HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-12, Page 5opmariti APA t1,9/1
9Frirlrfr71141Irrairv--A-- ••• r ',4`"""77tii"
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grAtiqw, ri"!#rirr'-e-T".•`
. .•
'a • •
R04,0moke, Alba*, sweet and Mammoth Clover -411 neverbe
meat *tender(' grades.
DeeringCultivating and Seeding Machines
HAILROWS-Dise, Dreg, Laver and Spriug Tooth. PLOWS -
Walking and Two, Wheeled Sulky, OULTIVATORT---Spring
and Stiff Tooth. DRILLS -Hoe, Disc and Fertiibiel%
Homestead Fertilizers—naive aenefeeteriatroiU
miner** by 44 large •fectorise throughout the United States and
Are clanked -to be the ket bItind$ mud! ilk 4icoll'im
Order early and secure your supply. ,
of eight mile*. Thio distance Citeuld be
40.1, reduced to an average kata of two panel
rix by the construction of your lima, end,
ou the basis of *team 'nailing iaietb2g
500 per ton mile, we estimate that there
Would be it Saving of Seise $15;000.00
per annum ou the cost of hauling freight
in the Viral Secti011. Pathan, you eau
obtain more mews,* estimates ou this
business by consulting with renew
ratepayers le the 'fowashipe ot Huron,
and have received instructions from °our
Commissioners to give you .any urther
assistance you may desire.
liYD30-ELY0174IC POW2h 4.101114ISSION
(Se.) P.A. Gam',
Tempt% March 2fitlig lf
1°Pilie,f: Engl. e4r.
'Address a postcard to Its now
and receive by, return Inaa
copy of our new illustrated 80.
page catalogue of Garde%
vi(ONYCII* ara4 Field Seeds, [toot
, Scala; Grains,
Fruits, -Qar4ca Tools, ato.
SPECIA4.--Wo coif/ are
' 154 Of otro. choice
Giant Flowerifig
Carnation -
Count Floweriastmeation TIAS carnation, h *great ravoro
ite; the flowers are targe anct
flagrant an.I the plants do well outdoors. Transplanted into pots in the
early fall Clay bloom profusely from Dctober till the end of May. Extra
plants are easjiy,toropogatect from them by cuttings, upiphige'.. or 'layering.
• „
Saul for Or 44iitaftqade ati(1 10in el endt'atha,ohigAle Prirlantir- 18
Dar CIL .'ez Hunter Seed ,C0.!;,`Igithitecly'Llitt
MAK E OUR-'-'11TORIE YOUR HarioQuAirraast
House Cleaning Time
Is near at. hand. ' We haw a good
supply of necessaries on hand.
A. Good Carpet 4weeper or
Vacuum Cleaner makes
work easier. '%Pric4es $2.75.
caos * ,e
..... c .. Mr. John Potter,' of.Blyth, recently'
sold an eleve
IIVORO COMMISSION • - ment with the ' • rianonthOld calf for $98.
C. P. B. whs.rebY they .
Word Was received in Wingham last
would lye° you ru nin milts ter
REPORTS ON ONTARIO * g g week' that John BO3Mati, a former
thew line from Menesetung to Goderich Morris Township boy, had been killed
station and power to erect your overhead in a railway -wreck in Manitoba. He
.. 0.1.1......14. e
Onstructiminver such *Lipka In the had been a railway 'engineer, running
Road. WOBld • Be a BOOM Buf .
._. ., xegotiationsthat some of yontriktelnlYere out of 'B " rand ' theC • P R.
Would Not ray as a suF.I. have had with the 0, P R, the Railway ' • • . mt * P.
A enmmittee of "Old.Time Dancers",
mess Loncermto thzmakenk osuch t heant airhraeyngeadimghenttbe, willingif.,40rina,
at Seaforth, who annually hold a dance
. .have this year
Ennhuitem of the HydroXlectric Pons • you *ere to construct a line up into the " t117:e Easter eeng!ni
report on tne your tracks andterminals. On examm-
to use
'-called:Off,the event in view of the fact
that the week is. • being observed
. town' of GoderiCh and allow them
mission have made their*, /-r . . . , ..
cost of coinpleting the West Shore Railing the project in more detail, we are of throughout the •country as a' sort ” of
- .
way from Goderich to Kincardine, and the impression tbat it ie absolutely 'out .Thanksgiving and self denial Week.
• .
in it have includedtheir estimate of the • of the queaticinfor you to think of con- lneteed of paying:the Usual 41.50 for
operating expenses and the likely rev- litrtieting" this extension into Goderich, admission to the dance patrons are
enue The Wining of this report Ykalice ' as it would 'necessitate about -k mile of asked to donate Oils sum to the Wo.
knew ePooll in the history of qiiefeume track at a cosko1.1,48,716-801. excluaive inen's War AuviiliarY for the purchase
road.. To the munielneUties whichof overhead 'construction and bonding.
of yarn for knittiug
guaranteed the bonds the report is . not Such a line -would be.. of little use to . . . • . . , ,
.eaccuitiging,..!is the conclusion • of . the your Itailiva so far as revenue is con- .F.amite MAIMS HANDL ' Mr. a 4
engineers is that the ecepletion and 'cerned. . , - - . • Ma. ntou , of the Blitsivale.Coad, has sold ..
operation of the read wonhainly initelve Wethink, ;however, that it would be his one -hundred -acre . farm to Messrs.
them in a- still heavier annual burden 'spossible for you to construct your - line' Gavin 'W•111 4 °oil' "4 the'. rill
than they are now paying. As. to Many up Harbor Rcad Hill in Goderich to the take possessionen the, first of. May,
of our readera this road is a'• highly in- Square and also to exend :across .the having: the privelege to Init.lit the crop
teresting subject, we publish the report,, ,river into the main portion . of Kiacar; as soon as the weather,* favourable.
which is as follows:' . . .• ,dine for some $60,000.00. The con - The farm has two good houses on it
To tile' Council of the hIllOwiPaltrf of struction of ,both of these allure - would and Mr. Sevin Wilson Will .oecupy one
the Town of-ooderich, . ' not be Suitable for. C. P..11.1 operation, and Mr.Forest Wilson theother. Mr.
Re OntariO•and West Shore Railway. but '.you could transport tie. or two Rintoulinteuds moviuginto Wingham.'
Acting on your ripest, and following _freight oars at-a-itiene on these tracks M r. •-.T. D. McEwen. ' has sold his one;
preliminary repbrt filade to you 'under 'by,meees of an . electric motor express
hundred acre farm on thesouth Side of
date of Deoeniber idith, 1914, the Corn- car. . We estimate that a first-class line .
the lab lino of
mission aiithorized us to place eugmerrs with on' &ay grade :from Wellington Morris, to Mr . ThosR
P 1114 Wingliant: Mr. Fells: will Use his
in the field -for the purpOse of making
and Queen streets in Kincardine to. the
-4:-- • Ourengineers-Our data -:in. the .
- - field as to the.Present condition .of the ...
morealefailed report on this line. , _ ••• . _ .
. . . main vortion of the town -would •-be -McEwen
ati . -mites-. '.- t to t ': ' - - ---- ,•- ------
$59,v7n42 for eonstruction of track and
oat OA in lengthandcos a it new purchase. awe grass farm and Mr.
he recently pnrchasednear Antenrii.. a
will mew° to the farm which,
road, and estimate that. it will :coat
, roadway, but exclusive of overhead and
a _,.
.$388,600.52 tO receestract and complete bondibg.' , ., -
a . : • ' HOW*THIS. MOTHER
the roadway. and track from Menesetueg We have checked over the revenue
' ' • ' ' - ..._;.
to the corner of Wellington :and .Queen. estimates sent to youin 1 our fernier
_ Got Strength To Do Her work
:streets in Kincardine. his ,comPares estimated December. 29th, ' 1914, and - Far igaven. •Vt.."."1 was ao nerVene
with as•estimated bythe -Ontario :-• -
have inilad over the : matter With .the fr'nulworifillior thatilrfuldirty of TV
• Railway and Municipal Board in .1913 C.P.R. freight men, and. have come to I' kid docteredmyfor nearly two years
of.$366,00000, ' . ". :
. the 'conclusion that we. can Make no without. help. Dne day read about.
Vinoloind thanks to it; my health has
This estunate is based on the retell- change in these figures. .• The C. P.41 . Veen rviterea ao r. •sin • dant' all recr
itiuction of the existing line with no :
officials were .most obliging and .furnish:. homework once more I am. telling all
diversions and the use of- ,the original ed us with information_aito'revenue of .3vrTnitsA whatns tillth.es done foil lne•
work: to its fullest' extent. Normal...
Similar 'sectione entheir, Goderich line, • . :Vied it a combination of famous
Prices only have been comeidered. An and :.
.stated- that they thought their com- leeksvrhieh" *e geetreetee to hind
extria strip -of riglit-of-waY-; of ten feet...pane 'coda.' allow your line. the same IT the 'reel ead 111°41°w°,.
throughout the whole distance has beea.divisions on joint freight earninge 'as DR. A. ht. SPENCE . LUCKNO1,1!
considered necessary. The existing fence. ,theY 'would to other electric lines in, :.
is to be Moved back and the side nearestCUI,ROS - tOUNCIL
soutle:Western Ontane; The estimated •
the read leftnnfenced twat psmenirevenue as given in our first report was . '.
has been .conaidered necessary to replace Connell Met on April 2nd , Members
,all the ties, at well as pteeide neiv ties as foil' . ' ' ' • '
Passenger Revenue ... . 'a . ; . $ .40,000 00
.' all present. Minutes of last . meeting
. ews.
for Production
• Just as surely aslack of food is'strangling Germany
day by day, so plenty of food is winning the victory
for the allies. The Prenc.11 armies, forinstance,. were
never better fed than now, for Prance cannot forget
t1iawfu1 lesson of 1870—the failure -of .her food
supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war.
• To feed the Premix soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,-
500,000 pounds of food a,week were rectuired. This gives a
f ai nt idea of the colossal task of feeding an armi. Canada and
Britain have a huge army of fighting heroes on the line ; every
matt 1d112t .baVe plenty of food, insspite of a world shortage.
Upon Canada's food production all principally rely.
• The. Farmers., of Ontario
Urgently 'Need Help
„ The Department of Agriculture appeals to men and boys to
enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals
to men unfit for military serViceor whofind it iinpoSsilile t�
enlist in the army. Do your 'bit" by helping to increase
production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity.
farmers of Ontarioatted the help of retired farmers, of
• '.men following. no occupation (retired), of business' Men who
can spare a _portion of their time. •• We appeal .to all who ,.
can so arrange their ordinary affairs, to plan to"help some
• farmer friend, particularly seed time andlaryist - -
• „
Confer with ' your county District Representative the
Department of Agriculture, or write, ,"Parin Help Cam-
paign," care Department of•Agrictilture, Toronto.
Ontario Department of Agriculture
,,. W. H. Hearst, Minister of Aitken's:4i
Parliament .Buildhlis 'Toronto •
. .
• 80
O -Cedar *lops ° and - Polishes
Mops 75c. to $1.25
Polish 25c. to 50c.
Wall Paper Cleaner, 15c. per can
Try our Linoleum Varnish—Made
especially for Linoleum.
.1f teur Plaster is Broken and Needs
Repairing we have PULPSTONE, a prepared
Plaster which anyone can easily apply.. °
A Fresh Car of Portland Cement on hand.
*Wished le? .
'Capital Autheized, $5,000,1100 • •
Capital Pald-up, 13000,00) •
surpus, 0,500.000 •• •
Pir0 earn littk and tq spend a little less'
A- was the advice of Robert Lois Steven-
son.. Thrift is a virtue that is easily &Nulled
.0.and decidedly profitable. You will be ester -
to finethwIA_Idecr•yeerirsivinerwill---..--..----..
- Ono Dolle will start a account
•for you at Abe Bank of Hamilton.
LUCON0e/ 5.11141CH •
J. A. Gtinnie. manager.
. •
e section over which track is not were read and approved.
for th. • ••
Preight Revenue. , .--. : ..... 15,93400 ' McPherson -Thompson -f -That we ap-
Mil, express, ec...t'..... 2,500 00 point the . Reeve to meet
already laid. Tee miles of new steel the School
will be required and 60 lb. steel has been • • . , .. InipectOr to consider the eqnalizatioe of
called for in the estimate instead Of 70, Total revenue . ; $ 58,434 00 the school sections of the township, as
as is now in las a3. ' Nothing hbeen .Tflifotai capital costs of your line coinplaint has been made. • Caried.
Thompeon-ArmatrOng-That ae Pat
allowed for overhead, and londing.-__A_and.tequipineut necessary tt).- ' earn the rick Lynettlas paid one dollar clog__tar
itationhas been provided for 111 Goderich above revenue' would be as follows: that he had no right to, that we refund
and also. in -.Kincardine; with shelters Bonds already issued a , ...400,000 00 the money. Carried. • • 0
.,:,:i4„ • ' _ . Armatrong,-Th0mIleert-ThatigePelt
and passing sidings at intirmediate.ReeinitrbetibtA liteheietting;-
• Anthony' McDonald $65, poit payment
The Store ,Where 'Vont; Money (10e;' Farthest
points. All construction has been con: end Kincardine.... :... 388 600 00
-' - - - -. 'of salary as assesser.'" Carried: • -
ideredns-pernanent -ant1-7soinereallGoderiehned- Kin -ear din e - .. : --Thoiripson=11-aherson--That- Jelin
ewer ' ....iiii0fboilaveManbittug---in -opurd--.-;.-; ,;; , . , ,-A--;-.4i.,..F•''-t9;00040a-Atlittsttxingtroxer..u...1,Witittaktiltyronnt'3. 1 I ' .-,.•,
tiiiii6:riii 4tia1utiii-leiea6riliiit '6iteiheitf&Wink tio ii;'iiiii*""4,'" - -:4-'1"-tlizIrt.Wel rolt-atitorn,2:—• •
en.rzit..±.—.. *.:...,-..,...,..,..........,...e...,......„:.4,,,,,,.,.,,L,,,,,..,,',
The embankment' throughout will be stations, a motor cars, car : • , se, reeve, be appointed " --Thompson-Armstrong-- That Wm: ' • - .
a representative
built up to a width of 12 feet. ' barns, 'etc. ...... . a . . .. 193,400 00
on the Board of Agriculture for the year
• : ye have also secured information as • ' • . . • . 1917. Carried.
to the existing freight Wallies° in the
Total abet Of construction ' i Keffer-ArmstrongThat as the brge
district andleel that the best. proposi- and equipment .......$1,042,000 00 • on Coo. 10 at lot 24 heeds a new cover
tion would be •to enter. into an agree. • Weestimate that the annual operating and one of the supporta shifted out of
charges for this fine to earn the revenue piece, that McPherson and Thompson
: • above indicated would .1* be appointedto havelt repaired -as -soon
$54,97°M. pent 'bl C - e ernea . U
...Fords Without Starters
We have than bath right
here to sholioi you. • Call at ' •
our garage and let us show . •
them to you: Come awl:,
see us anyway_ whether_
you want to buy or not:
mai —L Ems
. . •••r.' •••'er• • •••••,
• IN . SUMS OF $800 OR ANY Rucrirt.e THEREOF.:
Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. •
interest payable halt.yearly, 1st April end 1st October by cheque (free of richttege ati
atti Chartered Bank in Canada) at the vity•of five per cent per alumni from the date .of
Hoiders this stook have the 'privilege of surrenderine at Par arid aiierired 'interest,
- - antlie-enuividentot mitin„ payment of any allotment made under any future war loan issue
in Canada other than an istale of Treasury Sills 'or'other liko, Short date scUrity..
'inmeds Of till. stock are for. war Purpose* only.• •
• A tortimiesine of onequarter et one per tent wilt he aitowed to recoonitect bond and
stock brokers on Clamnt$ inede respont apeficittlend for MIS stock whieh bear their
For appiloition forint epply te the penalty Water Of fininee, OtteWa,
00708E117K 1St%
• We have assumed that there would* tie MPhereou-Thompson.LThat: the
no chargeriler use of the 0.l'irrtifickrReevearid-Philligt-Wq-b_ct_appritted
ind bridge at Goderich, and that the to look after the bndge on Sidefoad 10,
tripii per day, on 0and 7, as it has been- shifted by
service over your line would average C°71'
frem 4 to 6 round the flood, and have the same repaired*s
soon as possible. 'Carried..
the basis of interest only at e% having. Atmsttong--Thompson-That we ap.
to he met it Would necessitate a total of point the Reeve and Philip Keifer to
$52,100.00 per year, which, added to the invoke* the. matter of complaint made
above operating
exPeTseel• would give 6, that the drainage .from Lot 6 creases
bY losephl3uckle; owner of Lott, Con.
• your line total annual charges Of $10/,- the sideroad and floods his property.
°7(11,11. constriici.They see what can be • done in the
Tion and ON ratiOti of matter. Carried.
this line would be of great benefit to Thonipson-, Keffer-That a Court of
t tpheen enorxtmile.et,r
your municipalities, but it is extremely iReng'oliPnwillootniobil,e that difficult to measure such benefit in dol-. ions having any grievance please take
lars and cents. to the town of Kincar- inoticce aarard' go,ern themselves according -
dine there is at the present timev
an • ie . • 1,114,Acat
average of one-half mile haul oieenfriteeeieght,d roe.da. A. Green, winter work on gravel
which would practically bee
$11 20; Duncan Keith, sheep
kill -
by the construction and operation of Our
line. Basing our eatiMete on the cost
of hauling in Kincardine at 30c per 'ton
lime thatther eost,nf-hatiling
in Kineatdine would' probably he re-
, duced from 41,600.00 to 01,000.00 per
. •
ran asintilar bay there stionld be a
large reduction in the coat, of heading
freight fp the turd section between
Kinearrlitie and GoderichaThe midair%)
haul th the district nearby yont• line
11 preeint, to and frog, the milting la th,
1114*i * .110 ,10104.601
ed by dogs, 18 00; Kinloss share of ac-
count, 8 50; Pa Lynett, refund dog tat,
1 00; A. McDonald, part salary as Aea•
/lessor, 66 00; A. A. Schirartz, Electric
Light FOrifiretiti- 14 iiir.lohn Caslick,
wmterwork on gravel, 11 60; Law Smith,
tatting lice at bridge, Con. 12, 3 00; W.
Colvin, disking gravel road, 4 00;
300. Purvis, grader blade, 8 00;11. Pan,
bairn, bal printing contract, ss eo.
McPheron-Kifer-That the finance
ropOtt as now reed be adopted and or-
drs issued for payment of the accounts.
That this Canted do now adjourn to
meet in. on MO 14th. or at the eall
940", *Os% filotk
• 3 •
$21 up '• •
• ,
85c. up
(Fit any machine)
A •
To -day Columbia Leads"
DO..*:14, Spence .!is:04. Lficknow,
asw rot SulsptIon 'WM* Sontittet