HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-29, Page 5• 1 - zAarAgyi Aurcht 19ty 1 erve • • • VERY ONE CAN do something for-iP0 'Country Some can 'bear arms Some can produce food , • Some can make munitions Some can give money 11 is The jtIrivilege of all to help, OU CAN SERVE by, FightiWorking Savin—Giving This Is NATIONAL SERVICE Are YOU,. doing, your part? L EYES turn now to the Canadian Farmer, for -he canrenderthe Empire SPECIAL. SERVICE in .this 'sternest year of the war. • - fauns . are . badly' . men are neededf:on• . WithinsOffident help,- the Man on, Ithe - Land fights in, uphill figbi.-to . • meet. thekpreislug :need for Food: * • • Muflicipal Councils, Churches and • Schools, and.• otheroiganizations, .,both of men and women, can render National .-Service by. directing --all . • availablelabOui to the Land. • , Farmers . then'selves ..can:, exchange •'labour. School boys can • .- • Were you raised on a farm? Can • driven: team? Can .you handle fork or 1160 If you can't fight, 'you can . produce. Spend the Summer work•!. Ing -on „the ' Far*. . . • . eieriitiniirWomaix and child in • the Dominion who has access to ••• Land, no matter how small the plot, • make it produce Food in 1917.. • . • *-* For informatlon on any subjectrelating to • the Farm and Garden write:- , INFORMATION BUREAU =---DEPARTMENr---or----AGRictitTuRp orrAvrA • .• .DOMINION, • 'OTTAWA,- CANADA. HoN. MARTIN ouoRELL. mitairinn. . • •1 • 'scrip.tion-AO:The- Sentinel, 7. • 6: ", nth turamw. *VIM 141. HAM --,-;.--,,-*----- _, ---'ratehlished I 87 . capitel Authorized, e600e,000 Caca24 Paltleap0 - $.3,000,003 Surpine, 0 ... 0 . $3,500,000 The Faniter's Convenieuce HE Bar.1:2rf Hamilton is alwayi . reakty 'arid tjad-to help the farmer' -- regarding -.his Cattle Business, Sale "Notes, Drafts or Deposits. Consultation invited, Locnnow sno‘ricu 7_ J. A, Weenie, manager. • ..'=-..7---7—. , Sil •,,.• a 9.' .1. ;•.,,.41,7„. ,:44.0 •- -•- -:r ‘11ii,a9W11.0 - "Mere bread and better'bradl,, strived, the day the sun first • - .. shone on . WNW p *A:6:44ZZ MORE BETTER , Mama argl BREAD layears Of 'better home - made bread. .5 ' ••••.4•4•••••.•• Mardh"26. Walter Roulston had a Wooclzbee last Thursday. • ' Miss -Jennie McGuire is visiting relit - twee at Royal :Oak thiii week. Dan Murchison is spending a couple: of. weeks with friends at •Ritilatigh. Duncan -MeTivish-bad charge of. the service at ()Iivet-on Sunday afternoon, Mre. Madden, of Pine River, is visit- ing .ber sister, Mrs. J. W. Thompson; 'at present...• • Mise'Mary.Walden s:at present with her-brother,'•Re;t. A. V: -%Walden, ofwho -has been suffering :froin an .• attack of appendicitis: '1 — • • ratis 1 •-• Mr Itiihert SiinPson hie received word that hie nephew, Cant Hector MacDon ald, who was, with General Maud's force up the Tigris Rivet, was kWed i action (in February 22. Capt. MacDonald wati a son of 1r simption's _ only sister, tiobina,Lisholitarrleita-Ifi,. MacDonald, of Scotland, and has since lived: in the Old. Country She: has been tv•widow for a.nuniber of Years and capt: Hector Was onllsurviving son. . • • ., -Mortgage' Sale of Valuable Farm • • Priperty " ' 'Underpower ef,saie contained in,: a . certain mortgage dated- Thirty -First 'De- • • ceniber; A.D., 113, and nrade by Alex- anderl-Z•Villne to the -Venders, • theie ••• will • be .sold by- public anchor': at the Cain House in the...Village of Lacknow at 'one,. o'clock p in. on Thursday, 12fh April,• 1917, ty R. :Mcgiartel, auctioneersjhe following lands and premises, namely: All an& Eingalar-that traetettand aid. premises situate, Vine and being, hi the Township of Kinloss in , the pointy of BMW: vontail*g: 10u acres more or lesso being composed of of Twenty -our in the Third Concession±of the:said -ToWn- Olin. • This is a good farin; soil, clay, loam; :4 eventy-EVeacres-eleared,--frame house OPEN LETTER • TO , • HURON S YOUNG -MEN Lient,Col. E. N. Lewis,,- who has charge of recruiting For artillery in thie Military division; has addressed the fol.' lowing letter to the young men of Huron County; " To the Huron wile are fitted to go 'Overseas .1 wish to nay a few worderfirst voicing* sympathy for 'those who, from physical disability, or age, or other unfortunate facts, are prohibited from enlisting Atter an'eherienceof souse • months in • England and an inspection of the whole Britieh and Canadian battie lines telgitun and France, from the • Englii chkatiel to the Somme, •to 'Which was added a visii-to the Rrithih battle 'floe in'Scbtlandil feel sure that- every on of you: who-fuit realises his present op ortunities would -not -hesitate a Women in °rdspirik 'the present Opportunity' to go OvOrsead. Arun not *ohm to beg you to enlist, that isIor,yeur own.cOnedence and Your. own judgment under your existingoircumstances; a , question you must answer for yourself, bnt 1 wish to say that the present, in my opinion, 18 very nearly the last cipportimity.yoU will have to do so. No such a fray Will • be withessed dining the Iffetiaie of the present generation. This' 18 41.. _conies between the Hun and the Anglo -Saxe; betveen,right and wrong, between de- cencY4tnd indecency, between fair .play and foul play, between Men whofight square and those who „do not, fighting Man akanistinatr:nrid:a1T-•e.rianiy. "Which eatrderti wonien.and.children On the land and on the sea? Before the British Em- pire was, the Huns; under Attila, swept. away the Roman nation, the . greatest ration in:..tie World at that tinie. Shall his ocour again? John Bull and his enahavastripped-fer-.-the-fight.--- Will ou, able bodied young men of-.anron, sons of sires Who reeled -nothing in their conquest- Of the new world and: were alwaye able to do their shaitcstand back and kilasirien ask for assistance in vain?, This fight,..„the greatest the " 41=4-ifitincl „ ANSIM411.1/18N orris,thetime:tepttyourchoulderte he wheel. Opportunity only knocks at door once, and is now beckoning. o you in the Artillery: The cainalties, onsidering the large number engaged, re very few, noemore than double the regular rate woUld,,be in normaj. times. he .young man, who is able. to 1. his • • BRUCE COUNTY NEWS SitaKfue Muvraita.-The Greenock Tp. merchant who sold w104 was sup. posed toko salts to a ember farm, era, with the result thou half a dozen .W0) died, is now seeking to recover damages from tbe wholesalers,. who in turn expect to recover from the man- utaetnrere. Severalpeeple 'who too* „ the smite, including the merchant bit* self, escaped death by vomiting, but: all the rattle succumbed. The, mer. ohant then sent *sample.of the site back to thf3 ivholesalere asking -to hare it aillillYSed. lie received a leplI; stating that fib watetiodium nitrate, a substance similar to "saltpetre, tend enclosing an account for a dollar for :the analysis. Re then wrote MA explained the, full circumetances„with the result that'the wholetialerslaidthe blame upon the manufacturer& Tho vomiting of ,the poisonOus dose ia said lives of the. persons„who took it. to he the on'y ,ting that ,saved the- • ro • . , GOOD ROADS . • • The 'members of Brace County Coun. al, • who have hithert$ voted against adopting it velem of county roads, will now be able to say to those who would have inaugurated this system earlier; "I told you so," for at the present session of the Legislature at bill has received its second reading to increase the Govern- ment grant to a trunk line through any county that will like up with the Pro- vincial Highway System, from 40 to 60 per cent. for construction and 20 to 60 per cent. for .maintenance. :•The exact wording of the hill'is: The Minnitet Diaty designate any main .highway of a county road system to be known as a "provincial county road," to- ward4heeenstruction of which a provin-. dial -subsidy of 60 per cent. may there- after .he authorized -and Paid in Accord- ance with -the provision of section 13 of this Act, and also a link percentage for •fillOttiontle Tehainolicetiano nec7c3ioridghanzivir4tithosection n?, ig enCtohy y:ann: e,Aittgraivsgrant uan3clie:per ipnt theorijgi from the Government, The -Pierift- Government increased that to 40 -percent. and 20 per cent. for maintenance. Now a road serving as a Main' artery through the country. will receive 60 per cent. for construction and thetiarne.for iniunten-' ance. 'When the Countyllouncil meets Chesley in June we have no doubt a system of county roads will be adopted n and advantage taken of thepresenbillt ivill-SOMfbilariitifef the Legisia- ture. , • ' ' ' The new bill for a Provincial HighWay .System provides for a highway through - e Ontario from Windsor on the Detroit . River to the Ottawa, a distance Of about, t 600 niiles and costing approximately $2,000 to $2,500 pr milo. ' The county roacds will serve as feeders to theProvin- %dal Highway. It is to. be hoped the .. cost of thia road •wall not exceed, theesti-: matesOf the Toronto to Hamilton high - wap which has cost over $25,000 per mile. , The Windsor to Ottawa Highway will run through municipalities which contain 52 per cent. of the population and 60 pet cent. , of the assessed value of the-- pro. vinc. The ninnicipahties through which this.highway rune will bear 30 per cent. of the cost. The automobile fees, which this year amounted to1614,000, and is estimated .to be $750,000m '1917.; is to be used for the construction of this pro- posed -highway.. The .highway construe - tion will not be begun at *Meta, owing to the scarcity of labor. -L. The Hamilton to Toronto roadie being constructed under.*a commission Milt 18 proving to be a costly experiment: The distance is,40 miles, and the cost of this 18 -foot cement road, which Will be used almost entirely by auto joyriders, will cost over $25,000per mile: • The cost of -thAsTbad tif-beifig borne -largely by the province, but:thexities of Toronto and milton bear aportion of the expense, as do also • the: municipalities through which the highway, passes,. also afront- age tax on the farms .bordering the, iffirefirtlIfuce„, trunk project in this county. The auto hs come to stay and as theyare hard on the highways, it is up to the representa- tives of skim.) to -put up their share of the cost, which:he new been reduced from 60 per cent. to 40' Per cent.—Ohes. ley Enterprise. • eighteen feet by twenty -slit; fritne kit- chen, twelve feet • tr,V• eighteen; fra.ne barn with stale foundatitu, forty feet by sixty; well situated as to schools, roads and inatkets. a good opportunity for pur- chasers, inspection inyited. 4 OP BAX,X - ...141.F676e..r,..4ttalflONM-afahe-tinlir "N. ..01-saieenepoilt-otten per cent . his. t purchase money, sufficient with such de a , posit to make up 40 per cent ,of his. oar- t chase motley within pne Month of the day of sale, and the residue linty be se- cured ' by ,.itiortgige of the purchased a premises, tobear interest,at.-61-2 ' per r cent per annum.. , • For furthbr part,culars and • conditions , pp v o . MCI IIARLIIS, A:Oet- ioneer, loucknow, Ont.. •PI'. P. BMA'S, Vendors' Solicitor, London, Ont. • • INV E1; EWHO,"FROM,TIME TO TIME, HAVE. FUNDS: REQUIRINd INVESTMENT MAY • PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF. CANADVDERN'TURE:ST0cli 1N SUMS OF' $500 OR ANY, MULTIPLE THEREOP. ,•• • • A ° : .. • . . -.,Principal repayable ist October, 1919. . • . . • . , . . . 'Inicrest payable half -yearly,. lit APril tlii'd ist bctober.by oheque, (free of exchange 'at any chartered ' Bank K. Cahada), at the 'rale of five permitt. per :Antalyafrom the.,....,riate . of, . purchase. Holders tif-thitetoek VIII- l'ine,tlin.:priiiloao of surrendering at par andriailitied:intere0„,' as the egulvtilent.of web, ht.:payment .of any allotment mado:'ilnder,ally future war loan lbsue- • In Canada other than'. an -16aini of Treasury Allis or Other Ilk°. short -date security., . . Proceeds of ',hltook are for war purPOsea, onlYi, ° A coininIsSicn. of onelquarier Of Mitt per est* will be thewod to recognized bond and Stock broker a on allotoents, made ln• r,000$6tor appticationl for pile atock 'Which bear trilt iihiele. . ° ,, • ' ' . ' ' .: ' . ' . . ' . ?. . . . POI., ation applietonna aply' to L.0 000UtlliVIllliater of FlfiatIChr 'Ottawa' • . , . ....... . ., . . ....„ . 10tPAFITMtNT OP FINANCE) OTTAWA, • 00TOCEN it% tate. share and:does net offer to do BO • Will only regret it;onee and that will .be..for tbn rest of hiedays.• • This is a tnatter between yen and your • _own-conscience,-dget-- let -any' ona ohm , • deoidej fer you. ' • ye To thgirls of Itun can help, either • 'y advising their rlin. Everyone c';f male friends to enlist, 9r helping to do their -work while they Are, AWAY7fightin for you. A Young man who will net fight for you is not worthy of your re- spect-, let alone friendship. • . 7 THE SPOTTERS spoilt° • A good story is told, says tileataciferd Witness of tNo whiskey* spottere Who came to'Barrie and asked a jitney . Man if he could drive them to where they could get.a drink: The driver said he could. After he had driven to near Churchill theyasked hinr where he was cost therirsix dollars for their experience. : I going. and he replied to Montreal. ' 'It RUNDOWN WOMAN out benefit. A friend told Made Strong -By -our' , iort 'Edward, N. Y—.01 was in a run- down, nervous and weak condition so I f couldMid not do the 11014eVfOrk for family of three. I had taken cod liver 0, nie abdat Vinol. tried it and it soon built up my titrength and made ft?well woman so " new do all of my honeowork."-.3fra. a num Gittnntlit WO' guarantee Vinol to restore' t strength and Ifitild up ?nn -down, Weak ; and. debilitated condition. t DR 41; Mt SPN*vcinow • Salaries (lo • Up' ; 4,112e_ttnnual. reportsof congrgations- in Maitland Presbytery shim a generous appreciation of the min - utters by the people. Belgrave and Cal, yin increased Rey. Mr. Boyle's salary by. $100, Bliley* ' end Eadies increased Mr. Tate's 'salary* $50, :Whitechurch and Langside increased the salary by, $100; Knox church, Kincardine gave Mr..McArthur a bonus of $1.00 and in. creased his salary by $100; Riversdale. increased Mr. McKenziee salary by $50. LOATnetiLass Noes • • ShoesWith fibre soles and fabric kips will be the popular thing in footwear this spring, if the • manufacturers have their way. A campaign to popularize the substitutes for the recognized leath- er liakes has begun. Some of the ad- vantages of fibre soles over leather oleo are given as follow They are easier to the foot; they make waiking .easier; he* conform More readily to the foot, thus doing away with the necessity of breaking in shoes k :they ere-waterprooft' they do not burn the feet; being a conductor of heatlind cold, they will he. Mind cool in the summer and.ware in lie. Winter. Fibre soles are made of bout 10 per cent. rubber, new and .old eclaimedi about ito per cent of graund 01.1 OilltilefOBB and other reniedieS with. 1, age, leather buckinge, and the balance f zine Marge hydit carbn, sulPhur n4 minerals... The cost of nianufacture a very lo*. Ono dealer 1t tiutltorityfor he stakinent that, at least one largo. innition itianulacturot le prepared to Urti Mit 600,000 eoleti da/ ,t4Kg* At OtitAti Ct0*. 4, • P I TIE BUSY HARDWARE HOUSE asmat OUR *TOM YOU* H111:01.0QUARTIIMS PHONE 66 FOR PROMPT DELIVERY Now about a few new SapPails, Spiles, SyrupCans, Neasurespikuger Bits • to fit all siies of stifles • , emeneesereemo Special This Week Only A Limited Quantity of Axes And Handless Completetsftid Price 89 cents Now is the time to renew the, finish on your car. Try a can of kffecto Auto Paint and you will be greatly Surprised at the fine appearance it will have. Anyone can apply it: Let us show you a sample. All colors on hind. mom, imilrommir Cleveland Coil -Spring Wire z • , • Best quality American Lamp oil always on hand. Buy it by the barrel and. save money The Store -Where -Your Money Goes Farthest mil ••• •1-*L.irt -a.411141itimr.11471.1jfifeci:527:2' L'',441,1,1110r uifII 111111 "MADE IN CANADA" Fords with Electric Starters Fords Without Starters We have thein both light here to show you: —Call at - our garage and let is show them to you. Conte and see us aitywa,y whether you want to buy or not. CIIAWEQRD_&_SjIELTZER-- [ FORD: DEALERS, LUCKNOW. 111111 - • *-- 111 . • • . • - • • ^` ~ • M1 - n 41 04,:r C C Address a postcard to us now and receive by rettau mail a pcoutye ofocattairlongenWe Ga*illustrat- Flower and Field Seeds, Root Seeds, Grains 13ti1bs, Small, Fruits, Garden Tools, etc. •SPEC4.41.--Wis will also send yoteiree a pocket (value AR) of our choici iant Flowering. Carnation, • • Ghia Flower,, Carnation .3Thte:Statheril.flaolvOetirsiSatiregrieaargt efavaontti • fragrant and the plants do well outdoort. Transplahted it° !Iotamn the• early fell they bloom profusely. from October till the end of My. Extra plants are eially propagated from them bycuttings, "pipings" or layering. Send /or our Ctalogue. and learn of our'olher 'atable• prettily:Int 18 Dtch et Hunter Seed* Co 1,i- • All+41%as CANADA LoNDON„ 15% 1.4 we* 44, 0 Oft •44 AT, et* 41 444 4. 441 * 0 CO 4. 44. 44. 444 44 .44 44, 44. fri4 44 4 Tia 44. 44, ';:• 444 44 ITax katirs. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED ttedr-Alsiltei fiweet- ad tinnitnottr 91over---ItegnVern. bleat standard grades. • • , - Deering Cultivating and Seeding $aeitittes ilAttit0Wil...1i8e, Drag, Covet and Spring Tooth. PLOWS. Walking and .tr‘vo'' Wheeled Sulky. OULTIVATORTLSring and Stift Tooth, "DiaitS—Hoo, Disc and rertiliter, • Homestead Perti1izers,-2h080 are manufactured from MI11011418 by 46 large laetVittii, throughout the Statesand are claimed to be the best branch of fertilizer made in Ameri Order early and secure your supplik FOR SALE BY P. 0$ ANDitEW