HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-15, Page 8winpus.t, U.S. TO Mill SHIM New Shoes for Spring .4.1 weal oar shoe department is well to the fore in the display et dainty and servioesibis footwear for awn, women aeel children Oar stack of therm lusee repreeent :boos made by the best nurker.4 in Ciusadie, and while price* *kre sonbewhat higher y, t the quality saaintained as awe seakers dere not risk their reputation by " making shoes of an inferior obstrantor in order to compete with the so %OKI cheap lines ilinstratad ininail order .;:atirilogues. Mk *tore he.. repettatioa of giving a square deer and we stand behind ever % sheet we .411 and iewaye endeavor to give the hest value we eau for Om money. We. eorifident4 n.conieetel m new *Wee for upring Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Men's lieav$ Elootat $31is , e' $() Petra Men's Boots, grain vamp tind split track, extra, heavy standard shoefor spring, reg. 3 70,, For Thursday, Friday and Keturday only we will sell thia boot nt.$3,15. McPherson's Shoe Polish •On ThursdaY, Friday and •Saturdarof this week we will sell thia A.1 Polka, in black only, at 3 for .10e. Unbleaci* Tabling et 49c. • This is heaVy quality Tabling, 70 Inches' wide, guaranteed pure linen and worth 75e. per yti.. Special '..priee -49e. -for :Thin:Way/- Friday, and Saturday only„ UR NH -l'his 41,00 will tie advertised, t COASt te!,.Coast in Ceitineia "Empress" Shoes have been for years, and each season adds newer lines and 'greater beauty ,.to this well-known shoe for women.: Always i#?ove the them We are, agents.; . ,Ladies" Coverall ApiOn 10 dozen Aprons made 'from good ,quality • Percales, light and dark stripes,- also wbite With small figurea. sizes 36 to 44. The Mail - Order house 'sell -this apron at.190.- ""Ottr- • Price We. •" • roar 011TARIO FARMERS . Existing - war conditions demand ' that, you give,the question of seed ;speclal attention. this T Seed of desirable varieties and high germination power Will be factors' influencing yields. If you have not seeurrd your seed . tektite Ontarlieltepartnient of 49,grienlittie lifelP You, _ Farmers Iiiiiing seed gran or potato% for sale may forward aamplers to this . office statin varieties, price Ind quantity. •• *, learnters vilahltig to .purchnse seed are also invited to communicate _ , with tkia Office elOvION variety and quantity, and an effort will be made to Put, them in touch with tarmere having seed for sale. - ' . : l'- , Write' to N. C. McKay, District Representative, Walkerton. : , . 22-8.0 _ • -.. , W; II: Iitenses, Minister of Agriculture •• ., , ir rvie; .„ „. March: 12. Mra ItObt....Eitiertion-speet,a hut' days his Agnes itiineldi of the Oth.'; seri. . spent the Week•-end•aroend titirvie. • • Mr. •Sinittel Hildred has returned home after spending a fen, days rn roflto Miss Mande McDonald, of Pine giver, 4'04a:fete days at the Mine* Of Mr:, 6 Audrey:McDonald. • -Mr.Itarrgaterleft on Thuviday for the.N.V.,eat -tiff:Sr a couplet& mouths' holi- Vey at hie home here. • • Janes Iiiirehater is under the care M the Kincardine lgespital. .All hope ' ieeeehina.bettereoon. . Mr. Wes, Thompson hasinoved • from ". hisfarm emit of Bervie,-.-and 'Settled in our village, occupying the Stanley house, and Mr. John. Messer is reovin,g tohia farm. • • Pli 'Wednesday next the League will " hold their rieonthly social eviiniog. An extra good' program isbeing prepared, eitapitio of readings, setoi, contestiand . other entertaining -features. All,. are welcOmi, • ' One -anti • -I- -riled Otte au ex- . • *Kitimat ene day hot wee take a half.leoliday; he wen to Khmer - ' dine to enjoy himself. The afternoon ptutsed.lar too quickly for hiin, and is. ' the.totill watt Sinking in,the west, he 1:eal- int), t,hrm lit wag over seven miles from home ad tee tired to Walk that distance• .. However, 'ail were glad to see him com- inginto the Village, not , only with a iwa*Ittorf -but anian to -drive the etylieh outfit, • The Many friends ot •:Maxwell "were glad of a chance of hearing him • nem, On Wedneeday lad, when he gave his illestrated lecture on 4Pi1grira's Pio- grees", The lecture was interesting • throughout and well illustrated bir views of acerles and cimancter *sketches from Bunyan'a life and his works. Owing to • the tiefevorable weather ionditione, 'the • erowd•was not as large as Might" ether - %vise beexptctedOcut those present were well, repaid fqr coming out. Bev. Gil - Were was'nresent and handled ,the plot- • . tire machine which brought the 'facts of the lecture so clearly before the minds of the audience • • Courey's, Corners • -Monday, March. It 110* Soo/AL-41e bor,soelal and en: "tertainitlent atScOtt'S $011001, a few Miles • from here, drew a crowd which filled the ech001 to **city. The night was fine and the roads good and tobadybegrudg- ed coming. Mr. Biltott Miller, of St, Helens, made a eipital chairman, and added greatly to the emcee% id the pro. pat, whisk acakaiatad of MUSIC aild, re. AFTER GRIPPE Ifindley made StrtfiglirVinol Ele;ety, Kans.-"The ' Grippe left MO In a, weak, nervous, rundown condition. / was too weak to do my housework and • could .not sleep.- After- trying different medicines without iteneilt Vinol lettered my health, strength and appetite. Vinol is a graiidomedielne and every, weak, nervous, run-down, woman should take GEo. FinunAT. Vinol sharpens ••• the appetite,- aids digestion, enriches the blood, and builds up natural Strength and energy.. Try It on our guarantee. IOW AY Mt BPENCZ LUCKNOW citattensby locePtalent. " Of course, the ' Sale and enjoynientur the lunch bens was the big fettiire a the evenhig, The sale was !conducted by Auctioneer John 'Purvis to.Viventheeomulittee in charge are very grateful foelia serviceir ea cheer.. finlielleycinaagitherTi:11e7 ‘11/1:11enPUivisBgadivt)ereaschdonir-t'- but Stirring patriotic address'. Stand' 46 boxes were diaposed of, prices averaging about 75e. Another `source of, revenue wait a fancy cake which Was sold on the plan of each bidder paying 'Marais'. over the last. This realize d $15, the cake be- ing kilo -eked down le Mr: Elliott &ewe, Receipts, ainountet1to.$50,_allof-whicli will go twat, fund' of the Ashfield Sold- •••• er' Aid Secret-. • Eighth Con., Calms • ,1-1.tintday, March 12. Pate! Culbert salient a day last week in,. Lucknow. ..• _ •-Mumps and whoopingsough,are',--very prevalent in our burg. • . . Robt. Elliott, jr.„ speekthe weekend • with friends in Huron. . Miss Ina Celbert,10th Con., Was on the sick list e few da.3,1; last week. • Joseph. Culbert spent the weeli-end with his sister, Mrs. James Needham. MUNI EJna EllMtt epent lad week with: bee sister, Sire -McKenzie at Lang. side. ' A. number from here attended the concert at 1101)160d, atid all had a very enloyable evening, • A number from here attended the ball in Ripley given by the Lochalsh boys. All report a grand time. Fordyce 4444444•4.1d41411 Marelt •Mt John and .Miss Victoria °tampion visited at Nter LeVer's On, Stinday. • Misa Treliq Boyle, of Guelph, is spencl. ing a fete dart 'With her mother, Attar Sat lloyhy Quite a nuniber from Ferdyee intend goining to Whigham on Dollar Day, Tuesday of this week. Mrs. " John Mason and Miss Lena Chanmey visited at the home of Mrs, Clark Of lad Wear MARKED ',111G1tEASE' A. 11. Mel:tour& Ethel, Ontario, Bays:, "Last Spring I purchased a_ quantity of teorneetead 7Bletelt;--Fertilizer fron, J K. Raker and from the results" shown nse on pieta of corn arid potatoes, 1 e•ri confidently recommend its use on a much larger .scale. Thn shows the value of intensive farreiet 11 ever Y acre availableen an average left were properly cultivated and Homestead Fertilizer esed judiciously . , .eure the. financial feteres, would ehaV, a marked increase." •••••••oso••••••••••• President Wilson Sivas Welasetserr Frees Sisk 111441-4Extes limseless A despatch from Weahingtoa treys: President Wilson front a sick bed on Priday ordered the strains of Amert cen merchant ships agsdust Oerreeny's ruthless submarine wartare, and et the same time homed a proclamation calling au extra session. of Coupes* to meet April 16. 'formal decleratiou of the Govermaent's policy wee given In the following ennouneemeut tamed front the White House: "'Whereto' public interstate require, thet the Commute of the United State*. should be convened in extra smile -on at 12 o'clock noon On the Sixteenth day 01 A,pr11, 1917, to reeefve much communications as emy he made bY the Executive: Now, therefore, 10 - Woodrow Wilson, Fresident of the United Statei of America, do hereby proclaim and deelare that an extra - ' ordinary (megaton requires the Con, greets of the 'United States to convene in extza. seesion at the Capitol in the city of WerthiugtOn ou the, sixteenth day of April, 1017, at 3,2 otelaa nue% or which all persoos who shall arthat time be entitled to act art men:diem thereof are hereby required to talcs notice. Given, untler.my hand and the seal ef the United States dr, America, the ninth Aar of March, in the year of -our Lord one thousand nine hun- efed and seventeen, and of ,the inde- peneettee of the Uoited States the one undred and forty -Arra." , HURON TOWNSHIP COUNt-11. Council met pursuant to adjournuen t hfonday;tlie 12th mat., sit Reeve Wilkinson in the chair. Metals were all present, Minute's 01 lait meetine 'were reed and adopted, The following Ortlerson-the treasurei were issued, iz Mra4.11 Dierlamir $3 60, imerof room by auditors; Mrs, (Dr.) MacOritfamon, 27 0Q,:balance of salary of late Medicai Officer of 'Health; Tim Muoielp41 World,3 75, for mem ment roll -paper Eipley Acetylene Gat. Co,:636 for gaer Gilbert Barkwell, for).gravel; Twines 'Sag4y; 3 50 ter diekingsfifenti.e. 15 from 'Aebfield' 'boun- dary to Ripley; D. B. Meteod, • 20n for one bet of tapers; JsPeb. Oates, care- taker', 1 00 for extra meeting and e 00 ictiPartpayment of -salary, total 6 00; Ripley Red Cross Society, 25.. Off • tia a grant for purchasing yare for snake lei (ha soldiers. Bill of John F.. Collins, in which he claitned 52 o) for'..balstice of atlerY as township officer • appefilted to enforce local option, was laid :river' for farther consideration. Cam pbellrraserThat tho. auditors' report be received and adopted, and that the *clerk be instructed to publish the abstritetstiterneot-of r.-ceipts "and expenditures,- assets - and -liabilitzere••-i ;-..-„.BEI101%10810. °gob- F.4atmiNd . °ea, eleueneeile iitsevinne, °nutria . CoMeh7e11--.Waser7That..bering read the .petitiOn signed by Attlee Brown and el other ratepayers of the o 'Huron, praying that the Conned extend the "New Boer into. A. from bee. IQ te-thehotifidary- of Kincardine, andint, • says: • ileed Ileinesteed, Bone- Bleck FT' •rilieer.eS oatslast spring, leaving one triiLwidth'witliont, where you could See thwdifferenCe of about one fool r-conireeOd it to any farmer who wishes. to do good firmhig, del think there. IS no better" GROWTH SIMPLY WONDERFUL .Wiu,rate Eyearro, Sarnia, Ontario; says: have oeed Homestead Boae Black Fertilizer- and am se • greatly pleased want to tell yoif of is had a. piece of ground 'where nothing ',would -grow, not even weeds, and .1 planted straw- berries end pet some fertilizer ,em thorn' and the groWthis. simply ..woriclerful. In feet,' it beats anything around the neighborhood."' , • Write Michigan Carbon' -Works, De. :troit, for free hook and particulars about their Homestead Bone Black Fertilizer. Verdun • -Mond•ay, March 12, . We -regret to report the illness of_ Everett Fraser, and hope for a epee* recovery. • ••"' • • .... Lester Armstreeg, and atter, Mist Ella,:tilade a ifying tap to Winghem •one day last ,Weeke'•, . • , • -Mies farion Ilanton, of Detroit, was the guest of Miss. Irene Bradley for a few do.ye last week., ' . . Miss Nellie McMulleoreturned home onSunday after spendine the...past•week .with her, sister, Mrs.' Neil Thompson, Quite a numb & from the community attended the bell given y Messrs. Mac- keegie and Scott in the Ripley township hall last Monday evening. All report a moat enjoyable time. ,Flattering to the Original ,. But Intitattoriii Only Disappoint There ere many imitatione of this great treatment for- coughs, ands, croup, bronchitis and whooping congh. They usually - have tome dale on the merits of the orlginal, but It (should be remeitebe r e that they are like it In nude .PAIY# Tide is a Mew toinailp of the prteiretb e g etralt end signature, A* IC Artie, NW, OM TAU WAD: IMS DREAM FADES 00011001.41M.0110.1. eleskeral MatmWs Tree,* flush Turkish Peoltiess end Capture City --Pet I dare Pail Insi4Oree Preset.. Gen. Proderiok Stanley Maude, In Otextraiad at the entente tomes in Ms. sopotsuretr„ taleitraphett Sander the welcome nein for till British of the occupation early that moraine ot the City of Bagdad, tits thief Turkish eity Keseeettuniii. ,aud formerly the mite' of the Empire of the eCeliplie. No detaike of 'the capture- blare irst bean roc _Gin, made* story of the op.Ltttons oatqini ',yenta only up to Ile utter esornin the Britt/h, after eftectg & ourprise crossing ot the Diele• sa* bridging the Tigris, had driven the Testi beck to within three milers of Bagdad. The tall of Bagdad, beside" ending German hopes of neer eastern daruire, Iii based on a, Berlin -Bagdad =Swart • will reeerlserate throughout the Mo- hoonfoildan ErsPires 444 it was be- lisered will more the.4. reimbilitate Brit. tell, Prestige in the ler seat, denIaged.. by the *Wier Ices of Kut -e1 -.Amari. . 4mi:rise Crossing of Plain bar* Sunday •following oMcial re. port Was received concerning the 4Psr* etasitounrds ,taqyr zaftgorndlithirtt,ellrfihineng theeMirultistO had been forced' back to within th e mileswest and 'southwest of the city; -*tour forces oagaied ,with the Turks on the Vale line the night of the *With succeeded, despite the 'bright raOrmlight. In effecting a Inirtrlaa Oros*. Ing of the Biala •suld in establishing a. Otrong post on the right hauls there- of. Meanwhile, on the morning Of the eighth, the Tigria having been bridged at some distance downstream, a •Brit- ish detachment smirched bp the right bank and found the enemy. holding !." position about els miles southwest ofBagdad. , ilTui4.y1 Mu9h 131/4h 1 91 7 4, 4 F:44 -'441t#2 Advenems of Four Attlee c"nhe. enmity:wee "MIMI Odin "this' position. to Another position two miles in the rear, During the night of the ninth a passage. .of. the Piela was -tweed and our troops advaneed.'eoine four miles toward Bagdad. 'During the ninth Our forcers on the tight bank (Tigris) drore the ,enerny from Ids: second, position, .,bir,ouaolting on the •ground ,gbined. This ndiantage, do :spite a bUnding dustetorm,- and 9t, violent gale, vas prettied on the .morn - Ing of the "tenth, the TUrks,110ing forcert back- within -three:tote weft: and eouthwest of Bagdad."' .- BORDEN VISITS FRONT, peamier -Addresses- Censettene-Tellet of Warm, Woymne Homo -.Vremier Pordt, : iiddreseing Can. adian troops at front, spoke brief - 01 Canada's part in the. war.f. He said. the Canadian People were repre- sented it the field because trfeir were uttriy opposed t� German ideate' as .repreerihted in the ravaging of Bel - Ohm, the ',deetruetion of the, Lest - tante, the .murder 01 Miso Cavell and Capt..21•Yett, and for the rights of individuals. and fees • peoples . they „teught. Sir "Hobert said he felt honor- ed in having ..an.oppertanity•ace•speak to them. the past, -'ilfe°fIfe9CIS.:' !ion- should arise again Iro knew they wouhl of he i'igmtenitt•:, toreesut urn•the glory . returned CahadaPit ' •warm welconlYe f• awaited them ,from ' the home' folk.-, • - 1•nlichihcalid.litrtsarTgielgagv.170:411a:rre beitig stet 'against the tincheer4--arel -having .-Beett Other -"olildeinfle':01 the evoltition of the weapon ot dentriration to thre!point of -terrible: effectiveness, the Premier was in a poSition to more fully understand the resolution of the men who; at their ;country's call, de out into the open against them, • , ing heard Stephen Tout, John Etnmer- ton, W. K. Graham, 3 F, Elliott and WM. Tout, be it resolved that the mem . 'tiers of council visit° the locality, on Thursday next,. to 'decide, after -Yievviog the ground,.what steps should be taken In the matter. Carried. „ .Bill.of D, Boltott,•18' 50 for feesla„ connection with examination of certain drains, Was laid Over until next meeting By-law NO. 541 le appoint pathmaa- tars, polindlieepere and fenceviewers for the Township of Hureli teethe year 1917 was duly pa -sed, signed' and sealed. . Dain can Campbell be appointed as the represent, atrve of this couneil on the Board of Agritulture for. the ensuing year. :Cart tied.• By law No. 542' was 'duly paseed, -signed and sealed, appointing Dr. Louia C. Sinclair to be Medical Officer of irealtlein plebe ..6(_ Dr. IlicCriminon, •il• ecens_ - Ruttle-Hamilton-That this' COUticil, do-uovreaboareete riwecegain ii1oai- day,,the 1 cith day sf April I fit 7; it tr. '0' -usual hour and place, Carried. , Axons :MARVIN', Clerk. • • &member the Irish Supper in the Tonte HUH On Saturday, St. Patrick'e Day 71rom 4:39 to 9 e'cloOlp. Only 25s. RELitts-WORIC ' .to_vieyLetth,e fact_ths,LfelloOlgthe break itetween -the 'United States and Germany. it seas: 8458IInted by puty that the work of relieving the diatressin Bel- gium would have to be abandoned, the. „Relief OoMmittee has b.:voted the follew- ing statement • • The American members of the Colt - mission for Relief in lieigitini have been asked by the Germans to rernam at their poste, and the work in Belgium is there fore proceeding under exactly -the same guarantees as hitherto. The fact that the Commission for Ile lief in Belgium continuer to retell e tarp P11018 from the Allied Governments is in itself enough to provetlat. they, who ire most interested, Itav"e no reason to be. lieve that Germans are directly benefit. trig Purthermore, the Commission `have effieted an arraugr mer. t With tho British Government on one side and the Gerrie:it, MARKETQUOTA'TIONS Pginviiirty 12th Toronto Cattle Market , Chdlce 'weighty ateers..$10.75to$11.25 • do, medium • 10.00 Butellers', choice, handy.10.60 10.90' do. good" ,, 9,40, 10-40 do, medium 8.60 -940. .• -• common ......:. 7.40 8.00 Butchers' ,choice cows.. 8.50 9.26 do. 'good .. . 7.80 8.26 do, • medium.......6.50 7.00 • Butchers' bulls, -choice.. 9.00 10.00 do. good 7.00 8.26 - do. medium ., 8.00 ' 8:70 Feeders, 900 to 1,000 lba. $.26 9.26 ' de. med., 700 to 800 /.25 8.00 Stockers, 790 to 960 lba. 6.75- 7•25 ;Cotters ...., ........... 5.25 ' 5-75 -iirlijilateTlial-Oj4C1-810. k: . 10:10 do. co=mad yne4....50.00. 70.00 Bprbigers ...... -.-h::„..55,00_, 115,00 -Wilts,' velilrehedeS7:7:-.1K50-'14.00 do.. medium .... . . .. , ,10.00 12,00 io. common ......... 6,00 . . 8.60 o. grass ,... -.. ... . '6,00 ' 7.00 O. heart fat . : . . .. 7.50 9.60 liptini lambs, thole'', ...13:50 15.25 . °I; eetleire ' ''' 4; •- :1°2: .11.2 She p, , Ugh:: 1 . . 40. heavy and buc 'ks. 8.50, ' 9.50 .40. antis , ,..... .,.. ...A...00,-1,00_ -Hogs, weighedt'off care: .15.76 . 16.00 dof.o.b. country, -.14:75 " 15.90., 1 ...._......,..._ ,. Toronto Grain Market' ' .. _A .Manitoba wheat -Track, bay Ports, No. 1 northern, $2.08; No. 2 northern, $2.0844; No. 8 northern, $1.96%; NO, 4 wheat, $1,81134; all -rail wheat deliver- ed Montreal freights, No. Jr -northern, 3204.. , , Manitoba otitte#.4.11 mil, delivered, en route, C.P.R. , points °nit No. 2 CW., 74c to 75c* No. 8, O.- .; '723,fis to 7840; No. 1, '7250 to 735ic; No. it feed, 71e to 7241. American corn -No. 8 yellow, $1.22, Sill:tied to embers°. . Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter,. 31.84 to 11.86, according to freights outside; No. 8 'winter, $1.82 to $1.84. Ontario oats -According to freights outelde; No. A white, 85c to 67e; No, 3 'white. 640 to 66e. Peas -No. 2, $2,50. Barley --$1.28, . Buckwheat -0.25i . Ry ---No. 2, now, 81.41 to $1.42. Manitoba tout -First patents in lute WO, 89.70; seconds, lu jute. begs, $9.20; Arent bakers', in Jute, $8.80, Toronto. Ontarfe _flour---Atilitter, new, track . °rent°, prontpt Wonted, according to sample, $7.05, in Jute heed: $7.25 export grade, bulk, seaboard. . Millfeed-tar lots, delivered, Mom treat freights:. Shot% $42; bran, $38; toed feed /lour, per bat, 2170 to 32,,80. mar--Triiteh, Toronto. extra, No. 2, $12; Mixed, $0 to $11. Straw-earlots, $8.60 to $0 Otrett1s.4t011ed nate, earlots, per beg of 90 lbs, 38,65; stwill lot, $8t80, - Windsor to 11011trial. Ostler:0J, 0,80 4i RiktiOtills 044 1*. tigoli_ints. 1 ' GOVernineht, on .the other hf *Met aril' , aceeptabie lane for Belgian relief ships. • between. r4Torth Amerieati.: porta and, Rotterdam has beer fixed 'so, as 'to en• sure the continuity Of enpplies • - The Commission .for „Relief in -Bei.' ,gium is hong to day a monthly deficit' of $3,009000: Renee it Ia. litOre than . I ever in need of the full hearted support of the pulAim • • • s ;ge • ••••••... Ns.34 TnE wan wft,:h a good knife knows that every Orrin he uses it --,and there are many of them every day -ii is A source of eatisfaetion. How Many times does somebody ask , to? borrow your knifel Again there is a feeling of eatisfaction in heving:a gooci.one. A good knife is as convenient -OW as neceseary as a, good v,ratch and there, is fully as much satisfaction in carrtilig one. Yau wouldn't carry a e'heap en lellable watch if yowl:mild get a good one for the same money or even for A few cents more. ' Buy your kill& on the same haste and you will buy it from us.: Prices range freer 25e. to .1 15. -Royialite Oil (1'0hr-et-ea tifi' -6-thy liait tit titiVirii;, A Carload of Cleveland Coiled • Wire just. arrived. . I 0 • e Lucknow Hardware & Coal Co. °THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS tangside . -Monday,--Mendity,.March 12. 4 is our unpleasant dutytoreport the passing away of another of our (Ad pioneers, Mrs.•Ross,'of.this place. Mrs. .Ross wasnmong the first toimudgrate to this part of the ceuntry, and heti lived . ever since coming on the Same place on con. 4. She passed away on Sunday at the ripe old age of 87- years. The -re. ma.:ine.were interred in1K, •-c'emetery. on Tuesday. leaves six of. her fem- . rly to moms), r -103s, including. Roder - tele and Margaretriiho are on the .old - homestead: • „. •• • -The enterainthent in togaide Pres- byterian., church on Tuesdeyfevenieg proved a rare treat. Rev. Mr., tradleyi /f •Teethwater, ettlivelled his eddrearr in ct.i.! rahle, fashion with in any jwit-ty _inch ayinge and stories, and, in fact, • took orieninlience to be, in imagination with Oat and his . The closing of the ntertainmenkWas featured by pando- "Abide- with Me", acted young et the voiaielitkin; ''After the • ectitre lunch was served,. followed by _Ike singing of "God Save theItine. - • - - Mafeking- 7-441-IdaY, ,March _ The German. measles are peevelent in lus neighborhood at. preeent ' Miso ynErringtan-iitur the -guest of Masa Vera Aliow part of kat week. „ . • . t 4080o Pinlay and Allan visited at John Jamie. Laurier, or, Saturday. Mi. andlirs. Ties.:Anderson • vieitatt Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul Lecknowf on Thursday. ' Stathete, and yerse &woe pent -the -Weekend -wit ir-krit.Jaihe Lochalsh. • • ddraps-Sautulers et.hts }apply 'eVice put away week: • lee is AR unusual Iiiekness this winter. . • • • „Miases Clara, Jean and Ehile Laos, were guests of their tousini Jrace Blake, this week ed 1/::rEi. and TMlerise.a0v.zi,1 11T:1:17n:41 r.stds , • gditle:spent Thursday etrening, at the owe o •••••••••.••••roi000kOmiimismil Kinlough -Tuesday, March 13, 'Archie • Robinson, 'front Kincardine, visited in -our burg on Sunday. Noble Ouest lett' Thur4claY . for Sask., where he has rented a farm. • „ R., pi. Hodgkinson, who has . been under the weather for some tune, is able to be around again,* we are pleased te • note.• . • James Carleteh is visiting hie daugh- ter, Mee Archie Robinson, Kineardine, hereto she goes to her new, home in• the West.••• • • Where was a nerd Areh meeting in the L 0. L, en Wednesday mglit, Whtn Bee Stan1ey, Wesley .Thonipsen end , Therms Guest wets advatteed to thiS degree. •N,r., •Dr * Cs.nott, -Afr..Geo. Pitmen SCHOOL REPORTS T• 0; No! •1441oXele ,aiszn .AOSYletri, -Hrr----T-Jarici-getehabaW. Sr, IV-Willie,*Ketchabavti •Agiret rowle- ,• •*. , TV -Ade riekering, Verna.Uap ilton' $r. ILt—EUen .ii,etchaba*, Carmen Hamilton, , Dorothy 'Pickering„ tielen 111,CDon al d; Annie MacDonald, Reqr .RaYnard._ . _ • . Sr; Itr-Antlie RetchaboV, tiardie- - • • ' - Pt, AfiteDoeaki-e. • . Martin, 3ionniegetehabeVe, Ainanda MacDonald, : &ken roll 19, aver. littends,:10':' ' ISAtELrit MA01:1riociXD :ireadher „ • Teeiwater • I. Miss Almal.Stewart spent the -.,Tuesds.y Maah 13 week- end With her etater in Toronto, • - Mr. and Mrs. Keilindy, of Guelph; are _ visiting their- son, Kennedy, of t,oWn. Mrs. Ileeenthig left on Monday for • :Hamilton to attend funeral of her sister, Mrs -:Sinith, who. died in •SaakAi. toon Wit:Tuesday... . Miss E, Mitchell, who gave such - ee- cellenteatisfactien last will again be fourid MisreCtufesa popular ery establkshment. Bev. Mr. Bradley was unable to take his services' on Sunday. -Bee..•• Dur- rant very •klifdle earne to his, lasiatanca,.. itect'union iteritteeiraere held .in 'Knox • _ciCiitlinwoinvo,m4iirchrin the morrLvening.anlinig'rili the Metlitz' : • Mrs; M 11*. Gillie, assisted byMrs. ~ y:Itife ecgre' ot a?4:tin very successful t ountng to $24 'Out Ohitiainan .sapplied the tea, a8 he, did on a fernier . Occasion. good inucleiti program Was proyided: • • St. Helens . • •-Teeirdey, Metall T3. ' , ITOTES.-11re pitte!edis-- 'the, Patriotic Por. Social given by the teachers of the Se Helene eublie school has been disposed of as:follows: Box to . Pte. 'It. It, Robinson; former teacher, now in England,' value and cost ef esid- ing, 00; remainder. sent to Byron hospital for returned 'eoneureptive soh diem, $74 00. - Airy person wishing sewing and yarn may get it by calling at Millet's Store, Ino letter received from Sniper RoSe Murray, of France, he wishes% to thin* the Weinoti's "Institute for the backs received. %sir has been in the, trendier* for nearly five months and 18 enjoling 'good. healthi , liolyroort '--Monday, Mpeh:i� - MIAS tate Han -Telt -and- Mr. spent Sunday at M. IrtViten* Mr;and Airs. grnetit Ackert and tam» ily and Mr. and 'Mrs; Ainter Aoltert died eit Thursday at the tesideece of his • spent Sunday- With fiends in Liiektinfro daughter" Sire. Itcynty Brewnettombe, , ' The toneert held here on rriday night .. Oarglt, Ile was a resident of•Itintough • was very goad, The crowd w ,* not yeti :rjJr16brother to Nathan and j?.dward ism, but the program; which was' put Pinnell. The reffialtitt,Were bre:tight to Proceeds from the eoncert andthe socials Wt interment Saturda on by Lucknow people, Wilt4 aPinetaty Oti Hu 41h COM Of entreat- boa athelltitod tO 18%, 00 • Am 'moral pet to the rto cr,4