HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-22, Page 8ea- ti- K-- w.- 9 RING HATS slograw t� Cos.. guises ---mooi+rl►, aia<•edr 11i. Meg Baipisa meet Metaday •retying at llitsdioek limo's. Ur. sad Dire. Wast. Well spent. Wed. aside; everting at J. J. C;ulbert's. Miss Anal• McKay, of was $**day visitor at Wu*. Jobaatoo',l, dims say, 'thhe�'telephoner do ulike Thre Wight be nese ob,je toot,. Bert Breckenridge, Elliott doknston endi1Kt ry Stanley spent au eves u g last, weak at Mrs• R Ltnlbrrt'at• Lines eorrpoeed on the death of Gold - wilt Smith, infant sole of Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Smith, who died on Friday. March 1& Earewe,ll, •Goldwin, thou art taken Front ibis world of raft sect care, -. To your bones we trust 'in h*sven, And we hope to meet you there. The cold and blighting blast e;£ itenat1 Swept ou his feeble form, And be was •like a Minuet flower. Bowed before the sweeping"itprnt, There, was an .angel band in leaver; Tbst'rwt5 riot eluate complete, Sat God took Our darling bohy To fill that vacant seat. Oar darling baby be has left ifs,' x,eft nit, yew, for evermore, `4 But we hope to meet our darling On that bright and happy shore, 11111, seaa and colors in Men's and Youths' Felt Hats for apttsig in the famous King and Borsalino makesare ,correct in style, saccalissit in quality and moderate in price, MAI IlLialtg Hat is ai special favorite **King Hat styles are espec- ially stated to the young moan's trade. They are a medinixl priced !hunt but are well finished with all the appearance of a higher priced Has sad impress ress you as having that little " something" .which we all call, style. See our range and styles at 2.50 and. $5.00. A Setter Hat for Men—The germane Borsalino Halts have that exclusiveness of style, finish and colorings that have earned for them the reputation of being one of the finest high-grade hats, ix the world: The big demand for ,lrsalino hats comes from tile: wearer.. Nothing we can say, nothing liorsaliwr says, cal;ries'cOrivietion pared with the enthusiasm of the man who *Ude wears' one and posi- tively 'lemm si-tively'lema tel .another for his next bat. ,. pitted ate" .50.. hi s for ` ursday, Iriday And Saturday Ladies' Wrappef`rette 'Kimonos, nice A style and patterns, reg fisc, speeial for three days clearing at 49 .. . . Plain White Hueck Towelling, regular zee, special for three days only At;15c. Men's Xhaki rill Work Shirts, extra. 'leastqua! t r, well xi ade,aud 'easy fit.' ting. Special $I.00. Splendid line of Children's Black Ribbed Cotton' Hose,: extra heavy weight: fleece lined and stainless dye, sizes' 6,1 4, 7, 734 and: 8. Eor>three dais' clearing on. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, at 25c. per pair. Una Cora,* __.t•• —Moleasi, MMrth 10. list. liaki•eby is engaged with J. Maas, foe .t few nays./ Mrs. R. Wraith is viaitiug witk Wing. harm friends for a fsw days, W. Booking luta started has twill and is sawing out his spring *tusk. Bliss Grana Thorrtpron visited Mica Daisy Turner on Saturday and Sunday. Miss Belle Brown, of on 4, Wow, *pent a few days lest week at J. Wraith's. ' Walter Ilodginei attended tint Orard Convention at latratford, last- S Muss Bradley, Mica L. Stobu and >nert b+'rtioho spent Friday •plotting oo this line. • Kichard end Miss Margaret Balker, of Efolyrood, spent Thursday afternoon at J: Donatd'a. number froni here attended the. Play int t`eesweter oh Friday.rt113ht. -All rspeort ,v. splendid tiute. , The. W: t4. , of Bethanyt wit their �March,tneetiara at the limo of Mrs: Fred: Thompson on Thursday hast,. hire, , Gordon, and :daughter,, Mies Beatrice l 1prdon, 'of Teeswater. visited ,wiith Mr, and' Mrs f • Bell on lt'ridily. PriA ONTARIO PARIERS �"1"216114"41q t 1 '" *Pedal atteetioa this 3asar, lysd of desirable wttietiw stud high peroamatioti Power will bis factors influencing yields.. If you here not secured your seed Let the °Atari* Dsp*rtrtt• 1t el Agre#tealtttwi Help les. Armlets hating seed ,grain or patatoen for sale tear forward sample* to tiais *Mea stating varieties, pries sad quantity. Feri*re wishing to psrcikano seed are also invited to'cowmuuie,ate with this office stettng variety and quantity, and an effort will 1* made to pit them in touch with farwere having seed for ale. Write to N. C. mcsay. District S+sprsssatative, Wiilkertoa., «M>3W, H. Hie go, 'Minister of .&grieulture• t. Bethany Epworth League held their socia,! on Friday eveninig Au interest. lug program wasgiven, after which lunolt' was served. A very() pleasant evemiog wise spent, i u1ross CCNtre 4,.Moindar► M rah 2... � -Mr. and £Tre, Walter tray visited her neither in Kinloss. a cur'sat'week. Mrs "Ernest McCullough. 6114 her brother, Tom Hughes, have gone to the. West. • • . Y •,Mr, and Mrs. Jack McPherson were Sunday Visitors at W.Tettipiece'e,=Dur• liana Road. Neil Mackay bas moved with his family to Teeawater, where they will reside for th present. 1ltista Liszis ltieeard&ni, of Teeswater, vested at the home of her brother, Cleo. Richardson, a past of last week, A number of farmers in this neilbbnr ' hood delivered horses to 11. Trench Tor shipment to the West, 4ond0 of • 1s t week. , M"r. l-Liiwkley,.who fast; year worked. nth Win, .Becktng„ has engaged, with fi• t?.. A..64. i3tobo for dila year and h moved into the house on 'the McPhersen form::• A cemetery' for: interment: - A short; service was conducted -1n Pnrdy'achurch by Mr. McCauley. The pallt,earers were.Mes..srn,; Duucaa<:McLerinu'u Murdoch Thompson, .Hector McLean,'.laek, McKeeman, -Geo.. Percy. and Allan; Meliingon. The be= reaved father, sisters and :brothers have the deulieet heartfett sympathy of ' their n`iary friend's, young and old, in' this: their:greiat.bereavenient.. . - We'cc,Yiid not, hearthd whisper; low and swe,°t, 'N'h" cl; i�'1()bit's• rtvaiut tip the rcahi . cat 1ig,ilt. , . ' We:cauid Out ties the tuedsenger who _. cattle -� ' And.,took be'r fruru this .world„ ofsorrow . .,and ut pain. But, h' w,• did did not hear, she ; heard the call, ' ' And gladly entered to her rest above, I'For, act she slept,' •she ,gently° passed . ,. away,, • • uto'the Mune of Everlasting Love. 14tt.MF14.—Now is the 'tune to get your fertilizer Monte before- the "r'ads break ap carload bu tate Way. i `S `1%E,rsnaTaUist.' "Florence's Auto *tic•' oil Stove Above ive shpw -air exact cut of, the f lorence-Automatic Oil Stovewith ,four burners- the, stove. Without 'valves' er' wicks. We have then iii stock u two,, -three and four,:burners. A' few fact. that housekeeper will appreciate.'—=There is"iio wick to • trim ***her with. ,There is no valve, so the_ stove will not. clog' or leak. Ani tensely. hot;flame.'is obtained, .burns common .coal oil. Simple con tiers of,. •tke 1 vie by a lever. `Absolutely. sate in "opeeration the safest,., eiuorplest;and-utost ecouomical;oit stove on the market... • • There wili`be•a eerioiu-s o e of oil stoves tliJ�btiui�aer andiaterPon the`• ;•price faill;be Much higher' hie will: be ranted by the great shortage :of sheet,nretals Ti' you intend to bay do in at once. leleakterdirtOhlied,tlirc Sheawht-Williams: Paint P 1e r GEasinllihit Royalite. Coal Oil, 1l< - ���!� �' a X'°C ` I o;:: THE $'FORE- THAT NEVER 'WSAPPQINTg • Olamis , Moird4y° Atiitoh; Iu. Mr. .i oilald McKinnon„' 10th. - con., Bancatdine,-has. sola bin arils Allan ittl. - . .• death "of Mies Beth McKay, of port Arthur, youngest daughter of Mr: John L. McKay, who-paseed away at -St: jos= eiih's Hospital in thatcity on Monday, March`!#tri; She would hate been 19 yetre� of;age next month.. She took.ill-. Pte Clyde Mc1 eeman made a businesi9 F' about fire months ago, but not' until a trip td•Toronto on. Monday and returfi ed on'Tuesday., „3fr. Santee Gilchrist ,has .hired. with: Mr K. McKenzie Durham' Rd.; Kincar dine,for months. Mus McKay, her McK , nurse,oChesley,v,i i ted filen ,-frs. Graham, Feturn m1to Paisley on Thursday. j A number .fromhere took ,in Peter t re in •Tr ertoi► on n ic• tliit let u Ar ti b e day. All report a grand treat. .M:r. John L, . Me1Eay and daughter,.. Mand Annie, of Port Arthur, renewed aterptsidtandet here for a few days. Mr: Si,itiey•Jahncton has hired with Mt. Junta Needham, 9th. Con., Kinear- thiye,."for spring and-sumtner work, Mr. Thos. Thompson went to 'Guelph on Wednesday and underwent aro opera- tion. All wish for his speedy recovery. On • Friday evening the Guild of St. T`i;fil',a Clair* held their social .oreniarg at the'irotne of Mr. and Sirs. John Dee- baro:: O*ing,taa inherit ors Thttrday the Red Croat workers her withdrew' their meeting. The meeting will be held this x'hurrrday. All ladies are • re- ipieet ,d to attend the 'meetings 'held every two weeks. . M Bwril M —It Wats wolf aaat aorrorw and regent that the people sere ims+sssl as Toesay nothing of the few Weeks agowas her condition con-. Adored .serious, - . About . six weeks . ago she was removed from the home of - her sister, Mrs Matthews, where she resided, to the hospital. All that medical aid and nursing Was done for her were of 110 avail, death being due to blood.pris;. Doing of: the entire . a stem'Outing her. y g trying illness she never murmured d or complained and was always cheerful and bright, and it was here her ohristian character was exemplified to those about her. Born in Olatnie in April 1898, where shetesided until October, 101:3, when with her father, brothers and sis• ters left to reside in Port Arthur. The deceased was of an affectio>3ate disposi- tion, bright, and winning in her ways,. and she was endeared, not only to her lovednveer largo circle p es,• but to a vf y qts role o f friends and acquaintances.. She took a very active, part in church Work and wat always a cheerful and willing work- er. Besides a loving father, -shoe-leewes to mourn her loss two sisters and three. brothers,%Mrs.11.11. Matthewb'and Midi Annie; of Port Arthur, Irectorf of ile- gina, Capt, Wilfred L. and 1'ta. Douglas of the 1666. tatt.., new in England; the latter being her twin bruither. A, short service was held at tlbe_hroitte of hcvr sire• ter, Mrs. Matthews Port Arthur, after which the reiiaaine ed'ere reinorcd tis the station, nand were accompanied cast by het to, her'and dieter, 0 i.'itrkerton Sta. . radar , .,; ,; hence to Pura)/ fi • 1eeswater T e American:Con ratto with the lflajestic Since her return ' to this • country, XVI i s,d Gardner's< career has been:'ting ,coni' tinuous 'success. " A mom wrr1 ', PZitSONALT Y.'' Tnesday,,M"arch.,2o `Dr. • 'Fowler. was -in Toronto Friday and Saturday an -business ' ' Miss A. "Yeo'.assisted Knox church choir' with special- ;nude last.;`Stuiiday • . . evening, .Pte, John Donaldsr n, reported den gerotisly wounded, we.are pleased to learn,,is°doing well, his:.wounds being slight, and expects soon tg return: to the, trenches._, • , • • The ladies of the village attended a very sitcoessful.quilting for the Red Cross' at Mrs. Josephligpter's last • Thursday. The.. 1iverkmen : very kindly took, the ladies out.an4Juougbt them home free,; a good way of showing their patriotism.` The convert under tlie;auspices of the. 'Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist•churcic wad itberally� patrei�_ized. The play "The ..New Minister" was well: ,received. The. miteric' wag'exceptionally=good..- Prcir ods- amounted td some .$80, part :of '.which goes to the lied Cross 1'lie laii►es'of the'1'triotic T.eagnegave' a'S't Patrick's Tee in the Town -Hall Saturday - afternoon. -- The ' attending's was good. : A special featurewas :the guessing on a Red Cross' quilt, ' which helped to swtie the 'proceeds by about $6.. Total re 'eipts; . 0x0, also for the Red Cress. kin lough • --Tuesday; ',Mardi 20. ice_ - Mrs. Wni. Hodgins, who has teen ,in Toronto IHospital for soave time taking treatment '.torr, throat trouble, we are pleased to know, is well enodgh to.come. home. - There willbe a lecture illustrated b ;vienws, ib the Presbyterian Church here on Thursday evening,. March 22nd.:. mission 25 :cents, children free:.. Pro. ceede go to the Red Cross. • .Mr.'John Graham, 8g .years'of age, is underb shin o a ' rtai n d• No •1l and says it isonlyfun, and a u d d gnu 'ob .' a , , y J he t making of it"too.. fie is setting a good', example to a few others who maks a liv- inghy..rubbing cellars and hen roosts..' VI'e understand that:John II',•yes had 20. hens stolen pat of his.hen • house re- cently. It, is a pity the :sneaking thieves, couldn't he caught, A year ago John. lost potatoes out of the pit•,' evidently, by.. the !wane parties, judging, by the footprints in the snow. OA. Monday evening between g and s o'eloek, two lady thieves= broke, into loiter NiehoL9on s cellar „and stole., S0 Healers. of fruit and mine oats, Mrs. Nicholsonyhoard the noise in the - cellar, but, thinking it was Mr. Nicholson, did not bother aboutA little later he Mae in'5nd site •asked ' hist if he Bail be:ezt in the cellar. Ke said he had not, anon goltig to tht ccllarthey found that, 40 scalers of fruit aatid 8011.1c VAS' were, gond. Thev 'tracked their foot prints in the snow nearly to the corner, but there., wa.. a lee thcr', and they lost the trail.: i; • ITDAY r. • CAIEGIE : tisk'-s- re ereahon< A teprod ac Tali `of hie. human vo co'. from -tine , h -vlrhi li;: �aa:� • g. P c thy. .cait>:iot •;distinguish 'frott�i:'�-:the Itvto�,.::,�y>re•l' •:- Ham ritr. l�dl.�lx accomplished Fished this miracle, at last ?. Come ---Bear this p i _ . astonishlng test,., -.and judge. : Miss Ida Gardner, the ' popu-lar ortpert ,• contralto, will be hereat j,VIr. Rdison's request, to : offer you the only evidence b which yoti"ca'ireallyjudge.. She will sing side by side with IVTr. Edison's re-creation of her voice I See if yinyou Can tell, `without Watching the motion ofMiss Gardner's lipse` , which isthe living, � .. . voacu and which .t1ie_fe-creation: Most famous artists have made sa'l`ons � Tests. . °Read what -'the papers say, • it •Xaa ssib a to distinguish i� irngnish between the ►lingert . l is s i]irrifig voice • and its re-_ .reation. b instrument y th ' e .'tbnt bears • the iitsmp of 1l;.dieion'a .. mins." • 'Boston Herald, Dov. loth, 1915. '"The earC onitt.•not!tellwhen itwas listening to , tbe p' onograpla alone. " Onlythe eye could. dis over e truth y c t1f t o by noting'when the singer's mouth •was open: or closed."• • N.'3!.:_il'veiiing Mail;. May 3rd, 1916. "iv wee virtually impossible to dis. • tiligitisli between the rear voice and • the rte -e .rested voice of tris riing+e r. Phlladelpltia +evening Telegraan, Apr it, "Christi.ie !!filler lrerrself and i`liria- tine Miller on the lydiieon d?,ng aide: by tide. '1 he tutu: voices were so Iden- tint° that when either nue or the dither stopped it was impossible ,0 detect, it , ,in the audience." Cleveland Leader, Sent, 23rd. 1016 "Not pds'sibio to fell Olie drone the „ �itlfevr. - Detroit Veto f'l'eesi. Oct, 12tttt 19.16, • r a • • aw , 1. Y o�r Judgment? r. Edison insists upon : this unique and daring test. For it tells more. than:i.ele est -vivl d• words can n exp ress,• ti .c V lici i f rank tess sweeps S a . .dilbt. ,tisou wants your 'true Judbment.of his new musical art... He wants the judgment of every: music lover. . Hashe• re-created nus c ? • . Has he eliinitiated meehall+_ea' 'blemish he .. 1 � Has preserved alis living tones y . .�n in al the ler sal' it • He puts the original • ' . .' w: . and, his ie -creation before you—side ,, � yob ..side.: ,�' hide.. nothing. ..AsksHe y 'e s nothing.. to allowances,. dares,, �..:. . •t�p iilal+we. the, final test. that no one else 1•itt he has ever ventured. And he. ' asks you td decide; al 01' Write for 'Tickets W . want all nuslo lavers --in this-eolnmu - =.i_ 311tyPi iCpp tillsir1#ereSting'l( •' convincing test. ' 1_i ketS al ��sole at. o.ttr .store, , deserved Seats, eaEs, stic, You 'mid, you icytixr friends are urged to attend. We advise, you toapply early beforex11 tleketsare sold.Concert under the.auspiccs of the. Lucknow Fire Cnm paityp .:s