HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-19, Page 5r'
.14.41044. Y AptciAalbh, kw?
&mow /87211
4+400104 $6.000,000
• capitol Pad -up. • $3404000
•Surplus, • • • • • $3,50:0,900
The. Things Worth While
are usually acquired by the matt with a bank account.
TI l 1100 Wags of life seldom come to those who,
have nothing..
The Bank of Hamilton affords a con-
venient and safe- method of acquiring ,
• capital.
Start a savings account to -day..
wcnriow RRANCli
J. Glenniet Manager.•,
TIMOTI-11( AND CLOVER SEED• Bed, Malice, Alfalfa, Sweet •and Mammoth CloverAll govern.
•anent standard grades..
• Deering Cultivating and Seeding Machines
• ARROWS—Disc, Drag, Cover. and Spring Tooth. • PLOWS-'-
ViTalking and Two Wheeled Sulky. CULTIVAIORT-41pring "
o' and Stiff Tooth. ILLS—[too, Disc and Fertilizer. .
Homestead FertilizerS-4hese are manufactured from
minerals by 45 large factories throughout the United States and
are claimed to be •the best brands of 'fertilizer made in Ainerica.
Order. eddy and secure your supAy.
Andrew rianiont, of they townshiP,
funs sad; • over 4011} buskliLsof 0. A. Cf.
N. 7 oats for seed this fieRS911. at.
11.00 per bushel.
Mr. T. J. MeVan. of Wing -
Wain, ropoits that there are 624 dwell.
ing houses in the town, rut' that the
population is 267,3. '
A rick shower for the 1118p Batt
' held at Clinton. on the day of the
annual Spring Show proved suece8sful
beyond espectitions. ' 436 pairs of
socks were broug'it m by the valious
women's organizations.
ii: pretty April wedding took place
at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Win
BobePtson, Wingliato, at high noon on
Wed;aesdaY of lass week, when their
daughter. Miss A lune Reid Robectssin .
joined in wedleck with Mr. Geo.
II. Ter.mitt$ •of Turnberry. Bev.0
Perry officiated. .
'-'Mrs Win.. ,oitoheson, of Winghami
received word last week that her son,
• Pte., Wallace Aitelleson, had been SO-
• 1'0144 Wounded in France. He was
• member of :tbe 151st. and had been in
France for a few months. An older
son, Lachlan, died of.wounds received
at the front over a year ago, and a
youuger sou, Lorne; left for overseas a
few vveeks since.
Bervie •
—Monday, April 16.
'Wilbert Blackwell is spending his
vacation at his home here;
Pte. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt arrived'
home from London last Friday. .
Mr. ,Tas: Webster is .visiting in Wing.
ham and Guelph fer a few. days.
Mr. Wm Peterbaugh delivered a team
Fofrhdoarys.esto. UowardaYoungLucknoywbbujityeecri on omMeoonf-
• his acquaintances around: Ifervie last
Miss Viola Blackwell apent a couple
• of days in Wingliain with Mrt.ancl Mrs.
Jobe Melva. - • ' ,
We are glad to report that Mrs. Henry
Hildted is recovering after her accident
of a couple of weeks ago.
• M. O. G. Lawson is in S. Thomas
•, this week trying some/ Of his: exanuna-
• tions. We wish him success.
The District Representative's Office is
now. a Farm Labour .Bureau
. • •
!'; •• Ontario GOerament Public 4iplpyment Bureaux
Cro be carefully filled ht. clipped out aid niailed't your District 1Ftepiesentative as per addresibelew.)
'What is your nearest railway station? •
Acres In farm
. •
• Whit- kiud of farming praeticed?
• • •
MiXed •94
• Mark (X) lifter help required ' •
• '
SHORT PERIOD MN (thrOs to slic weeks) • 7 •, •
. ,
SINGI.E. MEN (two to sitt months). . .
lESperieneed (Plough. Milk. etc.) .. . . , .... ... . . ....., ... . .... . .. . . . ..... '
' . :. -_*yexperienced (handle 1-10•Sel) .. .....
1 .... .... .. . . ..:;.......tt..?..',
• inexperience& .......... . ... . . . , . .. . ., .. ..... . .. ..... .:. . ,.....! . . . . . , .. ., .. . .. ......
' • High School boys: . . . . .. .. . ,. . .... .. . ... . .... . . . . . . i....,. .. . . ..... ..... .... . . . ,
wage. --Including Board; Lodgitts Mid Washini..' - •
. 'S.... .... . ... . . ". . . . . . . ...... ........
. -
Letil'ith of time help is required .
• , . • • • „ -
Perth; eiperieneed •
• . .
' • .• •
5.4001 boys . .
Wages -Including Boaid,.1..odging.and 'Washing.
inoritha. from •
All engagements subject to two weeks' trial with wages, undl'ailwaYlfare'' .11-.4"Ince#°-
Ass .. .... ........
• •
Ojai& Government Pnblie Employment Bonatts. Form 11A.
• . •
' .
. • ' • '
• •
4-4, • ;
hq .
its to use Heip ;H
••• ,
The 'Empire must be ; Where isthe.Labojr-
Fed-Or we lose this'War- coming from? `Preri*here:
' As the District Bepreientative of
the Department'. of Agriculture 1 have
orders to do my utmost, amongst other
duties, to encourage production of Farm
Products and particularly .to assist in
securing a supply of farm labour.:
BY ti.systeti, I report on.hoth the
available supply of labour and the local
demand. If the demand exceeds the
local supply 1 have the whole Province
to draw on, through the Ontario Gov-
• ernment.. Public Employment Bureaux
which I- represent in this District, and 1
• will do my utmost to see that my District
. is supplied.
1 am satisfied' that if the farmers
in my District who are anxious to a a.
patriotic duty and take advantage of
the strong demand there is and .
Will be, for every pound of food
stuff that Can be produced—
want or will use the avail.
• able labour, they can get4
good help by filling in,
clipping out and mail -
big the abovea
on. 'But YOU should
do it today.
•• The Mother.'
Witt sorely.
needs t00&
- Iti streaming in to tto froot–oII
quarters. Thanks to the deep interest
shown by the Departnientof Agriculture,
•the Public Employment Bureaux, the
• Organization of Resources Committee,
Boards of Trade, etc., a sweeping cam. '
paign has been carried on in the Cities,
Towns, etc.., to arouse the people to si.
sense of the duty they owe to the Farmer
• . and to thernselves to place hand and
•mina in readiness for a call to work
on the land this season,•
*High School boys, retired farMers,
teamsters, warehousemen and business
men in thousands, preferably' those who
were raised on faros, al e 13eing.lined up.
• • •
• We are bikini great care to impress on
them that this means Work -not a holiday—
and they will all understand this therm's*.
, In most cities the workers will be &anat.
ed• by fine patriotic motives, ready to
Work and work herd.•
eat of Agriculture
• _This is a sincere endeavor to.
co•opertite • with the • fanners
to fitcrease food production.
We know you Fanner. will do
your part.
•• Our bort at th,
Prom mutt, not
go hungrr. ' '
:" • '
:rah LAACAN,QW 414AfTlt4W".
.1t,..•.5.,;%%:,,, r p
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10,411;ik at:1144, • ,
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Vt 1 t-
Z.4.7 0›.,,....
. -.1,....4%11143%11;r4 e4,4 .,,.. ,,,Tili,‘-,..1404:Dfitt-,r,zet$1; .b•i'r;•,*tillirei•A'
.:t•eiL: t ..-Je,-,62 ...-- ,,....:,:.. 4.r.,.k.low,Ni&rti,--6• i.
tar To City, Town and Villap Dwellers n& orgarfa.
eei3 hensthis Year
COand poilltry prices;the like of which have seldom
or never been experienced, certainly make it worth
anyone' s while to start keeping hens. By doing so '
you have fresh 'eggs at.the most trifling cost. At the same
timeyOtl have the splendid satisfaction pf knowing that
you are doing something towards helping Britain;Canada
and the Allies achieve .victory this ye.ax. • •
Increased production of food hel,s not only to lower
-the high cost of living, but it belps to increase the
urgently needed surplus of Canada's food for export.
It saves money otherwise spent' for eggs and poultry •
at high prices, and saves the labor of others whose
. effort is needed for snore vital war work.'
The Ontario Department of Agriculture will give
every possible' assistance bY affording information about °'
poultry keeping. Write for free btilletirt which tells how
to keep hendladdress below).
• "A vegetable garden
for every home" •
Nothing should be overlookeditt this vitalyear of the
war. The DeParqment earnestly invites everyone to help
increase production, by .growing vegetables. • Even the
smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro-
duces a, surprising amount of vegetables. Ztperie.nce is°
not essential. •
• On request the Department of Agriculture Will send
valuable literature, free (if charge, giving complete direc-
tions for preparing soil, planting, cultivation, etc.: 'A plan
of a vegetable garden,'.indicating Suitable crop to grow,
best varieties and their, arrangement in the garden,*ffl
be se.nt free to.any: address:
Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign;'' •
Depaitrilenti of Agriculture, Parliament
• Buildings, Toronto • , .
• thitario DE...gartnierit of Agriculture
• W H. Hermit, Minister of .gkg ricultura
Parliarneht •'c'toronto71i
Wis underattiodikat Mrs. -Graham' is'
thinking of leaving our village to . reside
in Kincardine:We shall be sorry to
see her leave Bervie.'
, •
Mr.' Lewis, piano tuner, spent a few
busydays around Bervie I:astgreek.
tkemiisia:boxet.in'our vicinity were*.ei9
opined and new there is iamb more bar-
We were glad to see our friend .from
Millartoii resureing his re.gular -trips
again a weelr br se ago. • He saysthe
echd6 of wedding tells around his burg
are making hun leel badly.. •
• In 'state of the bad condition of the
roads at ;present the.- Red Cress worker'
'are baying a very basy spring. he reg.
ular weekly meetings aro well attended,
and Much work is done Last Thursday
lunch was served by Mis 4, Geddes and
Mrs. G. Fair. . • "• •
All tbe "popular" and much undesired
disease& found ia s. family medical book
have been spreading in our community
this:spring. We are sorry to report
that the latest of these to be recorded
•"Mtpups", a disease that is makingsome
of our Young people unpreseatable for a.
few Weeks. •• • • • •
• . , •
Angixa Sinieson, Sarnia, Ontario, saysi..
•' hive used homestead Bcne Black
Fertilizer and want tc tell you that it is
the best fertilizer I ever used, both on
y-oaionkbeeta-andpots toes.
"I purchased Homestead • Fertilizer
from H. Hamlyn, Lambeth, merely as a
test The results were, wonderful. The
ground between they was covered
by the tops. The'yield wail extra good:
I can easily see how anybody would be
.,greatly betefitted by .using Homestead
,The Mosseau Belle Ri fel% Ont, says
used Homestead' Bone 'Black
tilizer last Spring on my potatoeS; add
tor la) well'pleasad that ktaust write you
about same. ;I made a thorough te.
.with two bushels of seed,, potatoes.' They
produced forty bushels and where I did
dot fertilize they were Wiailure "•
Clarence Ralf; Orwell, -Ontario, says:
•, bought' some Homestead Bone
Black Fortiliva from Charles Millard,
and• used,it on part of my onions. Where
1 used it, had three times the crop I
had where there was no Fertilinr. My
corn was th(esanie.0 •
Write Michigan Carbon .Works, De-
troit, for. ftee book, and particulars about
their Homestead Bone Black Fertigzer,
or apply to. W. G. Aniiraw, Luchnow,
local agent
03, I .
—Ilon4a3i; April lo.
Miss L. G. Welsh is suffering with a
edWIro attatic of 1,011dilitIS.
• the. O. M. Rutherford and little Jean
left ori, Wednesday for a tliree months'
visit with friends in /IOW York. •
The membets of the Pine Rivet (Moir
were entertamed at the hoine of Mr. and
Milt Wolter Walden on Ttosday even*
All repbrt ati onjoyableUnie.
The Members of the W. lo M, K. met
on Titessisly afternoon in the Ohara.
q ere 'were given by Mrs. Win.
Alra. PeterlteaVie attelMtat John iteid'
•• Made Well By Pelicieue Vinol
•Bellefontaine, blood was
very peer—I was in a weak, nerVolle,
run-down • eimilition. , -I tried different
remedies without benefit and one day •
• my druggist told ' the about VinoL I
tried it-. and it built me up in every way •
•.•-•blood, strength and nervesand I tell
my frienda it is.,the best medicine 'On
earth." -Mrs. Emu; Bsurniort •• ;
• '
Vinol sharpens .the' appetite, ' aids
digestion, enriches the blood and in
this natural manner deates Strength:
Complete formula on every
. • • -
• • ' '
. , • •
Arrangements were made for the' dele-
gates going to the Presbyterial in Brus-
'A concert wa&given dnder the auspices
ef,St..:Luke's Church on Friday •evening'
in the Woodmen's Hall. • The, „program
was chiefly mnifeal; • .11,1 aster- Chester •
McLeod captivated theiudience with
his witty recitations. • A quilt was do-
nated "and sold, Mr. Robert Wilson be-
ing the lucky bidder. The total pro-
ceeds amounted •to $60. '
• ....• .• Holyrood• •
• •
.• •
• • '-Monday, Apul i6'
r • • •
Abner Ackert spent the week -end •in
-Toronto —
riareolrwin and `sons ITA rented
ous-e Cleaning Time
Ts near 'athalid; Wc h.00-0, :pod'
• supply of necessaries on hand. •• •
A•Good Carpet Sweeper or
Vacuum Cleaner makes
work easier. Prices $2.75,
Yarntsh foss
.h0r11.0•0 flaws. tit,
0 -Cedar Mops and Polishes
,Wall Paper Cleaner, 1$c. per can.
Try our Linoleum Varnish--Atlade
ACII•• especially for Linoleum. •
,y • • .
If Your Plaster is Broken and Needs
Repairing we have PULPSTONE, a prepared
Plaster which :any one can easily apply.
A .Fresh Car 44 Portland Cement on hand.
• The Store Where Your Money OoeS Farthest ,
; •
The 1917 Ford' Runabout, $475.00
-f. o. b. Ford, 011T. 6
The Ford Runabout is the car .for you if you
have to cover a lot of ground through business or
other necessity. , '
It finds particular favor because it can give
constant, service, if .necessary, without annoying
stops for tinkering or attention. It saves yollr
time; keeps down the gasoline expense with a min,:f.
imum wear on. tires. It is the readiest aid'i busy
man can have. •
. • We invite you ,to try'. the Runabout at. once,
So that we can book rucoMer.early.
„ 11111
• . • •
, Mrs. Almer Ackert spent Sunday with • • •
J. 11, Ackert, Lucknow.* , • •
Mr and„Mrs.. M. Irwin spent Sanday
at Will Hodgins, Westford,
Mrs. Geo. Harrison and talia, spent
the holidays' with relatives here,
• J. W, Hanes hes arrived'back from
homas Henny hiti returned lioine
fterspenclinta Week with It Hamilton
at Ethel, •. • ••• '•
Misses Alets and Irene Harper,- (roil
Lucknow, spent tho Easter holidays Witb.
friends here. •. 1•
Miss Jean McIntosh returned to. At
wood on Satnrclay. after spending the
holidays atzhet.hintif3. •
/VIrs11 kantosh and Miss Itatheyri
were in Chesley last Week attending the
funeral of the former's niece, Miss Nellie'
•$21 Up •
• pit aniyintactOng
Notice to Creditors
in the matter of the Estate of Edwin H. •
• Percyjate of the Township of Kin-
in•the County -of Bruce,•
Farmer, deceased. •• •,
Notice is hereby given, pursuant t� the Bo
vied Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Ohapter121,
and arnendruents thereto, that all persons My -
Jim elaints againAt, the estate of Utiwin 11.
Penn,, who died, on or about the 27th day of
ebruary, 1917. a% reqttlred on or before- the
28th day Of May, 1217, to send post prepaid or
Alolivor 44--tbk. Executor.- Bolyreod
P. O. er ib their attorney, J. K. ?radon.
Toeswater P. 0.eof and under the last will and
teetOtt Mit Of 00 Ortid neceoaa, tome c
and sunamed, addresses and rleseriptiona the
' full parthhtlars111 writlfit under oath Of their
end OffaeM01161 Of their Olainui and WO
natere of the Securities (if any) held ast thbal,
and that AftOr thq said date the blidlenters win
itteed to'dirtiihiito tbn acr,et o thoSaid'
lee0aedamong tho. patina entitled thereto,
havin r and only to the claims which the
t ten tow had nOttee, and that thOP I
not bo liable for the sid, AgtOtg or any part
thereof to any Perg011 Of W110(40 chain they shall
not then' have resolved notlea
Dated the ,l7t11 day of April, Mt,
• . Vi t•I A PR,Itar 1
• WAVT14111i0DOM
By *it at.ornoy. J. K.410.TAAN.
. •
01u -tibia
Torday Columbia Leads."
a, 0
•• • . •
; • .
Dr. - Spence .
.• • nce sot Luci‘now.
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