkss .q;nd-hcr,.anA-late . . and ,put . in ... . .. . . P -the temporary hands abrass. o � � for,tress, built by the labor'.of'hiillions" , Aa, each been br;ught io Paris . I . I poh? Will the soldiers go, on the land ji�'1916 at t eenormous sum of $I,- will plow his.'%va3i't6terilno� if not,New Dev,elolinienti Will-Alake.1i One dug and tunnelled And cemented Rnd pass bbbigmumbered. - � .. � charge.of a sisterhood, Whether the,,: - - � I I . to an' a in farming?' Honestly, We 019,0.45�,OQO---Qne.billion,�ninetoe.� inil-. t is a . � . � I � . gag b f . , . . I . I . 11, the next, Sure. I , . . -.. , ", a S, . - ered � with thousands of machine- * 4oB, -the, T . girl. is -of unsound mind,'carried %iway . ,.' . Afstv6 Serious dqubts.'about it. They lions and. forty,�,five t�ousitndj dollarsl . . I . W'th ' World' Grdatest I -.': timb � . esidos, okio, military arseilal . ' ' ' I I � : . . . _ . . I .� . . have,been city and town dwellefs.and And this, too, I the year . 6f'the g . reaf- � She May defeat! herself, is she has .. I .1 sl, I ,. .� . � � gun . redoubts, with'an immense mass there is abig -naval arsenal, with'an� by hyiteria Or ,,Afbib6r she- may in ' � . . . in I often done, shackled bja C'Orr4t . . Ports; . protee ad .r . .6ko I - at i ' . ", . . workers, and* we heVe seldom known I dst war the world has ever,known. In burealuera � cy - -on pilfering. and . ' . , %� . . . ­ I . , I of trenches. t - by, fo ests Of other at � Y suka and another truth turn'ont to bw the savior of. liar ' ,.' ' ' . . L bent . barbed wire, Ila as Kure, wli�re'munftions aiid arms. are country is a Vestion upon Which tons . , . ,, � . I .� . I such,meli to taka permAnently'td- -the 1,1915 th expenditure was $909,795,Q00 ­ -'d slipped away . . . . .. . . . . . a self-aggrandizement, but woe betide ' From its fopudation, Ili 1749, Hall- though by . a landslip,- a . nd tha enemy - of -thodsands, of French, &;old1erS­Te- . ., . .. I - Sol de * 6f � made by . I . . . worl� of . farmers., The' itu , and'in 1914 it was. $892,315,000. --theinvader.who enters too fir into fax ha ,,a i e*of British milin I � still m4re ek-pert *orkniaTf. I .. . I . IT' S been centr , I I 1. . ' tain,ap open mind..- Th�ydo: not scoff : .1 � � the oountpy.soon loses its charm -for other,words 1916 showed, an increase .the hear ,6. ... established. Is Ili rapid retreit to new. lines many In: these' arsenals 'the. wages are high. � I ­� I �.. . t of Russiai " - - , . tar,y -adtivityi, and it was , . . � - ' do . I , I V* � I .Ing. at what they pannot u derstand. They .;, . them. ' , I .1 : . ,ot - $UO,160,000: :over 1015 'and' of COUA TO13toy has recently� been- a 4t the instance of. the New Engl=4 mileg.away. Ai hO g6es,hels Idyi ,eri the rate ranging from 12 'sen a , n , , . . � . . *� . *; * I '. 1. . I .. have seen so many amazing things ." I . . I A. $197,830,00a .over 1014. .No doubi the o 'had recognized the -ad-. fire and waste..'to tli6 countryside day to 8 yen' the'raost , -expert men . . . � I I . I � . guest of Denver, hid in .his'je'e'tures. colonists, ,wh . ; I . Ad r as - . . ' .. ,. northeast. of Ba. aumej 17 Into . which- make about. 100 " a month. I out there" that their capacity fo - I ., . * , , � I � � , Ve, are not.'much of S, prophet, but intensity of ihe Strain. of r- -it here has, let il� - ibe light' on , dark vantakes. pf. the' wonderful harbory A' , . . . I . � . . . WO 1, . .1? , . . � .. . I � 11 ,. yen ' ouisbment has beerl. bankrupted.' , ,. - -� I . "I � ' : "I I . we - have, -mere hope in the Industrial, rojiniii6ji factoriei.and shipyards hi , hhd made its a troops Went. � "Man of the ouns with which R�s- It I. . . . .. . I I . . I places, � This �oung scion of his illus� wlience d'Anvill&os fleet I I r ly . . . . I �, . . :, . I .. World " a� fleial -of aciivity for a large .r .on e t . case consump- . . 11 - ii .a d.l. ,Ea.%t.-of PerQn4e.Sc9VQS of villAgOg sil'a-As now.st ming .the -.tide. -'ofj'p-;­ , : . . . The. Angels. at Mons, . . ­ �. I .. - P . : trious,.father ' like him In -1 futile 46c Ai -upon the -$'w'Eaglan . . em . p p � I I ... .. �, ­­ - I . - I . � proportiqu of !roturning soldiers. % tion''4mong .. Se W . r I who still tion is .. his 'OPPOSI zr-touri� of tRe: long vAr are- burnf.. One of 'them, larger. than vasion- do successfully were made by . "� . I . , . . I I .. I �'- �, � I I - I I Z . 4 , toWlitar'lsm.aad�vmr-'buthe is coast, iti.t] I a village, is the -town of Atheis� wbiih' * ane ' ' s aid that'niany, of the British I � I . I i .. �� ., look: for the greatest ,growth in all I cherish the unfounde belief that al- eni-Yrance,gild br�at , ' 11 � I these Jap se. 'arsenal w6rkers; and troaps,share these - beliefs, and Wj% ... T - I still. a. true patriot and know's only tbo,� betwe .� .. ­ Britain. � I. . lines: pf - manufacturing in 'the ,Pro- c4hol is the helper of labor. - the re�. well what was eating the vitals of his� -The t . owm'.,was the first Engli6li-l"a.flaniingtqrch, visible fOi,miles. theyarestill busy.,supplying su'ch , . 1. . I . I aro-tind.­Others are'' ' . I I I � � n . the 'story �of` th�. afig6ls ai * ­ ,.- . , -many ruled Russia. -. speaking seiiiement in the midst of : from which. ''volume " of I smoke ;Is weapons.' About 80,000 men,are now . I � f b . I . . vince' 6f:Ontario that has ever been poktj we regret to state,also says the c6uhtrkj,.fOr Get smoulde#ng.rui ' I � .1, � . . . , - '- - Mong swep , vdr the world'.� The fact I I - ` � ­­ known. TIASL ProAnce has ' e r consumption of-, stroong drink. by wdl- . . - I I.. , th' s - ago busy iti: * these naval irsenals turn�ing I , I I '' 1: it * . The Russian court' *a-s­'-,a'lmost Pas the French., colon'ies � of 'Ac4di%'and it ''rolling p a' k sia�". . : that the' Efuthor of the 'story whiclic - I I ' ' -. � - I � - ' 1. " . pinto the %clear bl � I I I n. -wereade4- .. . I - ­ U. I S - Y!. -- - I. out. -munitions for. Ru ­�., I— I a:Pi*f,rdd I. ­ - ­ - . ' . on a . , . 1. ­ ". - ­ ­ � � ...,Sources, and ,will lie the Ce . -1. I I ., - - -bile - Eli - I n --importance. . - - -- --j I . $ . . "17 in- - -L 4, --- ­- -'.- ­- ---- --- ,� - , I . atr% ai me " hasi - �' -German. as Berlin. W Within �l . gr&* ' I V I I � - - . I .. I � , .. . imonspicuous . a -jo� , .*� *� * �.., �� . — .., � . � -�- ;-- �-, - idyalty,is,Gerh,ia�n;-tooj..inblbod, but fr�e;�vats from iti-founding Lit becapic - ­ � . .. I .explain6d -.-that It -.-'-'---- , f� � , I rftlly now is, of the industrial *Orld I .glish speedily took o I I of the t rad.of France which I . I . ; . *. , . . . . . , EP 0-,.;-, , paper'Afterwards..: ­ . � � emo' ;- - 'ifivehfilon, anc . , � - . � I ­ � 'YOk-MOT10%. 1.:.1:­.'�%iSi,-�.­, ­­­... ­ . . or ,Be q INUCHIN I . . . , a - jitge Some Wee § Agb; Wei ke 62-r6il t � , the th6re -tU - virility ,'of-. d croey turn's the' at -Ot 'British NoAh Amie'ri dii-, to avoid the menace o a combined at- - . * :`::;' - " - � Th ' lit demand for, all kinds -of - - ' - - k - ' � - - f* 'the enemy.'. has. been forced fo,.�bazidon-.. �` ­ I— I .A, R, �b­&­�--. � . , � , .1..1 - . . machiiier ler , Ljj�seliolO 1. � . . . f ­ . , - �. ­�-.z ­ ..I-,-- — . ___:� .. . ure tiat ' a a I ' I - .. -' in lbe opposite dirietion. -The koveknment. � Its h is' -deep afid-'I iaeko *.therer ls­xio .- bea uty-- . Tio-'r'--,-f ar' a soldiek?s I ' 1. I . I � Y. ' imp ourlts, ' t . apparently strained relations between the tide arbor ­ � - - - I : not even I egend -to work - - � � I . vrevehV huni . . . . I " goodso . -building� - --ix I . . ms, How th British Maki, )R62ds For, the;. upon- did. . :not lie4a of`�"­' , I . I materials Ade6dj, jaVan And tlf� 'UnitecL'States and rb- Czarina is German, andth.e. Czar' is ainple, a . sufficleat to . . I I ­ . ., ­ . I � * nd said. to.be I . . " but I only black -ruins and devastation.. -. a . ? I . . .. I I every, Ifile of Useful, iaahuf4cturemill*� ferred,to the aggresqive ambition's .of oreGermaii tlia,ii Romanoff.' Te' ,tur . . . uton. float all -the navies. of ope., ., - ve . ,. . ; � � . . . in ' - . , Forwod Mo Iment' �" - thousands of people- from believing . . I .. . .­ n I I - . Everywb . ,. . . . . . I . I . to I sistent and Ontario will �be .'the that gfowing Eastern kingdom. Since� .Influence 'predoiinit�d everywhere,, Eleven forts t'&#mand itr;,s I ere'the enemyAs adopting , I . � that a miracle Was wrought at Mbis.,­' '­ - ,. � . . . . . . . . I centri o� the%busy industrial world. then we have � r6ee ' I . � Vac'OU5 the full cruelty of the War!i malig- - It is. interesihig to, stAnd, behind .a . . n . .1 � ' . j . . � . * . I . � . . ived Some rather and the army, e've'n. was hoineycombed waters, and Alp"to .1905HalifaX was a 'V an- Many 5 Will sw6i- thAt 'they , , I I � . � :1 . . I :- ' % that is, to be ai,iooa ai. the' war. is . . � o' I in .-nance., He leaves poispned'wells, in.'batter� . of . Bri i�h howitzers �' d ..-soldien ­ ..,. . I , . . :.� . . . . i startling, figures .about,th r . - with pro�Gerrliah �,offtcers ana the e*ver- bu*sy B�Aish milita�y �oint- In' that s,q.-%v..a figure oil hori6ack, whom th8y . - . . .. - 'gr . . � � -� The -in ' ' ' � � "' ' ... . ... over and tlie.world gets back to work. 4 , * owth-and consequent -rush' . . . . I i all titish regular his-.WAke,- sol' that if the soldiers' match. the guns in. gation. en . . I . . I . . .I. dustrial ountry preFent Geriiian spy, I .. . ­ I I year, howeve):,' . I B - _ -� ,, horses.should driAk they wilf die. This show. ilic high morale whidli,isAll.evi- 'readil� identified as SL George', liad.;, -. . -�� - I � . I L � . I . The ' Allied natioii� will - iivloi.� tan�da from.'t)Xq c , , , districts. to , ,the The:� -feared ap6pular . victory anil troop§ W'ere'withdrawn and the car; - ' in a-band*Of4oldiers to theirbelp *. �. ­ � I .Allebusii�Atimeof''he'r.10;.* W,Ohave I ' .1 L ' .. I . . INnsfirst diibovered at Barleux.,When denc'e'thr'oughout the British Army. w g I . . . , ,14rger,centres, of .industrial activity.' preferred one of ' thosef d feati, to 0 ax an , . han theq,"Wete hard pressea.­Whe- � ... ­ . .... I . . P - � f Halif ' a its. fortifications, ' *'Was -the. water was tested after Germah . !they Whistle and*. sing . aild biffi-dy �� 0- . . �. I I I , ' I . . . I been ,told thai the- 20th-, � Is- -`,CAnadd's " The� Social 'Wielf4re Committee - of flie" which , jussia . Was, a cus'tomed, f or committed ' e L , ther the.,Ge i i *' , timsl�of the. ,,,, " I .. .- . . Century, I ' . .q .� . - . - -. � - retreat it. was found to be full Of ,ar-, grim jests as they �work. As the firing . rmans were ,vie , , . I . 1. . I . - . . � ­ ­ I same. 6ptical '�jllusion- is unknown, bu .� . . � . .1� � people neV& dreA i&'of.. - . 7h � I �. 1. . I JO -1 , . . n a. sense tho - - .' f . �-jFederated Missions in Ahey kne If � th e- En telite allies t W-OnTmilada. `­ - - " � , , I i�. will be, I 11 - to - 'th Governme I , I ­ � .. � � , C62iferenee: 0 1 1 I . I 1. senW. Otherw6lis avebeen.fQuh& butiatt is' pressecithe.crew lumps back . i . . . I - . . , . in .. an has, i0sued' . report. 'from ih�t'Russia would be forced to dem I ' - I . . . , . . . � . 1:Jap -its _ o. . With the 6utbrealc of the ,European %c Way�' ­ 1: - they ,draw off When. ii se.ern&d that ng- I " . I - I I , * . *1 * Or I., . . I 'hie I * ' � 1. , , , , .. . I I � treaied, ii;'the I sa fbra. momefit from the. -gun carriage, thing 441� a m1iraClQ.L could � save the ( .. . . : . .. "?, , * '' '.. ` ... .1:1* W � h it- is liarned'that the old Japan eracy and relortn., .. ' ' , ' - . war, howe�rer, Halifax wag again - , . � . ' ; . . . ' t ­ 1" o,.,. -. � n,to their allotted - .. . . .. - , � . . . . 'Ontario, of tradition is, iiq'h:lor6,', A na* Japan * - Volumes'could not 6011 ain a I "tild, -1 nihde inilitary.and naval headquarters I . . ! . � . British 4- . oops;. Thon,did tbe,r4iracle - �:. . . m - . I � I �. . . Can'a'da, or,should ;Ve,"y . �. � . but-havo ,leaped agaii . ­. * I � � . I I . . .... �. ,. . . �re . . . I . .. I. I . riiaai I I be t* '. I I �. :.. ,branches, �f Unite . sh ' TA 04, �. . ., . Posts ' the easy, ac ing .recoil. . . L .. I 1. . I .L�l 11 . . ., hag now has -arisen in � leg place" Within 36 shameful .intiijueg ,9f the. - list *-'threa for. Biiti Aineriea, and .many Ger- , - NKS Of .186 ' . h en! 9% - - ' , - ' ' . . , s..The �years­ ior .so, enormous. cities with im-� yoars, - 1. . ­... .I. I � I I I I ,- h eturnedthe mammoth weapon � to app, ., ­­ j - . ; . , . - . . - - � 4 .i .. . .. -,. ., man prisoners . have.. 166en -.Intern . ., . .. -, .. I �­ .. "I I �. % , ., I as r . ". I � I . : . .. . . . . . L . , . ­ I States manufacturing concern* ad � . ,tg,L , L _ ' * . . ' ' ' ' will -.tl . . - . . . I . I - origina pos . is-, I . . . . . ".. , ... � . I , - --*' 11 , * itl6n. 'it i's e� . , . . Himor to Jeanne; , � . I - � Will ba,LmUltIplied-;te&old- wit 'niense factories have appeared . where - But the -curtain hag � been , drawn 'upon- 'the well,�piided islands -of Thesb Were-�Aluch Smaller .Than sy to.d' F rance has always - honored' Jeanne -.. : " ' " � d . �. ., i . . . .1 ,. I . , . ­ - I.... - I ­- ------- -- - . 1. - ­-ALA-e 4i'guish, the scream of a aepartin& * , I . � . . coming dec6tde.oi,&%v6. Americaniar6lbut a few. yearg�ago*primltiver.natuTe aside long 'enough for the WovIdto gvt'harb6r.1-,, ". I . . . 11 . - � - .- - --- "I ".. I . i . � .,�" . �. Present 6hes. . - projectile' fr6m-.'o being.. 'When -Fnince was SuppQs- . '. , � I � o " go , , , , . . going . . . . , . , . . � evan tur . ned.her -back up . on re- ,- ­ - - - , : , ' I ­ I I I r ,Oink iilich faster through-' this war, ruled.- C has 'replaced rural 'a glimpseof What h 'n . - . , 1. . . . , .. , Dne wbich'"19, . . I � , . ..... �. . ..'�. , . 11 b on -Antisforic Port ,. I � I I , , " .. ' .t.,1t3ee . I . I . : * � . . . ' d thaft evot in their,history, and, � mall I in ' uxt.-and adininiS ion rc es, �' � . �. � -ack - . . MuEns, and . . . - 101'r , cc .:. ­14,rlo economy. I . .11tanks" existed 4s'far b Ti 0 . . , - , , ; I I I I I,= this -transfer, .. 0i " I '­� , Fr , eitch . tseht. in retur4 bj tbi Ge iave . . .: . 4)uring`the:Xapo1eonIc* wars Hafifak� . . . . the onlooker can w4t,dh without, diffi- ligib , and 4 I hai�e enibiact*-d atheisi# . � : � . . - . they., � will, be'Shrewd enough- t6 '6e , there ha's come to Japan, we sincerely Not long.aigo we were amazed at . I i the se�ne, of many a demonstra-� -as 1860,. or -rather they Were inveiited . . . . . I . , . " I I . . I ' f wa,. . eulty -the black Dase of a British shell or agnosicism, but since -the,' begin-, . - , *, ,.' ". , I L� . . , 14fei�,'thq tide, of tinde 4 flo,%'Ving. TO regret- to stat , all the evils -and, wick- the boldness'bf the asgas inati * then by 'a'Prerichmati.named "Balbi . . -a t�e war'0� 'rospect .1 ." - , I. - . � ,11 . . . I e � .s . on .,o , I I . A sh- prowess. . 17 . . as it travel$. ill. a, long� loop; , , . ... I 1�r * Lhe priVa- -ning Ito... . . ­ . I I. . . a sac ��- tion of D ti I tt d f6r the dppro�al-of Na- . ,paid ..1. . , F . ­ . . . . , Brit! Mall ..... . . rl-. . I - 'banada *y�,will come to establish .P-dftdss cordrolitingthis W'est�rn world. Rasputin, the, 41xnad monk "' 11th - nd submi a 6r I y , monuments has been� inte , . , - . I -Poleoh I," Balbi called, them 11j,,o,ing I . , , - . .. L . . . i� . ed. Mr. M ... - I . . ish on s� -Wide a f mc� artin tells oE tbb French ' � . � I . . . I I . � . I te&go fltted� out'by..Pnterprising Hall , a I . ZTha f orwgrd"m .1 t of the' ' ..: .. .*. %.... � I new branches -for, an-.OutlA. loptheir . Following. in their wake-comethe con.s. rdd devil - Aif-Rus�iaol? -as he was.term 11 I � � �- - � , . ov ' , , th ' ' ' goniaris, - frequently returned, - with I r&qitf h � broug�'tintt) iifi I . - , , I .millions aud -it:will oiTer 'the' great ,domitant evils of tuberculosis, Sodial ed; who exercised such' baneful'. influ ­ 'fortresses," and, in the-ab6ence of ex- . . . . ­ . . " , . . , . ­ ,. I orst . - .1 nge over thb Czar - 'their prizge. istingubh$d.. French cry troops sent fro , I . .,;.�111 : . , I . I I I . opportunity for fitiancial investments. '.vice and- poverty in its -w � I a � ­ D I IV play all themachin ' I,v f motion in . , �m th2.' front to'Paris to . I I . . - I I . . .form) a and ,Czarina and plosionfrAotors, used steam as a,dr* -the' - Ju I . I b prisoners � made use of tho,pqpVo.,�,j *­ ,W, . : � I -1. . ... I warfiLre, ­ Roads --seem to spring uplInarch th�6�gh�. ,Weels � jast .1y, : �: . . I . , ift ­ , - _*gae _ - . r., J'�­�".E �ff � . 'hospitality' . ' . 'Ofqg Cl . i 'b _ i lfig','� . i,v� .� I I I ' I , � � 11 . Yet, ve shall fiave,a very different it throughout this ,Oriental, empire..: ., the whole court wag,believed to e a � - , '. . on the national ho!iday of 'France. : - - I � I riot - entirely- a -new Canada. &0�di-% ,. .. 1. � *. *. -*"- * . . .. Agen - I . . �.. , . - ' Overnight in, most unexpected'. places. . .. I � �. . . . I . i . .. . . . -y' T6y were,much smaller affairs than . *beily.,andAalked I , . I � � . I "I "ii of- . ,I Railways have audaciously filing � � . . I I . I;., , , , , . I 'also .saw -the' baniihmetit �-of Prinqd -.Ed,ward,.'sd - be6rge IV.o I the .'p to t* . 1 They parched ,so . . . . . * . . . tibuil will cirtalnly­te��newto us who .. I This -c I lmities's report , was', pub- . We, . I . resent "tanksi moun ing .orily I ' 4--l.", .. � � . .. I ,orr tie, for they -1 . I ven"'the pastoral lifi Will . . . Which sUll �a s'the highest &oihd twd guns, but,fitted so that-411ite a themselv�s forward' , ieqardi.ess , of I �kgewj the rev ­.%Y overo. �,,! .. ,11 I . .1 here., . E . I Giand Duiie Nicholas after he haA I .1) L . h .. ., , ' . " . : � . .11, " . . , are, ­ lished in the Kobe Herald and,-as�ribeg. land is's landmark -far to-sba. T I afid.shell, holes., and 1 they -would return inimadiat y t ­ � . , . . . . I . I I a Vul� ­ I -1 -- ---I--.- -- ­­ - with a., coin- . 1.11- I ­ I I , ­ ') -1 -- � .- I I . . � -no � . .--- �­­ ­ . . . . I character, for this ..�rail� theicin'th . t complished the feat -or - - . prj- I - .., - f - -bl - --­ - UliY.:.. 1. . mumber of niezr-coul& ridein-tbem' a �letencsg - - i S, I OTeaffitl to Ulafge statu ' ' ' ' � " .. . �..,. .. has�, And4ill cdntiiiue,,io affect, , i . age =16`nj�gi conditions to I ac .th most- -wonderful , ' am . J. st zes o t e. vVar-of- - . - . I I ' which ,!�veii includes . ij�encfic . . 40I, -o. I th a . . . � A. � - . every the transition .6f 'the nation from the Of 6 *ar in saving a gunfess, . .te.. I their - rifles. They, were, ironclad I , . . , . - * many has, . . � . . . up . . from a bro , light . by'tbeir British captors and 10 iently'arm6d to - resist an I r6tentious sign. posts bearing- the in the c6nire, of � .qi-.Ie street, a staiue. - -- * . , ; � interest orf this globe, Ger agricultural it4omleszo ihcei�ss -a�iny' I. , . . p'. . � � . . . I - - '� ffiq-­­­--- ------.-1- . . . . . I . -1 - ­­­­-�-& I I . to ilia� 'inaustrial dnd.,rh - a At was*'to'this -capacious - ­.. ".k 11anies df4reneh villa - whiL xist bt the MajdOf. rloai�$ go-vered. -N,01th- � -- -*­:-­-­- -. . . "ona . 1 1 44 . . gas �h e., . . . . I far-trhe'r' -mad, naubition­ b iaii�irfail stage, , illustr . this 1 �61'Ar-fe-Cqd1jile-a-by!, a--U�iF�hirU ,,,--.(J- -Halif a -.x ge * . . . I , I .1 . . tit . 1! - . I I - � . . . I I �r 0�tifig n the artillery of those .days. - � � . 1. oNyerg.. Hands c -w to'tbe 4 1 1 ,'I , . I . . . � . . - , . I . I I toild, donkinioil, but if sb.e * fail' I � I Shelier that the ShannoA brought ' I now only as geograpillol rein,nanis. lt� ft a .0 or - - � � I .. - . V I s ill �1 co'n�eiitlon: with.these. fikuies:, In 1893: iuventlons:.,of a scien.iific, nation,', de- I I f -1 11 They,were provided .,wifh lanc�s and h I cto lifte, .- .. % .*.. , - I . ' , .1.- , . , I � , ' � c:a:pflve.,Chqsapcak&.,'.It was roal I is-.�fioW,r6cfation-of the' 4litenialy ftvYbelffiet� -.-vv (L Cheers.— ; �'.. I � 'ted t I ­­ I'll, ` . " . V .- as a trade. �.' '. - I . an , �0 ­ . - . th go ! ­� madern f%tefri, *au � ,0--- .� V, ­-­ I . . . . . . -sheard'.worked-by-stpam.-An , - M- I tit slio� bas bben 'the means of tran abobro-woie -- ': -,"I rl 0 wal -- , , �i � ..� , �� � - - ­- ,�� - - - ­- ­ - . 11 . 1.11 ­ �­�- , ': ­ - .- - I — 4tden;;Of�ude-PP;W-41!� -_47 hibDke, fortil-tor t4i, '41 -ala, ­,� - ­.. -L =0...­,�.;..L-:.- , . --40:: 6 FIRV ------ �z­­­:­ n, ". ­ 1 .11�11�ii-,ASIIITU 1Yaft"------Q-"W . .. I � - -- ,. __ _ _$_ _ . . . * 1 . I �... . F- V. tw�,� a . a" when. put I I i � Id—ollemot �176 Is I 01 . .. .. .. . . - " : . - -,, 1p -td' Y 1 I i ion. gainst tile �Oa P Water main st etc ) , r; - �T�l �:�� �M---7-�pa-n-.--W&aa there are u y , I ,ix . . ... ­ ,. . , -,* * * .�* . .., ago'th , .1 . . I . , . � . . . . : , . .1 I , 000., Thirty years esme'factorles� "Urily is 'm� baelink: iflumiriated. .t4 arlo . " � ' .1 - ,Pidlv a14 continuously - U I . .4 , ff A, � ... P, it :, w .. , - b��,-I,;Z.*��"26.,4-.,��Ao"-�i-,-..-,;i-�,i ,,- ' �f.'�,­-3X7 . ­­.'��-11­1­, -. 17-17, ­,,-�,,--.�- _F�- ­� -� j—r--­W &A�­,Se�', �,. A��,, ,.1S­,­-­-�f-..- .; . � i�veaeritvly. . , 1. I . ,,',�­"�koa..naiv �-,.a­kk-. I '­X,&Z.­1,--r1W-1e.6V , - . - :�� , I 11.1 - 11 .Vvz,,r ­- � - Z - - . :V. � , 1. . . - are con inuing ifl is wrl - em.p I . .1ah"As. - To'--- ay, Over -"13 . n . , RG � ­ if, IT:* .. 61, 1 .. , I � , r U", ­ I OY f h a _� -1W§!§i&W-,wftiY,­,.&-g1 ­ ;; . . . . Ape o t e. ortress in A Mann r 0 t ? . I erman.3 . �_ i N-AII&I-ed- -mf zmLl �,­, �4�-­=- SL the-Gerftlam;., ..'. I - .,, . , t.r li. . - rat - . . . , I . . .,. " - cut, . an- ything to that gotin its - ­ . . . ­ . I . I . I .O�wl 639 - . I . , :� oi, 3,now. constituted; -it 1� safe to -predict, ,.*- ' - United, Em re L.OyAl, I � I ' front."a milli w' , , ' � I . Road -building has, called' - into,, -this ScOn� fi' e- pirt of veteran Sol- � " ' ' - '..' '�r : iiic ,to -reireat'on the Western 00, m6n,' I . , pi , sts . . . omen . alid, chil .1 , _piece '". ,.; ' . . ' -6'war ,to an endj ' I I . I I .. . . I'— � . . I . � .., I - . � . . 1. " . . � � I I , INlilitary &�p,�rfg diffei, As, , to illair are it work in factories. .In 1880, To- ,Will soon'bring th . ' Follovdil, the capture. of Washipt- WaY� ' . , .. 11 . I . ' , " so' . I . � ' 9-- I .1 , - play all the -ingenuity of p - ; Alers wgs -to get a -lififpse of the reli� - " ` . I . I . , M , -the, snows' of 'A ' eculdt gvll - exibl� i0es . tafionsi, composed -not- only of e.xperiAglougt10iVor, with. wbieh the`h6roi0 , . , , - , . - �ogsibly befo e t,,rnv�,;f j ., ioneor bat � - I � . r�a n4or this'actl6n.:., Sbine claim kid's population s 857,77 A ' -d )r . Ln. . aiiothej: I I . . , yv,a 1� To g, : tonr a *British'grig' and- a' ,transpoft- -- � AP - - ­ -, -- . . I I . wintei� come, to 'Whiten thd 1�iid - - - ­ I . . ' ' that'it is, nA.'%khollir due to 'known'it is 2,295,000, and it ft� closely ad -J ' . .. . . . 'ship -arrived 'at X a wagem'ploy6d, enabling, tbi contriv-a ), eneed British wor1knien, but- of. �.of France'arp carrying on t1jo - , , � . . , 1, . . ,, Halifa - .bearihg , I . -the'lacent suburbs are'in�lpded reachesi Let,,US 'hope go, At 'I . any kirid�of gr6uh4, . . real! armio. I � o Nirgakodss. . The rAilitary loan, at I Cast London, - - ance to 96 ,over I I I . 1. . . . , ., .k 1. . , . number of filgitive'slaves 1roth. . I . pioneers'from .the prairies and moull." W�r. . � . f I 1. -1 I " . , . � -of 4e GeA1 rnly. are :Clever 'millions.' * Iii 1880 Osake" ' I �ee, hag annodneed that ihis.ret,7old- lari to-ma'oeuvreAn any direction. I . I .. I - 0 1 . I . A . � . . . head hn,i ,Afitoe gp . ftia,--whose deso6ndants ' � ­ -'- - ,-, � . , "', ...., .. .. ­ "., ­...� � . I OPI.I-. . . I Ivir; , .�jilj and n . ,jains of Canada4-and­ the -far-Aands of i, � ­ - . ­- �...., .�; . .. . stratdgists' and'.ntiy be caftlij ',out -lation wiis 000,000. To -day it I I _'tloh� in RusisiLt)' Which' pixr'ifleg ,both o colonies on t , I N)t;vitlistandfr.�� thit ibejeW. . ma- Al.jt , I " .?fiibit�o,,p.i6�i'lii�-I'Xiliclles. -, - : � , .. . - . 6.. is 1, .. populiLte negr . he. out- . A:, ( 11 I . ­ ­­.­­- 1. ­­......." ... ralasia a6d.South Africa,.-RoAd- . - . .. . � ' . .. . . I .. -the Govermnent aitd the.,army, ii the .. -Made of. this , I . I I . . 1'. ... ,. a,,Well'thought -but scheine'for kain-,500,000. Iri,188OXagoy�t's�p,pulation.,.. . . �ir , il L." ebirles, gave I There is agrent,r,t,itue t6 aeanni . � . �. t&�Qf .tho� toy I . 111 ' . I _h,.,,_A_ gr pattern. atrickenw-wib-, . . -­...­�--- ,gk -- ­ , " - � . . . ' tever 'was. 0,000 -to- ,ity it is 4t i'li an mora iniportant additio to 'oyei---­---­-- ' J ' --'--- " I � it nding - before. the C4theciral of . j-&vaiitike-.- Wyk , ­ -920, - - -iM � - d - - ­­ - - , �6-1-0,66-. . _ _akCjATgp - I � -- . _r_ aterial isZacarce-in. the-- I ,� . .inff'iii­'iilt1niYb� a , ,grft Kl"10W-W ihe-.C,eh%Yi11--`j)WvVe the PT 4 r . 1. ; . 1. . . . e'motilve it certainly -makes us all'Yokoham "I p9pulatildri In 1889- ­­ 1%hs yet been deliVered, and.sure-, d n . I jr promise o succe sin a sertes o , derness of'No Xar6 leand, bllt,t4o re'. S a . . I � 1 ­:­ ,-i� � . �S,ha , -er e, xh ­ triali, ths5;� ,wire, never . Rb8itfis wbich - - I . ,It . ,J�f td,krio(M� Wet. ime--� aug-thro s I p6pulation-of .Halifax,. ho , --- fage-,of ba,416 often serves the bA ..%% far. eo�aped the .. ' J-1----. , I , -ng � ly oil i if - -.her 1.41plo. I -b-- - 'I 66.4---i6f: pav- -1 4rmaii shells -- In thatowir 6f-Rhaling � - - - - . , * , .e - - , ' , ­­­­ t -0 100Q -gy-ig 4-0%0,0�,-- At- th6- concluslio� -of P�h�e.. -Kvu�cfi­ . Aoorvi d � 0.6 , Army', 4b�. -­ "'.. i, �*, ... ­­­1-%.�1_:_JVpl_:V J�q, s e the AllieA * ha,�i qu;:'10 i*pti ... - I �W 1. ­ ­­­�t­ .--,:j ose Aurinz thezfirst ho * * , . i;. . I q( _ _ _ _ d . �._ - _0;� ' -. ` ------ - - p , urs, of a new .; I . . 1. Ojiulatioh Was, in 1880 about' ' -macy- is -goo Z or any-thiag. e M jacri- wa,re tonstructed now figure, ,611api­` ,� ., . ­­ - � 4 . -i;its of no . retreating,orienlies, and - 6 ii��r -�f'-� ­.­ -­ -'U­'fO' . '�'Ith , other Cbuntr' W.'there Aie few bilt `aoldiers,- I I 100000" rily, the -,aristo aci6s; of 'the . Old' . Y. and the A for r� , i-- e, ..troken riflei, YA. 1, - I V . re ics . . . . -.2& '"' ­ ` ,ay6l `1 W ci, tah Colonies, in -17k3, wben' thousavda ,daf , QA statuo Is - , , .� .the wonderful way- in, w-hich-they-over- . and to--dpy ii 4215,600, Tile rep,4it .� W -and ne-gRiected, among the.. Ii ' " ov � . :0 -kind a#e . . �­ I eldthin .,ails And oc- I � ­ -ffi -Th. -.61i -t �� . go fragi,nents. of o4 "�N.,th,g always �aily decorated , - ­- .-- ,- I., P.- "I n tho Spring itna S , `iXl6Y'a1riUi,-pfii e ng e . dflaw, O.-�Pf�'tli a-rtl IeV -MU'('UM�-"--"'----�"-L'i-CR"s"l'o-na'gkii-Td**�.41rell!�-t lv-6�jhjjt� _ olvers i I � , . .. 4 come the'myriad :obstacle%. thrown in ,these figuresi which tire approkii -it' I .jiiislnj- awayy-sueh -As -feuAal, n 11 � '' I . ' ma e y � Y , , . . . , , , : . . ­ 'birth and c4pitalistic�akictocFacies. A — ,;�..Ow ­�-�- . - - , ". T f their way.by� the devaip-tating army W correct, 'stand'fo�'a ne* order of so- � . , a Winter thdke� c�re ar-' ', '­ . �., .- . ­ ,,t*h,6 jievir�,-Ieft the ,States zctld rcnewed '. . I - . . fail t6 gxplode are uted in thq, foonda- mer-titna,jn-th I'm .1 . ,., .. . � ' ' , I . * . 4!, -; aq !leis .-aristocracy is'-lirising-the ariir, British. aftegianed: in 'N I 6va � ... -�.The-Smallest .21rWs Nebt'.- .� � . . . tift0al' flowers Which have been mad I 1. .. , � ­ their retreat. That promisect "Spring , clety, Japan, *c�nn4 go back shel to�r�cy�'�� i . their . . I . - I . , I ,jnocracy,'ivhere the 'am t )em .. . . tion of.tho new , pathi. The'remains, 0 I., lrive!' no doubt, frightened the Iluns, has antered a race f6r supr6rnacy',from. .-,;Scotia.' -By 11 was.1gid tho-1durida. . 1� I b , the- nl6zi in the treachago-, ..� �. . � I . I '... ,,, . ­, �. 11 ' � pb� �­Pc4lt ..To tfiW � in'O.f .,U 'recently- evadulltOd Village bi,lylg Y And �§dbt '', ". t ., . ' BIB is � '.. .ii . . � . The-mopt ddifibr�'striictujrci built' , I I . : .. .� .p Ittri6r.' away whlcb� .witbdriw:a1 wpuld ,* . oni of. th6.now considerable city of ,. back Ili b000r 'of their patron gafit. - '. � � I .,to%.� on th 11 . bi� & I _0 _ I I I and y 6ifr'a to'git . a mean na- . I I at �'oy to the pioneers, foi that n I * I from th� bas6* of the Allies' big store, tional .extinction a�.;L modern po' -our holiest dev6t;on i.% due. liiv it*',.St, Johli!a, while m4jiY 0 tham sa.110 .ihi5 country by the bill and feet -of gre . � � I . I , - Wer. � 'tUftn's a,tbrilporary,supply at�least Of '40 the FrOn-ch may be ifaid. to, pray tie, ., -1 � R .� . . . 't -All, 0 ­­'­ . - I birds is thq nestinade bi,66 ,rYj,bY-..1 ce . .1 . , Gil., muc r . . . '- - ­ - Aesirv­d Vjr'ok n beidk' drid zton.�., as.-to-fighClor VtCtbrT.--' t-­jq-,&�-7'- ­,­­ . . 0 I ,� t T. I . . I . t' . I . � I I I ­ I -t , i , 1, ------ ­;-­-­-­ `6 `tg 9 -- --OU -All � dt-whidF90T. to -Rbbw that-1a0an,,--'g1*oW alld-thtiv"Ill-4 ,; tk" I" *- ffi-:1TAifAY.-,- .­ -� I � .. -t, . ­ -12 -- well--' . I � 1, .., , I Oi wat -M iltiong Alid b , = . r b . . i - ' - -, � . - . . . �: . . I hroaited'btlmrhih� bird,'gayg I I . millbary authorities ex�i'c ed t; pu�h'wjl .1 ' � .. . � , � I 0iiard from among,the naij .;' � 06rth � : . f . � rious, tO6, that heir allies lio-,v should ­ ' , 1�. � � � . . 01 .. -i-:9- .---- . . .1, . . A Grettt Harbor,,' � -'-' 1. ­ ­ -1- 4.----4�. I., .. , the enemy back over. & wide irea, but , � . -- . -�----1­410- , ­ , - . , I pi , W I . . . I. : I. ­ . . .. . . . I bert Pear.qon.' When coifipldted*`it, is:' . ', ' .. . - . . be the deseeiidants of those sanie Eng. � ,* , , *. �', ! - � I '. -an "sli task.' I %� , .. " . . Dutch'DA!ry. Iii'lCaiii4a. - , " �' ilalffa;� has always been 6%sentialiy searc�ly ,larger than an English wal-�. . . . A OAS 1. 1 lishm . . � I �. I . -liever looked for such ' . . I - . .. . . ' " - .. Wooden'(I'r' . , 1� I eit who bllrh6d Jeanne to death.' ' � I , I I . . , . ' 'But the- 11'reAchmall is t6o'polite t . , . . geadtiful Spring.' - ­ . ,gaddled oh. it ,inial) horizon- ' ' I It '. "grigliA 'It is nevertheless surround- , -,Soltewher�, in No, Afan�s ' Land, ' .1 . . 1 I Th&r prep. redness. seems to 'have , !- Grand Trunk Pacific officiaig say , . I . not I avd is I a� 6 1 . .. �, I . on-, . I Bmb of 'a tree. often -many . feet'. . . I . , � I � ..7 , . done greater work thaij - th.,alr guns " ,.If'one takes the Word of thii aitr' od by We settleftiontv, whieh the car- 0 ode, efogs, I ' mention the fact, and, long, ago he haa I . . , the. that 8 Square mile3 of graiing land. lier Fr(nZb had','e-�wblishvd ,Ili 00 . from tb . I � . . . and military activity.: No doubt. great omtrS or-aimarj4e cora"pilers'16r it, I a ground. It'is,c6mpo,1cd., al-' '. ' I I . I � . ­ . I I � . I �eyond their m0t fiorthern,fj�atioh'ln ;ost"entirely of Eott plant ' fibers, ' .Sllv�ept �)y the ,rain- an(.1, beaten by! forgiven the Eng%;h. for their c�.uelty- I. - I , �. I .. I . iveuts av�, pending ana"nedr at band; Spring began on-Alareli 20,'at 11.30 S`a§k:atAewan has' been ieaSed -tor.' . a .part. of'the'Vy"Orld,- -beginifing ao. corly IT 1. I -th sun! I I ,Tho English trool),4, i0o calutc� the , . 10- - at that '�"�` .; Dutch syndieAte, fok.- a large d iry as 1604,. and � it. Was not until 1710 Viat . . � , et how SMg1l A.'st,Atu' . . I I ,(I.. I , I - * �#, * - , 7 I ! p;m. On that date, and I i I fr9gm P .1� , . a I , I � 'O . ! I I . * .. . I ent'; of' pidt " webs somethna4 W, Lone tiling" a I being used to hold them in sh4pe, The' Pathttic-?. yes, and y . as Of the - girl , ion they pang ,,� , 1, solis. ayinp � British sokereignt� *was deflnitAy ',-at I . 4� . 'the, Governments are Opt h i ,1 poi�ms .entitled � the . .. � 1 103'.4-, . . 1, . 1. i them, and perhaps they are not wholl$ , , I . . . ..(Wng, we hope, with practical effect', IlBeautiful`,Sprin�" may, if they 'd,e- . faiju. Tbisjs supposed to mark' I Up. , , - . � . 0 I orafor side!;, �-uoe thickly Audoea , with: � ' - , . I ., � �, � "I $� . ." . .1sz 0, . fA � beginhitig of a, Dutch col6nk. Thor- � bits of lie�'enj an4 praetiwd, ind"d, is f , Aihong th� many tbousan(.1'6ro. s,: uninflueneed by the ftelings of twe . ,,�,� . .- , - . I . I . I is thie. �ncouraftwent to saving. 6n% sire, mail them to th6 newsp�,per' I Tb� environs 'of llalift% - are tit- J, -­on�! , , i and hope With which the'F X . � ' . , . I I adlata or . a naturally good saver We - Wi I thou " , , -W e P- eye of nion or wonian that can dis- , I . I I I 1 de on . their .U16S ' 11 . . � � I � . . . . a. t violation of .. any . lite 6uglibi* attle from I1011and'are to i lijbtful. -Tba�elty i� �appM f)y,. iti'th I '. I ench pon-* . I . e country �anon. Mut, as a matter Of fae there ace* e first comets. as. -the citaael,'i pictur6sque Uar6 ' . . I . . � . , .r ,*ed movel, anA I Jtnow for a c�rtalilty that th . I rnpani-fii , �, Alo tovier; ting -Will it frOm Z knOt on 6 limb. AW : I � z - Da � . �, . to . . , How ,%, 033t YOU Say'; ut , , 1, 1* � .. ** , .14P 1 . ­ � . people, as,well as the citizens of eities j is but one dependaVe and invariable' foundation i>f ii luture 'herJ. Dairy "anol the Afin, . 4t three-mile toirdo, ig' 1110�911 th� humiriing bird's ne't is ex- � tnall a I .. . 1) pay.! Wd,11(10 if Anoffic miracle' will, be ' , " . .t . .. . I . . -nee ,,,, '.. co�dinglSr.frail, t9ere ' � ., but n, :1 L% I .. . .. . $wrought, an� .she - t X � . . .. and towns, have their bank aecountg,' rule *Sth rtlAtlon to the ebanger In products have b�ewgainingjn ifilport. i �arlied by"Chain Rocli, w�ho is nothing oil re. . ay! ' * will qgaitl place liar-- , � - . I I e I . . I � ) I ' . *d who'Ca'anot-bee. for I self at 011' -head 6f`A victorious French and Cftn�dlatl ebildreA 'are bain� urged seftedna that, is now - Impendin wiee, and th� egtablishmefit of the ln'� boom uped fa be - 4retched, with , a ' eord to vli;jiv th�tarjy groat nuMber of To d fnfr Mal I I . ., ­ � , ­ - -dustry north -of the,wheat'Und".howatj ­ , . -". -- Tl-- ­­#,� - .- ­...­­ . . 4 .. -. . , . , - - -.1 ;in rorde . . . I �Ty set leis I gate mooro . '- teat� . .----. I . arml1r; :11 --.I'-----,— ­­ -- - ------ .. - , to de-posittheir pennibsin the. Veiny inany lahoo.- 'Pion ris';­ - f� Irl d, - Ins3fille-o' to' repd the .1. It to-g,rierduiling tbe'�uilliaer '. . . . �' ' . . .. , � rairw. It k�, howover; -not c0led upon. . . 0—, . , .. . un ry in the . ' theposaillilitleg; of iblo eo t "" , , ,Tho flazli,of spring upon- tile 'ha;.�.. -;­�, , . I Banks.. An enthoslaa remarks that 'Old-timers," life4 li 0 servers, pe6- ­ 0.� , I 1. . ", , , , , M a . ' :1 � . .1 "I I , , ­7� . I � '* I I . I 111V6 have In Canada it virilb V6pula. ple of wide' - , rieneo and [so " ol, future. , I , . -z -Up �i( I jborn. s3pray, ',, . ,: - 11 I I. I . I . , I " 0 , I � ­,� I 11 0. �­,' ­ ... I I -The"hartkoi is :n&or 6i �4�by' id,po� c for a long 44T 4. Of Ge( 511. Witll,� � . wooden, Moen; � " - I tion not yet omaseulatati by liticuriouN have now v6ty e oirtill, . come to; 40 - 1. . d the , ,pro( f ; 9 It,, invans lhe tragle -ilal�lp?rring, of � -011. I . . I, , " � I I � I . illn dovelo ?ht'of th� I,Zrt � as' in' a mofitil after the; two Whitt, pgg�. I . the.y(, 1. I I I - � I . account,of .'the high piieo of ,� �' . - pre. eonelosion 1hat, Uroilg out A'w�do � , � - WOWen of Britain. � . -Anv � .. -` ails, . ." . I ', Sabot� -,kwooden shod%,. are' . I effeminuey." True, Our climate 11 . P1 � ed by, the - Dominiori GOV4,rri- " Ard, Ini'l t�e ,young, depart 'on , tkir . � ... ' . , digp6qe . a., to aetivityl wl� have iew, Arob of Caiiiada, at lel I i, � ting. d . I ' m6nts. looliA.'0 one of the jarg .' finj plijong, 7f;Ug birdathat -pequiro � � . .. CU14611 - Scollard, j!0ath0l qt ot I I .'I' .1 $ To smA6 in tho hour of Porraivt ' Ott . .1 In Auch dinignd in England. til,it an � -1L, 14YA nfli "- pjjjr� unitft4le g -,:- � � I 4 . . nma�jjg us. with volossal JoVtfinds.; not tiot-artivo until -the ear Tobop� tvhon the sk7is groy, . . ., centres , - iot ' watt,r , traril- hipm6-a tin ,, a" loi;�er prAost ftyr - growtir fmfore­ , , — English film has had to declino a j3ejr , ,� � ' Whn i c t a I I m W ecan. n )ln*. ! leaving tho n&` nre,furnishe � of uAlly � 1,111, history of Aj)vsaillia datas 4 ;Mor for oile lairdred thoagaiij I � do vm op thd -other hand.., show the velVsbapead, *fid tba 0. 6-06wtliot� its To, itlist In God for tho, orro this Ode of the 0, ,�, r�! Kian p'ovorty of �many Other mntrlok The tothilig hfay be deltye ,. ' - . , .When the moll have alar& v,ono)tq ' I 'v,,ith wvwc frai"rind ahidingrpla(4s, ln,� far ball;. : 110140 ('11rist th& e0unt pair8. .. . d gt,vay. pjoj6d. thega linpro . %I# i4 find I ry! Tt­ inill woriors and 'itle - I I ' ..­-­­­+­--" ' L , . . V�avjng instifiet, thouP,b, Is bOt As, ­ . To sheit thait tears in meret - �, � Ifalifas P'4 flu- plima-� 41 the, riorid " jhe� "ac'�#, ,,;f 1,*v U14 car'�P, t;jr,) yf�")'J;,� f"Ift.g.d; tj:0 "f tbo, of seh"A (.1jildr, &a1lT . I . I . . , I . � , r � , 4%,-:iwt mahOy jo, ".11,01alking h. .0 � I � , I I strang as it.15 in, say, France, and '86,�jtnt# 'of anadian , trarp,�C(jnf 040, tit -0 , n­iD'w,)Y (if vJIA'a, 11�0 rt's. 'P.y.rj.*,!A 4ioy 0", 1;41 �,;;.il. , Tile �11 WM Worn In cailier - ,an ladies are .pearo"cAl To mine though A6, 4A4048,inil, 1� C - 0111"M 1,f '14110'a waq tho i4oga. that ,� *Uropc I - it . 20�("w .-Me tftlatbipi;;,,-i�t. i"Aa 4n, 1*g�wky, �.,#,Fi,x t$Z4, v P�,i- t *'j,"'eta, %kj!, , � 1, . g()nje otber L 'An cowltrie's, but it the,ulilk-d X'Ingdolft in their Own . tiah 6 And *Ives of Britain, . . I. � . I ,fil. A�,�­�,,t ill, t;- if N', (Afid 110, hhmm 6f tillif-9. Those for children costr aboM. �, � . I is gr6wing as the tgeordi 4061-rightt I . It 1.11'e gitateat litttlo of alL, , 1, tendel"' 0 r.paxrgnbre illat ("'alladlan"ATUtf,wo is vlo,'A.!'�'(I. .1 41,,�0,1�-n�`& #41W i1ppeent frc ) . .. ­ I . I . I I , � . . 111, IM, 8eYentY-fiV0'c0ntq a pair, " , , , , I � I I I � - - I � I , , I I ! I I i. � , I I - , "I 4 1 1 - I- � I - , I I I 11 1 1 I. 11 nc"4 "� I I 'y U: ' S � chal aaF I � I., I I I L I - � � I � I , -1 , I I", I . . � , . 'I , ,�, .. I I . '� . . . , . . '. �. I �, I . .. . I . . I . . ".. . I . . + . . . I I 1. . 0 . I . � I 11 4 . , I � . I . I .. . I. I I � . I � . . I I , I I I I I . � . .11 I . I I . ,� I. I . . , I , . .I .1 � . . L � 1. . . + . I � . . I I . A 11 I I .. . I . L . I . . I 1. I . . -1 . . . -, . I . � 1, 1. � I '. . I . , I . . . .L I . I � � . I 1. . I � I . ­ . . I I I . I I. . 1. 4 . � .. . . 1. . . I , . . ­ 1. 0 1 1 1 � � . ­ . I � I .0 11 . . . . I ,� I �, . , � I I 11. . I . I � . 11 I . 0 I. . . I I . �,, � I I I 1. � � I . . I Q I ­ . �11 I I. I .L. f . . 11 N�� �. � � � . . I . . . . I - � -1 1 ", . r!