HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-15, Page 6- ` "M I
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, , " 1. " "I P"M01,1000=01 vwifta " is ,— ------- -- --- -----=:77-- ----- .! �.
. "�, ` An wEdItor Tal" I Is -=
�, . - - lko-wkaeas Dwribles *LS60404" 0 A MCE Wkst vmw "ftminz When Arlia, , I .- � I . .
— I""NotialM the spowhoo re- I I
I ,"WWWtoofe'bildron sh"Id b0t1kiAgbe4wooetUUAIW*st0gWW DOW*" serba OW x4gam " A09W the public &Wu' Lord Nelson, I I �
I= understood by any. At %kig VIritlag, the a0vat 4'No Issors striklog picture d mod- WffW "MY the "here Of the Nil*," declared W14- � I I a I
I . t, It thillY VAV iNAtrUCt t1141M.'set" to jv"ify the famer in oatwiac OrA war and of modern militory moth . � -, I self in the House, of Lords.- ,11 have I I ��
� ating in a friend's - parlor a few , the "ruaffict, of nations" in what has o4s could have, boon - usly"If seen ClUch of the miseries of � 1� � L201 2
. 400% NP a little girl ot tbgs bAme, now become to be called "" world I Capture of the Cliukos's" than the T UGHT BRITISK PROPLIK THE We' I 11111 In horrors of human % - - I
. . sum fear years of up, showed us:, war," is being Anxiously consWered, I the Village Mountain and "A distIONX which roads an indelible im- I � � I 0 11 � :
, a Polog, of which I was a pr"sioll on my heart. I am a man % . W
� bsw me tiam she could turA round � but open hostilities have not yet been I Spectator. The' staff of the Sorbian 1 of Peace, yet I cannot consent, for an I" . ��� I � .,.#, ,�.. W.- .w* . i' -
I � *0 ,
b@('l %be becaft's dixxy gild foil On � declared- What will be thi signific- � divirpion carrying out t tt k w y A% Ago. . I I " "I
this Saw he a ac as Peace, to nerifice - one jot of r4ffg- rr,,,,t seei Grain F�t ("er 1#
- Little girls ar* most ad- � anee of the entry of the United States m� established on the mountain sum it Tr sty a . miu*001[1- I that from large, plump se� '
y I facing the C in. on the � Not i� single chance 8hould he I Very obstrunt farmer is .41yare 9f
dk-ted to tkis bad practice, but should � into world Polities? This is it timel a t of- A ie land'$ 119110r." And b# addedt "The , 44 but #A
� -buke MounW no In 180, Gaye nation has, been satislied with the sin -
slat be Punittod to indulp in it. It � question Ana bus boon answeivA by e staff ba4 taken NOP01000 MOO to Make Freak _ cere spirit of pence in which the. Brlt;�. tAkell bY the farmer in regard to tha, � this fact, it is not in suelt �jwvlaq .
10 i0wkfts to the Optic nerve which 1 the editor of the Undoft Daily News UP its position. This was strewn 4ith , War Premotw", tell GOVevilment had Inegotiated the germinating power of the seed he � that the danger ,pf a doapppintmen� Ill,
,. Is irrUatoot by the sudden chaaging of ,in, a rotrong editorial from which we 1huge boulders and �maasos: of roick, I I ,
QhJoeta Passing Wore it; and . 4016 tresty, but If now a restless and Intends to Now this Spring, and as t i .
� , be! lie". "Witliwheat thii extent of in-
.. also to f. quote a leading excerl* Amerles, he among which were placed the tole- In one of his recent speeches Mr. arrogant ambitio in t o e. t W o timefor seeding I's. not very . F from rust or frost is largely in-
, n lk 8 W1 h h W I . far away
11 4w brain whose function of dixtribut- � tells English people, will xay 4we phone stations connecting the stsir and 411 depikr�t.maifta of t.li� Govern_ d1urayted by th appearance of the ker. 1�
. tag nerve electricity to ill .� Lloyd George referred specifically to f we desired sincere amity, had given ut op
e system is i wanted to stand aside from your quor- With the varigut batteries and the the'Peses qf Amloq4 as 4 am; the country w Went X0rIv0e,Jpcludlifg tb.g ,glich�-of rels, �b _th je,xtent Qf,4nj4r�K-t*-0atW - " � � - - -
. gvIng tsughti,aftewal .
-, PXrtWlY suspended, doctors Informtfels but we sw�your quarrels gia no actual fighmne line on the opposite the British people, o �he gdve " ould'doOt' the �Qeed C01notiasioier, �eiy. ,Ili I L _ no in
I �X -, - , ,
Us. A rapW spiral motion Unds to longer European quarrels but world mount in. I 4 ,nee; for all, how' lee" press i rn . i -1 TA frost Is difficult'a �ttcn I . L
A oubt if we were twenty futile were hope -4 - its. hono m0ut to assert driven, it willbe in, the iniv -ibe I possible to' detokmine from. anear'.' -
of permanent peace - r than shrink from the sup- country, ,and of the f4roN eat Of 2, It ... , -
destroy the general harmony of the quarrels. We Xmiot eicipe themiAt persons on the .windswept ploteskuL., Out of compromise With fOiled World- PlleS 'Which a vigoroup state of pre- . himself, If anceo., . . 11
animal functions. Persona havi,39 we would -and since We cannot escape The colonel, commanding the diV . I I I he Will conduct his own tests of'what As oats is by far the moot largely
. � .
. I islon I conquer'6rs. That fshort-llve4 . truce, Par,"tiOn would require.' in April of seo.4'1 'Upw has on band. -
. tba Spring grain cropa it is, "I ., r,
i onth after the Affilens As poilfied put by, the Se,d I.)GPart t r f 0 most important that, . ��
care of, children should discourage all them wt must help you to, stop them. (the Serbs are sparingin their. diptri- I with Napoleon had been accepted by 1 1802, the To le sown Of
practices so obviously Injurious. . We will join You to make, war on war. bution. of general. rank) WA* seated ;the Addifitton.Minlotry . � trVAtY had'been vigned; the Adding- ment _a _ he e or . � . jk Vita
Proparedae§s in the Buropeon I , In the hope, . in a I � lity .
� . . x sense on A cRmP stool' in the lei bul,letill. calling att6litiop to I test of samples of all oats, in-
�I �of a mass that, after so much vir, tho Corsican 11 tOu Millifitr.Y was dismantling tile tbq danger of jowing wag -he to ,
i While visiting a relative In - the has been preparedness for,mar. of roliks, with his AQ14-glass gluled on. .Was, really re 'i I navy . k seed; for t6ndQd for seW,, ken,'and not
country It come out in'course of eon- . �� the opposite . I. ltd,'to abandon his ,ef-', and disbandinar, a large part of the,plirpose 'of only law t,st, , ",sufflel. . , , .
. I
. � world -,empire. How quickly! ' testing seed for vit , fa - .
PW � mountain alope, Vro* forts at the Army. Within the year it ,was lity dga shali .a- I a t�' -, q tb� bulk 10
"Germany, sprang this war through time to tinkea'sharp order - British Govor"Welat" a - �r flower � pot 4 or �41 ,
vorsation that a little bor,� in that .0 a Skiltv Parliament for n . �%v . OW box - I fOction"but a Upt of a
wnt � by undec lVed the 11
home slept regularly with an' used fear, bate and ambition; such a condi- telephone 4used-batteries. of m votes to filled with ordin . aaniol% from
. Gun- , g*. Boll in trUe' I I .
femalo. We imade, bold to Qxp � � and people were, as j6 the ciuse of kv,embody the militis-4nd put more A 4fliijt� nu AV be uped, be, � -every bag full is'to
I ,lea$ tion always ended, in war itact Always tain guns, light or b!egvy artillery, to Napoleon's agreement to the �* Is,, fh'Pa Ill - commission. Napoleon, who ,. - recommend , ...
, strong disapproval of the practice for must end in war betwepa person ur open fire oil the Buig � I _peace than . 11 a, .not 1@34 ad after 4 season such .
'k 0 � . arlan *Position. a Imatter of,well-know had'heped for a longer* respite � K I 100, 3140illd be planted at About As that�'Of 1916, when conditions were . .
I wnhiso*. T.Wapgry, I t was the ordinary depth. for soWing gild, .the so unfavorable to. the.proda'�Ion�of ' , . *'
' I
1. I I the sake of the child's welfare. Great nations. What ever nations or Pap- it W43 like -a virtuoso . Playing.,, the Tretiti-Cof A i � 'Woe -,to thoie ,who ..
l. v
. I
". . . -1 -
intent$, W40 signQ4. ,on 4 ,, break W1. kept moist but - - " I . � ., '". � I I. .
L" surprise was shown at our -view#. But ples return to that goarel, after this 014no. `611t frOW PlAnISF4VIO .March 27, 1802, and before the, year�,t�eutie$," hie lleclared to'the I l3ritish I � not Wet.- Th� �o 9:004 grain! �
. I .-The fire, W �
' 11 x �. , � .
. .. ' , .. . OL---,,- 0 I I � . I . .
' �� Ambasan - 14 , it 'Will not be ' � . . . � .. 1,
-,�o were right. An old physician has experience will most assuredly . reap ,to fortisointoo, then died Away. for 4 ��141.0'144 th'e Ilritish-Qovernl�hent , adr at, Tull . . Should be Placed where .
I , , as in arch; to, , 'I. A
MAQ . ' I
Ince -assured us that the babit so its fruits Again.' We comw Into the m4lute,or.two to comm "They P w4rol In'the day tioie,, and, w9e're . Lamb-fiedfur Zxperila-'efit', ..* . . .
. I I
0 , efica, - afresh. 'keOiSAIlizilIg,the military force was � 1803* coh- it Will be copier, but will ni . � ... I
commoll in. countrybomes of allowing flelas not'to add a ne�w brigand power All Along the ;OUntain side one could build' Is. and � sball answer for the ..ot -freeze, In �n- experiment in lamb feeding - .
, Ing =orc vear b�equefIkes.before all Eprope; you -
. children to sleep with - eldoily persons to the world, but to ask- 4e Allies to, see the white, puff$ of smoke like cot� I ,el4 -for the navyl, Q he first to, draw � May at night; 'the altQrhation of' tempera.' at Indiana. Experiment St&fA ix it W44, .
11. has ruined the nervous vivacity and Accept our CO , the sword, but I. ture favdm germingtign, �-B I � - . . . I
preparing for the Inevitable. break, shall be th 'last ,to� . Q � ..
� -Operation in 'Making- ten wool, showing the'bursting shropm that X pol 0 . _y n6ticing
brigandage,, illegal and in organizing n a a u's pr . a I- found'that the addition of corn all� . .
� ,
,Physical energy of many a promising return it to the the number I ? . .1
ne�,e eparations ensured.j sea.bbard-" TNVQL months, later the Of 'Plant$. Produced and age to the ration reduced tho*cost '* - ,
I - , at or the dirty brownish Yellow History has r furnislied a more.. . , , I
- .
�, - . child. 'Ire says those having dexr old a forge which will W46 it imPoisible smoke of thel'heav,v shells. . striking ox , Ample of the futilit I years the 'Whether they come UP quickly And grain *L21 Per hundred polihds, ollglxt� , - -
friends whose, lives they would like 4 in future.M. - . . C I 7 of ,,,,,,,- break came, And for- twelve Are strong -oj weak, oii6 call . I .
'Thent on another orderg. little black a compromise truce ' , struggle continued, until Napoleoni.the suitibIlity determine, 1Y increased the selling value of the ' . "
�- perpetuate at the macrifice o , * ,.*, * * , ' , 'an a means, to - , .
, � f their brol-re down, , of. the grain for see& ]am - find increased the profit forty . . I
. .
1. ib I . lines begall to emerge frOZA will the Permanent Pence, There was nothing; finally befopp British - gas -'more accurately th , bs . I
innocent offspring, Vone. ouldan, Dr. Frank Crane, In - an, - article ravin�a and rocks on the mountain- - th power andhis dream, omagbod. 'PU . I Ali cents pi�r head. , I .. 10�
'. coura in a terms of the.settlementi. in re -w , � Ing rpo , . � 11. .
'" go this ovil.' But'every Parent headed The Return to Re rom the results of
. 113011, says Ride. * The rattle of rifle fire and a a ' . � t Oea not 4- -test -Which he . Lamba, I I i
� th pact of te,rritory o.r 'otherwise.4. --to #;�— I -fed shelled corn, cottQnsee'd . ..
�, ci wb4 loves; his child and wishes'to, Ore- PhilosoAlleally of the pTesent drials, in pom-pom,poin of. th li SYSTEM 6 . d Boa# - When seed- Is being meal, and'odru, silage Nvere,. valued at � . �
a machine guns Animate Napoleon with the revanch ATI "PAPER S tested . .
� serve to him a sound nervous system which tile Americaft Republic -Ands it -7 drifted across the, I AVING. I in this Way It Is advisable to 48.40 Par hundredweight And ieturn- . . . i
:;4 'with Which to buffet successfully the, , self : If a thing is right it is bound to , bian'tro . valley. The Ser, idea, or to cause him to f.0el humiliate . . . . � �. Plant- beside I ' � � . i
ops were -beginning the . . I . . � .,
. L I I
Iltin6ilt. , H . , 'llied epim4 cdttoik- . . .
-a bad thing no-Ifilatter how a a It ro the po t h 0 WA ion of Waste It some grain Of th6 iftinel a �
as- ad, Oi to dispossess. him of his gains, t Campaigns fibr,.�Collect kind, which I k " ' ,ad A,PiQfb6 Of ntnetY-tw`0 0011t per
cAroa, sorrowsp and labors of life, must come lead, l.r
S, ft I fed We �
or a U - F in in w ere, I* stood on the Co � a AGWIl to, be strong In �
�e to it that his,nervoua vitality Is trelachad in custom, buttressed by 'it was quite' , bandsome. Paper,to kelleve Sea city, - ='in order that the test- may ba, geed meal, corn� . I
. . . At possible t6 distinguish , ly treated. 'It Wag. indeed a 41 � . . . .. r � . � I silage qnd .Ont straw . , ;
,not absorbed by some diseased or .prejudice, and rooted in Meti'a 'Pas- hoW the combat swayed. backward and . peace , And a'-comparlsoil made I -at $8. ' � . � i
. . . . P4,per�economy campaigns .a' � . I � ,b6qwere valued 50 per hundre - . .
. I - - . .1
. . I
I I . -
�, age4 relative slaeoing, with him.. -Passions. � Is bound to go. War is forward. Sometimes the antlike lines - without -victory.,, , . . to be the, orqer of the day, re said tw8en tile growth'Of the sample, under weight and returned, A. d . .
, � 1.
I I Ilg * *, * 0. I . wrong, wiaed, %illy, irrational, in- of the .Peaie - I . � . in, depart- teNt'and seed that i known to b I I I profit of $1-.21 . - :�i'
itttacl( . .. As .
Perhaps we may, be pardoned if we agne and deserving of. evejy other lngfor�e would rush for- . Joyfully Welcomed.. . nd elsewhere, in a,Aum- goodo, - � � e per he4d,,�- lAmb's, fed ,shelipel Pon), �Cot4-. . � , .- .
� .- ., .
I �
vile ward 4 hundred yards or so, some,- The PeoPle of Britain were jubil- bar Of I I I nwe m,0;4;-."c0-'r-ASi1 J.
. � argo cities, 0ayoNew york - tom -4 age, ona clover
. . I '
Evenift . tli;ld exl)erimentt..6.v.�,.showii'th�:t bay were valued at 18.76 per hundred., , . , V11
. I
pursue thia subject farther as we were, and contemptuous epithet that can be times I coifld'see them taking refuge 1 antly pleased at -the coifeluiion of the I g Pqst,� Nothing could be more AwAll,- shru I— " -, . . ... , ..- I.:
;, I h can seed pay, be expect- weight And ietftned ;� p
keinly interested in. the -information 11ined, against It..' No . matter how in"a ravine or dry mountain stream Treaty of Amiens, In the 41 sensible; to savo papjj-,that-18---`--a-' , . rofit of -$1.15 '. I ,�,
I we Obtained and think we are confer., ]PrQeiwd with flags, glorified with tri- from the Pitile3s rifle and m ouse" ; -, , - , .nee - ad. to produce a-crQP-IrAuch inferior to per 1head.' I . . . I I
- . achine Commons 1,1ox wali�zi I , . I , .. .1
ring. 0 by - publishing it - Ili , umPhs 1110 110104 by national vanity, gun fire Of _Iftn% I Aqdsred� --ffThis, esslY usecT or destjroye�ct-. is to make a . . . �
. -the BUIggr - Sfo*ly� �QV#bt'-;whGi he could no I t suppress clear gain in 'a. miItter in Aicb . 4 ! . I . I I 1.�
' I on- I I 9 .
on", =; and said, in effegt, . I , I .. .. . I L . .
part lie - it is all -wrong, Alre dy th-ao� --a-re bu sur mod- 1. � i . ------- , il
. . I . . I
* .4 t ely, however, the Serbian, regi- his Joy And exultatio' - ' ern wastefulne .. .
. that old men who'marry"wives' - signs that the minds of tile lead men pu h q,an event in . , as Is enormous. - � - - CHAPL ' , 4-y3Q. W04X , .. I
' I
. I much , I . era of ta, 8 I ad forwprd- Tile rattle of - which.the people of England- - bad the Would it not be Possible . . D I I EIR . S. . - fo . .. .. LLL -
I . .
. younger than'theflisselv" are the gain. -Iften-gre swinjing around to perceive- the � machine - to organ- FRON SuNsff 'JUT . -
I -."
0- ' . eJoice and exult I - oting the e7 Do.- Not Cbri . -g,iiiiceg tq , , � . , .1 : I .1 : .
. giins from .the first, line :gie4test cause to r I , ize a chea� means of .colle 'I ' Th ' i
I 1. . . era by the" unt n and are not such "old �'he utter borror and uselessness of of - trenchos coased as they were. Pitt also gave, restrained -appr � . . . era v I . goe Their -F) I . . � . � f
I �
- foole lax roany Pronounce thelm ". ,but war.' It Is distressing to , see what terw stormed At the.point of. the. bayonA, , the, treaty. � Oval to =e, -90 rhich aq burned ,up or � . Spirittial Needs of Tro6ps, � . - - , . . - .. I I . . . I.. * � � . � I '. , . . .. ;
that' -the Young women WiI6 ' rifle bluidgeoning, is. necessary . -W-V owedlbis event,, -Baid, � -to Waste. by-tha--millioli , Wriii,jik 0 '' ' R.A , , . -, , ... . I ., . . . . . . � '. .. ,., tl .
I . I . marry . to bring FIV40 minutes later we saw. long lines, he,46 the 4 st the work of. the Can&- -W T T" - WESTERN� AO.P.LB' . - . , ..
990 � . I I ,. .
I �
�thenl Are III V tbs,� the world mind away * gallantry of our fleets Zi every day in our great.cfiies?� . . ! dian- chaplains. in Fiance, Capti, Cha . . . . . "I . . : ... I -
r "young foolst . from. its mania of Bulkarian *isorfers pouring., down' armfies,And 'to that good -The destructigh ' . ay. � ARA DOING; ' ' - .' I . ,.
. . thli�r are eVer rbpute4- to be. The and back to reason, but reagoii must the moulitainside.11 -, . . conduct Ili � , of forests whiehIs G. . � . . . I , ,� . ,I
I . I ultimat�ly . . . . . . 1. � .the people of;England 'which he liver caused by our wagte.pap'er In .,so�. IX Roberti sends.sil'article to the -,. -. 1 4 . . 11 . .0 � I ,
.� . . . .. . 0 .1 .
. I
I � beneficial -effec ma Prevail.at whatever Cost. . . , ., —. :":— -, I . Considered as our beat security; and ,any directions is . the.-mo-st' 06nadialn�,Xinlste .k .-Of Militia, in part , . . .. . ell , I � - , - 11
# are all I I favor of the -*eputed "old , . I - . . ., I I I
I r � � * a W 41 . *, " I - 11 . "brious as -follb*s.--� - , - . . . .. I I . . . . � -�7, � , , .,--,:,. 1.1,
fOOL" , Persons, conselously or uncon� While referring to this' w -THE AUSSXAN SOLDIER.' . events -had Proved that A$ long ' as �eonsiderationjWtboniattdr, though . I ,o. Pkbgrefix of 'th"--jori t West. Tom -- I . �
. I . I P
. I ..'' I. � . — . I � ' -the people of England., w true to Justat thi'mbwent Itis the extra6r . -1 The rk f the 'Canadian'' Chap. i I . 0 . a . . . . � .� , ))
. SclQualr, allowing their. c 14ren to the prob � . ere , I . �.
. y .on I . 'themselves afid theii, rebrpse i tiv' . 1,- . � ,,- - - -04-----, � - -
� . I sleep- w . f ightori aifd fita , dinstrily high Price 044�ertbat -.is . -- . Polp . � ��
'hi able cloder . relation of the Ver Religi a a, Valiant r lain Awervicoofias be In *a Few - I '. .
� - , ith, old, AerisAts should take United States to' n, . r 7- � as. . -- On, -
I � I Very--soo a I n mind. . fiductod - - -----� — -- -
, - -p . - st- th --- -,-'-7--- -pg - � .. .
11, � ,.. � _ tTUe to their, t -i , * -o. ne�� Aiv-elopment �-ffo fis. - -- "' --�� ,
it-� " , . 'a . a, ey-had-noth-. - . rich -in resulta�--affd ,-do .: ragrap - I .. .1 .. .. �
. 'lirticle reaches thel I ' ' � � , alotig-'such-broa . I . .. .., I
Oisf- � - � �� - 6f W. if� - Ilve
Abla.warning. Itio-the-part,of tirtifi bl before -ill* .. � On erfUl rudurame . ,
rw 1!hg to -fear from external foes, in the consumption- of , qF humgi� ll�es, that , - . .� .
"� - wisdom. on the part 'of all parents 'to readers of this journal A Ic6iretp6lident of i , The Pf�per' has it is impds . . . . . .. . ),
. -we ghall. giv lie London. Blriu!iff Annual Reiister for 1802 Alm 'reached, great dim�en`gi I � ��
. . � q* I I , . ons within a sible to"do it aiiything. ap- * "Willions of dollars ' 'in the,Enatern . .
.1 . , . lexerelse vigilamee and pi6tect, their A. brief mention of anoth4r serious Times dra*r this, - �y short time . Prbaching *h , Btates,are�ready'for investifiene In,* ' I ..�
. .Picture of the Rug- recdrds, the immense popular satisfa'c4', vei justice wit Ili the space qf I
. offlo,pring from a robbdry.which can trouble that -alr4ady liodm6- large * In. sian soldier, ' I , and,it would be' in- a,newspaper artielp.. -The carrion ', " '.. ' . I I ' I
. . � . . . I tion. ,"It was tfie .opinion of a vast' tevesting .- to. Imow ' h6ii in I t Of British Columbla'inin6s;ll ould: A. ;'W. � ' . . .. '
.hever be repaired. Childreii- having the war probabilities, The moujik is inienself� I Uch . it 'the whol . I I. . , , I * . ,
. . . . ,
. a I . ZZ
I . Some .months - . religious, majority: -of 'the Br4ish nation' that, , amo liti , , struciure;has'be4n a. .B. Hodges receotSlfa; Victoria. , �, .,. . ..
disease should.never sleep With � other ago the ediltor'of "Nichi-Ni . chi', An an(r both'the Orthodox . and, IR � . I u to- in the general - assault 6f. purpose. and a unity The new Police 'hiat-i on at , el. . "I .., I
. : ,Child i . , , . I I � . Oman tile year lommetee&1fild I .r o - . harmony in' effort � . , I yancou- � , , ,
. ren. � '.. .1 . . c er highly, au- ( upon ou wo' d. �esources.
. 1.�. - "' - , '" important - .Tokyo, -dally . - ne.wg� a* Catholic i9e,rvicea held.,each, Sunday -in, �gpiloiou6 - eir tA I... , , � .. to the: --pap - � ..- We -refer WIllich are a consta, . . � ...�, *,.,,-,
,., ap..., . I I . .. T a teirWn-' er towol;L-:�Or rather .'so- nt influencv: for . -jathij7, tbill.'. . "' .. �
, : - . . i '4 1* * I" curds fices. ,h I � ver' seeks � reformation,
� � I :�,. � � ' tion, exceeds a quarter of . "Somewherd', fn'.Volhy�- .atfon of- our � arduous, called towel, fo t good . among our men, and which maj hishisient for the farnilo I 1�
. . , whose eirc6la ' a field.hog.pitaf � struggle. ior . r owe . , , � - Vu -'p i - .. . .
. . 1. niall ., � 11 �. .- l'it is not in any, 11 '' 01 � � detalfted'sit the L iisonerfs I -.1 I,..' - , ' , .
. I . -
This is the season of parliamentary A� million, every. -day 6J the Y�ar, . are crowded' to ,,drfl 9 , ever thing de I ' t tolerable, sell we serve --,,as. - an exam a to the . . .Police headq64rters.', . . . I .. i ,
� . sessions. - Truly, we ,often. pity � poll- ,regarding � � wrote Wh an Ov oNying Y ar to Britons, ,with- . An $a of: the Word. Is the 'churghles I Lieut., Evans . . - ,:, I
., 11. Ameriegn4aplaneae r 16- Ile, ov Were'it'not.so 15rear,ribed, onemy wh a torrents of economy. in, I a - W�rtb. while of at large. .The rep .I.E.s'cayivassi*n�r..i,h�..nQr'.. - . .'-�..
I ,IQ . . . OS I. aun erinlg, ' resentatives thorn mainland'ind uja . I . � -?l
at the men would never dream of ending. alon - qould ste-m.,..,and,.fr,om,whicii,.v�a tio,t:6f - -.the. I .in - J '" - " ,
I ticiano'-tor Ile, matter m0h � their ,cori- '�ionsf "The situation between Ameri .I, success we j each chureh� or . .
' I - ca, f when we consi thin, creed a �
' . h d ., e _ . -der both - - dl6tific _ -t46 . .. ... � . - .. I - I .rQ, mupreme I . c�� - ...... 1-.; ,-
Jr.. I -a;- -t� `. -
I . 5 as a ai .11 . ".
- 0110!�MaY be -the party;men, -must and41apanAs- like -.two t1%jn$ ia�ufiniftg "withou"'t -the 'evening had.retreated,�as far'its'Que,-Own im. raw material -i��i - - n- ii� . I
. Viet, ' . g.ntQvjng� p
�� .1. �. .
I . wri own fold. - The - org -' U . action. to se,L,sr!���--:!�k--�,.�;---.�,-,..4�-,-- la �7:.�,
C . .,�
, er,, 7i" Work , � I and tion of- the Can#- 'If- A I- - .1. �Ii- eilults, f6i, -tlf6-Un-k(T1W1f`2n0' ,. I .
I . � . .like -4be6P.-1oll6w. thdirl. lead ,Our 1, towards each Lother-on- A,, singla"frAdic, I pt1raa'y%a;yaftd �the'NatiQnal- Anthe � -i th I * " , , -1 tile t.o,we ,I# _ aniia . I . .
1. . ta. His ,mediate -I t ' " .0 owering of human dignity , ft . �
I , n erests were - Affected,, - a r . .
politicians are, slaves to party,, I And While Japan -is* cQ,neiii4tori. at ost,io, relil . with, ., h ' .#n service, nders ''. I .. . . 1�
. . I in I 91611, is ie. simple and natural that' hon6r; unintl3dired . iusing'of .it,? . � .1 . . . .. . as a whole,.,guaids the licreits of At Vancouver, the ,electorate, ]IM,* �.- - � �, *''
- timosanuat be untrue, .And the point ',Of h b .. I yesources;� addi- I � . . . - I � .
therefore at . I . uMiliation, America, for6lgners mistake i�t fl� I - .. � I .. V. I �.: .... zl. leac io 8 Q , I 1.� ..- ''. -
. �, . I — . �
. - ut it I . I r - - hypocrisy, tlon�,l territory; the charietbi' , *--:-� I . . .1,edihnsunion, and -guar& th " im-. ve'r.0d. th 'decision bf lagV year , -40 1. . . .
. I � � A, a a . � of 0 . I .. . em, �.
. Asloyal to,�thewzolves. They worship comes ruithin; part. -C . I Par I ,
,� . . 9 A lulfspeed' a , �f this man, and AO � - . . tia 13ve T have- seefl. aft- eneigeticA and, .have, .6rderea the Satu '
.. head,- I 11. . - Ai' I b I ''. ..". � QUAINT 'GE111- MARKET. --7 - - " * -
- afo . .. MY and. Navy -At th� -highest p May halt. - ,'.. � , ' . �-, - -,
.,4 0ish. How. iory humillatfi�g it And:.ftUgt.'takQ,'th ' - !roff'stig'himself"as readily wheripass, o . f 'reputation; our In 11 � , I I . .1
. p , .
� I -. nivat bewhen a- man hands ov a , re �pohsibiiitj I . - aritime. r I , Young Jewish rabbi comink lo a egnon �Plidw to -be changed to Weanciday, " '*
. . . , .er 'big Should 4 - cOliffict come ab0t." - Fe* Ing 01.4 of the. graves-=IjOwo; alas I only �tilons'ind laws, co __ egulg , ' — � , �- �, of the Chu' . for ' ,� I - ch . I ! I - � ..
,� . � � - rch of -England .7ortune tellers a - - . - iqw of . ce -. - .
' ' -
own intelligence *io,the' boas ,political People c6nipgrativelY are go , O:r too numorpusi all 0 n*ded for. vnth the * Diamolil'.BrOkers"Fr6id Many I�a � . . .Assist- � taiin 's6rts'wjll'h - --Pd pay . r- . - * . .. .; .. . ..
' � -% dzed . I ver. the fighting Nortliesih-pow uds ,incQ td, ebnaDle him �
� leader and is ifigni .era, gldri6us1Y':'Qablish- � - more effoetiv.'ely- to . 11 . Ave totreald'li liffy -n ,,, .. - �. � � -'., '. .;-%L%�'
pulAted a 1� [ � �- - ..- - .S�11' on Kerf�- ' ' . I.-
... I .' . -g,� A.. ma,� the . real. �seriousfiesg of. the - -. interns- -4"A�-As ,When -IlI6 bombs ain& shrap-- cd�' W1 b6iiMefice h� -t � - . tOffe.- 7.- -,- minister .to -;his 'scatteibli, - ftebja�w In Vkt6rlli front"'no 6nt'- Sor Way. -or - �. � .1 1. .-
. on,- , . Of tl�e in" � , I i� I ... . --1-17- ... I
- . - � �
��! . ; TiOnotte figure 14 a, side, - show. A tional'sAuation, being steadily fo'inant- 'nel-are falling all around. .'Internper-- AMP- . I . floiolC- All i - - - T ad is'Preparing- -to atarivon thejr � . .
� - . temper of .the Fiist Con y qu4I rivalries gire strictlY'ellm- 0
. ; I Ilt Corners -of Lon- tuat, I . . . I I . . . . . . I -
� . ! I . � I
. imember of Parliament ia expect;j to �4 owboth,'Ades of the Pacific, j, ate. lie is if.given the, chance, but ej, Pr 'Sul: of don, �erhaps the qdeeie t: . I � .. ed, except the high rivalry -of zeal traild.-;- . . I � . . - � . I
�. : )lot . apan . ahce 6116ife forth in the Oazzling as, .8 s .a spot I a . I �. , %. ,.. I I � tl.� � I I � I .1 � I
. .. d. vo decided-,"Opiniona 6f his: own. has he� problem of, 9, large �opulgtjon. iating regulations preclude such right in the,heart I ' ' ' Premier Brows r is in 0�iftmufiic
� . � se f -s crifice and 6ourage. I . . te I a-, ., ! �11T
.. . .4 era an thousands'of poun I Pital,:,wheie I It is, not, by Any means '.. . I - James' Loiijbeoa . . I . � �,
' '
. I
, 1. WhileAle is the'-pavty represent tive And tonistantlY growing. She is keen-' gdticli, and.he,f . ,Iiidul- ',gurances"of the Minist '' d those.' Of the ca ,
ights quite as valiantl 4
� I - Y *he acted with'them; andflies � dal wortli-of pre- . piritual.al I , to matters tion W th Sir . : re- . . . . I
. . . . . . � I .
I , -that-is a very a0propriate,name for 13r disappointed over the refusal of without his vddka,o thOU911-it was'free. aInces, were o� a asgur- e.10us jewels are sold on the kerbotome. .8 one that, th - tfi�eless- ener-' -garding addition Aecommod4ti 1i 4for . . I.. .
1� � ... � . �him-ln the Hiitfise, be mufstvOte,with AnlarIca, . I I I . . Utoo flattering a charge- - . . - 0 '. .
.� . - . 1, � ,. . -Canada and ' ly P�-ed,Utod that no Russian'c6ald'ao I of an�obscure. street bi - gi e Oteif. T -aoidl6ji 'In'th. PiG 11 ... I ....- 11.11.- .. '.
I � Auqralia -' , 1, ,ter not1to meet with ifiiplicit ' 24-0-f the-"C.C'.S. aie 0 I �.
- . I 'ek6div, - V diii"', " , .h c nvaleatdTit .
)Ili Politfe*l gang without afty qpes- lands of unlimited opportu ty--to O-' " I � . . � . .1 strith#e-look . e :, 13don., Vince. - ,,,
.. I � I . . I �,� . . .. . .
.- . I � service -looks , min.
. iij 11 . .. ene ra I . Owners of the.D611y Var - " I ,,
. .
- . , - tl6n or ttonviction (if his. own. At'th6 Permit 3apanese immigration. She if;� P i t . ting Xapoleon!s9DesIgn " ,- 4�rs-aand- merchant ' a and .dia- creal . after the comfort, '.. Te- ' claim � a,- se . I . -1. I I.. .. 1. I
. , - Ais lariguaie. is �arely obscene'And. a-,.* niond cutter .. ion and iniertaininent' -of ..the .Ing lit a de�tftatj --.--. � . "
� I
! "' ,.� 0 . . 0 � I � - gy says the. London Ex- troops'b in I— � toria, Asking. for -the Tight't .1- ,. .. .1 . I 11 J �
. .
. . - - 4noffig f- thv Pi�� bell and: the imll ndignant o1rer certain elements . novel! - blamphemous, and big tAlk, As Thus did the'vapt ftfajority,.Of . the pre3s.' . , . � � 0 Y eans of a highly--6rka on W. Vic .? -
I British - . . .1 . . niz�. - I 0. ay a .� . . .1 .. .1 ,
a ai8ie . E' se him through his . i's d,iarnond-studded'.thorqughtiar4 can- � 11 :
. . . ,6k.crack'of Uxe baify-,"whjj1i' evitr ift-the, tr atirilbrit of'Japdnege -in ,the' the rs *hd-nur . people'bdlileve'in the.pbrman- �' Th ' , tramway-6ft
. I man riushes into -the Hou� ' . I . . ad system of abldieis' instituteq, -th"liad to connect with . " , , - , .. I
I as -and re- Vrlit6d 'State' which Ae regaids as wounds know best" is as-,tll�t of a ,it_ ence; and security of the pealie.: few, leads out of Hatton' Garden; itself the teens and cinema. fallows,-which - kee �lw docks. . - ,. , -, . . . " .
-humiliating� Bt , . I ond,even f . Ur.; a - . . ., - . �
believe - � I . - p, . . ". .. . 11 I
6 ' tle child. Ignorant he is bay I �-confldent. - tradin ' out Work � oil - th' ' '' ` - I
. 'Cords'llis vote, frequentlY, w . keen. intellects Were not qo..' A I . them- 'of; nliachi4 . .. . .
' , ,
. . . : � ndf -knowing 6 t1 whit fhe'subjt;? ` �,,�', �.* * 1111 J111- . . . the rank And fil; of other Onq oFthein was- Windham.,' fte faar�' � ' g centre G the orthoddx w.bole� . . ef'or bor6dohi d .01,11 which . doik-Afid large sa,�r- , . �-,,, . . .,; . ...
� � I ' I . armidis, -but, I . sale jewel trade, Walk. along.' this I Ing the. peTiod whian.they Fome* baw' the Robert, Dollar CO.- are - 7 I ' . ... . I
. "' "L I.. - Bystander - Thosb %ihq, know the conditions in"' though his mind ad Napoleon's. designs, . "The only * sta act. iam6it any day between eleven -front the: trenches to the r constructing, on the. North ' Ann .- of: . '. . I
. . Iliattpr of the deba ", .works ve,ry, slowly, he - , .. est caimps, I . I I I
I verY'Appropriately called -this action -both countries consider, the'qituatio is filled with'. curios and anxious,to.: thing .which France wanted/ I . .. �: , �. ..: . I
1. ,
. . - n. learn .ity � - L he. de- - an4 three and yoru will .si - . This systeni is run, on a merely nomin- Purrard, Inlet, Is proceeding .with � all. � I . . I
l Pi : a weird I I � ,�.
tha` "rankest AAvbr3r." What .conduct seilous; and the[ problemsAdQ ... �. � , �, . .. ct4rod, "to-'enabl'o'ber ' to divid i ' with, -jumble -. of -1 -t iffil - t. al imargin of. pr o'fit; 7 '" . � .. I k
. I . mand the, . - -- - - � . a _ Possible degpatcb,�. 4-'
' . th.is country the si. an , 9 a eyed meir , and the accounts I . .. . I ' � . . .
- Could - be -,more like real 'slavery? - .. earnest study of the - best thifikers Ife"is, extraordinaril3F enduringi not : eanpire of the - s�as �'SOYAdtiwes they ' are* offleidily " FO , , . . . . ,1
. .1 1. I * 1. leved to b . � I
wa � . e -the', 31rat " 1. � � d � � .
. I .. .r-- 11 � America -and ig,-ib ` ,Pi6du , -muchin'h'Otipithl;�*hlir' h' ' : c in ,ee, four,, or ilveo,,and yq .. I I
.. . : �'�.�..� * * * P caVL $9, i -such 9-Tafticipatiori'ift 'o 'ffi,� th" ' ", , - . gatfigrJ ' � altdited,by- the.payings- tj�n�, � wb4tAs beli
- ce., So . a 6 , only erce�- r fl�'gro"Ipg 'of' ier'a Dep6iment, Narrow 8 its the in the Ind .. .
. . I
. I . is nerve is broken as 8 I r 'a little pa handsor . hl ' .in .
We are.,askdd 'what kind of gg've'ril- it',is important in the face, of the - comes to, wbenli I a ",to 'enable' hot to -extend -her 'navy; them. bending . ove .0 will see margin, it yields a a province ustritil- histori'Of 'the .. ' .
. . t pre- in the trenches, where, a � ' cket . . life profit' a S 1pinent. of achinery,- . . . I
will bliortl I . I I I
. .mefit we would 6ve if not a party 'sent strained rela tons with Germany III .officers 'tell th's participation she had now ob. �Wbich one of theid'has drwwn '' Which is the men aga'm' ,y be. sent from : yancou .
I Ver , - �
. .
-isueh'aa we have ridiculed?. 'Well,, and Austria thai our American,neigh- wonderful, tales ."of his'bravery and' in- ined.11 - It was'elear. that . Napoi - far from opulept-1 I ook from 'a in whatever form rhay seem to 1) . - - I
One I . ta
. I eon � I tf:i�b4n,.fii So4t:h Afrieb. . .."
I ,
' ' .
- discGfn�i , . I only biregthing spal6e, to `Pra� . .beards wag over 'a most.needid, - Wo Small part of .it goes . 11 It is stated that-indus �, -
we frankly confeMa that we hgve not ,bors should -be thinkinir, on these, r�at- I diff to either ganger ol - ing ! .overcoat' ,.. to be . . ... I
. . d experience enough in pa'rliamont- Zrtl�'eeaft ,wanted I Patriarc6l . .
... ha tors" for one Of the great Problesna of When Wounded he can - be - pare to contest with Britai maa- I delicate Pendant -,Of � . . to the pr6visi t goast . tri0a oh- the.�' I.- .' . . I I
1. . . , . " dia an on Of free coffee hot Wes - . ' Of Vancouver - Jsland are. . -1 . . I
a ,*- ,a , tery of the seas; and, thug 4 I . - .
. ary, business t;o Attempt to do a job the decades'Just ahead, I's the On of a.Stoic, as those realiz�. who 6ve t k� h th ,over 4merillds, 'or dark-visage'd . sd'raPidiy'that it,will be, �. . .
w 1. . , obtaln I coffoo--at. all hours of. day �r , night, developing � . I
� I
. . I ,
I Oil I * . d what he 'had Attained o � "' Jowa for the men who areifttering or leav necessary shortly to Put aft4har'boat � .
that the gi!patest statealpen i ''parill relations. with Asia:-wijh. en hint in - a motor the worl .
a. Pr 1ithi . .. - I .1.1
. I . New Japan .-ambulance' over, ver [from 'Russia, Belgium, A�erlca, I . on t' - . . . .
. . have.failed to accomplish.. ana NeWChIna. It is !ftfi. such i;a6 as satisfy the the Continent with big; . I
. I oftant, tooi I . latith , armic us- Ing ihetre If . � o meet the - ..
,.. . orities'. .. 1. � . aani'a) bourland, Amsterdam, " a 10r. 11 ight�111 -� .. .�,,�..,I,.�."I..AIIW"i"-I�'l�"LI-
'lifive had eXperience in county poun7l illat they think t in Russia. Aq Peemaional gr I and 46stria Ant, n1- � �.. 1. .. - 'Aft It -M -:.,. �
- - - -
� - . .. .- -Were. groveling before w-qr#,.XQW' York,,, L&dvain - It -,p-.. j.en a h I A. li6`d"' -thO Preva-, � - -.. ,t�,� - �
rq�olon . . , _,w ` -t
� , 1. � I I I_ - ruly -an&-aoberly,, utm gj----�jp , . , 6an is. -the �alg� - put: i 'he, b" , " ... .. .... , . W eparture from
fill, - F N 9ttlf 'is On at, ,
- .
. �618�facdtlous!Y 4u�bed ,"Shire Par-', not. hYatericAlly-and that. the peoplq 0 of the ago 111 The 'Czar had been . beguiled ,chapel, Vhite-44 chur�'bh ihilitant.pe lent custom %of hii- neighbors Ilgis., � " ' ' ' .' ' '
. ny he; . Stepney,; '.Lifnehou-s cufflirly,justi.* j . .
. liamenti,11 aifd the Public bt . e,*.,andlfl iti,t . been -started byMr.-MOQt Of .gad ., ,
. � lsfnese'lbiledt6 discriminate- betweenithe muit -suffer Wlibli,the ear into a friendly attitude. Only Britain Brig-�ton i as . I . .
. , . '' , .. .. , � hump *a -, er, .. - ' gaze Bollininly7on - itle. Where -the Wounded and I . .
. a 0 ra . . � I ,
. was transacted there v4thoto tipk,, ' - the bad' -.a � remained as the arch-enerity, th , Il- � - �1,,�J,e I - , I ." -
, -t ""If I tru.6 a d * .
, �'.' n the falise,. betwe -plice6, Vd. oven, tha� i d-.6 d ' '' '
., I .1 - ank .......-I I — no Paper an . which .�OJPIP ttl of I ead are, fail Feather RagpA ,Xt�y it
, _6
. -ati.0
. .
kty� I "ly h6grd-.--7 . - - . . - -- . .� '. J M` -s y6u,rA1""kZd . - - � , *,--WhO`--. I . -
gk . rr, ., - '', tm-flusre ,
, � ,.., .. .. 4� I�NS . .. .... *..-. 4Y1.0. "I'll 1--41. ",A A.,oplie I �. - � .
I . '. --1-11. . . ,Ill - of� �j - - --- I I � --
It-re , goes o -9091' ""A'Hd��t�M:,-"":'�,,�*--,*'�-' �. . . � . _ . �eVj .. _� I Ol�W e �i:Lli
ia1Q1. � - -. . Im. -An � -.ufDMtAIAi4#Iiffi", ; ,,, - Y-ArD, Y-ff� eang - . rZi,'
. emeffibirg -in"to: acin - ea issues and insidious, pfr ` "' �11, ; � 5.0 ace . etween hi � I . 1T--i`i'4!,1 ,-,^,-- -w ns. .1
1�a WhIP-Ld lasb7th ' f , -g of'r- ff . -b-T-16--ri , -- , 3ny- , 11 dren,!' The- i; 'Alft
-- . -- ... of. '. _7 - - .
! ,a - . � ingA ve , -- I - Ill _ __ , -L
- -sp0d - , li�e-�*"-"�'�"t""�th-e---,w--a-�-r--s . .. . ...... a erl i ewas ftleeded -to , -.-- '-�colnflni I . I . I q, - -1 � - I . I -T- —, I
�--tl ivo �Ine-ups- 16 -*, fbrft.t&& susPiclon,an hostility, f a - . ---t-041, , air .... � I I .
1,01 --tb 1 - ,
111u, -AcAllm4mr". ri e an --As i atie - -- probl&h 8 - - - *,w i I I t_l,6agt__W4W._ of .not - � . a - - He ----"'- � - ' I functionall, They -afe I � The Vancou . I . . . .., '. � '. ,
I -have taken out -the- ,
. , lo"If4ho-an , -0 pare--for-thi S,fiff,9946.". -had re- - - *he'll -He Sat D wn. - - - , . I .in and in. . � Val, Poultry and -pet
� I -0.
Al meetings of great fr ` t to ceived -In �thd settlement the French . 8 . .
.. . . aternalAnd , pot be, solved on a basis - of complete shirk his� part. ' ' .. , � 1. . I n the stre er earers, the am. tock AssociAtiol"A',exhibitio . �
gion � I . . polonieg,11ritain had, taken, and w 0 � . . .. . .. I
. ]roil , a organizations; and theta national selfishness. If"the - ' . .. ... 1. A kl�al magnate who rarely'Makes, n, g ' , �
' United ... - . ---0- —1— . . as . ' I sbpulra' ce. .men, a, Ur eons. Their ing4eld 'at Vancouver 'and Ad � total " , , . ".
. . ,,
Wer#-,fto'pArtX affillatious, but 'States is to secure her rig ts in A ' -�, WHA "ABOtIT YOUR SEED? , st'O a set opeech, was agk��d to d activitie P' 6eeds are1of thb. . I I
V - .every h . . . where 'he had 0 djn the beginnin � ellyer an 8 gre limited only I I
she thinks th' . xIA I . . T � * � g� on -at a home. . . .
nlaft,*Ais �"S sAid,*a�- given the �'whatvver ' . . �. so fai as o . . orati " . , . -by the needs rd I I woun4d joldleigo , - I ' I I .
� ey are -she ' I . - I �. verseas Possessions were . war fund . gathering to Of � the, .situation. - 6f instince,'dur- , .
. lilierty to, Utter and, express �t be ready to . I cOncerned.-Britain badrethin6, ' which, he, ad lib . -Tfielatoft Va . ,� . � I , .. .
'. � � (his eon-; Mus grant to JApAft-And I The season for Purchasing se0 ii� at � � subsdribed.TilIg .-the second battle of. Yj)res ,thel.: ncouver , Agn to, r' .
.� victions) according. to -the 4 . � d Malta, When— hq -returned Thro'21Y b wff. , I Padres Ati diff � . . e-, - . - � � ..... �
my . * go _ iotatgs of I to " diina, too-,,thcir Wleged iigbtsr, )fand-and.-the-thoughtful -=-ill - r - I - Wid- a��,,Ceylon�-butth6sewere .---- is' in., n -quapters of- -'cei'V4 militAry 'honors' la * ' ' I .
I I a to come in be ixamining farmif .not � .. : . .'' �.6 em- t, Oap.pe'r -, , . .. . I
. O" Conscitheie above every other Aiiierleans do not desir. to 'I. Of directillipOrtance to hird. in his, qu"ed' - I .. . . .. ., I -�- .. the' battlefield - Organf*'ed `vOfu-btaryf-Arthur �'If. ' ,Black, wh& ho - . . I ��
f , 'i,is to ed� Ma i.scheme of colonial expgrilsioll, , "How WA , I .t.. s been' , " I .L % .* . . . . . . �
ness Was cir armed cOlIflict WitliJapan. they. - must I stands in the inatter of se . . There- a ,Your speech received , strottcher4l�arer par les, guided them I ....
. , ljberty� Ana the bust . . Bee how he I awarde'd the D -b -M. .for Wis. work. in' �
I : , tied on moist satisfactorily And' see 'to it very'goon. that at least Am. find iheir bins dbiolutely emp Ifyifore he began his quiet Work,9f 111.16hard?" . .. L .. ) 4. u i , ed Xo mall trench repairin wis . . . . I .
I . "'Vilb. I . A. P n 1i; Land,'Sand . - �heavy . 11 I
wit , � . I ty " or i .or- ,, I . �
' . I .
serious dige6rd. - . . iricaft , - - - tiallki. full of an , orcos. - , I . WhY'l replie'd'h�r husband, tih .'rith. them. �0) -,I w.orkid'�.fire, . . 9 .1le lifider . � . . .
Policies and practice' g ieing his f I .. � ., _ght . '�. 1. tl
. I � s, are, set par � ifto� _nfg�i I I . 1,1- I -
. Poor Iff, . ind... to , - � � _ _f ndz , "
- .... - . .# - 1. , .... '1WR.-- ,..-', � .. I - b 1. eY. . '. - .. 1;. -lflh-. ... -1 - � I � - "' I— 1, I—— ---------1 'i
--- � CH eas at its care- �' �-';.; Q son rgi reparati6fi.. . . e very eartily. - ln-�v Ing And bringing , oUt the. Wolfnd;�d, a Rev. X Thontag _ , -1 � .. � ...
. en Ing . .. � deed I I . representing . : - � L ,,
, ,Mtwr sitt- di �'board meetings' 'of' to. adjustAifficulties 'and Itn6ulifit-moni z*e ful 'consideration be6aus � - it , Sir Richard Lucre told me 'that i In this tas� o I the Social Borvice Cou " * . 1"...
'4''�-l Z'* *'�,.*.:,.,.��-I.."-�..-�...�'...���- I -Aght�- -for- -itw1I1bL;,- g6 - --gr,61 _ 1 '. Vlleia P - , 'C6119-Mulated-4hi- ' - It 1 %
�, . I T-
. Al- - 1116S.e'�Abe S66&-altuaii6n- iii��
a a coraparg-,. was on)ra "few Months after when I sat down he s I 4 - ne, of -the Padres was. I net] Fit Victoria".. .. . 1, .. �, .
. ! learn , I 'institutions# large stock eon., a of the two . � that British .publ' . I . . I aid to himself it' 'taken Prisonen 'At the Som 0, i receA . . . . i
. 1111alle at, . 1 the eolicies find interest ' tively largo -ca'sh-outla�y.,will be nedes- Ic' wive . . � ille, t �',, . a grmlt of -4250 from th liq ' ' - ' . 11
P e Rn-, . .
4, and othergyeat businegs - . �., ITLIM Pare IN' Vag, the beot'thf 9 .1 'had � ever done!" 10he of, the Padres.. organized tee, to bring an (Sdtic#.� I .
r !nations nOW-before frresponaibl� agi-,sary owing tobigh prices. Vzoodseed" � , . . . In
. ente I I I I . - ,11. I I ance Cl3minit ' .
I ----- . . -.-..---. I I . .. I . a rescue . ...'. .. � ,�, � 1. -J
as Asserted it� tatort get busy;4�so that America a - - absolute necessity f Dr profliable, - ' . . , . UP-4nder -&4417-- -.0felf . n he*1t1jex"1,1,�,-iOth, .. , I
priseg, the ,question, h' . nd is an . � � . . , pa,ityg. led it.' Aionalid,'6ugo l'o, a* I . .1-
I — - -- I'll I I . 1.
. . . .
I .: . 'ege� lal: s . . * -- - fire,. and.brought. back ten Wounded; ty' - , I , .,f
self, it * '9�.Ajsemblipfs�ptmen, Japan. ahalLh6t-.be. 41k6 --two- , train - 1production .-and alew cents or even I �- I . I . 1-.1.11---,- ,. . .I � I 1. . - �-�-�, -- .. : - l ell . . . -
I 1ft6t ta idnslder� important bxisffin rushitig to,A b6ad-on collisi I . I I --- -- -1 I I I ?�*
- on, but ra- I 001larg -must not 'stand, in th , 6. ", .., . I g men who h.4d been lying,it. a StandardizatRoa . t
. I a w, 6 1 - 1. . I
sueq, can, tiangaot such r 1Y , of' .,�. 6 . I ��'-,'- ."-. ", �: , , . .. . t�ench.! - G.f.,.te4i - - , , -1�
no ther "like brotbe' � . . � ers, -cor. - .�� ),
. �1. �.
... mootous-, ra vying- - s orticle'. Use'. .. 1, days - The. trench was - one 8 for the fourtoeft Waiteiff pro- - .. ,
With -'ea�h Obtaining - a, fyst�.ct&s ' .";'k , " ,�- -i f6f foll [66tate'
. a 'I ,W, ;1. .
. ,
. Undertakings wlthOuk the member ' -,other in.inutual,belpful co�Operatipit.!# On#rio grpwn see "I I cut off front * vine.ea is ,on6' of the queations, that , , I .
Ing d0finite- party, s8c- , --------#*%— . , ., d `wher6 possible, � I -1 -1 I our lines and Occupied In I . I
. orgAilized 'fit .
tions, poliffical or otiferwl,ge, -wh . I and it is possible, but if imported seed x I .1 I I I Part by the Germans, An I Ives of tile eduL,4t1r0II 10 �, - 1,
. y � c4rl � � Times Havlet ChangedL .1 other of our 1 rePMentat' * ill de�, - -.. '', I * I
and: provincial. p lig-1 , Little Mildred. icanfo home fftfil,'a I is to be used thst It for' goermination . I ,Padres Was wounded willie feb"Jng I PalItMents of Manitoba . . � lk
tot , federal . . . I , P 04sk4tche-� I � ;
. ,thoroughly and slose that it i� 4,6G-., 11" IXtistralian woiInded it Mouquej-pano pwaft, Alberta and Britiab Coluinhili - �t'lt
meilts be c0ndllettd along similar in- daylo- visit in the home of little 'Har, ' lutelY. free ff0ftl weed seeds, WeAtera I I ,�; ... ; .. 11� I liufrl�e. to say that three OXG,`8 an� Ar now consl ering, , . . � I .) ,�
. I I
`dep6ndent lines 4 But'WehAV6 beon�rlot..- I . I seed is quite . I 11:11, . � live . .a ld , . . . U
. -- I . I e been ' -*-----. I
. gous and representative governm6lits manling,".siaid Mildred. , W a, to .1hel - year rau'ch will.be,used for seed, I ' 1, I I I I 11 .1 award"'d ar"100119 the Padres, , while At. Grips With A,-Leoparjj. � 11 . � .41, . I
. 'She t ked h n the neeessity'for Jk4 genhing. I - .5[.1 .
. must be composied.of partizait G al , e ce - ,�, I many more sugh h6n06 have bebn am, A correspo , pdont in pbrt r I .
fold that the c6' . � I . I � frc0ently' frosted gild i . '.1 .. I Military Crosses - hav . 41.
Aditions, are not anala. i "86 wAg awfully rlid - this " .
1'�,�'..,. . i 12� 1 , �, gli2ftbeth I . . .
I 1-4,W-1,.1. � . � �'PTY-rlefwrved. * It '"'lignificillt to note South Africa; Of.th6 London EXpr6$S;' . - - �
� k99n- CrOss to me, alid'she wouldn't let me "6011 test, This'polhi; ,cannot be -too � �. ,�. , I 11 , .
. . �.
o- 1,
i1-440119. SO the old system. goes on, Play with her dol1g, and She told hie Airmly empbgsized. I I I . -1 &`� - ;,, ,�, , I , � that of the thirty - �adres� who ' .
age after age� Afen'aro brouglit out her father was richer than inine, and If unable to pr , - , , , -.1 � 1-1 , , - '11, . 11 V 1-1 -11, left; sent dil ACOOlItIt of a thril ]hg battle ' . . go . "
. I I I In betWeer, a
Ag candidatoa by party. Conventions, i6verything." . ocurla suitable seed I I CanddA with out- first contingent ..; Bri .
I oil your own Initiative v�rrjtb oreall Oil . , . . S6ptember,'1914# tiltere are ,how only grown tiall officer ,ail(l a full. I I 11 I .
And when -6160ted they, bellave that Ii. ' "'Why -didn't YOU.como home?" ask. your bistrict,Aepre�gntative nine remaining in the 1141d, 10MA146 leopard Ili, Germtkyl IRAst . . . I
lis their dutY16 su ed� 1, n �� I �'. . 7 Africa'- An expeditionarX
-pport their part* in the mother. "ThAt's What I should I willp(lt,76tl in toueh vvith growerg.ol . . . . . 11 ... . , -- ' force wa
the HOUKe, Whether they, bell ve, the .have done if & playmate, � .. - 11 " .. 4 � I I I . -----+---- - Oti'the- march when the 6niffial. I 1. I * J1 I .
16 had tr"W good teed. Also if Y*4 arcr in doubt Ank Son' To A' Ula ''
. .
I paftsv Is right Of wron Th were Md that WAy wher' I was it llittle girl to as to the 90fibihation power of I .... I .. 9 urrender. . sighted, -and Lieut, 136u;wa droppol I .1 I I I
elected- ob the part�- &1k ey' your U . A Canadigyl. just b out to &Y a shot, The 1,00 . . . ;
go seQ4 have it ant to Ottawa for proper 4 I I I ack in England denly charged . PArd aud,, I 11 � I..
Ot gild no "MAYhO that's What You would bA;e 1, I! . from r',��,01�e--s4YR.-that,Gerivali,troo
I Matter What 11APPOns, *hen the -party done, thaftima,l) Atildredtitplied. But Usting ,or do, it youiself. Testing - .. I I 11 -11� - - . thg offiaej,Ah&Mt*1W#- , - --------- �- I '- �
� string IF V01164 fheY jump up, They times hivi I I ye been well fed hither 'he 06tild -do
� e changed' Riftca YOU Were will be done,withoilt chrsrge and in� , I ;,".. I I VVAS jam his k �
must Perforde vot'a At the 04ck qf the little girl. W,hen ,, Har,tjot 0i StrUetiona 'given mere1q, for Jhe 4, .11 I I 1� — 911111t. doierforation ig to, but that It. ifle, In thi..." ,., I I I I
� qgk. ,Ile I I � OP011 MOUth of. the. beg4t, I I
. ul�te 11 ,;, � � 01OMM In their gundlos of .
. , ,� '. I .
� PAAY WhiP'- ' thug PtIblic llfe� % do. mean I Juat slapped her f , . I 11 ,! i ., � . q. food reeently.. yoJII)g4 burning grass were thrown toward the . I
. 0a dha MAY- � Ing, TherOfOre test 7ourseed, 11 � ! 32� Fr7. — I ,,, ., Germans sur, animal to ,11str4et 1101. IIttelit.10ft
f KrAded-grtAt '1#"Os 4rd Tb3t sight,of, ed." . . . -----� &.-- " . , . 1. . - 1- ." - rendering declare that their frobi .1
What is ImOrt Pitiful than this? 4.---�- . . I . . ASICed therd to do mothers Lieut. Bou,%�Orl who wfl�� ,�. '' I
4o #� 0 * . I When a Belgian Army, Newly gouloped, gen 'to The weatller at ,- - . �. .,
. , I
, 0 e. 'the front bag Well P' I If fiWilly sent 3 I I .
SftGW IS r . . dy to Groat',01yonsIT'
. .aid" tO. I b6 the poor ' Oil Wa Costly. , . ... . elletratihg. (,gna. , 4nd Dr. Zvor'llasle, -badlyllurf
' ha'
dI" ' h
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i ...0 ............. W...,. -_-
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Jn his
- 're_
� Jodl.,,r,n 4ectrle ligolfflng costs about� Firot- otheial � tolgluol. photograplis to ai�riva Ill thi, ' diang feel it an mu��b A.g. th I Uni-dunt bullet horAe, N# 11 .
ing people on this dwinent'dakite tho , - man nd it ig�4ft . 6.4 . . 01 � nt " 1) . q d in Caradm ' ,:' e�x (10 � tile tile caroer of that,leoDAj%&, closed I .
; I TtPP"MOst in thO mindlq Of 'All r6td- fortilizer, a . I !t� � lu M:Oul, Country ilhowing the 0 . d , blell I I
�, - -st A16i ,A%, wlio dtpe��a oij it j4, nd tio , . y -fifth ""'j inuell g7 Ill �M' 'low equ'Volent Of thO gelgian ArMY f3 Preparation for their great oty . . 1� .
. . �', I -1 can. V;Wch Will bo, lawi�oho,d ghortlr. .1. � �.
. i6 be poor; 0TWIn to*. -or candles St ten 6 I - I I . � . I I � I I
#a A Ut been the tension, ex. I 0 1. I " tury cluo. , I . . Photo SLOVIS the Belgian arblor , t(I S "110Tbe fools aro not .fill dt!a, Iluesti
" 11111 , , I it ig a
I . with maelline guns, au
. .. � 0. . I . , I yeti, I It Oil r1a.. to - whet'l or 016 .1 .
� I . .1 � I '. I . . she-Thaeb its 'true go Y()U li,V I:. flt,011`60, Can Cover .4 Riven .dl I . .
I I I - I � $1 . � � .1 � 04 n titilelter,time than Wants .
I I I . . . . � I . . . I an 1080)thi �
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