HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-05, Page 271�7 ". ` , -.7" -_,� . � rw" � � . ;;It � � I . I � I I I . I I � I : � I # - I 0 �� � t _____J T, I- _ - _-.1-f- , - - .�, ,. . . . I I . . J - "IN\ % I __0 — ____ -.- - � I ___ - . I _= . ; ! - _____ 'l " � - - -----I . � --,- _______ WY IBA*W Wax alw" 110110 I ny lord " Im said. I maill000lill .- _0 . 11 I __ -, . - , - - - ,-- � V%iA A" 147%t 11��Omlll=is in "t -L MAAQ. imo ------- -_ - - NMI , 1111-11111 111141 a SUWOU I . IA. zmw* MdA " 40 .­ �- ­ 1- ­ __ - __ -1 ___1 _1 11 No 1. , _416- __ � !o� il�.�= fault ---- � yea love t I uadfiws. .� . ?_ - �1_ 119 BKMRwqmgp4ww Q - ftlis kwahyo will be with you in a ;;;I 76-4i"ed7j;"tz Won "' "I I this. !ffwwwolts'" said tke man as he left tkink It would io beat for Y" room. :: =4 them. for the present. I I Almeat b"ladiately Lord Barmin. wouw out now that we arrva" S . MnoA-n, 04r UPP_eareiit, acowpanW by plan by wvlelh JaxPer Vermont "It I put "I . XOrtbasi Shelton. Harker rose ro- expose his villainy in the actual pro. i �ea is an !E�4�w�d& � X!!�y 59fttfully fud rather nervously *onc* o your son; otherwisol we aball .. � , but *onc* of WAVPOWMMWWXMPWW - - I . _1 __ -4-a Urd Barminstor, at onco put him at hAve difficulty, perhaps, to convince �,;:�', ' , P _' his 1111aso. him on my bare word. P t . 1� �� .. . 1** STEADFASTLY RXXU= $,Prof be seated, Mr. Harker." ke "That's true lenough, fil pu in I " I - . , I ,6 "Adrien is so set . . said DO itely a& be nod Shelton set the Mortimer Shelter C I GAP E TT E SN ,I* ex I I . 3UBSTITUTE3 In - "This is my son's friend, an the man that even with these . Vo _ . � " Mr- elton, and. I should like him to proof# we stall hardly convince, him - r . � 1. , 82a 11 boxesent at our interview.", of his treachery other than . from Ver , - . � 4�& . ;W blacks Mtxed or NaWal GrIcen. r. Harker bowed. mont's own mouth." 9 � . . . I oil? I a - ".w'"90, loe I ­ ­­'. ­­ "I presume you are thio Mr. Harker "Y60," said Lord Ba er, with . . . - .1 1. , ­ I I � I - __ - I � .. '. - , "'. - - " .,- _ � I � .__ ---,-.,.---: I __ , '"+et myun� . .� t 49 ! � .'': - , I ,minst I - .. 1� I UTC THROUGH TAE DARK SHADO1,10 � . . I Or The Sunllth�, of Lovo I . � . � . 1. I � __ . 1� � . , 1-1000110 041, XWO Wis XVJP*QM A I Ky. I think you are ri . . , 1, .. I . bill?" continued his lQ11hip. - how is this to be managed Unt. But , ' 40& mwipvrw - I I. .. I �� . I - 1. I fr . "As & more xorvant--y", my- lord 11 "I have brought with me* the girl Im "qw/ " I ,. I answered Mr. Harker. "I Uve Q- Jessica, to whom I referred justnow' , 11 .. . I W lii� V . " . . �1� come aware Of the Identity of.the v4an an4 bar aunt, Mims Ada Lester," mala I . 41;�� . I � � I I I I 'who equImittow? +16a a.+".1 4 .3 U , i. 16- 941110 - __ . _. __ . � . i r I . L ­&r,4,T,1W1 .. X r, oth of them Will Do . 11 -=- I I - -_ 1.3 1 --- �— � ., . . I'll � .... . . .. .. � also of the :fact that he istrnow e us, and I would--s.uggeit -0.-- .. I I . L . . I I I . lll"L-119;;� I . - oubier . _. I ­ - -"9 i� � . Q� able to assist —, � 0, - r I . - ­ .9 � _ __ ­ .1 - - 4arizig. to bring further to our l6r#sb1P that they be sent for, - I . - ______ � 'r . - -- �', ___.Cl---- �­ ­ . ; . - . � yourself and Mr.'Adrien Leroy. axil brougjxt into the C4stle * tj ,,, I ­ _�_____ +,-,.----.-,.-- :� I I I . quie y I I .. .. I q-3 - I I . I. I -_ . Lord Barnd as it to We should then be able to c�ouir " 't 's - 1& J"DV r I . . . I lister started out 11 I 1 I � I NOW— ,- . I "I . . r . I � spook, but Mr. Harker continued: , 'Vermont.." ' 111+1r"a' I - 1911111 1111m, I - - __ r .. . . . 1. . .. � � BRffl .9 , r - U" , pffl� I �. -t'. III I � ... . '. "Fortunatelf, 1. sm%abli to: Avert "COWU13�,,11 agreed' Lord BArmin. I ,l 1111111111RIPPIRM'.. : .99 1 - . .9 1 %. . .. ,. . . I . . . this, beeaU&er have brought the � for. stor,* and., croilint the room, he rang . . . 11 .. , I.. . ., . , . . . . I r I : _r r I A hal �._�i - I � RRY11 ]RAMIRY11,11 I'll, r I . . I .1 . fly a A sac; and I will explain for IS 0 n c r� . I . _ I'll � . jft . � . CHAPTER XXIIL_ . onfidential m4n. I .r ]RkOU(I . I . . + 4 ' r . � I . I I I of . I � . . . . I I - "'SiRIPPon," he said, ,when - $or. I ,_. . . I (COUt'd) I This kindly 'thooght comqel* all fUlly lordship will bear mo �, . I � I . - , if your . , ''I . , . � the - . . . I . Turning to Lady Constance, fier turu4d the scale of Ada,s giratitu to in through. It will take Spine If - . . I I . . . � I . the h, ttle time,, vent, appeared, "I want ,y. ou. to dr$vo , . ., I Your k"Sc0*0lay", Cakor: ,, I . , I I , "r I I .. . � . .1 � .uncle besought her to return to s fxvor� Rejoicing stAhe blow sk yodi, patienoe..�' I down Joursel& to. the, station."" ' - . , HUGE OUTP T OP HgAVY'ARTIL.- ' - 1. -Ma4ii with kivo,'Rosox Flourv.* I .. I I I ball -room, and thus prevent any re. which who know thin would be to Mr. butto"All Barminster' nodded 'And. said 1W Vindlell I 111 " , I I . . keeps ,,a.r,r,jh,,,,,, . I " "111 big I r. am Hotol, , you� lord,� �'.1 , , . ,.; . . Ad in ignorance of x4t quietly: , r', I * ' + - -ND 'SHELL , _ � r r� , . . I 1 � I .. , ,_-.1 marks being made as to the all4enge vermout, 4 . r . , . 1511113,"- interrupted Mr. Harker, re.- LER,4. "A - 1. 84 1 . . .1ona.4, lught, but-aroll stud - ft-vomr, � . . Of himself and Adrien. Bravely, as itreachery to Adrien, 44 determined - + "Go on."' . . . 8PQQtfUllY, 4'1 think,390, if your lord- * I . I I . 1. I . � �. . . . I it *oq't crunible undero' t'e"t" ' ' . I I r� . I I . . - the- keptn + � i wait to be expected of her, she turned to show him up in. his true colors at with, a dr -Y CoUgh'r Mr. Harkor ship, would 'have no object, sk short , .T_ � , fdf�4r kq r , , , J(q obadiently; and- I . .1.1 r _' y0UV0U4St#aX4tJ%qXet0 , r .with a few whispered, the first a opened the litt bag he In. note from we would be advisable.," Britain Hag Accomplished More tit 10 .1 . I . '-praisoit. . � � � loving words to Adrien, left the ro � om, MeanWhp e, as the. day of thd tri I varlabl�. ea - d with, him, and drew "Certainly," Agreed Lord Barm - . I I -1 ..: � . kitortUnity' a rrie . . . � .... . I - followed, alrAost unn�ticodj by. Jasper I bed'; Lortl� Burmingter and from , - In - . I . . r I .Mil " pr"c , It ar roll of papers. With slow $ter. .Hlq d'reotrod,lfarkor tot a small 11 Mon*d Than Germany in I I I r - . r . , ­ . . .. , I . . 'Vermont. lie wax quite satisfied with I Vortuner Abelton- becMe, moire And PrOCIN100, the 014 man unfastened it dqslc, thea' turned once - more - t I , � I �. " . the success of his plot, but had 1191more Anxious. � . . I And lookid 4croso4thio listeneroi' " . waitingr aervan _9 the ]Forty Years. I r I % I l�; � � I --- -1 . . IN , �%, - . � __ . _ r t. "11ring' the ladies � . I � . ­ ­ - i ; I ____ -_ _. � I desire to come into contact with Lord, The solicitors had briefed the finest I "Five, years ago", he commenced. back with You. Take them into the " . . I _qqWQ&%%WPP' , , I I . r .. ., i. ----I- . r AS.a. part, of .th . . I "my mostor-for, as I'.sald before,.I room, and ask them to wait for munitions,.. the StItifill r '" r . I Barniinster, if he could avoid it, .and beat known barristers for the de. octo . malang . o,.,*aSt Organization I . but one, an eed I it im- was merely a servant, a machine, act. C r. � , I r . Meanwhile having ordered refresh. fence . 4 all'agr tha . ther r1l Then, as. Mr. Harker came VQVo .1 Mellkta-,for the inspector, Lord Bar- 10saldrien could prove'an alibi,only Ing under l7Aotkuctions--;-qrderedmotO forward vhth the note; he. Added,. , rument began. dkohdilding of iiu- F 11111 11111F, . . . . sell OLOURs r Minster prepared to accompany his sox, a miracle could save, him from c6avici- buy up, any bills bearing you "give. this to a Miss Lester, 00 1. I Manse QoverAmeut arseniao. ' Theri , I I I'VE RO %. -�l . , I to London. The - arrangements, too . . name. ' , Furtherr I w r monlis . I 1. 00 about a sloore 0% . #(9 , . ,k tion. . r r iloref as to lend ',Y,e, rd, Simpson, and � these, entirely 11FOR, DREADS --CA � $-PU. DD11MQS -VASTR I gg!' . but it short time; and when the three On tile actual day Adrien Leroy too the money 'to r ' " ' ' OF ��tahila. ', he . 4 r ., . I . � I . . . ,any amount within my eje deep.b , outside of'the thousands o Private .,., . . . I I . I r . . ow! - I I I . I . . 11 . . � men, 'accompanied .by the * 46 his place in the.do'k, listonin rough master'$Ir credit to thbft M,o brought tak 9 " i t' t 3 mission . , . 1. I , . � hispec r -d th departed on b � . .) . .1 faetorfeI3, under; Government . control - - , ':' ,_ � - - . . . 4 . . . . __� � I . . , .. silently entered, the car W Ith unw ', ried �g ' (To I' 0 coAr � . hich boa the day wl ,oa ." , calm. to tile his nam b . � draw. , , a as guarantee. 1, Xdld poi and e . , . for WAr-worlk. When the his .., i been brought,round, theb4l louf��speeehe3 made by the counsel on every bill' and liability WhIcIt , I . I I I 14 . tory ot the.. "'.-r. - � ---.,-- . _ 1 i �-- - . � _- __ __ = . ,�­_ __ . " r .. �._ , , . , I , . ,�; � � . ; ;;X � . . was both,, . . I was, Con. ---:O--- � Wat,comes, to be writteu,no. phaq,00f I . i I I � I I ' � Ing to an end; Carriage$. and'inotors W !!do".' '�' : tracted, either in his own nAme oi in: � . . . og'Y-6x. e= - - t - .1..1 : I ,I I I 11.,1o!!. -_ I m I - I d A was 01104- rs, my, lotd,, by Mr. ,Leroy, fell intO , . WORDS OF WISDOM, . le I . I �- �­_,, - � . were, driving ll�d ' ire exo q,tor I w3'nes R YOU hands, of this, man;�.yv;ho carried.olt I 11 � . . It will, be vioref w'oxthy, of oul ___ , I . but'ha�p *Wa ii o ,* with t I _ _o, of. the N . Y guest lttlq guessed but none could shake tho evidence.. tle CePt the. stgAnchnes ,lateirte, , b — . . . . .1 . . � . � . I ' r . I land not too, ,QAp,S_thaP 'b Wd I . . I � I t; ' a Son *e!e, als � Harker's clerk, who swore to seeing business under c6*6k 'of my name I Pr I ost out . and gr � I .. ors Under heavy liaudl� .. PKIERLESS POULTRY, . that their boa %NYAI . . tho � I I _: .soldiers And sAll away � . . being driven _ ut to 'a police He .469 e nd ,� . FRN(.)E Leroy actually sign the bill,lu ques� Posed as the f ,Qrful .energy and � A ft-ollro-000-1w 4 ! - �. . I *to, rof widnd,of Mr. Leroy Mftls . � , . station.' ' . _4 on the r t�Veuty.;S 3, . r ftwer VdIda �"d cltitv rz,A-.�I-ra V i - . I I . I I � . I .. ,ercon,d of, thez prjel, and by meaii forgerles, and 000ke4 wet " Tid*.for the roller then. -, capacity Shown. by', the,.Munitfolhii. De- " I burterakalwAlmesulu=14 "*,,111U '. . . -, , . L � ' I I I . . . I =t%�� , . W I , . Outsl(re the Castle gates, the In- ceding month - . . Accounts, be- has managed to acquird Gbi.,pp A, little club ., amob � k your Fartzilent Of..Biltain I�n-gettlug,llone In omd botlzvp wLm XQ. 9--4ateM6MkVA ,x 12 wiro_�nl * I 1. . I byth. --IT HU .0.Wtlt,hx,M6*"4 , I . to dismiss I �,.Z".z 11 . � ,.,.Jr . � 0111ar ILI, I I I Spector stopped r, two or ,Towards. the exicl.of the.case '�h�nr con 1 6f YO it entire re _ a, yea aUd. a. half more than Germ I.C. 4 r I three Plain -clothes officers vho ..-,I v ' 'ghb;rs to, buy your -lime -. graSSr raft .JUV1W1W1t Wha"=2 T � r nei . any I V" A or him r to both.judge ,Sle." I , I . � ,.r � The As'"40"t 4 H - me Itle W be* a id � I ... . . I . awaiting. elling � , jury and counsel were tiz. ,44 asper ormontl" Vxc 4imAd Shel- ieed and fertilizero . - , � . . had Achieved 14 forty y�eais. In tbo. . * - — Wl61fd"&X am 9.11%10, � . . . . . . .. 1. . them tQ return �4!but by the conflicting.-giatementa, 4 ton invol Arll�; while Lc&d Barmiii, . � - -_ . . . . I " � first year of t�he, war, before the bri' - . . to London b7 the, first train. � ii0to was' sent to th,;� barrister for the ster leane fq It is a good thing, tololljw the Pro- I � � . ... . . I I ... � � . � I .1 . . . - _ rward eagerly, ., � , . ty6u ce ssior. . eke. up - to' Ilia vast , ' . . . . I : I . I . I 1. I . I r I . F, . . !"I would sugges " he said 4uiptly, defenel) 10y, a .tolled lail ho ba 'e . _ ,. ssion when, the - proce. I I � . . ati the V.ar,roiled r t .y, W -d sit r, . urkerhow.id his head. , � � . i is,Maded "S" People wi . . , . - . — th-rZii the liulet I%. the back .of th. ,,-� . -�jt ,71Wn - Are Aware," , be continued f4t�At - ail; the right way. . - , I . .. . . 0oripusiiesi of"tlivir Position, the pro. I I . M 7 r . .� -i . . . � . _ . . '.. Ig the S . duction of' thr;0xigh minor bpei�atlons, . country lanes, 11t6t,we wait together whole dAyli proceedings. . mattilrw ot.business, even We . heav,� guns, and shells -was � ,. R-0core.,of . . . .. . V,.. , -, -.-- - I . p, hun- ,PERIL& OP POWDEWWDRXERS. - . I the trades. know of folks Who ' I) ' MY, In which the car to ofeen. �. � 'r . - , r I in Loudon until the court opens; and ,. Re ofe.fiedi. men's bills passed, throu r � v I I . . .. 0 I I When I hAve I ,t, carelessly gh his hands. dred-fold uot�speeded up In ailyoxioteworthy de- . rough ' cass — , I I . . I . ; l . I but-'affer a . morli, atten,tion to the bed of � . I .. � . - ' � I g ane With all .Vs. for6sight, Xitehdn.i .. 0. I . . YOU can go before . _f'the few lines- Which it Abused, to how lettuce and.,garden Sass: than. they do ' - Cool Daring''and Great- 'Carefulness - . I , I , -delivered up my Charge, swift . w i4 !That conlfiJenc(ilie has I gree tr�d," Its, itose. bored, caVIty bor d � . � . . . the magisfrat . er did. not realite the need of bigh,ak- scrow-thread milled fix th. I I . I .Iqr .. . . . I . . ..� . I I � r . . I ittIq chap r . . reC sary ; . � requireil. Mr. Leroy I moil su ' - 11 .. r is P ' , . .es " .. .1 . cQntained, Is ,face brightened. � Re* I Wds his tool and slay.e,r , Ze .e Cavity, the _ . . obtain bail� in whatever a 9--.1 - great an extent -1 alone can PiOV0;:fOr t6 the trundle -bed And the. -I for Safety., . suming his U al:�d6"din�'tbnes, ,he and. held his PlosIves and Immouser howlt I jIl6 64414019. out -in th part where the . , . , . . would . secrets., ', -N thit-'sleeps and .gr6ws in %. That, - ' ' I , . . . . . r , . desired that i 't be ot a� bill wik paid with-' . � . ntrated,atti�zitloa .up Shrapnel. ooppqr'_'b4ud P . . a now vitnes conce - -gogs, _. -thq. bAge Plug. Ia. , 1064keless owde�is-=de-lastic%$-.---L-.r"-.--,',.;- . � ter until. the 0 migh , though; is it? - - - , on, I , r r It.., goes' --. ; . � . -, I � , hetual trinl-�W' of COUMi an,* should � adding to its arnount. He. it.,wag When'he was 11 Along in y MY I . . � .: . . . . . I , . able to return to 'Barmins out his.receiving Mig ,comnilsdiin and "n��y*""* In .the Spring Of 1915 .the 'British ar rniall- something like macaroni f . . . �, I ,called, namely Lady Morivald, - ., I A(ted-, tbeJ4Sia4 joli�shad and va' � . " �e , . , be necessary. . . ? . r , At the, name Adilen 'started fdv, we r ears a was In -A serious plight, owing to' I I ck cod* 'the 'varnish, dried, and'ilicy. base., is through,a number of proce So . I l- � .1 . '. V�aid"bn[j itr '' A lady�ln whii-lent the! money to,.�Vr. Leroyis farmer said. !'I have growil.,00me bi . ' A . I ,. IS 8, r and . �.. . I , . . "A very sensible ld " i . but - of animunitJon. - At biie, tim . . . I . . : I . was too late. faced. Then comeg tbb fastening - iwtakie /of safety thosd processes .. 11 . . . ....i. L"# apeed,Shel- 'black,pille, b .frlinds,'after he -had proear - - . e4t did .- I .. �...'. I I.. , r On f4.th . : toni, composed, entered thor . . . ,d crop __1 I - I. . -..,,. r- r. .. . -1 r . "Thank Yo I . fi;n - ut I 0 his-namo s'in_.my,'.11'fe,, the - crop . ths, have, A. weekli'supply. . -_ - " the �cOP-Per.­bafid_,,`an_­d, , , - . I � . U, inspemr. en*W1 ess box and. -was duly.siWoru. with which -to. back thern; � I , . _ .� .. . ;- 1 ,�� � 1. � . I . when this Imo� _are� conducted- in-snii1l, bUildin'g#­ro­ ­­.I.�:� _­_ , I_ : -_ . - and has brouglit me ihe moit� sadifactiori � . � � . . . .. rt rd, . th I .1 I . . I thli- matter' is sa . r was; who#, behind the ser6 has been the drop which came -.from � ' . �, . Creatipik. . � I I.. po ant opera on .. , ... ,� � 0 mote froin-'bino., a'nothe . � - ".' .' ... � . I . � tixfstitorijr AeaKeil Calffily b en whic A'Big - ti 19 Omplj,ie r . � I I 1. - lose. by� y6tir . - stating urily, I I . - 0 t n A United'Statga"plant the powder - � .1, 11� '., I - I . � I.0 I I �d I ;' . -, F,AthY nor by the wgy�rou b.4ve � - " Ited hOrr 40qt,,,LA4y I Acowing-,1I)ad- words, and *, doing .r good ­ I _ . r ,r�' U%, You, will not . her evidence, supplied, gradualli, vot S FArell goes to the painting departm illt -� 1. * that all: haTVVIS1 . �Your �sou Int - , But' In May; 1915,:when �Lloyd George Th�' pal - , S W . , cozl�l o 'hiw net - ih " I I 1_ I , nt Is' sprayed'on, thv h - 1_c#s ' o ,; r , ­ . q . 1 .4 . � 059 Qhallpnek, at HapOpU I 'Whav oble4s . is, conveyed an.' . . .. I I . . .1 . OW r . in , gw aal I Went -'along, . Prost n4v6r became M,IniSter'df,1WUn1t1ofts,' � the J . . . . . . I . , r I d0;iQ the businese, � - .1 . '�w -had,' besides thai of gain, -1 kn . . , I . I I from �ozie building, to - . q � ithd,* tvVotty�_Secbild, of the Chin't 'on,be, . 4"" � .. , . , I , , put utd-gas,heated'.0upboards for,dry- other -on fla't cati.drawn by - electric _ " �"r .. . .; � . . Lord Barminster was pr - "oil$ ts,that ctoo rea work of organIzlngu,.tre'mo,A4o11s Ing, and" i r I. .. : ' Adrien . . r4th'in *ealtli and b6nor ind c9nipell-' � and..rl . . d . 0 r � cars. : x. ,-one-hur� red-poun I 11 . . 1. I ;--" P1 8 . at�,iqxonths and While. there -had nipi MT., not,;...but be. certainly desiied bli'uitef. eu . . down, N&-bligbi'ever . Upply of heavy'artillexlv an shells, The steelfinaldfig �nd th(i loading are. suggesti . . eir 'teroy. r , strikes it,, -The harvest is sure,, 1hen sent r awa.r,. for lqa4lngi motor . . . 1. 040, 8Adt I on , , I 81 A ' d - - � , .. -in Loridon, thi jiphole. party . ,,, He had rowed, her lip - . ­ P 1 � ; V , I . I . pezi boxes'are loaded on each flat, * r . . I r, and as an additional witness ed me. to� hi I ... I., , � begark. Immense new;Arsonals, V -ere, r ' ' I I . r � . . . . I Ito: , . es so far . ae - t ru - J�. bi�A' . - ' � 7 '. - � r . straight , to Barminster 'Holl" for ifie'ieoul w biffs ive held,was.one, - In overk li�n% tliete" . pri'aed:' bus cii'these . . ar..' he *lieei t' c6 6V� I . � Went the, rive 611) him in G ichemLs. .big.'. ' r ; 11 h , r -away ,'mistorl' this. c . 1. bre4dast, 4fter which 'the fdUr walk. " d produce ohe'.of .the boatmeu Among oth( . . is no,milrii iie-' . u , :which Is 4111--flarie-tactoiy is. concerned .- � � , . �. bed , oia-Bbtnott, � . .I.. 7 to whom she . spoken whi presumably, indorsed by Mr. Mortimer ,,III rib 4* by Arn . , . . . r r blocked'by a woodeh.bar, which'' the . ' - ! - le at ghtkul hour.than . when , the :fdlkg, c .9 r ' . ' .. - , -down to I w it r � - , . t',W 'well ry. ,- - ,.1 0, L . Ir . r . .ed 3 the courk"where opplica- XdmlJtlm, and 6 ,watched: Shelton---�11 ; , ,�' , .1 ", - khown. English -writer, Is a siinple,-, Calieful'Testing cessa brakeman Adjusts "heforb. the motor .1 � r' r r tion for ban lWas made, and accepted Atar�, - . Por � . them . y6unt and old,, meet - In - the Jgmily . � r. . .q ­ � - .Ne � - L ... . . - r I ­ -6glileering geniuo1ids' ,8ome " i'� 6o 'ilipradons Wh1ch..dIf;_ Starts , ', , , � ,. ' L . r .. I— , � , -.r .: '. � 7� I : .r - , Shelton .started -up -*-but. Lord.Bar- - - 'what' BrItIAW � 0 r . . . . I - , circle. before r . r . . . . . . ,� . , I in two sureties of ten thousand pounds, *4'4 minster.saici-qu f - -___ ­­ 'IL . I . . , ' .1 I , bedtime. The� boys. and 7 -7 -rill." .�pj�; - . . J. - JU .4 1. . 'jCJ Xortj� rk - , - ietly � ' '" (11 r, , , b,66n,-'abie'-'to�-accoTapltsli.' �rTho . r tor -the- d4ne'g - shell ":from-, those'- - *One 'dra�-_ Ifft- ­js,pring, a -,bra, ,eman. ­- - -- . —, - - *�. ­ - -from Lord' � 0,1� ­­ - -,- : � � I 'fe I .. - - ' ,. k �exch ar 'After AhL%--there 'Was littl6_MOre_."tOr �Z _diLetr US hear-th,q whole - gtrls�'gr6wii ­drd :will orget , some . I ,-ar - ' ' �k . , ".. . .. ­ - I be'safd.'� The.miraclo.bad' d, J story, first, Posurlor the lactory,was.made: oil; p 0 - � .. I -_ . I I * 'S , J r . -Tuly for tlf�. O-Inriph,' o 66i4ucted'only by. f45M 10 ra�ibst �his -.wooden 'tgi PIT, . �';­ � . . , . mer Shelton; then Adrien f ' 3y. Always win reme I .. ­ . ., ognd —J � . . . . th.ings, b 'i Mil � � I --elf frM UuM the &Y.of trig. .. . I..,. I - p.ne& It viat..clogrly *mL . la� 0- Vortimor," - � - r u t t.b. . . er I men,, : '� ., .. ... - - I ' ' ' r 1 '19 5 dn4.wa:s sancitio'lil(d on August .as In 'the f 'di6xiiitimellt, peiply. The cat derailed, and e Pow. . I . .. . - . r ' I Iftat signat wa's a �fo'igor.k,lP"___tM8 littl� trysting pladi in, the .home ' I . � , orgIng . . iii � . . I 4 )'�.,Tbey retug I to b)� 3urY on the Pert; of Harke 9 - I ure ­ . 17. 'Tfie land iiseirwas, then A. dui -Ab? I gAs 'ddne vely by Wo-. dqil. � spillp. -do* . :; , nec eii � . * talked o . Pgififtii , oclill, I was. . . town house - S 6 $.for �continucd Mr. Harker, I'doubl, th' - I . I I ­ . I � A n n- embankulept "I .. . - . *udge or r � a - e forgery.. when ips- were, . I'd -K gound. Part o! lt�belng. sUbJect6d men. � Wo,,meii excel. 4n. briefer opera:- No gu , . . "a' . . � . I � . .. r . 11. r *here ". , fither teleplioned , to, th; *120se artftt the 3 .1 I ir lUdeed; 14oi -it- imitated Mr.'- Leroy's gother 14art. to -heart, ' ov rr, to . . ard happened to be near, and as ". .., , . . , I . I rant to be issued, .. - . � and, whbn the � . . - . to. flijodi)ij . . - ,- � . , family solicitom ftj1in kw. ant . handwritilqg� as� well as that of M thoughts'.-lurned, t6w *, foundition�-of'the �arsenal tions demanding close "concentration, . W1 . I On the - 'verdict' ," . . . , . r. ard ' th - best I .. houi-Ithe he9d of. the fim mnived :d�� .4 the - . . I � . r . ckly As possiblo.the� brakeman alid . . _.' - qui � .. � I .. � . - V smd',I�fi�eWs I Shelton 11-e . .. � .. I.. . r,� .� were ,laid on pilds. Thdfronwbrky,as the mlqn7 Ili ,tile lbnibr pioboases. A the niotbrinan shoveled tip ive pOwder ' * - I . ' I 1. things., , , . - 1. , . . . . . ­ .. I � " I . I - 3neagre - d t, Ik" 1, , s lordship . l . eptembe'r 20, and -by � . M t , . :I- r 1: Al . . 14 , ,yr , . , wlsul In.-POWWOU Of such conrL VOr, UdY Xftivale le -he 0 - I I ar In ,a. ow , . w . - .�A: . . new it 11 murmured hi ' . � started ,by� S , ve fin ortan V*rt of the':w6rk Is, And put it back. on J116 C'r, . . 1. , I , de ' as Adrien could ltumisb, wft-' - did, not glan&,'at Leroy,' . I 11B A pretty good thing. for neighbor- March ,, a,,d;:r PoWei momonj'r, :t . � � . .. . r. _�f ', ' m',a low tone' -.,� , , ilt.pra continue. , , ".. . ,g __.. ­ .." . at",l noz, indeed'anyarlis -�tesont; but �,v k 1. Y was r installed. I the A160king..' gVeryl -*ahell 44�*,.a par, ­­ - . ­ r. _'. - "fid I &t - ,& ' , I -' I ' . I ,' * I .. _­ kle I .: .',- z __ _., tiell.M.-, - . 8 lh& load -was delivere'd-atrthe- --,:, -11--- ­ � r I � - � ­ . � W vlh6 1rst 1ireek. Of' T- b'- f ar tit --, - h '. - -- - -A, - . 'Out diSelosin _C9 doftlo lersAo-& is tto _bA ' -, . I _g' h ,vW n I _' - - ­­­-, -fald1% . ---- . I e� - a , 'it th* _ di ' She', knejW 4,4 'not -T�-Afr. Harlker-�!, �... .. 'iblves - grindin " 6, and rip � , r � ed'Iffirk 31 out.. _ � nd them .. J un I- -127, she Is ograp. Y. on a. caril that tra- . . I tWe:fitY-xftotdLr . The . r 'I !'The double -forgery,'� went on, the .. t6g6ther. to help one a ther g, hous . one except'the- r ­ - '_ ' *­­ � '" XVFYWS fatee VU r , ' , �.. ­ . �._______­.__­ . -� . , Very grgre'".-I hs oArlhad4he x�s;toi;a the man sheloir.l , r Wai,�B�ecjClted ' . I no were made. .., Within a year, of the velswith it, Every orie�la�-9.4ugi.d,, And ' � . . � . .. I . � .. "I ilio* know 'out ' two Indh. kiaew of'- t'he accident. Un-�, - 1, - ,,, ..... . .. � ' I r . � ed to 1� dry voice,, bout butchering 'gild .marketing =it. I ly teiteid", A fq'rtunately� thoy.h�d; Shovelled ,up" . I .. I . listened, . Vem. uzd,td'houor��,but in �OV . i I ipanctloj�lng,. Augui't 17, '4g "9'r shells , .And, periodical . r r . . I—— 4 "J[t -a' h. W. my "employees -hand - but instruq-ia,n3hhing*in the.zh' Ine which is to 'had' been d ivored. �,The'�oZtpi,4t now., , IDOrceiitiie are delfbeiatbl� gr,�41 . r ' . . � _,__ - __ - _;; _n�t lbe Aur eW ta* _M. 1 ProbabMW ruined Ifer',own, joc� poo- eat'li .1 el . Y� t , . . ere given in _W-nanie of thel b�, turned off. Alux6st always. there I ' ' sawn�to .pioe6s, � ' . - g&n6 - with -the.-Powder. The .. . . , . i . . IOW he.ventirod tosay f _ . i ti6us W � ' i t - . I -is IONO a'weqki' and they.,* ar6 ill �an saniples . turified 'three men iii.the grinding house hehrd ' ' * . I . , Lor" Bar- , ; tl�6� at the Barmi6wr I . 9 d . 10M ]For V o Jasper erinont's Vefled� . ; minstefts lie tbok'Ws departure. -bfit4 fhiicy � dress ,, firm. � tii diarke Mr. Adrien, Leroy withl will be. some in the' community, who Inti) Oars,-, - I and . .. I . . . I *91 do viy best - and will, havel.'Ol�U o .. x6m.e.l. �, e. pa7twu[All I 9heils; ,The factork. covers, 11, acres�-,-' � 1116 stleel te4t r I -�� " ,.: . - R ball,could. not,�� , ignorjt�., ,� the. Th ' ' ' day Vas'� are t6mpvt0nt. to.do-.,.this work in ex- i�lnk, . . , ,. . r- � � -qd . for - : ..-. . arA laorw.thiP. - 6�,VWe�Atr,�, - -_ . tensf I the harsh-'- erunAing 'of the­'�small-'- -'- - '" . � "beraUly to!_ _A'on th e w­nd- A-Impil, � -An'der .sfirength by: machines of. ,such -t - ' ' - ' - --hr'r h- I' * _­_ � ­;, -_ ' - P . . . I r I � s Onf-s as they, passed J org t,ie-., ., :'-,. , . ' I �. , I . 4 CIZ, - 'be- c0lent - shane. : ' � -. ' .. - . . plib'roof, alWondoiful'oxample of cou� rigwer.,that they puir,frigme'lits';apart . I . . I . . 1. . . �. . . ... � . � - ' I 'P11 . i0fi Of the MAW counsel obtainaible��;i she- had,'deb- . gone c-olmtr=!3� , fte y � :of, qe area-andAt is, all le, _ , , _ . ise iny-In-astee had found, out that Ir � . 1. . ­ I . . - I . . I I . . � . I I � . i big Wishes in disclosing.wherb Ad4gm � W - . Leroir e ' is necessary to.but a otri101ve and �nglne6ri�j,�fdll ' � " ' N6thlng Is neg%,�ied to elisure the ar- I - . ­ �.' , r. I -_ They �wete toon ready, to Ubde,itakoi . gome"'es it I - roll6rs,l.. ` . .., . ere. , - , 'Ora, r - had'spent1he fatefhl- __ , x . hiid, b1i,en,"me.w . .. .th .tarn Ind ba, I tWonty 4cOnd of 1: and M� d�j� I - �r - . f a -.h6rp-,. else, I I � . .-. E.Ve.rY', pourder-mill ' em,,:iloyde . rc'- --- --' __._, _.____­' I i - .1 . 1. dOnnPlany a , rr . . joint df.'sfoveplpe,'an4 it is. Usually a . \� - . - . I . ' . . , I . . �, . . . I ­ ' -(hat performs cor-, deivo.� minuts i-Astriieti' � ` I ... .11 .... . .., � th -, -Vtr I . . . 3oU`rnW`A . Ore P 9 � May,libe could not but doift1hai. _il . I . fill6ryniian A. s,hell_ M01. e Idildlyinipect6r, Lord Bar, j ;i he lmev� bfz�, I&r*k. .. . r 4 very �difllcult.taslt- Tr - this. uldihod: .1 I WorhauT9 Effecti*tr Work' - , I wliat � '­'', ` ,' . ' ­� - I I ' r *T.; .� . . 3 . . '�b . `­ r 6 ' . � 0. I -a:'flno4t-.frjj�tl6nt,.,The. � I . . � .. - B r . r. y . I reotly to t.h . Out about. . ' * . ". ":' r. , * ­* . . I miftstex. very warmly thanked him i n2ont would * make use OFthe mysiterl.&I tra... ut thb- part- r e� 'Take the metisure of r . ' . .en- , i& do. Nvh6fi wiytbinj goes wr I o . ngi itit , ". �__'- r - ;;; .. : AD felt that theybQ been,spai. 'Ong vvlbiclf� hei had hinfid. - be. I I ' �� . OW " e, ,pipe and . f"the five. thousand mbll.'4nd w6men sojable, of "the ta6tory .is:: , ndeif,ul. 1, d . .r -- " I wo � . .1 from yesterday's .. . . . '�A A held Pow er, � What this " . I ,% ' r, . � �'- I r WIle1`4 It it to be -cut and.then %Vlio labor',u I . ' true- " '- ' . , .jroatl deal of humiliation ove;rb power was, ,ence V,as broziglit,. il�k �tr . . r nco,asingly !n, this 11 -acre 'N *a one of the'thieb; f6lioWlng, ins I .. . - 11 by' the way I V 'ear - . �e�,17. U& , . . . , Gt a foOt Of,SpaCe.J5 -% sled or- out df tions ' � , . 4 V-.3 t, L��v e f -e a can -opener, . lie . -t , , - , ._ r l­­-­Jhr1. 1. . An 'he I , , _ . I . - . -he had, so -f _�,_,r .she, cofildohly surmfie �:t�r Mebtr 0 � r . . -drive it I' - ,,threw open.the door to maker� A , . �. . :: .I. I ar, ,conducted thL-_Ca of tour -se'... , , thst - .E 1. I a and fol fatiqry,, , arly, one-lialf art) WOW �.,�� Johit-fil I wh - acids, - Ther _.r.. � - . , . . thew Castl I AV ' _ - 1od'btm- in our# r .. I I 610,016ve" ''." ­ 1- " � ­ .�­ 'r .. I � _' thgy �. ' '" WAS in I jjcq�ajee ��j', ' " , I ft. ow e mar]L� r Y .going very slowly, A .large proportfon . . , q �­ . . . � . -1 � I � . t1i she�was,:m ig yotur-e-on . 4 - I a way of �escaipe'. . _ r ll;�N , ..�� . 6, 161"'d at' noth7mg"nectiOn with 141a JaSPWS con- officer and, ft vigs orfly, 037117 A: yo ' ' Of Mein �are yo4g, WGMen.-wdrk Ili three'shifts, the meii' ' . ; - 11 I ilker's Ltd." rr)3lj[t.sho� _:f bei r . a �ifll :find that you can 6 . and have lin . . . - .. *1 � The 'crunching, continued. ,. 0 ' of ' . I ..: I � ­ . wwi,knowi, of the offh'm 311s's Flene�-� plea pi Illness r I , . ne � I . . sbands bi the army.' They in two. ... � ., , . % r . I 'had an Uncomfortable 'hat eS=p Ing �. SatiSfad4ry'job,r , . i' . . � - , . I .­ I . I ,:." . - , � , rdoms _ , I ­ nop only help, thei6o .,. -:; a , -gtqvel-tt " ;1 . � . , . I � I love h" retired to:her own - f eolibi that: made'. --- vvitness ah -w. ' Thii -wag - .but ', Seea . I Ives fidinclally � ',. *� r ' 'r -ft.4' L 1. �, the,, ones -emitted. a Spark - as-. , � .. � ,. , � I I .. . . , � q to'�, Adrlenyg 1Y'itedoft had bedn,purnhased � _corn - � I . . r . recover fromi tfie. fgtigue Of the ball i � one forger.V� and . I have here 'Jarge!l , , - . .can' be very. easily Spoil- by sq wqrldng,, buti ta0e. imp6itant,' the, ro.116rs, crushed it..Jii an lns.taifit. '! '. � I , Wbile COUStAuCe ­ ' .�,afconsjderab' ,� . ', � PAISLEV I �.' . , W" ,qul[te, . . .. ,C9 - . ,. 11 , , , * . le dangdr to,hertolfj and I . . I SUAWLJS PA ..�, . r. . . - . ­ ,,, � ziumters ot biffs an,,forged by th - _� led between riovir,iiid �'plantlnj, Aim ' tbey ali6 help to b' at ih - . . . . . .. ... there was a great. filtili and a roar " " .. . .1� , r , ,drew -0 , e e fi-euelrny, And I' I � , I . Z the then I . e r I . , ­ � . . . I-. I 1. I . , . �* . ` I . " I . . .1 .. _ r ., a �. � . . - ­. -4 - 9 Ong xft,1er.1dWng';raith-=.A&ie1i1, � Id. Ler unpliasantly, i i='6 -hand, -and vd9d4 if Orletented � During warm --�ia d'itm'p days Jto save British soldlers­perhaps ,their - nd the .buildin;r,.',disappea�lile"'d;.' Throia r �. ght h4unte . I eolMtent to ask no' qaeStJ&hj .1 . r. ..r I . I., Ci . I . .. - 'Kind , Grandmother` tsed 'to - Wear n . i..'r . . I , . and' wiff .Smouni to -m'ore-t.h#n the sale-bUvill. Absorb. considerable moist e . ed -and iLngled cprpsea-,,werd . : __ __ � J . ,,, ", Ili. � 0 n Usbands, '. Women are 'In - the . w In in. Favo�il . . * I .is. placke . . � . CIULPTER XXIV. � ' , , . thr,. �.. ' r . . A,,A � . 'picked. upi Jn 6ider -to in. , . . ` � - , 1: JasFer V'ermont had at*-* Wrk %r -r - .1 ee such -estates ,-is Ahis - could "and then & cold �znap will . 11 I .. . . . � � r e r f ntralling the,.�64erhead-- laJectric . r . 1 save, I' , , , . . .. . 1) . SS,b ,It .0 . '. , � tr tie I . =112tter, E-4 tad =t; a =&_J 1M iVWdTI1 ki!:l. Rark&, h"g, iriun ;ed thind'g-1 lividati " - , �germ. 1f,po 'I shou . � 9 I Have you',nolacedtha the Palgley selves'from.'r�b�l�e-and.Ilbrhapi fj ­ ' - '. , r . ,. . r.. � , S*=W, t1:2t J�j5 -Wag Vrot � - 1'. 1, , I e be I v- travelin . cranes that. command ­eVery' . Oln . I . . I . khzg im Vs� fo h13 Ming'at. Lavnence� Lane� te- , oid larminsier uttere4an excla- . .,shawl i's coming back? - And . r . I . I I . . , . rrim4ns, =,Ie.-ast, "- il-, .wi_ � " ' . i ed to a.:warm, place. now; is-�, 1, O" Ahd'flooi spa'ce.' ' Ea -0h has a,- '­ � � ; what discharge, two workmen', had - sA . I � '..r. � . I , I "idi to ;� ,,,S Le"'er a - . '.. i I.: - . . - r . - , . " . , cri- I . �7_� _ __nd 14, . . " * � . . . ,­ . er-dowd to the, fiqop­wlth�, does that meah, to YOU'? I �� ., . , ficod the'lives, of tI4,ea`other' i .11, . .. r I F�7_-I'ezy e, 'tal� �.Z�= e, "I will, leave more, essentiil .ut thi�� time . . . i ­ farth'tts, _. ., reniluded'ination of horror ' , , 5� - . 1: X.L . `4 1 b &'8114 . - . I , , . . '0 �10 1 koU`4s ! 0.9- .1 I . lolmg I it Won I (I I 4kv I L09 4 L "" I '' , I - � I I I 11 tllt I A724= 10ift ." =t-4 0 31 - 'I, qill(-, " MOA^t. I . I I I 11 f .1 -, I I 11 " I i n .. $m .I ,.I I I ed 11 � 11 I .1 11 I I .i, I I I I � : ir I I TW,g C - ,� them '66'.' �an it I 1aitkful I : 1. I - tl'._ - ­ . . __ * - d r " �Wegt I , ran. � �. � - r p � r . Act 4o gher'Is _­-, ' - . _. ., � '. I ...'... , , ­=_ .r��!15Z_�� ,, d.?_ _ jfo.�, , . . � �. with yvair �,Wgs 'Tlan to. test, ­� ­ r -.1. --�-The P4%1�y All -AQ is-t1ioAa*1 that .men and placed th' . . _J5 _ _= ,SW:� , . r''.11tond4a to: Asdat* him t4y , , la�tt' V " .'.', . twk, �� vdt=ont - 'H 6n-"Afr. Harker, "itu4when thegco. - . yo, r siyV - cat Oblfged. to ollde' e lives of fh6xxsa_n,d5 ., .. , - .';:,. - . . I ur=aak - J1, I - I .. 11 I - .�., '_ � � e foul .1 � . 'ber � bas be PL ,Vmek, Otber'.woul4in I It.Is thO Ili- jeopd1rdy. .. . . �, ''. =6re = n Unmasked, y ..tak I , . . � � I � � "I.. - to. accoqm ai . I I 1 d - : �Iice: , !arjJ4g6$ og rh .,4 ' I ,. g,�-� wa3 tE:tkdaz��-Y-- 'Q�i�_ rid: scoundrel ' . . � I Id ftandmother usc& to wear. .- . ncter, ef - , ma: -,"n., I - . . , wining ­ -e , . . a I I , � r . , � Ea=, top "y1i need have lan . it e 'q Ive loor It i ' �(14nt hithe Scotch, lin ' of , In. #nother ,'Plant - k; -,Young. . man - . .: . r ­.. � �. -1_,,_- I , Qi&a�%2_1 `� I � I a ft; �� ___ : I ­ *x -, ­ . � . - ctzort were �-,-t­ e0f1mlft VMY, a=w I',- . ger- In inii =�isties chiiin'Di villainr q�art or, -�vio of -n1jlo,t'of,,JWo V l4diistry � . . '. , ,�_ � , . . -t ife vm�aaterl and', -1 . O over, 01 . if _h � ' is and' costly, operating a,'cuttiri'g m4qbInc,',in Which � ` .. . . .1 : ... - --- . -3, - .25 no,fearof _7-futuro, s a lot, f time t -15ort dri .-electrlic c . . irect desce I 1. I- 0 '�' . Tz- .=, - .05d that: I _ .. _. nailg of differ se f ­431ttln'g In a ��� i it I .0 t e , famoi - I . silze.q . , , . . '. I , __46�cz ,,*� oqmi, A*!&, - dqm, toga -_ft- eft , r . , Avel r aV., � . u want �i parti I ,�... �, I I * i t :. overy. time -yo Size. I easy- �,ehair,,atrd "fiulling levek , P r .1 . s,'.of malru... long stiekg'of Q.mokelests .pow , '. . � I . . . I- . .. 11 1, . - ���7 - 1p_- r -en the wb6l . � .- - ii, - , ,:��, , - I. ,0­4..w"� ­­ ___ -0 I- 11 r... n+A11f,1_-__*1 -'1.0 -4- .- d6t are .. - " " .; __=_� . � - - . - .. Q 1E, Alq� n�-- I -lith - 6 0" .,;�', T'. I'll, - ­ . -- -4 t -t tsl�5 Ev= &�, zri�,%- 11 t4l�, 0-00 Mw 1't��"A h" " . . . f� - I r - .11*x,-r wt t , . . , there was a single flAw, but that il 9 r ; Iciashmill'arti'le.- Thb,lfroces . �___._ � . M t2ml. ol�rt T�� , - % 'r e chi". The in) 1, it "W, make�,a Afj�4�' I - ___��_ � . - 1� �_ �__ L��"��___ ­ � .. I has brbl ­­ - f. -_ I __4AA! V-1 _Ir�,�U`a V11- �011114?30 11-- - - r . - 11;�_�_",�;�"41 . ,;j�e� ..... . ._ - __ , ,.,. ,,, - I—, I . ___­­ r - - - : I 11 � . I - . . . . , ae-eg-rA��-J W;D%�_=*nl __­ '" * 0 ' 11 .- ent I � - ,�. .. . . .. " I __w_,;� , .. �11"a little,bo � . t Inc x -Ttke material,tiat-w '04 I - Ow.1% 'with"il '_ � .� rr� d _ te _Zot6 � � .W - --- V lies Ora, J. t ._A. rdi _r�. . . � - - �t;lw, ",41�W,11­ - ,-L V-4 ­T_ ,r,--- 3� - -Ie,-,,r4ft,_.t_ .ai,A U;,_".Mh-_ nf.t.", LOA AA �2'­A,,i _,______X 1 t, - I 1.1, ab ut. laf� yKelgl more in i 1'1�ta�Xfip _I 9 th - . ­­­­ ­­__., ­­­­___ _­.­ rrrr . co Ing _7.',­�,.,,._. --­------­--- , - ... . - , ­ ___ . __ __:��_�t��__U�­­��#Ir_,e.;- -p*---,xOW-reM0rs4,ne8sM'-Su-- -- .. 11 � - --Cfl�-�*�W"�l-l-,&W-a-W��4k4A-,;iIU444,1---�ttt-t�-�i!-.-t,Ll.t� �t":�!-.-t�,��.-X--.��.-ii!!A�4.&%Ii�.t� �1_ ­__ __.__,__,___,__�_,;J;�_� -1- 11 . . . ,� .i ----x3t.k�-.�YL���A�-.-,-�,�littv�V-AWI-4u -W-E�LOP-��InAz--,.Maeh-4*14---- 11� , .. .1 . W___�# _,S�_ �, r" -uti��7-141wvl-?aif-r4,.�il--4"'i.�&,—��--- uuugly It 0, at tho elevat;�d �befiore t e knives struc _,­ 11 - 4 ... �___ I I . 91 � 'rv'4 compartnitnt:q :(,or'each Blvd 'of -ball, two,, inlari'are required to mov,6 theni.- "U67pat t1i ., � 'T_ ,., j LW Ut* �'241=1'0_ rim, - . , * f3l't `f hEs 'kalr�A''.Wo., fre.dom-which he had -4, � . t it h , , I k! th- , , � � , . . 4 't _ i_ ,tf, ,r , ­ I __ e - 0 17 !,-q 6 i= I - �. i 42�,.a , *Ec� 'fr — � = .3 ��,� , 1 g, .53atlit;43imi 9 . . . neil'. �6" and t on keep each.c �Otrlclty dobs 90 per cent., " - Aigny -.re . , nail. , If 7�_-!-� ,71�,5a-oa e.* gra, edat *;661 � ferteted for � I ty. of -his only � 0141lartMent f ree. - PA . . I 1. . . . I I t out he -mig'ht lase , - 7'� - . . � . I. . � 11_64� 2" ,,,,,vm I � . ,., 11 . I , ..rji,x " at -2 fhe sife " 11 , � igion,q'6f. Tib i d6licate ma. he tiled to szl�atcfi I � . . . . � i lie it i5 1 - p6g-top � trdu worli , OXL �_ . , - V. = W_ W' -V 4, , 4=rgrd, vas �hild.11 I " from any -but, the particular si gers , 6ri4l to �Un(t great care WAS A hand. If he let. it go lidthing but A - '' .;. -, b --t i _,* 3;1�:w . 1, '. L jotbor wonieh-gie:ln t I . . � . �. . �, ,05.- , d��t.*�w-r rtej��,� -4 - , �m Z:!�-­!n,� a=,1r=d&,1M_i5 'e. -the , , '' , t6 d6iltaill, YOU Will'k,a 16ml nide' ercis' d. ' � .. ' ' 'hn ' _z .. ,� � � I . 4� 1" `4�_ v� i��='?�_,* r,�, 'i , .g q;;�' B -n . I . . , . -i _ M=zt�� , . . � � irdrafz&l b1i h�ad and looked steaa. made but these "do � not hJqe -the ni 0 The pi6duotioh of fji.e 'yaifi n1irac e 'coul explosion, . , - or"mrs'-t-'r g.=& �t7,4 " , in, a ,good 1. s . I d -prevent " . . "I zzq�; f�q=.tbv f- . __ P I � __ _ � . I . . W�: ill .-&�ZE��, �a - - . I ity in'EO the stem bYes,Of Lord Bar- many minutes that'would i5therwisa,that Bblap, fro.in'th -delfevte'S�6eo; or aI6ne'r,0`u:ir'e`d ,so mueb �patiziioo, " . . I . W#I*r 1�11 94 =T.41�o -=, - e. ��_ . I and for the 'nail would be -,a ro to -gi ! I - S 6A fb; �r.%4 ---."----- ­_�- I - ---- - "' r . . ., e 1i ve off . I . zw--w- -.2� �� �; ,�arest =1=ter--,,-� - - " � I I I . � . . -­�'�:�211k, P- -`.!:,��,� '-IT . 4�..,,�, .. .. I , ,.�. � _,.� .,­_��, _ ?,, - tI . , - . I , . . 'r. � . r '�eft he Wasted hunting for what may not I the blonge and fie,. or the flowers Ili care, and toil that $12 a pound was not a, gark it struck by tha knife, r, 'r. .. � . . , . ; I . . , , , . . I I . ;;� . . - , .. , , , , r I U lee. - Not infrequenfly - - Therr, was only a fraddoil of, a see- - , , , '. I � ' -,�, ta ��_,�. �,, -,. -­ *� , , 'ngl ' .. .. -Oza t - `M��tI. , , 114� 07 1 . . . . imd xeziolwtvilx _*r_fm&z, 1:�; ,�W_ ,�,,=�t-. � �- t��­,, 1�t -_ �-,_%. , I. _�� , . � '" _W and V 110 Continued, "Afre, be -in ih6 boy . I - ­- ;at ,1:-, � "; , " t* . ' ' I. :��Z::�_ _ vagbs.d�doratlM -a framedixte n6igh- an, neommorl P114 , N*1ew.ed ­ L -i.;__ , zg_11 ,, .; Pe M' �'-fraw`tfie elidini that Wand!�, , � . � , , Ih I . . . , - . I 0 1 C-9014 �, 1��01 : 71 . - r1l _�� � . b6rh.064. , . �. 4he, manufacture o %a�si . I -15 -, re- C. . ­­ - . .�. q.AAW1 ye- . 004 in . which to 2 decide., with - the 1, ?, .,:, . � -hin -P_e,4_-2::!!,, ,1 E-�� 47*i--­,,�io-!�r- - , _ . .� M, t �­ 1, 4r-4- --;; ,1,'A,Uz29 to biiir: - re� 0 l.1_____:0`_-�_ I � _. ­ .. .... ­­.. . .... . _Xtg , t =� - -.- =�=: t�ll I'- . . . , .. .... . ' I - . , - , I , , �a 1 Z81. V&V�� ,:�C_�,#.E n�., t*. t'-,t� 2n5f . . . I I -1 - . - ea '%t- , "' h I . - :0 I .1 4* -two ­­ -1 ____ �___. -, ., �,�!�a-_--_T*x ­ . ... . _ ��L: 1- I I , . ness th4t chailactorlze� thfte-who .. ' : ' I I", ,. .3- - , - ,,:;rt -1 tha.trna7 �C*11074 :&=Ahis ,ex- , ­ . I I I . . I - ­11__.� . . I er - eool , , , I . . . . �gi ?�,, lt-e��-,- ,Zraw7e tq;�� Vz__;v., � ,." . t . I . . I i �ear,:,aind *s4ch --A�wi ' ' � I . I I 1, I . . . vtoixbi� 1i�; *0%-n ,C-� * v . tnz_�,;_�Jl_ I F -6z+ -�,�­' � 2ZO10411 Z � 4- - The Uaitk, of. -E . Coqpjicated, �Vqrk. --". - .. 14 Pend their ves in the preso rorzvte -a i, * I , � ��. .E, ,. , I -;�* - - e� - -, the�gi f;lll:;, rw lord,,�� - . I 1191and4., � ' , �' , I S� very. often' s li , . nce-, of " .1 . 1 ,�� " . . - , I. ,ry creates Its. own 'elec- lbrought price.,4 ; , - - P - -, . _�_, _��_ r--,, 0, r*,!-, rnnavo ad :tzr-31 prof. , . .The facto � . . 4d bl� W-Cmibe -ft) Alai -U;�fnr ot e_1 _.�. �.;,_ * - .f& . . . . - Z_� �� - , of $900-ano "'' dalftger,'he snatched. the,nall .from -un. . - ' ' . .rle7o- _1i fz�� -,J � , , -- - -A 76VV�9�: , T-he.JR,at&,6f,Ei1g1 . I 11 ., I .� -1A---' � .. -1-1 ,. .._.._.,_____ � ____ .1 lls,,p6c - - �- . " .- ­ ­ I . . 'ball I ',-A -'c-ho-L'�col!!L,3i,,,-,,-��";P.�-!-,,-----L, 11. - ,0"�; 0:!!, r, ,*�'­c ii�X_', 1"r.,. -I-1 4 �*!�� �!smazht t'.'m m6-,.7,4,�- * ----. , .. _. � �-IWWY . - .� 1 -f- �__­._._�._­ 1-140"h4 * hif Ad - A` hid" -pbut 71f - I Il to' I " - - - __ _k , " � - I.— ". _,_;�Ita iv.,�=A , , - " . �t-.�.��<�!��-, �,O"_ , 6tid,la not- ii j-_�,Ig4m,;p At twbott4wmtu. I—!; J.:_-_L_1�4-4-,;� , , ,�$1,000 . ­ . -E- ;�:_�, - -r �,v�i*!�,-,Pi -�', me mr. -ve"no bAny4n und'er w1l' . ­ _.­ , �;-,-&&I- by , - _��__��_ fir-:-Utua- , --1c­'l-w--a� very In come ,Slectl.�n6 h3,�'raulld vow�r-.- is 1, -:fie: giftantild - , -1.11 . :]M'Alnie, -V .*,-- ,­ -C-,1­4��e-��: , � I . . o� , W�_ the ZR7_1_7 cp�,��-. -, _5_1.1_� ill,',. lrl:�11� plw­.�' �_,, -, ; - . � . and t][I0 rights of the . ni'l "rjlrae ln!3 1 OtL - . ich et. .. . I . lmzlle� tbow-m, pa!t2l ��zr-,r; Lle,rd ,L�_�� �, . I . 1103righing Pkivs&C colarany,16unded. u' oil, 'I r06 Ill` -So quWft -did be, move that 'not- I . I . � " � ' . Alould bezade.oirerfo her, _�nt3t,p 506 � .=-Ier t�). 9?4=11 ,P,_n� ,�:-, . "�,/_;i� " . " I 0 n a factory,, are t6'Ale,vaitdor Is gaid tb'ha4a camped with' oven the SkI)l'of1fis hand Was brokcIT. , . I . I I . _" - � ,V 4":7, t6v_; BarmDrsioz"n, face s , , in 104, whiera otrea mveh of i1w sue-, 01001 I - . I - . , . . . 3 , . . I I , : .1 -awe time, �' �� -'4" � n.!�,,, ,*_�,_r,�n;*t, 'S'; t. r,r, , ,0 i t1al, riamt- of W's � CA- I . " ., , on lell'at once,* at the C C'm =x-,?�,"'a - v�.-,s;7. -I -,. - �', ­. ­_ , heme ,;Ath, . forges �;vhfcli reeefvo ot8el ingots oi, 7,000 -men -now measures -nearly 1, ' . �r4_ Zig- . , �91,-a�, ��i_%:r""-�',',i"-­ , � 'r,l_,�,�� ­* ,",V, � - . , . ,; : 1. erwg that:the n, . K-�il ­­* - 4 ,1� to. th6 :r0A tLA ii i,q 44uallyl 950 poun4s each. Hadv Ingot ' to - loot, acro�� the head. eo ' .&__�_.` - � . . �, . � Papers ;ehould lls he, a�' .. �, ,e,'­WC-:,4?T,, 4� 1 ��� " f"C'm Slarkerlo 11`0;C- Britain"s bant,�er, litaffig 4boutr . . -- .. 11 � .. . ... . . � - I , I ' �ft&,"�ro VV7,� � -�-,_ 91-�, Ft- _-.-, �,.' -, �, � , �:, __�", I � .A,14 ,in " rm I 3.'-a d nko 6anof)yj ar.t " * * 6 V,eh v . a AP , . -� . . , ler perponally, thua ,provi . ;" " . -f ratftlo luai,btne 'ot U k - df A Fr�xichnian ha fit t�d � -, I- ' ' . . I P& to I , - 17_,_- , A -jeorhr.,4AIar,.,� i!� dropped Into a byd " � 1 - rk"C-4 'Wi6b ,lize -=tn-'zz,r_. --�� *� ro .kp � . . . . i inflptferenco � tu _��.f. , . �, ,h. a�'Vress ons 10 ap. � 8()o : r n S"an nshlnf . .6dot. - .1 Tv Z , r"a`t'��r­;r*P a roll 6f f ilic , , over p U .1 . 89�9inbt ,bn,v Iniotak6a Av, dibe '70?v a&1?t �,�,Xe P.?�,�- t -4z_ �P,- r,­-,-�, , T�,<­,-, gj� - I -paid the Bank"foe management of the are',of 750 t u�h wll�Ieh Suo p s. to Oompross air fiva reservoir .1, . Tgoper. , .,,IlQ"­. - . R nii-,fer "I"', i�� r.��,,, "_ 1',:",�,,� --?.'f^�­ P_ -r"_'8', &f` f"`r- �01 UP, 'SP11 NaO4`61 Debt of 9ng1and_,$1,6g 1 5 p � WI 0 S 1 th on :-, . . .; . 1. . .: ­ I. - _ - . � 'to I *'� + . . I , li,�, ,lize: it to wind' clocks, , I . . 01i the -Ptlit of .- . ' or �Plled,,"d. eameo out Ift the sbapti.og ' , . , z s6 pro� as the doors Of a hou.qe are op ed una" � ..- - � ­tl "i 0,angpe.,. r,,rqr4eI4orcc-,mjIl%u .,r ,;.�i �'s . ov�j a or sVe al ., , t� . i iort , 1��x ., �>� . . __ , ulne'lne - sliolls,� : TUP94 are .. � ;, vn?, -) hq,.;�,r ,OUf bVch a"(16bVii r t.- to iri'l,ke ulntno�. ,. � utz .1 . . � �- 11. - .11 . . I * 0 . . , .. r C ,d&z' �, Y, czr daughter, fj ,.d, p Pitt . paga , . ., , . I . . I . I -I I 1.1.1'. . I.- I . I . .. I—, , . - . ­� . .1 - .. 11 I i:�,�V;�-,,) t�r.,�M,, fo,.V.�-. , *� ,y elearl. ve handrod'i16V1Uon,:an4.at the rate "W"U**�".,*Mul�1­7��, __ �_ __ I , � I I ­ I 11 . . � .. . � I .. . � () . I .. I . ­ . , : lh� . '. , . . - . ­ ­­ _,­­. ­ " ­ ­ ,_-, - — ti 10i . a , .. � . �! , , "w �w�zm'�?$5 'u,*Lwita j�!­of- t5rjo 'for' , , , - . .� . I I I W_="T�*_40ft._ � I � '. W � I, i4" ".. � t , e ,�, r I , ­. . . - .. .. -, , - .. - I 1. , ��, � :.��_ tvery , - I on � .1 : ­ � . � I I IN I , , , moll pounds I I . . I , . I � . . .. I'' d _ � . fkl, I 'r`-- ,.,t , f, . . . . 14 . . . - I � I _. 1. � , , :;;, t' -',*f,' it Vl'as Wh; AI�OVO.thiq, amozmt, Af��!umffig, -then .1 - ­ I ­,.". . I .. I �. . . - � L'. I ... I . . . 1111111ft "A,-,r­­@'1't,"t_­_';. , I � I . .. - ­ -.111, .. __ . - ___.. .1 � _. I I 1. - .. _. . -- ­ ­­­ I .. __ , . .. � _ . � . , I I . . I . . . IV I I . _�te,�-1111'ee f(,,rgq4r­,,,11, that a V,;gr Loan reall7es;- $12,5(L . T 11 I � . . , I � . I . " I. - � I 31,00,_ I I I .. . . I L I . -&.A., � I . . I I I . . P , . , . i'P_',-P V,2.,,;n,!0 ev;'y L'�,-,,�f - , 401 $,,J�p d , ... a . , I . . I I �, : " , . � c -'ER , ', V 1:C . , . '�"�"'�� �'""_�rpd 'S"'?!f4yli ul'-01)118 t'j, (000, tbe, Vank ofX-In',la d woul . . . PAM X , - .&E -R, . E , j, h - re.l. . .. "i. . -'r. . . . � . - .. _�'; We, - teiye an annual 00M of $1,2r) 00 I - '. �.11 . � . . ,- - - , ' Avai . � rh"7",! -e ,k` �;W`kf,,! ,U%A. ptrdr�� 0,0 fort I - - , . , .. - I , 1. I L. . � . � � , -Known Everyw'he're Ubk.�' I. I � I Eit � 4 - ""' 4 . !". . I , I I . . I . .1 � . . ryw Cr,,o , - -this work ailofie, to r,ay iloibVig, Of the . - . t.. I � . I .1 01�1 I , 11111111 11 I I � I . 4, I � . �- ft "I'ta,g l,f.0"4 Djf�, 11t.1il"or , I . . 117 . 11 I . . m, - to- V r . . I I . � I . . . I ' 0 ' '' , 0 I I . I I I cAlise . " a "Park " A 11 . Ft'. ��52%' L'6(>y ,,, + Y -t' income derived from managjn-�, tl�4 old, �. . ,, I - . . � I � . . 11 "I'll". ... - . I . My bert fridnd.- I . I ,W I . . . .. , is no r .... showd do,without I 'Parkor, : !�11 �! - H',z-`kC,,3.W-1indP4h*,, 1.10a,j , INP-60tial Dcbt, whieh, on the 6"tI)r0alt I . , �, I I . ',�Nl I . 1� "...''. - 4 . . . . 0 i . to I � .1 I I a . I . I . I I .Vpr;10_4`dC4­qt(­vdi1.V, - ' 14,1 -jol ho'4111ties, vlas.,$31250,000,040, �'. - .. ,;"i': . . I . I . I ,1 . I # . S. - I � 1. . ... . I � . '. � 1. Al . ­ . . . The excellence of 61'r *ork is to' *41 kzov�'u that 1. I -11,:% �;rjp<.T &,ad.4, I V;111 ' , . I . . I . I � . . I � ­ � notV, � , I . 1. I I I I I " 1, I L . It fted, oWy be i�� here, . . ". . S � z7,102d.-hand overto�our c.harfte; if i , - -,� , ",t -i-- -40.,_- . L - I ,., : � . "I '. It. . I . I . � I . . � . I I I � ., I I litt the tou'reftienct bt our gervit* by mail to &0:oat " . , W � . lyou� prefeil it, I But I you Will have' . . . .1 . I . I . I I .. � ­ %.. I . , '. I . . . : . 000hillets isluOt; Articles of any sort can be sent us I ., * � . 14 Aufflident copfidelleo. in' my efforts to ,I - . 11011c,� - the Delay. , . . . . - I .. I __ t, , , . I $4. *0. either by Parcels ost be c*prciii _"d tetozed,in, the I . save y6u, fr6it fuithor tr6uj)lq�,, I k,,,lil I - I . . . I I .1 , � . nbought 4 watch ;l e;m the ' . � I . I . � .1 . I . 1. I I I . 11 .. . � � "me manner. We Pay the carriag*'Charges one , I I . . . h6ld then) At YOW command until after,; : I"addymia , . � .. .. I . . I I . I . , . I I. I . . .- . ", , Eveq, ortcaution is taken t6 ensure thdr . I Wrinont is dt,alith 1,vith in order � not i local $'ewelller with a guarant,ne to Ite,ep � . 11 � 1-1 - . . ... �. . . .. I t I . . . ny Way 11 . I -_ , , . I I * , , .. � . "few ,in transit, I I to implicate You -in a � ; fol., of it ill order for twelv6 114011ths, About , � I I . 41 11, _. I - - . - , - , � ­', I . � I l, I � - � __ .1 - 11 . _ - - , ­ - � -1 . -,.-. - __________ - � ­: . ­ � .1 - . I 1.0" I - - _____1-__1._.___ ­.. � I I . tO I�AIWVIIJ% MVi'llf-effibbill"by cl , . I eou pc,,thoso�-billia 13elonx-to-vermok, iph­niontftq�ttr paddy ttjOlt- ft -Ti4& - . . . . . , untr 11 0 . , .i � .. - talung or dye* _ 010 he ;� . 1, I � . 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