HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-12, Page 8•.��777;er
4 IA ...u/44,4:44 *I AistruAttbil-
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Men's New Spring Suits
NOUGHTS OF SPRING suggests to the young pian thoughts
of a New Suit. To all those we suggest to turn your
thoughts in the Airection of our samples fora Made -to.
Order Salt by The Lowndes G , . of Toronto, who rrake,the �famous .
20th Century Brand ; or.by the W. Sanford Co., of Hamilton,
makers of the Sovereign rand. We are showing a- fine range of
sample worsteds, Serges and' Tweeds to select from. You.'ll find
the styles up-to-date, the .paaterns new and the quality good and
,a fit guaranteed. •
Those who desire a Ready -to -Wear Suit will find herea large.
range of neat styles of good wearing materials at ,very reasonable
prices See our values at $12 $15, $18 and $20
Youts' and; Boys' Suits
The a yerage boy always feels better and bigger in a new suit. Many
of the new models are mad e in Norfolk styles with pinch back effects
and are 'certainly neat and nobby suits. Our range , will appeal to
you`as to style, quality and price. Seeour range in grey, brown and.
blue shades at prices- 4.00. 6.00, 7.50, 8.50, 10.00 And $12,000.
PANTS ,AND VESTS..—Boys' Pants inAki.onier styles: and
Men's Tweed Pants and Plain and Fancy yetits.
Mri!-Y•MMiill �.-W .•.'�.'Mc'isi.0 Y --F - _._ . .), 4W'.+Mwr+++•.M++•.� .:.+f +ryT '�iir�h+..'b.Y H-x,w ..�..
There's the FLAVOR of the World's ihest whe.ot. in the
bread and pastry made from
ftra, FL1113
Also makes
More Bread a rui fetter Bread
Westford .`
(# 'pecial ,Cot espondence); •
,. :-Monday, April 9.
MTS. Dttdley, •o( Toronto, is spending
Easter. with 4r,, farther, M S, Haliienby:'
We are glad to hear thatt;hose of our
settlement who 'bave .been -under the
doctor's ordera'are'iiuproving. ,..
• :'Wilbert; •Haldenli'y, 'wiio ; has been
tabbing in Simeon' County, is stiending
his vacation under the parenial.roof.
Phone No, 10 is at Your Serv.icc
We Skil for•.Casb=;We. 'Sell' CheaP
er. than The Credit -Steres
t,..164,'`, ,.'1 ', .. �� i3 .A'71...+�t(.' •.. l we' w IN
i • f .., ?-! 11' .••, ar1t g:mit.,';R��:j! 4.'' '� '�awin lif itto =rSp� �.
y. .4 > :: 9'11 .' 01:--4'• • •• r, o.. • f., .: f f �i rr 1, ;li
- ' 4`•i v .l,ll !!1t1111
l.`...op'.... i.�Ari' t-ll'e•�,0 i 0 �„•aroll-•L = !11JIEL'€iE
r�+iiVO4l • ;J�! .:.go
.+wl :t1. A70o•c, "'ems,.iQr _ -
• 'tea .r.' .. --,-z-o-a��Iai' �tr!Q, 38'
¶ The people who read the magazines know that to -day
man a chicken f
armof small dimensions pays large
dividends, The day of allowing fowl w
g tax ander all over
the farnx is past They do bettera -
P and.... give better re
turns,if they are dosed in a yard''of reasonable ro or-
tions. • We have Poultry Netting, all widths, .: from.' /8;
to 72 .inches, and at a reasonable price.
Ladies ' 'Try'a Can of our.FI,AXOAP
To clean your dpors; woodwork or furnittire. It is a
pure linseed oil 'soap 'and *lathers 'freely in hot or cold,
water, It contains no alkali' and can . be used on the
finest fabrics without fear of injury.. Itis nnanufacturd
by the pherw iit'Williams Paint which in itself is 'a
guarantee of quality.
The Luck ow Hardaie& Coal C ►
- tavoRE Tun .NEVER DISAPPl1N'E9'
CIiev►eiet d Coiled Wire Sherwin Winiama .Paint
licynla iieeestsai ,ss re . .Aate,me tltooriZe
Try a Sack of Charcoal for your Hogs
• Archie: Cain ptiell, our teaoher; left for
'his home=in Walkerton on Thursday of
•rte .
last week..
Milton Donald, 'oho 'Murray, O.
encCc Balileaby. and )=Toward Haldenby'
h ve taken the wearer') fiver' and have
departed for:that: 'con otrt..:; ',:'
What; has. been., known teik tothe ''s jr
rou'tiding country for.ovet a'in:titer of a:
century: as .Westford is new Only. a: mem.,
ors e,f ther.past.'as'the first (.1f March. fast
+,aw .th�Y cite ; n�.. of :t!ae. p4r.st_ c�fiia e . frotYr•
Winch rt cletived lea rlatne.'.. Ruta' ;mail
and rural iele'phane s wrvrce bear w.-itness
of, the'':progrese, of time, and :,hydro.
electrir is all that is. rcq tired . tcr" ,nduce-
av' ti)lk.tcthi':rin.;n.fr• hi ,,"tell 'ono
riech• l.i ui� rncl 'ewl;'In tc'e1'fy sit ';cirri
itit.taar .. '.
`Bel ie
—Monday,: April:9.
:Miss Edna Stue eon'$ peat a few days
at•Mr.;Jas: Arnold's.
Miss Maude18 .Alexander,'of•-Tiverton, holidy8:�a rn urBeryie,.-_s_ _ _ .
Born.—On Sunday,"April; 1, to, Mr.
and Mrs Wes, Thompson,_. a'rron.'.
Miss Lulu Blackwell arrived home on•.
Saturday after spending a few monthe:in
Torose, '
Miss-W%unie Tait-iecentl'y+ spentra:few:
d1 "''tin' ih `sou fh' rue yr rain s'.
41; Armstrong.. -
Mr.. Harold Lawson, 'o£' London, Is
;.'spending the,'Easter"vacation With Mr.
Guest. Duncan- G
•Miss Mabel, Hewitt, :of •Millarthq,.
visited hereousrn, Miss Vera Hildred,
for a few 'days recently. • •
:Mr..and' lrs` •-Chas.'-Stevensod of -De;
troit,` spent the week`end at the •home
of Mc. Samuel McComb.
'� Tiev, •sand Mrs...-WilharnaTrektuoed;
home on,Fridaty';after spending a few
days in Lambeth' and. London. .
Mrs, Thompson and two daughters
returned to Dakota , last week after
•spendiug.a fewweeks at Henry Terrier's.'
School has closed for the Easter vacs,
tion. Miss . Barber, our village Peda
aogue;.is, spending her holidays at .her
liome•rn Tara. • :
• On Sunday 'night the service in the.
Methodist Church .was taken by Mr.
Harold Lawson, of, London.. A. • very
impressive discourse'• was, .delivered on
the subject of "Easter 'Itevelationa".
'Specie Easter music was provided by
the choir and a duet was sung by Mrs.
'Williams and Miss Vera Hildred
Eighth Con., ,inloSS•
—Monday, April 9.
tdtntan measles are 'very prevalent in
the burg at present,` •
141r.. ltobt. + litc tt, sr„, and. Mtsa Edna_'
spent Sunday with. Huron friends.
711r. and Mrs. Aylmer Aeltett spent
Sunday with her father, Vitus. Elliott.
Mrs, Peter Campbell, of Ripley, spent
last week tet Mrs, It, Culbertr's, loth -con,
Miss Ethel Ellison spent the week-ena
with her sister, bliss' Patrice, of the; Oth.
Mrs, John, S.• Culbert spent the tiveak
end with her mater, Mrs. John Camp,
.be11, of ,t molt. w ;
--Moad4y, April 9.
Rertry Campbell hilts, been ou the flick
hat for the pitch week.
Rate. Mr. Kelley addresaed thy W.X.
a on Sunday eftsrmuoa.
Wut. Borden, of Toronto, is spending
the Easter holidays at his borne op' the
Victor end Bliss Irene Bridge,of the
South Line, spent Sunday at W. C.
Mira 1~S. J. MaoI Yn,b, of the South
Liar, is spendiug the holidays at her
Monts on tine god,
Mrs. Win flirringten aruI Mrs. Maury
Ann Meek spent a few tlayfs with relate
titres iu Wiaghaani.
Mr and Mr*. Cyril Campbell and Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Alton, of Lanes, spent
Sundtiay on the gad.
Eiger 8oulston, of Victoria, .College,
Toronto, is spending the holidays with
tris parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston l•Irzui
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walden enter=
gotiteA.? A'lt) Air�Qx �y
tained the uenabers of the choir and
Young Merl'. Bible Glass Wedueaclayl
evening of last week.
9 _
M day, April 9.
We mita the familiar face of Torn Isit
now, he having gong West over a week
Mr. LyleMeDiarnnd, who has been
home here for a few days, returned to
Detroit on Saturday.
Mr. and. Mrs. Robt, Struthers are re•
ilicing at the advent of s Hue, heftltby
baby boy into the fatally.
Mr "Wellington Henderson took lat.
prize at Clinton Show last week with w
span of black Percherou wary.
Wellington Henderson in moving into
town that week. We understand , that
his; brother John isgoing to work the
One of our enterprising' fernier* hired
a Mau' for the season. The ,rime man
hired with annther farmer 4 short die -
fence away. We presume be will work
for one in, the daytime RA the otbe' at
night, rn',brder to increase production,
¢..: _ IDA G: �iRDNEk,
a-lonn.n-sintn�rn `deot-earisone
,� _.�••• +,.:LF! -':u . i.*e:vJxJ:,"r: ` �&iiYR`Mw. .iu?-F •:: : Y ..>a:weS., Y!..•�fW.a�a..'.x...F:x�iG[rr..�:. ✓ma.+x)n.nr>tr im'.rU: �4uTAK%+s�:Ns.��-':�i.:-w'Baa.�za:.�L•.avikP.?I^4.•wS:F...M*(=.F«.=r✓:IeT.....-.aMv....^a,'xk6o-.[OCkPu-•.,L'v.[±�elki<-r:':uU�-Y
-On•Frida March oth- Ida' Gardner,: of -New -,York stood on the stage '- _
Yr 3 . r. t' steed g� of�Carn��gi� Hall ... ' .
beside Thomas A.Fdison's. new •inve tbnand sang in direct comparison sotwith Edisoxl s Re -
Creation of her •glorions voice.' From -time to titne •she' patlsecl, and , the ,audience confessed '
that it had to watch Miss Gardner's lips to ,tell when 'she was 'sial in.'arid `when she a
• • In. other' words, Ediison''s new r,;
nod,, art Re-bra*ates Miss Gardner's 'brilliant �roice 'with sitol___..
absolute' perfection thatone is indistinguishable, from the other:
' "Edison Snares :'oul of Music—Mahotngary Prima
• Donna and Gardner Sing as One on Concert Stage-' Voice
Blending Startles hearers. Milts Gardner stepped forward,
and leaning one arm. affectionately on the phonograph, be-
gan to sing "Sweet Geneve". The phonograph also be-
gan to sing' whir eyractiy the, same ntanwtioii It is 11 -
est triutnph of,]Rdison. The fas:nation for .the audience.
.lap in guessing :_whether_ Mist} Gardner or the plaouograph
was at worker or whether they were singing together.''
• "The 'never inbtrntnent will reproduce the human voile
• ' Do,yoti realize that this •astoithding test . marks the'birth, of a new art? Thomas A.
• Edison has solved a :secret of acoustics unknown to. others., .
perfectly, with npne„ofthe metallic sounds and confusion
that eotne Iroin the ordinary phonograplt,J:'
''Miss Ida Gardner,of;the'Metropoliten opera Haase,
atgl Thomas A. Zadsson!s new lihottograpbhoth sang: They
sa4g a few rneastirea ill unison, then the singer ce d,. but'
,her beautiful voie& continued to fill the hall. Ag $in ' she
joined her voice with its phonographic tte=Creatin .and •
•again great silent. The ear coutd'nPottell *Lien it was lis
tening to the'pttottograpb atone, and when 'to tietthil voice
apj ,..production together."
aid hear•'eitamiples of this new art. Hear
.Edisoii's i<te-Creation of'_the Voices. 'of Rap-
pold, Destinii, Matzenauer, Heinrich, Case,
Delnai, .Valet, Boris wins, . Middleton, An*
sellui, Martinelli, .Boner' and other great ar-
tilts. ' Do not delay. .Colne to tis and Bear
this wondrous new art which has baffled .
and astounded -tl erniusieal world.
Garnet Armstrong;
y' .