HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1917-03-15, Page 4ristritos *ant rebiimeit Amy Ilessow OMNI Leigia" sx seactlinotatt. Po/41esse 11411sr. • se, lauginew. y.ot month in titti telt, tita11 Vit •t vi2114m, Noi lir, nrigal W1,42Lki /. kikkat4Ob 44 WO MOW A1•16 44.44,‘ Dente! u. ItoWL ii,lr A. ih 1/11101 UP Os In lotus Tosiwatern_ Uiiu *We, crowning In WON rogotar lit. iv 4 wade bur. W 9. It W. Ihinitit.mgroo ingintow. ont, .4,1u ors &i:Trlifforritintiola titsratai: rtullrttglat %Vat Alumaing piatend /406 ' CENTRAL sienwrrono. 01411*...,. • Ootarloi Best Ilosloese • College suy.unio now rigor our eleeiee at any time. Conn:mice your course now end be ..quirlined for * ;pillion by mideitituntr. During ruly end Aug. net of lestvear we received. rills kir over 200 *Ince gailatards witcould not supply,. Orir. graduate*, ere in de. mend, 'Write et Once for our Ire esteloguet Di A. Met,ACHiAlls facipali GRAND TRUNK 7,4;Atiltif WINTER TOURS. SPECIAL FaTet now in effect to resorts Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Louisiana and other, Soutivin States, and to Bermuda and. the West. Indieri. • Relorie Limit Mo 3.1st; 101bend STOP;OVERS ALLOWED • ror rtin informetion write to E. 'HORNINat Thlon Otetioto Toronto, Ont. 0, MA'AM *pots totelenow. no di • \ ,FREE „BROS; Studio,- eLicknow, ken mondow,,• Tuesday, end Wetineeday. '„,. Now 1st the time hav that Family .0r0s0 t.okkom :while they aril all at hams, , Man& •Iiiies Maeda W114.'08011. has been on • •the .siek 'lit for the petit week. .• Alfred Pinfirtnek hos been ;engaged , Sv‘th B, Wilkituton •fer Work, • '. • MION Agnie'llouleten Spoilt few.days. :with bee elater,•Mrst.CYril Campbell, er , tho ortior--Of-•-•tlio• lley, around•theap:ptirok404.0,LAilieloot 40..n.send: to .the 1100 in. Lite trenches. •:' • Wattielv--:111110.-O0 Thursday, Mer, 1SL Mime 'Seidl! et Pine -River,' united in marriage with Mr. Welter of t/liVet. • We Join in wiellinii 14r.iArld.,Atrik Widdell A )044 'Anti' Preto porous journey through life;. The MOM* . hero of tiltvet eheir end Young Mon's Bible these presented Airs -.•.,taektirci-iiiid'air- oak- ' Donl'Ilivogatarrh- Ono. efficient way to remove • , nasal catarrh is to treat Its cause which in most is pliyakid • Weakttest.. The system needs more oil and easily digested • liquid.food, and you should take spoonful of • • • COTT' Ellen! after _EkaCh ttlegi."0 enrich your blood and help heal the sensi. live ntembaneti with hi pure proportles. , The of this Strittla Arninision treatment will surprise those who have. used irritating snuffs and vapors, lit till 0.11/1111" • ••••• To ANY• 114416641 004,ferdliTpla WWI 14 SAW Ate 116- ta Nadal /to *aloof soak, a Ilona _in, sc, 4 040 01 100440 asi osely • ualik, l. pow Wham allaawor 44aratia &aired, both c14 as4 LW sow Wpm. ihookt Adviwilstair *imam. 1Jiy 401f41014,010144100-14444 kaolin 40 it 11170,40, Awoul4.04414041144 thie. wow igee, Youipi.o0114.11,91ati far silo glo each Wier Won moirouaraiess - Tor Sala. To Root, Witatt04 104.14ralittl, 00. Mu thartioft A'cr, , NH U4ibt insertion; sPneini Looal moors. riots/444.mi pa Ono pOr HJ attlasSO molt ratio( Oa to molar 4 lay a4vartimen, 4401 'minks .414-floollit4 XVilUtit 4144 50, PIN HMI, iiunot1441410Ilian 41o4 1401 Ovettlistnit mesa 3o 1*V1419, AwKlan $44141id orkof nor IC4 m NW, tuor nOtIse 10o oar fine for irat fossillon 50 fur fools usrquint lavordan. Placipiaccel 1 rya want 1111141 fur I, • hey roast alio, Ilieelriect el wIllik folk etierielsrr'irceaftefaey kielvklueler enricher ties, le he cookie**d edveriloweeet thriteed 1100n111111y. . jushigmetereeetsle three. end water we TRUBSDAY, MA11011 16th, 1917 . 04's come felt '1st Bois% a rasa of goarrrous impales r Tether than Haig tot thought, Henry F44 doss easy worthy Skimp a. well 44 rettee'verv foolaili thing* His pewit touvitimint December, 191.5, infought 1441 no end of ridicule, and ftlIlt;! w� roiiming but ihoughtleee act e hive fare 1 idenit Aft beilly, lilt Mr Ford rot shays elorg, A Ilrecent home ef the Tnninto ir:Jeuttay horld contaioed an article reletiog what lie and hie wife have done, and are clang for destitute(' Belgian* in Eng. land, The lioni-lesa men, women and iiten errivine to Boelami with sit thiog but dee oottiics they wore, were Jose tho sork appratt to Mr. Font's heart, and he has done much to comfort them 1 *feu veri ni; lartOr unoccupied conntry.residenee Cheshire, be rented it, at a colt of 41140 per mohth,'fitted it np as 4 shelter for, the rehtgeee, awl put one -of callable suberdinates in charge. About' 100 can be AceP4101lated At 4 think in the shelter and more than a thouttand have found tittere s temporary residence since it W.14 °period, The cost to Mr. Ford up to Jan 14, 1017, was abou• t A (Iona 4.1411111TATION. $70,000.. Those who do work about the institu. tion are 04 front $3 to *a 00 -Per week, end °there are allowed 00e per week for spending looney. This go eti work eau be only e email factor in the way Of relieving the suffer. ing of the uefortune Belgiena, who were fortunate enough to metro their way to tit It in a greet dettl for ono 'Mau to do, 'truffle thousands of mike (waitron') the scene of trettolo. MINIMMPOPROMOZ. 11 Wien110 a little+, Aboard to give the wotuan Of 0414r10 dm right to vote but 01 the rleht to become membere of the giolatore, The women, of e,ourse, cp soon Ili that for theineelves, 1,1 they want the,vight to sit in the Provincial. Parliament they voll support candidates who are prepared to extend that prive: lege lo them. Doubtless, the more rig. grossly°element in the women's movo. meat will demand that privolege at once. It would hive been more loudness like for the Government to have given the women full Political rights et once than to hoe the question of Sitting In ptyliA. mantle belouglitout in the neerfuture The limitation. shows how grudgingly even the right to vote Wit e gratited[ Quite evidently there was no intentloor whittever on tho part of the cleverninent toolve the vote to women end nothing would have, been done lied not Mr. Howell foreed,the issue," As it le, "as little Al 1)04111144 Was given, • • Tilt PRICE or POTATOES o carotid enquiry regarding- the reapply of potateett in the nountrY, :the Depirtment of Agrieolturn .41 WAWA. 1444 made tbo surprising impeoneetnetit thet titer° aril in . Canada about two Million bushels- of potatoes More than. la 1104A11Y requketl seid and food...per. Ore* Soilt seems there nun° good lasso, st all for the throe end four...dollar pek g pr eite wbIoIt prevailed ale'w weeks sae. The high prleee may be attributed to eomething jikta Panic ovilie sn the poblie anti hold-up by tint Middle men. " The middle -men. s who deal In. Nod stuffs which are n00essitt7 io 110(1l 111111 and coittfortehlolivieglertaittly -Kt:under reetraine, - Thero is now Itittlt 10 the_orgaelzetion tif capital t e".combleolott 'ef lansinestimeit:. •tteltleve A'set purpose, The grain .trit Of aeon itekeountries•• 1115 clamida the United. States. tam be "corner0 ',the meat tredo large -controls. Jo el% Iptitated150 as 10 greatly ,Inereetto t 'Cott* tite oonittitnere, and the tepee; tree Of egga, bittor 'Sint,: In sock itablesitieles Of food, . Mile report by the Dominion Depart - went of Agriculture:is moat timely and enlightening. It /Ionia Put the pnblie upon. Remit against .0oniers and etude nrioes,, and it mliould also reetilt. of opinion epee governinieiit tha1". bicieken, to oirevent the roonirtinco of momebutiea in the ftituro. ler..horierer,Hiati oxtromely .0,!11!), There wilt now bo n )IVolytninb10- 411: the prico of .pottitooa, and -those who were Itoldlog 00 Itt order Co make Sure of thevery top prim).- Will experience tit() naiad. disappointment. • • THE ERITISI1 SAILOR Speaking in favor. of a resolution • by the Onbittie .I4egis4a.4y.e,,witnreLs4fLaitt, eourse of thW Allies in tin) presecutiort of -the Wart Mr; oU peldthe following tribute to the eourego of thelhotoilt • "When Oeititenyl4nalotino4d the re. eumption °t -sin unlimited solitearine etuepaltut to take elfeet on February 1, a greet teeny ships were doe to omit on thet dent front Now, York, lilvery• Aminioan, every neutral ship wee tiod . u1 but ono gallant Bridal* eitip, with the Union jeek floating, sailed out; of 'New York Itarime mat ell tim ahipa et ". mutter and braved the iinkteiwn peril of the Ilea with All th4 etnirlig4 Of 1 hlke. of Ila *kink aud of Neloon,* (Ap. plens0 It la teet;aphit in the. boort And soul ci tito It la thet apirit lit the heart end aeidef the British soldier, it la thet apirit inspir. ing the Ilritieli people that, will not altirk hey tlenger tut will dieelimge the fttfl duty, which is the autest par. 'Attie of pormaneot vietery. (Ap. photo.) It meant keit AA inueli to motile, proceeded Sit 11,ewe11 filet the man end brutal colleeptiort tiest eti. restrieted Might thelikt prevail we 11,041111111t milt did le 11011066,4 ezz•-zz •-•••-••• THE NEXT IsTEP IPPOIIISITION Tire. next !Joey°. for Criniulirin_teamer. Knee Workera to Natienal Prohibitien. 'Provineltd nrobibitiOnla doing a great' fttet,'14 euristasing beat i'ltpeetatione; but tire ohne of them :who r•Wriiild put 4i4k Ond to the iletnereliiing treille in booxiettete cannot be ittteined.• dettlerain one proVineti -are per. mitttedto aell to -their neighbors in the with •• • The very satisfitetery reettito 0111e prolobition feat) Itt Ontado, Manitoba, Seskatehowlin.Med Alberta eirgeeete that Natioriiii.Proliitiltilm.wili he '4 Net, JO .04mi4a before.ruenY years,' , AU RON '.i.OUNTY Ur II NAM! $11011t et Harlot; loft -twit week • for •'burro,' taking ith • him 'three t.�t loto do (a, fikelli bitOOk; fOrty 1)11114. Arid tiireKsCii I . BOv, ;I: A,11ohinaon rector' of 8t P ••. , us1s 011410h, Cliehtett, has how op poteted *Iteratbean. foi lItt, County -of HAI' lit Oki , • 11.1.0iiit0Ont which nuntin. I4ON 1(1101114. 1.4 ti • F./ :1;lotitsoloy, !Lib. is t911 INVIIIIMMIRMEMOIMOVINEMIUMIEMIX284=MIRIMM12842101 WA R LOAN ,DOMINION OF .,c-ANADA, Is , Issue of $150,000,000 5% Bonds Maturing 1st March, 19371 -----, kV Pityable at par at Ottawa, Halifax* $t John,. Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, 181 Winnipeg,_ Regina, calgikry, Victoria, and 'at the Agency, ofs, _,. _ _, • kil . the Bank of AfOistrian New 'y'crk City. IV IS INTEREST'. PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY, let MARCH, 1st SEPMVIBPIL MI N/ . MI ig 1 Wi IN • PRINCIPAL .AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD ; .M.S.LIE PRICE 964 A "LILL IIALF-YEAR'S INTEREST WX1.1. 13E iAlp 'ON lst • SEPTRMBER, 1917. , TUE PROCEEDS OF TUE LOAN w1141, BE USED FOR. VVAR PORPQSF:$ ONLY,: . _Tux Mamma orFirrelwe offers herewith, on behalf of the Government, the above -tamed Bonds. for Stthscrip- Con at 90, payable as follows: - 19 per cent on application; 30 " 16th April, 1917; 30 . " 16th.Alay, 1917; . -20 " 15th Juno, 1917. . The total allotment of bonds of this issue will be limited to one hundred and fifty million dollars, exclusive • of the amount (if any) paid .for by the surrender of bonds as the equivalent of cash under the terms Of the War Hi Loan prospectus .of 22nd November, 1918. „ NI The instalments may be paid in full on the 10th day of /April, 1017, or on any instalment due date thereafter, under . discount At the rate of four per cent per annum. All payments are to be made to a chartered bank for the credit of the Minister of Irnance, +V.ailure to pay any to forfeiture and the allotm nt to cancellation. + ' i instalment when due will re der .preihnor pap -omits liable Subscriptions, accompanied by a deposit of - ten ,per cent of the amount subscribed, must be fornrarded tlirough - the medium of a chartered bank; •Any branch in Canada of any chartered =bank Will Me' bscriptions- and :issue provutional receipts. - Thie 1040 lil• authorized,. u c1,4 t of the Parlianaent ,of ,Canada, and both pririei a d interest will be a" ,,charge upon the Consobtlate venue Fund. Forme of application may be obtained from any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and at the office of any . Assistant Receiver General in tanada.__ _ _ Iltibseriptions must be for even hundreds of dollars. • In 'MO of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be tallied towards 1:ntytnent of., the amount rdue on the April inetalment, 4- . , , Scrip certincat s, non-negotiable or payable to hearer in accordance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds,. will be issued, 'after allotment, in exchange for the provisional receipts. " When the scrip certificates have been paid in full and payment' endorsed . thereon •by the bank, taceiviog , the intindy, 'they titay heleXchanged for -bends," When prepared', with 0-09003 -fittitehed,Ttiityab,le to hearer or registered as . to prineipal, or for fully?. regietered bonds, when prepared, without coupons, in accordance with • the application. • • • PeliverY of scrip certificates tioa'ri of bowie will be .made through the chartered banks. The issue will be exempt from taxes -including any income tax --imposed in pursuance of legislation enacted by the Parliament of Canada, • . The bonds with coupons will be issued in denominations of $100, $500, $1,000. Fully registered bonds without MAI coupons will be issued in denominations of $1,000, $5,000 N. or eny authorized multiple of $5,000, leo • 1" • The bonds will be paid at ;nativity 'at par at the office . of tho Minister of Finance and Receiver Genera' at Ottawa, or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General . at Halifax 'St. John, Charlottetown," Montreal, TOronto, . Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or ;Victoria, or at the Agency . of the Bank of IWontreal, New York City. - kl+R h , 151 • The-iotereat on the fully registered bonds will be prod kitt° by cheroot, which will be remitted by Vest. Interest. Lim on bonds with coupons will be paid on surrender of coopons. Both cheques and, coupons, at the option of the -holder, will be payable free of exchange at any branch in Canada of any ohartereci bank; or at the Ageoey,of the Bank mi •-nf Moutroid,- New York City;"7.---..-- ' T414 " &Wet to the payment- of twenty-five cents for each at • new bonkissued,• holders of folly -registered bonds without Wt. • coupons fill have the right to convert into bonds of the • /04 • denomination of $1,000 With coupons and holders of bonds with. 4etipons will have the right convert into AIRY kit registered bonds of authorized denominations Without .0,14; . coupons at any tinne on application. to the Minister of. Finance, .- - • ••- • - . - The books Of the • loan - will be kept -A -tithe Department of Finance, Ottawa.• ' : • Application will be made in due cour'se for -of the issue on the Montreal and Toronto Stock F.x(• • • Recegnized' bond and stock brokers having offices and carrying On business in. Canada will be al,lowed a commis- , sion: of three-eighths of bile per cent on allotments mhdr- in reaped of application a bearing ;their stamp,.piovided, Paz - however, that 110 4014MiSSiOn Will be allowed in resPect•... ,of the Amount of any allottnent paid for by the Siirterider ,of. bends issned‘under the War Loan prospectus of' _November, 1915-,' or -in respect of the- annennt 'Ot any •• allotirient paid for bysurrander of five per cent' debenture', - stock maturing ist. October, .1919; NO coMmissiiin-- will :bn allowed in ,respect of "applications on forms whirls . have•net been printed. by the King's Printer, SUBSCRIPTION LISTS 'WILL CLOSE_O• N:OR-BEFORE_THE, 23rd, .OF MARCH, 1917. .; Dammam, or Footece, °WAWA, *rob 121h, 1917, 68/8121121MMilMigiviftomitgligmmommongigagagoa@REMEMREanatliEN KV . 4 , The first ehlteletieletso of t tits •-••• te be %I/minded .was Pte, g.. mupilliii, , amok but go forward 'more determined I ' MOTHER SUPERIOR -- - - • . th m ever that the world shall not be ' • ., • `ruled by retch masterd as these would he. I Bay* lTinol creates Strength - Vvere the Gerniene altairetlier. lUltr4Y; '' llotiaii.11Ill now, Hawthorne. N. Y. , howtver, le their ealeulationsl- It lir . (Tow"' Intro vale(' vieel for glanY ' r in' n Weik or emaciated patients with ttile tilut, In trio 104ill thoY *were 'NI oug's benefit. Ono young WOMatt WAS so weak and are.doomed to certain 'defeat, but ie and ill eke wield hardly erel tomy_door not the 'War beilig greatly prOlonged. by . ' for aid. I oupplied Vinol to ler liVfally . . ,. and in a month I hardly recognized her. the fidlure 01 eertitio nationt, to .aereno ' 8110 sv 4 !Arena, lier color charming d -rigliteagainet outrageonsaggreasionl -- At1.11011SA 14VIIIROP; O. R. D., We guarantee Vino! to abarpon4 tho Apnrt from nation, too, when one Dilintl. cAr!atiVia.84tr4IPIrrill'Cli -- LUCKNOW . . r,i NY 44 0 in it who lest , week D'aers eeported wounded tho fo(.0 Pto i'44101•1(4 &Mu •k4., OM:wounded -• 7 Jtbn Wilson', an .aged 'resident of LOwer Wrhightim„ died on .• %limit *let at' theage of 89. had lived for many:years olOne, • ooeupyieg 'himself with gardening, hi which lie took 0. great interest, , X. Oriftin, postunieter at Wing. hem, died at Ida homo there ort `Mow day of jot week at the age of 0Q. lie not evident that many 'people do shrink, lied been' in poor •for some :loot Germano exPeeted lheY wellidi and• their 'qua sovereign I her ehlecks rounded ent.”-Moriena4, coneidere families i di id 1 " apgetite, aid digeation, enrich the blood months, the. family najnn An wing. from the fury of ouch Of war aa tide; that bain in the kle,for many do $101(1, and-'nbmit s(). 14r 44 tbeY yearn tiOildliiited groriery iiusinese in' .4" "1444""tE t°' "• e^"q"6et'ot iviiii,iippointmi land- "4 s"Etilltit' unte"thu 0.." other % Gan intile-thenl%, *Hi crime 'under ppoiaoittnoirti.e_for, en the delimit of 1.r. Pot 1„.. tho oluorivi,siont .phum6d for: thotol It w I be .fortirnate .thero •aid enough • Wei .-to .Drity 'Werke (formerly: propriety of defeat -all Gernieny'a eateulationa, Dety, 11.1erino thigitinand Boiler. Co.) , to. Or. 11.°I.Lutetri,on, The price OS$ LOU -141(.1L hi #30,006, which, it it; Heist:covet& the trovree- Internet ' .piant, It ie tioinght the plant Wilt bo pot iri °per. Ruoff right • a a ay' making . nuirluo engem ti for tho Caitedian Ooveritniont, . , \V1 kn'chueqh, Iftalogg',...titanov. pester -et: Ofiriton, WWI 'illtItiOtOd At 0, public Ineeting in the. on Mereit :het Ate. Telford, of -131-1-th,iiionelMil; l'ov, if; Larkin, - Teeriweter, March oth. • The Colrotts (1044011 Met teddiiy, sem." hero ell- present, • • A number. of the of toWn%+, appeafetfilifeie asking for it email Arent; to help .towarde put. °lasing and.erectiug A flag at the. Town, /1411,Teearviiterpart,honor of the- Bridal moldiers Min May fall on, the hattleflohl. ,ed and panned for that purpose, Carried l'horripeon...-Aleishrerson-That fie the tuidertaker Wingliani has preeented this council with 4 hill for funeral k - pensee of e portion by the name of Spen• eer who died njkiniit year Appoint this 'leave arid ,getinciller Metier and report at next‘meeting of counell. Keifer---Arnietronte-sin amendment to' motion: That we pay die funeral eic. gensee 10122,00) Of the late Mr. Spencer, indigent, . For the emendnient-Kear, Arillatreing And CASA, For tlie motion. -Mel!hereort and Thompeon. Aniondlnen • • uproire • • * Me.c..Woisen, q-oriVoyance to- liesplbil, 07..00i 0. A, dente++, eneleeer, feta for surveying; l'entiell anti '.flmeker, drains, 111-.,41. -atiktionery- -04pplioal 0 03; fir- ficherbitek'• repairin Neafortle. addrerised tiro ininisterK, end • .Armistrortg-Thenipson -TIDO -the emir -1117`0(1111'1011016$11144'1044;1R)4101104rit.,1/(c4oreigv°/or: iixlng Rev. Alefurlarie, tooderathi)editterien;• of Olio 00 be granted by title eetinell for hreak iidilreseed the people, The enrdrnany the perpoteiabovirtnentiomel, . :Carried,- rrgain'ovi:181,":vRodi 113.P4(1°.(),t) InIottr.1 113'n, Infenet woe followed by raeapiatt by too fileUlterrion-Relfee,-,Thet. all stenite er 4 eongregation, • labor nnperfertherl be eliargerl M the 4104110:8"11WillyTo(elk:reillfkie°0kptliekialrlietilln. by dogo, AOtilli PO NOT 1)11Alt• • '1'homption,-;•Artnetrong;-..T at we. • tete of 01 50 Pot day. earliodg ' te 00; grant to. pureletae lag, to , • 0 • • - multorote the •patlintestera ,in their re. ,6"rinil "Pn""'"It Indira"? eo (From The Daily „ epretiveleata to have the etonee raked idni.lin"°n '•Enirnr -Tin" .4°111101o° The (lerreinie believed their Untidier's, ea,. row alter qui road work :40 cool, sport As' road lie • adoeltul end orders who told thoto thAt PeoPie Ol other pleted, tho work to bo prod for .eut of •„6,,til.„.0"_th,Ltr,e,'„.'"‘"1" tn.! PIV11".0, countries were gad( degonerete, the towneliip funds at the rate of $1.56 `riu""""- "n4 "oiv wO 00 now mueora and would soon he 0011VIlleefl that the nor day. Carrie& ""s't "01" °" AI" tIntl 4/r !•' as" would etopot uotlumr, that A1111104 040140 AM1 pay for all grading that la .1 111411itO weaker peopletewotild soon ha he saying: bo dOne townehlii, Instead of NOV A POPULAR RINOCR wriletrie wolfhound to rule the world Mellierson-Kaller -1,Int1 the coutioli °41.1 at. th4 te"°' Cn"lindr• • "1`11PY Ara determined to title; Anything it,to bo lw statute labor; Is betterthan thinotwfal elatellttet,Aet any mtitelooter reitelting grading done Itrossols The Woodstock Me. 'thorn 14110:Anti end fik11. this hotter+ in the in hie beat, to .netifY*eelilleilor olety for.prolestitig birds. a, tuit f ',division; (hurled, $1,09 irtiposnd every eat Rid alter that Rut tt is tiot.to bo The. Iketteli 1411fer .Anmatrong wo moko a Mid fellnrrilill 11P rilfilliflt This 4,144,444':-44*t writ unt limo it se, nor the the 'grant of Me per red for wire fendo MOAK ttibligLY,493°11011 V.1111111: nt otitilifiogruto thrtylilglisti! Russians, the Itallaue, the lielgitioa, the (ho ravel reed whore conned thinke tabbroonany wag on fin ft profirm. mop kiortl, Rut Artois aa aro the Ivo deeds , neressaty-leftee to be hunt before Pee, dot son goes dowth tIst conee'rt of tire enemy, tile allied tondo do not 1 01 att 7-,---xed %tat A tky.ler ha privet, 1601,0941 poplitori AM • INCORPORATED 1855 LSQNS B CAPITAL AND .1?8,8.00,ocso 96 Branches in. Canada, ,- A General 'Bankink 13119iness Transacted Circular Letters' of Credit Bank Money Orders SAVINGS BANK DEPAgTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate • Te.S4, REIDi Manager. • , • - • ••‘• ARAVNIAC.fil.NERY, A, few leading Articles we offer . for sale • at' this season of the yedr. Teeswater and Sepoy Sleighs' Louden Feed and Litter Carriers • . „ „ • 0:7-Auclrew • • k PURITY FLOUR Milled especially for particular home cooks-- those who want: 44 More Bread a n ti Better Bread" 11 • •