HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-22, Page 6I
-- — -- . � —, — .-- - —— -- -- -_------- - ,,--,_- � I � ,- -1 ------ -a I
not den is', 11104"s, wi* f imperial "on I It's always well to �#
iu 4dislimt � I �
Editor Talks ,hanical players and am 444M one's twos. � 11
. �� �� ��?,- . "WAIAX asebin"" do" Isdow give Well, one way,%0 got at what a I a 0
11 .1 , � *Yorybiaitly repAy amesso to enjoymot thing is is to find out what it JVn A* -, I ,;
&go we diacuowA tile everybody withiout &Ay appgreat row of b *w* is AND m .
L at "Oparme "i-tilu of on tor sock exuborsAcer, the met in musit. AALF i and the boys who come back- froi� the , , - I F I 11
with those of city WW And lot the Male you Wive in Yom I Somme slid the Marber will want a re- I ddkmk�
entrance eX*Wi6`%- It is one of the hardest things in home be of the best. I vision of the Imperial dictionary. They - . - , ,!.
at Donat �be satisfied with tawdry, in. WE , , 0=07;& -
pUST THINK 11UPERIALLY � .. _ 411 ,
the latttr will want a now deAnition for "Em- ' -* . �'.
:,� uVil ai", tko worK to Properly swat" or ferior coespositio . ' , a i I _ ,W ,- I
. AX The more you I �'.. �* #, . 410
leathormi at big salarieks, while AND ACT IXPERIALLT� , pire," depend upon it. ,WW.WW ... * � -.#
*a country schools aro IA 4"reelatO the simplest act* Of any- cWtivate a fastot for reigly XQ" mu- I Seeing that near] all the world ,,,q)lgIjt - a me I W 4
tharIM I body. It in much easier to deride what sic the, greater will be the quigyment . � � �.- y - .
mainly ot young girls. The P*tor- we do tot undwstand. It is hard for you derivo U ic. , has been in the bath of blood, it Unows Trees For Fuel 801rily. ply whatever of the latter fucl.' Tile ,
from in 11 The worst dbutario'S coal�suppjy ogre of. the farm Nvood-lot, includiog ' ' ,
INGrOUifill DfAilY RVVi*W, in which 44 anYma to understand the motives of The greater the enjoyment the What tk# TwitAtietit Century Will #t last what it means, and it is sick to troubles are now over forlhis year, the Planting of SQMO of thQ now V -4 -
article appeared whiek we critielsed, sublime conduct� for Instance, unless greater will be the physical as well , Bring *4 Pass, in the Natural iderath, of Halserism, and all thut it i and Ua doubt the country will bang Q41it'lalld 'with forest tree$ should be -1C
14 a fair and well rosaomA r40Y to he is himself by pure 4ad noble mo- us. intellectual &"4 spiritual boxigfit . ineans and stands for. . I I
our comments, very trutwly loys: tives. But of course it is ,essential coming to you fr6m music. AIN!xy: course a Events. I out until Sprin withotiLt. loss of 11je or som,athing toward , owrco 5 tI
. L . I 0 They know now that Raiser!$ -, er other very berItue results of the short, farm .1 I abor Problem# as, =7111c, *X10- .
. The Review compared the Nutrab" that we should learn to appreciate, in remember this,. . . Alexandqf1sm and Napoleoul P LLL - a L
resulix of cit;y and country schools, so for as our faculties enable us tot L Unless something quite abnormal - go, but the discomfiirt; that bas been ceptibil of, the care of livostock, it pro- '
- � , all therother llismWl which dopen I '
� - . -WiUtO -W'.4-1%UIt'1-Df` tbg- vid'ea thwonIrregahir-empIoyMnt$Qr IT ��
rot to roffect in any way an #A* form- all that 11a good and- �puy# and -true, OIL" — , — , happins'. inthei'hj .`p ----- - . - ' . 1, ' - "
, , dQ , -Q -4evdQ -._!UP0.n_bf0,W.--------T- general thiR V .
---..---,, ---- , _ry ind I DI
I I , I -- -- , , .
or, but to make the point that those 13Y so doing We atpulp 0, valueL on our. 0 - - . L � ' . � L T'S � SUMARME FUSCO ment Of lisikind—the end of th I - ng peop e to bits wit . big coal ,,51tuation , ,ias Ageeted farmers, farm hands during Me Winter on mlx� L 11 I
I . . 0 explosives, choking them ,%itlx gas �
. schools will never r*ac'h a proper a*- 3elves and raise ourWyes - in the .. . I world, for Jnstim�ee, another Flood Of. fume's, and frizzling them with flaxne more or lose, 415 well as; town and 01ty ed farmas =4 WWI the� yeaes work L .
I I esteem, of 'Chat. Pit. Bice, mavvr, Colo. - the Noub type, or it new glacial per- projectiloo, are Rha dwelierfip RO� it Ia. quite probable that AbQtter distributed the tarmer,vould be 1. 1.
Others. We should in fact, By �tjy faililre', and farmer lix better position tu keep big help mit-
gree of efficloncy until they are eon- ., � $
I � ,F � lod—by the middle of the twentieth t,h y are, going t see, 8, and others- In the rural dis. I .
solidated and placed on *a same never try to undervalue Any pe)#oou ,� More than Ia days have P80ed 0 a -them wrappia4. tripts b3v,e
I . wished ui�ny tkmej this Nfled on the fqrm. ,, F0 every. tree -��.. ,�
tooting as to grading and teaching or anything tbAtis wqrtby of century the"Common*ealth of Austra- . . I .
. � col" since' Germany outered. upon her ruth- Doubtless the historic ,, conquerors, I
., stars as the city Institutions. mondation. It is a debt and tbovolare. logo, av . Ila, the' Dominion of CAusida, the , .Vinter that tjle�i were back in the cut down now, not one, but, two or
�sign of destroying British com- ' I Do"like CWsar and'Philip Una BQnapLartee days of cj)e�p,�Wiqod for fuel. - ' ' ,'threQ' should tie pl�ntdd if Ontario is I
The stand taken justifies the ax- a, duty, as Mothers, teachers, Sister$' minion of,New Zealand', and the Union I .
��, 1 merce and, fixed the arbitrary limits of South, AjrIc4 thought tber,,�wqro t�.Inklng Imperial- ' As regard$ tile ja to be. kept frow.Aging thb, trolible
sumptionAliat the editor who "Talks!" whoever we bej,to, speak tlie, lkindly wilt' take rank rmer it I. o within .
., �... I of her now "war zone," for, neutral owers 0" 13r, bizi the �W64erfttl response of the his polvor to galp ommapd`,�)0rj,hjS of tile prairlaq, � . . I .
� himself has at am* tArne or �other word, of apprebiation. . Great P , saws a writer in L At-., * I c which is * a M4 'of
: . I . . I I sea, craft. , - I I 400 Apawers. - . �.� . " I . lar -flung Bribsb Vyi1P6'tQ:"`the 011 Of fuel supply nuisance wiihin g f ,,v �orost., I , . I. I ..
, ,a . I I
. been a school tsucher. -At any ' rate, WV vecall-ber blusitering methods, � . � . the little Mot�erland'is - destined' to Years,by,*oaliq 'ofptopo�'vittention � . .. k, . I L -.... L . I �1, I I
. ibill*s Goethe, in scale of his, writing . tish Empire Vill be it - .
. . hjIgIbLerst.ands the responol � �, ' 8 puta 404 uncommon to, 9, uAtiQuin the last Tilus the W � change for. ever.And ever tbQ'NvQrId1s to his .kvooa lot.' Not only farmers, 0004, c4wo Plus. Fifty Vor Cont. - 1.11 ,
".. the man L Or woman this question sind *nS*erS it poluted. � Self a gr�up 00r so tli4 ie-, concept,jon of ,%,�hit thinking, lniperial'� �L .�4 .
4 1 41 ditft, about what alie, w0 going to do , .. eat Power � .
wb , 'Of *h1cli,Jumen and mateilal' 'dents in . I towils in . ,Tile man familiar with gows may, .
. ation. is the training of thwly, yet briefly. He asks: Who is the a 0 , I . but Yom - );lost smal . . . . I
'i 'I, ources .. �, :�11 - � � .
m starving Great Bf tain an4 her , IV means , . .I I Ontario Should he L illdepondQ�t "of' of what * , -
:I Yount. -'The character of the future happiest of ment, lie yho values the -,ples$tbapthreo 111be-cligrza I I . , . . tbil 4hUe -a fairly ,close estimate
1� . Has into submission A , wi , ous. . - -, - . 1. 1. . the �Oal SUPP
I I � '�fte New Import . 1Y by reason of tho: crop ,a; one4a 4, gliq4i' d will ovei. Fos-, - , � -
.1 . generation depends upon -the teacher's merits of others,. and in their plaas,,: t S. Now if, by enlightened stat0small- 0 alisna" . � � by her � . .
. L
: . 31104 11!�, by the use ,of her murderQu - S J�
I . , . � . * the fostering of the fumily.spiri�, '.1jha,w9jj4,jj4S om' wood which .
efliciengy. If there is a profession on ures take$Ljo;� as' thougb;'tWerd� ,his subm ship 11 should ' 'be ready fq . er dity,'pei Month or per year; - * - ,
- . - . . 7A ore uge'for the' 0frvest oil the f4 . 'w "be$t",COW? ,
earth that ralli for thi beat men and Own. . L, . . . grinds, otv. i Una the remeip6iapee that the great- us � ums every Winter. Does ff follo 'She ii the .
This- was to lia ivicoMplishe4 fit ' de- Imperialist who thinks it his, first job ' '
women, it is that of the teachers. They Then speak your appreciation to. l , eat lesson of the present war is TQ give satisfaction as fuel.,tbe It depen4s som6what on what the . .
I tfatiod, of international law, and de- not to terrorize,'exislave, uproot, ex,termin. tree So d, drawn t the owater isafter-1 be MAY look for a lairgo. . L
I'� deal. with the human mind when it is the teacher who is giving of his or her ' . that we "were unprepared in arms, but ate, ilullify other nationa-who - be- holiso,. 0, 0 . .
L . spite the. protestations of the rest of e4p I I awn, and it possible#. silit the flow of milk; he may, require., plenty .
receptive and when Impressions that life to help your children, alQ.ng the the World . against such barbarous that We were Surely "PrePar " ju.thp. licireoL that he, is divinely or di4bolicat. . , ,
. � I , : 0.
, WinterprovIous to- that dbrinj* which of cr6am, or,wlsely,, he M ,
� L , a
lost throughout lite arer form'W-4'As rough pathway- of Unowle4go. S.,L 16e and rvspect-of our scattered soris, ly ordained'to be $'top dog�-" . , s, expect' a .�. I I . .
Pori,* method I I I ' they are to'be burnea, and it is po4- substantial profit. a the coo of: - �
the ty4fin bent so is the tree inclin- Many little love of mine I .. . - thfise future'Great ,Powers can, be kept 'BUtwhdtLMUSt , . 413o'? 1 � .
- ,
, Oermun,like, she took it for grapt - I . the. new and better sible for farmers who bove beetr sav- feed., SQ,your co%ys, as a,bord, may ' I I .
. go. ThV preacher hxi none of the op- X$1YMAk6 a life the �Oweetor;, . e. within theEinpireir what,unrunassall- go!, L L6�000 Pound$ of .
ed that all, neutral nations were As 4 for'whicil the Br'tish, Ing their timber h .making use of 11aveia , � milk and I
E;pil� lmperiiall�m be .1
portunities for good, none L. of tbe If any little, care of mine � oild of.4 0ense.of.deogney and ght able ;re it willbel . . I . . . y I I
.1 . bancox in Moulding charsipter, 11i I MOY Make a friepd!s, -thar fleeter, " y Ti - .r Emoire. -will stgpd? Will the mottoes coal -for some years past to yet make 200. pounds of fat, but is each" one. I I . .
� c at I , .
L . If any it, L ' an, herself, -and affected Surprise when " . A Drean� of� Power I a in the light .dilro�tion before earning a good profit? Co* testing, . , .
.. the teacher has,and yet., by Some pro- ,' - We lift of inine way ease . the 7j,& coolly jurormadi her t t,such , I L � . . � beX Oil it� banners, be "WbAt'$ a moy ' . .
I �
. hine Ia mine and r ' ' - An up each, individual, will an- , ,�L
I : � Ila t *a a mine ig my ,'tile sleighing gives out hk drawl g up 'Check! 1��
teas of reasoningnot perfectly clear, , The burden -of Another, - . I Thafle'thei'visiqn. Will it material- ML p19 I I I I I
� .1 . re swei this. and many other questions; It - - - - -
� . -rally paid fifty per -care and' -of nations atid, of bumin rights would . the devil take the ,hindmost"t �A . . �.
the pastor it gene � God give me, love and I methods iii,total disregard of the law ize? If we colne well through . this aivn," And It4ii,erybooy forhimself and a Supply gleaned fro _ trees that a
1. cent. :More than the other,, and is- us- . strength to 4elp 'my t6iling , war,thare seems no .reason, why' it . re past' their prime, AS, an insurance' will also help, as it.blis helped 'many 1,
. I L
. � � I L moliatitute A cosus tellh if 4149 lives of , these mottoes of its'bqraldry?'�. it at, troiible in the fUej line In - a - . I .
I I ided besides, with A . free brother., . I . L should not, Germany - - I I � . I I � I .
. ually prow . 'Saw ' L galil � . the dairymen to idO at least, Afty par , I
- .
'L ' * *' *, * L "'it" , 'y I It the British Empirehas hot learn- "Winter of '191748., -1 I tile � I
. residence. . . I . L L ""'cans were put 'In *"Tdy that it WAS now- or never vdth bei, as , gL I . .1 cant. -to thoirAncome. froq , same, . � .
, L , , ,there%, . - I '.
. . O ed the meaning and wort1% of that ,- The cuttin and hauling.o.f.the wood number. of cows because 114ey �eep I
. . is page� n .. rmad conqijest wqnt. Where . - , 06, 1 �
, L I '
� , Possibly no, one who read$ th, , originol German gaftate of 'far AS a ' ,ort "scripture" from. -Germany - -are kil , . .
L The.ue'vl4wla nextpoint may strike goes tea profusely Into expressions of , she made the mistake WAS to josgit to * . of , , supply should, by rights, be dona be those that L own to 'be QVIeldint.
amillion tona.of shipping Per Month, , Allen the BrItish.Empire %L ot thi $ore the snow be inei so, deep. iii the Your Average may, be 7,000 00"01, . L '_'
k some of Our readers as open to ques- grotit-tider for lcinrcin�sjisrs,- beoto'wed � ,crop 4 'her -'subindrine Armed conquest at'all, ' , . n . L . cc . a , ..
. tion, but we endorse every word of it upon up. Anywa OR the wreck, , . The British,Empire was not won by Jasting'Institution: I take it for. fitiqlA. AS to be a, hindrance to the chop- bit in three yedra I '.. .
I y, Ia itL ]lot ba#ot to : harvesters, novrii.'ifter over I&- days L I I , perha,p you can L
, '"7 a. the British Ep�pjiisr stood par or teamster, but,a supply of stdve mal� - but it . _ .�
. unqualifiedly. It sayst We believe the err on the,best side if we or . I L . ' ' I I 'What ha . . , a It over, 10,000 �p
. , arms, - oxcept. quite inciden . . . .1 . oundo, .
. . r at. all harvesting, she'sho tops , . I Past" L ' , I
I . I editor who Talks Is wine according to in giving�duer appireqlatlo� t6i those . ,. Wo. 385i,900 . . I was won, by the explorer,, the mifsIon! for in,the and what will It stand, wood at, the expense of 0,mp: extra won't be unless each �one. Is up to: a. � . - I .
I , behind. the aAvounc.ed schedule and d , - . ' L Work In breaking snow -roads should good tits ard, Write t4e . I)Airy,Conk�. , - %., - .,.�� �,,
I the wisdom of earth,. It must know who befriend us?. 'Be asgure4 that ' Ali th t 4 r, To .a *ery )large fok with a deeper odayletion and'tena- " md I I . .
. - ----�, the r4e in growing leak every day. � , ary, ` a ra e . . be welc6mod'R its expense' is"com- ifilasioner, Ottawa, for milk - "or4 � � .
. I just 'hap- city in the futurel I" . , - . I
,, I L 0.1 . �� -
I that man -'-'---- m br'.out of there is nothing ' ' ore extent. the British Empire. . , yr .
more helpful �tO g'': Noutral.and belligerent ships - -d . 11 . Past. it haL . , pared, with the Present cost of co forms. Your letter'does - -
I , . ,
.. jo, C , ` Children after'k.] p6roon, - eittq employer or pene . , . . .1, .1, . #1 . L noi";eed a:. ,� � ' I .
I . LL ' . ' I e"'PIPYder jiow sailing � with compgrativer freek , ' . WL i In the a Stood for the veg it Aid rt#i�ty.Og Any - 't" . . I '. . I I.. . I .. ..1 .1. .
t . . dded, �to e u 9 MP - -, � I
. loll c for as sioras do than to be aFpiibfvited;-:--The,em*'v.,oLr,..a��,, a#A the low, average Of bm.' - . A,bout fiteen yeafs ago We war a L'. L'th": , . S�pl �Pqoage S a . 1. .. ' , . , - -�. � � % .`;... - - . , ,-.
.. ,oil ar * .1 1 a- �sPirlt-and-lettigr-of- froa4oim-und in, �; - -. , I 1. . .L 1;1 � . I L. I ., �� � .
, via .tile future it i ---- - ---- I �,
pets and other livestock. A Who thinks he.can% do enouth for the Ind, QT ; - t ,tracked � t od'hy,a, well-known statesman �"tq " �rill,gt,And for peace an I. � . 1. . . . " �
_ � nags rdus -be . - . L"le , 'd .. . I . . I . 11 I I . 11 . ! . I
211411. wfth a valuable horsit; is vastly employees. Opreciates therni'and they. � I ..'' -� P,thivic imperially.'l-Well, !his *ar has� an 't IiV� f 'on- . I . ' . I I ' . _,
. . IS a, 6ther cause, ilian - ack,of sbips,'� - - - - , I . justieqj for live . t, ma ' ,.t
I om L al .. I . , or ,the ati , as a man can.- I . Y take ihe .G -j"11. Lt— -1 -
with the quallficrotiotqs keep, on, doin , certainly Jid IP" e4 U a i4 do So. it ba� golden rule , I .. - ,�e . - : :, "' ,
L � . . i I
racirareoricovood . g. better 811 the t64, and, or t an relon ing on the part of I . I and, ii.ofth; rule of gold, *±ong turning. . . I Froi -Er'i--- S isle , , : . . .
. I..
�, I � Gd� ,. .1 , . . , Ite ut of our,parochial r1its, fbr,tho. iddependence and mabhood of , I " . III . _ I . . . . . I .. "'.
� � The greatest of All Teachers, couPled � . ... . , I . . .
I . I . . . . . . I
4 proparioil for its, life Work d6oshis or hei- best,'it, pay an,� - ' ' lo rn' ' I ... I I . .
I of t1W trainer to whom he entrust4i tho become more valuable. If the isriployeer . _ . . I . lit u' al ,
Tho .
animal to f . B;Iti, . th . T6"g filie� the Strand with* f allows an, for, the care Of 'children, for the . — . � � '. .1
of* _ tj�k L glo I .. I watching: with - .and put '.. . I . . 1. .- . ., I
. . I ptayingi, - . I . . . I
0 first, last sk Ail orities b"d tIven' from thi ba0k4bloets I I be, rover . is , I . .
. tbxn be,, is about those of" the teacher and all the time to asgulne that he is 'Out the, statement-th%t * a in aL .. . nee 'of . wom* an', for-. tq1jing � the watc1iing -first. , L . L � . 'NEWS* MAIL FROBI -III&. 7 ' * ' ' ' 1. � �,
. . not, on, * L . I i
, I ' * to from the- sheep-rulis.'6f ,New Zealand, truth and shaming" the: devil� for - all L h � I BY . I
* I . I I .
. � . -
� .
,.� . who brings up his child. - A dog, fan- : appreciated, and when an employer Ia. .bundr,ed _and The autumn' is not ere wUh Ahei , a . � .- L� L , -
1, I cier will not whiro%n . cimne canitio. not ATIOng,.JaUlt WIthr � vessels that . come � . I I _ . "N %_AHt)RE$. ' L , -
I his -ouip I - tiI,, - and the Xtirray River, with f aft�rs' things thAt a men' a , ,epirri I * labor -- . , �0. . 1. . L I L , -
I I ,, , loyee I Iq 'L, jalre, - " L nd I - res� lt� - -ther-odeds- -- . _ 11 . , . . . . ., . .
" , . � ave'. her .41jored-ligs bee.ome. Prey. �jr-e]ASagk I .. . I -1 I fxu , of our .. ,in, sewing I., - . .L � .
L I"t he destroy Its spirit,'while, he still -ItIs ten to one that he. doo ' * t atchewan, � with - -r�ncbeTs- . � . 1. �. �.- --� - �- '' ,� , . L' 2
. . �
.. .. � . L -1 . . - �, - ..-. � ,.-;,.
., % ,t " L '' - 11.11PPre'44 4 :of tbeqmbmariper.- --- -------- - --.7-- . I I I . tip'lehdid' 7, � . .-: of Empire in the Plou 'a sot ,of the , � . . ' �r '" ..
- I , I . . 6 . . j1h, d ' I ' * . :�'" � .- -
---' -
:1. I adheres to the blid Maxim of the past I he'm very in uch.', - We shouldn't feed, , Feb. r, -And 7i the days of, MaXinitup f�onlLQ�Aeensland, with -malmorvancan,- , ,,�. I Diing"er,Aheol � .. 'world, "Lbut, we are Assured , that the . - - - - ' - - ' . - I_ . � . L ,
. 1�� I I L - 'Con, * !Pat is to wb� I . - . I 'Hi I ppe ng L I .. I I . L Ila.. of.. - ' I "!",
,,�, , , at" *M reference to 4parIng tho; our mind with, the thought that, *0 ar0' , ifTe4tiveness,. may be. sidere4 the' pars fromthe Fritter, with clerks fruit of freedom Isj4iticerand frieiid. at 11 ft the � Emtrald e " L L ;"
I .
red and, spoiling tilb obil ndt'oppreciated, lf\vid'are doing ,OF 'd I fr6ni Kolb urne* ind,Vancouver-1, t we must look ahead, aship And. colt e, I . . I . �. . 1, ., ". I ...., - . . ... . .,., "
, - aV: when h submarine force * , Q �eL Of, Stability.. of .�hip ,and qomrad fidene' ' , , ' . .
, "4, : . as , ever, bp the -footplat , . , I . Interest .
- - Yak children are, Will w ipped With duty .'faithfully itt all times � -1t'PAYS , , I I its W611ington,'with st6clit-ridartifro 8 Irish.; � I
�� � %1W I I I . I 1. - ' of ' ' ping our and cheigrfid'servied, whilat.,flie fruit '" , - , , � to t .. I I .1 .. . .1.
1, 6 .1 1% strongest ienSI61�'L . ,, , . ,'. . . . . .. I - . .
�-.*- 0111cial. sandtfori4p. A � boj breaks the to,appreeinte au& t' -:be appr tea n , I blue.�graiss and Maoris from W. Ira-. the loqomotiva o power, kee . I . .. . . � 1. . .1 . . I . . I I �
L law,',Lund, thia , , I . . -o 10,04, � the, loatier'days that .haie followed , ,.R . � '. 'is. hatte �- d 'dbinteira� L - . � .men. , - I . � . I L
I i a. , * .1 . eyes,on thq soiting trAcle of ,Progress of I tyranny d I I . .. .. I ,.! - I
.� . Magistrate turns, him =4 At the e to'be hunible.' ... I , '. . I - .. . I I . .. . . . . . I - � I
Il Aline tim' rap 'L ., .. .11, -%,�orthy 'L' .- - , ��' . L .. La� .;- " � '. - .� - . . . . '�-': L
�,,, L I I - . I L I I pwe theirUrrenness, no. doubt� to.1her' - . . Vt hikh� and -, destMie , � tion,- , . I I � . . � 4;-. ..'r - - .
, . 4 . .1
�� . ovar to &a tender mercies of the of- , � � * * - I" L. � I - , ' . .1 . . 1. '. I .. . L '#gticp, , at:� . . . I
. . . * *. , . Malk�lt A Rq�lity.., k - ' - A- Thii railway, NOXY± � ��, - - - I
. . I . . tor-OiTensive Put 1 forth - . I . � - , .--:-': . L" � I , - -
I .. offerctive coun , I I . 1 , - L , is -Empire stands: for- peace L'� � ...... -`1- � -i 11 . .
,.:, L . ficial flogger, That instrument of Mo&-% � Last1j,,jQt USLAPProdig r * -f' . .. . --- .. " I - ',� - -, RJh . . . I . .. ' - . L .. I � 6
- ' . - �.. . � ----11
L W 11 . . I .. -Wf(y ydaiff AgO't 0 Vast I � . -i 1�
'. I I. , te;'OUr.'-W#Ads# by� the Btitisfi-mavy. . h-' ' * - * ity- 'the peace of mai t �. -- , � � - - BAT.T. Lit OF THE -somm'. ., �. . -. borgugh ;and. iti - doiltents! � .,,has . bavn.'
I., . I . majbl! . L mug , ore- L . L .
, ". , . . 1, orn,,tortura, `tu6 cat-&�-Ifl -tal 9, LIS for "'there. is yet no culture, no i4eth- - 'Whilat! the, attrition i's sorlous of dwellers in these, Rriti,qb'Isl�s' didiA' I ,a Lfor Peace.. 'Rushing th � rough t1ii " ' - - - -- — - - . .. completely destrOyed'by Oro. ' - ' ,,- -.' - * - - � ' I
. . UaeC . 11 . par . . I ,Emily Clare - - Boyce, a' Writer - 0' �,: I'
!he victim - n'6va forgets, and od, of progress known to niall. that is -Ibnoughi if kept up,;tp' achieve, in port car,o a straw forlhe Empire. 'There . dense -of war,,*rig a Most Terrible in E& , . �
� . L n ,. . I .
f - , . . night jiAust look for Battlegibu"oh . . I . I . I some V 'at -, �. I. I I .
��Y ... I * I it 9009 "Without, say�n , that heL never.. -so rich and dornpletd� a's that'jvhtch is. ,,the. original - . . . L distinction, - diied,4, re4iantIF . . . . . . � 1;.
. I "... . - I � I hitent,of-0irriially, the was -c.oni3ta.n:t.ta.m,.Q.f.tlhe.in.e,vitobilttY.".�he�.j§I pali-r-4obIckeep ' � * , 6, L 1.
A ". .. � . . . * L 911 ly- through -the . -, -roWs,Armageddon. - I I , Housei-Widlgow- '-- , --- . ". .
1�r . L forgives, .. , . .. L,, Ministl6red by -a truly greatTriindship, alysig .'that has naw, Set 'In must be ,of the bigget� colonids present' I ' .. .I . .. .1 . her hom Bainow I I A. .
'A ' .;' �� ,-. I I .1""'*L�,�:*.,7*," I - . , ...' L. �, 1� , IY "eut�- gloom, for the. .gje;wjijij)iad, :, % ' ' I I .. . � .. ,. ' I .
. , . - .. Tarm - - ' - ' I -- - i, : - --The--arrii,al of the ,big -guns- -on -thes --- -Lieut, W. P-.WpOrows,-%&-�,,�S-� grad- �;Ir- -.1---,'
" ' L .1 I and - ho Who hath a thbu$444'friendi d ate 'a ,bo - Th I- ,U , I - q ...
Pf cou ,;wipi .-to' Some, a a , xtraneous, tiuk,.thoP4fAter," and �� _dy, jejemed, , is.Empire had yot,to�,pas�smViy- ,Br . .. � i - I �� "'! 11
. , gi" thfoL IS, - I .qu . , �, ., . - ' L , . geipoint- i �An engine ri L - iboi� . 11"
. I an. awfiilrelleev� hath'not'a friend, to $pa'd ".L I . .1 . 6, hl.g�ot,uhixtrsit�, . . �.., � - ,
, * - . . A. dan . . . .
�. - . biit�;Oho * . . i:ituse, , � - I ; 1to care I ivfieth&'thet . I or not. . . . _jtIsh.fto ,j .& I -
. � 7 . r , ,L r �oi - -iis . . did "' -'- -o.. - ht; its: I ile-inacli to alarm ,U�i' .
� .. - I ,* , home"" L ttjj,:;5a* ' . *heirti, without great,. tile enemy, says an - legoi rk, has been. .a irded e, . , 1
I . . - tionon Parents will date dig- not forget to act. the word itiAhe ' - Alu . , 'Wgilance; a frightful catastrophe 'Ia. ,Amevican writer. 'Co. . I . 1. . 1* I the' I -
. e ra as that cut it down,. � stralia was the, pl;%ce4here.they 'L I .
L. ethp , .. . .
I- i -puter the statement,? ` ., : .1 . . it mostly i F or )reais'derminy has relied *on bit Military dioas. - � . .1 I. I. . .. I
� , � amongthos6 with *both- we spend our ',.frojW30,000; tons to 14,000, may be de-, &g.nuggets, *Canada *here , Possible, and theAraiii of 'Empire may - ., , - I ..
. 1. ' 11 I - - 'aw *1 - ' �! I
I - a -down the eiiibank -' --X%jqr.I hag been, aided. �+ �
. . , I The,�* ont'ana, .PrerOaelous cur time. Let the�niot�er--'Ve-,'appiri!�lated-' -.still Joweir.- ..,,Xe*,ZeaIan& theL:- ' ot-wet'b -flung'' gUJI& " � And �L novii ..tho BrItIgh and thg , %G�.Xe#- -, . . - ..
� � 0. , , . jeXided.upowtor reilu6d'it � sn6wed . - ,
� I \�-�" escapear a horse ballia on the i L ' ' b L $13 1. ment of den, ��
- ��".-, , , , 'L - or �bildreii � Prench have bigger oneil Souldihing;., thii Military. Cross. :Foi gallantry. 8.44� :. I -. � �L � -
� . . a an, - 86uth. muAill - - ' - L . ' "dawned ' ' 1. I . 7". - V -
L . . I � -- , .
� 0- . 1. - .
- ' '
- h1biself, out of bondag . y b " an�and ,husband, the'. la- ,, ,Tust wbatlhom measures Are,- -we -should come out at if wd 'Were. to: dig sitiutti6n. in, a t�inkle, oi " iinextric*All'46 ' -dejr6tjon to' duty. - - . . ,
. , . - .
'L. , . . a -her by L ol�jy gues' , 1. 1. .. .. has oil the -Ii6riion .quite lbttt�- � . - I
. " � LL . , , � t . . � d children, aiid' ill ' � 0, in L the absence of. data . a fible. thibugli the - j1ohe a�pd a., " L � . . . .,
. I Mail who , Id,bout, ' - , childreii by parents and,by . - . - ' L * ajl� _ � .. �. side th�.:Gernxan, dakulaiion, " � � ' 'The WexfOr4-Qorp"atIon.have ask- - - - ' .
. 1. . . I .. � 6 ., thathorsi a L- . egoh other.. -Ordsots, but we qp:n1ie*s4re1h4t Epg- Africa-:�wjell, �it sfrifiply' didn't c6u H But we c t St6ptl - -AjA"Ot I - - ", -" L - , ;
. , L , -Th"ne, distrie f -
. � , Child.: � Is whipped, The, folio -wing -*area' by Margaret ,I ep .1 -. - -kiW 7M Tit I . I I., . � ne--tr zm,- . -Wtl --the(1#vernlndntL:'f - :.' tA daiA ..., " .!"�,�m,�
.. . .
r . .... I L, . , imil lio., not bein,tolid -' , or, event dilam. Vdbod� ,W�.i 1Q, aiio�ixt it. pire. 'It is a non-stop, concern.' ,It �re ' t Ch-'aIlL�GermapS':,ed I I _ or a 0 n . . . . , I
I .. e , es and Ain ' - *f 'h' LWas. L .. har, an& detest' I$ !fthe ' terrible w6ig.bt ilia pkic a for� brea.d and to ro- - , ' , I ..
. , I .� I I , , , i6d� No'niiii- gangster 4 ftil-Lof meaning Una trut-, '��y �p her counter-eff6rts. How groat - 'So lhbre' some sense in the, fuses 'to be. shuhted into a siiding to OrA L - - - " : - ----- - ---- I -4q, .
. ' I I I . � . . 06131- � . � I I
. I . istrate Us ever been knowri to order . . t t t - done! allo*'a faster train to..getirI -,front S me�.ii' 4. lt� bea'rS"'V'arIiOUg . 'namei;. 'stricithe, manufacture of ' , .6 . . .
I . ' ' ' Wei ,have 6*dufthought , for the �Iib: aidtiiiiLl . damager is . * being- worked statesman's advi a. - We b-adn'l I 46iae .:. I ..
. - ' '
I - I . . a Polleernull to tAkdLa fractious horse, I ' 1. I - . � I . �. . . And none- df. them complimentary. A ery." -. : * - - � - . - - . 'L L .�
. I I -Stranger � . 4igaWst- -the ,German subm u erial thinking up,to 'then.;No.fe * dr - - . . R '' .. .*. ,�, . .
. 'k I -.1 . . ' dite, or - �ad .
I lipproj6d. a � lot, - and, j ar, or Cowar I . ,.. . of 'Germap pris
- L
,,% I . Into a ,back jard� and, . lash * Until I. And smileslot'-the sonietime,guegt, -1114ph 'ords But'things.�kad . ; WliatL , i oner whoni I Met not ve�y The farmers.. -cf ,Leitrim ana oq- - - �. 'Lt.. , , '! , 1�,�
I . I . I I g�eto,woff until h%t6ry rec - the darkness holds will . suffite ' %
4 appear do, ift L Jay- " The-'ehil , � I ' the "bitter the, truth, L:f or. , We . If I '. referred to it' with. , niany ,common, whose crops *er6 Injured ' , - ,,, , ,,�
I - . ridges b,d L d - But oft'f ' ' "o liave� noway of tell- self-governm e to: chook- the - tiam'. long. ago
- . .� "' L "IA I L .. or our Own! . At* I. , �
. 1. li L. I , � � ". . . � I .- - .1 . I I . � .. 1. �1 �:-'�L - ILI, ��, " ,;', -, ' - ... L--- - � --.--. -
oil, .. - � , Ing.- .' , � 9 n. . . .
L I. it f -11 .out 0hureb- � ddin.th&ll . L it
� of 04-ity Bpi e 0 a I .�' . .�.� .,� 'shuddoro om�"The -Bgth%qf )�lood the Shannon, fi�va -4 Lk ...., -1 I -
J11, �.L P-�' 1. I I - L . , I -?--. �bZ�thq $; - of-
, . , � L 't ., .. I � 9 , . . . - * - , fi4ip L' ' , . - � - --"',�-
I unity,, irhd, L " I own, I . :A Warnin . I ,.. . � - I .
L L ' �OUk . I . . ... � .' . ., 9 I � . wbile,-'a *ounded Bavafian in alog;*- petitioned' the 06vernin L ' - -' '. . k
:,. . 1, . *,armed, ,civilization And 'huip we love tile -beat. ' - - -That they are interfering in � . G . But ,0hen our statesman was ex' 'L - . ' ' * . . ant.t6, -,in . ake . . ,' .,.
, . I
. � 10r , . L* * * * ; - , ' We t be Pita . as "War's Infeino."� good,their loss. - �. " � .. . -� � -
IL . . 09 � ' : - " acks, , . I . ...
. , I 4ftonfgreSw�otg thiiiithed' ortho , . game I ' horting us�*6 �Ilthhrik thipiiiallill he - But ' ' mug A Ware of side-tr I spo'ke"of it , 1, ,
L. . hOf'oe I . , . , A"Y16 "little a tolefably eei- , . ''
, .
.:; '�,, ._' ' ,� - : 7 ebaS L churing. - .. .1 A41 I If � Our' regiment . was sizddenly.. taken � tieut. William 1c , I �.
I -
-, .1. . , - ' ' , '' Migi - that n6tting,e $a, , L R ridni..thei gone . ral meagre results might hay. -:4dded the warning, "Don't , biailell-lines *hich lead to: the Desert . dxj of Bangor., is"' , - :' I 'I....., .
.. I . .L . . .a . I , . 1. . .; ;.. �� . , I ..
.A. , I , . , - . - " 91 , , , , ,
. . - I , - '� is , Gar stop � Afthinking.. Get a move om you, , I . 'If - ' I -
I ,The excuaelsolvan��ht the pai of'Nowhere,- the Gul",Futility!, - .the, from Plandets and, ,#ung,' --ther Aead ' er-was- a� 'native -of . - wast . .
, renth can. _ Juto " , ,
' 'L � I t,t, ", - , - �It.. g1v& eviva , of .�Muve is i- L I - - �--- -- ' I .
, -
I , , � � tonsen .. a V. jjiAdi L I,je.*'c4jZ,fi Somme dtst�10,01 ,.siia'.. ke. "Tw'elvi� and had b6eWtji c6mmalkid-of several " " - -'1z ` � � ,
.1. . , , , , , .A r i in � biAbe, warfare* a Id L
, - .
. w, . - �� . L.subh. plinjili'me L ,ban it evidencor all ovdi the w�iid 8 .1 na some Zaii-stTipalking ,".the an& do something tocrystalliz;- think- I Wilderneig 6L Lbst Opportunities, or 'L. 1: I ,
� ,,oil . � 11 . eom-� ' I
I . -. � , Is thna to� 16-ok after. ck ction,li6.'bring - Ide;ils and, the Terminus ,of Empire- -a terniinus -days, wia st4yed'there and were -, . abli * ; -7 � . ,. ..
,� . ,parents 1Y tQ gro* in intensity. Music should ,ph�rdcal and morill cost -of her iah- ' g into -a . . - . I steamays, of - ilia Straits Steam
. In I . '* . . . . I .
. L L . . - . .
. q I . � , themsial".1"S.; It they WhIpped thd� boy, be a Part of the life of every home, -de&-#wkrfhve.jUgdfy the eicpected re- hopes ffilo- the�realm. of reality�. and - at which, with tob. much . pletely smashed up. Ten days 1', eft.�! CO., of Singapio . . .
I . _ ' ' ' I , , " , ,
. , , L . . . 'O"Surelle" - re. "
, : �-a ':'. ". Ad. �oxirt whips him, - 1. I . . L . " . , by lack of,fdrethought'by failure tolldured'thit.hell, and,came to.thq,- end * Mr.'OIC I - 'L .
, -21 - recently -we-. , y lo k soon for Another -life. . 3r lan(, , to be � * ' - L; '
thesame mag. . 11. .. . , . onnelli clerk of 'JAdto*o ii. ,; ' I
, . We Are soilto road all sult�,, .6 . practical . � .
. . L , I L . . I I .
I ,6f-,'hdh-& . . . of I .. . I .
C , -
. I
I , Istratie W Ver.Z. . I J � , , � 41ar .., bly. it .ne)v Con , -�- Live ImOerially-,�! - 9=4 -trend 'of �these I ' , has � Wei,
'. � 0 d of my Strength." - �6res
� I I .. th I$ '. L likoly'fln6 or send article.by Addington'Bt-we'in which poq§l , P. the world .tre.; , . id six I �
f L L . - -
_ Its! �- 11 . . I' L -eeeiv L let to, the - PqQT .Of the -- distrid fro I . . � L'.. . .
I L , 0 WAY to jaff. . . : It is a salutary practice, to I .., 1 1, I a bum,an-o L. . d� "^' th - L t ' L L. I Otis tWies . y J. have, i , "ad. a� nitid-s0attered . L . I . . "'L
� I , �'!, . , , _ I ho:says, I— 1. 1643,.,of I&WL an . . . . 7nend '9 we may All too eaaj, ,e,
,. L - . Zorsoo-atid dogs ski .wotth money jl� 4'' . , t tha �111)on%- Stan on a op -of 'your land. .. , .. .L I I .� . . letter from a, British '�' artjjlgr��Man providifij tbet, Viban Council,plou I gh . ..� �
. I I . , , t' ave "'Usk in the home several even-� t V -.1 1. a, Provi f She is �ap. . L 1 . . L I � - :, ,-
in, the opaii market , Chilar J2 L - I and 'aa:�"Liijjj�ot jjjN '' nut if flij v*gjc� f .� ,. . - . .. I ' I . -� - .; . ,., �. �.. . � ''
I I I . I . . . . 14P Arer'110 IngS'. & Week.. . 1. gin L ternipted to 1111917 �' 1. " Pifa�e 6ftmplre I 0 o� �, Vhatt,his glori� who his! fought with-- the big. -9
. . , .Fiorhops,- after gal, t4t, a0counts for ged L .. I 4 ,� .-jaying-asi.de ber barbarity.. - . tifis..-On'., thelandfkad,df cost.. -- .* * L " � L, , . .,:�
I . liuVing it, Almost L I L .. L I hei-ladt thatallejs not Accomplish- the Great Bdbylon which IL have -build- tons. family of 'English-apeaki L the'Somme�:fo'r many months. ', � ;1: Tber death'of two Irish tentie'narJans , L ' L .
. I . I every evening ,. T. L ing and ' . . . . Mrs., �Clkjffid .;. %...19" - ..
our after g -porj .. a - ..f!JaSt now 1. L � - t ., "..'...... .,
: thi difforen�e- in de: treatment aebord- for. at lea ad,' and; forget that the en MY is sap , English,thiuldng -and, - English . am ` in, 11voUiC ": L he J,was: -recently ,,, ..
� I I . . St. half an h J#kl herhoasted .ose,; for, wlitch.she I . .. I -acting I . P I reported. I . �
.1 -I I . I ed th,eM. : I . -1. L I I L Mona -edh bodome doers not. nerve US writes, "with tho'battery in a wilder., of Newry, aged' 103".yeaks, 4nd Mrs. � - �
. I . �, I . * -- I � I * . ' tvisning meal. For music, if we'be at didq,arded -411 Prpte'nce.,of concern fok.pin ., I a a an epa ing � o An .�na L I
L ' � -
I ., L . . . *1 * W, ,., ' . a L on about your ears.' - Lear i. all to the task of bringing its destiny. uesS,,of d a - � of .' ' 7 0. v "
all'fond ot"it has remigrkubIr bene. iitj, ational is olud an 'd bits ofbattle, and Dunn, of Ballybrittas, At the,ager 1.
I � . L L i ." and':fisk�d th-� .boa- .YOur �!' I ' ,iting. It 106, y . .
, , . I
I We, rejoice to see a growing Inforl- I . -does Much more than ti'liflog.of flie �. 'a; to set I Portal ltv I , , � I � I With little. oppoi-tunity for Wr " ' L . .. .1, � � . ... . I
I .. . AcJi&L4ffe4s.' It , greAt-neutpil nations, I t.,Oome to pass. I . . . . ears. . . .
.1 . ,' - I to PASS, thdj it Will no ' .L . .. I - ... I I
. I .. . . eat manifested irt the pvbI1o.,-0&"j0.9r 'what.- are imperial , thinking An ' LA . -takes. us all dayg;,ptting, about in, the . . .. �-
.. . L I ve enjoyment to - tj -jt- J�Au__ a basis f6r-bopdr.thaf she irnayi; a,�oid' -- But .. . .- - -nation -,may. miss- its �Dlvio'us 4estinm I Patrick Slipridany of --the Munster:, 2' . I
a mind. . . j .
a, L ' .1 � I � 1 . 1.
' '
. . , . this great country -*e . k6fer niOre JR�Ices'hdlpfull Or- -- - -- I . 1. 1, I IL L . . . . messiand all nijht,giat4pitfi bootsL,Ao Yusilierg, who lost tits sigbi in - I .
. an L Y even the intern the - Yovert 'act" ,for which t4is poun- - L I'— . " - . yal. I ' . �
I . .... I I—- .--. 1. .1 .
. � . . .0atticularly to.,thd'kutaj� schools,jOr gins and Processes of -the.- body. . �. . . . . . ' I � L I L Z . 7 -- - -1 --- afid'drying Socks- at imprq.v-1sr6,d -Areal tfie,war, hag ' h - --
s..---- ..."... - 11 . I.... I .. � � --- - .1
- . . I Lis-" try s await ,., I .. . . . .. � I., . .i , - . been �resented wit a. . �, I
. I I I - ten to t'his,b*_ m .'�" � , I L . I .. I Ile I write, th I
- thi children of- the larger 1owns: and, _ of ji� L . . No2w.3*1 - - � I I � - I - -- ------------ � - . ----. I ,. Whi 9 gunsAre tifurAping 'pony. and, cart to.enible hinic. to , earn,. - .
TheL - HbliorableL Alfred, Noy -.- --.!,F?.-*�- &,�.',.�%�.�-::�,:,.en , "' , �
.. . v�,�:-,-,�,� ---------
L . eagwilo .,-�fi:� .
. . . . . �,/ �-� L. ,
� I .. .... . ... cities h&g.'many impprfunt advant- ob' I. . :f.1-�,,7L;r1 . 1.*�, -1 �:-..,,*.N-11 . . . . . . - iiii banging itt 'old Pkitz' ' nd I can' a . iving -for i as -1. .... �
* servant physician.," "Voltaire that -has been''. *1%706�-Britlsh, �crafts since . .1- . ......... ; . I " ' . .. 1 ' 1ximself and wifti;? UU.
: ,�. �, . px,w,,�'." �. v ,; . . I I I . I
. . . ' . �,,�:. . add the-11"li ' L I � :. �
I . : ou -the Murderous . sub -sea warfare be" � ,. ' "' '' es. of the 'heavies! 6ut- carter. - I . .L
I , ..,agas oVerth600 in thd'average cOun- �whty *critte, whern,he said A6t r I . I �,�I:;��,�,, I � tfio '. L. . ... . I _ . . � . . � 1.
' ,:.� -� _ t6pt de0j. . � . . "' , . . .
. try School The w6rk of the' 9 :.:::X : - side I . , --- L
. . , . " jAArAlL purpose, in -going to the opoia-wasjo ganj recently gave out soft�b atirtling. 1':;�:;� . : . I . . LL' *-----:- .1 - �74—
. LL - - . . � - �� --------1—--1-- : - . .. . . .
OU - , -- " ..... - ipla,00s �4fi, � --�, - -� � -1
. �� ma, - , ' * - -- ., . W-'- "Ob -, 1 -, - - �
---t& -Ueohiers .PrOniotedlgesti� �7�m -to---VxP1Hh1d1# � ,,� .. ,uEtp-Loom-a- - 1- I
. - -0 'Wei , :t,��
. .. L, I . 1. -1 - , . I .. �
11 . 11, . �=
STI&.,"Iilllct;-�fkt$t-,.tliiii-kff.�-.�lthl&tI aX� ... 1�,,�, 'ri w *.Z-1 'L
.. '--'-' � .1.. . ,�ll;�;z��ft�z:.;-.4.�.-�;����-�..'r.,�;7-�;��,,.;z�!--��;.�-F�;�
. ... . I . , � - .
, ,. I I . �
�� % hat:�Of 11-1111-0-4 IhAs� W�v�*'.-��Gac` 'I'll' I . I I '. .
- -- W-aft:�ai;�-, --faet&--whklt-L:±gii�7&r-:--.�- �W"- (-94 ---:
Iniz�-� ---- 4 �`�I�Avgiu� 'WRIa'.11" 'k-tho 7�c",aiAt,art7:tiibif4o,e-(t,.,"M,"tti(3""&11,-"m ... I ,,,ik',','..-f -1. " ..". .
, . , � -- - can ng -c ... . 1. I I .
..: � . -f -reasons-mahily be� I Which he undoubtedly bad no idea 'of. man3N. submari a efforts. , . . . '. I -of t I �
. I 40koolo or Many I I ll ; . ! struck me on getting intojLgio,ht he' NAMO Of Intreoid C6nimaitder Still an i
I ..
. . I . L vause of, b.btter qualified teachers, If you listen to good,musle*. after a* He'recently arrived in'N. York- And, . : actidal..'battleflerd 'Wqs' ,ihe .way OF. ' -�' - Inaptration-on j3a, ` " * , ,
. 1, . I . � . . e . . I . ttlellad.
. jftor6 tiodorn equipment and � .1 ;. 1, . I aerop -4 it, in the air, " .. .
I .� q ,greater, meal, although you maybe les .beyonil the jLue ji,of tile dons6r, . ; 11 " : . 5 lan4s 161 . I ' ' ''
. _r . . Ps isdi0ko ., . . 1 I ,It was
I. sensi- I " -
. I reimlarity of attendance. i clearing up to a, fine i6vening after i; 6e*ory-of a name Illu" * : . � ' " '
�* : i 1-1, 1, I - .In ma:ny ItiVe to' its-inflilighte ' than L At other he gave the press . some,ttartling, fg, --, I 1� jdq .. L A greal � I a. .
I . parti -of Old -OAtarlo In the twore I .1 I - L.' an, . Ay In. ,"Where,',j 'sk� , � ,�
� �., � . . .. . t* you wl I feel much better for ures. .It seem .a that"E;bgljAhd!S ajftti� L . of �i.d a trious. "in. ilid, spacious days � of ' great - . � ,
I � . : : , - 7 Lthe, Will, _ of, . .
� I sparsol.Visettlec! Sectional teachers are , imea I .., . �ed, lare,the.-aeroplaxies?! - Ellzabeth,�! is revived- b . ... .
�. . � I I . I it. My own experience is that I never submarine- fleet, consists- of 4,000 Pfl-� . I - � L . I'had hard' I I '.
. . I . -
I � - ... ii� . w raficla Drake bf Nutwell0j. DeVoW. I
� ��j;�.i,�' I , 1) . .
I . I
terribly b4ndicappa fit' the Progress digest.--my-f od better thnu4*hen I Ifi*4 vAte ytichts,'whaters; and fishing-ves. , . .. et -J, heard thera c6ming Sir F .. I..
- , CY , . . I ,IY spoken . .
* . b L 80,960, . , ,,-�]i;',`.',,, 6;;;!�,: a I "I I .L I ' - .1 . .
�- . - ..�., C: up � ued as heirlooms i;40. cup$
�. I , of -their.. tlagaers,�x'W�gL ... t6there9r-et- -to ..After�.-d�uni�-:to-,,-�s,omgr---!Oo �";...�.�:."., From,behind W hocks; A'nd, �scion Who bO4 thi : - ,
I -1 ��, ��,. .. - _ _.'�.,
..:., .. . , , -- .
. I'll , P4 -) -
I . . . ' L '11 j . I . ra '.df -gets-,vfanned y -merr, and � that - ,;W,>� 1 v!.- Li, __ I
: . t4ble'irregularIty-iii attendance. Here LaYin . --1--: ..V'., *. gi ee . .
. - L 1L, -- ff3t;:. cir r tfie battle like
1 ,6. .L ph6py." In this there 'is nothing, they have .destroyed over, 200 d6rmau-, :11,�k , thii i4ie cOng ove ind:`t*o'je*eIs' ydnbk!(j,�"'nEjf7,'jL, '
--I . . I -�;:;
I �::, '. I
. L
a s trib ! ,,��.-,, .. . .birdq, While silvog of shrapnel in bath to the-�Admirtd whoseP,naroa he ' . - ., -
� . LIL someoll We ,to. Canadian mygtdfI,6u% ... I . . .. I., IL sub,ses craft.- He tolls us that "every , ' �'�,;� ; -.",P,!`,� . i ottled . -1 I
� . . " . .. . � . . I ... . 16 Land the
. . . . 1 :,--3��.,' , . " .
I . schools:', � . � I -- "'' ----j-- -i.-- le-, L hoat-Iii now. , 1. �&? I the' boreii togetliei'with th,d .Bib , -,�
. "* * ,*; * , - I -- - ll .
I . ., : ---V Armed witit.gatis fhrow� �,.: 11 .;9-,71--;, §J�a ound them -like d* "coij the .
WE` -,�ZZ
�� �;-
-'b it fn -tha . 11LUMAV, ulg ro and- , , . � ffil- '440 . I . . I
� ' " -77. j!-Vaticins di6 11 � I --,,'h ---b-1-- .. Tf -U, `F-,dr0QMf -104- r. , -
t I , . . Pu 110 � The poet tru y . Says L it ',,. , ' ' ig and 14 lb. tr:kplosivib shel ;. - q I .; J�adk,g% d- df,L a. picture . 1,.havexet I swor , .
I � "Wh6n biake's dA -"- � ' , *� '.'-' "
��- schools,- ,TA6 ideals ,set up by the bath charms ' -to soo.th seen a German machine.lor -i. long, I rh, 'G I I
� I s6hooj teacher remain' ge y bregst,ov .1;0 the- SavAgO 'hag 1,D00 ya& of steel- Tiettihg tkaij- - " - I . ' -- I , 111nd" I . L
' , . very lar A, it. I Music Ing d Waters are . . % Ibng time. - ' ' . .. - : came back -her, --
.. ,
- � , I doubt about behind," "all'the hom &," . . to, Plyinouth', In- Septern
111.1; I . I . I t*, ,,th , 1---.,
i� .1 the Ide'al's of thi;puprii througliout L .:!%qdfin1t'3o v`6f7.t6MantIeL when L 1580, - %ufter - cireuintitiv! . Xing, - a .... I . .�
1. . - . , . . I 106, that - is thoroughly enjoyed tvinquilea n1#Vbqd .out- in-hioc%ks And-ea,ch-blo&L. W . 1� . ga � I
I 11, and"his, vonpep PA. 0Z.P I wilf izes the-'rnifid and creates "' " .. -Ia patrolled." , -,: ty . 11 . Yotifvd'-got'to eat'%-tM sleep ow globe, laden wjtb trea6ure-trovqp Bit ,
.. I . a pleasur� .. :�: I Z � , , , .;, � ,
"I I 0 U , - d,j avoid I . TA , . �OL . :.: I.; and wfi en, j6u MU.O,t b it , 'tp iLbeth decreed thitt-tho Ship JjjlOUldL ",-'. . . - . I—— .
I .. .11, I . , be, whit 11ritating, When we . i agine - I I . 1; . PDX A n - your � -
I - - ��� ..
� '-. 1 '. , i4ii, d .of Any trawlers." - .. . , n " , 4 '
� . his sebo - s., ,is if too much emotional excitement Su , ,hing i tteeloundef-seo,..net -fro' ;--,Z-/,�.,�-- .,� . . . . . . . facd'16r a: few'days until you' get A pkesioi�edl6r'aIt illine as a memorl'al L " �.
. in -,;:.- .;
ch a -mood is -"�- �,,,��;:::� !"�r� � tu ! ., .
, . to say thattlie present worid wir is* pr�temfnaittly, favorable t& thei proper -t' 4he Irish co i�.: -%*;��,.�-.,. ,,, ...... kSh, L Theres ,
�'L Vilgligh tOL 1 - by 0, .
. the aStL We ' �'' L" %,;:'f�. proper chance 'for �a W, of in.Fland's glory -enhanced
. , ;.1,',-,:-, >,t ,
I ;�. .� I , I
I , , . dup,,to a difference of !deals fostered functioning of,the organs - of. digeaw-40t soMer fdea,ok the ]British Admfral� -, �:,�"-,;"�` �; �:� o, .... I rk9thing so ,,5tielcY, �so dreary and d So intrepid comminder.' 'But'
, w. y * , ,.- . ; . -11011vloas. � �. , ., . .
11 �,�, .,..:�,;..,,. ,-, I
, � ;.;;.�' ,.
, ,.,;: -, �..., . .
. . ". . . .
, , : . b different- Sys Aff of � -education. tjoh. If. lot this jegs �?!.r.i:..��,!";,", . .
� , , teT , i, �,!,,�': -,L.� � :1 ..
on dii1j, all of"Us ty.05 ahti-gubmetsible camPaign' by ,i,,-�,�;.;,., ,.' . 1. exhausting, As -th , a , "' d of t'nie" 96ited- - aviy th6 tirfi `
.I'll ' . ." e raggin mu b4ro,t; and '
w " ;";,:k �"' "L.:..,L:- ' � � I .
. � , .'", � .. - . I 9 , I
Gre4t 4s, Is the importoince. oftbe pub- May, all hii 0 - ' - - i the even- wh . , , only a chair wrought t6rerfromr A' I .�, I
. , ome, music in loll the German -submarines have, ::. ... "I .: :: " � ,,:, � ." 'j. I . tlell� '. I
I 1,�1--::�`.�,..-;- .�:A ..."', " � ":,�!. .. the Somme, It ViPs'your knees At ., . .
� , � - lie school. In Old and well established ing.,, It. is ,.: - x:; � �!� tury later remains. "No tv . ,
. I Particularly to, be reconi-.1beeli driven'from the home, waters, - "I ��, ��";:` every stop Rnd,80m9timb� we$r�'Up t6 algibile $Ott
* Vter , . I . I
' ' ";'.-,.-' ��'. �:-, ,
foreddL to �':. .:%. . .
� . IM 9 nee ", .A;-., , - , . vehh. I -
� countries, this % L is even mended to Aosia in a nervo4a condi- ' ' and attack neutral vessels , I f..". -, , ,.-,� , , the *iiva�athi It:" , , . , I for hifit who pray,ed. ... . . I I
. .1 ,''�� "":,;",",��'�, .1 . I . when he"Atst saw thd Padido LL li�e
. �
' gteAtet'in Or ands .which are be- tion *or �Wset by - business or other i oil the high sois. A submarine will � -F-,� ;':' �';�"".;.`�, ,. . I .;:_ -- 0.6 . , A
the jj ,V 1 ,-; �.,?�,.",, . . ., "
. e,
:?f�e ,
, � ,: I .
'. . L'' ,
. . I . " � � " .. . *".., . , ....�: . , :'* � . ., , I 'I- . I "might sail oyieo More Ili An UN W .. I !
I Ing called UPOft to assimilate POPUIA' cards. Worry of ,any sort,. �;,��,-, -,::"� - I . . n 1.
. I . I . experi-;xarely attack an armed vessel, gig thby � '1`:5'.,- - � , .", - : .,.,. .:.�.� - IL I . ' jj�, .. 1 4
- 1;, :1 `o�..;. , "': ; '�" Sh1P'jn.%at,.se4#1" und',iuifilied, his , . ....
tion from the More congested COU111 ment and observation have-shownii.has:,are. very. froil 1, and here a9iin comes i�.,."'.,�,", ` �7�, . .... ;S �� ,-, I ��,�..'�.. ... . Just BOYA1., , , .
..., ko:, - I "I
.., -,-:"-:."'J-'1;" ''I ., .. I I
" :�,,:', f�;, :, 'L Th ,a
I I trie ' It is Worthy of: n64 that ift it most disturbing influence on the di -,"in the effective policy of arming a - ' - � , " , ' , ' " "" - , ., � ". ,� .1
. a. . �� e�' ` . L" I 0 te it hi a mother that -all boa dream ;. who sailed- into the harbov of �
, I
� . 11 .. ; �'-..-,: ,
'. , ,, 'A.'.�. �-,,��, A Most hilmire, to that which, prompts Cadiz and 16singed the Y,Ipg. of' p i -. I I
. �,,!',` :-.!�. ,..',%:;,k� :
I Western Catisida, which ,may be, dited gestive proeesa, It -diminhhes thd Pazgenger and neutral vessels for do. ": 11; - .:";.�?,. -�"--.--;. . ,� ,, i �`.,�, . 8 A 414 ,
. .11 . ��,; .... . . 1;`-, .. .11
I .. '. ;:.; ""?, , , , ... I. . . � -1 L I ,,
.,� I .., R 'Ni� �j-� . .
". ;.
. , ''i , �.. � ` � ,� ,��Z:-'�-,,'�.�;,�..O',�� '�� : .,! . �t- '. lunch basket f6r A pienic, -although with'Lord Howard erg Meeting ,gil(t 0 ' ' r I I
. .1 . ., 45'a case, In point of a country which flow of saliva and gastrie jut ': -,,?..- ?,*;� 11. her to proceed with'the packi :'' 14
cps t fenalve protection, a . policy this and �'. "I' ., . ."', " ;", ..", " hg Of a heard"; who finished a game of bowls #i
� .. r- .� �
1. . I
.� 1a, called upon to. assimilate st populg- slowils down the. movements of I I , , .. 0 - � I - ; , , ";�R;i4 ,,, �-� 1. �- I
. I the othei noutrAl,hations aro, bastibpingL to ' � .1
1 4 ..
. 'V" L . � :
iforl of vlw races. - . I . . I , ,:�,, Anyone can See thA the cloifaq 06 wrecking ohying, . . .
. �
I . . , stomach and Intestines. In many adopt.,. . . ;,l . I tho, ' � Armftda , L ,
I . I � I 01 * *. 41 I . Cases. It hot it "temporarily par I alyzing J"t what becomes of a Submarine I . . .--- - .. 'gathering for A'st6tnl, Third IS One "There"s plerrity'of time tW *IA Rib .. . "
I . It IS"agrand 40ality to'pogaeagL 't6 effect ototheso Otgans, 0 . after It strikes -a trowler's not , , ... t., eolitplaint, -that fhe .neighbjra Of � 9AMO tAfid,'t11ra6 the 'Spaniards 4601 . I., )
. .
. . I I * * * * naval s6cret, but the fact thi 'a . .1 "I , . family -of boys never mikei, ana,that Ilia pages of nakluyt Pkehorvot thl 1. I . . �
I 11
� . lhlo* When 04 how to show gratitude .. kt so . I W k.. ,�-� �, � I I . , � 'I
I'll � . .
. . wid 6%es.8 just and proper apprecia. - If ,these wtft�is are Correct in their many have been gunk or captured- 11 �� f:� - , � 1% that there is nothing going on in atoryl but in the cars, of th ' , ' 11 I
I I --lip-let Ut all sufte 406r�"justlfio the beliof that T, I - - - � - . I - .. - " . - . - I , ithoir n6fghhoihooa. 'L A- boy,likMLbeat - Dd-V61jbh- a nion I . .1 14. � ...
tion, Om - ar -idly viwg"ar no . I � . . lfd- Pie eAod6'., of I�Dfa 1� . I
idth"ej§01i *7e '
Votsont s rAgp � . k 1
I I , ;pttssic -V�j tho sake net Is rentairkpbly effe . I . . . the gaw6that In 41 . . I
Ii. OVer Ox m of thanks, tor fivoirs in'dugo in Moro thutle. � dfivo In ridding I- I VOIV69 the Most hard : drum" Are- I-6vobartitilig atill,' , fina -
. redAvvd, *hIld OAM 06 A6V61- at a of digestioii; and 6petially After W the Nag 0 this, moni�ing nui8anca. "Two, ,Iron Men of GerMany-Virtual Djetato.-A, . , � Work, and the *oi,�Allat re4uires tilo, Md,
. . . . A— L." I t'. � ,. bi, I . n ill tl�o for-fluitig btittlo.lind, AjIll
, : . loss, to fjOl the right *brdat the pay. hoavy Meal such, At tho evoiling Meal . least oxortiop,' D6ing a boy's career rind a .
, ; .. � I 'WIML 94"RAL V0X,9*b19Xf1ttn6 (left), and lit$ ohl6f titair, Voi% r h.6 0110-044teia"41most 6v .113zlopfr4tioft Ift h1a HAM6, L . "I
cholooleal Moment, A recent writer oft6a is adwo'hierans should bo .found I Latgetit.Watth. , , '4" tud,6ndortf, the real, 1%010' Of 06rmeAz Itiodonhuro Jim supromei, tud#j ' 6kythind III,, . -4.� 1. I
aotft Ili 11UPr6me, t ot, the way, of 4116lenta except- 1*11 / ,
. the 1jel$. M# ", .
'Vifi&ll goffinid. MougUres Patigue. .
.*aid 'very, truly that thore are diftet.. forbalhinovard�and wifying the 113unt. for ;adV0tigffi9-prpOr;ei.g, the 6 1114040 MilitArV, 6A4 Litldohdoilg Ia 41 ., *a not inuelillope. for tho hoY The French Itiventol- L
I . \ ont sr'sdits 6f,appyeelation, And I vim Mina whild tho stothaell is tndgavokifig, lartot;t Watch ift the World is sfavon- Wier Matter# eoneefiflog the! Welfare, og ths JtWIr6,. Ali tbinj# IA' ! There I of a''mullifib I
, 0or' ' VNO Pleages 1116 hi6ther to the P�ttent to measure fo,tigue tays tbArO6
1. I 4 - Of, coriulont Persona vald ab a" �
tiot Sure Mgt I Wou14 hot prefer the to d6 its vvork, Soch a 0161119 - 'is hou Initheif in'diamater an.d i,Vdight �L�klly -0-4*y ArOl $Ub6rdjA&t1$ (40 t6Qjj#hf 1,660ireffientli and As t"Oh 4 of keoping I pAIr of WNW gtoetilliga cent 6f
iTudgilig 40prolatioll of, out whom available to all through music, ituritiado 01 014VII tultilstrOlft from larAr , !Aoultura to iovolsu volationA, clean 411 114Y. ,If a --boy had Jjg1f -tile eause the
L 115 poundoy while 016 smallest Is. only 1, t
I me knows t6 bs anhonobt,fijend� tfign L Not 6Voryb6dy' bf c6dtfieo eftil . jt6 geVen.tellthg of Ali � intil AeroL $a a d . whok tht6tith,the tlas*$ ok 1*6 reAl 1%600ir 6j 0orni4t$f, vpijo sjit$ witii,11(d Pkide in tile bejig that big kni'Dtiler-f Y-114VO given iii whon tho
that of & r4on or woman vth6 g6so to opera Or e6heort" at . will. Rot �Ivoigha 10m, thall an -eightli OfIla �, lit tho''Im#6011 �hogkuqoro at .66 66UM0 Aw 01 thti 'Prineis oj fetlg, .116 would 6 Ant 1E in the bal,11'aild I I 0-1 t 0 tired, and fliat It, 10 PI'Actichli� , .
. - � : � . -"Lo-'J�. . I , ird ou�.a fatpopsoi) ih
. into rXVW%% ovor ilyotowgi *Ad svoywr tAh - klay - * ftusklil itimtfu tr outicao -__,_J,4�A����..--�,-A...,Q:al�, - , . I Ic MP 951ble to ti
I " --
�11 . . "', . by I I I = � .., . I . Charge three rinq for,admi8WIl'. good headth. I � 6
- L . , .1 I . L I . . ,4 . I I . . . . . . . . I . L" ,� .
.. . I -
J 1! I
"-- �- !
I ,a �04��s iu,w, I
I 11,
I W —
,�A;. � in e Tr d". C
I ared.
,� " a Bit'-!- --
L 0 " P72-- !�
,troet ,
. The I
a the ,
,7 -
I'. 60 to
Ity a way
-I 61��Of
L I 1, I I . . . . � . . I . I I I . I I I
. � I � . I . I , . 1 4 . I I
. I � I I I L . I I I I . . ) I I . I I L . I I P I 1. . . 1-1 . L 11 I 17. . .
� 1� . 1, , . . . I I I I I I I v , . . I I L � I � . I . , . . I I . � I I L . I I . $1 0 1 .1 t, I I . , b I 1. . I � I . I I
.11 �L I . I I L I 1k, . I , . . � � . I . .. . I . � .� . . .
I � . . . . . .
, I I I � . I I I ,. I . . . 1. .. L
. I I . I . il L . I . .
. I . -1 . .
. - I—— . " � . ,,, \,I - I I , I . I ,�, I I I . 11 I I