HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-22, Page 10'0
$z.,50 per year, in advance; $2,QQ otherwise
• - 0
When your eyes tire etsily, •
when it is an effort 101 keep'
them,. focused Olityetue work,
when they begin to pain 'you,
it is high time we examined
them for you. We will prom
vide you 'With just what suits "
your particular ease and in
the style Most beconiing.
Eyes tested.iree by shadow
' test system'.
Miss Ida Gardner
---Assisted by
MP.Har�ld Lyman
. *lutist- -
arllegie*21101; Lack110*
Friday:Ev'g, March 30th
Afternoon 8-1,5.p.m.
Evening 8.l8 p.m.
IreserVed Seats50•eeittfi
Ticketa de, sale at the itexall
-Store. Phone 32, Lucknoier.
Lucknow :Company
. - .
0;11Vc Soap.'
Isthe modern scientific may of
. ,
• blending palm and Oliva
-TheeTW�ndeifuloilsOf the
orient never bane been equalled ley
trey toilet rectidsite of any age, ,
Point Olive Soap is Perfectly pure,
contains no free alkali and littera
ficial • color. ts ,used. The twe,
blended ohs give Patin Olive the
deliettesteen palnrOliie
is faintly. yet delightfully fragrant -
sweepewholesoine breeth hem
the ,erient, It tethers freeln itt
Oft or bar d water, thoroughly
cleansing and , invineratipe, the
akin. More; Palin Oliveis used
than any other high grade totiet
Soap.- "Meet two :cakes - for sse
Drug Store
Mr. Wilbur Free has genet° the West
where he iutende takings -hand in farm -
fog operationti,
Mrs. Day and Mies Day, of near Tees -
water, were Sunday visitois with Mr.
and Mrs. T. Aitcheson.
teunle 'Sure -Crop Eertiltzeri Order
your aupply now from
• Oe t3. ItoBunTeotr, Lucknow.
Miss Pearl Irwin, of Mafeking, was
the petit alter aunt, Mrs. W, J, Mc-
Neil, a few days last week. • '
. Mr; Will McIntyre, who 14sbeen
bum from Saskatchewan all winter, re-
turned to the West on Tuesday.'
LAMM-Remember the display of
Spring Millinery at Oonnen's on Friday
and Saturday, Match 30th and 31st;
Mr. John McCall has engaged with .
Crawford in Smeteer, and will be their
local travelling ealeeman this 04804.
The dance given in the 'Town Hall
last Friday evening is said to have been
a very succesaful and very enjoyable
affair. .
Meseta, Dunk MeCharles and Tom
Awash are back from the West and are
looking hp more horses -tat -take -4o- the
prairies. •
Vire. John Clark has returned to her
home in Southampton after 'spending
list week with her prelate, Mr. and
Mro. D. It Maatosh, Mr. Clark also
spent Suuday here. , • -
'Mr; A. E. Durnin left this . 'morning
for Saskatchewan, where he will „Carry,
on farming operations on a somewhat
extensive scale. A carload of effects
wafellow next week,
,Mr, Mel: Greer reports the side of a
dozen hens keit week for 418.80.... -This
was a bunch that hied got beyond •the
Ogg'119dlleingliere andwere sold by the
pound -at 20.- It 18-n6W-up' to -the- hog:
Reeve Johnston and Mr, Geo. ,H.
Smith are the active spirits in a move-
ment to supply soldiers atthe front from
Lucknow and • vicinity with tobacco
They are al:114g folk to agree to make
Monthin:contributione. • •
. .
F. T. Armstrong has opelibd up a Vic-
trola Room upstairs in the lora Block
whete,You can be eomfertabiy:seated'and
hear the different types of-Victrolis and
all the latest music Mr. Thos. Webster
.es en charge And will be pleased, to have
ylat call cm him -any sSaturday, ' and, if •
requested; Will ,denionstrate ear style
Victrola nu your own home..
Mrs. R. JJ Harper (formerly Miss
Lizzie ,Ackert) and four children rrived
in Lucknow on Saturday fronr Perdue,
Seek., where shehaa, been the past eleven
year -eleven years to re day, Ownthe
time she 'indeed at Perdue until ehe
arrived back in Lucknow. 'Mr. Harper
has 1 een.one of the successful early Sett-
lers. of Centre Sask. Ile last year Sold
,his farm and this summer is taking a
rest, •
Card of Thanks .
wish to- thank the manylriends that
I have in Lucknow for their., greet kind
nese, help:, and sympathy- dating -my
bereavetnent, • '
Mns. TWA: 'CianinoLat:
Gard of Thanks '
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ritchie wish
, to exprpsesincere .thanita to the friends
and neighbors who .were e so • thoughtful
and kinclait the time of the deathof
their mother.
McNall—Medd ..
A. quiet Wedding was celebrated at
the Methodist Parsonage, Goderiele on.
March 10th, when Mr. Thomas Wilaon
McNeil and Miss Mark Ellen Medd,
both of Auburn, were united in marriage.
Rev J E. Ford, officiated. -Mr..- and
Mrs. Mann will be it heine to 'Mende
after May pt.
'TheWomen'e-Coramittee-of the
�tic League is glad'^tO report that ,in
• anima to the urgent appeal froni the
• Rea Croselet-prompt and larger snip -
Monte of supplies, it Was ante to forward
on Friday Ian two boxes containing ii
•'dozen -(or 138) day,shirts. It is hoped
thew will be no falling off in the Work
and that the Committee may be able to
'award still ihrther supplies at its.early
siclate at possible. '
The thaeks of the Society are- due to
Mrs. Alex. Smith for a, recent pereonal
donation of $5 in oath, also to some of
the ladies of Locheleh for the knitting
of 24 paws of sox, In this conneetion
the fact is often lost sight of ,that many
• people are doing "their bit", and no
small bit either, in this way; 'We have
• in mind at present an old lady of 92,
Mrs.' McDougall, of the 2nd CCM. of
Kinloss, who is now on her 9th pair of
seife • If all who are able were .equally
• eethestasti° therocould heno shortage
Of supplies.
" Many. thin/Rattans
Mr. and Mrs. W. it. Stewart eelebrat-
, ed tile 58thanniversary of their mar -
liege oti Saturdtty last (St, Patrick's Day)
itt the home of their daughter and son-
M.r. and Mea. Ban Chestnut, Of
" -BORN.
'OsTitattinth,-rIn Luokhaw, on Mar& 11),
' 1017, to Mt,. and Mrs, Garaskd
ltrIlitintrt 6 000.
Mrs. Thomas Chishoim, the death of
Whose little son, Harry, we reperted last
Week, had ,the sorrow and inisfortune to
lose another One of her boys, ,Thomas,
by death on Saturday. This one was
!Marl): aix years of age. Harry suffered
front inflaitraationof the bowels, while.
TI101119,8 died .fran 8ettElot. fever: Mrs:
Chisholm has other two children, a boy i
and girl, both of whom ale ne good
health.. The atorylhat Mid of these was
also seriously 111„ had no ' foundation,
according to the medical health officer,
A .Red Cross Tea
" Mrs. Win, Taylor will glee a Red
Omits Talent T it at her home On Tues-
day, March 27th., from 4 to 6 n ea., and
from $ to 10 p.m.. Afteroomeguests-are
requested to bring donations of kettle -
made candy, baking, fruit, pickles, hand.
made work of any kind, or anything eale•
able, or pay JO cents. Evening gueste
Are asked to come prepared to buy the
donations of the afternoon ot pay. 100.
Proceeds will go to the local Red Cross.
florae From Far North
Mr atri -Mallongh, who for the past
'three, years hen been, with MOMillen
Weise contraetote, on the nucleoli Bay
railway, is home fora few Weeks' visit
parenteThe point at Welt
he' atarted for home was vithrn five
reiles.of' the Iludson Bay chore. The
grading Of the road to now eompleteri to
telt water, but there Is still 00 miles et
' steel to .be'laid and»a good deal of bridge
work to be yolle. Eiri is in the cone.
inissary department, Arid though it's a
bit rough and out of the world, 'likes the
poeitien fine, He expette to•he batik in
the 'moth again about the Middle Of
wolves Wooer:, Seem Gee Success ea
St.Poeigete L.
Thet this pert 4.f V4tIada etill very
far from a etrete of terreeu pite of
war couditione, ineer neel "teeiesUijJJ
Pork, ulte the 11U i.•. i ltft with all
V in), atteaded the Si.. 'Pitertl'ee'e • eepper
list' Sete relay eeer. rue. flow the weenen
could: give sueh a.t3pie.i.4.1iii eupper for
„Ante was a emitindrnie which all took
away eintli them. l'erhapa tltte good
lediee'of the ieefitute ean anewer
One thing they aireareetellye ,n;eiotis Of
ul'that they inade idiom $uu deer oat of
the enterprise; E. elentiy time at the
Instieute ineetiees hae, hoe twee wasted,
for nailing but a great, develninneot 0,1
enonoeurand gebeed good Manage-
ment could have produced the results of
the Irish oupper-ae503. meet for 256.•
and $'60 profits. e nave •Ir,ed t., ex-
plain it in their way: Nierity everything
vis donated; the work was done tree of
charge, and there was erre met . for the
clining•room, el- • -
.A regular picnic or garden.. party spirit
prevailed. Everybody Was .0engtiteri-
the women tiocauee the pe.ple Caine; and,
thepeople beause The tables were
inviting -the Irish stew so eavory, the
'"Inurphies" so mealy.; toe Sttle,tis sO tasty,
the bread, the citeee, the pee alt C() good
and all so aninclatit,
, And all the white there. was in pro-
gress a concert of Iriehernisie. This was
supplied by one of the • latest and best
Vrctrolas, i. eharge of Mr., '.1`. Webster,
who ia a goodfudge of Iii.sii muinc. •
It wasn't ell . a town crowd that
Wee preseat, •Quito a number pf Life
Institute women live en the eountry and'
their nten folk and neighbors were in to
see `the fruits of ali-theyeletel heerd-ebait
That they were !lot disap-
Taunted may be 4..keir tot greeted.
-Total 1 euei pte airtime ie.T'ete-.170.08
Net prolite win go to the eperehape ot
material to ne Inede Into eeidiere' "Gem -
forts. 7` • '
TEL8Pil0Nla NOtte8
Ton W. gendeesen, teedractori has
been omitted,' front releprioile,Directary..
Its No,. is 94. . tereietor.1 &6we1tzer's
.garage No. is 37.. • No
97; ''
' Rev. Mr. Mantoile, of !Anse Craig, ,
will be thepi either., ki3 the .Prelsbytetian
Church .iiere nett Sunday: •• . •
. _
: Tein,qtrit,o.-etev Little, of • s.t.
'lleierss;;vg411-` eierd rose -tet-the Guild
laeteMoedity- eke:aloe; which evaS highly
appreenifect, • Ai e ae liatly hoe py:
And; inviting in ius. mid l'etiSq8, to youeg.
people,: el.r. Litile is ,eeer, aea. lc nue.
MUM. Tile .11 yeti tAg.-.. Was in .ch ire ge of '
theelkorotheral Comerretee
Tne,A. A. speutetepleaerint even-
ing at the. Wm.:: Lit •il rs V. Je Taylor-
'...,MOridayeveiling., Thu eeereptute,reeding
was taken by 40VUeo.;., ellaS 3,1uQuil
liti faY,46t.t.ilactoeumg [efithAqf "Iiintr11-;
identalsetieeloa, . eer eri:;
read by Moi. trowel very in
teresting. wars 1u LUw etl,14 an :in •
stranIent81.' by el iatl Mr..Eccle-
sten spoke a feW worriseni eloaing j'eltit• •
ing to tbe WittgiriS Were Whig treated
Mine' •
- Tete•Lneotte.;4-Tii4,51.. ..1ariek's So,
alai -alotalay ''Viii Wee at ett4.tt success.'
'The basemen .a (lecorated tor
ehieoccateort. The. pip4,t'am, winch was
well rendered„ vas eery en dee apprectat-
ed by•the audience, crioillpted lolos by
Miss alabefie Aui1, Mr er. s Iteid. and
Mr. J. U. Aesersee; 'Mast 0.
'Anderson. :Led alas, mertson
reu,di lege, M is L. 4 ea t.; VI11 p oei i
'Frances See e be; ante i tete:tie-if oynt;
musical selectione (111 111 .orgun
by Miss Mae Devisoire, with , putter. ac-
ecompitentieat-ley-414,e, :.‘1.,Z,o4101440
-doll Webster end. Bourne -AndteWe a
boys' chords nolleistitig of :AltereiCReid,
EttiOn. Rend, .nribtae A.refrew and Willie
•Trelea.veri; and an adurees. eti "Ireland"
by Dr. Nisiwion the elose of the
program a leech wa4 eerited, eNieetieg
rext Monday evening win' be ire .charge
of ehe Ohr stian itee.
Subject: .T.ann A9kert
aid Evan Aline •^ ••
!--Teeeday, ,garall'nO
Mises Pearl Todd, and Myrtle. 'Little
made a trip, to Wing -haul recently.
John joynt shipped a eerrioed of °little
to 'Toronto •cn See utility' of„.1aSt wJek.
L011i8 Weatlierltimti ari"d,,Kiltott Miller
aro bit'y these ais.titetn3U,wu tire old
'school building.
Angus el c Donald. left on Wednesday
for the W eaeat ter e pen:tinge fe wine/10s
at hieforiner home hero. , "
The the, ka f the Women'e Xestitute
is duetthe RAI,. Len.; hire $10. to be.
1.1Sed Hutt ULO0.1•
• 11 1iiliorj1.if Re.tow, • who 'has
spent 4 mune', o.1 niii;aes veutiug triends
around Ste Helene, ieit, for hie western
honie on. Monday.
TheSt, 111(418 'Wench of the *, Worn.:
en's Institute -azuiiul' vixtir meeting, on .
Thurtdane Marh e9 h, at the tow of
'Mrs ,,leseph U.t .C1t: The
,Statitlettit "Our•
tit Iry QuAtion
drawer, knitting,. etc. , •
The. • Women's- Institute nitipPed
March 10th two peckeeee to the Red •
(dress Sudety, Tore, , epe C0tttitjfliug
28 Niro of •pej uu ntre 3- Aerie, the
Othtf ilatr0 (14 .1.h,iiessnt,
24 patra of weita to 011t• 01, p gIV;.`iteaU ni
0.11111tUary% We hot It :ano helped
. 60 willingly. Yalu g1V<A4 bti,, for *slits
on. band,
Women's Committee of Red Cross
and PatrioK League Up To
March 1P3,, 1917.
Balance in bank, last statement •
Oct. 23rd, 1010
Cash onhand...... e... .... 327
Mese W. Jeleittle, .. , . - „ ei 00
Patriotie dance • • it _.24 75
Mrs. J.C. Arroetrongelled cro40-
, Tea '- N 4 jp
'Socks and yarn sotd 8 05
.014 papers ...... • ,;• 19 47
Mrs. MeIntosh...... .1 00
Mrs, J. Miller, . ... 1 00
MiseSnerrill's punile 29 49
Patriotic cope:rt by lope! talent 106 65
I3ook donated * Mrs.' Clark,
raffled at cOncert. , . '; . 375
Musenin Methodiet beziar. . .5 00
Mrs. Mex. McCarron, "Scotch '
Tea", .. . 5 00
Debate, St. Helena rnLudknow. 36 20
Dean McLeod, Bex Social,5 S. .e.•
• No. 5, e . • „ 33 00
Firemen,: refund for tobacco sent
goldiere .. . . . . .. 2o so
Lunch counter at rink . . , . . ')845
Mrs. Alex. Smith „ „.. 00
• $035 71
• eirenraTune
Wm, Coning). yarn, flapuelette, • °
• etc.... ...... ...a 61 42
Jesse Gledhill, yarni
. 125 '00
p. Eaton Co., yarn and'buttons 15 .7,6
ExpenieR Christmas parcels te, -
soldiers ....... , • 23 04
Tobacco for eoldiers 20 co.
A Solomon, tin boxes 0. , . , 4 80-
D •It, McIntosh, flanur lette, tow;
eling, etc .,„ ;...•. - 4'-.4
Murdoeh eneCanterrineoe hand.:
kerchiefs, flannelette, ; . . 67 59
Pe -stage on pAratn-to. Preece. e 14 08''
rk-gri-eld-papersand-4-wine,-- 3 00,
oldiers'eteenforts, Postage, Milt
to Miss Errisley, Canadian hos-. ••
pital- en Prance. . a el
Expense; epatrietie ennee'rt.. ne 13
Expreas on Yarn .... • , . :„. 85
l4trun Its itud, twine , . 1 27
John Murray, iteenelette• 24 al
Win, • J; M eLertne 11 omelette . 14 39
H Weeds, flahnelette and .
toweling . , ... , • „ ". 6 07
Superintendent of • Red ,Cretrii'e
epplies Toronte. j00 00
Donation to Women's Institute 25 00
Birlinceln;bank . 57 71
, : ' ' ',!
IDA. M. Sintetex, Trhasurer;
A. Meeting Of the •Lucknow Patriotic
League will be keld in the Connell Chain -
her, . Taint: Half, on the evening cif Tuns -
day, Mardi 27, At 8,. o'clock.' All inter-
ested in and to help •in the work
..of the League are reqtieSte,146
' • J. G. •AVortitStte7. Pres.
. Roar, Jonerstele, Secy.'
•.kCOMMUI.l1Cati0.10 ;
• Sergt. M. C.. Matheeini, of :Toledo,'
Ohio, who had been anxiously awaited
by his wile and daughter for seine cleyss,
arrived iri•Lohtlen on ThtirsdeY, March
9th., 'The detay l!". his coming was due
:to e longer tinte than. .he had expected
being tnked in reporting to the med-
icat boarded Qerebee. : Sergt; Matheson,
although a native of 'Canada, •forinetly
living itt Lucknow, had resided for some
time in Toledo, 011ie, and had just taken,
out hie first .Atnerieati naturalization
papers before the outbreak of ware: He
enlisted with are Western Ontario unit,
liter 'being ti usferred to e it Canadian
EIigIilind battalion, the "Black Watch",
famed for reviey gallant actions in the
.war. - He was a 'Member of e berebine
squad when 4 shrapnel shell struck a ,
nearby tree, and exploding of
theeteueneterltt 1.1e4 !1,4,14q7irifrliciP01!)t_
„13:00%w“.. rgt.„:
Matheson's back. He Was also hit on
the foot by the nose of a bomb and was
wounded in the side by shrapnel bullets:
• Holyrood
• "
•-e.M.ondaY, March 19. :
Mand Mrs. M. .1. Irwineepent Mon-
-day eienhigatit, Pakeeri:-
lrs. Wes. Pollock and tinnily .spent
ithe weeken4. visiting her sistereeMrs.
Aliner Ackert.
Miss Susie Purvis returned home after
spending a Couple of months visiting
friends in the U. 5,
Mr. and Mrs. M. HePlierrion are ill it
present with lagrippee ;We hope to soon
see them around agatn.
A nuitiber from bete attended a dative
at Sant Coitgratten, On Thurs-
day evening, end report a very enjoyable
Mary Jane Ferrier, 'beloved wife of
Da* Alban, wan born on Con. 11, West
Wawanosh, forty-eight years 0404She
lived with her parents en the farm el
the place' of her birth Until her marriage
twenty-six years since. Theq,ehe came
to reside °lathe loth. Con. of Ashfield,
which remained her bon* till- the time
of, her death on March 14- The deceas-
ed was naturally of a most. chneey and.
energetic diepeeition. For many years
' a:milk= from -asthma and mare recently
from other diseases as welt, yet she bore
all with true Christian fortitude and
contentment. Cheeduese and optimism
prevailed all. In religion Mrs. Alton
had, experimental knowledge of the
things of God. The life of faith in
Christbrought the consciousness of the
personal benefit of His atonement and
an unwavering confidence in eternal
realities. It brought her very close fel-
lowship with Rim whom she knew was
"able to keep that which she had corn.
mitred to Him." ,
Her end, though somewhat unexpect-
ed in suddenness, was met in the bailie
quiet eonfidence. Among the nearer be.
reamed relatives, in addition to the nus -
band; are thew soureandtwo - daughters
(the youngest being nine years old), one
daughter -in -Jaw to whom the deceased
had been a thoughtful and affectionate
thotner, three. - brothers, David, of
Bethel, John an* William, in the West.
and one enter, Mrs, J. M. Beatty, of
Pine %int At -the funeral service,
which was very large, her . Pastor spoke
from the words: "Into Thine hand I
'commit'iny spirit; Thou liarit redeemed
me," . 31:- 5„: ; Tlie internment was
itt e in,Greenbill cemetery,'
....Thc subject of this brief memoir was
born seventy-nine yearreeke in *Kest,
-ifincl:T:At7tireage:of nine .yeare she
came will her parents to Canada and
settled near Georgetown, Ont.: Being
married at seventeen, she and her hus-
band went to Mount Foreet and made a
clearing Of land tor theireeiew home,
*lore they remained coming to the
present residence of her son, Charles, in
.Ashfield, • forty-two years before her
'death, all but one day. •
• MO. Ritchie knew : what pioneer life
was in the early days Of this province.
She also. had her sham- of soriows, for
she buried here -husband, twenty three
years ago, also two sonaandoine daugh-
ter, who had lived . to read!' .maturity.
From her „father's . family, , which was
large, there remains only one brother,
aireeeW-es: Hendereon, end-oneelitater
*ecsiding,in Winnipeg. •
,The deceased travelled ginte exten-
sively inrecent years for 'on:tot:her eget
having been three times hi the Canadian
West, and in addition to these trips she
visited iregglarlyelet youngest wen, Bow -
din, in .Walkerville, 'from whose home
she had but recentiy returned. Less
than two weeks before her death, in
very.simple manner she missed her foot-
ing at her 9WP d9otfetit:froOl...Wilie.h.
she never recovered. •
' Mrs. Ritchie was devoutt-humblee
trustful in her prety. She -loved the
simple, yet profound truths of the Gos-
pel. To hear it sermon, especially from
"qlhe Predigal Son", or other diseourse
of t)* Mester pleased her . well., • She
toyed Gail house andeChristian .people.
.She was always ham* when lane had
little children gathered around her.
enter into, Childish there; to
tell them Bible stones, givethene.the
best zookies in the house always pleased
her and *am& than. When -she °OA
from a trip she always brought 'gifts of
ionte kind or other for the children of
the. neighborhood. iter last- giftshe
was unable to deliver to, them in person
owing to the accident which confined her
to her bed.
The deceased is survived by three
children, . The communitywill :miss a
Mr. and Mrs. William Murdieiwere In
Seaforth on Friday of list week attend,
ipg the funeral of Mrs. Murdie'ri father,
M r. A. B. Sutherland. From thelittron
Expositor we take the following account
of Mt. Sutherland's death; . •
-41e:reerder R Suilrerlatti; one of-ethe
oldest residents of Seaforth, passed away
at' his home on John street en Wednes-
day morning last, in his 72nd near.. Mr.
Sutherland had not been enjoying good
health abide Clitistneas wheel he suffered
a bad fall, but had been steadily ,im-
proving and was able to be abodt until
two weeks ago, when he contraeted a
cold.. by beemning over -heated while
:Shovelling snow 'at his residence, and
pneumonia develbpedethe end corning
peacefully on Wednesday morning. The
decearied was born in Aberdeenshire,
Scotland, but came to Canada when a
small boy, the family settling in Wood-
stock, where' he resided for some years
and where he was married to Marion
Campbell, who predeceased her husband
three years Agee As it young man he
was winemberof the Oxford Rifles and
'served in the renitin and St. Alban's
Raids. Forty-five years ago he, cum
to Seaforth to reside, where he continued,
to make his home until bia death. Mt.
• Sutherland was it miller by trade, and
for some time conducted, .what was
known here as the Red Mill, but for a
neither of years lie had lived retired,
Ia religion he was a Presbyterian, being
a member of the First Prebbyterian
einirch, and in politico he was a Liberal.
He Is survived by a family of. two 8011n
and two daughters: Joh,, of Toronto;
A. D. Sutherland, ,Deputy Postmaster,
Seaford' ; Mrs.. W. Murdie, ef Lucked%
and Margaret, at home, 'The inners,'
services were collar:dal froin the family
residence to -day, Friday, the remains
being laid to rest in the family 'got in
tto MattiOdbouk te. latterts,
Miss Gardner, the charming -You,*
contralto who will appear - at the 'Fire
gernpniy concerto on March thirtieth,
might have been a member of the Im-
perial Opera of 'Vienna t tho present
time if the outbreak Of the European
. War did not necessitate her return to
this country. When hostilities ,co
,menced,Miss Gardner had been study-
ing Mimic in PiAtig for several years natter
Lloyd D'Atibigne. She was about to
enter linen an operatic career, :for which
her studies Ripply had qualified her, and
her exceptionally beautiful yoke and
,attractive personality had won ber the
promise of an engagement in Vienna m
One of Europe's greateet theatera• Her
plans for the future, h6wever„ were all
abandoned when war was, declared, and,
instead Ot having an European reputation
48 an operatic !singer at the present time,
her appearances in this country -have
won her the distinclion of being one: of
America's greatest contraltos.
- The concerts in which Miss Gardner
will appear attlarnegie Hall,. Lucknow,
Friday afternoon and evening, Match
thirtieth, will afford many music Weis
•of this community an opportumty to
hear the magnificent voice of this bril-
dant piing arta; andrthia arancelif
Miss Gardner will be only -one of the
enjoyable and impressive features of the
corning event, because the singer, ,en this
•occaion, Will use het superb vertu for
the purpose of showing how Thomas A.
Edison n the latsst production of his
laboratory, hes Achieved the actual Re -
Creation of the V0149. Singing in uttlyili
with reproductions- of her voice,MISSi
Gardner will demonstrate that it s im-
• possible to distinguish her living VOICe
frem her Es -Created voice: ;
Alex. Gillies is Imlay pruning bis
orelaardtothe. ground. . This would'
not be bad practice for some of the rest
of us. .
Roi-Iltidson left -on -Monday last ;for
Kincardine to work hi the munition
faCt017 teerev. - jancomline -18 ,q,une
distance from West Wawanosh, and the
weds will lye shamefully bad for nonie
tiraearr;Sewitt left a long
lltime ago t
Work for 13. 'MoDottaild,'reeire; for just
week; but he must have taken -.a weak.:'
opell, for he says now that he will not •
be able to get back.before fall. He jitst
looks like one who had fallen already. •
F. A. Dawson was home (it least I
mean in the jangle) for a few days Jast
week on last leane. - It is likely he will
gooverseas this Week: •;;Tlitiffitil our
boys but one have left the. • Jangle,_
and every Sunday night report has it he
takes Horace Gteeley's advice to "Go
West, young man; go West."' .„
• ' " -Tuesday, Mareh 20.•
. .
- Miss. Grace Reid, of Teeswater P. S.,
spent the vveek-end under the parental
roof, e
' 1Voodbees itro riving around herejest
now. Rory Ross had it very successful,
one on Monday,
%Ye are glad to roped Mr. Anettis Mc-
ititmon has imploved tvoaderfillly, and
Will woo be atoned again. • '
't‘irs. Mno Itoee and grs.'Thos. Moore,
ofeWhiteclotrelr, were ties glieste Of tlieir
mother, Mrs, Jag, McGregor, On Monday.
Mes, Win, Matey loft 'Ttledo,y, for
114 hbuie ill 'Guelph. Mrs, MoiCay has
. beea.here recently helping to attend to
•lier mother, die late Mrs. Itoss.
' Mr. Win. Me ntyre left, on Tueatley
, for the West rite McIntyre lien been
Ihome for the wider, and now, ,like the
reat of the western fellow's, feels Spring
drawing near and must get back to his
"-Tuesday, March 107-
- ..Mr.---Bannerman,of leeswater,._ visited
at the home of Wee Leggett on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mowbray, of
Winghani, sperit_Sunday_visiting friends
• ,
Wilfred Jacques -left on 'Saturday for
the West, where he will be for the sum-
mer ,months.,
A. number .frorn here attended the
Irish concert in ,Wirinhitin Test Tuesday
evening and repettea good teme..
The Literary Saadi, meeting Friday
evening was a splendid Success. The
next Literary Will be on March 30th.
This is also the bet meeting of the seas -
op.' A4tood:prognim ie being prepared.
The Guild meeting Sunday evening
wailed- by --Miss- Bessie Laidlaw, - the
'being "The Jews in Canada and
Tons of Good -Butter, and
Loads of Fresh Eggs; also
Potatoes, Onions-,-- 000 d
White Beans and .Dried
Appliai4or which -we will -pay
cash or,give trade values,sec.
end to none.'
We are clearing out at bargain.
prices Dry Goods, "Boots and
Rubbers, Patent Medicines,
Hardware and many other
lines. •
Soaps have advanced but we
have values that will
surprise you
Still selling can Tomatoes
at x734c. • • •
Oranges .20C. per dopn
Of iellidyCitit &der'
'Satisfaction guaranteed.
Tkindly give buying' froth us
'your serious eousideratioti
Goods tieliVered. Phone. 82
Single.Copiei 3 cents.
DOR FSTlitAY.--CaMe to the premises of the
under:maned on or Omit March S. 1917, a
PQM dog. Owncrznay eavesameonprov.
tree properly and paying expences.
294•71). AnAiSraoNo,,Dox24/. lAucknoW.•
111()NRIt TO LOAN. -On naortgages Rua notee
at nravonablo rates, Vito imt3utikwa, hot --
stow; and Mntlial COX6P1116106* tienveY '
ancing donewith neatness and despatch, "
' QUO, At SIDDA141.413rOker,Lnckilow
szEn BARIAHF.-1411antity 0 4.0. barley for
pale. May he seen it tluaoint Shoefstoro•
ltkiquira of, W. J. .110Y1I. 8444
LosT.-.0r1tte dog, black and white With brown
• face, long tui with whlte tip. Party giv-
ing inforem,ion leading his recovery
will he rewarded by Wifliain Twaniley.
Belfaht„ R. R. 7, Lucknow. rbbao 78 r 11%
mit' paying,the highest prico for raw furs
horsehair and. rubbers. •
$40.000 of private Suds to on on first mon-
guges on farm or villages proper:UO.3,, at tea,.
sortable rates, Apply to
Ozo, A.. viratam,, Broker, ,
)1119111482 PRIORS for poultry. raw furs MA
. all kinds et junk -rags. old paper. rubber,
- iron, copper. zinc, and -all kinds of bidet,
Phone ad Write to or call on
15 24f, JAKE Luna., Luck/ion,
*DR. PARKER,,OSTROF.A.TIL at Cain House,
Luoknow. every Wednesdayafternoon. All
chronic diseases successfullY treated.
teopathy remove s the physical causes of
disease. Adjustment of the spine is 'sumo
. quickly secured and with fewer treatments
by Osteopathy 'than by any Other method.
-Notice ,
For all matters regarding Greenhilleenie1.6.Y
refer to D. Taylor §emetary. • •
For Sale
Roust FOR SATEIgI1t room -cottage on
Dough St...tqa 1 „or rent, i -oft water cistern.
In kitelted;-also good hard-vttater mear,tbe
wood4hed, stable, 34 acres fruit treee-and-
• garden,' Also a good farm horse „for sale.
22.8-tf.o, Wn.soN RatdEs0x, Lucknow. •
• .
FARM FOR SA T.. T ot, 3S, eon. 11, 'Oulross
Tp., 60 sores. ,A,:td A: use, good. barn well .
watered, ant. ntgtied state of cultillation;
20 acres broken. -remainder in grass.
. '
11. • ' Joon Doprai,u, 11. 1, Holyrood."- •
'FOR 'SALE. -A ten -room dwelling; Stable, heti
house tuni:driyinglouse. two -acres aloud.
. just north of station, Apply: to Mrs. Paul
Reed at the house. or address, Lueknow. •
45.344. • . •
Seta- Oats °
The Dominion Seed bommissioner ,warns
farmers to sow onlyitastera grain 'seed wheit
Itis available. WQ introductd the 0: A`. 0.„No.
72 oats into the parts, and are again' offering ,
choice seed at 8100 nor bushel. '
2243.tf.e. R,..R.No. 3, Lucknow.,
Auction Sales-
. " •
• •
RO)3T. &HAMILTON. Lot 5, Oon. 8. Kinloss,
• will dispose of his farm7stoek and iniplel •
meats by Public Auction on Thurs,dar.
Morph 29th, commending at 1 o'clock p.nit
22-3 100. J. Penvis. AM*. •
• -
AUCTION SALE. -David Famish, Lot 4, Con..
14, Ashfield, West Div., will sell his fend
--stook and implements by pablicauction Ott
March so, commencing at 1 o clock p.m. %
- • 1190.6AULits, Auctioneer.
JOHN:LAAIDLAW. Lot 29; .Opn 12, Wes , a.
• NatighOngfitilfirm311°41°..21(1,'%"-tit _
.22.3rnoing at.1 •
.7 1avxs ILT;4
`F .
.0f farinstock and implementson Lot31,;•Con.
.11. Huron Tp. on Tuesday, AprIl 3rd, 1917, at 1
o'clock p.m., the followingt-HO1IsES-1 Olydo
Mare, 7.• years, in foal; 1 Clyde Marc, 2 years, in
foal; 1 Clyde team 6 years old; 1 Percheron Marc.
3 yebmt oh1;1 Percheron florae, 3 years old; 2 .
Clyde Colts; 1 Blood Oolt, 3 years • old; 1 Biolxi
Colt, %years old, OATTIAN-10 new calved cows;
3 Coml. due,to calve lllaVist,• 3 heifers, 8 years
010.111 calf;4 steers. 3 years old; 6 steers, 2,years
old; 6 heifers. 2 years old; 6 .helfers,.1 year old;
5 Steers, 1 year old; 10 young calves; 1 Durhant " • •
Bull, 3 yrears, with pedigree. 5 Sheep, in lamb. '
213rood Sow,s;22, Pigs. from 4 to 6,m, paths; 21 .
-little pigs, just weaned. IMPLEMENTS -2 sett .
double harness, 1 sett plough harness, 1 -sett ,
light double harness. 1 sets single harnes.s 1.
•Massey.uarria buida; houg-r Illlissey.darris
awc1,-,81 •eknalskinownr,-new;
,Harri loadera Masseyllarrisside delivery -
voter, 2 disk harrows, I steel roller, 1 sett har • •
hess. 2 rid ingploughs; 2 walking ploughs; 1 tSt in
plough, 1 gang plough, 1 wagon 1box and shelv4
ing , .1 wagon . 1 track wagon, 1 paienleighs; 2
cutters; 1 double buggy. 1 rultber.tirod buggy,
Pair seales, 2090 lbs."; 1 fanning mill, 1 hog box.
1 hog rack, 2 hay races, 11001 s ton cheat, 1.grind-
ing stone, 1 turnip pulper, 1 Mellotte separator;
new; 3 milk 'cans ' 1 batter mixer„ 1 •churn
ww.hing machine, 40,ton8 hay. 30 bus. timothy
seed, It doss; 200 bee. seed potatoes. quantity of
straw. ether articletitoe nuMbrods to Mention. •
rtgus-7 Months': credit tn Approved .joint
notes, or 6 per cent, per 'annum off for cash; •
WILLIAM. MoNTooment . JOHN PORvia '
. Proprietor. • Auctioneer.. ,
29 -ac.. • • •
•. .,, 'Notice to tEreditOrs
In the „matter of the .Estate of, William
13ueglass, late of the Tow,nship, pf
' Ashfield„ in the County of Huron,
Yeoman; deceased.
'Netter) Is he'rabs: raven, Jutrettane to it: S. 0;
1914, Chapter 121. section 60, and antending acts, '
that all persons having au y claims anC demands
against,the late 'William. liotglass, who died. '
on or abold the 13th. day of January, A. D,.
1917, at the Township of ,A,shfield in the Pre -
vines of Ontario. are required to send by post
prepaid or to deliver to the Undersigned. tho
,x,xeCtiter. under the will of the Said
Bneglass„ theit names and addressetratid full •
particulars (Ti , writing Of their endms and
statements Of their acconfits and the nature 0t'
the securities, if any, held by them duly Verift.
e,1byteatfilder Plaice 'that after rourfeentir &woe •
April, .A. D.. 19(7, the Said )itteentor will 'pro.
coed tO distribute the aSSets of the said dedcas
ed ambng the tterSonteentitled literati& having
regard only to the eleinitt of Which he shall
then have had notieb. and that the Said geom.
toe will net be liable for the said naets or euir
part thereOf to any persons of whose.01,14119 116
shell net then lieve received wide& ,
miatreathe,aA.irtillimioekan.o_W qiis Nineteenth day of
8.1.,p. 4°. 1•411--(1Wit^.4',N`ito. le'Exretreocituntenvr*, Ont.
Crotretted Up to Wedliked0 410011 ,
Wheat..44 1 80
....iv 05 ;, • 70 '
00,1 10
thitter, 04i1r11
£.,,_* •* 33 33
' neWlaid.e1446....,eee
V4$1,6,11111014•kt 4,1,0i.**WA 1
. • Q.