HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-29, Page 2.01••••••1•0111010000.011101111000.010M111011.010000111016 Cookie% Petatoee. Now Out potatoes ars high and tint • price still sowing, it is important to many families that they be cooked in the most economical mariner possible. Paring 'and cooking is themost • wastefulmethod, anid added, to this some cooks soak the potatoesin Water after they are pared. Starting to cook them in cold water aloe add* to the amount of waste. Twiee a* much nutritive metter is "lost if paring is done before boiling es fourth cup butter, utee and grated there i* if it is done after boiling, not rind of one large orange, and a phial figuring the waste in cottingaway the at grated nutmeg. Tlini pudtbng potato. The juice* of the rotate* con- tain 86 p.c. of the protein and SO per vent. of theash, and these substences are easily extracted when the Pretec- tiort of the skin tun, been remoVed. Soddenly oao doteroanod seek, ready to prove, so the inspector tells • CHAPTER XXIII.--(Contl) to mine, ladmit; and two witnesses are Ito five hours hetes about three times emetic—Br** en en into Mea- suring cup, fill three-quarters full of sweet cream, beat well. Add three - fourth cup sugar, one and one-fourth eup flour, sifted with one and one- fourth teaspoonful baking powder, pinch of 'telt and one toblespoorifel vanilla. Bake a moderate oven. Sauce: Mix three tabiespoenfille flour with one cup auger, add One CVP boiling water and cook until thiek Remove from titellre and add one - it pared potato seaked from three Lord Barainsta., and had aloon to me, that they MCW, nut enter the of- ' 14* 111111°11 of Its • mineral matter and di, so, when *be beard not only the See of a certaina-ilarkers,* I think It seven time's as Irma of its protein. as voices of A.drien And Vermont but an-. in Where the hill was signed, Dna jaaai one that ht pared and immediately other also, a 'trance eae talking not that My motor was standing at r the •ehoked, lawny: bat very sternly Rua, ., door. While a third- witness, a clerk!' hi the most wasteful method of Immo* what to do, she w.to shoot .0 at the office, lute Med an affidavit that cooking,.paring, soaking and starting return to the terrace to ucertein what he actuallY 1111W lu° writing fnt the hiVto cock in cold water, the lass of plo- ws* happening, N.ium fortunately her there- Ali this, father +nrefe - '"------4 tein fa fil. per cent. and 39 per gent. of uncle approacUd with *vulgar shot., Otte* more to,;the old rearta--"passes ton. nate went quickly to meet them la itat." :ash. When cooked with the skins on and told them her fears. .1 "Yes, indeed," replied Lord Bar..4"*Atc'en not soaked and dropped into Muth surprised, both a0ra soaqmineter sarcaetically; "for a Lerey,, belling water lose only 1.6 per cent. minster and Mr. Shelton eccompanied win) can command a. hundred thou- of protein and only 4.9 per emit. of Ian; and they found the vojceat were: sand Olinda by a ,atrode of his pen, to ash. ' issuing from one of the amon aataa forge a bill for ten thousand pounds, Baking and,eteaming are the most . rocoris adjoining the terrace. " With.".ilLs ilot'aii. lest, but simple madness. econondeal methods ef cooking pota- thie room, which waa far removed' 'lite alive is eome inSOIent con- toeu when, fuel it considered.- given to him. by the man *tending at and anent. It seemed.as if he guess- "From a Farm Wife's Experiences. his side --an inspector of Police. I ed,. bituitively, that that smooth in- ' "What is the matter, Adrien?"" *Bk.' dividual Was at the bottern of it all. ed his father* and seeing that Jasper. Then he turned his grey eyes to Ad - Vermont wit; also present, he turned rieres. cabn face, and from his to the his 'eyes to him inquiringly. .But white one of Lady Constance, whose Jasper seemed wiehaa to vole bill eyes wee° flaehing with anger at the front where tbe dancing was going on,IsPinvY.' • - rota - they dieeovered Actrien Leroy, Ant..1 Minuet unconsciously, he. fixed his oven. • - toes cagnet be eked• well in a slow blue• masked, and very pale, staring at 1 glance on Jstsper Vermont, who, dur- pimer which hod evident's* been' nig the whole time, had sat motionless glance, and only shook his head. • ..Mere idea of anyone doubtkg Adrien't Adrien banded back the tlue'lmgert‘, nnnnt*, ' • 4. ' Still Without speaking, then, e': Watt a montera e silence, . if.. to address from thee looking sterol., rrom one troubled face greened his friend's hand. ' , .. . ,,- -who was broken by, Shelten,' who rose . ad., .wiTekosi. zuernsi,.. -45644%1; bett,,,r.0,40.gr_ ... to the other, while behind hint stood! ' 4Adrien," he 0411, le, a !TOite.e,harg.-, g-e-d;a114.(16'net Perlialt free Passage '3f Lady Constance and Mortimet -Shel.e ed with emotion, "Admen, I can bear eil, . .1 • ... ton. But before anyone could utter this no Longer. Give this feu' ac- Never put cold Water in a granite A Word, the inspector came forward, cusation. the Iie. I know, my dear kettle that has been. dry on, the stove, and addressing Lord Barmiuster,a said, fellowrats surely as / know that I did for it: will injure it and cause • it tc, one-half cupfuls of breaclerunabs, -him .. "Sorry, my lord,. to have. tr.: do this thing to do with the accursed-signe- t:piety: • .,. . tnet write it mySelf, that yen, had ne- ,erach and 'vale Or,. • - .. , .• . teaspoonfuls of butter, one-quarter . at suCh a time, but I drn.here.m the ture. . ... To •renew .oil window -shades, give teaspoonful .of PePPefi one egg, one,. . • ' performance of my duty. I ,should be, other's So too:' -;,-' - , , ,- But, rin; Heaven's sakes tell tlie. them- a• --c. oat of Paint the color Of the half chopped onion, Sliced pork. Care- • . „ g ad „if we mold go to a more prnratel Addeo returned the friendly clasp "•• , mom. where I could explit"...1 to your, with a smile that lit up his whole face; each curtain • . Me. tube oil paint and let fully remove the.bones f-rom the cod so incidents in Beytieed ,ef a -000, limo dry tivroughly Wore that the fish can be stuffed easily. lordship vtithout your guests being in- I then looking round, he said quietly: hanging it. , ' ..• Pit the bones of the fish to boil in two • formed of the Matter." . ' I 41 did not write it;! I know nothing To keep the ironing -board in good . , cupfuls of . water .While preparing tbiS . - -‘1.p, the great war in Euroee • .boys , , Heir to British ..one. — Lord Barminster was abouv to of IV ' , Condition, covet the board, before Dot. 'dish. IViat the oysters,.hreacicrumbs, are playing mi. itelicirtent, Part Lads tar y retert when •Shelton, who! Lerd Barminster rose from his seat :Ling it away, -. With a ;gingham •nitg'''"PePPer., onion, butter and egg and in their•teena, often in their, early SeeMed te realise the neriousneas -ef•at". the amnia. of hia soit's voice, and put ' the affair, touched' him lightly On t,he his hind on--.Adrier4 shoulderv then, when - - d ' - % h dressing. . Place a few slices of 'Pork field; teens; are serving as soldiers in the artiwn .uP and tied °with:tapes% 'Then 'parsley,,tind stuff the fish with •this - arm. , . as if halt atateraed of his. pardonable • en iroumg : ay comes .yon will, ave . not a few , as officers. Outside • "I think, sir," he said earnestly, “it eMotion • he. turned :to the. inspector. ..a clean board. • .. . ,, ,in the bottom of the baking dish, then the*. fightinglines in mast Of the helli- would be .aS- Well to hear what this • "You hear, sir,: -Me, Leroy. Icq0wA Sometimes Wheri.thehouse'beeerries lay • in. the -fish 40 pour the. liquor gerent Conntries,,,thi130y, Scouts are Amin has to eay quietist, as.. he sug- nothing of the matter," . ./ cold and it seems -iniposeible , to heat /rest's') ' "That,:.insr- lard," returned: -the in'.; -.the room, ,the trouble-tomes-becatise Ple-ee-a 'few slices Of Pork on top and Lard Barminster tontrolled his .feeaf ' from ;the bones of the cocie,pyes jai, gtritMLVillabli• Aer•ViPei 6f-1 marled kinds, .often arduous and responsible. ings,, reeognising the good « abector respeetftilly, "would.not alai. the air is -dead, ..-Throw,..openl'doard-- then ..bake for about.:•one hour: in -.4 91;,-..ey are a ,body of recent origin; but ikenee• ilk fsr' Me in 'leaving' here 'withoUt bira;"/ 'and -windows for a few minutes; then Moderate , oven; basting occasionally 1:11%reatahrailletcr°agrolg6antge9d ' the ine .00,6.1, Mil : ' . - the -suggestion, and-tinefing cOldly .to f k ' must' a . a .. _ • • ' ear eccompan xne , my in o at the rooms heat WI • •th butter or some of the fish -liner. i theree. "•Perhapa it would be. best, T -117 Maid. Mere denial. is. of cow* a ' e I- '.' ' ' structions under. the warrant:.are too t adly ' " . - • , - 1.Servo het, - .,. • , , pally of boys, less " serviceable and i stetter. Kindly come this way,"‘ ..: I. have found it a very good thing ' eomMon• matter, aud. a ',uslrid 0.4-:-. ' ' • Broiled Halibet...' Sliee the fishnet' more militar3a. witaa6re.taken seri-- - - At the end of a .srriall passage -1312t-.: fot to lieve a mitten made of • ',tde the ante -room, which at one tines begging your pardon, my lord"--- good. stout senson with • salt . •and pepper, then Ously, by their conunander arid them - the did man hed.s,tarted indignantly ticking' (with a iing to hong it up by) place the fish in a dish of Melt d b had ben used as 'a' •stadY, „ and WaS is suggest,- my lord," - . selves,. if not by the -iation at large. : 0 con* to lip on the hand when putting Wood -:ter tallowing 'three - tablespoonfuls .o Theyia.-.1117e ,• - sound, ' Here' they- elite/a* and Lord ,. ..noted for its impenetranility as .'•W• tineed-thse trispectot,,..hurriedly, "that' in -the' 'stove Or handling hot "dishes. ,butter to each .pouncl` of fish)i-anctlet M 'thni!tt11):57'&1(11:I°fPrlleGloucester. , an alibi would be. of.the mast service. It is easily Mede and 'easily launder: thenC.,rentain in tlitisbutter for about Fre .'waS the only dm to survive betlethe inspeetor proceed with each Bartolmteri *skin' el '.0 ha seetee,' elle not saalor•one moment thaivir, ed, „ .. ha.lf an hour: . Then remove, dust wen babyhood of the sevetikeen children of Leroy 'did cetera -it the fdrgery; but,• . explanations is he hed to offer. . . with flour an ro . or aboutve -- Never Put away th'e' clean clothes of eonrse, haivill be able. to ProVe without examining es piece' to see • hdh il 1 twel Princess Arinea--later Queen Anne_ • . 414Y lerii.i) he 'Vila resPentttillY) where he was all the '‘W'entr e°c1 °f if it is _in, any. way . out or ordeiv hAlyimon .. slices. --• ' - - "the el:Planation. is,* very simile One, hist month, it three o'clock" .". . Prince George of minntes. Serve hot,'„ garnished with, and her cermet% And' tit -deference to your lordship., to ' Shelton's •face brightened., Ito, garments, and stockings. especially, . ,.., • ,-.,,..-..- • - , . . • Denmark. inti.nnt '142irawite orlioiaue.p. . Make it 48 private ea pessible. I have wheeled round on his friend. . , - should be mended neatly. Be- sure '41.s . ' . - ' •• ' h .. looker on him, front the first as the - left My ,men outside the Castle. I, y aadelen,,!,' he exclaimed. -.„".tell . us to rep ace every ..missm., button Iv 1 • • 0 • .. • • .....-•.tx.Onion:Ay-ftti-lrat!dluig #1e7- Was on.- -i'nd . ,ozogto:Atesr,„haa a warrent for the * here • you,were-on that day.; not to life .rif many an article has beenles-• *While sae we -ailing -machine. has k pains were token to educate him . as heir to, thethrone, and the greatest • .., elute of fiFsetrs ••this f 1 ' ." ' .. • - . . . arrest . of 10. -AtIrien Leror OA a' satisfy' me, Ton know that, but to get sonea-by halt am. hick of a button. ., •corne to; be appreciated as one, of Wo -I befitted a • sollereign land commander. • An elitism:Aeon of I attar tenet!' Leroy gazed sadly at -him, but re- man's best friends, it deserves better• He -tvaa a frail and siehlY. child, but he train tRil, Cleept Adrift, aid ' ..Isive coati tlidaidie," - ,.,:.. care and attention: than it receives on but the speaker 'continued,: - • inlliibie saetoo. • , . 4""131111.1.1ithentl:it 1,1,111b,Iteirrlitritont,eA .1tri%' . Cottage Pudding, With Orange . , . was loyal, generous and spirited, and the average Tatra. • On many farms "In perfotmanee Of my dety,'I ar- inex% , a new washer is bought every few very proud of his company of bo' sol- diers, organized for him as soon as he and sauce will serve six. Steamed Poor Melee Pudding.-. Take two • gupfulls, of Graham flour, half a cupful of white flour, one cup- ful of melasses, three tablespoonfuls of melted shortening, three, table- spoonfuls of brown sugar, one te*- r4peontul of grated nutmeg, half teEORO011tdi of ground cinnamon, 'And one cupful • of, thick -sour milk in which Itita been dissolved one teaspoon- ful of baking soda. Beat' the better vigorously-, add 41l10 cupful of stoned and chopped dates, and turn- into a well greased pudding mould. Steam for two hours and a half and ;then set the steamer in a hot oven for about fifteen minutes. Serve unraoulded, accompanied. by a stirred, hard sauce. Thr-ee /Nat Dishes. MeiIcjn Codfisia—One sniall onion chopped tineat three tablespoons but- ter, two tablespoons flow,, one-half finely chopped green pepper, one cup- ful. stewed ahd strained, tomatoes, ene- halt pound codfish. Freshen theacad- - Label children's hate. and wrap fish in cold water, then parhOil. When with the neme and address, so partly done drain the water and'flake. if lost they may be easily restored, Melt the. butter in a saucepan, add the If you wash new stockings before finely chopped onien. and cook it uta. they are worn they will last much:tit a delicate. brown, then stir in 'the longer, for the thretls4Mirink and be. flour :until smooth, then the green come tiglitz• • " ,pepper_and stow, the _strained tomato. Cook for five minutes, then add the flaked, codfish. and cook elowly'for-ten minutes. Serve hot, garnished with triangles of fried bread. kaked Co With, Oysters,a-Booed. cod, one cupful of 'oysters, c•one ..end • e • Lady Rosentary Leveson -Gower. Lady- -Rosemary Leveson -Gower, who bas been mentioned in despatches Xbr service at the front'with the Red Cross, close up to the firing line, is the daughter of Millicent Duchess of Sutherland, and the only sister of the present duke. 'Lady Rosemary...is at present home in England on leave ITor well-earned rest.- The Duke of . Sutherland ie a commander in the Royal Naval Reserve, and hie brother, Lord Alistair Leveson -Gower, who is In the Household Cavalry, served- in the 191445 operations, was wounded, mentioned in despatches, and got the lyfilitary Crosr ' A ROYAL REGIMENT OF BOYS. BZBUeAL Bonus. They Were Made. Prom the Skins' of Animals Printitive Times. • . Who Made the first beteg has never been determined, but the necessity for Mae means of transporting liquids, of which water. was undoubtedly the first to beconsidered, unfit have exist- • ed from the beginning -of the human race, and it. is generally considered Probable that the first receptacle for this purpose was made from the skin of an animal. This was removed with as little nuitilation as possible and all the unavoidable ...openings carefully sewn up, leaving a single leg for fill- ing and emptying, which was tied with , These we know were used ages ago by many primitive people, and have since been empleyed . extensively in many parts of the world, and even to- day they may be seen in use in, some. Oriental countries. It was this kind of a bottle tbat *ad teferrect to in the in the .Muchaluoted dictum rote luting to putting new 'wine.into bottles'. The objection to the prove, dure was that the skin of Mn. old bot- tle has become fully stretche4. owl. weakened by use, and if new wine. • was put into it the ,pressure of the woes generated by the continued ferine,ntation d the wide would burst' tile bottle. • . It is a generally accepted tact that) glassamiking and glass bottles origa ieated among the Egyptians, although ' at what date no one has presumed to state. Even in Egypt, however, the art of glass -making in its early his, tory appears to have been confined tot certain localities, and was not ticed at all widely..-.Selantific AmerI- can, : Silver that is in Use every 'day can be kept bright if soaked in•hot borax weter once a week. ' 44orritcr AllOoirratiller so* The Peerless Perfeellon Fence Divides yu---------1 d thwhere rciu put them. The fence that eerves you for all time. Can't rue, sag or break down, .litando nor, weather.. ,Each Joint securely be/d with the Peeriess lock, parte heavily prelumalted; rho strOnsest,most serriceable farm fence mado and lallyeuaranteed. SEND eon CATALOO alt lands of fencing fig. funni. ranthqs, roptirtksn, cIresteattlesy., ularmentrudiotarrerrds, igorennualnwenitantol dfunico.inito= stostrorsao. 7,S0,0 ttio THE EANWELL-HOXIE WIRE FENCE COMPANY; Ltd. Winnipeg. Manitoba Hamilton. Ontario 1714 , 49/011.1. FOP.) , .•• When you: think of. leani and Think of, PAmcgirs • Lotus restore to seeMing newness your Lace Curtains, Carpets, Blankets ,and . other houselolcl and personal effects. The Parker process is tliorough; tho ' charge is very moderate, and we pay carriage One way. . • , Send for our,Catalogue on Cleaning and Dyeing: R K E 791 Yonge Street Toronto R S pdyE WORKS LIMITED . rest him, in this Ring's - naine."-*, He "T inicimy deer Aileen," he said an seasons; but with proper management . was old enough .to.vailk.•• Boy ;sentina ' he Oat. bmehed Adrien lightly on Ike arm as,ia„:quicli, impatient Voice. . "Were you _.,"My• Lord," he said almost gent*: economy could be .brought. into ,prae.' els were posted at his door,.„ tattoos ' ;Lord '. karminste-, drew • a . long. Perk Line -where were yen? . . • ' at .the Club, or ..YOur charahrte,;-", r -Tifi afruld;.I'Must -esk•Afr. Leroy to "Lisa MCI* this line, As 'ivaA' keik ',are .. 'beaten on -. the - drum ' signalized the , . 0, eorne haek with ine--and .at once but • very strongly Made. and with. geed . summons to. various drills . and eXer- • "bvItterStik..1116at eat rhe affair was , He atampad his la his 'hive. ranged so that Your guests shall breath,. but still hoping . against. his you tarn have forgotten." , for tite sake of ult here,: it can • be ar- care will Mgt several seasons. , • - il cis' ea in the long court corridors; toy whit its. :.triliginatore considered, a" tience4. for although; . he weuld. have Main ignorant. - There are -not a .re -.t, A good coat of paint wenid Make,.the:. .fortificatiene • were •,.. erected: steilaed. 1 k Pract!cal joke,' he restrained all ap- laughed to scorn. etw assertion of. his. hours before the. morning flow"—this 61d excellent,lest; but whi.ever) la room-, name for a single' IfigtAnti• and es- crime --/'1 would suggest that Mr.; tub 'f. pearante tif anger.. , , . ,.friend's gait, it annoyed him • that a Was indeed' true, for time_waita_for. "COMO," be t ,_" hi ,,,y : sel _shade* should remain a.erai-Adriati's no man, be it. spent in pleasure or in; • gupia:Tdolvae_ kasegaiheeqprIllt°brUSICeklte‘i.akeinte Olaf 'wadilleeaewte7Yellien pre. and 1°3 bgdsiaeaillil.'-int;c1c-44ght-al° the washert all tim '+.-. fisticuffs, in Whict hiS tutor had to intnatterfand eed:u:oeli,sssol.itin:dio:.:1S.woolitranenneytian.Kinbeescanit e.wveie,iniiiaineaait - sible for it triristatirely‘reel,.,4 that it .PectallY When a few Words from Leroy Leroy and myself return to London; Vent bulging and warping of the bot- _ .r:_, „ _ _ , . 7 _. _ _. : has t ene tar eeetigle' • - -- ' himself would.,end thetett- 'nod if he- will give Me his weed of ' tom aed. brinkingsfotthe-statiee. ,-, , . Pow ,a. flyingotate.-.447sit to tulla.u-ug "Thia Is no fest, Sir?' inid Adrieit, :. - But Act*n.ntade nolndignaut :pro. honor nottoattempt atavescape;Iieillt ' •41, -;out a' half -tab, et water anctli, tiainesake, beams amused. and grata., sied lie- loakeil • at Martini -it.' Shelton, test, =guavas Might have been expecta. (limn* my Men, who.Were Sent dOWn small, amount of ;clothes requfre the i Add to 11!: •reeeiveci With full military site to tdtta . • ' • - , WI* tat...white sma bewildered, tope-• , with. nie altogether against lay ivilIM 1-1,lialtsulia ,turinipg of „the machine; iiiiilAila.,21,....47-3* - . . . . 1. ... " 1 ., i , . ..: , . , isio,,,, ?at sad , latIguar „r -lidie uceittihay,. you. ibartely oh InY noq is a light strain on its, workingparts -wave you any liaises -yet.-.1.-----_ne in- .-:, .- : ' 44 Cilil•ial-Ste.41: nit n ',Charge of for,g,.•not forgaitten wliere I.,sperit the ttay -0ffe:ring nnY realStanceim wilt Lere. 's ..urilm..4110,..4,,,..4,13/41,-islittauut-Fiw'sr dicalitery---&111L-,6ffifift -.sail:, - ig. e 9P,"..a,...ekr.44tureJq,:.:4,14:..fer.' of the..tw0t7,tottdrt.„-_--,.r:,.,,.,:,_-„...i'otr,:ute4.;zz.st=rzi-u-e-----atv-4F--ijie--# :..cioth‘s it gm_ . tiy increases the labor. - li.-.1-44*na-aounee,.4-"-•. . -"' ". •-' ' • :''''Theii; for -Ileaveri'S -sake, min, called ma by the inspector's words. "1G:Ileavensl"' eiclainted his elieak out," examined Shelton , in,Sx- ""I elionad like to change My things to. of the paten. operating- the 'Machine; - Iflestb ....1-u_Plied. :eh? - live die& r. mender. .: • . . • friend,. starting tip in. horror. "Dot cite:merit.; , „ - . • " - - g more suitable • He glanc- while the elothes will not, clean no well. II; . • is.impossible That 11.ey. Amid oink *I cannot," answered, Adrien with' ea down at the 'velvet and lace of his as .a few. :.. • : • . . o .dead ODeSt e dead' horses . ptiy,. ,..1 have one live one. .and • . ii sib; .'4r,•,"gave rikv word • to .ketpl King Charles. costume; all this seem - "Shelton " ontinnta Adrien stead- secret certain events •that happened on, ed like a dreani.trom Which he must ' , ,.:tofseour. se, wooden ones. .. . t'bo• Pjtsre. qui:newt saadjundstniotheiel • plfrtselolf ithhte ...7e, . • 11SP* IrtaS 4ritten * letter *eying that.' that daY. • TlieNe toolt piefar wtray' nVenke to find himself beck in the ball I ,....-_...i, 'Su oldiers .always their , the zitt nature it * forgers t. • from the eity,r7but I carnet reveal' room. • ' ' . - • .. -.. wablung-Inachitte should be 'made as . dead . horses ant. Of siglitr iaid Zing • bnt, e e4arw........te ilaugbea .storati.,:. in London are lYing.,•and / touldeastlyttorl'wto seemed honestly reinctimt to 'lease, Old is.aaddmaging Strain on the ' that '''Fa* -enough• Na soo-I'F'hatilie 7 '' I 441 Wrote° last week, net kneWing; '`Wlere- These "Whe Sa37 1111.0 eles'' Die, NertailYlli sir," D.ireed We ilISPe-1:4" turas -11113ch harder with these things'WilliaM, laughing. . lt,y—olt ..ig.:alli .a. nastaao, ,aaaole.-analdisprove then- stiOraents; -but. you, makiatlia hitsiness Any mori unpleis..1Whele•4naebioe. " . . gene Oen n butying. azimut-U-4.s order - aeon be tettified. Tat iaea,,,,„f .eata...; would not bait inc Ire's& tny word?" • 1 ant than necetsarv. • • ,1 : Oiling -.the wasting-Dinglaii: .rl'eut to ja..,ter the tklead" wooden- .- .--.„--'•-- ' tel. to ro.a for vtaei, 3, thitei r bppe e• There was .sin .awful silence, as hel. . "I. will mate with Yon," ,p_ut-a*ord_tirtiaamenseSicinakes -waelettiai-teesloveea,4P--Aae -e4Ldrana-----Thel"--WeYerr "" - . ..._ . - , yon dontt. . beliave, :my_ Akat.,,,,A,IntlIt. ,Stitilted zspeakleg.-.•_ NYet.--one !presentIOntainster'`-stnitleifff, • - - -I . . - thatitia ...tit,liats it thi. ,,,,,r.,..4,,,,,,ni, btit realised the Wrivity of Um situt -I "I, case,'" said• Mt . er . Shelton. - tea or•th taac.hiaa, as wen as taiding •; master Oat so fur relented as to Com- - avorte. tienr • . 1, on, and e fatilatsr• .ef pa g furth-.41 wall tome tap wall von and aha - r e - ' ... Di - tem- ' 1 - " • ' 4 • . . S 0;4A -eaten; ned preve.•nts wesa,eind,haried attv, aUd ther•hereaved little' 0..,,,,-..4r$0. I 11,,tvw flutt,, repliel er oe$1105113.. f ., lint it) ,sizaemi.bg 11.01,,ii. fiite-d. intn., nthegn to its length of life:.. • Thin Iterosennl P°e,_, fer,tkaitli n highlyealogistic epi- .4U .his'frItt.2•,. held:lig att hie boa nBroll A4' 4144 '1°612 -"It the- 141.1leet4r -tIttl*-312°m1f:-1.7*:7,(i',0 he Coritinned): . ttrough the'sgearing Once a week to ,cut '-', _ta!)Utt Ten"Olttattallt,, tier5 ht,the ,•fiel.d' -,171121..- tits attecinct memblinee to DO -rd. Bendriatet-' ' •014••••••0,••••••••4•••••••,. * .:,.....'.........'",..."`"P"' ....{.........•••••••••••,•••••••••••••.,... 1 leeso naa remove refuse grease,. GILA "-sui-aci " ile' Pause- to t'a• 'Same- . - -. _ .I'll4ratitile.lina::. Thwittg.'gi'vae: .'61set,tharaerterIbpiaiii 7.' 'it124atilltet nri'glrasttbiancrie*Vrile":7:6°1ifl::'.. I tif,rer the ,,,Z,ienns,ing. rsu onli.„ .first_ i, yornig William sent hitriat address of l' „ « ' , I daze in ont e the weather. .Either '.' . "."Te. Your Idn'Se8tSr'q 1,'"g''Ilbade ,,c-aIltrii: '1';ec„.s. oz: vty' 4..thinr. gi ,zna. 1,1 ofrOtti:Oi gsg nberffshd lit'..5e,,l'uthaib.:,t...7.wejri 137; 1 • irain-procf building in which to '1'13'4 bY ,in'2 1:441°btvn P :drop of • ‘,."-de the WriAlugt, keeping the machMe .I There •nt all times, ,,ta- reolasoenubbs,, Boor little duke! He died at...eievelL'. .11,4aftethelear rt...asstoregi.tinenfitytkip4tp res, , itTbeathriidtikthe::,pgirioo,,4 sifoinlyt the testietattmer inine,, . i';'1 the titian oethe ,S.7414, v.!ricl arid rain 'it•nuld Itare'lna.de a good king is less , on the wr-sher will' so6r. :tzeriornte it ' easq7 giltg,c'''L Eat ' ila the college: ,11(11-ainr4tve tilliitn isthisprametivcaellet wgieltz.„., ..; cliibfarxeile:yviaoflt 04. tilthfierctteill, erttitsioanfet- .1 with river handling end roiling, na • kis control handwriting, which at ; :1 tatetwl, 1,4.ill tx2,B Itintl to its lairo. •Ef_ lenst 6.01:VG ihat he lanew what a con- ; ,, .i.rettivepes,s tad. ta$pmattrakv..,t;viali„, ' stitstioriel monnrch• otela not to be. .1 :t Wes. , , . r It is on tyrants': • 'IA -Tyrant,- is . n- tat- .o., iiideens . 'beast. Imigine that you " cz.a cer- ' tain teamster drined on all sidewith i nt) horns on all sideb dreadfuli fotned , with hmmate intrails dranktn with j hattnnelloail this 1.8 t.11 fatal init.." thiefe whom they ta ..g. xyr40.." 4 i .s ' • cto "rITRIVING children prefer ' 1 the bread you make with Five Roses Flour, It is stored' with the. flavor. vitality and easily -digested nourishment :Of Prime Manitoba wheat. • - Nutritious t Wholesome • Keeks"Well • 11 2 294 te,2t. soait telituriltikit the oatne ctygal patity ithat makes it the ittiorite ta•dalr., &kit oggintapackages atorl be sure ef the genuine.• . Redpath Sweeterz• „Made highest Well Named. • 4.M.1=1:$ .yonr 4og's ILtrzei X • "Ilair(gager "'Nevi! Girgele st,:eas," I/azitt: -Tca'').ro t -Z7 piettro "her!.141;* `Wvp.. Vila it a fmme '21* ^ et;:tr.tite. rfro irorn1 fevr..1 11.1,.sEep ths! g:1"' ••• *int Rea refiral tate • 1 on his right hand.. 'Styes.. an hungered, and ye gave me m . . ell S ige- King say unto xn - I was thirsty, andlegave • •• naked, and ye cluthed.nre. see se Thenshail they apswer up* ‘1,p0,11theit Saw we thee -an -hungered, anit fed thee? or thirsty, and, gave thee drink?. ....Or naked, and clothed thee?" 6 And the .1Cing shall answer.... 1nasmuch as. ye have done it Uritii one of the least of these my ixtethren, ye have , thine it unto Me". Overseas, in ravaged Belgium; more than 3,Q00,000 of "the least of these" are • ' hungry, thirsty;thinly, clad—looking to list lia.ve,yoit done wharyou coukl for any oi.thein? • Whatever you :can give, sgnd your ;subscription weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local • 44 Provincial Committees or SEND MOUES PAYABLE TO TREASURER „. 41 * • I ; n r un 59 St, Peter Street, Ntentrent The dreatest Reliertitork in Itiotorsh . . • .9L ••••