HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-04-05, Page 1�a • 4.50 per year, in advance; $2 oo otherwise J )CAI . ND=tiENERA , To -morrow will be Good Friday end ::a public holiday.. Mrs.. t.,leri Whiles is; spending a week with her detiehterein Toronto. • • Mr. Frank Tate wawa up from Palmer: store ou business on Tuesday and Wed. needey,. , Mr, W. S. Holmes+ has returned to Lucknow. after spending the winter et Port Arthur, Rey,bir. ° Meltae, of Kincardine, will' conduct the •services; in the .'reabyterian chlireb. next°Sunday. ' hir. Chas; Whiles line gone to Spenisb, Algona, where be: will remain' with hie brother for eome time.. Faster services in the Methodist church next, .•, • ay. • Song service in, xho evening;: rybod r welcome.. Pte. Gordon iSmeltaer, a Lucknow boy who WAR • with tie( .Signalling Coof the 'army Battalion„ie onhia way ome. and'Mra, William Mailtenzie are these days receiving congratulations. of friends on the birth of a second pair of twin boys. The' young . `ladies' .of the Methodist church recently purchased a .,nary piano for use in the Sunday School .and other x : me etiagahel in the ...meet of the church. !# Some fourteen :or,fifteen of the . loch'. high echool' students' have written on examinations this week :With a view to going to the=country to do farm work for the summer, • The Misses Reid, „having taken elver the dressmaking parlors until recently cwiducted bit Mies. Edythe McGregor, ° ask for a continuance of the patronage of the ladies of Lucknow and vicinity. • Ire. 11. A. Doupe.bas bees in Toronto thepant. twota ;eoke, and since going, re has undergone an operation for W 'appendicitis, e understand' elm ie. inakin rapid progress towards recovery. PATRIOTIC+ NOTES• .. Further.contributions have been re-' ceived,by the treasurer of the Women's Conimittee,of•tQhe.;:Patriotic League," e • follows $20 from Mrs,;Win. Taylor at, aresult- 'of • the Talent Tea Mr' Tuesday .of, bu t " reek. Alen. $2. from Mu, 'George: F. Brooks' for thea work of the- Red Cross The hearty thanks of the Committee are 'r'ictended to :these ladies for their kind enoperation. ` . . • ager �eason'p is em. e r fou : are- invited , to :earl pct aid buy-out Papers. ___Prices Sc. to Mkt roil.;.. Good samples to choose from Remnants at bargain pz ices. " Unused rolls taken back- • furkito tutu' LUCKNO , ONT., THURSDA .APRIL 5th., L9t7 . lucerow S4air,-The hoazehcld effects .,f the lete_Mrs,-Jomepbt._Little -:will- he 'sold by pr blit auction at her late reei- ,dence, Campbell $t., Lucknow, on Sat- urday, AVM 14,,commencing at2o'clock,< See bills. lir, hAdm Johnston, wile, forseine yeas!, hes harge:of the .et ectrie light plant" has decided upon ee change of occupation. Ile bail bought >t farm in :• Ashfield, And, as will be aeon else, wlah e, i Vering hie town residennce:• for • sa `Mr.Maorellouee Mitchellerrived home Thuredey Of last week from a , trip to. hngIan f. Re, esf course, •Passed through lieldowhave. the . opportunity* to bear, e Gentian aubniariue blockade On hill- Mise Gardner is it singer of • rare way,, but saw -nothing of the Aube.: , Thel'O eteanier Olt which be• willed carried a 81X- and sweetness. Mr. Lyman, the other - !' gun besides takingother precaution!, against German, undersea Craft.. THE EDISON MUS» • ILAL DEMONSTRATION . The maple •of. Ludknow were not in a going; out mood lost week. They neg. lento(' . two, Meeting of the I'utriotle League and they failed to turn out .a any copeiderabie number to the. Edison a melee' dewonetratiop on Friday even:: The affair, however,: was a wuuaical treat, the like. of which village residents. Edison iirtiat who assisted at the demo- ,211 willnow likely subside for e, titration, explained that Miss Gardner a time, f Monday Patriotic. Has i A Patriotic Dance. Will be lien on Thursday evening, APr!t 12th. in: the Ceruegie Holl,: uckno�w table cotn- in*tt a are 'ip; T ,rge. ' a, geed lunch servedt he Lucknow Orchestra. hive: been practising nes* most: Prepare ��..... for this 4110.. :Old-timer.- EV [elderly. requested to .attend.. Daanc- g will stat at 8.20. sharp, and all: are naked' to. come. early, It: a tleaired that all. froth the country and ;tronl the village Who can come will do erg. All are 'Wil come,"'•It: Is the eint .of'thn committees to turn. over to tits Woe's- Patriotic Fund one hundreddolllara, BOOST TDB. DANCE. • :P1nnni ng: Big Held ,Day Lucknow has put ou many a euceen ful field day in its famous Caledonian Park, and it will put, on .04e more; the coming summer. The slate willbe`Mon- day, June �ttk •a; King's, birthday. cel'e. "nation. The celebration will.be' under auspices of t:lt e' Luckno ir• 'Patriotic. and the urposetoraise patriotic, fonds..; With.euoh a popular organization in charge and such a worthy object, the' celebration should ranle iiith the . bleat. and biggest of b7 gone-.dayn. The rgla- 'tive *dvaatages: of a eelebralttion on .rte 4thregr" J.ullrIat, which:will be'•the•.110th afini eraary,ef Canadian• confederlttion,• have•heeen considered and it is thought there'', i�itl he: fewer :coinveling. ee.lehniel .tzona' on the former date; PATRIOTIC LEAGUE R1ORti�ANjZBD Judging by the attendance: at the Meeting of...* Patriotic . League . held 'last Thursday evening, otie would• con: elude, that the ladies' ofLucknow have a rnonopolyof; patristic entiment rt1 they village, at any rine, the sort of patriotism ;which allows ltaelf in +iiiirlte.� Though. this• wag the'�aecond meeting called (a•previoue one having failed from lack of attendance)''tber wets. only fiv men present. The :wonifin were. repre- sented by more than double that nuin- ber, but the meeting wee atill a discour- agingly small one.. I1owever, it went on and did busineee,: Mr. J. G. Ander. son,. who , was '.president, . and Mr. 11. Johnston,' who was secretary of the Leaside since its Organisation in•.'October of 1914, -both stated` that..they would like. to be relieved of."the duties of the offices they held, and thst, as there Was to bean election: of officers, they did not wiih'to be eonpidered an candidates' for re-election. Election Of officers reaulted, in Mr, 'i: 13. Reid being: made president; Mrs. Dr. Elliott; let vice president; Mrs. M. Mitchell, And. vice.prea.;.and Mr, A. D. Mackenisie, secretary, Mr. Jos. Ag- near tgaa re-elected treasurer. • Mr. Anderson submitted a' telegram which he received from: the Organization. e• ENI RqN ,EgOt UBITION Pour Cases • ist Court 'dere on bloody -4 Fine of $200 and (boas Confiscated, Single C -Dies 43 HORSE PUJNOEHITHRO11,911. MO SHOW- WINDOW A horse driven by Mr.1?b'illip Steward becameunmanageable Ttteeday morning and making a dash across Campbell St, While Lucknow was. getting alone' 1 plunged through the plate ;glees window ofW �J Davidson - f . without either a contzable •':or a spocial ia. furniture riots. The officer tor theenforcenieent of the Qatario. Temperance Act, 'illieat trade in. whiskey was ;m ins.; rapid strides; and the iawouf fire wterpeeeii g,througktbe Weal'. express. . office, •it • is ,acid, would'. surprise those not 'familiar -with the traffic, • would bins jufrt* as .she diad .sung wh@g or oa air was• a tort of house-cleaning day, . and four cases which had been the records were made, with the. differ- . sties only ;that as the ptacb►ne being to enforcenging s the: for went of properedmachinery used in the eiemOustrattoh 'ryas intended law were diiipose,i of. for ups in a lwr%r agd'At+t.tp a bei}ll she Constable Uariieron had evidence in all would not givet`� het Toile the volume four cateee: that there was no getting away from, bud iia defence was put u�;. that she Would were, she singing under 4 loom trap dint eel, with re eivin d 'other _ i ' ns. SO, far • as proving the havingiki r a c . Ban reprodao mimic: an; actual re-creation que> tl public court, was Ailed aiich'aa`ia claimed liy ,)kir. • ki`dieion, � the. ;2�' He aettted opt. of a..sec�,nd demonstration . was entirely successful, Q cake a e,bettk him being withdrawn to as no orjei could distingneh Blies . Gi►ardt .facilitate settlement: tier's, singing from the reproduction of it • A' case of wh;ettoy whicli'hap lain 'for by the machine. Thin: wao demonstrated mouths at the Boren Office, nobt)d - having the courage: to claim it, urea non many; ways, the last number on . the ° programs being the�:most complete. Miss 6scated, as was also a> unclaimed. case 'SI'ardneetarted to_eying along with the of vodka. The whiskey ip,.said rex, have belonged to a Huron,. County resident machine; the lights were turned out',and who, of course, would violate t the%music continued foe' a minute. Theforce in Huron lght.wes then. turAed on andthe udien .Temperance Act • in iotas .in ,Huron surprised to discover Athat Mies Gardner county County if he took the goods. ,acreas. the' r county'boundary line. The 'vodka was hid left the stage, the song being 'con. ,addressed to a young . Russian tinned by.the.instrument alone; yo g sslan who is 'I.:, There were also doippouetratione .of the , :working on a farm,. and who,: having no re•create�d•piauo and :violin,. music, ;and prelipises of his own, w'o'uld, have to take fir: Lymaq, who'pla ei the Sute beautl- the geode onto the property of liis� em - f plover, whose residence happens to be a fully, gars Opportunities' to compare hie „public ub • la In ith there=creatona oE'it~ p lio place . The3 immigrant was told p ,.y g' that this was sure to. get him, and ' his k nun ibex- were ip�a..from'. Kincardine employer into serious trouble, 6o he and .itrplejt;:..Awong;these. ",.. notice.' allowed ' Eev. M , . l his vodka to be'confiscated. • t". �i 5n9►'s•>di wife and Mr.:and .. . • , . ,..• _ ' The fourth case was._ against a man :Mire. 0Gl ,,'Mooney, f,E;pley, ' • who" ha • d been here during -the � winter' tiut. is' now in Manitoba. Having no •residence• here, he could not receive; the -`wet goods",without violating the law. - (Montan L (KNOW t�OUNCIL d The r�j 'ie and tw(Montan Tors conduct . ed businebe at the regular, meeting -41w He, had paid :no attention- to-the-sttni=- Village Council Tueeday,..evening:' -two :!none to appear and the magisttates,i be�' plae werevacant . owing, to. thea recent ing uncertain as to how to pr c ed, have resignations of Clouncillore Lyons and,reserved' judgment pending advice from mcchadee. the Crown Attorney.. Y` Bustnee&, waa mainly Oa routine chiirr- . • Reev@ . Johnston,; ' of.• Lucie ow, and actor--conpideration:of accounts, etc. ' Magistrate. Henderson, of Aalifi'eld, dealt -Reeve'Johnsrou':their occasion`tri 1ta= with..thacases. Information- had been Port tha"t,:,aa a result,orthe recent:proses laid by Constable Cameron acting an cution:for violations of the Temperance conjunction with Inep ector White. Act, he had handed to the village. frees* The above wouldperhaps• have made urer 1.IOQ, and he held a boric' for thnaore apicy reading reading if we had giventhe payment of another.:$100 in the,•tieatr :' future.. This he said; was the'dire3ct ,•re- naines of the parties against whom ' in-' sult•of,the appointment of it J. Caner.: formationhad been,: laid, and naturally on as constable and .special officer for the newspaper .men are interested in publish-' enforcement of ..the .Temperance' Act. ingall the Coley .reading l sibl' ow -lied anvotherappointnent been made this and the several' other cases disposed ever, there is at all times much: `"spicy" of on, Monday ,would necessarily have matter withheld because publication ,of gone to, Walkerton where they would it would -not only serve, no public pur-. have been prosecuted by Inspector White Pose, but would do needless injury:to y fine collected would •go 'the individuals or causes. . In our own o in - provincial :treasury,•instead :of to Luck- , P pnand... that.�of_those-entrusted,with the - enforcement cf the law, such were the; circumstances in connection with the cases referred to above. now, I•nepector White, who, in--the-ab, sence'of a apecial officer in .Lucknow,' had laid the 'information before. Magis- trate Tolton, of Walkerton,. had explain ed. that he could .not have cooperated with a special officer who was not also a county constable. Cameron' was al- ready a Cuttnty; Constable, but Donglais could • net have been Made a county constable until the June. session. -of the The liffestern Foundry ants. ,=.;t6=, lietWedli the ages Of Seventeen and _ taty-Bje, td learn_ Pay laborers WageS te. start rend put you. under, cdmpetent instrueboia, Ind give every., ,,eppertssuite :learn a good trade -riu Yery Short .period. is , sin opportunity' that you•nhould not '• Steady employment guireitteed Write,. telephone. cr call (0tootett up to wed:1164y noon) Sutter • ea Se 15 $16 .betaken.up by the League; ; Xt wail de-. cided that the, executive of the , League should 'meet in reference te thie ,in...,the Ag a insane of robing, funds for: pap . 'Node *ark it wee *riled that .., he iii kineis • birth falls upon Sunday (June STANDING MELD CIttiP CO$P1ITITION The iiticktkOW Agrienitural Society heti made entry tor conipetitiot lathe Stand- ing Meld Crop Competition tor thitiyeare. The varietlea of grain are mite and •Iiar- ley. nutty fornie may be olatind by applying to the ninitrisignedi and all entries must be received before the 22nd apply to J. E. Aciwww, Secy. litteknote onmsommloodiftwooluidialmiliisiiro A °tee' will he given; at -the Wine tit Mtg. M. Mitchell on Wedrimiday April llth, Tea will be Served from 4 to 6 o'cloek in the afternoon, and from 4 tO; 10 o'citick in the evening. A fee of 10 cents 'will be charged Or dOtiatiatiit Of hotiii.mide baking, candy, fruit, pickles or 'other itemul articles to be sold. .Pro. - 41, Parautonint Wellington lienderion is hem* in auction bele to.day, April grd. Lyiu. Diarmicl, of Detroit, ie spend - nig it few days under the .parental reef Mile Lillitn-Raynard has gone to stay 1 tor 4 Whila With bet tlitititdinotheril Who le ill lit *14 LiJCKNOW 81011 SCHOOL REPORT Fong I= Canadian History Physics,. Arithmetiic,French-a. Douglas, 75' H. County Conn_Qcil_.:.Such being .the . chi- . Durnin, 73; A. Pickering, 72; B. Clark- cumatancee ; : Rebve Johnston claimed ' that instead of the toyw¢/nybeing'out$t00 sbu,'71,pyT� Smit,, 69, V: Ved]ley, 88 Ii. a.by,thozeppo tment Of e'.anzro 1r5200 �lc-ive rq•*-_ A 11R _T q jcz.�.{ - •aa agaiirr st'Doug_las at $100, the •Awn i' McDiar Did, til- _ �, McCcrvie,l - j>' � ready;$1Lt4 eslseuafa Tiiie qua.: •Bret. 'oe- - eiti'r'; i6, : 3o°husvon, o4; u :._.de o i= cause Douglas might not make an effi- :ald, 484.8. -Gough,. 47; J.'I'owle, 40;' B. dent otlicer, but becauee-"he could not . have prosecuted the cases locally. • , McIntosh, 39; E..Mcurregor, 32. ' �' • Tia is as We underatand'the""rceve'a • Foilat II: -History, French, Physics, explanation. . Arithmetic -S. Burn. 78; L. Finlayson,: • _.11._:112 -Mackay, of-Kineardinei Diatrict Deputy Grand Master Of the row ()Teeing, paying an o cut visit, to the local ledge and holding a "Lodge of • Nem Kincardine, Tiverton, rengements are wade fer the holding of will be held in the Town Hall . and the caterers will be the Women'e Patriotic Mose went right inside, but the rig con- ing in contact with the: window sill brought bhp to a,baat and he fell among thebroken globs and't'uriliture, wherehe Wasunhitched and led'. outside.:, . The.plate slats, which measured`8 ft. 9 in. by 7 ft. 4 in•, was broken into pretty small pieties end the gall# somewhat' broken,' The"ltorso•auffered a few slight c>;te,.btit the furniture waa in no. `way. damaged. Mir. Davison estimates that it will take about $100 to replace the glass, but, .. be'does not Stand to lose by it, as it was insured, the.terma of the insurance being that „the'glaaa shall be replaced. Having 'repaired the window, the company away then aeek to recover from the. ,party causing• rhea damaged It is• said. that courts havedecided that when a horse becetuesunmanageable the damagocaus- ed by him. is accidental, ,,the same as damage due to wind or any other force : of nature. ,: • LUCICNOW SL.HOOL I,EPORTS 3tooAc TV_-_ . • • - Sr,• V Teats, Arithmetic, Geography and j hammer 76%-.. C, Smith. - 1$0-.4. Smith, Howard Agnew.. 50. -Harold Agnew, R. Reid; E Irwin, W._ Elliott. Rat&well, A. MacNay, E. John- .ton* L. Garbutt*. -: Jr. STV Teste, 'Composition, Arithine, tic and Grammar -45-A: Reid, T... Cain, G. Douglas, 60-V. MacQuillin J. Johnston, S. Burns, 5.0-W. Treleaven., 40--=C: MaclCendrick*; W. Huston, D, Cannpbell*. Below 40-R,- Morey*, J. •Spindler*, B. Muriiie*, M. Harper*,. J. 'Armptronge. . . No. on roll, 29,• aver. att., 23.. IRENE G::SsERRIF$, Teacher... It is' true that every town has' its knockers. and Lucknow ;ono exception. Bat yet there are times when, every knock is a boost, and such is the case as regards the local drama now under way. Forsome unknown reason there are a• . few niashcioue persons • in our town who. •are circulating the report that "Another Woman's Gloves" is not to be for patri- otic purposes.. The least said the better, 'is a tip intended for those few, and the management wish to state that: every cent (save the small expense of • the drama) will be donated ,to the : patriotic fund, as was previously advertised. • It seen:Jayather inconsiderate. to' speak in: this m'enner of . those who. .have been giving their time , and services for the past number of weeks towards making, "Another Woman's Gloves" . a patriotic sticcess. The pant history of the Dram- atic Company: will no doubt speak for itself, -Managing Committee: • BORN • MaoK3iszlE._ 4n Lucknow, on April 2, 1917, to Mr. and Mrs. William Mac-' • Kenzie; twin sons. • Guanaco , -ln Kinloss Tp., on March 25, ,19 1 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Agents Grah- am, a dagghter: ` .. - MILLr .-At St. Helens, on March '26,, :.1917,I to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller,. - a daughter. • iAi3 { iii! es 'p; on rLeh"7, 1917, to Mr,,•and_ L;d lfted.14 * Itecora Imam I '-.4111411111. Both aie so The Victor Record of Caruso's voice. is just as- truly Caruso_ as It actually i s Caruso -his own. Magnificent voice, with all the Wonderful power, aad- -beauty of - tone. that -make the greatest of' ail -Every one of the - Inindred and twenty, art, but his PersOnality.. .Whe9, you hooT you hcar him just as trulyas if you iisien- • ing ihe Metropolitan OPeraHouie.' gladly play for yon,Victor Records by Caruso or any other ' styles -from $2'1 to arrange -tarns SUit .f.77T;.... ARMSTRONG ...otoweiet.aila.Aitiaa Mortgage Sale Of Valuable farm Property Under pOwer of sale centained in :a certain Mortgage' dated Thirty -First De- ceinher, 1913, and made by Alex- iiiidet"P:Millie to the 'Venders, there will be sold by public auction at the Cain !tense in die:Village ef Lncknow at one otelock on Thursday, 12th April, 1917. by B.. McCharles, auctioneer,_ the folloWing lands and premises, namely: All and Singular that tract of hind anal premises situate, lying. and being in the Township of...-KinloSS in the County of, Bruce containing 100 acres more or less, being composed of Lot Twenty -Pour • in tbe Third Concession -of the said Town- .: stEDBARLBY.:7Quantity a, O. barley for EVERYBODY'S COLUMN • wages paid to capabie girl. Three in tam - EY, no children. Mits. E. N. Lame, Bwr • • MONEY TO LOAN. -On mortgages and•iotes at reasonable rates. Fire Insurancb. hot. - Stook 'End Mutual Companies. Convey. ' anoing done with neatness and despatch.. 001UPORTABLE DWELLING on Havelock Et., hard. and soft writer, large arden, pos session Ist of May. Apply to • Jumea • ship. sale. May be scion at the (Wilt Shoe Store 0 This is od ay-„io Wfrve itur del -feet -frame house, Americans . Moving In A recent Winnioeg press dispatch says: Permanent iniMigration into Canada for barn with stone foutidaticn, forty feet by 2341""*. • J'3, BuilzsTEttf..1411eloutw. • sixty; well situated sclibOls toads . and markets, a amid opportunity 'for pur- $20,000 of Private funds to' lend' On first miirt- chasers, inspection ,invited. . gagesron faini or villages proPerties, at reit. The pirchaster to pity down at the tinin 26-4-a. .,LueknoW. 66; II McKenzie, 66; K.14cDonald, 66; the week ending March -27, more than of saLe a depbsit of ten per cent. a his .. purF ase Money, sufficiettt with Stich de- HIGHEST PEICESior .poulttz• raw furs. and • N.' Thotnnson, 65; A.. ,Alton, eg; C. Itc., doubles the returna for the seine week. poSIC tO Make nu 40 per cebt. of his put- i till kinds orjunk-rags; el jcv2. er rabbet st4)0na/d,-67.; thweiir 33;- :dayhy-150minioa immigration tiffiFerS. clay -a sate,-titid Cita residue may be se- JAKE LciBEL, Lackner': • con awns chronic' iseases suceessfuLly 'treated. Os - Millen, 621 3,-Stothers L McRae, last. year according to figures issued to- chase money within .one nsoa_ • o . .A. Mitehell, 55; .13. Drennan 48; W.. Dnring the week just ended 1,24' cured by mortgage of the ,purenased • ' Por further particulars and d" 1 McDonald, 38; L, iirington; 29; ,yr year. They lirought with. theta actual of sale, apply to lt, McOrrauracs, Auct-, - . Luokeea. every Wednesday' afternoon AU ' Oast tO the amount of $185,98L ' Last Vendors' Soliciter,•LbibrOU' Olt.. ' - .,,,,_ quialqy seourea sna_with tower treatments ' dteisttiste.h Adjustment or the spine is more Porm III -French Authors, latin Year's figures. show ' cash' amounting to t . . , .by Osteopathy than by any other Method, Composition,..Ancient History; Algebra .enly $91,658. Of•the•total , number of . • - 28-2-0. 4 . . . . -D. Dangles, 77; .M. Dumb.' 78.. C persona entering during the ypeek, 633 WOOd13441,. V. Tiffin, -72;• z. Morro, 71; were farMere and farm Jaherers, _. elute, 64,; B. Johnston, 52; , IL Burns, 451; F Aitchison, 40; Anna Nicholson, , • LOST. -On the road 'between LUoknow.' and, Dungannon cm Tuelalay maiming, April 3, Finder will bo rewarded on repotting tb J. A. Mackenzie, 'Kincardine. Phone 88, PATRIOTIC LEAGUE AUSPICE In the matteref the Estate of William For all matters regarding Greenhill cbonitell Notice -is heriiliy given,_ pursuant te IL a, 0, '1614, Chapter 121, Section 66,and amending actg. that all persons having any Matins ane demsnds. against the 1(444 William ihn glass, who died on or abollt the 13th. day of January, A. D.. 1917, at the ToWnship of Ashileld in the Pro. vino of Ontario, aro ;required to send bY pot prepaid or to delleor to the undersigned, • the •Itteoutor, under the Wilt of the said William Buegless, their names and addressO and particulars in Writing of their clones ena statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities. if any, held by them duly verifl. • eciAbi ataffikaael'efottice that after Fourteenth dtiSt of Aprs,-A. D.. 1917, the sold Ex6011tOr Will pro. ed among the persong entitled thereto, having, regard only to the claim) of which he shell' then have had notite„and that the said thrum. tor wilt not boilable -farther Stild part Menet to any Perserse at Whim • elaiMe he . tat his retidenre, Lacknow, Ort Saturday. 9,4 It • Ow Velem aletioneqt For Sale • lights, hard and soft, water, geed stable. Apply to Admn,Johnston. 12•4•13 SEED ANT), PERI) OATS V61t SALF,.-Clar of geed western Oats. G. STROUD, Moho r 3, Dungannon. sample at the Sentinbt 'Office. 12 4415+. • Gogh St, to sell or rent. soft water cistern io kitchen, also geed hard water near the • , %remit -shed, stable, 3.4 Acres fruit trees and , Auction Sales Secd Oats farmerS tO kf VS, only Eastern grain teed When it Is Atonable. We introduced the O. A. V). No. 72 Oats intO thoe part% and aro *aid offering cameo Boa at pee per iii,tiAsatThartioN. s4144, •